The Garter snake is a Colubrid snake genus (Thamnophis) common across North America, ranging from Alaska and Canada to Central America. It is the single most widely distributed genus of reptile in North America[citation needed]. The garter snake is also the Massachusetts state reptile.
There is no real consensus on the classification of species of Thamnophis. Disagreement among taxonomists and sources, such as field guides, over whether two types of snakes are separate species or subspecies of the same species is common. They are also closely related to the snakes of the genus Nerodia, and some species have been moved back and forth between genera.
Garter snakes spread throughout North America. The common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis), is the only species of snake to be found in Alaska, and is one of the northernmost species of snake in the world, possibly second only to the Crossed Viper, Vipera berus. The genus is so far ranging due to its unparticular diet and adaptability to different biomes and landforms, with varying proximity to water. However, in the western part of North America, these snakes are more aquatic than in the eastern portion. Northern populations hibernate in larger groups than southern ones.
Snake Bytes TV - Garter Snakes : SnakeBytesTV
If You're Scared of Snakes, Don't Watch This
Garter Snake Catching Fish
How to Take Care of a Garter Snake | Pet Snakes
Eastern Garter Snake
Wandering Garter Snake shedding
Small Garter Snake Eats Frog
Huge Garter Snake
Herping Garter Snake!/Pet Store Visit (600 sub special)
Red is Evil -- Flame Eastern Garter Snake Bite | GRAPHIC!!! (not)
Garter Snake Setup
Mr Wiggly: Garter Snake eats pinky 12-11-2010
Garter Snake Care.
Garter Snake Set up & Care
Snake Bytes TV - Garter Snakes : SnakeBytesTV
If You're Scared of Snakes, Don't Watch This
Garter Snake Catching Fish
How to Take Care of a Garter Snake | Pet Snakes
Eastern Garter Snake
Wandering Garter Snake shedding
Small Garter Snake Eats Frog
Huge Garter Snake
Herping Garter Snake!/Pet Store Visit (600 sub special)
Red is Evil -- Flame Eastern Garter Snake Bite | GRAPHIC!!! (not)
Garter Snake Setup
Mr Wiggly: Garter Snake eats pinky 12-11-2010
Garter Snake Care.
Garter Snake Set up & Care
Baby Garter Snake Feeding Part 1
Garter Snake Catch
Baby Garter Snake Care
Garter Snake Bites
The Most Colorful Snake - California Red-Sided Garter Snake
Garter snake eating from my hand.
Big Freakin Garter Snake in my backyard's Snakes Alive Video
Gartersnake Explosion!! (Het Albino Checkered Garter litter 2013)