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Archive for November, 2009

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N30: Looking back on a decade of activism against global capital

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

As many of you know, this Monday, November 30 marks the tenth anniversary of the mass actions in Seattle against the World Trade Organization—actions that brought students, global justice organizers, trade unionists, peace activists, Seattle residents, and many, many others together in one of the most successful protests on United States soil in recent memory; [...]

Iain McKay interviews Mark Leier

Friday, November 27th, 2009

There’s an interesting interview with Mark Leier on Iain McKay’s blog. It was conducted for Black Flag (issue #229). I’ve pasted the first two questions below, but you should take a look at the whole thing…including Mark’s thoughts on possible casting for a Bakunin biopic! Mark, of course, is the author of the wonderful biography [...]

You Don’t Have to Fuck People Over to Survive now available!

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

AK Press is proud to announce the 20th Anniversary edition of Seth Tobocman’s You Don’t Have to Fuck People Over to Survive. The book arrives this week (and will be 25% off for the next month) and Seth’s new t-shirt is already flying off the shelves. And what better time to bring the book back [...]

8th Annual New Orleans (NOLA) Bookfair: We were there.

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

The 8th Annual New Orleans (NOLA) Bookfair took place on Saturday November 7th from 10AM till 6PM on Frenchmen Street in the Marigny. For those unfamiliar with New Orleans, “Frenchmen Street” is a two-block stretch just downriver from the French Quarter with some of the best music clubs and bars in the city. The bars [...]

2010 Calendars at AK Press!

Friday, November 20th, 2009

Here at AK, we’re all about being organized. And even with today’s modern technologies (I admit, I have a phone that could run my life for me if I let it…) there’s still no substitute for a good old-fashioned paper calendar. What would I do without my trusty Slingshot? My fellow collective members would probably [...]

AK Author Shon Meckfessel on CNN, ABC, and CBS this week

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

AK Press author Shon Meckfessel (Suffled How it Gush: A North American Anarchist in the Balkans) discusses the fate of the three American hikers still under arrest in Iran, on CNN, ABC, and CBS. Shon Meckfessel made headlines three months ago as the “fourth hiker,” the travel companion of the three American travelers who have [...]

Black Flame launches in Mexico!

Monday, November 16th, 2009

Black Flame co-author Michael Schmidt held a mini-launch of the book at a colloquium with professors of journalism and international affairs at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Guadalajara, Mexico, on October 26. Schmidt was invited to Mexico to train Tec students in covering conflict in transitional societies, especially given the drug war currently ravaging Mexican [...]

Oakland: Simon Sedillo discusses the Politics of Displacement & Community Self Determination + Rebel Patagonia Film Screening

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Dear everyone, If you happen to find yourself in or near the Oakland area in the coming days, then I think it’s pretty safe to say that you are one lucky bastard. Lucky because AK Press is hosting two exciting events at our Oakland warehouse and bastards simply because I see the word as a [...]

Cheap Thrills at AK Press!

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Hi All. We’re trying out a new idea at AK Press. When a new book goes to the printer (i.e. when we’re sure it’ll be available in a few weeks), we’re making it pre-orderable on our website. Anyone who pre-orders will get a 25% discount. Not too shabby, huh? And, because we’re nice like that, [...]

AK Press 2010 Catalog!

Monday, November 9th, 2009

Our newest catalog is back from the printer! As ever, it’s filled with lots of good stuff: info about AK Press and how/why we do what we do, excerpts from two upcoming books, details on how to join the Friends of AK Press, and of course a huge selection of the books, DVDs, CDs, and [...]

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