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Video Promocional de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla para su difusión en la Feria Internacional de Turismo 2014.
Creo que es uno de los mejores videos que hemos visto de imagenes de una ciudad, y sin duda el mejor de Melilla. Este video ha sido realizado con un helicopt...
These pictures were filmed on November 20th this year by Spanish police surveillance cameras. ... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: These pictures were filmed on November 20th this year by Spanish police surveillance cameras. They feature a chain of nearly a thousand migrants snaking, groping its way through the darkness heading, the migrants hope, for Europe. These young men from sub-Saharan Africa are hiding out. Having all ready tried but failed to get over a border fence separating the Spanish enclave of Melilla from Morocco, they are waiting for another chance. Without permission we interviewed them. "There are plain-clothed police everywhere," one of them warns. They are edgy...but determined. They have crossed the Sahara from Mali, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger. And they are not going to be put off by a few scars they bear from failed attempts to scale Melilla's perimeter fence. Some have been waiting in the hills here, surviving on local charity, for years. Claude Guillaume Dibonde is from Cameroon, "It is not easy," he says. "They arrest us when we try to climb the fence. They beat us as well. We live in misery. Misery! It is not easy for a human being to live like this. We have no choice, but to carry on. We can't go back. We have left so many people in misery behind to search for a better a life. We have put all that behind us." Toure Lassin from the Ivory Coast says, "I have to take this risk. And if I don't get in, I will stay here until I do. I'll stay here until my hair turns white. I have to get in to Europe. It is the only thing that will change my life. Europe. Yes." Suddenly someone sees the police in the area and they up and leave. We had only just finished our interviews and had planned to climb up to their camp up the hill, but with the police close by it was too risky for them to stay here. A couple of minutes later and we come across a police patrol. They arrested several migrants and with visible brutality. Moroccan police seize camera equipment if you film them during an operation. All we could get were some snatched shots from a mobile phone. The tiny Spanish enclave of Melilla has an area of 12 square kilometres. It and its neighbour Ceuta are the only places where Europe and Africa share a land-border. Hence the metres high and in triplicate. Largely paid for by the European taxpayer, it stretches over 10 kilometres. It bristles with radar and cameras and there are plans to extend razor wire across its whole length. Even if you could climb up it, you are unlikely to make it over on your own. In September this year hundred of migrants made an all out assault on the fence. A number made it over. Others were arrested and sent back to Morocco. Around a hundred made it to Melilla's temporary reception centre. It holds around a thousand people. It was built for half that number. Everyone who makes it into Melilla should, in theory, be sent to the reception centre by the Spanish police. Sekou and several travelling with him got here on November 5th. Sekou Traore from Guinea-Conakry told us about the tragedy of his friend. "You know the fence. It is high...well he got some way up it and then he fell. He died at the bottom. When we came here there were more than 320 people on the fence. 120 got through, then the Spanish police came and expelled more than 30." Hilaire Fomezou from Cameroon spent two years living on the mountain, "I know what it is to suffer. I ate anything, sifting through bins to find food. It hurts me to think about it. When I think of my friends who are still there I thank God that I am here. I am very well treated here. And I promise that I will fight for my friends and family. I'll do whatever I can, whatever it takes, I am going to secure my future and my children's future. I will do it." Another migrant from Mali said, "I came from Mali to escape the war. Both my parents are dead. I have a little sister left, but my brother, he was killed in the massacres. I have already lost so much, I am not scared of dying. I am not scared of dying to get to Europe." Among those who don't make it over the fence, some take their chances at the Beni-Ensar crossing between Morocco and Melilla. Authorities use listening devices to detect the heart-beats of people hiding in vehicles. People go to incredible lengths to get across. The authorities showed us video of a man being extricated after hiding in a car bumper. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
Copy of video, "Así defiende "ESPAÑA" el Ministerio del Interior (2)," ("This is how the Interior Minister defends SPAIN 2") originally published on the Vimeo channel of Asociación Pro.De.In. Melilla on October 17, 2014. The organization has uploaded videos and produced reports about the situation of migrants in Melilla for several years. Original video link: Below is a translation of the description of the video provided on the Asociación Pro.De.In. Melilla's vimeo page: On October 15th, 2014, the Special Forces and Civil Guard employed especially harsh treatment against African immigrants attempting to jump. Nearly all of them were expelled from Spain in an absolutely illegal manner. Many wounded were also expelled and handed to the Moroccan army. We can see the events that occurred that day in the video. We followed up on one of the victims, a 23-year-old Cameroonian named Danny. We have received contradictory information as to whether he is dead or alive. For more information about this video, see the following article on the WITNESS blog:
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18 - Marzo - 2014 - ANTENA 3 - Nuevo asalto masivo a las vallas fronterizas de Melilla, para entrar en Europa - España no puede más - España está en paro , e...
Weltspiegel Ausschnitt 23.03.2014 Nato-Draht wird er genannt: Er kann tödlich sein. In den letzten Wochen haben Tausende Menschen versucht, auf die spanische...
Melilla es la frontera sur de Europa. Una valla de 6 metros de altura separa una de las fronteras más desiguales del planeta, la que separa Marruecos y Españ...
Le 20 novembre dernier, la Garde civile espagnole repère comme souvent, une coulée humaine à... euronews, la chaîne d'informations la plus regardée en Europe. Abonnez-vous et recevez notre sélection quotidienne d'actualités internationales: Euronews est disponible en 13 autres langues: Le 20 novembre dernier, la Garde civile espagnole repère comme souvent, une coulée humaine à flanc de montagne au Maroc : près d'un millier de clandestins tentent de prendre d'assaut la frontière avec l'enclave espagnole de Melilla. C'est l'une des opérations menées régulièrement par ces migrants qui après avoir été refoulés par les forces de sécurité, se cachent côté marocain dans les hauteurs du mont Gurugu qui surplombe Melilla. Nous partons à leur rencontre, sans autorisation. Il nous faut être discrets pour ne pas attirer l'attention de la police marocaine qui sillonne la zone. "Les policiers en civil sont partout," nous dit un migrant, "ils nous attendent." Venus du Mali, du Cameroun, de Côte d'Ivoire ou encore du Niger, certains sont là depuis des années. Beaucoup ont été blessés lors de leurs nombreuses tentatives pour passer la frontière. Ils survivent grâce à la charité des habitants des villages alentour. Mais ils sont prêts à tout pour réaliser leur rêve. "Ce n'est pas facile," confie l'un d'eux qui vient du Cameroun, Claude Guillaume Dibonde, "on nous arrête lors des tentatives pour entrer, on nous frappe, on vit dans une telle misère, ce n'est pas facile pour un être humain de vivre comme on vit," poursuit-il, "on est obligé de le faire, on ne peut plus faire marche arrière parce qu'on a laissé tant de personnes dans la misère pour venir chercher le Bien. Il faut qu'on essaie, on remet tout cela dans les mains des ténèbres," lance-t-il. Son compagnon d'infortune, Toure Lassina, originaire de Côte-d'Ivoire, estime qu'"il faut risquer les choses ; si je ne rentre pas, mes cheveux vont blanchir ici, je suis obligé de rentrer en Europe," insiste-t-il, "l'Europe est la seule chose qui peut changer ma vie actuellement." Le groupe s'éclipse rapidement. Après ces interviews, nous devons repartir sans avoir pu monter jusqu'au campement des clandestins en haut de la colline ; la police marocaine est sur le qui-vive et la situation est de plus en plus risquée pour eux. Quelques minutes plus tard, nous croisons une patrouille que nous voyons pourchasser, puis arrêter brutalement plusieurs clandestins. Impossible d'intervenir ou de filmer sans risquer de se voir confisquer notre matériel. Nous prenons quelques images avec un téléphone portable. Ce minuscule territoire de 12 km², Melilla, avec l'enclave voisine de Ceuta, est le seul point de passage terrestre entre l'Afrique et l'Europe. Une frontière protégée par une triple barrière de sept mètres de hauteur, largement financée par l'Union européenne qui s'étend sur une dizaine de kilomètres. L'ajout de barbelés truffés de lames de rasoir au sommet du grillage doit rendre ce mur rempli de capteurs, de radars et de caméras, toujours plus infranchissable. Le 17 septembre dernier, des centaines de clandestins étaient parvenus à passer par-dessus lors d'un assaut spectaculaire. Beaucoup avaient été arrêtés et renvoyés au Maroc par la Garde civile. Une centaine d'entre eux étaient arrivés jusqu'au centre de rétention temporaire des migrants de Melilla, le CETI. Ce site prévu pour quelque 500 personnes en accueille près du double. Tout migrant qui parvient à Melilla doit en théorie y être envoyé par la Garde civile. Sekou Traore et plusieurs de ses amis venant de Guinée-Conakry sont arrivés le 5 novembre. Il nous raconte comment l'un d'eux n'a pas réussi à passer la barrière. "Le gars est monté un peu, il n'a pas réussi à atteindre le sommet, il est tombé, c'est là-bas qu'il est décédé," raconte-t-il. "Sur les plus de 320 personnes qui ont tenté de passer la barrière, 120 sont rentrés ici et la Garde civile a déjà fait sortir plus de 34 personnes," précise-t-il. Retrouvez nous sur : Youtube Facebook Twitter
Part 1: Part 2: Spanish officials say in recent years thousands of mi...
Ils se sont littéralement jetés sur le triple grillage haut de sept mètres qui sépare l'Afrique de l'Europe. À l'aube, ce vendredi, environ 300 clandestins o...
Ejército en las fronteras pero ya.
Happy Melilla
More than 200 African migrants have scaled the border fence into the Spanish enclave of Melilla. It was the biggest assault on the border in more than eight years. The migrants, many from Cameroon and Guinea, ran through the Melilla streets after making it onto European soil in the early hours of February 28. They headed for the overcrowded migrant reception centre in celebratory mood. The latest incursion at Melilla brings the number of migrants who have successfully scaled the fence to a... READ MORE : euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! euronews is available in 14 languages: In English: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: VKontakte:
Resumen del partido Cádiz 2 - Melilla 0 de la jornada 27 en el grupo IV de Segunda B de la temporada 2014-15
Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla.
Redacción, 15 octubre (CERES TV) Unos 300 inmigrantes han protagonizado esta mañana un nuevo intento de salto a la valla de Melilla. Sucedía en torno a la 6:30 de la mañana y 140 subsaharianos han logrado encaramarse al vallado. Allí han permanecido hasta media mañana. Unas horas en las que se han producido numerosos enfrentamientos con los agentes de la Guardia Civil que han tratado de bajarlos. En uno de los forcejeos un agente ha caído desde una altura de casi cinco metros y ha recibido un fuerte golpe en la cabeza. Otros cuatro guardias civiles han tenido que ser atendedidos también por contusiones y golpes y cinco inmigrantes han resultado herídos. Sólo tres de los subsaharianos han logrado burlar el bloqueo y alcanzar el CETI de Melilla, el resto han sido detenidos y entregados a las autoridades marroquíes. ► Ver más en CERES TV: © 2014 CERES TELEVISIÓN DIGITAL [+info]: [e-mail]: Contacto: Teléf. 91 130 99 44
Alla fine ce l'hanno fatta in 140: in questo video diffuso dal ministero dell'Interno di Madrid l'assalto di centinaia di migranti al muro che separa l'enclave spagnola di Melilla dal Marocco. In circa 800 hanno provato a superare il confine lo scorso 1 maggio, quelli che non sono riusciti a sfuggire al controllo della Guardia Civil sono rimasti appesi alle barriere per 6 ore prima di essere respinti. Al termine di violenti scontri con la polizia, si sono contati 18 feriti e alcune centinaia di arresti. Dall'inizio dell'anno sono 1700 le persone che hanno provato a scavalcare il confine. Alla fine ce l'hanno fatta in 140: in questo video diffuso dal ministero dell'Interno di Madrid l'assalto di centinaia di migranti al muro che separa l'enclave spagnola di Melilla dal Marocco. In circa 800 hanno provato a superare il confine lo scorso 1 maggio, quelli che non sono riusciti a sfuggire al controllo della Guardia Civil sono rimasti appesi alle barriere per 6 ore prima di essere respinti. Al termine di violenti scontri con la polizia, si sono contati 18 feriti e alcune centinaia di arresti. Dall'inizio dell'anno sono 1700 le persone che hanno provato a scavalcare il confine. Alla fine ce l'hanno fatta in 140: in questo video diffuso dal ministero dell'Interno di Madrid l'assalto di centinaia di migranti al muro che separa l'enclave spagnola di Melilla dal Marocco. In circa 800 hanno provato a superare il confine lo scorso 1 maggio, quelli che non sono riusciti a sfuggire al controllo della Guardia Civil sono rimasti appesi alle barriere per 6 ore prima di essere respinti. Al termine di violenti scontri con la polizia, si sono contati 18 feriti e alcune centinaia di arresti. Dall'inizio dell'anno sono 1700 le persone che hanno provato a scavalcare il confine. Melilla, l'assalto di centinaia di migrant... Melilla, l'assalto di centinaia di migrant... Melilla, l'assalto di centinaia di migrant...
No se que es mejor que hablen de Melilla o que pase ignorada como siempre....
La Policía Nacional ha desmantelado en Nador (Marruecos) y Melilla una célula terrorista dedicada a enviar yihadistas al grupo Estado Islámico. En total han sido detenidas nueve personas, entre ellos un español de origen marroquí residente en Melilla que sería el máximo responsable del grupo desmantelado. La operación es fruto de una investigación conjunta entre la Comisaría General de Información del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía y la Dirección General de Vigilancia del Territorio de Marruecos. Los miembros de esta estructura desarticulada coordinaban sus actuaciones con grupos vinculados a Al-Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico (AQMI). El grupo se servía de la experiencia yihadista del hermano del jefe de la célula desmantelada, un exmilitar español y especialista en el manejo de armas y explosivos, que se unió en 2012 a la organización terrorista MUYAO, en la órbita de Al Qaeda.
Manifestación por la falta de trabajo en los barrios marginales de melilla debido a la corrupción por parte del ayuntamiento de melilla y al favoritismo a la...
I ragazzi, la maggior parte di origine marocchina arrivano nella città autonoma per tentare il salto, l'attraversata verso l'Europa. In attesa di una nave per attraversare il mediterraneo vivono accampati sulle scogliere.
Driving Melilla from the border to the Harbor. Melilla- fronteira a Puerto Abonneer je op mijn kanaal. Abonner sur ma Chaine- Subscribe to my channel.
Morocco Travel Guide 2015, Morocco Tourism & Vacations 2015, Morocco Trip 2015 Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Morocco is a North African country that has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Western Sahara to the south, Algeria to the east and the Spanish North African territories of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast in the north. It is just across the Strait of Gibraltar from Gibraltar. See in Morocco ================== At just a few hours from the main European cities, Morocco has everything to overwhelm you with the amazing colors, smells and sounds of Islamic Africa. Imagine bustling souqs and spice markets, stunning mosques, white-washed sea side towns and medieval city centres. With panoramic views varying from snow-covered peaks in the High Atlas to the endless sand dunes of the Sahara, no-one ever has to be bored in this beautiful country. Movie-famous Casablanca might be the most famous of Moroccan cities and is home to the huge Hassan II mosque, the second largest mosque in the world with only the Grand Mosque of Mecca surpassing it. Many travellers quickly leave this vibrant and modernist metropolis on a search for a more traditional Moroccan experience, but admiring the impressive colonial architecture, Hispano-Moorish and art-deco outlook of the city centre is actually time well spent. Marrakesh, known as the "Red City" and probably the most prominent former imperial capital, will leave you with memories to cherish for life. Spend your days wandering through the lively souqs, admiring the old gates and defensive walls, see the Saadian Tombs, the remnants of the El Badi Palace and visit the Koutoubia Mosque with its 12th century minaret. However, when evening falls make sure to head back to Jamaa el-Fnaa, the largest square in Africa, as it fills up with steam-producing food stalls. Indulge in the bustling activity there, listen to Arabic story tellers, watch magicians and Chleuh dancers. Fez, once Morocco's capital, is another gorgeous imperial city. Get lost in its lovely labyrinth of narrow Medieval streets, enjoy its huge medina, see the beautiful city gates, the ancient University of Al-Karaouine and the Bou Inania Madrasa. Also, make sure to visit a traditional leather tanning factory. The city of Meknes is often called the "Versailles of Morocco" for its beauty. Its lovely Spanish-Moorish style centre is surrounded by tall city walls with impressive gates and you'll be able to see the 17th century blend of European and Islamic cultures even today. For a more laid-back experience of city life, catch a sea breeze at Asilah or lovely Essaouira. The blue-washed town of Chefchaouen is an old time travellers' favourite and a great starting point to explore the impressive High Atlas Mountains. Climb Jebel Toubkal, the highest peak in North-Africa, passing lovely adobe villages and exploring the gorgeous Ourika and Amizmiz valleys on the way. The stunning panoramic view from the top will make it worth every bit of your effort to get there. Other praised hiking routes lead through the beautiful Ameln Valley in the Anti-Atlas and the wooded Rif Mountains in the very north. Hop on a camel back for a trip through the golden Sahara sand dunes at Erg Chebbi, near Merzouga. Spend the night in a desert tent, under the incredibly starred sky. The Sahara is also accessible near the town of Zagora; it's easier to get to from Marrakech but doesn't have the imposing dunes of Erg Chebbi. Somewhat less easy to reach but therefor also less crowded are the dunes of Erg Chigaga near M'hamid. On your way to the desert, make sure not to miss the stunning Todra gorge near Tinghir. The ancient fortified city of Aït-Benhaddou is another must-see sight. Although rainstorms damage the mud-brick kasbahs time and again, this mostly abandoned village remains an impressive sight and has been the decor for a range of movies, including Lawrence of Arabia and Gladiator. Do in Morocco ================ Hammams ======== There are two types of Hammam (steam baths) across Morocco. The first is the tourist hammam, where you can go and be pampered and scrubbed by an experienced staff member. As these are promoted only to tourists they are the more expensive option with pricing usually around DH 150 for a hammam. They can not be technically referred to as a proper hammam, but they are nonetheless enjoyable, especially for the timid. Your hotel can recommend a good one. The second option is to visit a "popular" Hammam. Popular hammams are the places where the locals go. Ask the staff at your hotel where they would go.
El Camino Español llegando al puerto de Melilla con levante fuerte.
Dopo l'ennesimo tentativo di sfondamento della barriera che separa l'enclave spagnola di Melilla... Euronews, il canale all news più seguito in Europa. Abbon...
No obstante el escamoteo oficial de sus identidades, que les inflige la burocracia en Melilla, y a pesar de la violencia física -sin excluir la muerte- de que los hacen objeto las tropas del Estado español, cientos de migrantes africanos logran saltar a Europa por el estrecho de Gibraltar. teleSUR!es/video/melilla-impotente-para-detener-la-avalancha-de-africanos-hacia-europa
Like VICE News? Subscribe to our news channel: Check out more episodes from The VICE Guide to Travel here: VICE travels to West Africa to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. Despite the United Nation's eventual intervention, most of Liberia's young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. The former child soldiers who were forced into war have been left to fend for themselves, the murderous warlords who once led them in cannibalistic rampages have taken up as so-called community leaders, and new militias are lying in wait for the opportunity to reclaim their country from a government they rightly mistrust. Hosted by Shane Smith | Originally released in 2009 at Produced by Andy Capper Follow Andy at More from Shane Smith: Follow Shane on Twitter: Check out the VICE Guide to Karachi here: Subscribe for videos that are actually good: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr:
Ferry from Malaga to Melilla town. 'Melilla' is in Africa but is still Spanish territory. Then it comes Morocco. Posted via email from jacqueline-queline's p...
Posted via email from jacqueline-queline's posterous.
Melilla playing in the snow.
Melilla playing in the snow.
Visite nosso site: . Desentupidora e dedetizadora Porto Alegre - Ligue e solicite um orçamento sem compromisso: (51)...
Morocco (Berber word derived from Amur n'Akuch meaning land of god). (Arabic: المغرب "al-Maghrib"), officially the Kingdom of Morocco[2] (Arabic: المملكة المغربية), is a country located in North Africa with a population of 33,757,175. It has a coast on the Atlantic Ocean that reaches past the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco has international borders with Algeria to the east, Spain to the north (a water border through the Strait and land borders with two small Spanish autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla), and Mauritania to the south via its Western Saharan territories. Morocco is the only country in Africa that is not currently a member of the African Union. However, it is a member of the Arab League, Arab Maghreb Union, Francophonie, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Mediterranean Dialogue group, and Group of 77. It is also a major non-NATO ally of the United States. Keywords: bbtv broadbandtv morocco travel tourist tourism vacation destinations beach rabat casablanca arab arabic kasbah king hassan mosque agadir essaouira fes marrakech meknes mohammadia oujda ouarzazar safi sale tangier tetouan sahara deser strait of gibraltar
Morocco (Berber word derived from Amur n'Akuch meaning land of god). (Arabic: المغرب "al-Maghrib"), officially the Kingdom of Morocco[2] (Arabic: المملكة المغربية), is a country located in North Africa with a population of 33,757,175. It has a coast on the Atlantic Ocean that reaches past the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco has international borders with Algeria to the east, Spain to the north (a water border through the Strait and land borders with two small Spanish autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla), and Mauritania to the south via its Western Saharan territories. Morocco is the only country in Africa that is not currently a member of the African Union. However, it is a member of the Arab League, Arab Maghreb Union, Francophonie, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Mediterranean Dialogue group, and Group of 77. It is also a major non-NATO ally of the United States. Keywords: bbtv broadbandtv morocco travel tourist tourism vacation destinations beach rabat casablanca arab arabic kasbah king hassan mosque agadir essaouira fes marrakech meknes mohammadia oujda ouarzazar safi sale tangier tetouan sahara deser strait of gibraltar
Morocco (Berber word derived from Amur n'Akuch meaning land of god). (Arabic: المغرب "al-Maghrib"), officially the Kingdom of Morocco[2] (Arabic: المملكة ال...
Agadir is a city in southwest Morocco. The city is located on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. Agadir is an important fishing and commercial port. It is also a famous seaside resort with a long sandy beach. Algeria borders Morocco to the east and southeast though the border between the two countries has been closed since 1994. There are also four Spanish enclaves on the Mediterranean coast: Ceuta, Melilla, Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, Peñón de Alhucemas, and the Chafarinas islands, as well as the disputed islet Perejil. Off the Atlantic coast the Canary Islands belong to Spain, whereas Madeira to the north is Portuguese. To the north, Morocco is bordered by and controls part of the Strait of Gibraltar, giving it power over the waterways in and out of the Mediterranean sea. The Rif mountains occupy the region bordering the Mediterranean from the north-west to the north-east. The Atlas Mountains run down the backbone of the country, from the south west to the north east. Most of the south east portion of the country is in the Sahara Desert and as such is generally sparsely populated and unproductive economically. Most of the population lives to the north of these mountains, while to the south is the desert. To the south, lies the Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony that was annexed by Morocco in 1975 (see Green March). Morocco claims that the Western Sahara is part of its territory and refers to that as its Southern Provinces.
This film features views on a walk along the Costa Del Sol from Benalmadena centre to Torremolinos beach front. The film features the art, architecture, beac...
Mis rincones favoritos de la ciudad Ceuta, España. My favourite places of the city Ceuta, Spain. I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHTS OF THIS MUSIC. For entertainment...
From Phuket to Wat Pho, and featuring beaches, ruins, and Thai cookery, here are our top things to see and do if you're travelling to Thailand.
Gibraltar is an amazing place, watch this video to find out all the famous Rock has to offer for tourists.
Almeria City - for more information go to:
READ PLS : cameraman : my father. Brussels airlines B737 take off brussels Flight : Brussels to Rome Fiumicino, 21/08/2012 runway : 25R my website : subscribe : Thanks for watching ! camera : nikon coolpix S9100 Brussels Airlines B737-300 Taking off at brussels | onboard view | hd
... through the Spanish enclave of Melilla to carry out attacks for the Islamic State jihadist group.
The Local 2015-03-24There are two Spanish cities on Morocco's northern coast, one of which is Melilla, where the weapons had come from.
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-24... in arms through the Spanish enclave of Melilla to carry out attacks for the ISIS jihadist group.
News24 2015-03-24Compared with last year, the number of workers increased in Aragon, the Balearic Islands, the Canary ...
noodls 2015-03-24(Source: INE - National Statisics Institute ) Microsoft Word - CTH0215-v1. doc. 23 March 2015 ... 4.3 ... % ... 4.3 ... % ... 16 ... Melilla 93.2 ... Melilla.
noodls 2015-03-24Abdelkader Khiyam, the bureau's director, said Monday the weapons came into Morocco through Melilla.
Seattle Post 2015-03-23Abdelkader Khiyam, the bureau's director, said Monday the weapons came into Morocco through Melilla.
Fox News 2015-03-23... through the Spanish enclave of Melilla to carry out attacks for the Islamic State jihadist group.
Zeenews 2015-03-23... group obtained its weapons through the Spanish enclave of Melilla, authorities announced on Monday.
NZ Herald 2015-03-23The Spanish Minister for Home Affairs will travel on Monday afternoon to Melilla, where he will ...
noodls 2015-03-17Most of the arrests have been in Ceuta and Melilla, two Spanish city enclaves in North Africa that ...
Tampa Bay Online 2015-03-15Most of the arrests have been in Ceuta and Melilla, two Spanish city enclaves in North Africa ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-13And Islamism in Spain is not a problem exclusive to the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla.
The Daily Beast 2015-03-12Melilla (Spanish pronunciation: [meˈliʎa]) is an autonomous city of Spain and an exclave on the north coast of Morocco, with an area of 12.3 square kilometres (4.7 sq mi). Melilla, along with the Spanish exclave Ceuta, is one of the two Spanish territories located in mainland Africa. It was regarded as a part of Málaga province prior to 14 March 1995, when the city's Statute of Autonomy was passed.
Melilla (like Ceuta) was a free port before Spain joined the European Union. As of 2008 it has a population of 73,460. Its population consists of Christians, Muslims (chiefly Riffians), and small minorities of Jews. Both Spanish and Tarifit are widely spoken. Spanish is the only official language, while there have been calls to recognise Tamazight, a standardized version of all Berber languages official in Morocco, as well.
Morocco had previously called for negotiations on the future of Melilla, Ceuta and a number of Mediterranean islands which border it. The majority of the city's population are ethnic Spanish who are opposed to the idea of being a part of Morocco. A poll conducted by Instituto Opina found that 87.9% of people from mainland Spain consider the two cities to be Spanish.
Aha aha aha aha aha
Ohhhh all the boyfriend beware
Ehi baby what's up? What you doin' tonight?
Oh yeah I'm going down to the Whistle's Party
The man, leave your boyfriend home
and why don't you come with me
because It's the place that's gonna make you feel good
I don't wanna in not
but if you wanna come you just call me, ok?
Ciao baby
In the beginning
in this time to movin to the left and dancing to the
we shake our bodies at the discotek
but now is the time to just feel good
Welcome to the place that feels good
Welcome to the place that feels good
Welcome to the place that feels good
Welcome to the place that feels good
Walking down the street I'm thinking about you
I'm thinking all the times the times we're together
if you wanna come with me blow your whistle to the beat
here I am all alone waiting for you to phone
Blow your whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle the whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle
blow your whistle
Welcome to the place that feels good
Welcome to the place that feels good
Welcome to the place that feels good
Welcome to the place that feels good
I'm walking down the street I'm thinking about you
I'm thinking all the times the times we're together
if you wanna come with me blow your whistle to the beat
here I am all alone waiting for you to phone
Blow your whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle the whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle
blow your whistle
Blow your whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle the whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle
let me blow your whistle the whistle
There wouldn't be tomorrow
if you are not here close to me
my life'll be full of sorrow
and I will miss you endlessly
I dream of you
the fog is over my desires
and I move
I see your eyes and every night
I dream of you inside my mind
Chorus :
tell me where are you
I'll find you and I promise will be true
tell me where are you
I know my life is nothing without you
tell me now
tell me now
where are you...
tell me now
tell me now
is there a chance with you
the daylight comes to my window
but everyday's dark without you
I remember when we were together
I wanna have lot good stuff
I wanna have lot good stuff
I wanna live in my mystirious way
My future colour doesn't exist grey
I wanna show you my Genik world now
Come in my mind and you will find my land
You can tell your friend they can come
...and live into Genik
It's my world
Oh oh oh
It's my world
Oh oh oh
Welcome into my virtual vision
Here this no back feel just a good life
You living in the confusion illusion
You fly away with me all day all night
I wanna show you my Genik world now
Come in my mind and you will find my land
You can tell your friend they can come
...and live into Genik
It's my world
Oh oh oh
It's my world
Thinking about the past now
thinking of you and me
always together playing
and kissin behind the tree
round and round , hand in hand
walking down the street
singinthe songs of love you liked !
so im writing this song to say
Ti voglio ancora bene sai
with all my heart , with all my soul
restiamo ancora insiene noi
I will never lie, i wont make you cry
Im writing this song for you my baby
hoping that youll come by
and i would like to kiss your tender lips
im dreaming of you everynight
im searching in my self to salve
this point of loveliness
but now i know you find my love
well stay together again
Ti voglio ancora bene sai
with all my heart , with all my soul
restiamo ancora insiene noi
I will never lie, i wont make you cry
I believe in our love
i have a dream
ill promisse you
all my life...
i believe in our love
and now youll see
ill care for you
all the time
Ti voglio ancora bene sai
with all my heart , with all my soul
restiamo ancora insiene noi
Hold my hands,take me close
Now I'm bringing you a rose
Stay with me,fill my life
Take me to paradise
Life's a game I played my hole
I never did what I was told
Touch me now,don't fight with me
And take the rain away
The summer of my life
The sun is shining bright
My love will be forever
You are my sunshine
The summer of my life
The sun is shining bright
I wanna have lot good stuff
I wanna have lot good stuff
I wanna live in my mystirious way
My future colour doesn't exist grey
I wanna show you my Genik world now
Come in my mind and you will find my land
You can tell your friend they can come
...and live into Genik
It's my world
Oh oh oh
It's my world
Oh oh oh
Welcome into my virtual vision
Here this no back feel just a good life
You living in the confusion illusion
You fly away with me all day all night
I wanna show you my Genik world now
Come in my mind and you will find my land
You can tell your friend they can come
...and live into Genik
It's my world
Oh oh oh
It's time for the rather sound of the discothek people!
Now it's time to make your body move!
Clap your hands to the rythm.
Mooove your body!
Dance, move to the left
Dance move to the right
Dance move to the left left
and dance move to the right to the right
boom checka, boom checka boom to the left
boom checka, boom checka boom to the right
boom checka, boom checka boom to the left
boom checka, boom checka boom to the right
come on now!
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
come on now!
disco-discothek people (party people)
It's time to move your body (it's time to move your
It's now time to jump in to the left (It's time to jump
in to the
And jump in to the right (and jump in to the right)
Are you ready? (Are you ready?)
Now dance (dance)
To the left (to the left)
Now dance (dance)
To the right (to the right)
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
come on now!
Dance, move to the left
Dance, move to the right
Dance, move to the left, left
Dance move to the right
come on!!!
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
come on now!
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
boom checka, boom checka move to the left
boom checka, boom checka dance to the right
The desert of love.....x10
as we walk through the fields of love
through the snow , rain , sun and the wind
Ohh we see our voices running
running free into the desert of love
as we walk through the fields of love
watching birds fly high in the sky
watching birds fly above the desert
flying free above the desert of love
the desert of love
Downtown, near the river
a little man is movin' into the grass
I can't see what is doing, I'm for too
but i wanna see, oh he's dancing
I don't care he's insane
but I'm curious too
I can't wait another minute
oh my pressure is going down
I just wanna be your very motherfucker dancer
I wanna slip into your jungle
I'm your boogie man
I'm going down in to the rumble