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Hào Hoa - Vĩnh Thuyên Kim [Official]
PHẬT GIÁO HÒA HẢO:SẤM GIẢNG QUYỂN NHÌ (kệ dân của người thùng)
Phat Giao Hoa Hao 020413 Nhan Qua trong Doi
Phat Giao Hoa Hao 020513 Nhan Qua trong Doi 2
PGHH Chú Nghĩa của Phật Giáo Hòa Hảo (1/2) - Thích Huệ Duyên
Phat Giao Hoa Hao 051513 Loi Cunh Tinh Muon Mang
[Vietsub + Kara] Hoa Hảo Nguyệt Viên - Đường Yên - Đại nhạc hội Tết Nguyên Tiêu
Công An đàn áp Phật Giáo Hoà Hảo - Một cư sĩ PGHH rạch bụng phản đối chính quyền
Sứ mạng của Đức Huỳnh Giáo Chủ - Phật Giáo Hòa Hảo
[ Karaoke HD ] Hào Hoa Remix - Vĩnh Thuyên Kim
Phat Giao Hoa Hao 012113 Loi Danh Gia Tam
[Karaoke] Hào Hoa Remix - Đinh Kiến Phong (full beat)
Bài hát: Hào Hoa Ca sĩ: Vĩnh Thuyên Kim POPS Music - Kênh nhạc Việt hàng đầu YouTube Theo dõi kênh POPS Vietnam tại Facebook:à: G+: Xem video mọi lúc mọi nơi bằng điện thoại di động, tải ứng dụng POPS cho điện thoại di động iOS, Android, Window Phone tại đây: Xem thêm nội dung giải trí hấp dẫn, phong phú tại Chúng bạn thường hay bảo em rằng em phước đầy nhà, Có được người yêu nổi danh là đấng hào hoa, Đời vui biết nhường nào,tình say đắm ngọt ngào, Hỏi bạn rằng có người nào mà không mơ ước Thế mà lòng em vẫn chưa được mấy hài lòng, Dẫu rằng người yêu của em cũng khá thuỷ chung, Đời đâu biết mà ngờ,hào hoa số nặng thề Bởi vì hào hoa cũng là, là đào hoa vậy thôi. Hào hoa là gì? Nếu không đào hoa là gì? Hào hoa là gì? Nếu không đào hoa là gì? Là một chàng đẹp trai , phong lưu và duyên dáng. Ánh mắt đa tình nhiều cô si mê. Có chồng hào hoa chúng ta thường phải đề phòng, Bởi người hào hoa ít khi được tiếng thuỷ chung. Người mang tính đèo bồng, Tình bay bướm lụy phiền khổ nhiều ngưòi, khổ cuộc đời, Vì ngưòi yêu hào hoa. #PopsMusic #VinhThuyenKim
Thuyết giảng về đạo tu hành do 1 cô bé còn rất nhỏ tuổi thực hiện.
Chuong trinh cua Dai VNN 57.10, Little Saigon, California. Xin ủng hộ cho Dai:;=F...
Chuong trinh cua Dai VNN 57.10, Little Saigon, California. Xin ủng hộ cho Dai:;=F...
Vào Paltalk Sinh Hoat Giao Ly Phat Giao HoaHao để cùng học tu, cùng tu cùng tiến. Hoan Hô Bạn Tham Gia. _/\_ Paltalk Phòng: Sinh Hoat Giao Ly Phat Giao HoaHao: _/\_ Những đề tài trên Paltalk Phật Giáo Hòa Hảo: _/\_ Tiếng MP3 tải về: _/\_ Tải Về Đĩa của tu sĩ Nguyễn Văn Hường: _/\_ Tải Về Đĩa Búp Sen - Nhóm Tiểu Nhí : _/\_ Tải Về Đĩa Thuyết Trình Của Giáo Lý Viên: _/\_ Tải Về Đĩa Sấm Giảng DVD: _/\_ Tải Về Bộ Hiển Đạo MP3: _/\_ Tải Về Các Bài Thuyết Trình Trên Paltalk: _/\_ Tải Về Sấm Giảng Thi Văn Toàn Bộ MP3: _/\_ Tải Về Đĩa Sấm Giảng Thi Văn DVD:
Chuong trinh cua Dai VNN 57.10, Little Saigon, California. Xin ủng hộ cho Dai:;=F...
Brought to you by Sugar's House Subteam,visit us at: FB: Forum:
Quang Minh Tự tại ấp Long Hòa 2, xã Long Điền A, huyện Chợ Mới, tỉnh An Giang lại bị công an đến bao vây không cho tiến hành lễ kỷ niệm khai sáng đạo. Công a...
Liên Kết Xem Quyển 6: TÔN CHỈ HÀNH ĐẠO của ĐỨC HUỲNH GIÁO CHỦ (phần 1/8).
Chuong trinh cua Dai VNN 57.10, Little Saigon, California. Xin ủng hộ cho Dai:;=F...
đây là beat gốc của anh Đinh Kiến Phong cho nhưng có tiếng bè hơi lớn hết nguyên bài, các bạn thông cảm!
Hào Hoa Remix 2014 Vĩnh Thuyên Kim
Hào Hoa (Remix) Vĩnh Thuyên Kim - Dj Bee94 - Nonstop 2013 Hào hoa, hao hoa, hao hoa remix, hao hoa dj, hao hoa vinh thuyen kim, hao hoa beat, hao hoa mv, hao hoa karaoke, vinh thuyen kim, vinh thuyen kim hao hoa, vinh thuyen kim nonstop, vinh thuyen kim remix
Phật Giáo Hòa Hảo: Quyển 1 - Sấm Giảng Khuyên Người Đời Tu Niệm (1/8)
Để tải bài hát "Kiếp Hào Hoa - Lý Hào Nam" làm nhạc chờ. Soạn tin: Tune 370613 gửi 9194 (Vinaphone) MUA 960403 GỬI 2345 (Vietnamobile)
Hào Hoa - vinh thuyen kim - 2013
Nhung Ky Vat Cua Duc Huynh Giao Chu Phat Giao Hoa Hao " PGHH "
Hào Hoa Vĩnh Thuyên Kim.
What is a Business Coach and why would you need one? What can they do to help you? When should you start to consider hiring one? Have you hit a threshold in ...
Official music video for Katy Perry's "Firework" off her album 'Teenage Dream'. Director: Dave Meyers. Producers: Robert Bray & Danny Lockwood. Get 'Teenage Dream' here: (explicit) (clean) #VEVOCertified on January 29, 2011.
IT specialist Phan Van Hoa lives in Hanoi, Vietnam. In 2005, shortly after the birth of their second child, his wife, Lan Anh, was diagnosed with advanced lu...
Roger Rodas at Russo and Steele gives some tips on the financial aspects of car collecting.
My babe, SHINee ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ☞ Thank you for commenting on the vid! Also, I will post a new one when I get more comments. So HOPEFULLY people will watch...
My babe, SHINee ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ☞ Thank you for commenting on the vid! Also, I will post a new one when I get more comments. So HOPEFULLY people will watch ...
This was an incredible interview! Don't you guys love Teal? She is fantastic! Books: Sculptor In The Sky How to Love Yourself (Released next year!) NEW Psychic Series... SHAZAM! Mere words cannot explain this extraordinary business coach who hearts Yoda, hates oatmeal and wears red shoes, so we're using his words! I play with drums...
♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥My babe, SHINee ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ☞ Thank you for commenting on the vid! Also, I will post a new one when I get more comments. So HOPEFULLY people will watch or comment. ☞ Did you enjoy this video? Plz click "like"! ☞ For more awesome videos, subscribe our channels!! Daily update available! ☞ Hi, I am the accounts ''1991thanhhoa'' & ''91thanhhoa" and my account has been blocked by youtube so I had to set up a new account with name "Thanh Hoa". Thank for watching
Nick Robalik will be joining us to discuss his points of view in Gamergate was well as the gaming media these days, plus his videogame "Sombrero" which is in Alpha at the moment and have been shown already in different conventions. Follow them on twitter: @PixelMetal Gameplay of Sombrero:
My babe, SHINee ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ☞ Thank you for commenting on the vid! Also, I will post a new one when I get more comments. So HOPEFULLY people will watch...
♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥My babe, SHINee ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ☞ Thank you for commenting on the vid! Also, I will post a new one when I get more comments. So HOPEFULLY people will watch or comment. ☞ Did you enjoy this video? Plz click "like"! ☞ For more awesome videos, subscribe our channels!! Daily update available! ☞ Hi, I am the accounts ''1991thanhhoa'' & ''91thanhhoa" and my account has been blocked by youtube so I had to set up a new account with name "Thanh Hoa". Thank for watching
Kelly Starrett Interviews Jason Khalipa SUBSCRIBE: About MobilityWOD: MobilityWOD is the ultimate guide to resolving pain, preventing injury, and optimizing athletic performance. Humans have been evolving for 2.5 million years and the human body is extraordinarily engineered. While people are born with this incredible machine, they aren't born with the right software to run that machine. The MobilityWOD is designed to help you hack your body's mechanics and provide the tools to perform basic maintenance on yourself. Connect with MobilityWOD: Visit the MobilityWOD WEBSITE: Like MobilityWOD on FACEBOOK: Follow MobilityWOD on TWITTER: Kelly Starrett | Interview with Jason Khalipa (Special Guest: Sixteen year old Helena Wu) Kelly Starrett interviews CrossFit Games standout Jason Khalipa On the importance of pacing. How We can’t say this too often: If you’re sitting too much, you have hip issues. How CrossFit crosses over into any sport. How base fitness, conditioning and how CrossFit complements other sports. How age and training experience play into your performance. On heel striking and running technique And how to listen to your body. Rest.
We interview the wonderful Johann Hari, author of Chasing the Scream, about the book and the War on Drugs. Check out for more details about the book, test your drug history knowledge with a short quiz and see where you can get a copy. Read our review of the book here:
You can use Skype to record a one-on-one video interview, but recordings are limited to two people and requires extra software. With Google+ Hangouts you can actually record multiple people in an interview or discussion with no extra software and edit the recording in your favorite video editor before publishing it. In this tutorial I'll show you how to do record your interviews in a Google Hangout. Read More About Video Interviews Using Google Hangouts: How-to: 9 Valuable Tips for Creating the Best Video Interviews ---------------- GET MORE REELSEO! TONS MORE VIDEO NEWS & TIPS SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR OTHER VIDEO TIPS AND NEWS! SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST! LET'S CONNECT! ReelSEO ► Google+ ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Linkedin ► Pinterest ►
This week on TWiGH, we discuss getting a job in the Global Health space- not just where (and how!) to look, but what employers are looking for and tips for a successful interview. Join us for this Wednesdays episode to help start or continue moving forward with your Global Health career!
Discussing #GamerGate, The Escapist and other current events, beginning at 9pm GMT. Liana: @redlianak Brandon: @TheBrandonMorse
Check out her YouTube Channel at: Check out Luna Vega's other podast: On this channel, I help people make smarter career choices and live life 1% better everyday.
Việt Nam Pháo Hoa Lần Đầu tại Vancouver, Canada, Fireworks 2012 As...
Artist interview: Peter Mohrbacher Magic The Gathering illustrator, video games concept artist, and visual development consultant. Check out his work at His Youtube...
AVFM’s Director of Social Media, Janet Bloomfield, also affectionately known as JudgyBitch to her thousands of blog visitors at, has become a thorn in the side to whackaloon feminists, social justice warriors and other purveyors of goofball ideology geared to make people rich and powerful off being “poor and powerless.” Bloomfield has become so much of a nuisance that they have mounted campaigns to suspend her twitter account in what can only be called a quintessentially stupid attempt to silence her. She has also been attacked online by victim-hooker Amanda Marcotte as one of seven women who want to take away women’s rights. The story behind the story? Janet Bloomfield, hot, blond and highly educated, captured the attention of high profile social media users with millions of followers with her snappy and unapologetic messages targeting the Royalty of Ridiculousness on the social media platforms they had grown accustomed to using without dissent or disagreement. She clamped down on their poon-privilege and, outraged, they went after her for it. Please join me on Saturday, September 20, 2014 at 1 PM Pacific, 3 Central and 4 Eastern Time for a one on one interview with the bitch that has all the bitches bitching, here on AVFM Interviews.
(Source: ... Xiezhong International Holdings Limited ... 3663) ... Chen Hao as a non-executive Director; ... Chen Hao, Mr ... CHEN Hao and Mr.
noodls 2015-04-10... differences, according to Hao Hong, the chief China strategist at Bocom International Holdings Co.
Bloomberg 2015-04-10Hao Tian Development Group Limited ) E150410636Ann ... "Hao Tian Finance" Hao Tian Finance Company Limited( �xii'f:
noodls 2015-04-09''Hao Tian Group'' Hao Tian Development and its subsidiaries ... ''Parties'' collectively, Rui Sheng, Hao Tian and Hao Tian.
noodls 2015-04-09(Source: ... Thursday 9 April ... Hao Wei's side pressed for an equaliser late on but England held on rather comfortably ... Hao Wei.
noodls 2015-04-09... in 2014 (beating Chan sisters Hao-Ching and Yung-Jan in the final) and now the quarters in 2015.
noodls 2015-04-09(Source: ... Those participating in the award-winning team were Juho Flinck, Otso Hao, Ali Salloum and Pirkka Sippola ... bof. fi ... :56
noodls 2015-04-09(Source: ... 利海資源國際控股有限公司 ... 00195) ... "Company") ... NIE DONG ... SHI Simon Hao and three independent non-executive directors, namely, Mr ... :27
noodls 2015-04-09Hao Thi Pham of Rowlett said she loves America. The Vietnam native has lived here about five years ... S. citizens ... S ... Anderson.
The Dallas Morning News 2015-04-09Five of them come from Mainland China (Ying Guo, Martin Hao, Lingzi He, Lu Yang, and Oliver Zhou) ...
Seattle Post 2015-04-09The Guggenheim China Small Cap ETF (HAO) is seeing unusually high ... Shares of HAO were up about 10.9
Forbes 2015-04-08Hao Mo, one of the experts behind this research, called on authorities to rein in rising medical expenses.
noodls 2015-04-08Governor Lu Hao - widely tipped to be a major player in Beijing's "next generation" leadership ...
NZ Herald 2015-04-08
Hoa people (Chinese: 華人; pinyin: Huárén; Cantonese Yale: Wa Yan; Hán Nôm: 𠊛華; quốc ngữ: người Hoa) refers to a minority living in Vietnam consisting of persons considered to be ethnic Chinese. They are often referred to as either Chinese Vietnamese, Vietnamese Chinese,Sino-Vietnamese, or ethnic Chinese in/from Vietnam by the Vietnamese populace, Overseas Vietnamese, and other ethnic Chinese. The Vietnamese government's classification of the Hoa excludes two other groups of Chinese-speaking peoples, the San Diu and the Ngai. The Hoa constitute one group of Overseas Chinese and contain one of the largest Overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia. As of 2011, the Sino-Vietnamese community numbered approximately 855,000 people corresponding to 0.95% of the Vietnamese population.
The Hoa were highly overrepresented in Vietnam's business and commerce sector before the Fall of Saigon in 1975. Today they are a well-established middle class ethnic group and make up a high percentage of Vietnam's educated and upper class. Like much of Southeast Asia, Sino Vietnamese are dominant in both the Vietnamese commerce and business sections. They are estimated to control 70 to 80 percent of the Southern Vietnamese economy before the Fall of Saigon in 1975. However now, the Chinese Vietnamese only comprise a small percentage in the modern Vietnamese economy, now mostly Vietnamese-run, as many Hoa had their businesses and property confiscated by the Communists after 1975, and many fled the country as Boat People due to persecution by the new Communist government. The Hoa were persecuted, and some were even forcibly "kicked out" of the country, at a time when Vietnam had serious tensions with China in the late 1970s, and the government feared of the Hoa collaborating with the Chinese communist government as a result of the Sino-Vietnamese War though the remaining Chinese still cornered an estimated 66% of the fledgling private economy, mainly concentrated in Saigon.
Hao or HAO may refer to:
Hey, baby waitin' on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Love in my life
Hey, baby waiting on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Mommy, I could be the thug in your love
Play my part with the fifty fifty love in our life
By the way I'm Huey, I know how to treat a women
Never raised my hand, don't know how to beat a women
Tell ya what, let's go out up on a date
I'm knowen this perfect place, put a smile on your face
Won't touch until you're comfortable
Even though I'm want'n you
By the looks of things, girl, it seems you want me to
Take you on a ride and the five fifty a.m.g a
I head outta town, first class
Yeah, I'm makin' money an' no that money ain't makin' me
Know that I wouldn't hurt you
I want you to feel safe with me
Baby girl, ya beautiful, you're like a model
Not the skin, you in ya curve like a bottle
Lil' mama now listen
I know you sayin' you want a thug in your life
But ya say, you gotta be able to put
Hey, baby waitin' on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Love in my life
Hey, baby waiting on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Hey, baby waitin' on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Love in my life
Hey, baby waiting on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
I don't care about ya thuging
All I need is your lovin'
You can T-pain if you want to
I don't have to ask that question
I know you're a blessing baby
Come on lil' daddy whatcha gone do
Say, let me iron your pants for ya
Late night do a little dance for ya
How you appreciate the finer things
And now you appreciate you're tryin'
Hey, baby waitin' on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Love in my life
Hey, baby waiting on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Hey, baby waitin' on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Love in my life
Hey, baby waiting on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Now when we hit this thang, you automatically look good
Off of my appearance I automatically look good
Make my way to ya door, open it they like a gentlemen
Take you by the arm, a Kodak flashes while entering
Take you to the bar, buy ya your favorite drink or two
And all ain't gettin' it, so I can try to sleep with you
What person in their right mind wouldn't wanna be with you
You da type I take home and show to my peoples boo
I ain't gonna lie, I hate women who sensitive for real
Be lettin' the littlest things get to them
Lil' mamma listen, I'm able to be the thug in your life
Most of all I gotta be able to put
Hey, baby waitin' on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Love in my life
Hey, baby waiting on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Hey, baby waitin' on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
Ya need to come tonight 'cause I need some love in my life
Love in my life
Hey, baby waiting on you to come my way, baby
Ain't afraid to say me
Say baby, ya lookin' tight
It's yo boy ladies and gentlemen
H.U.E.Y and Trey Songz (ooooooooo...)
A... a...
Lil mama you no wat it is (she look so good)
A... a...
She look so good she don't need no make up on...
She wear that make up make a nigga want to get up on...
I gotta make her mine... (I keep tellin myself)
I gotta (I keep tellin myself)
I gotta (I keep tellin myself)
And I gotta make her mine (she a bad brod)
I gotta (she a bad brod)
I gotta (she a bad brod)
A perfect picture paint ain't it by jesus himself
5'5 brown eyes need nothing else
But a boss like me myself expecting
Nothing but some loving and request for me to be myself
Started off with just an eye wink
From that moment on I sworn that I wouldn't let an eye blink
Very interested in what I think (wat I think)
Before I even got her I promised her momma that she got me (yeah)
The drissi tight love weren dresses in some six inch heels acessories
Nick name precious (oh precious)
It ain't a chick out here to can face her
She's the top of the line a dime without a smer of make up
She look so good she don't need no make up on...
She wear that make up make a nigga want to get up on...
I gotta make her mine... (I keep tellin myself)
I gotta (I keep tellin myself)
I gotta (I keep tellin myself)
And I gotta make her mine (she a bad brod)
I gotta (she a bad brod)
I gotta (she a bad brod)
And I gotta make her mine speaking truely
Face to her booty make me wanna do her
No she didn't do me have her dripping juicy
Smell of it's fruity threw the winter she fresh
But it's yellow as juicyfruit for her too be this cute
Her momma must be the truth but enough about your momma
Yo momma can get it too you just hop into this coop
And I can show you what it do
If you remove your pony tail I guess I will remove the roof
And my carpets made of rabbit boo you can remove your shoes
A hell of acceleration perferr you to move your jews
To bad he gone to jail cause I'll take you to jacob
And the only time I wipe make up is when she break up
She look so good she don't need no make up on...
She wear that make up make a nigga want to get up on...
I gotta make her mine... (I keep tellin myself)
I gotta (I keep tellin myself)
I gotta (I keep tellin myself)
And I gotta make her mine (she a bad brod)
I gotta (she a bad brod)
I gotta (she a bad brod)
She got me feeling like oooww...
We gone have fun tonight
Got me feelin like ooow w ...
We gone get it done tonight now babay
Wanna take you on a ride
Show you what it like inside
Sharing for everythang give me yo body pain
And I ganrentee when you give me your body I have you punching and kicking like a myster
O... o... o... oooooooooooo
She look so good she don't need no make up on...
She wear that make up make a nigga want to get up on...
I gotta make her mine... (I keep tellin myself)
I gotta (I keep tellin myself)
I gotta (I keep tellin myself)
And I gotta make her mine (she a bad brod)
I gotta (she a bad brod)
Toot that thang up mami, make it roll
Once you pop pop, lock it for me girl get low
If yo mama gave it to you baby girl let it show
Once you pop, lock, drop it for me maybe we could roll, oh
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Tonight it's gon' be some changes
No acting sadity
So stop acting and get it clappin'
'Cause I'm knowing you feeling me
Yeah you cute
But don't let that sh** go to yo head
'Cause what this cutie won't do pimpin'
Another one will
You prepared, rockin' a skirt
And ya heels so tall
And we ain't wit none of that tricking
But our bills so tall
I been peepin' you fo a while
And you throwin' it back
If you lookin' fo you a balla
We got dough in da back
Look yo color Carmelo brown
And yo skin so smooth
I'm havin' fantasies about
What you and me can do
And you a undacover freak
You probably thinking da same
I'm seein' light up on yo face
Because you peepin' my chain
And I ain't tryna put you out there
As if you a freak
So don't even take it that way
Jus' say you did it fo' me
And yeah you probably roll wit me
'Cause it's money in my pockets
So before then
I gotta see you pop, lock and drop it
Toot that thang up mami, make it roll
Once you pop pop, lock it for me girl get low
If yo mama gave it to you baby girl let it show
Once you pop, lock, drop it for me maybe we could roll, oh
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
I ain't gotta be yo man
But I really wouldn't mind
We ain't got to talk again
I'm jus tryna have a time
If you a balla pull a stack out
And slap her on da ayyy
Pop lockin' cock blockas
Get up out da way
Let lil' mami get low
Give her space, let her sweat
The club turnin' to Hooters
'Cause they shirts is so wet
From da window to da wall
Lil' mama showin' her thong
The broad freakin' herself
It's tellin' me that it's on
You ready then we can roll
I'm tellin' you we could go
I'm thinkin' if I can handle it
The way you make it roll
You groovin' and speedin' up
You right in between us
If you a stripteasa
Then baby don't tease us
At first I thought I was trippin'
But my vision gettin' clearer
You moving that thang around
As if you practice in da mirror
She doin' a new dance
What the next man said
I'm like naw
She just pop locking on a headstand
Toot that thang up mami, make it roll
Once you pop pop, lock it for me girl get low
If yo mama gave it to you baby girl let it show
Once you pop, lock, drop it for me maybe we could roll, oh
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Make it roll to da left, left
Roll to da right, right
Pop, lock and drop it
Get low a'ight
Make it roll to da left, left
Roll to da right, right
Pop, lock and drop it
Get low a'ight
It ain't tricking if you got it
We got it but I ain't givin'
Just bounce it and roll wit it
And maybe you'll roll wit us
It ain't tricking if you got it
We got it and I ain't givin'
Just bounce it and roll wit it
And maybe you'll roll wit us
Pop, lock and drop it
Now pop, lock and drop it fo me
Pop, lock and drop it
Say pop, lock and drop it
Now what's yo name girl?
Neva mind, neva mind
Do you thang girl fire
You ain't neva lied
What's yo name girl?
Neva mind, neva mind
Do you thang girl fire
[Huey:] (Whaddup Lil Mama)
[MeMpHiTz:] (Hitz Committee Partna)
She don't know
She don't know
[Huey:] (She can't know about me for real)
Juelz Santana: (Santana)
[Huey:] (You got to know man)
[Huey:] (Strictly Business right here ya digg)
She don't know
She don't know (got that PaYow)
I got that PaYow baby
(I got that I got that)
She don't know about me
You ain't know about me
(Young Huey)
I got that I got that I got that PaYow
(Dezel on the beat)
I got that PaYow baby
She don't know about me
(She don't know)
You ain't know
(She don't know)
I got that PaYow
She don't know about me
(She don't know)
You ain't know
(She don't know)
I got that PaYow baby
(I got that PaYow baby)
She don't know about me
(She don't know)
You ain't know
(Uh uhh)
I got that PaYow
I got that I got that I got that PaYow
[Verse 1:]
Let's go
Speaking of PaYow
I got something you might love
And it's a murder weapon
Wearing a white glove
Wantin stroke of this
I'm hoping it's tight as fuck
And if it hurts just let me know and I'll lighten up
I'll light you up
From just a few shots
And have you sounding like sirens of two cops
Since you don't know about me
You gon learn right now
A hundred and fifty rounds
That sounds like that motherfuckin
PaYow baby
(You ain't know about me)
She don't know about me
You ain't know
I got that PaYow
(I got that PaYow baby)
She don't know about me
You ain't know
(Naa bitch)
I got that PaYow baby
She don't know about me
(She don't know)
You ain't know
I got that PaYow
(Young Huey)
I got that I got that I got that PaYow
[Verse 2:]
Fuckin up your sheets
Oh that ass is so fat
I want the lights on
Usually the room is pitch black
Wanna see it move forward back
When I give a smack
Rubbin on my six pack
And I ain't holding shit back
When you hear that click clack
Baby go your ass down
Till them lips that's dripping wet
Oh slow slow your ass down
And I done kicked a hole in your wall
Opps broke your couch
I'm a fuck around and have to buy a house
Because I done hit you with that
PaYow baby
She don't know about me
(She don't know)
You ain't know
I got that PaYow
(I got that PaYow)
She don't know about me
(She don't know)
You ain't know
I got that PaYow baby
She don't know about me
(She don't know)
You ain't know
I got that PaYow
(I got that I got that I got that I got that)
I got that I got that I got that
(Click click clack PaYow)
[Juelz Santana:]
I got that pop pop, that bang bang, that boom boom
I just wanna zoom zoom, in the poom poom
Baby lie it down, right now
Let me cock your legs up high now
Hit you with that PaYow
Pow Pow
I got that B-Street, that wild style
That ooh ooh, that ow ow,
That I ain't done, turn around now
There ain't no forgivin my favorite position
You climb up and you slide down
Hurf Hurf Hurf Hurf
Who let em out
I got that big dog
Not that little Bow Wow
She got that surround sound
The way she screams
Sound like a murder scene
I'm a serial killer and it's all done in the first degree
Better call emergency
911 contact the police
Cause when I attack in the sheets, you're gonna have to release everything
That's on and in your body
I be on and in your body
No I be all up in your body
Get it mommy, let's get it mommy
(Let's get it)
Said things will never be the same after the night, you're right
She thought she died, but thanks to me she came
Back to life
I got that PaYow baby
(I got that PaYow baby)
She don't know about me
(She don't know)
You ain't know
(She don't know)
I got that PaYow
(I got that PaYow)
[Huey:] (Ooh Ooh Ooh)
I got that PaYow baby
She don't know about me
[Huey:] (She don't know, she don't know, she don't know, I got that)
I got that PaYow
[Huey:] (I got that I got that I got that)
I got that I got that I got that PaYow
This goes out to all my kids out there in the hood, ya know
Going through the struggle and what not
There's always something bad that could happen in the hood
Ya know, yeah
Momma where you at, daddy where you at?
The hood's out of control, time to fight back
Kids just doing time, ain't nothing but crime
Because they don't believe the sun can still shine
Waited too long, now it's a problem
You see what it is, how it go wrong
Ooh, that's understood
'Cause nobody loves the hood
Man, this hook is too true to believe in
Where da hell is ya momma and daddy when you need 'em?
Born in the hood, so the hood's in ya heart
Though nothing's been good in the hood from the start
Either you was with ya momma or never had a daddy?
Or never had neitha and was raised wit' ya granny
It's a cold ass world fa the younga generation
In err hood somebody would, time to be facing
For a fucked up reason, a bad ass time
Then gave up, they don't think the sun still shine
Brush it against the wall, forced to do crime
Some say they'll die before they do time
'Cause jail ain't the place to be
Might be the place for you but ain't for me, yeah
You enjoying yo life, why? 'Cause your fists grip wood
But the kids doing bad 'cause nobody loves da hood
Momma where you at, daddy where you at?
The hood's out of control, time to fight back
Kids just doing time, ain't nothing but crime
Because they don't believe the sun can still shine
Waited too long, now it's a problem
You see what it is, how it go wrong
Ooh, that's understood
'Cause nobody loves the hood
Man, the kids always getting lectured
But what do you expect when they have no direction
Father in jail, mother strung out
No curfew, late nights, hung out
Getting money on the zone, now it is a problem
'Cause they selling white rocks, carrying a revolver
Everybody gotta eat somehow, someway
Wishing they'll make it out somehow, someday
They can put the drugs down and pick up the books
There's only a few good cops 'cause most of them crooks
Supposed to protect and serve but now they got the nerve
To say they want criminals up off of the curb
It's a cold ass world, especially for male
They filling up more than half of all jails
The government got the world misunderstood
I dedicate this to the ones who love the hood
Momma where you at, daddy where you at?
The hood's out of control, time to fight back
Kids just doing time, ain't nothing but crime
Because they don't believe the sun can still shine
Waited too long, now it's a problem
You see what it is, how it go wrong
Ooh, that's understood
'Cause nobody loves the hood
Stand strong all my lil' soldiers
Reject all negative words people done told ya
Grind how you gotta and make 'em out of believers
Give the middle fingers and tell 'em I don't need ya
Over come the bad and pray to the Lord
Soon to turn good 'cause the grace of the Lord
Now you could smile and say it's all good
I'm never gonna leave 'cause somebody love the hood
Momma where you at, daddy where you at?
The hood's out of control, time to fight back
Kids just doing time, ain't nothing but crime
Because they don't believe the sun can still shine
Waited too long, now it's a problem
You see what it is, how it go wrong
Ooh, that's understood
'Cause nobody loves the hood
Momma where you at, daddy where you at?
The hood's out of control, time to fight back
Kids just doing time, ain't nothing but crime
Because they don't believe the sun can still shine
Waited too long, now it's a problem
You see what it is, how it go wrong
Ooh, that's understood
Tell me this who flier than a G-5 airplane (me)
Got badass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough, my charms gleam [x2]
All eyes on me like Tupac
26's on the drop and 2 blocks
What am I? Everything you not
Raised off them true blocks
Interior paint, rims color coordinated
Yes, yes, it's blessed as if the Lord made it
Naw nigga don't jack, that's for your safety
My gun's got heat sensors and no safety
I'm an expert in anything that I do
No cubics, all diamonds are blue
I know ya heard about me
No I'm not worried about ya
I sit back, relax, sittin on Louis couches
That's right the truth is out bitch
I knock your toothless out, bitch
You ain't ready for what I'm bringing and who I'm out with
You can flex, front hard if you want to
Meantime, Huey gon do what the fuck he want to
Tell me this who flier than a G-5 airplane (me)
Got badass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough, my charms gleam [x2]
[Verse: MempHitz]
Who's flier than a G-5 airplane (me)
Got badass bitches playing choo-choo train
Throw a stack up on it, I'll throw a stack back
Put some gangsters on it, I'm a push some gangster back
It's time to face the facts
The rest of you niggas is lame
I'll tell ya boss the same
Yeah, I'm killing the game
Yeah I'm a A n R
But I got an AR
That shoot real far
Go straight up through ya car
I'm flier than flavor
Stay duckin a hater
F**k what you talking about
My nigga we getting that paper
I know u heard about us
Hitz Committee, the shit
H-u-e-y, he fly
He the type of guy that make a whole lot of money for his company
Committee, how we living, never tricking that's a felony
I stay so hi-I-I-I-I-igh
I'm so fly these niggas starting to call me G-5
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane (me)
Got badass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough, my charms gleam [x2]
[Verse: T-Pain]
Who's flier than me (nobody)
Answer this (what)
If you sick with money, I must be cancerous
I know you ballin' dawg, I know you in the game
But I don't just talk about G-5s
I really got a plane
But I ain't stunnin' on you though, it's just a G-3
That's some nice car but ain't no use in trying to G me
See the difference 'tween my lifestyle and yours is
Mine is x-rated and you just barely in PG
Aye so Tay Dizm (what up)
How tight is your game? (Pain) Yea
[Tay Dizm:]
I can make a pay J be my main man (Yea)
Get a flashy thing put it in the matchin' ring (Yea)
I'm so fly they can't tell me a dammn thing
Ok tell them hos to get in the lab (Oww)
If there ain't no more room she can sit on your lap (Oww)
Now take this and this and that and this exactly what it look like
If you get hit by a truck with a bunch of fly shit in the back.
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane (me)
Got badass bitches playing dare game
First things first, I don't like y'all niggas talkin' shit (me neither)
I'm Going Down, Down Baby
Blow Your motherfuckin' speakers up
Let's get it in
blow your motherfuckin' speakers up
I'm Going Down, Down Baby
This ol' bitch-ass nigga
Blow Your mother fuckin' speakers up
[inaudible riff]
Bang, bang, it's your game, go fuck wit' ya,
Choppin' hits, you and that motherfucka' next to ya.
City Spud was the closest to a lunatic,
Y'all just some crazy ass who ain't shootin' shit.
Got your damn nerve, dissin' Huey records,
You mad, you a fag, and my nigga Huey rappin'
I'm the real definition of hip-hop,
Lost your whole pocket when that Vokal shit flopped.
Might as well kill two birds with one stone,
I'm'a murder J-Kwon on this same song.
In the club with the Cristal poppin,
Only derrty I like is when DJ Crisstyle poppin'
Bitch, if it ain't Crysstyle, it betta be young gipp,
Make grands when I hustle, they callin' me young tip.
It's suicide-just spray you' own self,
Happiness, boy, here's something, You can save your own self.
I'm Going Down, Down Baby
Blow Your motherfuckin' speakers up
I'm Going Down, Down Baby
Blow Your motherfuckin' speakers up
Nelly, who you think you kiddin', you niggas ain't no killas,
And thug niggas you fuckin' with the realist and drug dealas.
Drug Ali outside, stuff him in the trunk,
Put a bullet in ya' head, leave ya' smelling like a skunk, punk bitch.
Thinkin' you can get outta the way from some the bum shit,
Bullets sprayed, leavin' ya slumped quick. So quick, with all that,
thinkin' your frontin' before ya mamma had eggs in her stomach from all men that she froggin'
Hey, I pray for ya dummies cuz your skatin' on thin ice and steady, playin' with thunder,
See, see me and uh-oh, trouble, don't say nothing.
Your boy so soft got heat and still won't spray nothing.
What's wrong, Nelly, nervous because you see you got competition?
Glad your responding, now we know we got your attention,
Nigga listen, this is our town now, and cross the Cap, Nigga best believe you goin' down south.
I'm Going Down, Down Baby
Blow Your motherfuckin' speakers up
I'm Going Down, Down Baby
Blow Your motherfuckin' speakers up
[Young Rhome:]
and I'm just St. Louis, baby, St. Louis crazy.
I ain't travelin' no where, I've been in St. Louis lately.
Dude sittin' on top of the Joint, and I don't act like I'm rich,
Ery'one still stoppin' and pointin', like 'ya thurr it is.'
We make gangsta music, we just tell it how it is, and how the gangstas do shit.
I whip game, fire, and the shoes' exclusive,
And I love that people think the other dude is useless.
I gained 20 inches of canarian blue shit,
We're fresh like a pimp, and every day is a new fit.
We so heavy, and the mafia so ready,
Got a head on our shoulder but it's hard to hold steady.
Pick and roll, I hold for a room in a hotel-y,
Then Oh, hit a night on the phones and an' old Chevy.
Hey this drank got me feelin like I'm on another planet,
Ima faint, man it feels like I'm on another planet,
Whatcha think girl I want it, I know you gonne let me have it,
I'm on another planet, I'm on another planet.
And I wont come down it feels so good,
I don't wanna come down it feels so good, I walk around like I'm in space cause it feels so good,
I'm on another planet, I'm on another planet.
[Verse 1]
I'm on another planet
Ask me how I got there,
I'm dressed as a captain
Cause my money so rare,
I'm drinkin on that shit
It lighty cost some bucks,
Most people don't drink it cause it cost to much.
And when I'm at the bar
I be lookin like a star,
I don't pull out cash
I be swippin' credit cards,
Like Visa or Master
Express or black ones.
They assume I'm famous
Like artist or actor.
Moneys not a factor
I grow it out my ass,
If money came from tree's
I would grow it in my plants,
Grow it my garden
Like remy martin,
Had me feelin' like I'm on saturn and even mars andddd
Hey this drank got me feelin like I'm on another planet,
Ima faint man it feels like I'm on another planet,
Whatcha think girl I want it I know you gonne let me have it,
I'm on another planet, I'm on another planet.
And I wont come down it feels so good,
I don't wanna come down it feels so good, I walk around like I'm in space cause it feels so good,
I'm on another planet, I'm on another planet.
Lil' Wayne
[Verse 2]
Ehhmmmm goodbye world, it's Weezy aka mister he took my girl,
I'm on one, (haha) I'm on two, I got that bird flu from that grey goose,
And I don't need no juice... just a little ice,
And we can run around saturns ring twice.
I like my wine white, yeah patron straight,
I'll take you to mars and show you I got my own space.
Stir stir don't shake,
Then don't break I take you out this world,
He just take you out the states.
Syrup by the crate, man I'm on my eighth,
It make me move slow so ima be a little late... Mula
Hey this drank got me feelin like I'm on another planet,
Ima faint man it feels like I'm on another planet,
Whatcha think girl I want it, I know you gonne let me have it,
I'm on another planet, I'm on another planet.
And I wont come down it feels so good,
I don't wanna come down it feels so good, I walk around like I'm in space cause it feels so good,
I'm on another planet, I'm on another planet.
[Verse 3]
I'm next to the moon, close to the sun,
So call me a star, I'm as bright as they come. High in the sky, connected to big dippers, when they come to licker, I am the big sipper. Tell me have you ever seen an astronaut stripper, I don't do it on Earth, but here I'll tip her. Take her to my ship, n fuck to a sex tone, right after I hit it, I'm dippin to neptune. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, take off, I can prove mercury aint far as they say dawg. Started on one fifth, now I'm on number four, and off of those four, I've been around the solar.
Hey this drank got me feelin like I'm on another planet, ima faint, man it feels like I'm on another planet. Wat u think, girl I want it, I know you gonne let me have it, I'm on another planet, I'm on another planet.
And I wont come down it feels so good,
I don't wanna come down it feels so good, I walk around like I'm in space cause it feels so good,
24/7, 24/7, 24/7 365 On My Grind [x4]
24/7 365 On My Grind 'Cause I I Gotta Get Mine (yea) I Gotta Get Mine [x2]
How You Gone Do It?
One Hustle Hard Two Stack Paper Three Cut The Line Four Watch Hatas
One Hustle Hard Two Stack Paper 24/7 365 On My Grind
[Verse: Huey]
Since I Grind These Niggas Have Lost They Mind
They Hate Me Because I Shine From Family To All Kind
That's 24/7 Everyday Of The Year
Everyday I Am Here I'm Gone Make Shyt Clear
Fuk You Fuk Who Eva Got Sum To Say
Bout How I Handle My Business I'm a Do It My Way
I Am Young I Am Smart Never Small With Some Heart
I Can Just Taste My Money When I Hit The Airport
You Next To Over Seas I Can Smell The Palm Trees
Guess I'm Just A Grass Hopper Attracted To All Green
Now Listen To Al Green To Bring out The Old Days
Wishing OG's Was Still Stuck Into They Old Ways
No Snitches No Bitching Getting Digits By The Hour
Ignore The Phrase More Money More Power
As A Mamas Boy I Hate To See Mama Cry
So 24/7 365 On My Grind Know Why?
24/7 365 On My Grind 'Cause I I Gotta Get Mine (yea) I Gotta Get Mine [x2]
How You Gone Do It?
One Hustle Hard Two Stack Paper Three Cut The Line Four Watch Hatas
One Hustle Hard Two Stack Paper 24/7 365 On My Grind
[Verse: Maino]
Listen, Now I'm a Get It I Get It Until My Numbers Call
So I'm Just A Name And Memory On My Homies Wall
I Be Movin O's I'm Tryna Just Build My Dough Up
So I'm Just A Slab In A Corrin With My Toes Up
Niggas Deal With Jealousy Baby How Can They Hate On Me
I'm a Keep It Thorough I'm Not, Not A Celebrity
I'm Real Like A Phoenix Sun Feel Like My Day Is Coming
If I Can Just Kill Competition Then All The Fees Will Come
You Can't Stunt On I The Whole Summers Mine
(Hi Hater) Got The Country Waving Hi And Bye
Brooklyn To Saint Lou. Brooklyn We Can't Lose
It's Hustle Hard I'm a Get It Til I Can't Move
24/7 365 On My Grind 'Cause I I Gotta Get Mine (yea) I Gotta Get Mine [x2]
How You Gone Do It?
One Hustle Hard Two Stack Paper Three Cut The Line Four Watch Hatas
One Hustle Hard Two Stack Paper 24/7 365 On My Grind
[Verse: Glasses Malone]
It's The Water Boy (yea) We Keep Them Bottles Jack
I Tell Them Hatas Bye Twist It Hard And Throttle Back
What They Talking Dollas? We Gotta Lotta That
Cash Money Million Now Go And Swallow That
Tricks Make It Rain We Don't Carry Ones
I'm From 7th Street Now Nigga Where You From?
It's A Gang Thang Can't It Money Counters
All We Do Is Slang And Pray On Out Of Towners
Ask Around Homie We Some Chain Checkers
And We Are Not The Same So Lame Run Yo Necklace
It's A New West The Whole Game Respect Us
And Fuk These Old Rappers Since They Won't Except Us
Ask Around G A Clown We Spit Them Breezy Raps
And I Would Trade You Niggas Life To Bring Eazy Back
Man You Niggas Wack You Got To Coach A Dime
I'm Bout to Bring Us Back Look Like The Coast Is Mine
24/7 365 On My Grind 'Cause I I Gotta Get Mine (yea) I Gotta Get Mine [x2]
How You Gone Do It?
One Hustle Hard Two Stack Paper Three Cut The Line Four Watch Hatas
Toot that thang up mami, make it roll
Once you pop pop, lock it for me girl get low
If yo mama gave it to you baby girl let it show
Once you pop, lock, drop it for me maybe we could roll, oh
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Tonight it's gon' be some changes
No acting sadity
So stop acting and get it clappin'
'Cause I'm knowing you feeling me
Yeah you cute
But don't let that sh** go to yo head
'Cause what this cutie won't do pimpin'
Another one will
You prepared, rockin' a skirt
And ya heels so tall
And we ain't wit none of that tricking
But our bills so tall
I been peepin' you fo a while
And you throwin' it back
If you lookin' fo you a balla
We got dough in da back
Look yo color Carmelo brown
And yo skin so smooth
I'm havin' fantasies about
What you and me can do
And you a undacover freak
You probably thinking da same
I'm seein' light up on yo face
Because you peepin' my chain
And I ain't tryna put you out there
As if you a freak
So don't even take it that way
Jus' say you did it fo' me
And yeah you probably roll wit me
'Cause it's money in my pockets
So before then
I gotta see you pop, lock and drop it
Toot that thang up mami, make it roll
Once you pop pop, lock it for me girl get low
If yo mama gave it to you baby girl let it show
Once you pop, lock, drop it for me maybe we could roll, oh
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
I ain't gotta be yo man
But I really wouldn't mind
We ain't got to talk again
I'm jus tryna have a time
If you a balla pull a stack out
And slap her on da ayyy
Pop lockin' cock blockas
Get up out da way
Let lil' mami get low
Give her space, let her sweat
The club turnin' to Hooters
'Cause they shirts is so wet
From da window to da wall
Lil' mama showin' her thong
The broad freakin' herself
It's tellin' me that it's on
You ready then we can roll
I'm tellin' you we could go
I'm thinkin' if I can handle it
The way you make it roll
You groovin' and speedin' up
You right in between us
If you a stripteasa
Then baby don't tease us
At first I thought I was trippin'
But my vision gettin' clearer
You moving that thang around
As if you practice in da mirror
She doin' a new dance
What the next man said
I'm like naw
She just pop locking on a headstand
Toot that thang up mami, make it roll
Once you pop pop, lock it for me girl get low
If yo mama gave it to you baby girl let it show
Once you pop, lock, drop it for me maybe we could roll, oh
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Pop, lock and drop it
Make it roll to da left, left
Roll to da right, right
Pop, lock and drop it
Get low a'ight
Make it roll to da left, left
Roll to da right, right
Pop, lock and drop it
Get low a'ight
It ain't tricking if you got it
We got it but I ain't givin'
Just bounce it and roll wit it
And maybe you'll roll wit us
It ain't tricking if you got it
We got it and I ain't givin'
Just bounce it and roll wit it
And maybe you'll roll wit us
Pop, lock and drop it
Now pop, lock and drop it fo me
Pop, lock and drop it
Say pop, lock and drop it
Now what's yo name girl?
Neva mind, neva mind
Do you thang girl fire
You ain't neva lied
What's yo name girl?
Neva mind, neva mind
Do you thang girl fire
When I hustle, baby, I be thinking of you
I'm always on the grind, don't spend a lot of time Like we used to do
And now be out in these streets 'cuz, baby, we got to eat
And you know that's the truth
No matter my hustle, I'm coming home to you
Shawty, I'm coming home to you
Yeah, I'ma hustler but, baby girl, I wanna fuck with you
You the type to make a thug nigga turn lub a dub
Mami, let me tell you, I ain't nothing like these other scrubs
This H U E Y, cowboy, he fly
I got money to the hiz-eye, thats why I fly geez eye
If any brother could tell you, he do you better, he lie
No, I ain't Nelly but could make you holler e eye
When we F U C K I N G in the treetop
Bet you will feel special then ever when we ride
Count you a summer wardrobe come spring time
The more that we around gratify me love you
But you should now there's one main thing, you're next
When I hustle, baby, I be thinking of you
I'm always on the grind, don't spend a lot of time like we used to do
And now be out in these streets 'cuz, baby, we got to eat
And you know that's the truth
No matter my hustle, I'm coming home to you
Shawty, I'm coming home to you
Baby girl, you be my queen
The only thing that make a thug smile in his dreams
And make me feel that I ain't as thug as I seem
When we make love, have me weak at the knees
The only female that could do what she please
But say it ain't tricking when I'm giving her G's
Car weather I'm hurt or safe in the streets
I'll tell you, "Mami, don't worry I'm safe with the heat"
Now, come a little closer, move your waist to the beat
In the winter on the carpet for heat when you sleep
There's no other couple that's fucking with we
The more I'm around gratify me to love you
There's one thing to know, we're next
When I hustle, baby, I be thinking of you
I'm always on the grind don't spend a lot of time like we used to do
And now be out in these streets 'cuz, baby, we got to eat
And you know that's the truth
No matter my hustle, I'm coming home to you
Shawty, I'm coming home to you
I've been all around the world before
But I know you're the one for me, just stay good you'll see
I don't wanna have to run these streets no more
But for now, girl, let's ride or die, [Incomprehensible] I'ma get you right
And when I hustle, baby, I be thinking of you
I'm always on the grind, don't spend a lot of time like we used to do
And now be out in the streets 'cuz, baby, we got to eat
And you know that's the truth
No matter my hustle, I'm coming home to you
Aye, it's so beautiful when a plan comes together yup
It's your boy melv hits
You already know what this is
H-U-E-Y (reemix)
Bow Weezy
Hits Commited
It's H-U-E-Y, home fly G five
And by the look in my eyes she have nice thighs
What her mama done gave her then grew from local to major
Pockets flooded with paper, born as a Missouri stater
Mami gon take it low if you can then touch your toes
You and your partna them, you can get dollas then
Trickin aint in my blood, but I'ma make it rain on'em
Too rich for dolla bills, I consider that as change
25's on my range, know that that's a odd number
The way you tootin that thang can make the guys wonder
What's underneathe or even if it's real
I'm hoping she a freak cause I ain't tryna chill
I'm tryna get it poppin, wit a shortie like mine
Thats willing to drop it low enough to blow my mind
It's H-U-E-Z and Bow Weezy
Let's see if she can get lower than before on the remix
Toot that thang up mamii make it roll
once you pop, pop lock it for me girl get low
if yo mama gave it to you, baby girl let it show
once you pop lock drop it for me maybe we can roll (oh)
Pop lock and drop it
Damn lil mama I'm sayin
All that in them jeans (woo)
Aye, aye, let me holla at chu for a minute
Hey what it is they call me Bow Wizzle
Now pop, lock, drop it for me, make that thang jiggle
She moves her hips just like Shakira
If she was in a contest she would be the winner (yep)
From Ohio all the way to St. Louis, hey all the girls do it just put your back into it
Now shake what she gave ya, I'm talking bout ya mama
If you wont do it for me then do it for these dollas
Cause I'ma make it rain, these otha dudes is lame
They talk a good game, but they can't do the same
Now drop it up and down, now take it to the ground
If you wanna please me baby all you gotta do is
Pop, Lock, and Drop It
But baby don't stop it, we can do it like Chris Brown girl get it poppin
Man I'm a pro, look I'm far from a rookie
Girl get your pretty self over here gimme them cookies
Toot that thang up mamii make it roll
once you pop, pop lock it for me girl get low
if yo mama gave it to you, baby girl let it show
once you pop lock drop it for me maybe we can roll (oh)
Pop lock and drop it
Shawty snap (yeah!)
GodDamn, shawty snap (shaw-tay!)
Now let me ask you a lil question that you never heard
How do you make them dollas disappear like i'm for real for a lack of better words
Let me introduce my friend, Huey and Bow Wow
I'm the pain better known as Teddy Pin-Her-Ass-Down
I'm G (yea)
But, you probably already knew that
But you didn't know that I could make you pop, lock and do that
Now understand i'm the baddest man alive
So let's just bend your knees and do the G5
now we fly
Yea you can do it (yea)
Yea I know you see me (yea)
Yea you wanna be me (yea)
Yea you got my CD (yea)
Yea thats hits commited (yea)
Yea thats Baby Huey (yea)
Yea thats Bow Weezy (yea)
Yea thats Teddy Pain
I'ma make you climb the pole
I'ma play you depending on how this money unfold
And I got it from my mama I aint tryna go pro
If you pop lock drop it I might let all of this go
Toot that thang up mamii make it roll
once you pop, pop lock it for me girl get low
if yo mama gave it to you, baby girl let it show
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
My charms gleam
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
My charms gleam
All eyes on me like Tupac
26's on the drop and 2 blocks
What am I? Everything you not ballin'
Raised off them true blocks
Interior paint, rims color coordinated
Yes, yes, it's blessed as if the Lord made it
Naw nigga, don't jack, that's for your safety
My gun's got heat sensors and no safety
I'm an expert in anything that I do
No cubics, all diamonds are blue
I know ya heard about me
No, I'm not worried about ya
I sit back, relax, sittin' on Louis couches
That's right, the truth is out, bitch
I knock your toothless out, bitch
You ain't ready for what I'm bringing
And who I'm out with
You can flex, front hard if you want to
Meantime, Huey gon' do
What the fuck he want to
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
My charms gleam
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
My charms gleam
Who's flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing choo-choo train
Throw a stack up on it, I'll throw a stack back
Put some gangsters on it, I'ma push some gangster back
It's time to face the facts, the rest of you niggas is lame
I'll tell ya boss the same, yeah, I'm killing the game
Yeah, I'ma A 'n' R but I got an AR that shoot real far
Go straight up through ya car
I'm flier than flavor, stay ducking a hater
Fuck what you talking about, my nigga we getting that paper
I know u heard about us, Hitz Committee, the shit
H U E Y, he fly, he the type of guy
That make a whole lot of money for his company
Committee, how we living, never tricking that's a felony
I stay so high, I'm so fly these niggas starting to call me G-5
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
My charms gleam
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
My charms gleam
I'm fly as a pelican, fly as you ever been
For you haters, guess what?
My career will never end, 'bout to cop a berry Benz
Sit it on some berry rims
In the hood selling stocks of shit with berry stems
I'm getting heavy cake, can't carry my heavy safe
But I got heavy K's to lift up your heavy face
As a child I never had a nice life
But thanks to Angie and Memph, I'm in the bright lights
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
My charms gleam
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
My charms gleam
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
My charms gleam
Tell me this, who flier than a G-5 airplane?
Got bad ass bitches playing dare game
My bread's up, my car clean, my bitch tough
Chorus (4x):
Nig got a closet full of clothes
Nig gotta stay fresh for the hoes
Verse One:
Yeah, nigga got a closet full of clothes
I ain't 21 but got a bottle full of Moe
Cool in the summer but I'm hotter in the snow
Fresh Force Ones in my closet at the door
Your Diesel jeans, I'm top of the line
Your Diesel tees, a watch that could blind
Four carats a piece up in each ear
Have two of the baddest bitches up in each hurr
There's fur in the atmosphere, of course he's nurr
Like my nigga Trell said I'm fresher than John Durr
But back to the basics
Bows with the straps
I'm done with the daytons
I'm going with the flaps
So many brown Pradas
Red and white strips
Red and white fitted with the red and white kicks
Leave out of town with an STL bitch
Just to let you know I'm on some STL shit, bitch
Chorus (4x)
Verse Two:
You know kid got the cuddy (?) on fours
Spend a couple grand, got the charm on froze
Keep it so fresh, ridin on low pros
Eyes stay open like I'm takin No-Doz
Prada, fit red and white trim, so (?)
Know I got the Prada low soles, so cold
cheaaa yeahh yeahh
i made it up out of the hood my god
thanks to his committee jive in the building
it still makin niggas sit back and think wonder tho
Verse One
But first of all i thanks god for a better day
getting money no drugs found a better way
No more shootin and fighting. posed in alley ways
Running from cops throwing rocks in gang ways
Remember getting monkey wrenches and turning
Hyrdens on anytime of the day killers turn into fire zones
Couldnt make it thru the hood wit out it going down
jumpin niggas punkin niggas thrown rounds
i sit and wonder if i was still there what would i be
if i was still watchin da loot news what would i see
another hom-sucide another robery
but Huey made It out now aint no stopin me
I kno theres niggas hatin on me it aint nothing new
i let my big ass rims giving something to do
third eye watching my back cuz niggas poppin it
It feels good to be alive but still it got me.
Sitting on my cadilac wishing everything was still good at home
Even tho i kno its not otherwise i wouldnt be gone
I can admit that im glad that i got away from the sad things
everything that can make a nigga mad mane
I gotta say man it feel good to be alive
Verse Two
Look not only it feel good to be alive but it feel good to have
Ya homies on ya side and they aint mad cuz they see they
Nigga on the rise and they tell me Huey do what you gotta
I gotta shine and they kno i wanna see them out of trouble
They like you out da hood but nigga look we got the bubble
otherwise hustle to get what a nigga need and most of em
grown and gotta take care of da seed so they out there on
they grind with coke or weed and continue to be raps c a and b
thats why i got them cuz they always had me and if we had beef
errybody had heat back in da days errybody had to eat if you wearin
da? then errybody had to creep to be supportified im like gonna
make your profit
It feels good to be alive but still it got me.
Sitting on my cadilac wishing everything was still good at home
Even tho i kno its not otherwise i wouldnt be gone
I can admit that im glad that i got away from the sad things
everything that can make a nigga mad mane
I gotta say man it feel good to be alive
Verse Three
As far as family errybody gonna thru oldest brother locked up
So is mine and? but we a choosen generation we gonna
make it thru its f**ked up that my cousin had to make the
news shot five time now he in a better place and all of ya
cousins wishing for a better day im doing good for the b rays
wit out a problem
It feels good to be alive but still it got me.
Sitting on my cadilac wishing everything was still good at home
Even tho i kno its not otherwise i wouldnt be gone
I can admit that im glad that i got away from the sad things
everything that can make a nigga mad mane
yea yea. u alredy slow. Itz goin down 2 nite homey.
H U E Y. u alredy no wat it is. HiTz Commitee PATNA.
We goin out 2nite.
im feelin fly 2 nite.
its goin down 2nite.
Verse 1:
its bout 2 go down
the whip is smoked down
the fit chocolate brown nigga lets leave(leave)
a playas ready to go
u niggas ready 2 roll
lift up all doors yes on sprees(sprees)
im feelin the groove(yeah)
to get me a boo(yeah).
maybe lata on 2nite we can get us a room(yeah).
she can have a couple of friends that cum wit her 2(yeah).
lets drink
get drunk
n c wat it do(yeaaaah).
walk in errbody u feelin a fit(fit).
from my head 2 my neck its filled with gliss(bling).
watchu want from the bar im gettin it quick(quick)
wat more can i say a nigga is rich(uhn).
dont get 2 drunk to clown 2nite(naw).
unless that clown is gon frown 2nite(uhn).
but im feelin good
wanna lay sum wood
understand its goin down 2nite(yeaaaah).
lemme make this call
bout 2 hit my dawgs
we goin out 2nite.
u know how we ball
Err whip sittin tall
im feelin fly 2nite.
I'm pickin in the redbone
in high heels and thongs
but the brown ones fine
no time 2 play
nuthin else to say
its goin down 2 nite.
Verse 2:
The Remy den kicked in
my niggas feelin the Hen.
by the way the club is jumpin(jumpin).
lil mama gettin the biz
and she no wat it iz
she done alredy said its nuthin(nothin).
she twerkin the hips(yeah)
lickin them lips(yeah)
got dam she no how 2 turn a nigga on(uhn).
gotta pretty face(yeah)
n sum nice waist(yeah)
got dam i cant wait 2 be gettin her home(yeaaaah).
errbody in da club done chose up(uhn)
women sippin on moe no cold duck(naw).
now they whisper in her ears like no what(what)
we can leave rite now cuz im toe up(ahhhh).
u rite but baby gurl hold up(yeah)
im bout 2 round the guys.
no time 2 play
nuthin else 2 say
its goin down 2 nite.
lemme make this call
bout 2 hit my dawgs
we goin out 2nite.
u know how we ball
Err whip sittin tall
im feelin fly 2nite.
I'm pickin in the redbone
in high heels and thongs
but the brown ones fine
no time 2 play
nuthin else to say
its goin down 2 nite.
Verse 3:
so now that i got her home
im ready 2 get it on.
ya high heels and thong
baby drop that(uhn).
im bout 2 turn on the song
to raise ya hormones
now she suckin on my neck
gurl stop that(ahhhh).
yeah we both grown
we da only 2 home
bout 2 get Triple Xrated(yeah).
Do u want it(yeah)
Can ya take it(yeah).
ya body is so beautiful naked(yeaaah).
u can get it from the back
u can get it from the front
which way u want it baby(hunh)?
lemme hit it from the side
while u lookin in my eyes.
u gotta donkey baby(uhn).
we done done wat we did
so it is wat it is.
lets hit the shower now.
it wasn't no play
nuthin else 2 say
it done went down 2 nite.
lemme make this call
bout 2 hit my dawgs
we goin out 2nite.
u know how we ball
Err whip sittin tall
im feelin fly 2nite.
I'm pickin in the redbone
in high heels and thongs
but the brown ones fine
no time 2 play
nuthin else to say
its goin down 2 nite.
This Burden O
opens the skin and cuts the flesh to the bone
These old
won’t heal, even pride can’t heal them and save your
And them
chains of self-denial
keeps your focus on the soil
The soil you
is gonna plow you under to be your home
How many more
miles you need to see
HAW Ride again! Ride Free!
Your fetters are down
and your blinder’s off
HAW Ride again! Ride Free!
resolution, faith were your own, So long gone
We all know
it’s only
hope makes you walk along
Walk slow
But straight and so firm to the
Of the whip
As far as one can go
O this road we gotta go along
One by one and day by
Every loss yes gains our faith
Sister crow it’s time
With your wings
darken the the sun
Brother crow with your cry tear up the sky
The sun may
not blind those weary eyes
Let them rest and see peace till the day he
How O How many more
Can these dirty hands hide the face
Of our anger
and vicious pain
We hate so much that we love you all
And sister crow It’s
With your wings darken the sun
Brother crow with your cry tear up the
One more man gone
In darken noon we forgive thy
Will got done and For
Our failures you took your
sons’ lifes again and time to time
Strong is
They know us, the meanest
Baddest boys in town
Ripping up at full speed
Don't you cower out
Getting in the way
We kick you to the side
Buying your new way
Don't you stop our ride
Pull the chains, watch them live on
We are living in sin
Pull the chains, watch them live on
We are living in sin
We sacrifice our bodies
To get just what we need
To satisfy our endless lingering for
Passion, lust and greed
Climb up on our wagon
We'll take you to the top
Eastward to the dragons
Where the fun will never stop
Pull the chains, watch them live on
We are living in sin
Pull the chains, watch them live on
We are living in...
Sin (hahaha)
Would you like
Sypmhony littered
We are
I love sin
Pull the chains, watch them live on
We are living in sin
Pull the chains, watch them live on
We are living in...
[Guitar solo]
Pull the chains, watch them live on
We are living in sin
Pull the chains, watch them live on
We are living in sin
We are living in sin
Hush little baby, don't you cry,
You know your mother was born to die
All my trials, Lord, soon be over
Too late my brothers, too late
But never mind
All my trials, Lord soon be over
The river of Jordan is chilly and cold
It chills the body but it warms the soul,
All my trials, Lord soon be over
I've got a little book with pages three,
And every page spells liberty,
All my trials Lord, soon be over
Too late my brothers, too late
But never mind
All my trials, Lord soon be over
If living were a thing that money could buy,
You know the rich would live
and the poor would die,
All my trials Lord, soon be over
There grows a tree in Paradise,
The Christians call it the tree of life,
All my trials Lord, soon be over
Too late my brothers, too late
But never mind
366 Nichi by HySoredemo ii,soredemo ii to omoeru koi datta
modorenai to shittetemo,tsunagatteitakute
hajimete konna kimoti ni natta
tama ni shika au koto dekinakunatte
kutiyakusoku wa atarimae
soredemo ii kara
Kanai mo shinai kono negai
anata ga mata watashi wo suki ni naru
sonna hakanai watashi no negai
kyou mo anata ni aitai
Soredemo ii,soredemo ii to omoeta koi datta
itsushika anata wa aukoto saekobandekite
Hitori ni naruto kangaeteshimau
ano toki watashi wasuretarayokattano?
demo kono namida ga kotae desho?
kokoro ni uso wa tsukenai
Kowai kurai oboeteiruno
anata no nioi ya shigusa ya subete wo
okashii desho?so itte waratte yo
wakareteiru noni anata no koto bakari
Koi ga konna ni kurushii nante
koi ga konna ni kanashii nante
omowanakattano honki de anata wo omotte shitta
Kowai kurai oboeteiruno
anata no nioi ya shigusa ya subete wo
okashii desho?so itte waratte yo
wakareteiru noni anata no koto bakari
Anata wa watashi no naka no
wasurerarenu hito,subete sasagueta hito
mou nidoto modorenakutemo
ima wa tada anata,anata no koto dakede