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Full DVD/Video: Gweru Diocese - Catholic Composers Association - 2011 Music Course Dzimbo DzeKirike Katorike Zimbabwe Catholic Community.
Capping a year-long design effort, Bishop Kevin Vann has shared an ambitious design plan for transforming the iconic 78,000-square-foot structure and its 34-acre campus into a space that supports the liturgy and patrimony of the Catholic Church, while serving as a center of evangelization, interreligious dialogue and outreach to the materially poor.
Proclaiming, Worshiping & Witnessing Community of God. The Catholic Church of Loikaw Diocese is a community that is one in spirit, nourished by the Word of G...
January 5th - 7pm - Evening Prayer January 6th - 1:30pm - Installation of Bishop Hying
Transcript and more information at
The greatest gift that the good Lord could give to a family is a son-priest. Let your son be a gift, encourage him to be a priest.
DAAAAAAAAMN! With John as Bishop and Peter as Executive Vice-Bishop.
PASIG – The Diocese of Pasig will officially close the Year of the Laity on October 25, 2014, 7:30 – 11 a.m. at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Pasig City.The activities will include a video presentation on the different diocesan activities for the Year of the Laity, sharing from the four vicariates, the Eucharistic celebration to be officiated by Pasig Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara, and the awarding of inspiring lay leaders for Diocesan Commissions or Ministries. After the Awarding Ceremony, Chancellor Fr. Mar Baranda read the list of the New Parish Assignment to start on 2015 on of this event. Posted by Bro. Rolly Caliñgo, Chairman, Ministry of Education, San Antonio Abad Parish, Maybunga, Pasig City.
Syro Malabar Mass (pala diocese) Songs.
This video is intended to give a brief glimpse behind the truth about NFP as seen through the eyes of real couples actually practicing and teaching its beaut...
The Catholic Faithful of Ahiara Mbaise Diocese in Nigeria completely and unequivocally reject the appointment of Fr. Peter Okpalaeke from Awka diocese as the...
Audio Recording of Oral Arguments Diocese of Bacolod Vs Comelec, March 19, 2013.
The Ordination of Deacons Mass was held at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral August 12, 2014. Seminarians Eric Dinga, Anthony Klimko and James Morley were ordained...
Bishop Caggiano "State of the Diocese" The Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, CT
Proclaiming, Worshiping & Witnessing Community of God. The Catholic Church of Loikaw Diocese is a community that is one in spirit, nourished by the Word of G...
The visit of Papal Envoy (Peter Cardinal Turkson) To Ahiara Diocese, At Maria Mater Ecclesiae Cathedral. (REACTIONS FROM AHIARA CATHOLIC FAITHFUL)
1st Episcopal Diocese of the Bethel Churches of Christ. Last night of Convention. Bishop Steven Smith Preached and the saints praised God. This is from our 2nd Annual Diocese convention. Held at New Life Restoration Temple in Dorchester Ma. May 3, 2013
PRODUCER: Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese ROCOR Divine Liturgy in Three Saints Patriarchal Church in Garfield, NJ on October 13, 2012 - the final day of the Joint Pastoral Conference of the Eastern American Diocese and Moscow Patriarchate in honor of the 5th anniversary of the Reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church. Liturgy led by the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, His Eminence, HILARION, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York. Sung by the Moscow Sretensky Male Choir. TO ORDER A FULL LENGTH DVD OF THIS LITURGY CLICK HERE:
Vídeo mostra contexto histórico e imagens que retratam parte da história da primeira década da Diocese de Crateús - 1964 a 1974
04 de Agosto de 2013 Ginásio Pedro Sola, Marília-SP.
Celebrant: Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas Bishop of Toledo
Bishop Mark Lawrence outlines the way forward for the Diocese of South Carolina. Full Text Here:
Ordination to the priesthood takes place within the context of the Catholic Mass. The rite is punctuated with a number of distinct parts which you will see in this video. It is a time of great joy and celebration on the part of the newly ordained priest, his family and friends, and all of those who have supported and encouraged him along the journey of his vocation. The celebration continues with a reception following the Mass of Ordination. The following day, or shortly thereafter, the new priest celebrates his first Mass giving thanks to God and to all of those who have helped him along the way. Family and friends usually gather for this special Mass.
Ordination of Jason Christian to the holy priesthood, for the Diocese of Charlotte, June 22, 2013, at St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte, N.C..
Created By, Abraham V.V Valliyatharayil E-mail: Mob: 9961325881.
On Saturday, June 28, 2014, the Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted ordained three men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Phoenix.
Akhila Malankara Marth Mariyam Samajam Niranam Diocese One day Conference at St. Mary's Church, Parumala on 30-Nov-2013. Class led by Prof. Mary Mathew (Gen....
A Comissão Nacional da Verdade (CNV) e a Comissão da Verdade do Rio de Janeiro (CEV-RJ) realizaram uma Audiência Pública nos dias 17 e 18 de setembro de 2013...
In Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle delivers his homily in the mass which he officiated on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Roman Catholic Diocese of A...
A documentary about the formation of the Diocese of Allentown. The Diocese of Allentown was formed on January 28, 1961, when Pope John XXIII signed a documen... - Our channels for you to visit - - - - our facebook page - Karenni Music - other good youtube channels shadaw journal -- shadaw journal video -- shadaw journal music --
Diocese of South West America IVth Annual Assembly held at St.Thomas Orthodox Church detroit.
The Diocesan Women's Conference was held March 7 in Carroll, Iowa, in the Diocese of Sioux City. Speakers were Gina Bauer and Father Francis Valerio.
Estamos nos aproximando da Semana Santa, a "Grande Semana" como o padres da Igreja a chama. Dom Luciano comenta sobre cada dia dessa semana, desde o Domingo de Ramos até o Domingo de Páscoa. Seu convidado de hoje é o músico Cleverson Vieira, que trás os mais tradicionais hinos da Semana Santa. Nosso Bispo recorda que esse tempo não é época de feriadão. Porém, quem for viajar, não esquecer de procurar uma Igreja para viver o verdadeiro sentido dessa Semana. "Semana Santa sem Jesus, Semana Santa sem o povo de Deus é uma semana fraca", recorda Dom Luciano.
Palavra do Pastor com Dom Vicente Costa, bispo diocesano de Jundiaí. 5º Domingo da Quaresma Site: Facebook: Siga o twitter da Diocese de Jundiaí: Flickr:
Fotos: Edição: Guilherme Fernandes Siga-nos também: Site: Fanpage: Canal: Twitter:
*Imagens antigas retiradas da Internet. Canto: Voz: Adenor Terra, Denise Lopes. Letra: Anderson Bento, Edição: Guilherme Fernandes Siga-nos também: Site: Fanpage: Canal: Twitter:
Vídeos com as passagens do Evangelho dos domingos, paróquias, santos padroeiros, vídeos vocacionais, festas da igreja e muito mais. Acesse
Uma canção para os 40 Anos de Vida, Luta e Caminhada da nossa Diocese de Registro A Pastoral da Comunicação, na edição nº 109, do mês de Dezembro/2014, de nosso jornal diocesano O Sopro, lançou um concurso, com o intuito de motivar os dons presentes em nossa diocese. Com o tema “Celebração dos 40 anos da Diocese de Registro” e o lema “Diversos rostos que se unem para construir uma Igreja Viva, sinal do Reino de Deus”, lançamos o concurso, para a elaboração de uma canção e de um cartaz. A primeira iniciativa era a de motivar nossos cantores, poetas e compositores a compor uma canção que falasse sobre os 40 anos da nossa Igreja do Vale do Ribeira, suas lutas e caminhada de fé. Para nossa surpresa e alegria, tivemos cinco inscrições, feitas por meio de nosso email institucional. Foram eles: Luiz Lisboa (Catedral São Francisco Xavier), Padre Alessandro da Silva Nascimento (Pároco da Paróquia São João Batista, de Cananéia), Cleusa S. P. Martins (Paróquia São José Operário, de Registro), João Nascimento (Paróquia São Paulo Apóstolo, de Pariquera Açu) e Jackson Trigo Thobias (Paróquia Nossa Senhora da Conceição, de Jacupiranga). Cada musica, com sua letra e arranjo, veio para enriquecer ainda mais as comemorações do nosso Jubileu. Após uma avaliação, feita por jurados (estes escolhidos de diversas paróquias, leigos e leigas que vivem o trabalho pastoral no dia a dia e tem conhecimento de música), chegamos à uma música: Redes Lançadas, da compositora Cleusa S. P. Martins, e gravada por Cauêh Vitor de Souza e Maria das Graças Pereira! Parabéns à compositora e aos envolvidos, que São Francisco Xavier, protetor e guia de nossa Diocese continue iluminando os dons que Deus deu à cada um de vocês. Parabéns à todos os inscritos, que nos ajudaram a fazer essa história! Mas temos uma outra empreitada: o concurso para a escolha de um cartaz que traga consigo a nossa história, desenhada, à mão ou de forma digital, e que seja para este Ano Jubilar a nossa divulgação. Convocamos nossos artistas, nossos desenhistas, nossos leigos e leigas à desenhar nosso rosto em um cartaz, e nos enviar, via email ( ou deixar sua arte na Sede da Curia Diocesana de Registro (Rua São Francisco Xavier, nº 165, Centro – Registro/SP). Prorrogamos nossa data de inscrição até o dia 30/04/2015. E aguardamos, já ansiosos, as obras e desenhos que chegarão até nós! Equipe Diocesana da Pastoral da Comunicação
An evening of fellowship
Siroun ov siroun........
Matéria exibida na TVC canal 13 - Três Lagoas-MS. FAN PAGE:
Saiba tudo que acontece na Diocese de Taubaté. São 5 meios de comunicação á sua disposição: jornal, rádio, portal, web Tv e programa de TV.
Apresentação das expressões juvenis de nossa diocese. O vídeo foi apresentado no encontro das dioceses de nosso estado. Viva a nossa juventude #JuventudeCatólica
Encontro dos Jovens Padres na Paróquia São João Batista - Diocese de Santo Amaro realizado no dia 13/03/2015
Papal Visit PH 2015 Throwback Pope Francis Diocesan Commission On Youth Malolos Eastern District "Vicariates of Bocaue San Jose & Sta Maria"
Temos trabalhado em vista de construir uma identidade diocesana, no que se refere à evangelização da juventude. O Setor Juventude é um espaço de comunhão e participação para unir e articular todos os seguimentos juvenis da Diocese do Rio Grande num trabalho conjunto. A missão do Setor, nesse sentido, é favorecer a integração e o diálogo, além de propor algumas diretrizes comuns para a evangelização, considerando as nossas realidades e as especificidades de cada segmento juvenil.
Amazon: El vídeo no tiene sonido. El video que muestra cómo mover su lengua y los labios para pronunciar la palabra. La lengua se muestra a la izquierda de la vista lateral. La punta de la lengua tiene la sílaba se pronuncia como parte del movimiento. Los labios están a la derecha en color rosa. O vídeo não tem som. O vídeo mostra como mover a sua língua e os lábios para pronunciar a palavra. A língua é mostrada à esquerda da vista lateral. A ponta da língua tem a sílaba a ser pronunciado como parte do movimento . Os lábios são à direita na cor rosa. ビデオは音がありません。ビデオでは、単語の発音を舌と唇を移動する方法を示します。舌側面から左側に示されている。舌の先端には、運動の一環として発音されて音節を持っています。唇はピンクの右側にあ 동영상은 소리가 없습니다. 비디오는 어떻게 단어를 발음하는 당신의 혀와 입술을 이동하는 방법을 보여줍니다.혀는 사이드 뷰에서 왼쪽에 표시됩니다. 혀의 끝은 운동의 일환으로 발음되는 음절이있다.입술은 핑크의 오른쪽에 있습니다. 视频没有声音。该视频展示了如何将你的舌头和嘴唇发音的单词。舌被显示在左侧从侧面视图。在舌尖有明显被作为运动的一部分音节。嘴唇是正确的粉红色。 वीडियो ध्वनि नहीं है। वीडियो कैसे शब्द का उच्चारण करने के लिए अपनी जीभ और होंठ स्थानांतरित करने के लिए आपको दिखाता है। जीभ की ओर देखने से छोड़ दिया पर दिखाया गया है। जीभ की नोक प्रस्ताव के भाग के रूप में सुनाया जा रहा शब्दांश है। होंठ गुलाबी में सही पर हैं। વિડિઓ અવાજ નથી. વિડિઓ કેવી શબ્દ ઉચ્ચાર તમારી જીભ અને હોઠ ખસેડવા તમને બતાવે છે. જીભ બાજુ દ્રષ્ટિકોણથી ડાબી પર બતાવવામાં આવે છે. જીભ ની મદદ ગતિ ભાગ તરીકે ઉચ્ચારવામાં આવી રહી ઉચ્ચારણ છે. હોઠ ગુલાબી માં જમણી પર હોય છે. วิดีโอไม่มี เสียง วิดีโอแสดงให้คุณเห็น วิธีการย้าย ลิ้นของคุณ และริมฝีปาก จะออกเสียง คำว่า ลิ้นจะปรากฏบน ซ้าย จาก มุมมองด้านข้าง ปลายลิ้นมี พยางค์ ที่มีการ ออกเสียงเป็น ส่วนหนึ่งของ การเคลื่อนไหว ริมฝีปาก ด้านขวา ในสีชมพู The video does not have sound. The video shows you how to move your tongue and lips to pronounce the word. The tongue is shown on the left from the side view. The tip of the tongue has the syllable being pronounced as part of the motion. The lips are on the right in pink. ليس لدى الفيديو الصوت. الفيديو يوضح لك كيفية تحريك اللسان والشفاه الخاص بك تنطق الكلمة. ويظهر اللسان على اليسار من عرض الجانب. غيض من اللسان لديه مقطع يجري وضوحا كجزء من الحركة. الشفاه هي على اليمين باللون الوردي. Ang video na ito ay walang tunog. Ipinapakita sa iyo ang video kung paano ilipat ang iyong dila at mga labi upang gawaran ng salita. Dila ay ipinapakita sa kaliwa mula sa side view. Ang tungki ay may pantig ina binibigkas bilang bahagi ng paggalaw. Ang mga labi ay sa kanan sa pink. Bideo wa oto ga arimasen. Bideode wa, tango no hatsuon o shita to kuchibiru o idō suru hōhō o shimeshimasu. Zessokumen kara hidarigawa ni shimesa rete iru. Shita no sentan ni wa, undō no ikkan to shite hatsuon sa rete onsetsu o motte imasu. Kuchibiru wa pinku no migigawa ni aru. Das Video hat keinen Ton. Das Video zeigt, wie Sie Ihre Zunge und Lippen zu bewegen, um das Wort auszusprechen. Die Zunge ist auf der linken Seite von der Seitenansicht dargestellt. Die Spitze der Zunge hat die Silbe, die als Teil der Bewegung ausgeprägt. Die Lippen sind auf der rechten Seite in pink.
Amazon: El vídeo no tiene sonido. El video que muestra cómo mover su lengua y los labios para pronunciar la palabra. La lengua se muestra a la izquierda de la vista lateral. La punta de la lengua tiene la sílaba se pronuncia como parte del movimiento. Los labios están a la derecha en color rosa. O vídeo não tem som. O vídeo mostra como mover a sua língua e os lábios para pronunciar a palavra. A língua é mostrada à esquerda da vista lateral. A ponta da língua tem a sílaba a ser pronunciado como parte do movimento . Os lábios são à direita na cor rosa. ビデオは音がありません。ビデオでは、単語の発音を舌と唇を移動する方法を示します。舌側面から左側に示されている。舌の先端には、運動の一環として発音されて音節を持っています。唇はピンクの右側にあ 동영상은 소리가 없습니다. 비디오는 어떻게 단어를 발음하는 당신의 혀와 입술을 이동하는 방법을 보여줍니다.혀는 사이드 뷰에서 왼쪽에 표시됩니다. 혀의 끝은 운동의 일환으로 발음되는 음절이있다.입술은 핑크의 오른쪽에 있습니다. 视频没有声音。该视频展示了如何将你的舌头和嘴唇发音的单词。舌被显示在左侧从侧面视图。在舌尖有明显被作为运动的一部分音节。嘴唇是正确的粉红色。 वीडियो ध्वनि नहीं है। वीडियो कैसे शब्द का उच्चारण करने के लिए अपनी जीभ और होंठ स्थानांतरित करने के लिए आपको दिखाता है। जीभ की ओर देखने से छोड़ दिया पर दिखाया गया है। जीभ की नोक प्रस्ताव के भाग के रूप में सुनाया जा रहा शब्दांश है। होंठ गुलाबी में सही पर हैं। વિડિઓ અવાજ નથી. વિડિઓ કેવી શબ્દ ઉચ્ચાર તમારી જીભ અને હોઠ ખસેડવા તમને બતાવે છે. જીભ બાજુ દ્રષ્ટિકોણથી ડાબી પર બતાવવામાં આવે છે. જીભ ની મદદ ગતિ ભાગ તરીકે ઉચ્ચારવામાં આવી રહી ઉચ્ચારણ છે. હોઠ ગુલાબી માં જમણી પર હોય છે. วิดีโอไม่มี เสียง วิดีโอแสดงให้คุณเห็น วิธีการย้าย ลิ้นของคุณ และริมฝีปาก จะออกเสียง คำว่า ลิ้นจะปรากฏบน ซ้าย จาก มุมมองด้านข้าง ปลายลิ้นมี พยางค์ ที่มีการ ออกเสียงเป็น ส่วนหนึ่งของ การเคลื่อนไหว ริมฝีปาก ด้านขวา ในสีชมพู The video does not have sound. The video shows you how to move your tongue and lips to pronounce the word. The tongue is shown on the left from the side view. The tip of the tongue has the syllable being pronounced as part of the motion. The lips are on the right in pink. ليس لدى الفيديو الصوت. الفيديو يوضح لك كيفية تحريك اللسان والشفاه الخاص بك تنطق الكلمة. ويظهر اللسان على اليسار من عرض الجانب. غيض من اللسان لديه مقطع يجري وضوحا كجزء من الحركة. الشفاه هي على اليمين باللون الوردي. Ang video na ito ay walang tunog. Ipinapakita sa iyo ang video kung paano ilipat ang iyong dila at mga labi upang gawaran ng salita. Dila ay ipinapakita sa kaliwa mula sa side view. Ang tungki ay may pantig ina binibigkas bilang bahagi ng paggalaw. Ang mga labi ay sa kanan sa pink. Bideo wa oto ga arimasen. Bideode wa, tango no hatsuon o shita to kuchibiru o idō suru hōhō o shimeshimasu. Zessokumen kara hidarigawa ni shimesa rete iru. Shita no sentan ni wa, undō no ikkan to shite hatsuon sa rete onsetsu o motte imasu. Kuchibiru wa pinku no migigawa ni aru. Das Video hat keinen Ton. Das Video zeigt, wie Sie Ihre Zunge und Lippen zu bewegen, um das Wort auszusprechen. Die Zunge ist auf der linken Seite von der Seitenansicht dargestellt. Die Spitze der Zunge hat die Silbe, die als Teil der Bewegung ausgeprägt. Die Lippen sind auf der rechten Seite in pink.
About 100 members of the Church of South India (CSI) Diocese of Vellore observed a one-day fast in ...
The Hindu 2015-04-07The former Cathedral School on Park Avenue was the only site identified by the diocese and the ...
Times Union 2015-04-07Through Seeds of Hope and The Abundant Table, the diocese is doing something about it ... The diocese - ...
noodls 2015-04-07Some members of the Vellore Diocese have come together to form ‘People’s Synod’ and launched a ...
The Hindu 2015-04-07Calls to the Diocese of Albany Catholic Schools and the bishop's office were not returned Monday.
Times Union 2015-04-07The Diocese of Providence and Bishop Thomas Tobin criticized Raimondo's proposed budget cuts, saying ...
San Francisco Chronicle 2015-04-07[Independent (Lagos)] Awka -The Anglican Bishop of Awka Diocese, Right Reverend Dr.
All Africa 2015-04-07[The Star] There would be few societal ills if Christians practised their faith, Anglican Diocese of ...
All Africa 2015-04-07... Sargis church by the Vicar of the Ararat Diocese of Patriarchal Church Archbishop Navasard Kchoyan.
noodls 2015-04-07... Church and rarely talked about, even though it operates in virtually every diocese in the UK."
The Independent 2015-04-07(Source: ... Bishop Koete Training Centre is around 20 minutes' walk from Taroaniara Station in the Diocese of Central Solomons.
noodls 2015-04-07... Alliance, along with organisations such as Shropshire Partners in Care and the Diocese of Lichfield.
noodls 2015-04-07Taichung City Government ) Taichung City Food Bank Adds Four New Alliance ShopsFollowing the ...
noodls 2015-04-07A diocese is the district or see under the supervision of a bishop. It is divided into parishes.
An archdiocese is more significant than a diocese. An archdiocese is presided over by an archbishop whose see may have or had importance due to size or historical significance. The archbishop may have metropolitan authority over any other (then 'suffragan') bishops and their dioceses within his ecclesiastical province.
This structure of church governance is known as episcopal polity.
A diocese also may be referred to as a bishopric or episcopal see, though strictly the term episcopal see refers to the domain of ecclesiastical authority officially held by the bishop, and the term bishopric to the post of being bishop.
As of January 2009[update] there are 630 Catholic archdioceses (including 13 patriarchates, two catholicates, 536 metropolitan archdioceses, 79 single archdioceses) and 2,167 dioceses in the world.
In the Eastern Catholic Churches (which recognize papal authority and are a part of the larger Catholic Church), the equivalent unit is called an eparchy.
Fry and Laurie were a successful English comedy double act, mostly active in the 1980s and 1990s. The duo consisted of Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, who met in 1980 through mutual friend Emma Thompson whilst all attended the University of Cambridge. Fry and Laurie have since collaborated on numerous projects together, including Jeeves and Wooster, in which Laurie portrayed Bertie Wooster and Fry portrayed Wooster's valet Jeeves. They also gained prominence through their own sketch show, A Bit of Fry & Laurie.
Since the conclusion of A Bit of Fry and Laurie, both have gone on to have successful solo careers in television, acting and writing, amongst other things though they still remain friends. More recently, Fry and Laurie have expressed interest in a continued partnership and reunited for a retrospective show in 2010 entitled Fry and Laurie Reunited.
On May 14, 2012, Stephen Fry announced on Twitter that he and Hugh Laurie are working on a new project together.
Fry and Laurie have also appeared together in various television advertisements, interviews, audio books and other projects.
I wonder if I can make it home tonight
Standing when everything I have
Tears me up and breaks me down,
But you're still shining.
Of course I want to rock n roll,
And still know that it's just
You and me together in this world.
I can't believe my eyes,
Your face leaves a space in my heart.
You are an angel in disguise
And I can't believe your eyes.
I wonder if you should be alone tonight,
Waiting for someone who knows everything about you
When I am screaming âalways and forever.â
And you're unbelievable,
You're so unbelievable,
I know this because
I can't believe my eyes.
Your face leaves a space in my heart.
You're an angel in disguise.
I can't believe your eyes
I can't believe my eyes.
Your face leaves a space in my heart.
You're an angel in disguise.
safe games you play
you are all alone again
and i'm afraid to say
hes way to loud, i'm way to loud
i wonder wich one your gonna take home tonight
cause when your all alone
you can decide the right way to go
so say what you wanted to say
i'm alright
i sit alone and beleive that on top of everything
i'm alright
safe games you play
you are all alone again
and i'm afraid to say
hes way to loud, i'm way to loud
i wonder wich one i'm gonna take home tonight
its a waste
so say what you wanted to say
i'm alright
i sit alone and beleive that on top of everything
i'm alright
your such a waste of time
your wasting my time
your such a waste of time
your wasting my time
my time, my time, my time
if you want to
if you need to
i'll be there
your wasting my time
your wasting my time
can you feel this
"Kiss me", she said,
Don't let this moment pass you by.
"You missed me", she said,
But I've only closed my eyes for a second.
Let's forget about tonight and think tomorrow.
I can only think of one reason why I should go but,
I should go.
I should go,
I should go,
You were right this is everything I need.
Before tonight I was thinking that I might be lonely forever.
And all this time it never made sense to me.
While the faster they come the longer they take to leave.
Well, can I get closer now?
Unless you want to be by yourself
Why can't I be closer now?
So I can show you if you don't know how
You were right this won't be easy
Well, I'm sorry I couldn't understand in time cause I tried
I must have made a mess you've come and left and I haven't seen you since and
I hope it doesn't have to happen again.
Well, can I get closer now?
Unless you want to be by yourself
Why can't I be closer now?
So I can show you if you don't know how
A secret for the girl in grey
some time tomorrow if not today
I'll sneak away and come see you again.
'cause if you don't mind, if you don't mind
I'll sneak away and come see you again... again.
You were right this is everything I need.
Is this less than what I can handle or is this more than you deserve? I bet you build me up this high just so I can crash a little harder. I wish you would call me over there. I wish you would come here on a start. Wait, I can't wait another day. I wish you would come here on a start. I bet it happens again and again and again until it happens again.
Nothing's happened but I still shake
I'm running out of time here.
And I'm not worried but I won't break
if you scream.
You say that you feel safe
It means nothing.
Believe me, not because I want you to.
If I say this,
It shouldn't matter if we both fall down.
I was hoping now
That maybe I could make you come around.
I've been trying hard.
And the last thing that I said I meant.
But then I said I felt lucky and didn't mean it.
Believe me, not because I need you to.
If I say this,
It shouldn't matter if we both fall down.
I was hoping now
That maybe I could make you come around.
I'm calling on angels.
They're coming down
to find it's all...
I'm calling on angels.
Just to figure it out.
They'll find it's all, it's all around.
Is anybody here?
I can't get my mind to stop running
I can't say I'm able
I can't get my mind to stop spinning around
Don't show me I am able
'Cause in my mind I'll work it out.
I'm in a better place
Don't take this and turn it around
I've had enough
Don't speak, don't make a sound.
I can't get my mind to stop trading spaces
and face this lonely happy me
I take my time - all my time
and I close my eyes
'Cause in my mind I'll work it out.
I'm in a better place
Don't take this and turn it around
I've had enough
Don't speak, don't make a sound
I'm thinking that this isn't real
But I'm not concerned.
I feel the best when you're not here
But I never learned.
I never learned.
In my mind I'll work this out.
This is changed, I never saw it coming.
Your lips keep moving but you're saying nothing.
I'm in a better place,
Don't take this and turn it around.
I've had enough
I was blown away.
What could I say?
It all seemed to make sense.
You've taken away everything,
And I can't deal with that.
I try to see the good in life,
But good things in life are hard to find.
We'll blow it away, blow it away.
Can we make this something good?
Well, I'll try to do it right this time around.
Let's start over.
I'll try to do it right this time around.
It's not over.
'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground.
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
It's not over.
Taken all I could take,
And I cannot wait.
We're wasting too much time
Being strong, holding on.
Can't let it bring us down.
My life with you means everything,
So I won't give up that easily.
I'll blow it away, blow it away.
Can we make this something good?
'Cause it's all misunderstood.
Well, I'll try to do it right this time around.
Let's start over.
I'll try to do it right this time around.
It's not over.
'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground.
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
It's not over.
We can't let this get away.
Let it out, let it out.
Don't get caught up in yourself.
Let it out.
Let's start over.
I'll try to do it right this time around.
It's not over.
'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground.
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
It's not over.
Let's start over.
It's not over, yeah...
This love is killing me,
But you're the only one.
Never had I imagined such a beautiful situation
Where everything I ever wanted is right here
She is the rock I lean on
So good it scares me
She is my condition, my solution, my way back every time
When the daylight wakes me in some place I don't want to be
She's my gravity
When I'm out of position and nothing is working for me
She's my gravity
She brings me home
She's my gravity
All ai once I'm in stitches
She makes me laugh so hard I'm crying
I've never felt so animated before
When I'm losing myself I feel her arms around me
My affirmation my direction my way back every time
When the daylight wakes me in some place I don't want to be
She's my gravity
When I'm out of position and nothing is working for me
She's my gravity
She brings me home
My calling my way out of all things I am about
My best side by design
She's always on my mind
She's my condition my solution my way back every time
When the daylight wakes me in some place I don't want to be
She's my gravity
When I'm out of position and nothing is working for me
She's my gravity
When the daylight wakes me in some place I don't want to be
She's my gravity
When I'm out of position and nothing is working for me
She's my gravity
She brings me home
She's my gravity
She brings me home
Don't wake the kids for tea
Be thankful their paws are clean
We've just sold our house for pennies
They'll be worried, just let them sleep
We will go to a town covered in snow
And settle down in a new home
Stand straight and tall
This is a misery that nobody wants
We're in control of this
Don't fear the fall
We've offered something that nobody wants
We're in control of this
Grab your T.V, books, and speaker set
You don't want to leave them behind
Letters, journals, pictures and thermals too
Remember who you are
Remember who you are
Remember who you are
Care for the ones you need
And maybe their hearts will grow
Stand straight and tall
This is a misery that nobody wants
We're in control of this
Don't fear the fall
We've offered something that nobody wants
Those forgiving lips have been good to me
And if I start to slip and lead you on
I will leave
I'll be lost here with you
If I stay around
I'll be lost here with you
The stillness in her cheeks
Gave me hopeless dreams
And all the joy I knew
Was swept away, swept away
I'll be lost here with you
If I stay around
I'll be lost here with you
I'll be lost here with you
If I stay around
I'll be lost here with you
Close enough to feel
All the good you give
But Ii want something new
I'll be lost with you
You're not safe with me
My mistake is not murder
I'll be lost with you
You're not safe with me
Why don't you try harder next time. You're better safe than sorry but I'm gone and never coming back again. So now you think I'm crazy. Now you know I'm not the one. Who cares, she's gone away and left you sad and lonely. The world you knew before is gone. And you wish that she would call to say, "you know I'm sad and lonely and everything before is everything I had." So why don't you say sorry next time, I said you're better safe than sorry but I'm gone and never coming back again. Now you think I'm crazy. Now you know I'm not the one. You would. Pick out your answer when you're gone.
This could be called invisible
Cause there isn't something for us to hold
But I would do anything, anything that you make me
I am here for you
Something about me being a part of you
We move together hand in my hand
Too much for them, nothing for me
I don't want this, i don't have plans for us
I would do anything anything that you make me
I am here for you
Something about me being a part of you
We move together, hand in my hand
something about me being a part of you
We move together, hand in my hand
Something about me being a part of you
We move together, hand in my hand
Something about me being a part of you
So I'll tell you I love her. That is what I'll tell myself. But there's something I'm hiding cause I'm afraid of what she might find out. We're going to start this right. It's going to end tonight. I'm gonna make sure everything will end up white. This is where you wanted to be. I bet that now, if I said anything, you wouldn't believe me. Like when I say it is what it is meant to be.
It's the simplest things we tend to ignore, when it's the simplest things that mean so much more. Quit falling down because this is what I bet. Come on. Don't take those pictures down tonight. Please just wake me up. That would be a nightmare. Well, even if she wanted me to, I wouldn't be there in a hurry. If you did I know I would run away and scream. If she begged me I'd never bend back. If she wanted me to I couldn't listen to that. Remember me, I'm the one standing to the right of you whispering in your ear, "I'm gonna be with you forever."
She is over satisfied with the limit of this skyline and I'm over satisfied with being here. She sits on the edge of her seat and asks me outrageous things about who I was and what I wanted to be. She must have read my mind cause I've been waiting for this. Now I've just blown my mind. But I feel fine. She wears a sparkle on her left cheek when she lifts her lips and shows her teeth. I'm wondering why a girl like her is sitting here with me. Ever since last Saturday, I've been thinking about what to say. And all I can do is hope for the best. I'll sit alone this time and spend an hour by the phone. I wish you would call to save me. She knows my name and I've forgotten what to say. She knows my name. Now take this, put it in your hand, well turn around, but don't forget again.
We can try to get out the web we have around us
If you don't want me to leave
If we're tangled we'll try to get out of the web we
have around us
If you don't want me to leave
I'm only staying if you belong to me
And if theres no more suffering
We've already tried this but we were younger then
Can you push from your memory and let me begin
So we can try to get out of the web we have around us
If you don't want me to leave
I'm only staying if you belong to me
And if theres no more jealousy
It's the same old story on a different day
You think your close enough to love me
Then you change your mind
We can try to get out the web we have around us
If you don't want me to leave
If we're tangled we'll try to get out of the web we
have around us
If you don't want me to leave
Get out of here, move on
Get out of here, before i break and start thinking
happy isn't everything
I don't want nothing, no i don't want nothing
Break, start thinking happy isn't everything
Whats on your mind, a change of scenery?
Maybe thats why you've been so silent lately
You don't seem calm to me you haven't smiled in a week
You should take it easy we can talk it over
You have the right the right to know
You have the right the right to know
I see a light thats all that i can see
Maybe thats why you've been acting so distant lately
You are a friend to me
You can say anything you choose
Take it easy we can talk it over
You have the right the right to know
You have the right the right to know
If all this time you've been wanting all this right
To give you something more to get you feeling right
But you fake it too, we all do
But you fake it too, we all do
If i would of done the wrong things
Then i wouldn't be here
If i would of done the wrong things
Then i wouldn't be here
You have the right the right to know
You have the right the right to know
If all this time you've been wanting all this right
To give you something more to get you feeling right
But you fake it too, we all do
But you fake it too, we all do
ohh ohh ohh whoa oh
I forced it down,
cause' I haven't cared about anyone.
and they found me out,
because they know I haven't cared at all.
Do you want a chance?
'Cause I want mine.
Don't take it out on me.
It happens every time,
i try.
and i can,
keep it personal for anyone who cares.
just keep in mind, it's my time
so i'll do what i think i'm supposed to.
keep in my head, on my time
i do what i know i can.
and do you want a chance?
cause i want mine.
don't take it out on me.
it happens every time,
i try.
and i can,
keep it personal for anyone who cares.
every time, i try.
i can.
keep it personal,
for anyone who cares.
Do you,
do you now?
do you,
do you now?
every time, i try.
i can.
keep it personal,
for anyone who cares.
everytime, i try.
i-i-i can.
keep it personal,
for anyone who cares.
i forced it down,
cause' i haven't cared about anyone.
and they found me out,
Written & Performed by Morgan Clamp.
So I'm going to say the things that I've dreamed of.
After all this might be the last chance.
I have to explain to you that there's more.
Give me the time to tell you that your beautiful
and everyday I wish I could still taste that raspberry perfume.
You left on that note you wrote before we lost,
'cause' I'm so sick of playing she loves me, she loves me notâ¦
With this lonely rose because I know you can't even remember the sound of my voice.
But there's always hope, and there's always chance.
Maybe someday I'll get that feeling back.
Guess it's time to get off the rocks
and maybe put the pictures down.
But I can't stop now, 'cause' this is all I've got.
We could step aside and watch the cars go by,
only counting the white ones
or take a ride to the reservoir
and we could start from there
Well this picture's set and it's set in stone
But what do I know?
I'm not the one who's left to choose, it's just you
Maybe I can get around to that later
For right now I'm fine with or without, with or without
Sorry if I sound confusing
I just wish this was a little bit easier
And I know that I'm alone
But still she lets, lets me go
And I know that I'm alone
Until she let's me go
Till the day I'm fine
So that you gave me the time of day again
To tell me âLets just be, lets just be good friends.â
So then I'm with no or without your love
And I'm sorry if this sounds amusing
I just wish this was a little bit easier
I'm looking to see if I can
And you're looking for me to begin this
Just try to pretend if you can
While they're waiting for me to unwind... Again...
But I can't find a way
No, I can't find a way
To just try and
Just try and explain myself
(Cause we stay the same,
We stay the same)
Now I'm looking to see
(We stay the same)
If you're sad or just lonely
So next time I can be ready for...
I'm waiting to find out when
And I'll be trying to see my way in to this
Just try to pretend if you can
While they're waiting for me to unwind... Again...
But I can't find a way
No, I can't find a way
To just try and
Just try and erase this love
Just call I know you're always around
(We stay the same)
And I can't seem to escape this feeling
(We stay the same)
Now I'm looking to see
(We stay the same)
If you're just sad or lonely
I had these great ideas
And I don't think they're ever coming back
and even when the words run out I try and argue
if this is your last goodbye I'll never know
Now you got me thinking I'm amazing
Cause I built this all on my own
Go on tell me what you think before you fake it
And I might believe you
This isn't us
This isn't how it used to be
Now we're just wasting our time
Well, I've got these great ideas
that you never heard
That you never tried to see
and before I even walked away
I forgot the feeling
This is the last you'll see
The last you'll see of me
Now you got me thinking I'm amazing
Cause I built this all on my own
Go on and tell me what you think before you fake it
And I might believe you
This isn't us
This isn't how it used to be
Now we're just wasting our time
This isn't us
No, I swear, I swear
Now we're just wasting our time
Now you got me thinking I'm amazing
Cause I built this all on my own
Go on tell me what you think before you fake it
And I might believe you
This isn't us
This isn't how it used to be
Now we're just wasting our time
This isn't us
This isn't how it used to be
Now we're just wasting our time
This isn't us
No, I swear, I swear
Someday I'll, I'll be better than this
The wheels are turning; change is coming
And I know I will miss
All the good things and the sunny days
That keep me coming out
Well, I'll see you again
I know I can't wait forever, for this
I know all the good things won't just reappear
And I know I can't wait forever, for this
Say goodnight and all the things that she wanted to know
Sing a song that stays
But you're the only one to tell a story
And to tell it with a smile
Today's a great day, for a nice surprise
I just love surprises
[Repeat Chorus]
And since I'm home for the night
You can come on over, we can make this right
And since I'm home for the night
Let's get close now baby
And don't let go [x4]
If this is what life brings
If God has his plans for me
Then I will
Find out how to die and avoid it
As far as I can see
The whole world is sleeping
But not me
I am lying here in a million pieces
I can't make it
I'm waiting for the sun to come out
I'm waiting for the right time
The right time to find my way out
What joy the night can bring
Riding the ghost until the morning sings
Where a bad situation means
With a perfect, dreamless sleep
Or a dream of dreaming
For me, to never see
So I'm feeling lucky
I can't make it
I'm waiting for the sun to come out
I'm waiting for the right time
The right time to find my way out
Last chance to run away with me
Become a ghost
I don't know what to say and think
You have to trust me
Imagine all the things you'll see
I can't make it
I'm waiting for the sun to come out
I'm waiting for the right time
The problem with society's been how do we teach
And if they'll believe.
We'll fight this battle for years to come
'til we all accept that we can stand on our own.
Grandfather used his hands, he worked them to the bone.
Provide his family with a happy home, alone.
Don't take your aggression out on me.
My own man is all I'm meant to be.
This common place is so lazy, old, and tired
All your ideas are so fucking uninspired.
Takes more than one idea
More than one person to fight the fight
How many times have you taught and not conspired?
Don't wanna be, they never say
But don't call us the liars
We've walked these alleys a thousand times
And scattered around a thousand lies.
They are trying to hold you down
Your life may be hard
But keep your feet on the ground.
Why don't I have the finer things that others have?
The chance is there if you want it all that bad.
So bad.
Don't take your aggression out on me.
My own man is all I'm meant to be.
This common place is so lazy, old, and tired
All your ideas are so fucking uninspired.
Takes more than one idea
More than one person to fight the fight
How many times have you taught and not conspired?
Don't try and get me confused.
Cause I do understand.
And sometimes people need help.
That they may need a hand
When this problems going on.
A thing you have to get straight
Is that you don't hold my hand.
And I don't owe you a thing.
So don't think about how sorry
You feel when now your treated so bad.
This common place is so lazy, old, and tired
All your ideas are so fucking uninspired.
Takes more than one idea
More than one person to fight the fight
How many times have you told and not conspired
And as a race we look back and we? ve come so far.
While some may conquer, the others had it so hard.
But instead we just complain while there? s no one for us to fight.
"Keep Your Voices Down"
I'd rather die
Than need this
If I could just hold off tonight
By tomorrow you'll be gone
And I'll be alright on my own
But no, no, no just isn't possible
No, no it isn't possible
Just sit back and relax
But don't worry I've
Never been one to take too much
But I'll be the first to say this is crazy
But if it's everything i'll ever need
It's everything i'll ever need
Just keep your voices down
Cant you see there's other people trying to sleep in this town
But you still get your thrills from
Coffee and pills and
They complain about the noise we make
But no, no, no just isn't possible
No, no it isn't possible
Sit back and relax
But don't worry I've
Never been one to notice much
But I'll, I'll be the first to say
This is crazy
Oh no, they're not listening
They'll never know what happened
Let go
There's no problem here
We're not hiding anything
So sit back and relax, don't worry
I've never been one to notice much
SO sit back anf relax, don't worry
Ive never been one to notice much
But I'll, I'll be the first to say
This is crazy
But if it's everything I'll ever need
I had a girl from New York
Move to the bottom
She got tired of living in the South
So she wanna come back to the East
Back to the streets that’s what she is dreaming about
When I picked up the phone I knew something was wrong
All the ways she run back through my arms
So I ain’t gonna make it hard for her
I made a song for her
It’s called baby come home
Baby come home
.. used to .. fuck her
Truth is we all loved her
So if you get close to that chick
Do get a rubber cause she got no homies
Going out like suckers this are my metaphors now
Of how the game is .. forcing new changes .. how it used to be
Cause some bullshit around them trustfully now hip hop …
Hip hop is still loving you but I just feel like I found out
You fucked the whole crew
I had a girl from New York
Move to the bottom
She got tired of living in the South
So she wanna come back to the East
Back to the streets that’s what she is dreaming about
When I picked up the phone I knew something was wrong
All the ways she run back through my arms
So I ain’t gonna make it hard for her
I made a song for her
It’s called baby come home
Baby come home
I know on what you’ve been through
And all the crazy places you’ve been to
And all the niggers that pinch you
Yeah I know I got a pimp side me too
.. from the underground wasn’t I supposed to have dreams too
And drive a Benz too? I know we share some materialistic shit and i
Shouldn’t let it fuck with our relationships I should be moral …
But truthfully I feel like I can’t wait for this… you know you’ve
always been
My other girl …I admit you so much attention they always tripping
Always .. cause everything is given in Christmas time with you ..
I had a girl from New York
Move to the bottom
She got tired of living in the South
So she wanna come back to the East
Back to the streets that’s what she is dreaming about
When I picked up the phone I knew something was wrong
All the ways she run back through my arms
So I ain’t gonna make it hard for her
I made a song for her
It’s called baby come home
Baby come home
This is wild sin city .. seen her
I wonder if we still recognize when we see her
She says she don’t like the way niggers act down South
She don’t like the way we act up North either
.. white guys crossed over she said when she come back .. she said
She started popping bottles couldn’t stay sober…
Girl I can’t say what you are saying it ain’t true but if I get a
chance to ..
This is what I do .. make every .. clap make every line clever
.. whatever hip hop needs and I just .. just do it whatever
I can promise that we will always be together
Even if i start acting …
I had a girl from New York
Move to the bottom
She got tired of living in the South
So she wanna come back to the East
Back to the streets that’s what she is dreaming about
When I picked up the phone I knew something was wrong
All the ways she run back through my arms
So I ain’t gonna make it hard for her
I made a song for her
It’s called baby come home
(I will not apologize) I will not apologize
(I will not apologize) I will not apologize
This is for all of my peoples who understand and truly recognize
Some won't get it for that I won't
(I will not apologize) I will not apologize
(I will not apologize) I will not apologize
This is for all of my peoples who understand and truly recognize
Some won't get it for that I won't apologize
I'm so sick cause I'm infected but but I don't need a medic
Need a liquid anesthetic, let me show you how I get it
I don't got it but I bet it, I don't worry, I don't sweat it
You can bitch, you can dead it, you can take it there like FedEx
Nothing sweet diabetic, big dog can't pet it
Pack an L then I wet it then I fill it till it's pregnant
(Take the high back) face it everybody got a favorite
I embrace it like I date it but my grandma think I chase it
(Like oh yeah) I told her that her baby moving slower
Cuz the world is on his shoulders then I woke up out that coma
(And got right back) at it with a little black 'matic
Lay you down craft-matic, then I'm gone, black magic
(To the hideout) you don't want to gamble with the devil
Especially when them chewy blueys got me on another level
Cuz my teacher think I'm slow but my momma think I'm special
But even she know I'm coming back like an echo.
For the statements I'm about to make I will not apologize
Niggas talk a lot of shit, really need to stop the lies
Jewels rented, cars rented, homie that ain't authentic
Acting tough on TV but to me you seem a little timid
Don't blame the nigga, blame America, it's all business
Acting like a monkey is the only way to sell tickets
Shit I can dig it, niggas gossip silly digits
White kids buy it, it's a riot when we talking about pimping
Or sipping on old English brew or whatever they think we do
Spraying double Uzis cuz you know they think we live in zoos
The problem is with this everyone seems to be real confused
The niggas on the streets to the old people that watch the news
And watch BET and the crazy shit they see
They associate with you do the same shit to me
When you look at me you see just a nigga from the projects
But can't understand this nigga's mind set but still
Yo, a revolution's what it's smelling like, it ain't going be televised
Governments is hellified, taking cake and selling pies
I ain't got a crust or crumb, to get some I'd be well obliged
Murder is comodified, felon for the second time
Never was I into chasing trouble I was followed by
Facing trouble with no alibi, had to swallow pride
Vilified, victimized, penalized, criticized
Ran into some people that's surprised I was still alive
Look into my daughter's eyes, wonder how can I provide
Got to get from A to B but how can I afford to drive?
Messed around, tried to get a job and wasn't qualified
Had to see a pal of mine, got to get the lightning rod
Now I'm in the black Impala looking for the dollar sign
Palms get the itching man I got to get the calamine
Before I fall behind, guess the grind will be my 9 to 5
There are five stages that one journeys through
on the passage to the darkside.
each stage more tormenting than the last.
And it all begins with...
[Verse 1]
The first stage, denial, that of course is when people deny
And lie to themselves like they ain't 'bout to die
This shit get buckwild, I even seen people smile
And joke-crack, not knowin' it's all 'bout to go black
Niggas be like "Fuck that, man I can take it"
Sixteen to your back? You ain't gon' make it
You 'bout to die, and you the only one that don't know
And here comes the ambulance ridin' all slow
"There you go. You'll be aight. Hear me? You'll be aight.
Real niggas don't die! Real niggas don't fuckin' die!"
[Verse 2]
Next is anger, you start cursin' everybody out
Even the paramedics too, 'cause now there's doubt
In the back of your head, you think "Oh shit
What if this is really it?" and start to bitch
Fear, which brings us to number three on the list
You seen your own blood, now you scared as shit
In the background, you can hear the cops talk
Sayin' "That's a damn shame why they're warmin' up the chalk"
"Dispatch, we got a 416, scuzzbucket with 14-17 holes in him.
Doesn't look good. Think we're gonna need a bodybag." (zzzzzzzzzzzzzip)
[Verse 3]
Now here comes your girl, she wants to know why you can't get up
The firemen grab her and tell her that you been hit up
She drops down to her knees and screams out "Why?"
Now it's all dawnin' on you that (I think I'm 'bout to die)
Four's remorse, got you feelin' sorry for the shit you did
Now you realize what goes around comes back, kid
Like when you shot up the block and hit three little kids
You live by it, then you die by it, can you dig
Yeah, thought your mama told ya
But now I see you on the streets, you a thug, yeah you's a soldier
Five's acceptance, when you take the acceptance
1995 was a wonderful time to be alive
1995 was a wonderful time to be alive
I really miss about black in the day
Had too much you know what they say
Been in the past that’s where you stay
thinking about first time stepping on stage
kick my little rash back when I was so grey
welcome to the crowd nowadays feel strange
walking on stage they don’t recognize my face
after the show standing in front of the place
they come up to me and say what’s your name ?
You're working on something coming up or anything
I will say: yeah but I don’t really know
thou spending every weekend in the studio
comming up with songs, they ask me what’s wrong
shit sounds hot, I tell them hip hop
I think about all the grace that came and die
still stuck in the year,
1995 was a wonderful time to be alive
1995 was a wonderful time to be alive
1995 1995 1995 1995
I used to hop on the train
Listening to Wu-Tang,light up Els in the stairwell with the butain
I am so different now I guess things do change
My old friends see me they be like you strange
My mother hay a problem with how I do things
Plan too many games with all my new flames
But I can’t stick around when it gets to plain
Oh baby just gotta go
I remember Brandy : The Boy Is Mine
I remember Monica at the same time
I remember rocking in St. Andrew's hall
different place every night yeah used to have a ball
It was just something 1995, close friends that died back then where still
It was just the vibe, source, the vibe
even the red pages seemed so outdated
1995 was a wonderful time to be alive
1995 was a wonderful time to be alive
1995 was a wonderful time to be alive
1995 was a wonderful time to be alive
For the last hundred days I did a hundred shows,
The next prayed to do another more,
I’m buying a hundred broads, break a hundred laws,
I’mma keep it one hundred,
One hundred, for ya all!
I’mma keep it one hundred,
One hundred, for ya all!
I’mma keep it one hundred,
One hundred, for ya all!
I’m gonna keep it one hundred
While you are keeping it ninety nine,
When it comes to Romeo, dudes are far behind,
When it comes to glam
I’m absolutely positively, definitely shinning,
These niggers say they bought it, but they defiantly lying,
Indefinitely cowards, …and make em pass the showers.
Get your pussy .. bucks an hour,
The suitors keep it one hundred, keep ..
..muffins, I think they got it!
You are money addicts and you are idiotic,
Please don’t meet the.. take me to the tropics,
A bunch of Louis luggage, I’m a Louis addict,…
.. a hundred Louis fabrics.
If we’re doing it in .. we keep it one hundred,
.. I’m a Louis…
You are all in the hood style, we are still at it…,
Stand up nigger, never…
Stand up .. night or morning,
Super one hundred all night, all morning!
.. should have warned you,
Let the one travel!
I wanna keep the real gangsta, Kane in my pocket,
Some dumb ticket, another try to knock it…
I was born on one …
What you got to understand, .. young niggers feel!
I feel like I’ve been running for one hundred fucking days,
Another hundred hours make a nigger feel crazy!
The cheater .. in an office…
I’m looking… another mother fucking still looking for the…
And niggers.. try to keep it one hundred.
Keep it one hundred cause I do it for ya all,
Champ, I pour more .. I’m on!
I’m sick, you never catch me,
Understand … that’s for pissed nigger I want it, I make the call!
Impossible to .. I see ‘em I take ‘em home,
I love ‘ em like when in spring…
Like knees on the trees speaking…
I keep it one hundred I was looking at your…
You dream, I’m hating that, in real life…
..bring to it like this!
.. I probe the whole world,
And all your hot weapons …
They knew my name bitch…,
Please don’t waste my time, run around, talking fly,
..bitch, I’ll tell you why!
Cause for the last hundred days I did a hundred shows,
The next prayed to do another more,
I’m buying a hundred broads, break a hundred laws,
I’mma keep it one hundred,
One hundred, for ya all!
I’mma keep it one hundred,
One hundred, for ya all!
I’mma keep it one hundred,
One hundred, for ya all!
One hundred, son done it, you gone ...
You exile where I live, cause I run it!
You don’t want it top shit, but don’t bust it,
They stop your ass out, you don’t flush it.
One hundred, keep counting!
One thousand, marble floors, glass doors in my houses,
You.. nigger stop, you just browsing,
While I’m …
One hundred, daddy be just ..
That was just one hundred million for the billion, nigger…!
Round bag filled with one hundred bills,
Zip lock filled with a hundred pills.
Welcome to… where niggers got a hundred skills,
And every summer month filled with a hundred kills,
In 2000 they gave a hundred …
But only ones who kept one hundred still,
Fuck one hundred broads, driving a hundred cars,
Spitting a hundred bars, being with a hundred stars.
Don’t be star struck, please don’t embarrass us,
Game all fucked up, I’ll let the money cheer us up!
Don’t try to fucking act like you can’t hear us, cause …
That’s where is was supposed to be,…
Yeah, where hip hop ends ultimately death and every breath, yes!
..kill ‘em all, just wait and see!
Yeah, just pray for me….
Baby I gotcha now when you'll stay with me
Two drinks in one, this hypnotized ya baby, yeah
Fat ass and thick thighs, work that (???) baby
Got me on lockdown, you're all mine and baby you'll stay with me
[Verse 1]
At first I tried not to like the bitch, but after three drinks I fell in love
"Is it room in your life for a scrub?"
I asked, she laughed it up, grabbed my hands and put 'em on her ass
Led me out the club, then said she wanted this to last
Forever, I laughed, I was like "Yo, that's whatever"
An angel appeared, she was like "Dice, you better
Not let that one slip", heard another voice sayin' "Fuck that shit
And all the nonsense that comes with relationships"
But if you saw the fate I was facin'
It was a beautiful queen of the highest regard
A sparklin', gleamin' jewel in the eye of God
But was now in the eye of me
I gave my heart to her in its entirety
We lay in bed crackin' the fuck up, thinkin' about the irony
Of how we almost didn't meet, my heart skips a beat
'Cause without her, I don't think life would be complete, aiyyo
[Verse 2]
In the beginning it was more than fresh
Fuckin' in the a.m., kissin' with morning breath
If I can't have her I'll die, life without her's death
Our whole vibe is like Romeo and Juliet
Or Cleopatra and Anthony, I look at her, hear a symphony
A hundred strings, tellin' my dogs it was meant to be
No more chasin' groupies, well at least not for me
All my niggas like "Damn, whassup with D-I-C-E?
That ain't no pimp shit", but it was like out of nowhere
Everything switched from me just wantin' to hear
To lookin' into her mind, into her eyes, but I can't lie
Y'all know me, I still was scopin' them thighs
Aiyyo she can't sing, tell a joke, hold a note
Dance, be on the soaps, but she's still a showstopper
Make me wanna quit this game and be a doctor
It's true what they say about love, it's for suckas, yo
Yo, they got us locked down, in a cell under the ground
Tryin' to push for a mainstream sound
Yo, they got us locked down, in a cell under the ground
Tryin' to push for a mainstream sound
Every artist locked down, in a cell under the ground
Tryin' to push for a mainstream sound
Every rapper locked down, in a cell under the ground
Tryin' to push for a mainstream sound
[Dice Raw]
Man, it used to feel like hip-hop had a lock on my soul
And a deal was the only way I'd get parole
I got knocked years ago when I wrote my first rhyme
Ever since then, I been locked down doin' time
Payin' dues with a lot to gain, but more to lose
I play the game, but they keep changin' the rules
The studio's a holding cell for lyrical criminals
Doing demo tapes, hold mics like shanks
Battlin', that's like a fight in the yard
Lines chase niggas down like Lieutenant Gerard
But I love it there, and some say that I'm institutionalized
Freestyling's our only form of exercise
I don't lift weights, lift my mind to a higher state
If your shit's wack, you just can't relate
I have nightmares of bein' back on the streets
But when I wake up in my cell, I feel relief
Bein' on tour is like bein' transferred to jail
And the companies reattempt to boost your sales
In my last case, they came at me with a deal
The D.A., I mean A&R;, said "You can still keep shit real
But instead of Raw, be Dice Chill
Give us some hits with some commercial appeal"
I refused, then sent back to my cell
And from next time, a poet's memoirs from jail
[Steve G's]
The prisoner, verbal incision
They strangle me with barbed wires of fire, fuck a mainstream vision
The label is the feds, they wanna find me and sign me
With a market and promotion behind me, but they slimy
My cellmate Dice Raw is nice, y'all
I assassinate rehearsal, if I go commercial I'll slice y'all
Studio's solitary, so I'm soliterrorizin' MCs
Steve G's, freeze, melt, refreeze
Mics get raped on my cell block, we battle for commissary
Parole boards for adversary
I lost the trial, I lost the case
What a waste, judge threw the rhyme book in my face
But my brain left and right is like the unstoppable engine
Locked down, pushin' for mainstream like syringes
Fuck a C.O., my shit's gone gold like C3PO
Ask Kelo, he know we go T-O
The top, this is cell block hip-hop
Yo, the underground keep the shank hot
Locked down with MCs doin' life bids
Beware when the pen zags and zigs
[Black Thought]
Aiyyo, it was far from warm, the middle of a storm
And 5th Dynasty was on our way to perform
It was me, Steve G's, Dice and the Quick Drawn
And we got pulled over, we knew something was wrong
The law wasn't concerned with license and registration
Insurance information, or our point of destination
But peep, they got us up out the Jeep five deep
And took a look and saw the mics up under the seat
And start'd snappin', flippin' and shit like "Who's rappin'?"
Got on the radio and signaled back to the captain
Who warned them we was known for action
"Use caution, and get them contracts from when they brought us back" and
The fingerprints matched and linked identities
D.T.s was like "Shit, it's the 5th MCs"
Ain't no escapin', locked us in a lab and started tapin'
Mandatory, the judge said "Fuck jury deliberation"
Maximum incarceration
In these camps for concentration we call radio stations
A place where hip-hoppin' is against the law
Forever locked down within a lower corridor
Of sound, where they sniff out cells with bloodhounds
Pure MCs, MCs' remains is found
Pick the park when a record executive's around
Yo, we bubble to the top notch round
[Verse 1]
I hit the 28th floor, step into a boardroom filled with execs
Manager flippin', five seconds from breakin' they necks
All of a sudden I threw in a cassette
The room's filled with silence, all eyes on me, they wonder what's next
New rule suckas, y'all lose suckas
Scream when you had enough punishment, after this I run the shit
Pack your bags, I push rappers in front of moving cabs
You wanna swing with us, but I'm duckin' your jabs
A mindreader, I pounce like a cheetah or a panther
With a Walkman on, high on Anthrax
If your question "Where them raw niggas?", here's your answer
Girls (pick up the panties), aiyyo thugs (get out your handguns)
Now turn 'em on yourself
I got your style in my fridge on the shelf next to the tofu
A roadblock in niggas' careers, you can't go through
Raw is the nigga to fear, and rehearsal's where y'all should go to
Aiyyo, Dice, motherfuckin' Raw
Back the fuck up off me, you're killin' me hardly at all
Man, just let a nigga do his thing
Watch out 'fore you get dealt
Dice, motherfuckin' Raw
Back the fuck up off me, you're killin' me hardly at all
Just let a nigga do his thing
Watch out 'fore you get dealt
[Verse 2]
There's always been wack rappers, they been here a second after rap's start
But I don't know why real MCs let 'em get this far
But as the new caretaker of hip-hop's graveyard
Reclaiming the dead, I got new jacks wettin' they bed
Hop on like the boogieman and fuckin' sever they head
Or bury them alive, and suffocate 'em instead
Fill they tombstones out, throw your ass in a ditch
'Cause when you in my zone, you die when you forget
Like when you forget who you are, or forget how to spit
Niggas bit Biggie Smalls, now they think they the shit
I remember everybody rhymed like Rakim
Niggas used to tongue-twist, it's gotten worse than then
Nowadays you're all hustlers with a billy(?) stash
Don't give a fuck, 'cause it's all about the cash
And what is beef, sleep with the heat?
Yeah right, with water guns y'all wouldn't wet up Sesame Street
[Verse 1]
The whole goddamn world's on fire, and it's burinin' like a stack of logs
Beware if your pockets resemble a catalog
That's fat, down here niggas got cattle prods
What's that? Fuck it man, it's all gone to the dogs
In fact, it's like a fuckin' sauna, it gets so hot
Sometimes you just wanna, you know, ka-ka-KLOCK
Ka-ka-KLOCK KLOCK for no reason
That's why you breathin', fuck do y'all niggas believe in?
It's lava, clips, revolvers, there's eruptions
Everytime niggas be like "Whassup then?"
And you can feel the tension vibratin' off a brick
Babies hangin' like cell phones (?)
Fuck the feds, when you see the CIA on your strip
You MIA out this bitch, you can't play with these pigs
Niggas are trippin' and I'm flippin', straight stick the clip in
Back me up against the wall, Raw starts spittin'
[Chorus 2x]
Yo, it's so much drama, who do we shoot at first?
As time goes on, the fire burns, it gets worse
It's a million degrees, and the street's about to burst
Because the ghetto's the hottest show on Earth
[Verse 2]
Shit be gettin' wilder and crazier by the millisecond
Walk around protected, or walk around naked
'Cause nothing's sacred, not even Granny's tennis bracelet
She gave you on her deathbed, niggas'll still take it
Man, I was raised on a constitution written by thugs
Niggas that G, kill, lie like prayer rugs
It's deranged, pocket full of shells like loose change
It's fucked up when your bull start actin' strange
I seen people give up lifelong dreams for gravy
Get snitched on by their team, or set up by their lady
Who gives a fuck? Not even us, 'cause God (?) all I trust
But, my first thought is to bust, can you dig it
Yo, it's a million degrees outside
And we're burnin' up, we're burnin' up
Yeah, it's a million degrees outside
And we're burnin' up, we're burnin' up
Yeah, it's a million degrees outside
And we're burnin' up, we're burnin' up
Yeah, it's a million degrees outside
And we're burnin' up, we're burnin' up
[Chorus 2x]
Now do you want it? (Hell yeah nigga, I want it)
And do you need it? (Yeah, I need it, man)
Well, they got it (They got what?)
Everything, so let's take it (Take, take, let's take it)
[Verse 1]
Niggas can act like, act like they, they want it
Knowin' that they don't want jackshit, them niggas fronted
When it came down to stackin' mills and smackin' grills
Them patty-cake niggas thought that they needed to chill
When all the real nigga feels is a need to kill
Unrevealed, the catastrophic, we gotta stop it
They tryin' to kill us, so all my niggas better watch it
Tap water and Newports, yo man, that's that hot shit
Mixed with Hennessey and a blunt, it gets toxic
But fuck it, pass the la, let's get high
I'm goin' in shootin', does any man wish to die?
This ain't metal gear, solid, you can't pause my killin'
I'm bustin', lick off them head for a schillin'
I can't be happy, 'cause what's happy?
I'm from a place where everyone's strapped and tryin' to clap me
Flesh and bone turn to stone, so if you want it, ask me
[Verse 2]
If you and I, me and you, we ever verse
Then I don't know yo, the shots might disperse
'Cause I got, got you on scope, kid, hundred yards away
Grassy Knoll raw dog might blow that ass away
Talk, talkin' that dumb shit, caps I'm peelin' it
This be a-ro-ro-rockin', all ya feelin' it
My gat, concealin' it, fuck that, revealin' it
Let the young brothas know beef, then how to kill it
Or get your face slammed on a skillet and then you're sauteed
A new law's laid, it's the Raw Brigade
Or Raw Family Stone
Hammer and hip-hop goin' straight up to your dome
Keepin' your own words shinin' just like chrome, so what?
If y'all want something over here, then come get a piece
I'll damn sure cut y'all a slice
But ya might lose your life when ya gamble with Dice
[Verse 1]
Since I been peein' straight, striaght crime's been my mindstate
Proud to be a petty thief ever since four feet
But I make dis records so rappers would have to advance
And stop wearin' the same corny watches and leather pants
Psych, I don't give a fuck, rock your ice
Just don't step out of line or you'll get rocked by Dice
I toured around the world like Tina and Ike
Brought the house down in Sicily and Milan
Fucked all types of women like your sister and mom
Ask around your breakfast table, you'll say "Raw's the bomb"
Slow down son, you can't go one round with Dice, dude
I make clowns like you bow down like Ice Cube
Women, I make 'em feel like they gave birth to God
Grip 'em by their pigtails, make 'em slurp the rod
Catch a Mack-11 slug with a pair of chopsticks
Cut a priest off at the funeral to rock shit
Nigga I'm the real Raw, all y'all others be fakin'
Tryin' to gain fame off the name I'm makin'
Talkin' all that shit like you can get some
You just a sucka, you can't get a fuckin' crumb
Man I'm the real Raw, all y'all others be fakin'
Tryin' to gain fame off the name I'm makin'
Talkin' all that shit like you can get some
You just a sucka, and can't get a fuckin' crumb
[Verse 2]
I ain't lettin' niggas rap no more without my approval or stamp
I'm drunk on power, I don't feel the weed or the champ'
Voices like a million watts pumpin' out, goin' amped
Hit niggas bang pow to the moon like Ralph Kramp
Once I'm there, carve the moon into a pair of dice
Or put a star in a jelly jar and use it for a night light
Give it to my daughter, bomb your headquarters
It's Dice, here I am rare despite all denial
Just raw ass lyrics, no self-proclaimed titles
Whip out what I'm concealin', then aim for survival
Seein' is believin', my fist is an eyeful
Dice is raw, there ain't no mistakin'
Me against y'all is like Santa against Satan
When I say y'all, I mean y'all suckas that be rappin'
You're soft like satin from hard skull crackin', aiyyo
[Verse 3]
So MCs that wanna battle, step up reluctantly
If Jesus could rap, He couldn't fuck with me
(beat stops, thunder rolls, beeps and buzzes)
Yo, yo what the fuck is that? Aiyyo, what happened to the beat?
What's goin' on in there, man?
Hey Dice, man what the fuck are you in there doin', man?
The fuckin' board's smokin'; there's all this type of fire and shit, man.
I know your budget's not gonna cover this shit, man.
This session is shut down!
[Verse 4: Dice Raw as God]
Dice! You dare blasphemy against thy Lord?
I can do anything, even rhyme!
The builder and destroyer of all worlds
Creator of man, woman, girl
Some call Me Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah
I can start a beginnin', or endin', it's over
On Earth's first day alive there was darkness
Shape was worthless, I gave this small planet purpose
Breathed life into the surface
And created every beast in the sea
Feast eyes on the Son of God for thou souls to free
Since the Garden of Eden, I told men believe in
Thou Lord, and never worship falseships and act accord
But always, serpents slither across floors
Everything that is, always has been, always will be
A chill in your bones is how you feel me
At the end, when the moon turns blood and the sun blackens
Great men of the world running wonder what's happenin'
The sky'll part
And where I once said "Let there be light," I'll say "Let there be dark"
After the lamb's spoken, last seal's broken
Trumpets sound, last men on Earth found chokin'
For these events not to take place, you're hopin'
Hey yo, I’m bad to the bone, with a style like Al Capone
But … I’m black like Corleone
My dress … mentally disturbed
My benz pop but I curb puffing a bag of …
The cops got a lot of questions they like to ask me
Cause I ride through philly lookin’ flashy
But my 20 lawyer smart … so fat, louie vuitton on her feet
…and everything about me is throw back benzes
Like … handling business
Still … brain for tenses …
My life’s bliss … own stock…bitches my phone
Cast in the …bigger numbers in the caiman
I’m so talented I got it off from entertainment
But never fuck with a bitch that’s got a …
Lookout for a real queen, that’s what I am about
I write riddles, I don’t make it rain I stack …
You see dumb niggers and I crack my pistols
I’m … hundred shots coming at ya
Where is your t cups, girls d cups
Rappers got you … about the creeper
…be killing shots like this is a fetus
We’ll make you dumb niggers think you can beat us
This shit you putting in your blunt must beat us
Well I’ma let you next …with a gun shot
And put a bucket on your head while I’m on top
You girl pussy it’s just another side hustle
And I don’t stress nothing nigger I apply muscle
… in this everyday struggle… time will tell
But for now I’m doing real well
I sip champagne, saint germaine, slash your red wine
Right before I head line, to tell the double you top floor bed time
The greatest rapper now yeah I must confess
I’m underrated and I’m alone
Some people like to go slowly and people like to go fast. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re fast or slow. It doesn’t matter if you have long hair or short hair, if you live in a light house or a dark house. It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a boy. To me, the only thing about you that matters is you yourself; who you are and what you are. You see, it’s you I like.
Hey there, how ya doing man?
Great having you,
Enjoy your din-dins?
I tell you, man, it’s a jungle out there,
Hush, man, hush,
You really gotta appreciate what you have man,
Up on a mountain scaled by the praises we sing
Worship in you God, grace that transcends everything
Song turns to laughter, joy the Spirit you give
Strengthen our footsteps 'til with you in heaven we live
In your name we sing to you over and over again
In your name we rejoice, love spills from our tongues
As we lift you above all else
Praise to you
I stand facing the east and wait for the sun to rise
Hands at my sides, my eyes wide open to the great big sky
Once again the Spirit is moving out over the wates
I raise my hands to the sky and fall
You will catch me
I want to thank you for your Son you willingly gave
He is alive now bringing me out of my grave
Love now is true life dwelling in you free from sin
Oh, sky falls orange into the sea,
Blood sun drowns to the calling of night,
Smashing the waves, slashing the waves, slashing the waves,
Grind a beat, grind a beat, grind a beat,
Slow repeat - think about it.
Think about it,
Think about it,
Think about it,
Think about it.
Verse two,
I taste salt, oh, I smell the sea,
I will remember you, will you think of me?
We're all gone...we're all gone in just a few years,
We're all gone - think about it.
Think about it,
Think about it,
Think about it,
Think about it.
Life is but a vapour,
Life is but a vapour,
Can you tell me, how long do we live?
This life...this life is but a vapour,
Can you tell me, how long do we live?
Think about it.
Think about it,
Think about it,
Think about it,
wriggling to life, it's a possibility
fingers in the soil it could be you or me you see. hey
blinders on the son are rather restless
the captains stayed deep into the morning
they lifted and put their glasses down
they can't be bothered
flights of fancy for horrible henchmen
they often lose control when the ship goes down
it's a bother
twilight's highways smashed into rubble
bob and float freely upon the sea
One of these days
We'll end up dead
Come uncoiled, unwound, (?)
And we'll say, "I knew it all the time"
And we'll say, "I knew it all the time"
One of those days
We'll come alive
And smell the smoke, beautiful and fine
And we'll say, "I knew it all the time"
And we'll say, "I knew it all the time"
One of these days
We'll end up dead
Come uncoiled, unwound, (?)
And we'll say, "I knew it all the time"
say the word disappear
time to go, in the clear
make a flip, be sincere
i don't want to
lay in the dirt and fade
i just have to say, hey
i don't want to go without you
blow the dust off my grave
it's early, not too late
I don't want to be destroyed
I just want to lay on this block of ice
I am one you are two we are three
What for? my connection is your connection,
The sun is shining I see your face
Turning it over I see the clover
maria, maria. i got my first lolita there
i see you got them even in jail
i see ya, i see ya
speed freaks working out in there
i see ya got them even in jail
maria, maria. you dig a hole with words in there
well you're wrong, it hurts when you disappear
thank god you are no longer here
with a hey hey ho and you don't breathe air