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Retirement in Cuenca Ecuador by ABC News
American Retirees Stretch Their Dollars in Ecuador
PRENDE TV ECUADOR: Prende tv News - 6k The Running Dead.
Mission trip to Ecuador - News story
A Brave Dog's Adventure Through Ecuador | NBC News
Ecuador vs The Bankers
Combate Rts Ecuador - Combate del Día 10/03/14 Combate News (Parte 6)
Combate Rts Ecuador - Combate del Día 14/03/14 Combate News (Parte 6)
Combate Rts Ecuador - Combate del Día 24/02/14 COMBATE NEWS (Parte 5)
Combate Rts Ecuador - Combate del Día 28/02/14 Combate News (Parte 5)
English News Today - Revenge over Assange? US oil companies attack Ecuador
Ecuador News Sign Up Buy Cuenca Ecuador Real Estate did not make the video, it was done by ABC News. We thought the report had lot of interesting informa...
Almost 350000 Americans getting retirement benefits live outside the country.
Prende Tv estuvo presente en la primera edición de la carrera "The Running Dead". Reportero: Kevin Chalco. Camarógrafa: Samantha Alegría. Productora ejecutiva: Rebeca Aguilar. Contactanos: Twiter: @PrendeTVEcuador @kevinchalco44 Correo:
So why Ecuador? It's a country that includes the Galapagos Islands as part of its territory and its given asylum to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange but how ...
Ecuador mission trip by members of Dawson Memorial Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
The dog, now named Arthur, walked and swam alongside the Swedish adventurers throughout their South American journey -- after they fed him a meatball. » Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch more NBC video: NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and our original series Debunker, Flashback, Nerdwatch, and Show Me. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations. Connect with NBC News Online! Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Follow NBC News on Google+: Follow NBC News on Instagram: Follow NBC News on Pinterest: A Brave Dog's Adventure Through Ecuador | NBC News
President Correa passes legislation that raises taxes on financial sector to finance a "Human Development Bond"
Combate Lunes A Viernes 20:00 por RTS. @EquipoNARANJAco
Combate Lunes A Viernes 20:00 por RTS. @EquipoNARANJAco
Combate Lunes A Viernes 20:00 por RTS. Síguenos En Twitter : @EquipoNARANJAco SUMATE EN NUESTRA PAGINA DE FACEBOOK
Combate Lunes A Viernes 20:00 por RTS. Síguenos En Twitter : @EquipoNARANJAco SUMATE EN NUESTRA PAGINA DE FACEBOOK Daily All News Plz Subscrib for Latest English & Arabic World News Today The relationship between the United States and Ecuador has generally been respectable, but a series of events has made the rapport a little weaker. From Ecuador giving Wikileaks founder Julian Assange political asylum to an Ecuadorian court ruling Chevron to pay billions in damages to the country, a new case has arisen involving the US oil company Occidental Petroleum. Dr. Miguel Tinker Salas, professor at Pomona College, joins us with more on the case and the motives behind it. Like us and/or follow us:
Ecuador new videos with information about how to move to ecuador, immigration, visas, real estate, rentals guns, gold and silver in Ecuador.
Combate RTS
Combate RTS
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa says police forces and other sectors prepared a coup attempt. He was hospitalized because of injuries sustained during an ...
Tipp: Interaktives Transkript aktivieren .......................↑↑↑ Die Passagen stammen aus diesem Text:
Fox News Channel here This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available fo...
As an attempted coup d'etat takes place in Ecuador, the US mainstream media prefers to cover the Naked Cowboy and Justin Beiber's haircut. Why is real news i...
Constanza Baez Miss Ecuador Universo 2013 y SEGUNDA Finalistas del Miss Universo 2013 envia a saludos a COOL NEWS Guayaquil Ecuador
USA Reports economic wealth and expansion results (0:08) Ebola Virus a global danger (1:29) Ecuador Judicial system under washington scrutiny (2:34)
Business In Ecuador - Global Markets
Explanation about public biddings processes in Ecuador. More videos will be uploaded later!
Gordon Poole, the Co-President of Canadian-based international real estate development company HolaEcuador, speaking to Bruce Firestone about the company's c...
Inclusive Business: Profitable Business for Successful Development (2008)
La Provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Ecuador , está invadida por factorías porcinas de carácter intensivo, pertenecientes a la empresa PRONACA, un...
Large companies traditionally buy from established suppliers, and target middle- and high-income consumers. As a result, poor people find many essential good...
Pro Ecuador with their Trade Office of Ecuador in Los Angeles, is proud to announce the first "Business Matchmaking" 2013 in Los Angeles to encourage trade d...
Google Apps Ecuador - Que es Google Apps for Business y como puede aportarle valor a tu negocio.
Informes... Oscar Espinoza G. +59394531313 EMAIL:
Informes... Oscar Espinoza G. +59394531313 EMAIL:
El programa busca que los alumnos de las más reconocidas escuelas negocios puedan conocer la cultura Argentina, la propuesta académica del IAE Business Schoo... We just arrived in Playas beach Ecuador.
Tracy Worcester investigates how giant pork producer Pronaca, supported by $50 million loan from the World Bank, pollutes rivers and contaminates local villa...
El Centro de Eventos Quitumbe será la sede de la primera feria de la industria de la musical ecuatoriana el 15 y 16 de marzo del 2014. El Ecuador, hoy por ho...
27 Febbraio 2013 - Alla Camera di commercio di Milano si è tenuto il "Forum Italia - Ecuador, opportunità commerciali e di investimento" con l'obiettivo di p...
Más información: La creciente internacionalización de EADA y la voluntad de integrar de manera activa a los antiguos alumnos...
RTU Noticias 27/11/2012 Pro Ecuador realizó el lanzamiento de una publicación sobre la realidad económica del Ecuador, en el acto estuvieron varias autoridad...
MOKAI, es un centro empresarial, inteligente y de última generación. Su funcionalidad y diseño vanguardista lo hacen un edificio único, cómodo y acogedor. Po...
Testimonio de Leonel Segura con respecto a como Vivio la Experiencia de Conocer mas sobre #ComprasPublicas.
Para vincular las necesidades de las Empresas Ecuatorianas a la Academia la Universidad Del Pacifico - Ecuador a generado el BAB compuesto de representantes ...
The SolutionPR Creative Media Strategies That Win! Follow us on Twitter:
Pro Ecuador presenta 1ra Edición Ecuador Centro Mundial del Chocolate Más información: Twitter: Facebook: Google:
Ecuadorian culture, traditions and believes await to be shared with our guests in every tour organized by Pushaq
Most people don't know alot or anything about Ecuador so we're going to teach you. - created at
Video is about Nick and Rosie of Minneapolis' two week Spanish language culture and immersion program offered in Quito Ecuador by Minneapolis Language Central. ( in northeast Minneapolis. It is of their experience of the Nov 2015 Study Abroad Program offered by instructors Teresa G. Schweitzer and Lynn C. Olson of the school. Dialogue in video. Video is spoken English with Spanish subtitles Dialogue in video: English: Ecuador captures your heart after two weeks Spanish culture and language immersion. We left Minneapolis Nov 1st. Temp was 40°F. Destination Quito Ecuador. Arrived Quito temperature a pleasant 60°F. It's either buses or taxies to get around on. First impressions of Quito. Yes, they're into bikes too. Graffiti caught our eye. We came to learn. They introduced us to Quito. Quito is built in the valleys and up the side of volcanic mountains. You either go up a hill or down one. Flat land is impossible to find. Ecuador after the 1882 Revolution turned to France for its food ideas. And we found their food great. The texture of Ecuadorian life. The father is Spanish. The mother indigenous. They are today's Ecuadorians. On weekends we saw and stayed at beautiful Haciendas. Yes at the Last Supper they did have qui. Ecuador's Devils' Nose Railroad drops 3,000 feet over 3 miles. Quite an engineering feat. To understand Ecuador you have to hold her close to your heart. As a mother holds her child next to her heart. We returned to Minneapolis 11/15/14 via Miami. Minneapolis temperature was 7°F. Spanish: Ecuador captura su corazón después de dos semanas la cultura española y la inmersión lingüística Izquierda Minneapolis 01/11/14. Temperatura era de 4.5 ° C. Destino Quito Ecuador . Llegado temperatura Quito a unos 15.5°C ..Es o autobuses o taxis para moverse en. Las primeras impresiones de Quito. Sí, son en bicicleta también. Graffiti nos llamó la atención. Vinimos a aprender. Se nos presentó a Quito. Quito se encuentra en las montañas volcánicas . Es ya sea hacia arriba o hacia abajo una colina. Terreno plano es imposible de encontrar. Ecuador después de 1882 Revolución volvió a Francia para ideas de alimentos. Y encontramos su comida grande. La textura de la vida ecuatoriana. El padre es español . La madre indígena. Son ecuatorianos de hoy. Los fines de semana nos vimos y nos alojamos en hermosas haciendas . Sí en la última cena que tenían qui . De Ecuador Nariz del Diablo ferrocarril cae 900+ metros sobre 5 kilomiters. Toda una hazaña de la ingeniería. Para entender Ecuador tienes que sostenerla cerca de su corazón . Como una madre sostiene a su hijo junto a su corazón. Volvimos a Minneapolis 15/11/14 vía Miami . Temperatura Minneapolis fue de -15.5°C . Disclaimer and details for Youtube video. All material presented in this video is the personal opinion of its producer. © 2014 by N P Heille. OK to use with attribution. Music Sourced: 1) Ñuca Llacta - Ñanda Mañachi is licensed under an Attribution-Non Commercial No Derivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License. 2) Viento de Los Andes - Nuca Llacta Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Image Sourced: Ecuador's Ama La Vida Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic. All other copyright material is posted in accordance with fair use principles.
This is Santo Domingo Square in Quito is home to many traditional dances, music, food, and arts throughout the year, especially during the holidays.
t-shirt company link- Email from Ecuador gal: "Hello Charles Im the ecuadorian girl that commented on one of your videos. You said I could write you with my questions, thank you in advance. Im Lourdes, I'm from Ecuador, Im a latina, in the other side of the world from Serbia, Im happy that there are people like you, trying to change the sterotypes the world has about Serbia, thats why i love your channel. So, good news, since I got USA visa, i dont need Serbia visa anymore thanks to a new law they established. So now Im just concerned about customs, traditions, culture in general , of how different it would be from mine. I have asked my boyfriend but is best to have the opnion of a foreigner too. Im planning of going there from mid July until September. My reason for the trip is visiting my boyfriend, who is Serbian, he lives there. Long story short, we have a long distance relationship, he came last year to my country, now is my turn to go there, dont ask me why I have chosen a boyfriend so far away, I dont even know haha, but I love him, so Im excited of getting there. First Question: How many latins (latinos) are there in Serbia?. Would I deal with racism?. My skin is darker than Serbians so It would be noticed that Im no from there. I heard some awful stories about racism against ecuadorians in Italy and Spain, so Im concerned in Serbia that migth happen too. Second: I know this questions is asked a lot but, how safe is Serbia for woman?. Which parts of Belgrade, and in Serbia in general are dangerous? Third: Which places do you recommend me to visit?, Im very interested in learning about Serbian culture, history, everything Fourth: Difficult question. What can I do to get his parents to like me, how different are Serbian adults (40-60 years old) from the younger generations, is there a specific way to treat them I dont know, is there anything I shouldnt do in front of them, how conservative are they in general? Fifth: Should I buy a travel insurance? And final one: Do you know if I could study Master Degree in Psychology in English there?. Im finishing my degree in Psychology and I want to study to get the Master one. Maybe scholarships program or paid. Im interested in studying there you said education is very good and not expensive. And im even willing to learn Serbian to study there, if I can get into a scholarship program. Sorry if it is a long mail. I would be very grateful if you could answer me Thanks, take care Hope you are well :)" Ecuadorian culturetips about Catholicism, soccer and friendliness.
An exploration of what it would be like to create a life you love in Cuenca, Ecuador. For a 2014 update contact videographer to reach h...
For more information about Jehovahs Witnesses please visit http// A documentary shot in Ecuador about the wonderful pioneers faithfully serving Jeh...
Ecuador is a South American country full of zones that constitute tourist attractions due to its varied culture and biodiversity. Meeting with Vidal, the winner of our Art Contest of Semana Santa 2013 . We talked about his photo, Easter in Ecuador, the ... The festival of Inti Raymi, the festival of the sun is celebrated in almost all cultures in the world. For one good reason: without sun there will be no life and no food! I have been in Otavalo to show you how people from the andean world celebrate this day.
Preview of Jamieferry's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog ...
Free culture programs happening at the local square and street of Quito Ecuador, Sept 2010.
Disfrutaremos de la hermosa ciudad de Cuenca por sus fiestas de independencia dedicado a la arquitectura, arte, naturaleza y gastronomía para descubrir por q...
Arlington, VA August 9, 2009.
This interview of Abby and Mike Trzpit is part of the series Expatriate Stories: Ecuador. We interviewed several expatriates who shared their stories, experi...
Ecuador is located on the equatorial line in northwestern South America, bordering the Pacific Ocean to the west, Colombia to the north, and Peru to the sout... We're trying out a new Mexican Restaurant. - Visit for more information on Quito, Ecuador Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, is regarded as the mo...
034EN, 1990S, ECUADOR, FOOD MARKET, FOOD, OLD WOMAN ,;=&pid;=19787.
International Living rates the world's top destinations for overseas retirees and in 2012, for the fifth year in a row, rated Ecuador as the top destination....
Ecuador Health Care with Suzan Haskins and Dan Prescher - International Living Suzan Haskins and Dan Prescher know Ecuador health care from first-person experience. Here they outline a health care system that is not only inexpensive, but can be of very high quality as well.
Andean Health & Development is changing the health and well-being of the poor in rural Ecuador by providing quality medical care based on an innovative and proven model of local self-sustainability.
Courthouse News reporter Adam Klasfeld asked President Rafael Correa in Ecuador about health issues reported by an elderly citizen. For more details, read Courthouse News Service. This video was edited and posted with permission from the government of Ecuador. For the full version, visit;=UUn2XiuAROvRcqscSI2Ni-6A
Demonstration of the Brumby Pump by the Health Ranger in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. This device pumps water out of a well by using compressed air, providing a simp...
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Crowdfunding campaign at Indiegogo: Support this project to make a film about coconut's health benefits to reclaim the culinary heritage and improve the health of Afro-Ecuadorians. / Apoya este proyecto para hacer una película sobre los beneficios del coco en la salud para rescatar la herencia culinaria y mejorar la salud de la población Afro-Ecuatoriana en Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
Each May the Health Development Mayterm course at Houghton College travels to Ecuador to learn while doing. With the guidance of Christian global health organization MAP International, students are able to put theory to practice. Video by Wesley Dean '10.
HD Video Feedback Volunteer Sarah Bailey Ecuador Quito Health Care Program #volunteerabroad #quito #ecuador #abroaderview
Please go to to donate to our cause!
The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) awarded its top international prize to Arcandina (The Andean Ark), a children's television show in Ecuador developed w...
José Maria Perugachi is not a Yachac. He is an Andean Mountain Man. Like most rural Indigenous people, he knows much of the medicinal plants that grow locally and in many cases trusts the healing powers of these remedies more than modern medicine. - Our Alternative Medicine and Tourism package will give you the most powerful healing experience available on the market .. Don't...
The Health Ranger goes to work in Ecuador, helping the homeless cover basic needs such as clothing, food and a mattress. In this segment, Mike Adams goes sho...
Coconut Gentrification in the Northern Coast of Ecuador: Who is to Blame? For centuries coconut has been a staple in the diet of the Afro-descendant population of Esmeraldas, a province in the north western region of Ecuador. Based on ethnographic and historical analyses, I examine the sharp decline in coconut consumption among Esmeraldeños during recent decades in the context of shifting values among urban middle classes towards the food traditions of historically marginalized communities. I discuss how local and global trade flows and conflicting ideas about coconut and health, exacerbate economic and epistemic gaps that draw Esmeraldeños away from their native foods while simultaneously bringing them to major cities re-branded as healthy. Abstracts and information about the Ancestral Health Symposium can be found at
Maria Rosa Ovindil and Geovanny Rea have been selling their magic elixar for a couple of years now in Otavalo. Many swear by its curative powers for gastriti...
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The voluntary health promoters are an important link between the indigenous communities of Ecuador and the health system. They accompany health brigades on their outreach pro-gramme and transfer...
Health in Ecuador health in ecuador, medical tourism, medicaltourism, medical tourist, medical tourists, medicaltourist, medic...
Subscribe! For a long time, indigenous tribes living in remote regions of Ecuador, struggled to get access to vital medical care. Along with being physically isolated they had a deep mistrust of modern medicine. That changed when Dr. Edgar Rodas established The Cinterandes Foundation. The charity supports a small group of surgeons who travel to remote regions of Ecuador to perform hundreds of life-saving operations that have transformed the way indigenous people view modern medicine. ---------------------------- Check out more Seeker! Why Fixing Cleft Palates Is Good For Business and Vice Versa - ---------------------------- Evan's Twitter: Join the Seeker community! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Tumblr: Google+: ---------------------------- Sources: Cinterandes Foundation - Business Insider - The Guardian - ---------------------------- Creative Commons Images Courtesy of : Ecuadorian Amazon By Dallas Krentzel CC BY 2.0
More info: In a video released by the Ecuadorean government on February 1...
Ecuador's government is trying to grant the right to free healthcare to illegal Ecuadorian immigrants in Spain, after this country approved a law that left w... The reasons I am staying on a ketogenic diet, why I moved to Ecuador from California 4 years ago, my experience squatting 10 days in a row, and some form check clips of my squats/deadlifts from the last couple days.
I discovered that the products are prepared from natural plants and herbs such as nightshade, aloe vera, cat's claw, ginger, among others. These plants are g...
Lo más destacado de l o que fue El Campeonato Latinoamericano de Motocross 85 cc que se llevó a cabo en Guayaquil, Ecuador 2013.
Portugal 2 Ecuador 3 en Central Fox, opinión de la prensa argentina, 6 febrero 2013.
Ecuador vs Australia 4-3 Mejores Momentos Australia vs Ecuador 3-4 Australia vs Ecuador 3-4 Australia vs Ecuador 3-4 Australia vs Ecuador 3-4 Goles Australia...
El gol y el final del partido con relato de Gustavo Cima Fox Sports q.
Perú le Gano 1 a 0 al conjunto de Ecuador con el gol de Pizarro, con el relato de Gustavo Cima de Fox Sports.
Los goles del partido con relato de Cristian Garofalo Tyc Sports
Colombia venció a Ecuador y aseguró repechaje La selección Tricolor ganó por la mínima en un partido accidentado, con penal errado por los ecuatorianos, y po...
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Australia 3 vs Ecuador 4 - Miercoles 05/Marzo/2014 Amistoso Brasil 2014 Australia vs Ecuador 3-4 - Resumen - Amistoso Brasil 2014- 05/Marzo/2014 Australia 3 ...
Los goles del partido con relato de Mariano Closs Expediente Futbol Fox Sports.
Los goles del partido con relato de Matias Palacios Tyc Sports.
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Los goles del partido con relato de Cristian Garofalo Tyc Sports
Copa Libertadores. Grupo 7, tercera jornada. Barcelona SC (ECU) 1 - 2 Atlético Nacional (COL). Goles: 1-0, m.1: Brahian Alemán. 1-1, m.65: Alejandro Guerra. 1-2, m.95: Luis Carlos Ruiz. - Ficha técnica: 1. Barcelona SC: Máximo Banguera; Pedro Pablo Velasco, José Luis Perlaza, Luis Checa, Giovanny Nazareno; Alejandro Frezotti (m.73, Ely Esterilla), Edison Vega, Matías Oyola (m.70, Flavio Caicedo), Alex Colón (m.88, Damián Lanza); Brahian Alemán e Ismael Blanco. Entrenador: Ruben Israel. 2. Atlético Nacional: Franco Armani; Gilberto García, Francisco Nájera (m.60, Alejandro Guerra), Alexis Henríquez, Juan Valencia; Daniel Bocanegra, Alejandro Bernal, Jonathan Yulián Mejía, Andrés Escobar (m.68, Jairo Palomino); Pablo Zeballos (m.60, Luis Ruiz) y Jonathan Copete. Entrenador: Juan Carlos Osorio. Arbitro: el chileno Enrique Osses expulsó a Banguera y amonestó a Escobar, Bocanegra y Perlaza. Incidencias: Partido de la tercera jornada del grupo 7 disputado en el estadio 'Isidro Romero Carbo', propiedad de Barcelona ante unos 8.000 aficionados, entre ellos, unos 2.000 colombianos. -Etiquetas Barcelona vs Atlético Nacional, Barcelona vs Atlético Nacional 1-2, Barcelona vs Atlético Nacional 2015, Barcelona vs Atlético Nacional Resumen, Barcelona vs Atlético Nacional Goles, Copa Libertadores 2015, Ecuador, Colombia, Fox Sports, xpertowinner Roja para Maximo Banguera | Barcelona SC Vs Atletico Nacional | Copa Libertadores 2015 Barcelona vs Atletico Nacional 1-2 Resumen y Goles Copa Libertadores 2015 Barcelona vs Atletico Nacional 1-0 2015 Gol De Brahian Alemán - Copa Libertadores 2015 Barcelona 1-2 Atlético Nacional Resumen Goles Copa Libertadores 2015 Gol De Brahian Alemán - Barcelona vs Atletico Nacional 1-0 Copa Libertadores 2015 Atletico Nacional vs Barcelona 2-1 Todos los Goles | Copa Libertadores 2015 Atletico Nacional vs Barcelona 2-1 2015 Gol De Alejandro Guerra - Copa Libertadores 2015 Barcelona vs Atletico Nacional 1-2 Resumen y Goles Copa Libertadores 2015 Gol de Luis Carlos Ruiz Barcelona vs Atletico Nacional 1-2 11-03-2015 ATLÉTICO NACIONAL 1 vs 2 ATLÉTICO DE MADRID AMISTOSO INTERNACIONAL 2012 Ver partido Barcelona Guayaquil vs Atlético Nacional EN VIVO Por Fox Sports 2015 Barcelona vs Atletico Nacional 1 - 2 Resumen y Goles Copa Libertadores | 11-03-15 Atletico Nacional 5 vs Millonarios 0 - Todos los Goles - 10/Agosto/2014 - Fecha 4 Barcelona SC vs Atletico Nacional Copa Libertadores 2015 América de Cali vs América de Cali vs Atlético Nacional Gol De Luiz Carlos Ruiz - Atletico Nacional vs Barcelona 2-1 Copa Libertadores 2015 PES 2012 ATLÉTICO NACIONAL VS BARCELONA Y LA HINCHADA LOS DEL SUR EL MEJOR RECIBIMIENTO DEL MUNDO - River Plate vs Atlético Nacional - Copa Sudamericana 2014 Resumen Atl Nacional Vs Sevilla FC. 23/07/13.
·CLIC PARA VER TODO EL RECORRIDO: ·Canal de marcelop13: ·Canal de Christ Veva : Hola a todos amigos y amigas de Youtube. Aqui les traigo un Gameplay de la FINAL DEL EA SPORTS 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil - ECUADOR vs ITALIA, COMPARTELO PARA Q TODA LA HINCHADO ECUATORIANA LO SEPA . SI te gusto no olvides de darle like, comentar y compartirlo.
Perú vence a Ecuador y lo elimina de Sudamericano Sub 20. Con ese triunfo los peruanos sumaron cuatro unidades y se jugarán el boleto a Turquía el domingo an...
Disfruta más videos en Pareja anotó el empate parcial en el partido ante Barcelona.
Stray Dog Adopted by the Extreme Sports In Ecuadorian Jungle Greets his Rescuer's Daughter This is the moment an explorer who adopted a stray dog that befriended him during a race through the Ecuadorian jungle introduced his young daughter to the loyal animal who has captured the imagination of the world.Mikael Lindnor was leading his four-strong team of long-distance trekkers through the final two stages of the 430-mile Adventure Racing World Championship when they noticed a tired-looking hound skulking around them.Feeling sorry for the mournful stray, Mikael gave him a meatball in an act of kindness that would create an unbreakable bond between the two for the rest of the gruelling race. From that moment on, the dog refused to leave Mikael's side, swimming alongside the team while they kayaked down rivers, dragging himself up hills and pulling through knee-deep mud.They were so impressed with his loyalty and stamina that they named him Arthur and made him an honorary member of their Peak Performance Adventure Racing team. By the end, Mikael and Arthur were best of friends and Mikael decided to adopt the dog and take him home.When they finally completed the race after six days trekking through the jungle together, Mikael and his team decided to take Arthur to a vet while still in South America to have him checked out.During that time Mikael thought to himself that after their experience, they could not leave Arthur, so he decided to adopt him and take him back to Sweden. He applied to the Jordbruksverket (the Swedish Board of Agriculture) and was made to wait to see if his application was successful.After a tense few days, the team arrived at the airport with Arthur and boarded the plane with him back home. However, because of the lengthy quarantine rules in Europe, Arthur must now wait in an animal isolation centre while vets ensure he is carrying no diseases.Not only will Arthur have plenty of outdoor space in which to gambol, but he will also have access to a dog dentist, Mikael said. He added that his young daughter Philippa can't wait to welcome him to his new home.
Los goles del partido con relato de Mariano Closs Fox Sports.
Meet Arthur the stray dog who followed an extreme sports team during a grueling 430-mile race through the Amazon rainforest and refused to leave their side until the finish. -Team Peak Performance were sat down for a meal before a 20 mile trek in Ecuador when they saw a stray dog -Swedish group were taking part in the Adventure Racing World Championship through the Amazon rain forest -Mikael Lindnord fed the animal a meatball before the team carried on but the scruffy creature followed them -They tried to get rid of him, primarily for his own safety, but he refused to go so he became a fifth team member -The group of four decided to name him Arthur and have now adopted him and flown him back to Sweden -Lindnord said: 'I came to Ecuador to win the World Championship. Instead, I got a new friend'
Uruguay 1 - Ecuador 1 Central fox analisis (Fox Sports)
Los goles del partido con re Relato Kenneth Garay y Comentarios de Manuel Kun Ramírez Espn Deportes Radio.
Resultado final de Uruguay vs Ecuador: Empate con un marcador final de 1-1 Goles de Uruguay vs Ecuador: 8' Ecuador (F. Caicedo), 67' Uruguay (E. Cavani), Ali... | presenta: EA SPORTS 2014 FIFA WORLD CUP - Ecuador vs Francia - Grupo E @ Simulacion PS3 (if you talk...
More about Ecuador: During his most recent trip to Ecuador, travel writer Mark Chesnut, who's also editor of, participated...
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Ecuador Travel Video. Ecuador has many cultural and historical attractions, Galapagos islands is one of most famous attractions in Ecuador. If you want to se...
Travel video about destination Ecuador. Ecuador is the smallest of the Andes’ states in South America and a land that derived its name from the Equator. A natural paradise with a living Indian culture and captivating colonial towns that was once part of the Inca Realm and later the sought-after possession of various European colonial powers. Quito, the "divine city", is the capital of Ecuador. Steep and narrow steps lead downhill to the Centro Historico in which many of its small buildings have been rebuilt several times due to devastating earthquakes. In 1536, Quito was newly founded and built on the ruins of an Inca town. West of Quito the edge of the extinct Pululahua Volcano is accessible by car. It is the largest volcanic crater in South America and the huge caldera with its steep slopes has a diameter of four to five kilometres and is hundreds of metres deep. One and a half hours from Quito are the Termas De Papallacta, the most beautiful spa baths in Ecuador. Hot springs were discovered here and an infrastructure built to make them accessible to tourism, an idyllic spot set in remote nature and at an altitude of around four thousand metres above sea level. The southern sierra of Ecuador is a green and fertile landscape. The Andes is flatter here and the peaks of the volcanoes are free from snow. This is the most important monument of Incan culture in Ecuador, the ruins of Ingapirca, a location with a long and dramatic past. Around a thousand kilometres from Ecuador, within the Pacific Ocean, is a scattered group of nineteen volcanic islands, the Galápagos Islands and even below the water there are creatures that seem to come from another world. Ecuador is truly fascinating due to its vast variety of culture and nature and its amazing mountain landscapes are the backbone of the country. Ecuador is a unique adventure where South America is at its most beautiful!
Like nowhere else, all in one place, so close Como ningún otro, todo en el mismo lugar, tan cerca Lo único que necesitas es Ecuador.
Useful Links: Video about Ecuador, a fantastic place on Earth. Right on the Equator line, latitud 0deg 0' 0". Visit Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Galapagos Islands. Get to know the warmth of its people in a great journey you'll never forget. Quito, first cultural patrimony of humankind by UNESCO. Cuenca is also cultural patrimony of humankind. Galapagos is natural patrimony of humankind. Quitenos call themselves "chullas" which means "resident spirit" or "inhabitant of this land" in the ancient quitu (tsafiqui) language. The Valdivia culture is the oldest civilization in America. We are proud descendents of that culture. Only in Ecuador one says "me voy a volver" because one always comes back. The most accessible part of the Amazon rain forest is in Ecuador! Panama hats are originally from Ecuador. They are handcrafted in Ecuador. They were brought to Panama in one of the journeys of Eloy Alfaro to that country where they fell in love with them. Native Ecuadorians speak Kichwa or Runa Shimi, which means the language of the human beings. Quito is considered "luz de America" because it was its people who first spoke up and died for independece in 1809. August 10, 1809, Ecuadorian Independence Day. The day it all began for this Republic.
The Discovery Travel Channel travels to Quito highlighting all the best spots including the one of a kind boutique hotel, Café Cultura, the restaurant La Boc...
Manta, Ecuador Tourism - Manta, Ecuador Vacation - Manta, Ecuador Tours - Manta, Ecuador Travel Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Manta is a mid-sized city in Manabí Province, Ecuador. It is the second most populous city in the province, the fifth most populous in the country. Manta has existed since Pre-Columbian times. It was a trading post for the Mantas. According to the 2001 census, the city had 192,322 inhabitants. Its main economic activity is tuna fishing. Other economic activities include tourism and a chemical industry with products from cleaning supplies to oils and margarine. Manta possesses the largest seaport in Ecuador. The port was used by Charles Marie de La Condamine upon his arrival in Ecuador when leading the French mission to measure the location of the equator in 1735. From Manta, Condamine started his trip inland towards Quito. Manta has an international cargo airport, Eloy Alfaro International Airport and an important military base (known as Manta Air Base or Eloy Alfaro Air Base). Between 1999-2009 Manta Air Base was used by U.S. air forces to support anti-narcotics military operations and surveillance flights against Colombian drug trafficking cartels. The lease was not renewed by the Ecuadorean government. See in Manta, Ecuador ===================== Manta hosts an International Theater Festival every year in September. There are sporting events from January through April. Downtown you can find first rate night clubs, bars, and casinos. Banco Central Museum, Avenida Malecón (In front of Murcielago´s Beach). displays ceramics from the pre-Columbian Huancavilca-Manteño era culture. Beaches =========== El Murciélago, This is the most popular beach area in Manta. It has a a wide variety of restaurants serving seafood and local dishes, bars and other attractions for fun and relaxation. :Recreational aquatic sports such as surfing, diving, sailing, body-boarding, and fishing are enjoyed here as well. The beach is in the vicinity numerous hotels, retail stores, supermarkets, and banking facilities and automatic teller machines. Regional Beaches ============== Barbasquillo, is a resort complex on Barbasquillo beach with a pool, sauna, gym and a disco. It has direct access to the an extensive beach. Horses are also available for riding on the beautiful beach. La Tiñosa, is three kilometers long with sand dunes along with cactus ten feet(three meters) high, as well as varied wildlife species. This area is used for tourists rest and recreation. This beach is located a few kilometers from the parish San Mateo, and it is surrounded by mountains with a dry vegetation. Linguique, is located 50 minutes from the center of Manta, at a distance of ten miles(18 kilometers). It has interesting rocky areas; place where snails, octopus and lobsters are plentiful. From the high point, it offers the visitors the possibility to observe the sea in all directions in a beautiful panoramic view. The people in this area are devoted to fishing and agriculture. San Lorenzo, is located 22 miles west(28 kilometers) from Manta. It is known for its diverse rock formations, caves, marine birds and the Island of The Silver. The months of June to September you can take in the incredible sight of hunchback whales as they pass from the north to south. San Lorenzo's forest, with an extension of 50 hectares, was declared a protected area to avoid its deterioration as an ecological area. Popular activities include surfing, sunbathing and whale-watching. The climb to the light house is amazing and often accompanied by views of blue-footed boobies. Santa Marianita, is in a rural area about 10 miles west of Manta. The perfect area for the capture of marine species. This beach of approximately 5 miles long inviting the visitors to enjoy the warm waters enjoying the tranquility of this area. Telephone services are available here. San Mateo, is a thriving fishing village located on a cliff overlooking the sea 9 miles west of Manta. The locals are very friendly, and a bit tipsy after a good catch. San Mateo is also known among surfers as the longest wave in Ecuador. The competition is stiff out on the water; the locals can be territorial. Tarqui, is a Park of the Shellfish where delicious local foods are prepared for your enjoyment. On this beach you can participate in recreational aquatic sports such as surfing, diving, sailing, body-boarding, and fishing, along with other outdoor sports such as beach soccer; and volleyball. It is located on the coastal highway midway between the airport and Manta. It can be identified by the large wooden fishing boats in various stages of construction. With the boat construction at this location, it has been nicknamed 'Noah's Ark Beach' by some tourists.
DISCOVER a new paradise Ecuador. ECUADOR has the biggest biodiversity per area in the world!. Ecuador ranked in the first place with regards to species per area. The richness of ECUADOR lies in its DIVERSITY, both natural and cultural. Ecuador has 4 diverse and unique regions: The amazon rain forest, the highland Andes, the Coast ,and the Galapagos Archipelago. LOCATION: Ecuador is one of the smallest countries in America . It lies on both the northern and southern Hemispheres and its divided by the Equator , thus the name of the country. It borders Colombia ( North ), Peru ( south and East ) , and the Pacific Ocean ( West ). AREA: about 270.670 km2 or 168.186 square miles. POPULATION: approximately 13 million. LANGUAGE: The first language is Spanish, however most indigenous population speaks Quichua. There are 18 different languages among native communities in the country. RELIGION: 95% catholics. CURRENCY: American Dollar. CLIMATE: The climate throughout the country ranges from tropical equatorial rain in the amazon to perpetual snow on top of the mountains. Cities in the highlands have temperatures that vary from 50F to 70F, while the coastal cities temperatures vary from 60F to 80F during the day. The weather in the jungle is constant: rainy, humid and warm. The Galapagos Island are sunny and warm during the months of December-May , the temperatures drops from June to November.
Like nowhere else, all in one place, so close.
Aqui en este video les muestro las algunas maravillas del Ecuador un Pais hermoso de una riqueza natural inigualable las mejores costas del mundo ubicados en...
Ecuador un país biodiverso, multiétnico y pluricultural, con gente honesta y amable, en el que se pueden vivir experiencias únicas que lo convierten en potencia turística, donde quienes lo visitan encuentran un maravilloso lugar para quedarse.
Tourism videos from around the world for more info on World travel visit our website. Over a thousand reasons, we have over a thousand reasons to be Ecuador ...
Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism, Guayaquil, Ecuador Vacation, Guayaquil, Ecuador Travel Guide Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Guayaquil is the largest and the most populous city in Ecuador, with around 2.69 million people in the metropolitan area, as well as the nation's main port. The city is the capital of the Ecuadorian province of Guayas and the seat of the namesake canton. Guayaquil is located on the western bank of the Guayas River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean at the Gulf of Guayaquil. See in Guayaquil, Ecuador ==================== These places are located in the downtown area, near the main hotels and at the heart of the regenerated area, a very secure walk. The Malecon Simón Bolivar. It is the riverfront promenade for the Guayas River, with shops, theaters, museums, gardens and shopping arcades. The "Rotonda" monument in the middle of the Malecon, commemorates the famous meeting of Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin that took place there. The "Malecon del Salado" located next to the "Estero Salado" (an estuary of sea water), here you can enjoy fresh air and wonderful sunsets, with restaurants of typical food, all framed within a very safe new park. The renewed downtown area (Area regenerada), very secure to walk and look around. Museums (Museo Municipal, Museo Nahim Isaias, MAAC and Presley Northon Museum are located in the center of the downtown) Santa Ana & El Carmen hills, you can see almost the whole city from here. You can walk up the 400 odd steps to the top from the Malecon Simón Bolivar. There is a lighthouse, museum, small chapel and park at the top. Along the stairs, vendors sell water, ice cream and other snacks. Las Peñas, where the city was founded, was actually rebuilt and painted bright colors where most of Guayaquil's colonial buildings are. Parks, we recommend to visit the "Seminario Parque de las Iguanas" downtown, which is home to hundreds of tame iguanas, some fish in a pond and a black squirrel or two, and do not forget some turtles. The Central Bank Building has several giant paintings on the outside of the building. Markets, you can visit the "Mercado Artesanal", where you can buy some very traditional souvenirs from all regions of Ecuador. Parque Histórico, Avenue Rio Esmer Aldas, Guayaquil, Ecuador, . an interesting recreation of the early 20th century years of Guayaquil, the look, the people and the food. Includes a small zoo, some old town-buildings where moved here as well as a "Hacienda"-Building and a small country-side farm-house. There is also a garden where you can see all kinds of tropical fruits being grown. In case you know coffee only as the black beans, chocolate only as powder and sugar only as a white powder - this is the place to go. no entrance fee (2013). Jardín Botánico (Botanical Garden), ciudadela 'las Orquídeas', Av. Francisco De Orellana (in the northern part of the city), . In the Botanical Garden you find many tropical plants directly under the blue sky as well as local animals and especially a butterfly "farm". edit The cemetery north from the centre has few impressing graves and statues as well as plenty of more normal graves. Worth a visit if you're into graveyards. Zoológico El Pantanal, Km. 23 Vía a Daule, Guayaquil, . Nice small zoo in the northern part of Guayaquil. Visit, if the kids want to see more animals after having been to "Parque Histórico" Other interesting places near Guayaquil: "Crucero Discovery", rides up and down the Rio Guayas. You can catch it at Malecon Simón Bolivar. Crazy parties at night. Traditionally, Salinas has been the main beach, but since 2008 General Villamil Playas has attracted a big part of the local and international tourism. Fishing, surfing, and other water sports. Many modern hotels and delicious sea food. Interesting night life. Wonderful whale-watching during June to September. The following places are interesting to see if you are daring: 6 de Marzo is an interesting street to visit about 10 blocks from the downtown area during the week before New Year's Eve, because the street is lined with "Años Viejos" or old years, paper maché figures ranging in size from about 12 inches up to 10 or more feet tall. These are often political, movie or cartoon characters. La Bahía, just off the southern end of the Malecon Simón Bolivar. Huge market area full of shops and stalls of almost anything imaginable. Because it is so cheap you will have lower social class people and have to be a little careful with belongings. Cocoa or Banana plantations are located around Guayaquil city.
La isla Seymour Norte es una isla ecuatoriana perteneciente al archipiélago de las islas Galápagos, esta ubicada cerca de la isla Baltra. En esta isla se hal...
The land of fire and ice is currently one of the major tourist destinations in the Americas, offering unparalleled colonial architecture, dramatic landscapes and the eco-tourist mecca of the Galapagos Islands. Quito and Cuenca, have historical centers that are so stunning, each has been declared a Unesco World Heritage Site (Quito in 1978 and Cuenca in 1999. Quito's churches are some of the richest, most spectacular colonial buildings in all of South America. Welcome!! Music: Let me take you there by Plain White. Video: Ecuador. "Ecuador Love Life" es una co-produccion de Veme Naturaleza. Un video realizado para educar y apoyar el turismo de nuestro pais. Una produccion de veme © 2011
Find Health in Ecuador is a personalized medical tourism business located in Cuenca, Ecuador. We are devoted to improving your quality of life by assisting you through every step of your chosen medical procedure and your stay here in Cuenca. We focus on affordability and quality of care with optimal results, while providing a customized experience tailored to your personal needs and goals. Additionally, opportunities to explore the city of Cuenca can be arranged according to your interests, and we are happy to help you arrange further travel within Ecuador, such as visits to its national parks, coastal areas, rainforests, and the Galapagos Islands.
Los Ilinizas son dos picos localizados a 55km Hacia el sur-oeste de Quito. Iliniza Sur (5250m) es famoso de ser la sexta montaña más alta en el país mientras...
Quilotoa es un sitio turístico de creciente popularidad. La Ruta de la "Cumbre" (como se conoce al pequeño pueblo de Quilotoa) se viaja por lo general median...
Nature and environment 5 Eco Vacation Places in Ecuador
To preserve the rainforest in Ecuadorian Amazon, a tribal community suggested tourism as a way to generate revenue in 1998. As CCTV's Nitza Soledad Perez rep...
For FLOCSE the true meaning of travel is the opportunity to be able to return home with the feeling of accomplishment. These adventures will really stick in ...
In 1977 a visionary group of distinguished physicians with optimism gestated the idea of building in the city of Quito, a hospital with international standar...
Do you want to travel Ecuador in 10 days? See what I saw in the capital city of Quito, at the equator in Midad del Mundo, in the historic Andean market town ...
Travel video about destination Quito in Ecuador. Quito, otherwise known as the ‘divine city’, is the capital of Ecuador. It is a Spanish colonial city and Baroque gem surrounded by volcanic mountains, its historic centre having been built on the ruins of an Inca city. La Basilica is situated on a northern hill and is one of the city’s most monumental buildings measuring a hundred and forty metres long and thirty five metres wide. It is one of Quito’s earliest religious buildings and its construction began in 1892 when, a century later, it was consecrated by the Pope. The basilica is an architectural symbol of an autocratic Catholic church which dominated the country until the Liberal Revolution of 1925. The former Inca city subsequently became a splendid, yet strict, religious settlement of the main religious orders. On the northern side of the plaza is the Palacio Arzobispal, the Archbishop’s Palace. Its size and location highlight the prominent position of the Catholic church that continues to be of great importance today. The Catedral Metropolitana is situated on the opposite side of the square and is the result of various building epochs. The ancient town of Quito with all its alleys, buildings and courtyards is a gem of colonial architecture and monuments such as the Arco De La Reina, a kind of triumphal gate, still adorns the metropolis. But, above all, there are churches everywhere. Indeed, in one single square kilometre are sixteen religious buildings. Quito is truly the ‘monastery of America’. The former capital of the northern Inca realm became the most Spanish city of the New World and today, churches, monasteries and squares continue to gleam in all of their colonial splendour. The remarkable legacy of a rich and dramatic past!
Ecuador Adventure Travel - Adventure Setting off on a trek into the Andes can seem like stepping into a fairy tale: there's the patchwork of small villages, gurgling brooks and rolling fields, with a slowly wheeling condor overhead. Then the mists clear, a view of those towering snow-covered peaks comes into view, and the adventure begins -- the challenging climb to the summit of a 5000m-high volcano. Although the view from the top is sublime, you don't have to scale a mountain to enjoy the Andes. These verdant landscapes make a fine backdrop for mountain-biking, horseback-riding or hiking from village to village, overnighting at local guesthouses along the way. Ecuador's other landscapes offer equally alluring adventures, from surfing tight breaks off the Pacific coast to white-water rafting Class V rivers along the jungle-clad banks of the Oriente across your Ecuador Adventure. Beyond the cities, the Ecuadorian Travel landscape unfolds in all its startling variety. There are Andean villages renowned for their colorful textiles and sprawling markets, Afro-Ecuadorian towns where days end with meals of fresh seafood and memorable sunsets, and remote settlements in the Amazon where shamans still harvest the traditional rainforest medicines of their ancestors. I hope you liked this Ecuador Adventure Travel!
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Ecuador - Travel Ecuador. Ecuador Tourist attractions, Ecuador Attractions, Ecuador Tourist Destinations, Ecuador Destinations, Ecuador Travel Video, Copyright: Video created by Omega Tours Co., LTD Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam Website: Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library. Thank For Creative Commons of Authors: Photos Credited: Updating... - Galápagos Islands is an archipelago located to 965 kilometers of the coast of Ecuador. It is conformed by 13 great volcanic islands,...
Some tips from travel experts on what to know before travelling to Ecuador ! Un video reportaje gratis en Youtube - Cortesía de SISCOMSEG (Sistemas de Comunicación y Seguridad) Ecuador GoPro Camera By Vicente Freire SoundTrack: Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines, ft. T.I. - Pharrell Music Copyright: I do not own this audio! this audio is owned by UMG. From its origins as a hippie beach destination in the 1960s to its present-day reputation as a surfing hotspot, Montañita Ecuador has been luring tourists and expats to its golden shores for decades. And with some of the country’s most lively attractions and colorful characters, it’s a place that’s guaranteed to keep even the most intrepid traveler on their toes. Montañita is a small coastal town located in the Parrish of Manglaralto in the province of Santa Elena about 180 kilometers northwest of Guayaquil. Montañita's economy is based in tourism, mainly with respect to food service, surfing, and craft sales. High season for tourism peaks in January and hits its low in June. Each February Carnival is held in Montañita. Water sports that draw tourists and locals to Montañita include bodyboarding, scuba diving, and windsurfing. With a name that means “Little Hill,” this multi-cultural mecca boasts one of the most beautiful beaches on Ecuador’s south coast. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"
Mindo Ecuador cloud Forest, travel guide to Mindo Ecuador, highlights atracctions and what to do in Mindo Ecuador -- Mindo Ecuador reserva, guia de viajes a ...
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide 1/2.
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide.
My name is Francisco, and I am a native of Quito, Ecuador. For more than 20 years, I have been assisting visitors and new residents to Ecuador in their needs...
Activities in Banos Ecuador, Information, Tours, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Trips, Adventure, Rafting, Canyoning, Rock Climbing, Biking, Zip Lining and...
Tena and Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide Ecuador travel tips about buying food in Ecuador vs the United States.
Hilde, and experienced travel guide from Ecole Travel Ecuador will tell you what the backpackers will experience durin their 2 months trip through Ecuador. I...
The best Destinations to travel in the World is Ecuador (No need Visa) Equator guide touristic: Colonial City Beach City Party and Beach Town Galápagos guide touristic: Adventure City Amazon Trip Please don´t forget select your lenguage Food of Equator More food Of Equator ¡WELCOME!
Visita Ecuador En un lugar de Sudamérica existe un país donde habita gente amable, donde las montañas te saludan cada día al mirar por la ventana, donde tus pulmones respiran aire puro, donde la cultura se vive a flor de piel... Ese país es Ecuador, el ombligo del mundo. Un lugar donde a pocas horas tienes hermosas playas, altas montañas, peligrosa selva e islas encantadas, en este documental podrás ver por qué Ecuador es una importante promesa turística en Sudamérica y por qué es un destino a visitar antes de morir. All You Need is Ecuador, Ecuador is all you need... Más videos en
Traveling to, from, and in Ecuador, South America.
Edward Parrales has come to do a German language course in the Westphalian town of Bielefeld. His tour includes the Farmhouse Museum and Sparrenburg Castle. Find out more:
Photo travel guide to Ecuador. Check out all the wonders you can experience on a trip to Ecuador.
Great houses shown on House Hunters International.
Ecuador, 2015, Economia, Progreso, Rafael Correa, Revolucion Ciudadana, Alianza Pais
Ecuador introducirá los vehículos eléctricos con cero por ciento de aranceles, esto gracias al convenio de promoción, comercialización y fabricación de baterías y vehículos eléctricos en Ecuador, convenio suscrito entre el gobierno y empresas privadas ecuatorianas.
El Presidente de Ecuador es entrevistado por Jordi Evole en Salvados.Tras su viaje con Pablo Iglesias ahora le toca a este mandatario ponerse delante de las cámaras con el Follonero Queridos fans de Organización Miss Ecuador si te perdiste el segundo especial "Rumbo a la Corona de Miss Ecuador 2015" lo puedes ver exclusivamente aquí, en nuestro canal oficial de YouTube.
Aqui les Ofresco este Historico Partido Completo, disculpen la calidad y el Audio pero siempre hago el mejor esfuerzo. No olvide de visitar
Ecuador está seguro de lo que quiere, sabe a dónde va y eso es lo que nos impulsa hacia el desarrollo. Gracias al apoyo del gobierno, los jóvenes están investigando y realizando proyectos para mostrar al mundo. Ahora en Ecuador podemos desarrollar nuestra propia tecnología, porque las condiciones han cambiado y son más adecuadas.
Ecuador a biodiverse country, multiethnic and multicultural, with honest and friendly people, where you can enjoy unique experiences that make Tourism Power,...
La historia del salvataje bancario: el mayor robo de la historia al bolsillo de los ecuatorianos.
'El trópico de anticáncer' Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, doctor en medicina por la Universidad San Francisco de Quito, descubrió en 1987 en un lugar remoto de Ecuador una comunidad de gente de baja estatura. Él mismo nos aclara el enigma que le ha ocupado prácticamente toda su vida profesional y trata de desvelar el misterio de por qué esta extraña comunidad de personas tienen una inusual inmunidad a la diabetes y al cáncer. ¡Suscríbete a RT en español! RT en Twitter: RT en Facebook: RT en Google+: RT en Vkontakte: Vea nuestra señal en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
This video is aimed at rail enthusiasts and shows railway aspects of the 4 day, 3 night Tren Crucero (train cruise) from Quito to Guayaquil, Ecuador. The jou...
El Dr. Juan Carlos Estrada participa en representación de Ecuador en este TV Show The Amazing Race producido por Disney Latinoamérica y que está siendo transmitido en Ecuador por Tc Televisión (Domingos 22h00) y a nivel mundial por Space TV (Lunes 19h00)
Mi experiencia de cómo es la vida como un testigo de Jehová desde los Estados Unidos viviendo y sirviendo en Ecuador.
La guerra entre Ecuador y Perú 1995. Victoria del Ecuador. (Lean principalmente, anexo 8 al 16, en la parte final) La misma revista peruana, CARETAS, reconoce la derrota de su propio ejercito peruano, (Imagen de la revista peruana caretas) (Revista peruana caretas) (Revista peruana caretas) (Revista peruana caretas) (Revista peruana caretas) (Revista peruana caretas) (Revista peruana caretas) (Revista peruana caretas) En conclusión, la misma revista peruana caretas reconoce la derrota de su ejercito ante el poderío soldado ecuatoriano. El mito de la Farsante victoria militar peruana se está derrumbando, recomendación lean todos los enlaces desde el principio hasta el final. Anx12.- Trauma peruano al militar ecuatoriano. Un fragmento de lo escrito. Ganamos contumazmente al Perú en el campo militar, fue una "paliza" la que se le dio al arrogante peruano. Un Tremendo profesionalismo a nivel internacional de las 3 Ramas de las FFAA ecuatorianas y sus comandantes, que estuvieron muy, pero muy por encima de las del peruano. MILITAR ECUATORIANO CALIDAD, MILITAR PERUANO CANTIDAD Ecuatorianos, en 1995 tuvimos todo para hacer trizas a los peruanos y su chatarra, pero los políticos ecuatorianos, los cobardes, los corruptos la candidez ecuatoriana, de dejar que sean árbitros otros países y no dejarlos solo de mediadores, hizo que perdamos la oportunidad de recuperar nuestro Amazonas. Ya que nunca llego la orden que esperaron nuestros bravos soldados y es el de ingresar "Adentro !", me refiero mas allá de la línea del irrito Protocolo de Rió de Janeiro, y quizás hasta el mismo Amazonas, y no en calidad de invasores, sino de reinvindicadores, ya que los ecuatorianos somos herederos del Gran Amazonas. Los demás paises reconocen que Ecuador ganó: Chile, Argentina, Brasil y USA certifican que Ecuador ganó la Guerra, que Tiwintza siempre la mantuvo militarmente el Ecuador y que los países Garantes (mediadores), recibieron Tiwintza de manos de los militares ecuatorianos. LES RECOMIENDO QUE LEAN TODOS LOS LINKS DESDE EL PRINCIPIO HASTA EL FINAL, después de que lean esto, ¿Qué más pruebas quieren? Descripción adicionales: Jaime Bayly, periodista peruano reconoce la pérdida del ejército peruano ante el ejército ecuatoriano y se burla. (Video completo) A los ecuatorianos esperense a mirar como estos abiertamente se rien de las cantifladas de "victoria" peruanas que no mas se les quedara en cancioncitas que estan bonitas; esta por el min 8:00. CHILE ECUADOR NOS INVADEN! EJERCITO PERUANO NO SIRVE, LA BARRA BRAVA DE LA "U" LO DESTRUIRIA! : JAIME BAYLY, PEDRO PABLO KUCZYNSKI. Gente Peruana con criterio y mucho mas inteligente que cualquiera del foro por aca lo dice, según esta entrevista: - Que el Perú es un país muy pobre - No cuentan con recursos para dar una buena educación a sus habitantes, cuyo sistema es muy deficiente - Que sus fuerzas armadas son inútiles e incopetentes - Son procazes, últimamente dando un homenaje (que no se merecía) a un general, un tanque estalló achicharrando a un pobre militar - Que no le podrían ganar la guerra a nadie, últimamente perdieron la guerra contra Ecuador, cosa que el ex ministro asintió inteligentemente. Y aún así existen foristas peruanos dedicados a sacar pecho bociferando bonanza económica y poderío militar. Yo me pregunto, no se darán cuenta el ridículo que hacen o es que son tan tontos e ignorantes como para creerse sus propias mentiras. Cenepa Guerra Pacifico Chile Ecuador. Fotografía del mapa del Ecuador antes de 1941, después de 1941, Ecuador pierde el Amazonas por la invasión peruana y la cobarde amenaza del Perú, aprovechándose desde aquella época de un Ecuador débil, ya que no contaba con suficientes armamentos, en aquella época los soldados ecuatorianos no superaban ni a los 5000 combatientes, mientras que los peruanos sumaban aproximadamente 18000 a 20000 soldados, estaban armados hasta los dientes, mientras que los soldados ecuatorianos estában muy mal equipados.
La Selección Azteca venció este sábado 3-1 a Ecuador en su segundo partido de preparación rumbo a Brasil 2014, ésta fue una victoria bastante costosa ya que tanto Luis Montes como Rafael Márquez tuvieron que ser trasladados a un hospital tras salir lesionados, también Frickson Erazo de Ecuador tuvo que abandonar el campo en camilla. Las anotaciones del partido fueron obra de Montes, Marco Fabián y Giovani dos Santos por el lado mexicano, Héctor Moreno anotó un gol en propia puerta que sirvió a los ecuatoriano para marcar el de la honra. Síguenos en: Sitio oficial: Facebook: Twitter: Lo mejor del fútbol nacional solo aquí
Presentación en la Casa de la Cultura de Quito en el 2004. Grabado de Ecuavisa el 17 de Julio del 2011, en el especial emitido tras la lamentable pérdida de ...
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Das sagenhafte Macho Picchu ist der erste Gedanke an Peru. Dabei hat Peru viel mehr zu bieten wie: den tiefsten Canyon der Welt genauso wie den höchsten schiffbaren See. Eine echte Bilderbuchromantik vor dem Hintergrund der schneebedeckten Anden mit grasenden Alpakas, behütet von traditionell gekleideten Indios. Prächtige Kolonialbauten der Konquistadoren prägen die Städte mit ihren zentralen Plätzen. Ein weiteres Highlight sind die Galapagosinseln - der Traum jedes Naturfreundes. Der zum Weltkulturerbe gekürte Archipel wird jedem Reisenden für immer in Erinnerung bleiben.
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MARZO 2015
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Volunteer abroad. Start here: http://www. Andrew Wedvick is a talented young man from Redwood City, California. He is part of Uncollege, an innovative gap year program that aims to create transformative experiences for young people just out of high school. Rooted in learning by doing, the program is helping to re-define college education. Andrew spent 8 weeks volunteering to teach English in the UBELONG program in Quito, Ecuador. He proved to be an exemplary volunteer. We're proud to introduce you to him here.
Ecuador's president is not laughing along with those who have been poking fun at him on social media. Instead, Rafael Correa is hitting back and he is using the internet to do it, listing his critics on a website.
International al-Quds Day in Iran. The occasion is marked every year on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan. It's meant to express solidarity with the Palestinians and their cause.... 1 strike PLZ sub to my back up channel Join Cip n Kev on our Radio show G.U.N.N Sundays 6pm - 8pmUK time ... In the 1990s, Stone directed one of his most ambitious, controversial and successful films to date, JFK, that depicts the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. In 1991, Stone... TRUNEWS Headlines 12/29/14 "Suspicious" objects spotted in search for Air Asia plane Indonesia's Vice President says there is not enough evidence to confirm objects spotted... Download the whole album: Connect with Ari on Facebook: Sponsored by Ecuador's president strikes back at satire Ecuador's president strikes back at satire
Empresas ecuatorianas participaron en la feria Seafood Expo North América 2015, la muestra más grande de mariscos en los Estados Unidos, dando a conocer lo mejor de la producción nacional al mundo. Ecuador es el segundo mayor exportador de atún en conserva.
Puerto Ayora,:01 de marzo de 2015 Hora: 21h30 El Comité de Gestión de Riesgos del cantón Santa Cruz, ante la emergencia y una vez que el ciudadano JEFFERSON MARIO SUAREZ GONZALEZ, apareció y luego de la valoración por parte del personal médico del Hospital República del Ecuador, se encuentra en buen estado de salud y junto a sus padres, en vista de las circunstancias expuestas, resuelve: 1. LEVANTAR EL ESTADO DE EMERGENCIA PARA EL CASO DEL CIUDADANO JEFFERSON MARIO SUAREZ GONZALEZ. 2. SOLICITAR AL MIES, SE REALICE LAS VALORACIONES Y VISITAS SOCIALES DEL HOGAR DE LA FAMILIA SUAREZ GONZALEZ. 3. SE EXHORTE A LAS ISNTITUCIONES A RESPETAR LOS PROTOCOLOS DE INFORMACIÓN Y COMUNICACIÓN. 4. OFICIAR A LAS INSTITUCIONES, EMPRESAS Y PERSONAS QUE COOPERARON EN LA BUSQUEDA DEL CIUDADANO MARIO SUÁREZ GONZALEZ, AGRADECIENDO POR SU AYUDA. Además, el Comité de Gestión de Riesgos informa que el antedicho ciudadano se encontraba en Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, que viajó y no se comunicó con sus padres. Notifíquese de estas resoluciones a través de los medios de prensa, radio y televisión.
Nariz del diablo ecuador 03_17-2015 Rodas vs Mario Guayasamín
Ecuador Life at Its Pures Ecuador Life ℗ 2015 Various Artists Released on: 2015-03-16 Auto-generated by YouTube.
Apresentação de danças tipicas Quíchuas, por estudantes da Escola Metodista El Sembrador, de Pastocalle, Equador (20/03/2015)
Deportivo Quito 3-1 Liga de Loja 2015: Todo los goles Aquí:
Universidad Católica 4-1 River Ecuador 2015: Mira todo los goles dando Click Aquí:
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... goal, while goalkeeper Jose Corona starred as Mexico edged Ecuador 1-0 in Los Angeles on Saturday.
FourFourTwo 2015-03-29Ecuador, led by former MLS forward Miller Bolaños, generated their fair share of chances, but they ...
noodls 2015-03-29... from goalkeeper Jesus Corona lifted Mexico to a 1-0 friendly win over Ecuador on Saturday.
The Times of India 2015-03-29Mexico's Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez, center, moves the ball through Ecuador goalkeeper Alexander ...
LA Daily News 2015-03-29... from goalkeeper Jesus Corona lifted Mexico to a 1-0 friendly win over Ecuador on Saturday.
Zeenews 2015-03-29... two-seater aircraft died Saturday after crashing into a volcano in central Ecuador, officials said.
Zeenews 2015-03-29... aircraft died at the weekend after crashing into a volcano in central Ecuador, officials said.
The Local 2015-03-29Mexico's sold-out soccer showdown with Ecuador at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum ... Ecuador soccer ...
The Los Angeles Times 2015-03-29... Team defeated their counterparts from Ecuador 1-0 on Saturday during their first FIFA date match.
The Examiner 2015-03-29Ecuador - playing their first match ... International Friendlies, Ecuador, Mexico, Javier Hernández, M.
Goal 2015-03-29... the Andes mountains in Ecuador ... Wilson calls Ecuador a hotspot of biodiversity, and he is so right.
The Columbus Dispatch 2015-03-29Fans celebrate after Ecuador failed to score on a penalty kick in the exhibition game against Mexico at the Coliseum.
The Los Angeles Times 2015-03-29Ecuador’s aviation agency said Guilloud’s enthusiasm for all things that fly started as a young man.
Taipei Times 2015-03-29Ecuador (i/ˈɛkwədɔr/ E-kwə-dawr), officially the Republic of Ecuador (Spanish: República del Ecuador [reˈpuβlika ðel ekwaˈðor], which literally translates to the "Republic of the Equator") is a representative democratic republic in South America, bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south, and by the Pacific Ocean to the west. It is one of only two countries in South America, (along with Chile), that do not have a border with Brazil. The country also includes the Galápagos Islands in the Pacific, about 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) west of the mainland.
The main spoken language in Ecuador is Spanish. Ecuador straddles the equator, from which it takes its name, and has an area of 275,830 km2 (106,500 sq mi). Its capital city is Quito, which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in the 1970s for having the best preserved and least altered historic center in Latin America. The country's largest city is Guayaquil. The historic center of Cuenca, the third largest city in the country, was also declared a World Heritage Site in 1999, for being an outstanding example of a planned inland Spanish style colonial city in the Americas. Ecuador is also home—despite its size—to a great variety of species, many of them endemic, like those of the Galápagos islands. This species diversity makes Ecuador one of the 17 megadiverse countries in the world. The new constitution of 2008 is the first in the world to recognize legally enforceable Rights of Nature, or ecosystem rights.
Dame tu mano
y venga conmigo
Vamonos al viaje para
buscarlos sonidos magicos
?de Ecuador!
Vamonos al viaje para
buscar los sonidos magicos
?de Ecuador!
?Ahora si!
Give me your hand
And come with me
Come and travel with me to
search the magic sounds
from Ecuador!
Listen to me!
Come and travel with me to
search the magic sounds
from Ecuador!
Listen to me!