Stand Strong Against Hate


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SPLC Tracks 939 Hate Groups in the U.S.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is the country’s most effective nonprofit organization fighting dangerous extremist groups. We’ve documented 939 hate groups operating in our country — a nearly 60% increase since 2000. The threat of domestic terrorism from far-right extremists poses a very real danger to our communities. More than 100 radical-right plots, conspiracies and racist rampages have occurred since 1995 – the year Timothy McVeigh bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, including 19 children in a day-care center.

The green on the map represents Americans standing strong against hate. The red dots represent documented hate groups.

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Click your state to learn more. Then add yourself to our map as a voice for tolerance.

Hate and extremist groups operating in the U.S. foment racism, anti-LGBT hate, religious bigotry and anti-immigrant sentiment.

Though the SPLC has documented a decline in the number of hate groups since the peak of 1,018 in 2011, this slide came only after several years of record growth propelled by the nation’s changing demographics and a racist backlash to the election of President Obama. The radical right remains sizeable and highly active with 939 hate groups operating across the country.

This movement continues to exploit opportunities to spread its hateful propaganda. A neo-Nazi leader was quoted in USA Today saying, "When the economy suffers, people are looking for answers. ...We are the answer for white people."

People of goodwill must stand up and be counted. Please add yourself to our interactive map as a voice for tolerance – and find out which hate groups are active in your area.

At the SPLC, we not only track and expose the activities of hate groups – we have a proven history of using innovative legal strategies to put them out of business. In addition, our Teaching Tolerance program provides free anti-bias education materials to every school in the nation.

Join us and the thousands of others across the country who are standing strong against the hate, racism and intolerance infecting our communities, schools and political debate by adding yourself to our map.

Thank you for standing strong against hate.

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Recent Hate Incidents in the United States

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