The Hatewatch blog is managed by the staff of the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based civil rights organization.

Hatewatch Headlines 3-20-15

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 20, 2015 - 8:52 am

CNN: FBI investigating death of African-American man found hanging from a tree in Mississippi.

Media Matters: Bill O’Reilly resorts to string of anti-Semitic tropes in making attack on George Soros.

Arizona Republic: Sheriff Joe Arpaio admits to contempt of court in racial-profiling case, offers to make public acknowledgement.

SFGate: California initiative calling for homosexuals to be shot will likely be presented to voters.

Talking Points Memo: In interview on Fox News, white parents condemn Black History Month at their child’s school.

Gawker: New op-ed writer for New York Times has a colorful history of associations with far-right, racist publications.

DiversityInc: Missouri’s lieutenant governor says Justice Department is ‘staffed with Marxists and black radicals.’

New York Daily News: Aryan Brotherhood member reportedly threatens to kill O.J. Simpson in Nevada prison for cutting in line.

OC Weekly: Neo-Nazis try to turn St. Patrick’s Day concert into a brawl, but band drop-kicks them off the stage.

Hatewatch Headlines 3-19-15

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 19, 2015 - 8:28 am

Bloomberg: Conspiracy theorist’s question at security conference about supposed Obama plot to nuke Charleston leaves Rick Santorum confused.

Raw Story: Feds say Missouri man plotted to kill President Obama with informant posing at Aryan Nations leader.

New Republic: How the Oklahoma fraternity scandal and the Ferguson protest shootings expose a racial double standard.

American-Statesman (Austin, TX): Stickers proclaiming shops ‘Exclusively for White People’ placed on local businesses.

Flathead Beacon: A year later, fallout from Kalispell women’s clinic destroyed by anti-abortion extremist lingers.

AlterNet: Florida teacher suspended for calling teenage Muslim student a ‘raghead’ and ‘terrorista.’

USA Today: Swastikas spray-painted inside Jewish fraternity house at Vanderbilt University.

Crooks and Liars: Ex-employee says James O’Keefe demanded he incite violence in Ferguson, then fired him after he refused.

Think Progress: Far-right Nevada lawmaker Michelle Fiore claims racism is over, then refers to colleague as ‘colored.’

Hatewatch Headlines 3-18-15

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 18, 2015 - 2:33 pm

Talking Points Memo: South Dakota gun show vendor sells racist ‘Official Runnin’ Nigger’ targets.

Charlotte Observer: Muslim’s family home targeted by late-night gunfire, woman inside injured.

Right Wing Watch: AFA’s Bryan Fischer claims that discrimination against homosexuality is not discrimination against people.

Raw Story: Texas lawmaker says anti-gay sodomy law is needed for public health, and to stop ‘bestiality.’

AOL: Young Memphis girl’s parents keep her from attending classmate’s birthday party because she is black.

Newsweek: D.C.’s Crime Museum assembles exhibit on domestic terrorism and hate crimes.

AlterNet: Son of Alabama chief justice Roy Moore claims his drug arrest is a liberal plot to destroy his family.

Think Progress: Penn State fraternity suspended after police discovered their repulsive Facebook page featuring unsuspecting women’s nude images.

Hatewatch Headlines 3-17-15

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 17, 2015 - 8:34 am

Media Matters: Alex Jones loses it over gun safety PSA, pulls out gun during radio rant.

Pandagon: ‘Pissed Off Rednecks Like Me’ is a flat-out racist song, and no apologetics can hide that.

New York Times: Theocratic evangelicals plan to unleash an army of believers on behalf of Republicans in 2016.

Think Progress: The United States is becoming more tolerant of everyone, except for racists. Alabama chief justice Roy Moore’s son arrested for drug possession.

Talking Points Memo: San Francisco cops being investigated for racist texts proclaiming ‘all niggers must hang.’

WTVM-TV (Auburn, AL): Auburn residents complain after Ku Klux Klan fliers appear in driveways.

Right Wing Watch: Rick Santorum tells conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney that ‘tyrant’ Obama is destroying America.

Hatewatch Headlines 3-16-15

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 16, 2015 - 9:38 am

Think Progress: Response to racist video incident at Oklahoma underscores how athletics shapes perceptions of race on campuses.

Salon: How the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to widen America’s racial wealth gap.

Talking Points Memo: University of Maryland officials investigate racist, misogynist email sent out by fraternity member.

New York Daily News: Man slashed across throat in apparent Queens hate crime as attacker yelled anti-white slurs.

Right Wing Watch: AFA’s Bryan Fischer warns that people speaking languages other than English is a sign of God’s judgment.

AlterNet: Why white people freak out when they’re called out about race.

Raw Story: Michigan pastor tells congregation that being gay is an ‘abomination’ similar to being an ‘ax murderer.’

Media Matters: Syndicated radio host Michael Berry claims that white people don’t kill people the way black people do.

Hatewatch Headlines 3/13/15  

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 13, 2015 - 9:56 am

Salon: How racist frat boys get away with it: Big money and the real Sigma Alpha Epsilon scandal.

Indiana Daily Student: White supremacist Traditional Youth Network protests appearance by anti-racist author Tim Wise.

Media Matters: Univision swiftly fires host who suggests Michelle Obama looks like a cast member of ‘Planet of the Apes.’

Talking Points Memo: Ku Klux Klan leader takes jabs at CNN’s Don Lemon in bizarre interview.

Think Progress: How the transatlantic network of hate feeds Islamophobia in both Europe and the United States.

News Tribune (Tacoma, WA): Trial under way for Tacoma white supremacists accused killing comrade.

Right Wing Watch: Franklin Graham says President Obama’s mother ‘must have been a Muslim.’

Pink News: New York hate group ‘church’ hit with violations for installing anti-gay sign without permission.

Raw Story: South Carolina lawmaker suggests a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage to help ‘propagation of our species.’

Hatewatch Headlines 3/12/15

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 12, 2015 - 8:04 am

Phoenix New Times: Prosecutor moves to prevent Chris Simcox from cross-examining his young alleged victims.

Express-News (San Antonio, TX): Ex-Oklahoma frat member blasts racist tweets over video incident, then deletes them.

Los Angeles Times: University of Oklahoma minorities say ‘casual racism’ permeates their lives.

Talking Points Memo: What conservatives willfully ignore when they cry ‘tyranny.’

Color Lines: How white separatists disable Native Americans’ Facebook accounts – and how Facebook lets them.

Buzzfeed: Longtime Lindsey Graham advisor ripped Martin Luther King Jr. when he was editor of neo-Confederate magazine.

Raw Story: Baton Rouge transit chief apologizes for saying whites avoided riding buses because of a lack of white drivers.

AlterNet: ‘You calling me a racist?’ Why it’s so hard for whites to confront their own failings.

Hatewatch Headlines 3/11/15

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 11, 2015 - 8:43 am

Seattle Times: Lawsuit against Army in couple’s death at hands of ‘FEAR’ militia gets 2016 trial date.

Raw Story: Texas fraternity that held racist party also forbids interracial dating, Mexicans, and ‘fagetry.’

Right Wing Watch: Senate GOP invites FRC’s Tony Perkins to politicize hearing on ‘religious freedom abroad.’

Huffington Post: Former NFL player Craig James compares support of same-sex marriage to Satanism.

Mother Jones: Get ready for the conservative assault on where transgender people will be allowed to pee.

Media Matters: Megyn Kelly downplays Ferguson report by comparing racist emails to the kind circulated at most businesses.

Talking Points Memo: Video surfaces of Oklahoma fraternity mom singing the N-word repeatedly.

The Guardian: Texas Muslims fear for their safety after Iraqi man shot dead in Dallas attack.


Hatewatch Headlines 3/10/15

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 10, 2015 - 8:49 am

New York Times: Oklahoma SAE fraternity disbanded after video showing racist chant goes viral.

Think Progress: SAE proudly touts its historical association with the Confederacy on its website.

Clarion Ledger (Jackson, MI): Mississippi sheriff’s deputy fired after allegedly saying ‘I get paid to beat up niggers.’

Raw Story: Top Kansas Democrat calls on Kris Kobach, ‘the most racist politician in America today,’ to step down.

The New Civil Rights Movement: Oklahoma legislator doubles down on assertion that gays have no right to expect to be served.

Crooks and Liars: Ferguson sergeant fired for racist email was Darren Wilson’s supervisor.

Towleroad: Islamophobic Texas lawmaker files anti-LGBT bill hoping to block future same-sex marriages.

Right Wing Watch: Alabama justice Roy Moore warns that court ruling on gay marriage could pave way for government to ‘take your children.’

Hatewatch Headlines 3/9/15

Posted in Hatewatch Headlines by Hatewatch Staff on March 9, 2015 - 8:28 am Ku Klux Klan fliers left at Selma homes on 50th anniversary of ‘Bloody Sunday.’

New York Daily News: Billboard honoring KKK founder erected near Pettus Bridge in time for Selma march anniversary.

Right Wing Watch: Scott Lively warns that homosexuality is ‘worse than murder and worse than genocide.’

Daily Kos: If you think ‘reverse racism’ is worse than what blacks face, read the Ferguson report.

Raw Story: Oklahoma fraternity investigated after video showing racist sing-along goes viral.

AlterNet: Right-wingers’ secession threats are how they fight tooth and nail on the wrong side of history.

Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee): Milwaukee sheriff compares a Harlem without cops to Nigerian massacres by Boko Haram.

Forward: Louis Farrakhan tells followers that Jews ‘played key roles’ in 9/11 attacks.