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A short podcast about the internet.
TLDR Mar 16
The last two tweets were written by the same person. If you were worried about whether or not TLDR contains multitudes, you can rest easy.
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TLDR Mar 16
[We will NEVER start a RHCP cover band - Ed.]
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TLDR Mar 16
Our latest episode has sex and magik, so it's fair to say we're halfway to starting a RHCP cover band.
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TLDR Mar 15
Start your week off all magical like, download TLDR for your commute tomorrow morning:
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TLDR Mar 14
Happy rainy Saturday, aka listen to podcasts day.
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TLDR Mar 13
Which witch? (Answer: both)
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TLDR Mar 13
"Ghosts live in everything, from computer monitors to mid-size sedan cupholders." -- on haunted dolls.
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matt lubchansky Mar 13
regarding that TLDR: i'm very happy about my enchanted penis but also remain upset i cannot dunk
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TLDR Mar 13
Episode 49 is live and Friday 13th themed! Listen to and talk about witches, sex and dunking:
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TLDR Mar 13
Talking to about everyone's main concern: haunted dolls.
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TLDR Mar 13
Thanks, Tim!
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Anil Dash Mar 13
Follow for updates on the next time NYPD decides to edit wikipedia. Thanks to for setting that up.
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olivia taters Mar 12
you know a comment is truly the root all evil lol
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TLDR Mar 12
"I Am Not My Internet Personality, and You Probably Aren’t Yours, Either" by , aka Julieanne Smolinski.
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ಠ_ಠ Mar 11
last month: Reddit bans non-consensual nudes -- this month, so does Twitter
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Peter Silk Mar 11
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Blair Beckwith Mar 9
After listening to this week, all I want is a podcast of people reading ridiculous Yelp reviews in-character.
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TLDR Mar 9
These internet sanctuaries will make you feel calmer than Andrew Keegan:
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bobby finger Mar 8
Spent the wash/rinse/spin/part of the dry cycle catching up on (binging?) ' wonderful TLDR podcast.
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TLDR Mar 7
"I gave it five stars because of the snake."
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