March careers events, incorporating VU Careers Week

  • 4 March 2015 - 9:00am - 31 March 2015 - 5:00pm

Start planning your career now by attending events and workshops during VU Careers Week 2015. A series of events, seminars and workshops have been organised at VU to help you think about and plan your next steps.

We've also listed some external careers events that are useful for students and graduates being held during the month of March.

Note that you may be required to log in to CareerHub to book your attendance at events that have limited capacity.

Win an iPad Air

Current VU students and recent graduates* who register and attend Careers sessions during March 2015 will be eligible to enter the draw to win an iPad Air. (prize will be drawn on 31 March).

View the full list of Careers Week events and Register on CareerHub.

More sessions are added to the CareerHub program daily, so check back regularly for updated information.

*Terms & Conditions: Only current students and recent graduates (up to 12 months) are eligible to enter the prize draw to win an iPad Air.

Career activities at VU campuses

AFISS info sessions (4, 11, 12 March)

Victoria University’s Accounting, Finance & Investment Student Society (AFISS) are proud to present “The Big 4” series of information sessions.

Representatives from both EY and Deloitte, two of the biggest international professional services firms are visiting Victoria University to present information to students in all disciplines and all year levels. We strongly encourage students in penultimate or final year of study in the following disciplines to attend:

  • Accounting, Business and Finance
  • Law and Arts
  • Engineering and IT.

You will gain first-hand information about:

  • A variety of programs on offer including Graduate and Vacation programs and Internships
  • Application opening and closing dates
  • How to navigate the recruitment process
  • Resume tips and interview techniques.

Bookings are essential to avoid disappointment!

EY Information Session - City Flinders

When: Wednesday 4 March, 11.00am – 12.30pm
Where: Level 9, Room 9.15, City Flinders campus

Register to attend the EY AFISS Information session

Deloitte Information Session - City Flinders

When: Wednesday 11 March, 11.00am – 12.30pm 
Where: Level 9, Room 9.15, City Flinders campus
Register to attend the Deloitte AFISS Information session

EY Information Session - Footscray Park

When: Thursday 12 March, 12.00pm – 1.30pm
Where: Building L, Level 1, Room L114, Footscray Park campus

Register to attend the EY AFISS Information session

Applying for Graduate Nursing Programs (11 March)

When: Wednesday 11 March, 10.00am – 12.00pm
Where: Building 9, Lecture theatre 9.102, St Albans campus

This information session is for nursing students in 3rd year and will be of interest to those who are preparing to apply for Graduate Nursing Programs

Register for the Graduate Nursing Programs information session.

Things I wish I knew before I started my Biomedical Sciences degree… (16 March)

When: Monday 16 March, 9.00am – 10.00am
Where: Room location TBA, St Albans campus

Essential information for new students in Health & Biomedical Sciences degrees.

VU Alumni speakers from a Biomedical Science background discuss their career pathways and give suggestions for current students

Register for the Health & Biomedical Science session.

Your Engineering career - getting there, from here (11 & 18 March)

When: Wednesday 11 March, 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Where: Building C, Room C209, Footscray Park campus
Book to attend the Week 3 common time session with Defence and Engineers Australia.

When: Wednesday 18 March, 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Where: Building C, Room C209, Footscray Park campus
Book to attend the Week 4 Engineering Alumni common time session for Engineering students.

This series of information sessions is for students studying Engineering.

During the College of Engineering & Science Common Time, a panel of speakers working in your industry including successful graduates will share their experiences and answer your questions during a Q&A session. A VU Career Educator will be on hand to check if your career is on the right track. Come along and meet the panel. 

London Ambulance Service - Information Session (12 March)

When: Thursday 12 March, 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Where: 300 Flinders Street, Melbourne
Level 12, Conference Room 1, City Flinders Campus

VU Student Paramedics Association presents Jason Killens from the London Ambulance Service who will present a Professional Development Session for VU Student Paramedics and Alumni.

Jason will present information on the topic of Disaster Management and will offer insights and answer your questions about job opportunities within the LAS.

Victorian Public Service - Information Sessions (17 March)

When: Tuesday 17 March, 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Where: Level 9, Room 9.15, City Flinders campus
Book to attend the City Flinders session.

When: Tuesday 17 March, 2.00pm - 3.00pm
Where: Building G, Room G467, Footscray Park Campus
Book to attend the Footscray Park session.

The Victorian Public Service offers an exciting Graduate Recruitment and Development Scheme (GRADS) – a perfect start to a career serving Victorian communities. Attend this session to:

  • meet a VPS representative
  • find out how to apply for the GRADS
  • learn how to identify other entry level opportunities within the VPS
  • ask the presenter your own questions and
  • learn how to improve your chances of success!

The VPS considers graduates from any field of study* and employs graduates from a wide field of disciplines. There is also an Aboriginal Graduate pathway which offers support to applicants through the recruitment and selection process for the VPS GRADS. Come along to the session to find out more!

*Visit for more information about eligibility.

Book to attend the information session for local students.

International students are strongly advised to book to attend this session.

NAB mentors: Top tips for applying for Graduate positions (17 March)

When: Tuesday 17 March, 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Where: Level 9, Room 9.15, City Flinders campus
Book to attend the NAB speakers event at City Flinders.

When: Tuesday 17 March, 3.00pm - 4.00pm
Where: Building G, Room G467, Footscray Park campus
Book to attend the NAB speakers event at Footscray Park.

These sessions are for final and penultimate year students from all disciplines in Higher Education courses and include question time. Hear from NAB staff who successfully made it through the highly competitive NAB application process. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get the inside story on graduate position applications and the benefits of an industry mentor.

VU Nursing Expo (18 March)

When: Wednesday 18 March, 10.00am – 12.00pm
Where: Building 9, foyer outside lecture theatre 9.102, St Albans campus

Recruiters and Coordinators from a variety of hospitals and organisations that employ students and graduates in Nursing and other Health Sciences, will be on campus to talk face-to-face with students and recent graduates.

Don’t miss the opportunity to ask questions about the application process and how you can improve your chances of successfully gaining a position in a competitive employment market.

This event will be useful preparation for those interested in attending the ACN Nursing & Health Expo, Melbourne in April. For more information visit the Careers website.

Bookings are not required.

Fair Work Ombudsman - Information sessions (19 March)

When: Thursday 19 March, 11.00am - 12.00pm (Local students)
When: Thursday 19 March, 1.00pm - 2.00pm (International students)

Where: 300 Flinders Street, Melbourne
Level 9, Room 9.15, City Flinders Campus

Fair Work Ombudsman representatives will attend on campus to present two information sessions, including a session especially for International Students.

Topics of discussion will include:

  • General information about the Fair Work Ombudsman
  • The Fair Work System
  • National Employment Standards (minimum entitlements)
  • Industrial Instruments (Awards, Enterprise Agreements)
  • Minimum wages
  • Payslips
  • Things to watch out for in the workplace
  • Case studies

Don't miss out on this rare opportunity during Careers Week at VU to hear important information and to ask questions about working rights and conditions in Australia. Bookings are essential to avoid disappointment.

Prepare for the Big Meet! (23 & 24 March)

When: Monday 23 March, 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Where: Building M, Level 4, Room 4.02, Footscray Park Campus
Book to attend the session at Footscray Park.

When: Tuesday 24 March, 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Where: Level 9, Room 9.15, City Flinders Campus
Book to attend the session at City Flinders.

Make a great impression when you meet Graduate Program recruiters and employers face-to-face. Tips for getting the most out of your attendance at the The Big Meet careers fair.

Careers workshops will be held at two campuses which will cover topics such as researching employer organisations, professional etiquette and behaviour and preparing to make a favourable '60 second impression' when you meet recruiters.

More workshops are being added daily so watch this space!

Starting out in the Legal Profession....Adventures and Insights (23 March)

When: Monday 23 March, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Where: 295 Queen Street, Melbourne
Room RO102,  City Queen Campus

Do your Law degree justice! A panel of VU Alumni speakers from Law discuss their career pathways and how they launched their legal careers. The panel will include speakers from Slater & Gordon, ASIC and Anthony Raso & Associates. Find out what they wished they knew, when they were starting their Law degree!

Book here to attend this special seminar.

VU Big Breakfast – City Flinders (26 March)

When: Thursday 26 March, 9.30am - 10.30am
Where:  Student Services walkway (outside VUHQ), Ground Level, City Flinders Campus

Come and meet Career Educators and fellow students, over coffee and a muffin before heading off to the Palladium Room at Crown, Southbank. Find out about eligibility requirements and if you can apply for Graduate and Vacation programs by talking to a Careers Educator. Get tips and hints about making the most of your time face-to-face with employers at The Big Meet. VU Hair and Beauty students will be on hand to provide services such as last minute tweaks and touch-ups for all of you heading to the Big Meet.

Book to attend the VU Big Breakfast.

CPA Australia: Be heard. Be recognised. (27 March)

When: Friday 27 March, 11.00am to 12.00pm
Where: Level 9, Room 9.15, City Flinders Campus
CPA Australia are coming to your campus! Learn the leadership, strategy and business skills needed to stand out. See yourself as a future CFO or senior business leader? This session will detail the CPA Program including its Practical Experience Requirement and how students can become CPA members. Join CPA Australia for a conversation about the real journey through business with an industry leader at your campus.

Register to attend this information session at City Flinders campus.

Careers in Community Development (30 March)

When: Monday 30 March, 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Where: Building D, Level 5, Room D5.31,  Footscray Park campus

Attend this session to find out more about opportunities and pathways towards a rewarding career in Community Development. 

This interactive workshop will feature presentations from VU students and alumni who work in the field, as well as International Development champion, David Shires. Students from all courses welcome.

Book your place in this Community Development information session.

External careers event

The Big Meet, Melbourne (26 March)

When: Thursday 26 March, 11.00am – 3.00pm
Where: Palladium at Crown, 8 Whiteman Street, Southbank

Meet many of Australia's leading graduate employers. Find out about Graduate and Vacation program application closing dates to fast track your climb up the corporate ladder! Visit the VU stand inside the venue to talk to a Careers Educator for last minute hints and tips about how to impress and make the most of your time with employers. Dress to impress in your business best!

Visit the Big Meet website and register to attend.

CPA Australia Career Expo 2015 (31 March)

When: Tuesday 31 March, 5.30pm - 8.00pm
Crown Entertainment Complex

Visit the CPA Australia website for more information.

Career Expo is the essential event for students and graduates seeking a career in the accounting and finance industry. This is your opportunity to learn what it takes to make you stand out from the crowd. 

Attend this free event for your chance to:

  • meet The Naked CEO, Alex Malley, Chief Executive of CPA Australia
  • discuss graduate opportunities and internships with top employers
  • purchase a copy of The Naked CEO and have it signed by Alex Malley.

Access The Naked CEO Mentoring Zone where you’ll be able to:

  • seek career advice
  • receive one-on-one resume tips (so bring your resume)
  • get a professional photo taken to improve your LinkedIn profile
  • learn how to dress for success from a professional stylist
  • learn how being a CPA can improve your career prospects.

Register for the CPA Career Expo 2015.

See all events

Careers Week 2015. Branch out. Explore your options. Start now! 16-20 March 2015
Don't miss Careers Week 2015, 16-20 March at Victoria University


  • 4 March 2015 - 9:00am - 31 March 2015 - 5:00pm


  • Various locations on and off campus.

    Log in to CareerHub to view the details of individual events and book your attendance.

Get in touch

  • Libby Ainalis
    Careers Coordinator - Industry & Community Liaison

    Career Development & Employment

    Phone: +61 3 9919 4064