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China's Rich & Famous - Rich Lifestyle- Piers Morgan on Shanghai
Chai Jing's review: Under the Dome – Investigating China’s Haze 柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下
China's Elite Female Bodyguards
Japan and Australia Are Ignoring Warnings to Not Join China's New Bank
3 Storeys in Each Day, China's New Normal, J57 BSB 一天三层 中国新常态
Climbing China's Incredible Cliffs
China Dumps US Treasuries While European Allies Join China's Development Bank - Episode 618
20 Signs China's Pollution Has Reached Apocalyptic Levels | China Uncensored
China's Empty Cities
China's last surviving steam trains
China's Incredible Ghost Cities Will Make Your Jaw Drop
China's financial power play?
"Under The Dome" Documentary on China's Pollution by Chai Jing - Part 1 (English Subtitles)
China's Plan To Claim More Land
China's Rich & Famous - Rich Lifestyle- Piers Morgan on Shanghai ***Discover the secrets to Riches by Subscribing*** China's Rich & Famous - Rich Lifestyle- Piers Morgan on Shanghai Instagram: FB: Start making money ONLINE! By clicking here! I do not own the copy rights or any rights to this video. Will be taken down if requested by owner. Thanks for watching The Luxurious Life of China's Rich & Famous - Rich Lifestyle- Piers Morgan on Shanghai Subscribe for more videos like The Luxurious Life of China's Rich & Famous - Rich Lifestyle- Piers Morgan on Shanghai
ENGLISH SUBTITLES ARE IN THE TRANSLATING PROGRESS We need your help!: Former celebrity TV anchor Chai Jing, quit her job after her baby daughter was born with lung tumor, and after a year of rigorous investigation, launched this 1 hour 40 minutes documentary about China’s smog: what is smog? Where does it come from? What do we do from here? It is very powerful in many ways. English subtitles of the documentary is not available, but if you can, grab a Chinese friend and watch it with you. English Subtitles translated by: Linghein Ho Jiewen Yang Thank you for help: Tianyu Fang
China's booming billionaire population has developed a penchant for personal bodyguards, who often serve as status symbols as well as muscle. Female guards, valued for their covert presence, precision, and elegance, are in particularly high demand at the moment. VICE China recently visited Beijing's Yun Hai bodyguard training school to see how this fierce fighting force is trained. Click here to subscribe to VICE: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: More videos from the VICE network: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our Tumblr: Follow us on Instagram: Japan signaled cautious approval of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) on Friday and said for the first time that, if conditions were met, it could join the institution that the United States has warned against. Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey said there was "a lot of merit" in the bank and the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper reported that Canberra could formally decide to sign up when the full cabinet meets on Monday. Japan, Australia and the South Korea, all major U.S. allies, are the notable regional absentees from the AIIB. The United States, worried about China's growing diplomatic clout, has questioned whether the AIIB will have sufficient standards of governance and environmental and social safeguards. But after Britain broke ranks with Western nations and said earlier this month that it would join the AIIB, other major EU members have followed suit. Read more:
Speed to Reach a Bluer Sky with energy efficiency, material economy, cohesive community. Broad Sustainable Building is a Modular Factory Built Product.
China is home to the world's greatest concentration of karsts: rocky spires and spillways shaped over time by the elements. For some climbers, scaling these ...
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 3.17.2015 Greece needs more money so Tsipras plans to meet with Putin. If Greece exits the Euro Zone, Spain and Italy will follow.1 in 3 Americans are classified as the working poor. Housing starts implode throughout the country. European allies decide to join the China development bank to protect themselves from the collapsing dollar. China dumps more US treasuries. White House exempts itself from the FOIA. Kiev is doing everything it can to push war with Russia. The oil in Libya is now being sold not using the dollar. US preparing to go into Syria, trying the chlorine gas trick once again. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
9 out 10 cities in China have failed government pollution standards according to China's Ministry of Environmental Protection. A quarter of million Chinese die every year from pollution, rivers turn blood red, and by 2030, China will be COMPLETELY OUT OF WATER! These are just a few of the signs that China's pollution has reached apocalyptic levels, and it's having a global effect on climate change. To find out the rest, watch this episode of China Uncensored. Subscribe for more China Uncensored: Make sure to share with your friends! ______________________________ Twitter: Facebook: Google+: ______________________________ MOBILE LINKS: The Ancient Sounds of Guqin China's Anti-Drone Laser Defense System
Why are so many uninhabited cities still being built in China? Dateline returns to update one of its most watched stories, China's Ghost Cities, to find out. For more on Adrian Brown's story, go to the SBS Dateline website...
British train enthusiast Roger Croston goes to see these fire breathing dragons on the outskirts of the grimy industrial city of Baiyin. More on our website: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our channel: Find us on Facebook:
Empty Cities, 2012 China is the world's most populated country but it's full of vast, empty cities, including a replica Paris. Is it forward thinking or a cr...
Support grows for a Beijing-based development bank seen as rival to western institutions.
柴静调查雾霾《穹顶之下》第一集 英文字幕 The remaining parts are currently being patient!
Subscribe! China is turning highly contested reefs scattered throughout the South China Sea, into small, developed islands. However, countries like Vietnam and Malaysia, also laying claim to the islands. ---------------------------- Check out more Seeker! China's Plan To Cut Central America In Half - ---------------------------- Lissette's Twitter: Join the Seeker community! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Tumblr: Google+: ---------------------------- Sources: The BBC The Economist The BBC ---------------------------- Creative Commons Image Credits: USS George Washington by Official U.S. Navy Page CC BY 2.0
China's Military Capabilities 1945-2015: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum - Chinese Armed Forces 2015 People's Liberation Army Navy 2015 People's Liberation Army Air Force 2015 People's Liberation Army 2016 Music:Fire Arrows and Shields by Grégoire Lourme
China is building the largest highway system in the world. With over 65,000 miles completed in just 25 years, the project is the largest infrastructure initiative in world history and will be complete around 2020. Subscribe to TDC: You'll love our website: Like our page on Facebook Join us on Google+ Follow us on Twitter Music: "Divider" by Chris Zabriskie Keywords: TDC TheDailyConversation The Daily Conversation
Not much is known about this first Chinese dynasty -- in fact, until fairly recently, most historians thought that the Xia dynasty was a myth. But the archeological record has proven them wrong, for the most part. The Xia dynasty is thought to have been founded by Yu the Great, who was born in 2059 BC and considered a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. His capital was at Yang City. Yu is a semi-mythical figure who spent 13 years stopping the great flood and brought irrigation to the Yellow River Valley. Yu was the ideal hero and ruler ascribed a mythical dragon birth. He became god of the soil. China The Beginning (China's Origins) China is the only civilization that continues to hold sway throughout its entire territory as defined by its ancient borders. This three-part series documentary retraces almost 2,000 years of Chinese ancient history – a period that holds vital clues to understanding how this powerful nation was built. Many people forget that during the heyday of the Christian era, China was already a highly developed country. In this fascinating program we will focus on the heart of one of the most mysterious countries in the world. Witness the evolution of civilization and visit the places where the dignitaries are buried, also visit the mausoleum of China's first emperor Qin Shi Huang Di.
Don't forget! Crash Course posters and t-shirts at In which John Green teaches you about China's Revolutions. While the rest...
Earth-Keeper Presents: Author, Theorist, Researcher & Scientist Richard C Hoagland on his new & latest fascinating information from 2014 on China';s extraordinary moon mission, torsion physics, ancient moon structures and hidden NASA. . Filmed live at the Earth-Keeper 2014 Star-Gate Event in Arizona.
Ghost Cities-China: China continues to build vast cities, but they remain almost completely uninhabited ghost towns. For more information and downloads visit...
China’s pollution is so bad that it’s affecting every country on Earth! How do countries affect each other? How Fecal Transplants Can Save Lives: Read More: 3-D Animation: How The Sahara Desert Feeds The Amazon “This beautiful video from NASA shows us just how connected our world really is.” See How Sahara Dust Jets to the Amazon in 3-D “The Amazon rainforest exists in part due to an atmospheric pipeline of dust from the Sahara Desert. And if that pipeline were to dry up or be diverted, massive biological changes could occur across the jungle.” Why China's Pollution Could Be Behind Our Cold, Snowy Winters “It's March. It's freezing. And there's half a foot of snow on the ground. When is this winter going to end?” Atmospheric Aerosols: What Are They, and Why Are They So Important? “Aerosols are minute particles suspended in the atmosphere. When these particles are sufficiently large, we notice their presence as they scatter and absorb sunlight. Their scattering of sunlight can reduce visibility (haze) and redden sunrises and sunsets.” ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily. Watch More DNews on TestTube Subscribe now! DNews on Twitter Trace Dominguez on Twitter Julia Wilde on Twitter DNews on Facebook DNews on Google+ Discovery News Download the TestTube App:
China's Billionaires' Club BBC Documentary 2014 Leadership expert and the BBC's CEO Guru, Steve Tappin tells the story of an exclusive group of China's top entrepreneurs. They got together around a decade ago to try to help improve the image of the business community in a country where, not long ago, there was little in the way of a market economy. The result was the establishment of an exclusive club of 46 of the top business people in China, which counts billionaires like Jack Ma of Alibaba amongst its members. Through unique and revealing interviews with club members, this programme tells the story of how the first businesses in China were established after the economic reforms of the 1980s, and the challenges that China's first generation of innovators encountered on their path to success. What drove them to innovate, and what are their visions for their companies, their products, and their country?
China is in the midst of a massive industrial and economic revolution which has required large expenditures of energy. Although it is one of the world's leaders in green energy ventures, most of China's energy comes in the form of coal. We all know fossil fuels come with a hefty environmental price and they have definitely left China's mega cities with a gnarly air pollution problem. In Beijing, the majority of the factories are located right on the outskirts of the city, often laying a blanket of thick grey smog in the air. This smog which contains a class of particle known as PM 2.5 amongst other terrible things, and has lead to spikes in pulmonary diseases and other health issues among Beijingers. In this episode of Upgrade, we head to the Netherlands to talk to Daan Roosegaarde, an artist who focuses on social design projects aimed at stirring up conversation. His latest project involves a giant ionic smog crushing vacuum that he wants to put in a park in Beijing so it's citizens can enjoy clean air. Check out more episodes of Upgrade: Aquapods Are the Future of Oceanic Fish Farming: The Magnetic Wand That Cleans Oil Spills: Subscribe to MOTHERBOARD: Follow MOTHERBOARD Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
An animated infographic depicting China’s territorial disputes. Is China trying to expand its territory? ONE reason China’s spectacular rise sometimes alarms its neighbours is that it is not a status quo power. From its inland, western borders to its eastern and southern seaboard, it claims territory it does not control. In the west, China’s border dispute with India is more than a minor cartographic tiff. China claims an area of India that is three times the size of Switzerland, the state of Arunachal Pradesh. Further west, China occupies Indian claimed territory next to Ladakh in Kashmir, an area called the Aksai Chin. China humiliated India in a brief, bloody war over the dispute in 1962. Since 1988, the two countries have put the dispute on the backburner and got on with developing commercial ties, despite occasional flare-ups. More immediately dangerous is the stand-off between China and Japan over disputed islands in the East China Sea, known as the Senkakus in Japan and Diaoyu in Chinese. Japan says they have always been its territory and admits no dispute, claiming also that China only started expressing an interest when it began to seem the area might be rich in oil and gas. A new and much more dangerous phase of the dispute began in 2012 after Japan’s government nationalised three of the islands by buying them from their private owner. China accused Japan of breaking an understanding not to change the islands’ status. Ever since, it has been challenging not just Japan’s claim to sovereignty over the islands, but its claim to control them, sending Chinese ships and planes to patrol them. Raising the stakes is Japan’s alliance with America, which says that though it takes no position on who owns the islands, they are covered by its defence treaty with Japan, since it administers them. Especially provocative to America and Japan was China’s unilateral announcement in November 2013 of an Air-defence Identification Zone, covering the islands. The worry is less that big powers will deliberately go to war over these desolate little rocks, but that an accidental collision at sea or in the air might escalate unforeseeably. Similar fears cloud disputes in the South China Sea, where the maritime claims in South-East Asia are even more complex, and, again, competition is made more intense by speculation about vast potential wealth in hydrocarbon resources. Vietnam was incensed in May 2014 when China moved a massive oil-rig to drill for two months in what it claimed as its waters. This was near the Paracel Islands, controlled by China since it evicted the former South Vietnamese from them in 1974. To the south, China and Vietnam also claim the Spratly archipelago, as does Taiwan, whose claim in the sea mirrors China’s. But the Philippines also has a substantial claim. Malaysia and even tiny Brunei also have an interest. But it is with Vietnam and the Philippines that China’s disputes are most active. The Philippines accuses China of salami-slicing tactics, stealthily expanding its presence in disputed waters. In 1995 it evicted the Philippines from Mischief Reef, and in 2012 from Scarborough Shoal. This year it has tried to stop the Philippines from resupplying a small garrison it maintains on the Second Thomas Shoal, and appears to be building an airstrip on the Johnson South Reef. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea—UNCLOS—is one forum for tackling these disputes. But UNCLOS cannot rule over territorial disputes, just over the waters habitable islands are entitled to. And China and Taiwan point to a map published in the 1940s, showing a big U-shaped nine-dashed line around the edge of the sea. That, they say, is historically all China’s. This has no basis in international law, and the Philippines, to China’s fury, is challenging it at an UNCLOS tribunal. In fact China often fails to clarify whether its claims are based on the nine-dashed line, or on claims to islands, rocks and shoals. That lack of clarity alarms not just its neighbours and rival claimants, but the United States, which says it has its own national interest in the freedom of navigation in a sea through which a huge chunk of global trade passes Also alarming is that if these arguments over tiny specks in the sea become so unmanageable, what hope is there for resolving the really big issues? And the biggest of all is the status of Taiwan, still seen by China as part of its territory, but in practice independent since 1949. For now, Taiwan and China have a thriving commercial relationship. But polls suggest that few in Taiwan hanker after unification with the mainland. And China’s rulers still insist that one day they will have to accept just that.
Travel video about destination China. China’s Imperial City is located in the centre of its ancient Middle Kingdom, a gigantic and inscrutable empire beyond the Great Wall. The Imperial City is entered through the Gates of Heavenly Peace.After seven years of construction, Ming Emperor Zhu Di moved into his newly-established palace complex in which over eight thousand people lived in almost a thousand rooms. The palace served as both a residential and governmental seat to the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. A stone’s throw away from the old Summer Palace is the Garden of Harmonious Unity that was the favourite garden of the Emperor’s household who retreated to its cool lakeside shores during the humid months of summer. Close to Badaling the Great Wall Of China extends majestically across misty mountains. It is the largest Man-made structure in the world and was erected to protect the country from invasion from the North. The gigantic wall represented the division of two very different cultures. On one side the Central Asian Nomads and on the other the highly developed civilisation of the emerging Chinese Empire. Shanghai is a Gigantic City and a meeting point of both east and west. The shoreline is without a doubt the city’s main focal point and is a combination of past, present and future and contains the historic monuments and eye catching buildings of a great city. Famous explorer Marco Polo referred to Suzhou as the ‘Venice of the East’, a city that is particularly famous for its gardens. Many of its extremely elegant buildings are remnants of a glorious past. Yunnan´s most famous site is the unique Stone Forest Of Shi Lin, a forest of rock that extends for 27,000 hectares. Hong Kong is a city of the superlative with glimmering skyscrapers that seem to take root in the sky and one elegant building after another with shining glass and hi-tech facades. China is a world within a world!
Top Things to do in China! I know that this is long overdue and that I haven't posted a video in a while, but seriously China!! Anyways, this list is less about the top attractions in China and more about the best ones. Moreover, it features the off the beaten path destinations in China as well. So what are the most incredible things to do in China. Here's my take: 10) Changsha and the Mao Zedong Staute (长沙和毛泽东雕像) This is crazy, in the capital of Hunan Province there's a giant statue of Mao Zedong that looks like something out of Mount Rushmore. Definitely a top thing to see in China. 9) Bifengxia Panda Base (碧峰峡大熊猫保护区) The Panda Center in Chengdu is a bit over-touristed. That's why it's a great option to head to Bifengxia on the edge of the village of Ya'an, and up to this amazing place to visit in China. 8) Dunhuang Oasis (敦煌绿洲) Up in Gansu Province there are a lot of amazing places to see! The Dunhuang Desert Oasis is an extension of the Gobi and is unreal! 7) The Westernmost Section of the Great Wall of China in Jiayuguan (对中国的嘉峪关长城的最西端科) Sure, most people travel China specifically to see the Great Wall. Most head to Beijing. If you want an off-the-beaten-path option than Jiayuguan is perfect. 6) Yangshuo (阳朔) In Guanxi Province Yangshuo is awesome. Limestone karst landscapes and beautiful river scenes make this an easy addition to the top things to see in China. 5) Mati Si and the Cliff Temples (马蒂思崖寺) Mati Si is really cool. It's famous for the Buddhist Cliff temples, and they are very cool. Full of grottos and caves, this is a must see in China. 4) Zhangye Rainbow Mountains (张掖彩虹山) This was probably the #1 thing I was looking forward to in China. However, most people don't even know about it. The Zhangye Rainbow Mountains are unreal, and a worthy addition to a travel itinerary in China that is full of amazing attractions. 3) Shangrila and the Songzanlin Monastery (香格里拉和松赞林寺) Up on the border of Tibet in Yunan Province, the town of Shangrila is a really interesting visit. Lots of colourful people, interesting architecture, and the amazing Songzanlin Monastery. 2) Dragon's Backbone Rice Terraces (龙的骨干梯田) Near Guilin, the Drangon's Backbone Rice Terraces are a must-see in China. They were close to ending up as the number one thing to see in China on this list, but even the amazing landscapes of this place couldn't beat out... 1) Zhangjiajie National Forest Park and the Avatar Mountains (张家界国家森林公园和阿凡达山) Actually, this was fairly easily my #1 Thing to see in China. The avatar mountains in Zhangjiajie National Forest park are crazy cool. The incredible mountains were the inspiration for the movie avatar. You need to see this place with your own eyes! That's it for my list. What's on your top attractions list for China? 看到中国最好的东西 中国旅游景点 中国旅游 For more from this video including photos, check out my blog
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As well as things like our visits to significant historic and cultural sites, there are also a bunch of clips of really practical things like how to get around, what we ate, travel tips and so on. So check out the playlists below. presents... China is the largest country in East Asia with Beijing as its capital city. In this video clip learn all about China. Subscribe to our new dedicated WatchMojo Travel channel,
Check out my other helpful travel tips and subscribe at: Don't forget to thumbs up this video! Airlines & Preparedness, beijing, beij...
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As ...
overing approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, China is the world's second-largest country by land area,[17] and either the third or fourth-largest by total area, depending on the method of measurement.[i] China's landscape is vast and diverse, ranging from forest steppes and the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts in the arid north to subtropical forests in the wetter south. The Himalaya, Karakoram, Pamir and Tian Shan mountain ranges separate China from South and Central Asia. The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the third- and sixth-longest in the world, run from the Tibetan Plateau to the densely populated eastern seaboard. China's coastline along the Pacific Ocean is 14,500 kilometres (9,000 mi) long, and is bounded by the Bohai, Yellow, East and South China Seas. The history of China goes back to the ancient civilization -- one of the world's earliest -- that flourished in the fertile basin of the Yellow River in the North China Plain. For millennia, China's political system was based on hereditary monarchies, known as dynasties, beginning with the semi-mythological Xia of the Yellow River basin (c. 2000 BCE). Since 221 BCE, when the Qin Dynasty first conquered several states to form a Chinese empire, the country has expanded, fractured and been reformed numerous times. The Republic of China (ROC) overthrew the last dynasty in 1911, and ruled the Chinese mainland until 1949. After the defeat of the Empire of Japan in World War II, the Communist Party defeated the nationalist Kuomintang in mainland China and established the People's Republic of China in Beijing on 1 October 1949, while the Kuomintang relocated the ROC government to its present capital of Taipei.
Things to do in China Travel Guide: Guangxi Province (Guilin, Yangshuo, Li River, Rice Terraces) playlist: 1) A tour of Yangshuo night life including visiting a night market and eating Chinese street food (阳朔夜市和街头食品) China 2) Red Yao Hill Tribe Long Hair Performance at Lonji Longsheng Rice Terrace in Guilin, China (瑤族 - 瑶族) (龙胜梯田 - 龍勝梯田) 3) Li River Bamboo Boat Cruise down the Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo, China (Lijiang: 从桂林到阳朔漓江竹游船) 4) Hiking up Longsheng Rice Terraces (Longji Dragon's Backbone) in Guilin, China (龙胜梯田 - 龙脊梯田) 5) Bicycle ride around scenic rural and countryside areas just outside of Yangshuo, China (骑自行车在阳朔乡间) 6) A tour around Guilin, China at night including night markets, street food, pagodas and lakes 晚上桂林 7) Taking the train in China from Hong Kong to Guangzho en route to Guilin travel video So tonight is our very last night in Yangshuo, a charming little town in Southwestern China, so we're going to show you around the main strip. So our first stop is going to be the street food market. I haven't eaten in maybe two hours, so it's time to get a snack. If I had to choose between Guilin and Yangshuo the two most popular cities in this region it's definitely Yangshuo. It's a more historic town. It's a lot more pedestrian friendly and there are great As we were wandering around the night market tonight we had lots of people come up to us and ask to take photos beside us. At least probably four or five times and we finally filmed the last one. It was really cool. We were like celebrities in China. Yeah, almost famous. So, this market had some pretty cool souvenirs. We saw fake Chinese passports if you want to take one of those home. They also had combs carved out of ox bone. They had these stamps where you can get your Chinese name carved on them and then you can just sign documents that way which is pretty cool. Today we are visiting a local hill tribe that just lives a few hours outside of Guilin and we've come here because this community is known for the women's long hair. They grow it out and it's almost a meter and a half long and we're actually going to be watching a performance where they spin their hair and wrap it up and show us how they wear it. Today we're in between Guilin and Yangshuo and we're doing a special river cruise down the Li River. So this tour is going to be an hour and a half long and we're going to get to enjoy some pretty stunning landscapes, so I'm pretty excited about it. When I came here two years ago it was hazy and foggy. Now it's a gorgeous glorious day. Here we are at the Longji Rice Fields which are located just outside of Guilin. We've had such good luck. Check out the weather and the views behind. So we are hiking up to one of the viewing platforms. This is going to be tough because it's like forty degrees outside and we're been told it'll take 30 minutes to one hour depending on our pace. So I'm trying to stay hydrated. Audrey is going to have to workout We've rented a couple of bikes and we've decided to spend our last morning exploring around the countryside areas of Yangshuo. They were pretty cheap. Just under two dollars for each bike. So we finally made it to Guilin. So this is the Guilin main square. It gets really busy here at night. Lots of shops, restaurants, eateries. You can do it all here. Chinese singing. So we are now at the lake and the main attraction are the these two pagodas that light up at night. Background music playing. Oh, that mapo tofu looks so good. Really generous sized portion. Well, it's hard to believe but our time in Hong Kong has already expired. Today we're taking a train ride. Where are we going? We're crossing over into China. We are in Guangzho. Apparently there are two train stations. We arrived at the one that is on the East End of the City and we had to get across town to the other and it was difficult but we need to keep going. So right now we are in Guangzho station waiting for our train to Guilin. And we happen to be waiting in the VIP room. There is no tea in this tea room. We're going to Guilin. Uh, we're looking for number ten. So we're in the dining cart now getting ready to have dinner. Let's see what is on the menu if we can even read it. We barely got a seat here. Decision time. So we did manage to find an English menu which makes things a lot easier. Fish one. Tofu with pork. One. Okay. Rice. One Rice? Okay. Beer. One. Okay. Ah, green tea - one. okay. So this is the friend fish with a sweet and sour sauce. Good morning. We are almost in Guilin. Our train has been delayed about an hour and a half. Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network and Kevin Mcleod under a creative commons attribution 2.0 license. Presented by &
Travel video about destination Shanghai. Shanghai is a gigantic city that is a meeting point of both east and west. The shoreline is without a doubt the city... Hong Kong, a former British territory, is one of the most densely populated places in China and in the world. You’ll find quiet neighborhoods full of temples and a dazzling skyline loaded with shopping and dining opportunities. Your Hong Kong tour must include visits to the many religious sites scattered around the city, where incense wafts from shrines and monasteries take over entire hillsides. You’ll have a marvelous time shopping in tax-free Hong Kong, where you’ll be able to find clothing, jewelry, furniture, and everything else under the sun. Don’t forget about Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, which overlooks the stunning Victoria Harbor. From there, your Hong Kong sightseeing may detour to Central, the city’s main business district, which looks like something out of a sci-fi film. The observation deck atop the International Commerce Centre will show you fantastic views of the city. Hong Kong isn’t all cityscape, of course; there are many gardens, parks, and other green spaces for you to explore. You’ll also find beaches, national parks, and quiet islands for you to indulge in natural beauty and serenity. This city truly has everything. Visit our Hong Kong travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Google+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
World Travel Beijing - China Travel Guide, Tourism Beijing - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation Beijing is one of those wonderful cities that manages to combine the historic with the modern, and pull off both with aplomb. The billions of dollars worth of renovations that resulted from being awarded the 2008 Olympics Games have transformed what some felt was dowdy backwater of a city into a modern metropolis any country would be proud of. Beijing is now blessed with top-quality hotels and restaurants, a world-class subway system - set to become the world's biggest by 2015 - and some of the most eye-catching and modern architecture on the planet. Yet beyond the modernity, this ancient city can still offer an incredible number of historic attractions, including its remarkable network of hutong alleyways, which provide a unique village-within-a-city atmosphere of slow-paced living and timeless charms. Beijing is also the country's most convenient launch pad for trips to China's most famous sight of all; the Great Wall. ========================= China, Beijing, Beijing Vacation, Beijing Tourism, Beijing travel guide, Beijing Nightlife, Beijing Restaurants, Beijing Shopping
Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation World Travel Shanghai - China Travel Guide Shanghai is the future all other Chinese cities aspire to reach. Forget creaking temples and dusty old palaces (there are plenty of them elsewhere); Shanghai is where people come to see modern China at its glimmering best. This fast-paced city of towering skyscrapers is, in fact, not without its own significant history. Its glory days of the 1930s helped build Shanghai's reputation as a City of Sin. But to pause for too long at the city's past would be missing the point: Shanghai is all about the future face of the world's future super power, and coming here is to witness what makes the business end of China tick. Perhaps best visited at the end of your trip to China, Shanghai offers history-tired tourists the chance to dine at glitzy restaurants, wine at funky cocktail bars and shop inside dazzling malls before resting up in the country's most impressive hotels. ========================================= Shanghai Museums, Shanghai Transport, Shanghai Tours, Shanghai Introduction, Shanghai Attractions, Shanghai Hotels, Shanghai Restaurants, Shanghai Shopping, Shanghai Nightlife, world travel video, Shanghai video, Shanghai, Shanghai Travel guide, Shanghai Tourism, Shanghai Vacation, China, China travel guide, China tourism, China vacation === Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation, Travel Tips, Attractions
The Great Wall of China is a must-see and we saw it from Badaling. However - no one tells you that there is something YOU SHOULDN"T WEAR on your visit! Plus, it's easy to get some great pictures despite the crowds.... IF you follow my tips. Why was I frustrated travel to the Great Wall at Badaling? Because it took a long time for us to (1) Walk to the subway station (2) Transfer and get to our destination subway station where we then had to (3) get slightly lost trying to find the bus station before (4) finally finding the station and getting in line for what we hoped was the right bus and then (5) riding the bus to the Badaling Great Wall area after a girl beside us vomited because of motion sickness and then (6) walking for 15 minutes to get to the actual village/town at the base of the Wall and (7) finally finding the cable car to ride up to the wall so we didn't exhaust ourselves before ever getting to a good view point. However, it was still worth it! Lauren Bercarich
Hong Kong Travel Video including some of the top things to do in Hong Kong along with the best attractions in Hong Kong, China. Hong Kong is one of the most ...
Hong Kong Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay & shop in Hong Kong with travel experts Rachel Rudwall and Andrea Feczko. Watch more @How2Travelers videos! Leading global financial hub, one of the world's most densely populated cities, and spot where East meets West, Hong Kong has a lot going on. But is it worth a trip? - SIGHTS: Kowloon Night Market, Temple Street Night Market, The Peak, River Cruise & Harbor Light Show, Lantau Island, Outdoor Escalator System, Temples, Landscape - CITY VIEWS: The Peak - FOOD: Markets, Dim Sum, Peninsula Hotel High Tea, Jumbo Kingdom Floating Restaurant, Bao Pork Buns, Noodle Bowls, Fresh Coconut Milk - HOTELS: Harbour Plaza, Harbourview Hotel - SHOPPING: Markets, Malls - Festival Walk, APM, Times Square, Causeway Bay - NIGHTLIFE: Lan Kwai Fong, Dragon-I Club - BONUS TRIP! Lantau Island - site of HK Disneyland, World's Largest Seated Metal Buddha, traditional Chinese villages Follow How 2 Travelers on Twitter! Like us on Facebook! Follow us in Instagram!
"No other mountains under heaven can surpass Mount.Lushan," more about Lushan, The magnificent mountain rises upright out of the l... A dedicated website for travel Taboos, Dos and Donts of world popular destinations, such as China. Come to visit this website for details and to share yourgood and bad travel experiences to enhance others' knowledge.
World Travel China Travel Guide Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Xian, which was the first capital and the 10 biggest cities of China. Xian was the first capital of China. The heart of the enormous empire once throbbed here. Rows of imperial dynasties ruled from here over 11 centuries. This was the starting point of the famous Silk Road and the city with its 1 million residents was considered a huge metropolis at that time. Although the city lost its rank and influence after the revolution of Huang Chao in 875, it still belongs to the 10 biggest cities of China. The Asian countries have always been famous for their handicrafts and China is no exception to this. The making, coloring and processing of silk looks back on such ancient traditions as paper cutting, paper folding or the making of --. Chinese calligraphy and wooden engravings are also famous together with porcelain painting. In Xian, almost all fields of handicrafts are practiced, however the most well known are the carvings made of semiprecious stones. From light green jade and deep green nephrite, mostly little sculptures and ornaments are carved. The decorations and patterns of which imitate ancient statues. There are many dragon representations but of course Buddha sculptures are also made in large numbers. China joined the monument and landscape protection program of the UNESCO in 1985. From 1987 until these days, more than 10000 buildings have been declared monuments, 63 settlements have received cityscape protection and 27 treasures have been recorded in the world heritage list. The long list includes the imperial palace of Beijing, the summer palace, the temple of heaven, the Ming tombs, the sections of the Great Wall around the capital and of course the terracotta army. This spectacle can be found 1.5km east of the burial hill of Qin Shi Huang Di. The tomb of the strict ruler unifying China is 221 BC has not been excavated yet although there have been excavations in this 8 square kilometer area for decades. A farmer named Yang Gi Fa drilled a well from which water always escaped so he went down to the well to check the reason. Do there, he found himself face to face with a frightful figure. However this figure was not a monster or a ghost or even a skeleton or mummy but a clay statue which looked very real. In communist China in 1974, people had to be very careful about what they should report to the authorities and what not. After long pondering the farmer reported his finding to the museum of Xian and he got 30 yuan as a reward. Archeologists found one of the most significant artifacts of the world here, under the agricultural land. In several cultures, for instance in Egypt or South America, it was a custom to bury the dead lord together with all his people so that they could serve him even in the afterlife. From this custom, came the -- in Egypt which is a little sculpture who works in place of his lord in the afterlife. Probably it was a similar reason why this huge clay army followed their master to the grave. During the first excavations, some three enormous chambers were found deep into the ground. The biggest of them is more than 14000 square meters. Inside this, the 6000 armed men stood ordered in military formation. The man sized figures bore real weapons and accessories. Their makers didn't choose the easy way. They didn't just pour clay into forms. They formed them individually by hand which is evident by the fact that the face of all the figures have individual features. Maybe they really represented the actual people of the army of that time. Tags: Visit Xian in China,China travel attractions,china travel guide,China travel information,china travel tips,shepherd entertainment,shepherdfilm,world travel,Xian in China,108.929443&hl;=ar≪=34.490712,108.918457&spn;=0.864761,1.150818#=1&t;=m&z;=9&iwloc;=A
Traveling to China is a culture shock so I want to give you a few tips to prepare you. Most people in China do not speak English, in the mornings I would make a list of what I wanted to do, the hotel would make me cards in Chinese and I would hand the one needed to the taxi driver. In the big cities, Beijing and Shanghai, it's not as bad as the smaller villages, but make sure you have them just in case. The people in China are very loud. It seems that they are always mad and always fighting, but that is just their culture. What I call the Chinese cough, disgusting, without tissues even during dinner. I went thru several bottles of germ x, but still I returned sick with the Chinese cough, and pretty much gave to everyone else...sorry :( Lines do not exist, and if you try to be polite then you will get nowhere. One instance, I was waiting for a taxi, it stopped and before I could get in a little old lady shoved me out of the way. Now it was pouring at this time and if she would have asked we would have gladly given it to her. The next taxi I was prepared, but before I could get in someone jumped in on the other side. 45 minutes of this, I had had enough, the next taxi that came; I was prepared for the little old lady and almost knocked her right in the mud. I'm not proud of this, but it had to be done. Another instance is when I was waiting in line at the airport, a little old lady ran into me with her bag cart. OUCH, I looked at her and gave her a smile as if to say it was ok, I understand your mistake. But guess what happened next? She ran in to me again, I looked back with a look of confusion and she pushed her cart into me again. She was trying to get me to move, to let her pass. I tried to show her I could not move due to a long line in front of me and she hit me again. Well, I already had a large bruise and I didn't think I could handle many more of those hits so I let her pass. Let me just tell you this, the guy in front of me was not as patient. Don't let these tips dissuade you from going because China and its history is so amazing. They just don't cater much to the tourist, so be prepared and have a great trip!
What to bring and think about when you go to China. Tips, tricks and advice from real China backpackers. Check it out. Learn more: All about China ( Learn more: Adventures in China (
Music: Shanghai (Chinese: 上海; Shanghainese: Zånhae; Mandarin pinyin: Shànghǎi) is the largest city by population of the People's Republic of China (PRC) [6][7] and the largest city proper by population in the world.[8] It is one of the four province-level municipalities of the PRC, with a total population of over 23 million as of 2010.[4] It is a global city, with influence in commerce, culture, finance, media, fashion, technology, and transport. It is a major financial center[9] and the busiest container port in the world.[10] Located in the Yangtze River Delta in eastern China, Shanghai sits at the mouth of the Yangtze River in the middle portion of the Chinese coast. The municipality borders Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces to the west, and is bounded to the east by the East China Sea.[11] Once a fishing and textiles town, Shanghai grew in importance in the 19th century due to its favorable port location and was one of the cities opened to foreign trade by the 1842 Treaty of Nanking which allowed the establishment of the Shanghai International Settlement. The city then flourished as a center of commerce between east and west, and became the undisputed financial hub of the Asia Pacific in the 1930s.[12] However, with the Communist Party takeover of the mainland in 1949, the city's international influence declined. In the 1990s, the economic reforms introduced by Deng Xiaoping resulted in an intense re-development of the city, aiding the return of finance and foreign investment to the city.[13] Shanghai is a popular tourist destination renowned for its historical landmarks such as The Bund, City God Temple and Yuyuan Garden, as well as the extensive and growing Pudong skyline. It has been described as the "showpiece" of the booming economy of mainland China.[14][15]
Travel to China has become much easier these days, but you know some of tips to packing light and you could save some money and still got everything you need for the whole trip
Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions Tianjin Travel Guide, China: City Map, History, Attractions 10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions. 9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks. 8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle. 7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles. 6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid. 5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system. 4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period. 3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib. 2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency. 1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015. A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy. The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
Take a tour of Huanglong Scenic Area in Sichuan, China - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. The Huanglong (hoo-ang-lon...
Drugs are pouring out of Burma into a booming China. With cash to spend and a rocketing drug culture, it's a social and legal time bomb. Part 2: http://www.y...
Subscribe to our channel China's juggernaut economy is the envy of the world, but at what cost to the country's people and environm...
Drug Frenzy - China's border cops are attempting to prevent a swelling tide of illegal drugs being smuggled into the country. Watch Part 1 here: http://www.y...
Qin Shi Huang 259 BC -- 210 BC. was the king of the Chinese State of Qin from 246 BC to 221 BC, during the Warring States Period. He became the first emperor of a unified China in 221 BC He ruled until his death in 210 BC at the age of 49. Calling himself the First Emperor after China's unification, Qín Shǐ Huáng is a pivotal figure in Chinese history, ushering in nearly two millennia of imperial rule. After unifying China, he and his chief advisor Li Si passed a series of major economic and political reforms. He undertook gigantic projects, including building and unifying various sections of the Great Wall of China, the now famous city-sized mausoleum guarded by the life-sized Terracotta Army, and a massive national road system.
China Cry is the true story of love, courage, and struggles of one women-Nora Lam-whose Christian faith leads her to make the ultimate choice between life an...
Video from National Geographic Channel. National Geographic Channel is a non-profit organization on YouTube, If you like their documentaries, please go to th...
For Educational Purposes.
This film is an introduction to the world's fastest growing city, a place that welcomes 1300 new citizens every day and whose economy grew by 16% last year. ...
1.Soundtracks:; 2.Theme song of documentary: 3.Histor...
View the original blog post: SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on STOCK MARKET CRASH / DOLLAR COLLAPSE / GLOBAL RESET / GOLD / SILVER MARC FA. The long-running bull market in U.S.... economic collapse economy Economic financial stock market Penny Stock Trading..." 2014Fukushima War America Unemplo... Bailout Depression unemployment econom... Dollar Meltdown, Massive Financial Bubble, Economic Collapse - Marc Faber. Follow us @ Welcome to Capital Account. Another day with record lows for the US Tr... Marc Faber - We Are in the End Game - Economic Collapse Low PLEASE click here to SUBSCRIBE to my channel.. SUBSCRIBE for more latest news / Economy | money |... politics uk 2014, new politics ukulele, politics video, politics vo Marc Faber Massive Financial Bubble, Economic Collapse Marc Faber Massive Financial Bubble, Economic Collapse
China's Wealth, Growth, and Environmental Nightmare (Full Documentary). 2014 The documentary you will see here along with the other documentaries on this sit...
China's 60th National Day Military Parade.
While most "nouveau riche" happily spend their new money on shit the old money has already deemed acceptable, China's spoiled young princelings aren't conten...
As thousands of Chinese are hunting for their dream homes abroad, we investigate the impact of their shopping spree.
British control of the seas, and, with it control of world shipping trade, was thus to emerge after Waterloo as one of the three pillars of a new British Empire. The manufactures of Continental Europe, as well as much of the rest of the world, were forced to respond to terms of trade set in London, by the Lloyds shipping insurance and banking syndicates. While Her Royal Britannic Majesty's Navy, the world's largest in that day, policed the world's major sea-lanes and provided cost-free "insurance" for British merchant shipping vessels, competitor fleets were forced to insure their ships against piracy, catastrophe, and acts of war through London's large Lloyd's insurance syndicate. Foundation of American dominance Control of the sea could be largely determined not by fleets of surface combatants and aircraft carriers, but from land and space based systems, forcing navies to maneuver and fight underwater. Space itself will become a theater of war, as nations gain access to space capabilities and come to rely on them; further, the distinction between military and commercial space systems -- combatants and noncombatants -- will become blurred. p.60 There is widespread international debate on the extent to which China's naval expansions pose a threat to U.S. dominance of the world's oceans. George Friedman and author and foreign affairs expert Robert Kaplan agree on China's ambition, but have very different views on its geopolitical impact. For more, visit:
China Documentary: Screts of China's, Ancient Pyramids Since the end of the Second World War, rumors regarding the existence of giant pyramids in China have ...
A Discussion on the slowdown in China’s housing market and what it means for the economy with Bloomberg’s Rishaad Salamat on “Asia Edge.” (Source: Bloomberg)
Speaker(s): Professor Liu Wei Chair: Professor Paul Kelly Recorded on 21 November 2013 in Old Theatre, Old Building. New Goals for China's Economic Development China has built a relatively. Speaker(s): Professor Liu Wei Chair: Professor Paul Kelly Recorded on 21 November 2013 in Old Theatre, Old Building. New Goals for China's Economic Development China has built a relatively. The purposes of the Conference was explore the implications of the recent economic uncertainty to education and b. to propose ways of improvement for ed. Speaker(s): Professor Liu Wei.
Speaker(s): Professor Liu Wei Chair: Professor Paul Kelly Recorded on 21 November 2013 in Old Theatre, Old Building. New Goals for China's Economic Development China has built a relatively. Speaker(s): Professor Liu Wei Chair: Professor Paul Kelly Recorded on 21 November 2013 in Old Theatre, Old Building. New Goals for China's Economic Development China has built a relatively. The purposes of the Conference was explore the implications of the recent economic uncertainty to education and b. to propose ways of improvement for ed. Speaker(s): Professor Liu Wei.
As millions of voters went to the polls in Israel, this edition of Business… The latest Breaking News farkıyla sunulmuştur.Lütfen takip etmeyi unutmayın.
China's Documentary: The Great Wall of China
Ufo Alien Documentary UFOs File China's Roswell NEW UFOs
Wildlife Documentary 2015: China's Golden Monkey
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Some members of Australia's Chinese community say they're made to feel like foreigners because of the way they look. Hu Jintao, the Chinese President, has warned the Communist Party that it could lose support from the people if it does not deal with the problem of corruption. Speaking on an occasion to... Tibet is called the roof-of the-world but it is under Chinese oppression. It was invaded in 1959. hence Tibetans who are born in exile have to fight for their identity . this video in fact... David Shambaugh, author of China Goes Global: The Partial Power, outlines the country's global impact and its long-term foreign-policy objectives. China is facing Identity crisis with India... Pakistan Identity Crisis | Arab Indian or Chinese? China and the world: Identity crisis China and the world: Identity crisis
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Extracted from RT - Cross Talks, Occupy Central Published on 8 Oct 2014 : What is it all about? Hong Kong’s democracy? Or its relationship with Beijing? Why all the outside meddling and documented American involvement with the protest movement? And are we witnessing a new version of forced regime change?
Following the Beijing Olympics the press highlighted many of the questionable tactics the Chinese employed to train their youth athletes. Some say it is what hard work and dedication looks like while
CNNi talks to UBS Sr. China economist Donna Kwok about Beijing's economy. Growth figures from China are the lowest in nearly 25 years.And the IMF has reduced its earlier global forecast. What's of most concern? We hear from Olivier. ARIRANG NEWS 10:00 Hello and. CNNi talks to UBS Sr. China economist Donna Kwok about Beijing's economy. Growth figures from China are the lowest in nearly 25 years.And the IMF has reduced its earlier global forecast. What's. International leaders and businessmen have gathered in the Swiss city of Davos,. kicking off this year′s World Economic Forum. With more, we turn to Paul Y. ARIRANG NEWS 10:00 Hello.
The world's economic engine, China, is outlining its targets for 2015 at the National People's Congress in Beijing. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! The world's economic engine, China, is outlining its targets for 2015 at the National People's Congress in Beijing. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! The world's economic engine, China, is outlining its targets for 2015 at the National People's Congress in Beijing. RT LIVE Subscribe to. The world's economic engine, China, is outlining.
A celebration for St. Patrick's Day was held Tuesday at the 600-meter-tall Canton Tower in south China's city of Guangzhou.A celebration for St. Patrick's Day was held Tuesday at the 600-meter-tall Canton Tower in south China's city of Guangzhou. Rio de Janeiro's iconic Christ the Redeemer statue is lit in Irish green to mark St. Patrick's Day. Rough Cut (No reporter narration). Subscribe: ... Thousands have attended Belfast's annual St Patrick's Carnival Parade in the city centre in what was deemed the biggest parade in recent years. This year's ... Watch a timelapse video of a 57-storey skyscraper being built in China in 19 days. The skyscraper is part of the "Mini Sky City" project in Changsha. Subscribe to ... 10 Banpo Bridge Han River, Seoul, Korea 105232,Xcitefun-Seouls-Banpo-Bridge-0The Banpo Bridge fountain at 1140 meters long (approx. 3740 ft.)
Phil Cristian. China's crying. Bonus track from "No prisoner" album (1988). AOR & Melodic Rock Blog: Subscribe for new AOR & Melodic rock videos:
"So we support the Code of Conduct [of the South China Sea] and also dialogue between China and Japan, China and Asean."
South China Morning Post 2015-03-23"So we support the Code of Conduct (of the South China Sea) and also dialogue between China and Japan, China and ASEAN."
Reuters 2015-03-23"So we support the Code of Conduct [of the South China Sea] and also dialogue between China and Japan, China and ASEAN."
Al Jazeera 2015-03-23"So we support the Code of Conduct (of the South China Sea) and also dialogue between China and Japan, China and Asean."
The Times of India 2015-03-23"So we support the Code of Conduct (of the South China Sea) and also dialogue between China and Japan, China and Asean."
The Times of India 2015-03-23In your book The World Order you mentioned that the United States and China can learn a lesson from World War I.
Caixin Online 2015-03-23Meanwhile, the structure of foreign direct investment to China has improved with more flowing to the service sector, he said.
China Daily 2015-03-23The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China ) China still hot spot for investment under 'new normal':
noodls 2015-03-23com/news-releases/air-new-zealand-and-air-china-unveil-proposed-alliance-300054144 ... SOURCE Air China For further information:
Canada Newswire 2015-03-23Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China ) MOA starts program to protect cowfish.
noodls 2015-03-23... China," Deng said ... "China is not going to become a liberal democracy; if it did, it would collapse.
Dayton Daily News 2015-03-23... the partnership between the IMF and China, and China's upcoming presidency of the G20 in 2016.
noodls 2015-03-23China will no longer chase ... China has been beset by a series of food safety scandals in recent years.
South China Morning Post 2015-03-23China (i/ˈtʃaɪnə/; Chinese: 中国; pinyin: Zhōngguó; see also Names of China), officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is the world's most-populous country, with a population of over 1.3 billion. Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometres, the East Asian state is the world's second-largest country by land area, and the third- or fourth-largest in total area, depending on the definition of total area.
The People's Republic of China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau). Its capital city is Beijing. The PRC also claims Taiwan—which is controlled by the Republic of China (ROC), a separate political entity—as its 23rd province, a claim controversial due to the complex political status of Taiwan and the unresolved Chinese Civil War. The PRC government denies the legitimacy of the ROC.
Just last night I woke from some unconscionable dream
And had it nailed to my forehead again
To keep this boat afloat
There are things you can't afford to know
So I save all my breath for the sails.
But you'll find those lingering voices
Are just your ego's attempt to make it all clean and nice
And make a moron out of you
Walking a bridge with weakening cables
Huddled up in fear and hate because we know our fate
And it's a lot to put us through.
Most ideas turn to dust
As there are few in which we all can trust
Haven't you noticed I've been shedding all of mind?
So let's abandon that track
And leave our fathers fighting in a sack
Cause we are way too wise-assed for that.
You might find some fools at your doorstep
Hustling the latest changes to the book
That's the strangest in an attempt to multiply
Marionettes on weakening cables
Huddled up with fear and hate
Because they know their fate and it's a lot to put them through.
We've taken on a climb
And it's long enough to put the best of us on our backs
Walking up a slide
And there are those we know who'd have us five miles off the track.
But you'll find those lingering voices
Are just your ego's attempt to make it all clean and nice
And make a moron out of you
Crossing the brindge on weakening cables
Huddled up with fear and hate because we know our fate
The moon is right
The spirit's up
We're here tonight
And that's enough
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
The party's on
The feelin's here
That only comes
This time of year
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
The choir of children sing their song
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding, oh, oh
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
The word is out
About the town
To lift a glass
Ah, don't look down
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
The choir of children sing their song
They practiced all year long
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong
The party's on
The spirit's up
We're here tonight
And that's enough
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
The moon is right
The spirit's up
We're here tonight
And that's enough
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
tap on your cap
there's a whispering breeze in town
the trees have found a voice and
you're one for fun
you're one for fun in the gloating sun
and now i'm making it in
from out a fireplace on stilts
pay less attention
the room
said crying's a fate
or whatever word you used to call it
i'm one for climb
i'm one for climb in the sun
and how for us to be so black and happy
before the souls have all been stopped
the draining lasts for you still
five jars i'm drinking our fill
the tips will sing the christmas star
Girl inform me all my senses warn me
Your clever eyes could easily disguise
Some backwards purpose
It's enough to make me nervous.
Do you harbor sighs, or spit in my eye
But your lips when we speak
Are the valleys and peaks of a mountain range on fire.
So let me walk these coals till you believe
I can cut the mustard well enough
Cause you know as soon as breathe we scrutinize
Unknown quotients, you must be using potions
How else could you tie my head to the sky
This new convection has left me wondering why
I can't concern myself with ordinary tripe.
Like what's this morning's paper got to say
And which brand of coffee to make
This is no umbrella to take into the wind
And before we begin is there nothing to kill this anxiety.
But your lips when we speak
Are the valleys and peaks of a mountain range on fire.
So let me walk these coals till you believe
I can cut the mustard well enough
Cause you know as soon as breathe we scrutinize
After all these implements and text designed by intellects
So vexed to find evidently there's just so much that hides
And though the saints of us divine in ancient feeding lines
Their sentiment is just as hard to pluck from the vine
I'm trying hard not to pretend
Allow myself no mock defense
Step into the night
Since I don't have the time nor mind to figure out
The nursery rhymes that helped us out and make a sense of our lives
The cruel uneventful state of apathy releases me
I value them but I won't cry if the time was wiped out
I'm trying hard not to give in
Battened down to fair the wind
Rid my head of this pretense
Allow myself no mock defense
Step into the night...
Mercy's eyes are blue
When she places them in front of you
Nothing holds a roman candle to
The solemn warmth you feel inside
There's no measuring of it
As nothing else is love
I'll try hard not to give in
Battened down to fair the wind
Rid my head of this pretense
Allow myself no mock defense
Step into the night...
Mercy's eyes are blue
When she places them in front of you
Nothing really holds a candle to
I do relate to you in
so many ways,
but I didn't go through
what you must have in those early days.
You had to be strong
at such a very young age,
a new life on Lima Lane.
So won't you listen to me now?
There's something I never told you,
but I'm about to try.
See you were my lifeline
when the world was exploding.
You moved back in with us
in the fall of ‘82
I fell into dark times
and you were there to help me through
You told me that a downturn will eventually improve
and you were right
so I‘m thanking you
So won't you listen to me now?
There's something I never told you,
but I'm about to try.
See you were my lifeline
when the world was exploding.
Footholds eroding
had you never been, my friend
I wouldn't be
quite what you see
I wouldn't be
the man I am
Sister you've known me
(Sister you've known me)
lost in a strange world.
(Sister you've known me)
What has it shown me?
(Sister you've known me)
What has it done for us?
(Sister you've known me)
Sister you've known me
(Sister you've known me)
lost in a strange world.
(Sister you've known me)
What has it shown me?
(Sister you've known me)
What has it done for us?
(Sister you've known me)
I've told the children
of that old dusty town,
when Halloween came,
I was still feeling down.
Momma, lost my sweet tooth.
What's the point in going round?
Your boy is losing pounds.
As someone sets light to the first fire of autumn
We settle down to cut ourselves apart.
Cough and twitch from the news on your face
And some foreign candle burning in your eyes
Held to the past too aware of the pending
Chill as the dawn breaks and finds us up for sale.
Enter the fog another low road descending
Away from the cold lust, you house and summertime.
Blind to the last cursed affair pistols and countless eyes
A trail of white blood betrays the reckless route your craft is running
Feed till the sun turns into wood dousing an ancient torch
Loiter the whole day through and lose yourself in lines dissecting love.
Your name on my cast and my notes on your stay
Offer me little but doting on a crime.
We've turned every stone and for all our inventions
In matters of love loss, we've no recourse at all.
Blind to the last cursed affair pistols and countless eyes
A trail of white blood betrays the reckless route your craft is running
Feed till the sun turns into wood dousing an ancient torch
Dead lungs command it!
You pour your life down the rifle's spiral,
And show us you've earned it.
Cleric's fog will recede right before your eyes.
So long to this wretched form.
Them grey eyes on the subway
Long before you were born,
You were always to be a dagger floating
Straight to their heart.
Listen, now, we won't tell anyone.
But you gonna tell the world.
Then life ain't then any fun?
Let your viscera unfurl
As you rise; rise from your burning fiat,
Go, go get my suitcase, would ya?
You've thoroughly blown their minds.
And now I must have passage on the lines
To the veins from your heart.
You're not invisible, now.
You just don't exist.
Your mother must be so proud.
You sublimate yourself,
Granting us a wish.
Primitive mirror on the wall,
To fortify your grim resolve.
And made the glitz of a shopping mall
Another grain of indigent salt for the sea.
Good night to these wretched forms.
All them gray eyes on the subway.
So long before you were born,
You were always to be a dagger floating
I was just bony hands as cold as a winter pole
You held a warm stone out new flowing blood to hold
Oh what a contrast you were
To the brutes in the halls
My timid young fingers held a decent animal.
Over the ramparts you tossed
The scent of your skin and some foreign flowers
Tied to a brick
Sweet as a song
The years have been short but the days were long.
Cool of a temperate breeze from dark skies to wet grass
We fell in a field it seems now a thousand summers passed
When our kite lines first crossed
We tied them into knots
And to finally fly apart
We had to cut them off.
Since then it's been a book you read in reverse
So you understand less as the pages turn
Or a movie so crass
And awkardly cast
That even I could be the star.
I don't look back much as a rule
And all this way before murder was cool
But your memory is here and I'd like it to stay
Warm light on a winter day.
Over the ramparts you tossed
The scent of your skin and some foreign flowers
Tied to a brick
Sweet as a song
The years have been short but the days go slowly by
Two loose kites falling from the sky
One wound up punch of intuition
Lays flat my whole take on us.
You're the girl on the wing of a barnstormer
The tidal rabbit who came of age before her time.
We could have been so good-natured
If i'd relented when you insisted,
But we've been backed against
All nature's walls far too long.
You felt abandoned by me,
I recall the sunshine as you were melting
And though the comedy softens the fall
They still hear us with their ears to the wall.
I sold all my evil motives,
No icicles stuck in my hide.
I'm through with riddles, i know we're little
Just help me feel warm inside.
Before we take this ride and let it slide
Into the cracks where fall and winter collide.
I surrender all my gall in a song of modern love.
Remember you're the one who summoned me above any other kind.
We could have been so good-natured
If you'd relented when i insisted,
We take a week off, let the garden grow by itself
And let the gluttons fill themselves with all the worst of the gory ninties.
And though the comedy softens the fall, we stall fall short.
Before we take this ride and let it slide
Into the cracks where fall and winter collide.
I surrender all my gall in a song of modern love.
One hand on this wily comet,
Take a drink just to give me some weight,
Some uber-man I'd make,
I'm barely a vapor
They shone a chlorine light on,
A host of individual sins,
Let's carve my aging face off,
Fetch us a knife,
Start with my eyes,
Down so the lines,
Form a grimacing smile,
Close your eyes to corral a virtue,
Is this fooling anyone else?
Never worked so long and hard,
To cement a failure,
We can blow on our thumbs and posture,
But the lonely is such delicate things,
The wind from a wasp could blow them,
Into the sea,
With stones on their feet,
Lost to the light and the loving we need,
Still to come,
The worst part and you know it,
There is a numbness,
In your heart and it's growing,
With burnt sage and a forest of bygones,
I click my heels,
Get the devils in line,
A list of things I could lay the blame on,
Might give me a way out,
But with each turn,
It's this front and center,
Like a dart stuck square in your eye,
Every post you can hitch your faith on,
Is a pie in the sky,
Chock full of lies,
A tool we devise,
To make sinking stones fly,
And still to come,
The worst part and you know it,
There is a numbness,
Untie me, I've said no vows
The train is getting way too loud
I gotta leave here my girl
Get on with my lonely life
Just leave the ring on the rail
For the wheels to nullify
Until this turn in my head
I let you stay and you paid no rent
I spent twelve long months on the lam
That's enough sitting on the fence
For the fear of breaking dams
I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head
You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
Don't leave me no phone number there
It took me all of the year
To put the poison pill to your ear
But now I stand on honest ground
On honest ground
You want to fight for this love
But honey you cannot wrestle a dove
So baby it's clear
You want to jump and dance
But you sat on your hands
And lost your only chance
Go back to your hometown
Get your feet on the ground
And stop floating around
I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head
You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
Young and bright
but now just a dim light
off in the distance,
a fallen stone
following the path
of least resistance.
If I still fight,
it's just that I'm
afraid I'll slide under that spell again.
Take him for a fool.
Yes, I was,
because I was fool.
Tell me what you'd do.
Lost my way
in spades.
I need a school.
So many times
caught up in my head at night
with a leash and label.
If I can learn
anything from this
then I'd be like
the fox in the fable, oh right.
If I still fight,
it's just that I'm
afraid I'll slide under that spell again.
The way we used to carry on,
you're stuck in my head like a terrible song.
Take him for a fool.
Yes, I was,
and I was fool.
Following their rules,
guess I wasn't very honest too.
Take him for a fool.
(Take him for a fool.)
Yes, I was,
because I was fool.
Foals in winter coats,
White girls of the North,
File past one, five and one,
They are the fabled lambs,
Of Sunday ham,
The E.H.S. norm.
And they can float above the grass,
In circles if they tried,
A latent power I know they hide,
To keep some hope alive,
That a girl like I could ever try,
Could ever try.
So we just skirt the hallway sides,
A phantom and a fly,
Follow the lines and wonder why
There's no connection.
A week of rolling eyes,
And cheap shots from the trite,
And we're off to Nemarcas' porch again,
Another afternoon with the goat head tunes,
And pilfered booze.
We wandered through her mama's house,
And the milk from the window lights,
Family portraits circa ninety-five,
This is that foreign land,
With the sprayed on tans,
And it all feels fine,
Be it silk or slime,
So, when they tap our Monday heads,
Two zombies walk in our stead.
This town seems hardly worth the time.
And we'll no longer memorize or rhyme,
Too far along in our climb,
Stepping over what now towers to the sky,
With no connection.
So, when they tap our Sunday heads,
Two zombies walk in our stead.
This town seems hardly worth the time.
And we'll no longer memorize or rhyme,
Too far along in our crime,
Stepping over what now towers to the sky,
"Howdy, lem," my grandfather said with his eyes closed
Wiping the eastbound dust from his sunburned brow
A life before doubt.
I smell the engine grease and mint the wind is blending
Under the moan of rotting elm in the silo floor.
Down a hill of pine tree quills we made our way
To the bottom and the ferns where thick moss grows
Beside a stream.
Under the rocks are snails and we can fills our pockets
And let them go one by one all day in a brand new place.
You were no ordinary drain on her defenses
And she was no ordinary girl
Oh, Inverted World
If every moment of our lives
Were cradled softly in the hands of some strange and gentle child
You may notice certain things before you die.
Mail them to me should they cause
Your algebra to fail.
Cole and macey lost their eyes
On the finer points
She shone up bright like a knife
Wearing tennis shorts made of stripes
Hand in hand to the grass and we got it right
Got it nice, nice, nice
Just a glimpse of an ankle and I
React like it's 1805
And I'd swim to the poles just to find the right satellite
It'll take all of my strength to give up
But you all know I tried
So forget about it, girl
My head's like a kite
When such a creature I sight
To town!
Where you're feet leave no prints on the ground
Have I left my home just to whine in this microphone?
It gets worse every time that we talk
Can't afford to be just one in a flock
But that's your lot
When you're after such a well-made lock
Who was classically trained to give up
And my friends know I tried
So forget about it, girl
Even I don't know why
I can't just stay the course
Keep my hands on the wheel
Our detractors were right
My head's like a kite
All my thoughts run astray
And I'm a walking cliche
When you were young and wise
scratching your letters in the sand.
When your imagination led you all around by the hand.
La la la la
Did you ever wonder what crazy adventures there might be?
Unfolding in the currents under the waves at the bottom of the sea.
Well these odd buddies got a lot of vision, his bucked teeth and cock eyed smile
cant stop, they sing better bring nominations
So charge!
They said it's their design,
a wild goose chase for a crown
and move your eyes in line before they tear apart your town
if you want a winner save all of your kin in the ocean.
stay your ground, don’t be discouraged,
don't let em’ turn our brains into porridge.
your wrong but you got a lot of vision,
your buck teeth and star ward heart
cant stop, they sing better bring nominations
So charge!
But its a long, hard fight
the corner turns and its always another mile
keep working day and night.
They think they got your number,
Doted on like seeds planted in rows
The untied shoelaces of you life
Nutured all year then presssed in a book
Or displayed in bad taste at the table
Problems arise and you fan the fire
While there's a wild pack of dogs loose in your house tonight.
Cut from bad cloth or soiled like socks
Add it up and basically people never change.
They just talk and make plans in the dark
Or make haste with ideas that can't help
But creep good people out
As you talk to me too much you're assuming
We don't always want what's right.
Did i strike the right set of chords? you're annoyed.
The goal is to ignite you then move on.
You feel ill at ease. you got no squeeze.
And the wise cracks won't make you more stable.
You've learned you lines to scale and to time.
Why must i remind you now i'm only less able.
Cut from bad cloth or soiled like socks
We're ordinary people we can't help but to change
As we walk and make plans in the dark
Or make haste with the boy who can't help
But creep good people out.
As you talk to me too much you're assuming
We don't always want what's right.
Two fallen saplings in an open field.
Snow padding gently on an empty bench.
An old woman's jewelry lying unadorned.
Colo nesting robins allied for the first time.
I know when you hear these sappy lines
Come up with me, love
We'll disappear in the evening light
Come up with me, love,
Into a world that's sparkly bright
That's the way it's for me, love
Takes just a little to give me life
That's the way its for me, love
Takes just a touch to drop a stop
On the top of the world
One is just too many, yeah
You know twenty is never enough
You know one is too many, yeah
You know twenty is never enough
Who wouldn't believe, love?
Been like it since the day i was born
You wouldn't believe, love
Stuck in a pod like a poisonous dog
You wouldn't believe, love
Swim down to the bottom and never come up
You wouldn't believe, love
Give my last buck just for
A cup after cup after cup
One is just too many, yeah
You know twenty is never enough
You know hate we got plenty of
It's love that's never enough
One is just too many, yeah
You know twenty is never enough
Lie to me sometime
I'll take you home
Cause it's love to be
Till the day we'll three
We'll spread this seed
In a murdering spree
One is just too many, yeah
You know twenty is never enough
You know hate we got plenty of
It's love that's never enough
You know one is too many, yeah
You know plenty is never enough
You know chores we got plenty of
Died in the world, you've been cornered by a natural desire
You want to hop along with the giddy throng through life
But how will you learn to steer when you're grinding all your gears?
You've been talking for hours
You say time will wash every tower to the sea
And now you've got this worry in your heart
Well I guess it's only life, it's only natural
We all spend a little while going down the rabbit hole
The things they taught you, they're lining up to haunt you
You got your back against the wall
I call you on the telephone, won't you pick up the receiver?
I've been down the very road you're walking now
It doesn't have to be so dark and lonesome
It takes a while but we can figure this thing out
And turn it back around
You used to be such a lion
Before you got into all this crying on my lap
Back when you thought I'd never get this far
But did you really think I'd shut an open door?
The future's calling and Imma answer her
The wheels in motion, I never drank your potion
And I know it breaks your heart
Open up your parachute, something's gotta stop the freefall
I've been down the very road you're walking now
It doesn't have to be so dark and lonesome
It takes a while but we can figure this thing out
The gutter may profess its love,
Then follow it with hesitation,
But there are just so many of
You out there for rent
A stronger girl would shake this off in flight,
And never give it more than a frowning hour,
But you have let your heart decide,
Loss has conquered you,
You've won one too many fights,
Wearing many hats every time,
But you wont win here tonight,
You've made it through the direst of straits alright,
Can you help it if plain love now seems less interesting?
You haven't changed an ounce in my eyes,
And I cannot lecture you,
And does anything I say seem relevant at all?
You've been at the helm since you were just five,
While I cannot claim to be more than a passenger,
But, you've won one too many fights,
Wearing all of your clothes at the same time,
Let the good times end tonight,
Oh girl, sail her, don't sink her,
This time,
Just a moment or two from now,
Not a mind will retain even a trace,
Of the thoughts that I struggled to tell
And how our stack of cards just fell,
So settle this once and for all,
The light no longer shows the cracks around my door,
And I have no lantern to light your way home tonight,
You are not some saint who's above,
Giving someone a stroll through the flowers,
You've got so much more to dream of,
Oh girl, sail her, don't sink her,
This time,
This time,
The dust from a four-day affair is now landing
All over the floor and your brown legs
The glod plated legs of my rival
Whose eyes had no reason to fall.
You led no celibate life no skirt while chemicals danced on your head.
You stole the keys to this ride and your fables are falling tonight.
Because of your struggle to make them.
Their taste for your past time is fading
Remember the girls in the middle are always the first to fall off.
You'll learn to live like a mouse,
Searching the cracks in the floor to remember
All the dregs in the crowd you barely recall
You led no celibate life no skirt while chemicals danced on your head.
Time to put the earphones on:
Born to multiply, born to gaze into night skies,
All you want's one more Saturday.
But look here, until then
They're gonna buy your nice time
So keep your wick in the air and your feet in the fetters
To the day.
You come in doing cartwheels
We all go out by ourselves
And your shape on the dance floor
Will have me thinking such filth and gauge my eyes.
You'd be damned to be one of us girl
Faced with a dodo's conundrum
Ah, I felt like I could just fly
But nothing'll happen every time I try.
A dual tone under wall
Selfish fool and hoped you'd save us all
Never dreamt of such sterile hands,
You keep them folded in your lap,
And raise them up to beg for scraps,
You know, he's holding you down,
With the tips of his fingers just the same,
You'll be pulled from the ocean,
But just a minute too late,
Or changed by a potion,
We'll find a handsome young mate,
For you to love.
You'll be damned to pining through the windowpanes,
You know you'll change your life for any ordinary Joe,
And though your night will go on,
Your nightmares only need a year or two to unfold.
Been in love since you were twenty-one,
You haven't laughed since January,
You try and make this up this is so much fun,
But we know it to be quite contrary.
Dare to be one of us, girl,
Facing the Android's conundrum,
Ah, I feel like I should just cry,
But nothing happens every time I take one on the chin,
You're humoring your cote,
You don't know how long I've been,
Watching the lantern dim,
Starved of oxygen,
So give me your hand,
Well there's an ideal inside of me,
That we're nothing at all.
There's nothing threatening controlling me,
In fact there's nothing at all.
And still the wheel turning's all I'll be,
It carries on til you crawl.
You gotta know what you want to be,
But there's no number to call.
You got a feeling nothing here is free,
'Cause you grew up in a mall.
Your emotion caught you all on t.v.
And you can still hit a ball.
You got a milllion things you want to flee,
Smuggle an ounce in a doll.
I see you can finally see,
That they're nothing at all.
Turns out there's nothing at all.
There must be a flaw in this fable, I
Have to contend with all night.
Wasn't alive back in the sixties,
Somehow that was my fault.
I'm just a shell empty as can be,
Yeah, I've got nothing at all.
You want to put your trust in some solid thing,
Yeah, its a drug to us all.
But there's no ideal inside of me,
So I got nothing at all,
No I got nothing at all,
and I got nothing at all.
Must be a fault in this fable, I
Have to contend with all night,
Such a danger so we gotta slide,
Into the depths of the salt mine.
Your silver tongue laughs at the clowns of our age
A slow production line of cheap-shots from both sides
Shot from the hip to my seventh rib
A spoiled tomato lies in all that you say
And I was the last of us to know
Sound the alarm for my sentimental ways
Have come in view and we've all got our own knives
Sold to the worst of the devils we know
Our mind and tight skin will be old
But this wasn't meant for us to know
Youth's open shutters
Give way to another
Taken by slight of hand...
And every American
Has the mouth of a pelican
Now can I share that pillow with you love?
They've got us in fits to find a way out
Of this exploded view of a life once so simple
First with the curse that my sentimental ways
Are drawing my innocence to a close
After that confrontation
You left me wringing my cold hands
We shared some information
We might not recover from
And I watch your convictions
Melt like ice cubes in an ocean
You were so poorly cast as a malcontent
You've got them all on your side
That just makes more for doubt to slaughter
"I never knew he thought that!"
I heard you say falling out of the van
"Don't ask for his opinion
They ought to drown him in holy water"
Will you remember my reply
When your high horse dies?
We'd like to go the distance
But not a one of us is going to you
See no one is wise enough to turn the ancient boat around
These are the muddy waters I am swimming in
To make a living were I to drown in them
It should come as no surprise
You've got them all on your side
That just makes more for doubt to slaughter
"I never knew he thought that!"
I heard you say falling out of the van
"Don't ask for his opinion
They ought to drown him in holy water"
Will you remember my reply
This ten year old, smiling summer eyes.
They win, they win.
(They survived) and showed us how they could dance like
There was a time, (came on the glass, the sun.)
(So you're never sure just whom to punish.)
He can come inside to hide away and (ease your haze
He sighed and tried to hide,
But I recall the alien eyes and what that felt like.
'cause they were happy laughing there,
(Then they're delayed in the current.)
But don't allow yourself to make-believe in any kind of
virtuous life.
Because each of us is both of them.
Little boxes on the hill side, little boxes made of
ticky tacky.
Little boxes, on the hillside, little boxes all the
There’s a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a
yellow one,
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky, and they all
look just the same.
And the people in the houses all went to the university
Where they were put in boxes, they came out all the
And there’s doctors, there’s lawyers, and business
And your all made out of ticky tacky and your all look
just the same.
And they all play on the golf course and drink their
martini dry
And they all have pretty children and the children go
to school
And the children go to summer camp and then to the
Where we all get put in boxes and all come out the
And the boys go into business and marry and raise a
In boxes made of ticky tacky and they all look just the
There’s a pink one and a green one and a blue one and a
yellow one
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky and they all
Shut out, pimpled and angry.
I quietly tied all my guts into knots.
Gave up on trying to make them,
I figured it'd take them too long to look up and besides...
It was undeniably clear to me i don't know why
When every other part of life seemed locked behind shutters
I knew what worthless dregs we've always been.
Lucked out and found my favorite records
Lying in wait at the birmingham mall.
The songs that i heard,
The occasional book
Were the only fun i ever took.
And i got on with making myself.
The trick is just making yourself.
But when they're parking their cars on your chest
You've still got a view of the summer sky
To make it hurt twice when your restless body
Caves to its whims
And suddenly struggles to take flight...
Three thousand miles north east
I left all my friends at the morning bus stop shaking their heads.
"what kind of life you dream of? you're allergic to love."
Yes i know but i must say in my own defense
It's been undeniably dear to me, i don't know why
When every other part of life seemed locked behind shutters
I knew the worthless dregs we are,
The selfless, loving saints we are,
Called to see if your back
Was still aligned and your sheets
Were growing grass all on the corners of your bed
But you've got too much to wear on your sleeves
It has too much to do with me
And secretly I want to bury in the yard
The grey remains of a friendship scarred
You told us of your new life there
You got someone comin' around
Gluing tinsel to your crown
He's got you talking pretty loud
You berate remember your ailing heart and your criminal eyes
You say you're still in love
If it's true what can be done
It's hard to leave all those moments behind
You tested your metal of doe's skin and petals
While kissing the lipless
I think i'll go home and mull this over
Before i cram it down my throat
At long last it's crashed, it's colossal mass
Has broken up into bits in my moat.
Lift the mattress off the floor
Walk the cramps off
Go meander in the cold
Hail to your dark skin
Hiding the fact you're dead again
Undeneath the power lines seeking shade
Far above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reason
It's a luscious mix of words and tricks
That let us bet when you know we should fold
On rocks i dreamt of where we'd stepped
And the whole mess of roads we're now on.
Hold your glass up, hold it in
Never betray the way you've always known it is.
One day i'll be wondering how
I got so old just wondering how
I never got cold wearing nothing in the snow.
This is way beyond my remote concern
Of being condescending
All these squawking birds won't quit.
This goose is cooked, these tongues are tied,
Around the block and airborne blind,
But looking on the brighter side,
There's far less to which I'd be obliged,
In the meadow where the black breeze blows,
Where underneath the waves, you were most alone,
Can you hear a subtle, aching tone?
Through the water, through the Earth, trimmed up bone,
Looking on the brighter side,
Looking on the brighter side,
Looking on the brighter side,
Slim lined sheik faced
Angel of the night
Riding like a cowboy
In the graveyard of the night
New York Witch
In the dungeon of the day
I'm trying to write my novel
But all you do is play
Baby Boomerang, Baby Boomerang
Well, you never spite a person
But you always bang the whole gang
Oh yeah...
Mince pie dog-eye
Eagle on the wind
I'm searching through this garbage
Just looking for a friend
Your uncle with an alligator
Chained to his leg
Dangles you your freedom
Then he offers you his bed
Baby Boomerang, Baby Boomerang
Well, you never spite a person
But you always bang the whole gang
It seems to me to dream
Is something too wild
In Max's Kansas City
You're belladonna child
Hiding on the highways
On the gateways to the south
You're talking with your boots
And you're walking with your mouth
Baby Boomerang, Baby Boomerang
Well, you never spite a person
But you always bang the whole gang
When you're riding the rails with those wide open eyes,
Well, there's one old south paw you will always fight.
And alone on a worn-out throne
is the reigning queen of the questions
Why we blind-footed toddlers ever started out.
So don't get into it with me
When I goose-step
Across the kitchen floor
You know I still adore
All your mother's old-fashioned ways
I'm so impressed that you hear
My inventions, and that it matters more
Than what you saw with your eyes
Go along with the plan
Your head will still be there where you put it
Under the bed with the ice cream you could never find
And tonight you go to bed and dream
All the world to be what you want it,
You got the girly draw now flaunt it,
And keep them all checking their watches
When you're out tonight
So don't get into it with me
When I goose-step across the kitchen floor
You know I still adore--
Are your eyes changing hands?
I'm so impressed that you hear
My inventions, and that it matters more
You can fake it for a while,
Bite your tongue and smile,
Like every mother does an ugly child.
But it starts to leaking out,
Like spittle from a cloud,
Amassed resentment pelting ounce and pound.
You're entertaining any doubts,
'Cause you had to know that I was fond of you,
Fond of Y-O-U,
Though I knew you masked your disdain.
I can see that change was just too hard for us,
Hard for us.
You always had to hold the reigns,
But where I'm headed, you just don't know the way.
So affections fade away,
Or do adults just learn to play
The most ridiculous, repulsive games?
On the faith of ruddy sons,
And their double-barreled guns,
You'd better hurry,
Rabbit, run, run, run.
'Cause missing you is fun,
And there's a lot of hungry howlers in this one cell
We're taking it over,
Like brittle thorny stems,
They break before they bend,
And neither one of us is one of them.
And the tears will never mend,
'Cause you had it in for me so long ago.
Boy, I still don't know,
I don't know why and I don't care
Well hardly anymore,
If you'd only seen yourself hating me.
Hating me,
When I've been so much more than fair.
But then you'd have to lay those feelings bare,
The one thing I know has still got you scared,
Yeah, all that cold ire
And never once aired out your dead.
You had to know that I was fond of you,
Fond of Y-O-U.
So I took your licks at the time,
A change like that is just so hard to do,
Hard to do.
Don't let it whip-crack your life,
And I'll bow out from the fight,
And oh how your sisters will write.
The worst part is over,
Several days a month you made
The mile to my house,
And had me do a stroll with you.
Far below a furry moon
Our purposes crossed
The weird divide
Between our kinds
The silver leaves of ailing trees
Took flights as we passed so long ago
But a short time i know.
It pleases me this memory
Has swollen up with age.
Even time can do
You slide out at night to show yourself
you mean to hang yourself on the wall
with the hems you call your friends.
You've memorized a thousand lines and
kissed a thousand guys but none packed
more than wood.
And still you wake up, the taste of the
night before has grown somehow. You
take off your makeup, you're free from
their eyes and all they laugh about.
Sailboats that never float and lids of lead
that hold your ego down. What's it take
to bend the lens? Well as you can see I
really know but I can't amend the trend
towards the rocks wielding the knives
beneath your breast and all the the waves
that never break within our sight. So come on
treat me right.
If you could keep him you'd dub him
"The rock what aced 'em two to one"
but the powder from your empty boxes
was ground from your whole empty youth.
And so you woke up, the taste of the
night before has grown somehow. You
take off your makeup, and you're free
I've got a cupboard with cans of food
Filtered water and pictures of you
And I'm not coming out until this is all over
And I'm looking through the glass
Where the light bends at the cracks
And I'm screaming at the top of my lungs
Pretending the echoes belong to someone
Someone I used to know
And we become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
I want to walk through the empty streets
And feel something constant under my feet
But all the news reports recommended I stay indoors
Because the air outside will make
Our cells divide at an alarming rate
Until our shells simply cannot hold all our insides in
And that's when we'll explode
(And it won't be a pretty sight)
And we'll become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
And we'll become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
And we'll become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
And we'll become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
Ba ba ba...
And we'll become
Hurled to the center of the Earth again,
The place where it's hot, love,
You know, it hurts to breathe in,
And the watershed you balance on is begging it,
Well did he ever know,
Will he ever know?
The trees in the moonshine are a dark lattice,
So you catalog in the angle you notice,
In a vacuum you recharge to record this,
So you won't make it easy on me.
And I can't go into this no more,
It puts too many thorns on my mind,
And the necessary balloon lies a corpse on the floor,
We've pissed on far too many sprites,
And they're all standing up for their rights.
Born on a desert floor, you've the deepest thirst,
And you came to my sweet shore to indulge it,
With the wan and dreaming eyes of an orphan,
But there is not enough,
There is not enough.
Out of a gunnysack for red rabbits,
Into the crucible to be rendered an emulsion,
And we can't allow a chance they'd restore themselves,
So we can't make it easy on you.
Undaunted, you bathed in hollow cries,
The boils were swollen, sunburned eyes,
A reward for letting nothing under their skin,
So help me, I don't know, I might,
Just give the old dark side a try.
Don't cast your warring eyes on the shore,
Did we even the score?
I still owe you for the hole in the floor,
And the ghost in the hall,
Who decides who paddles over the falls?
Yeah, who makes the call,
Who makes the call?
Well, I know there's an eventual
Release from every scale of crime,
But the necessary balloon lies a corpse on the floor,
We've pissed on far too many good intentions held by clever sprites,
I've done myself an impossible crime,
Had to paint myself a hole,
And fall inside,
If it's far enough in sight and rhyme,
I get to wear another dress,
And count in time,
Oh, won't you do me the favor, man,
Of a giving mind,
A polymorphing opinion here,
And your vague outline,
I'll find myself another burning gate,
A pretty face, a vague idea I can't relate,
And this is what you get for pulling pins,
Another hole,
Inside the hole you're in,
It's like I'm pressed on the handle bars,
Of a blind man's bike,
No straws to grab, just the rushing wind,
On the rolling mind,
They want you to decide,
Eventually, it happens,
Some gather on one side,
With all their pearly snapping,
They close the basement door,
It sets our teeth to chatter,
You never saw it before,
But now that hardly matters,
You're old enough, boy,
Too many summers you've enjoyed,
So spin the wheel,
We'll set you up with some odd convictions,
Through the rain and all the clatter
Under the Freemont bridge I saw a pidgeon fly
Fly in fear from a raptor come to take it's life
As it closed in for the capture
I funnel the fear through my ancient eyes
Seen in flight
Where I know all the bitter mechanics of life
Under my hat it reads "The lines are all imagined"
A fact of life I know to hide from my little girls
I know my place amongst the bugs and all the animals
And it's from these ordinary people you were longing to be free
In my hotel and on the TV
A Preacher on a stage like a Buzzard cries out a warning
A phony sorrow, he's trying to get a rise
The Cyanide of an almond
Let him look at your hands and get the angles right
Ace of spades, Port of Morrow, Life is Death is Life...
I saw a photograph: Cologne in '27
And then a postcard after the bombs in '45
Must've been a world of evil clowns that let it happen
But then I recognize, dear listener, that you were there and so was I
Ah ah ah ah ah ah
Under my hat I know the lines are all imagined
A fact of life I must impress on my little girls
I know my place amongst the creatures in the pageant
And there are flowers in the garbage and a skull under your curls
how lovely a find
that's entered my mind
along this mossy trail
how coyly it hides
the truth about how it is
we can't ask how
crowds jump to their death
from the bridge as I drive by tonight
and they've missed out on it all
the whole gist there as they fall
you're not expected to know why it's such a short time
and there are stanzas never meant to rhyme
Far better I find
it is when we try to span
the weird divide
with no real rational
we step out of bounds
and think and escape their lies
we've marched so long
and we've much farther than we've gone to go
we're making a new ship
christen it for the trip
with a toddler at the helm this time
and there are things we never will define
crowds jump to their deaths
from the bridge as I drive by tonight
and they missed out on it all
the whole gist there as they fall
you're not expected to know why it's such a short time
This lass,
Some fifteen odd years,
Is widely known,
To have spat,
In her teacher's lap,
And will not take it back,
For now I see,
How after all the cracks,
An address to the golden door
I was strumming on a stone again
Pulling teeth from the pimps of gore when hatched
A tragic opera in my mind...
And it told of a new design
In which every soul is duty bound
To uphold all the statues of boredom therein lies
The fatal flaw of the red age
Because it was nothing like we'd ever dremt
Our lust for life had gone away with the rent we hated
And because it made no money nobody saved no one's life.
So we burned all our uniforms
And let nature take its course again
And the big ones just eat all the little ones
That sent us back to the drawing board.
In our darkest hours
We have all asked for some
Angel to come
Sprinkle his dust all around
But all our crying voices they can't turn it around
And you've had some crazy conversations of your own.
We've got rules and maps and guns in our backs
But we still can't just behave ourselves
Even if to save our own lives so, says I, WE ARE A BRUTAL KIND.
Cuz this is nothing like we'd ever dremt
Tell Sir Thomas More we've got another failed attempt
Untie me, I've said no vows
The train is getting way too loud
I gotta leave here my girl
Get on with my lonely life
Just leave the ring on the rail
For the wheels to nullify
Until this turn in my head
I let you stay and you paid no rent
I spent twelve long months on the lam
That's enough sitting on the fence
For the fear of breaking dams
I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head
You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
Don't leave me no phone number there
It took me all of a year
To put the poison pill to your ear
But now I stand on honest ground, on honest ground
You want to fight for this love
But honey you cannot wrestle a dove
So baby it's clear
You want to jump and dance
But you sat on your hands
And lost your only chance
Go back to your hometown
Get your feet on the ground
And stop floating around
I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head
You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
A cold and wet November dawn
And there are no barking sparrows
Just emptiness to dwell upon.
I fell into a winter slide
And ended up the kind of kid who goes down chutes too narrow
Just eking out my measly pies.
But I learned fast how to keep my head up 'cause I
Know there is this side of me that
Wants to grab the yoke from the pilot and just
Fly the whole mess into the sea.
Another slow train to the coast
Some brand new gory art from way on high
I sink and then I swim all night.
I watch the ice melt on the glass
While the eloquent young pilgrims pass
And leave behind their trail
Imploring us not to fail.
Of course I was raised to gather courage from those
Lofty tales so tried and true and
If you're able I'd suggest it 'cause this
Modern thought can get the best of you.
This rather simple epitaph can save your hide your falling mind
Fate isn't what we're up against there's no design no flaws to find
There's no design no flaws to find.
But I learned fast how to keep my head up 'cause I
Know I got this side of me that
Wants to grab the yoke from the pilot and just
Of all the churning random hearts
Under the sun
Eventually fading into night,
These two are opening now
As we lie, I touch you
Under fuller light.
Girl, if you're a seascape
I'm a listing boat, for the thing carries every hope.
I invest in a single lie.
The choice is yours to be loved
Come away from an emptier boat.
'Cause when the dead moon
Rises again
We've no time to start a protocol
To hem us in.
And when the dog slides
Underneath a train,
There's no cry, no use to searching for
What mutts remain.
Throw all consequence aside
The chill aspire, people set alight.
Of all the intersecting lines in the sand
I routed a labyrinth to your lap.
I never used a map sliding off the land
On an incidental tide,
And along the way you know, they try
They try.
And we got sea legs
And we're off tonight
Can I've that to which they've no right?
You belong to a simpler time
I'm a victim to the impact of these words,
And this rhyme.
'Cause when that dead moon
Rises again
We've no time to start a protocol
To hem us in.
And when the dog slides,
Open the door, and where'd she go?
There's no time, no use to searching for
The mutt's remains.
Throw all consequence aside
He's the son of a government man
And a pillar of salt
I was born with blood on my hands
And have all the signs of a bleeding heart
Living high on a giant hawk
On a mountain so steep
Keep your head in a hollow log
As the ruling fog are about to creep
What have we done?
How'd we get so far from the sun?
Lost, lost in an oscillating phase
Where a tiny few catch all of the rays
Out beyond the western squalls
In an Indian land
They work for nothing at all
They don't know the mall or the layaway plan
Dig yourself a beautiful grave
Everything you could want
Maybe those invisible slaves
Are too far away for a ghost to haunt
What do we charge?
Letting go of a claim so large
Oh, all of our working days are done
But a tiny few are having all of the fun
Get used to the dust in your lungs
Is there no way down
From this peak to solid ground
Without having our gold teeth
Pulled from our mouth
Make me a drink strong enough
To wash away this dishwater world they said was lemonade
Walk with me after the show
Maybe we can find a way through the minefield in the snow
What are they charged?
Letting go of a claim so large
Oh, all of our working days are done
But a tiny few are having all of the fun
Apologies to the sick and the young
Is it too near when they're nice?
Is that why there's sand in your eyes?
You should look up cause they're nothing at all
Blow me a kiss and I'll try
Wade through the mud and return wearing white
Hanging like clothes on a line
And I'll wait for you to spend all your time
Waiting like grapes on a vine
All of the goals you have yet to design
Wheels are off the track
I'm dripping everywhere
Eyes are in the clouds
While they pull the rug out
Pull me to the track
I'll give this a try
Down's the wrong way out
Fools himself to climb
But then you look back and wonder why
What made it so hard to decide
When the difference isn't black and white
Will the settled always have to fly for a home
Is it too near when they're nice?
Is that why there's sand in your eyes?
Don't wait, it's hard to get around when you're old
Blow me a kiss and we'll try
We'll scale the walls and go five miles high
We'll scale the walls and go five miles high
Wheels are off the track
I'm dripping everywhere
Eyes are in the clouds
While they pull the rug out
Pull me to the track
I'll give this a try
Down's the wrong way out
Fools himself to climb
But then you look back and wonder why
What made it so hard to decide
When the difference isn't black and white
Will the settled always have to fly for a home
Wheels are off the track
I'm dripping everywhere
Eyes are in the clouds
While they pull the rug out