
A Mountain River Has Many Bends

Rojava Map

We offer this zine to the world so that people may learn about the Rojava revolution happening right now in northern Syria.

New York City municipal workers' strike, 1971 - Steven Johns

Bridges locked open by strikers

A short history of a two-day strike by thousands of New York city workers in pursuit of a pension plan.

Ninth-century Muslim anarchists - Patricia Crone

Famous 9th Century Muslim scholar and Mu'tazilite, Al-Kindi

Interesting article from 2000 by Patricia Crone about groups of essentially anarchist Muslims from southern Iraq in the ninth century.

Louise Michel and William Morris - Linda Richardson

Article by Linda Richardson about the connections between Paris communard Louise Michel and libertarian socialist British artist William Morris.

Subversion #8

Issue of Subversion with articles about diabetes, the Russian coup, Militant, the "New World order", Animal Liberation Front attacks on cheese shops and Marxism and anarchism.

Subversion #6

Issue of Subversion from 1991 with articles about the UK public sector cuts amidst the recession, famine, the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and the Gulf War.

Subversion #5

Article of Subversion from early 1991 with articles about the Gulf War, a strike in Turkey, the troubles in Northern Ireland and the poll tax and the official left groups.

The state and capitalist society - Ralph Miliband

The Houses of Parliament

Marxist academic Ralph Miliband's extensive and detailed analysis and critique of the role played by the state in advanced capitalist society. It examines each part of the state, including the government, civil service, legal system and armed forces and their relationships with business, the media, religion and trade unions. Written in 1969, most of the tendencies he points to are even further advanced today, so while there is little mention of race and gender this remains an invaluable text.

Fields ripe with calamity: a critique of Incredible Edible Todmorden - Wayne Spencer

A critique of a typical 'civil society' environmental group that aims at bring about social change without changing anything fundamental about the existing society.