Garden, inside and out

May 25th, 2009


Last summer we wanted a little herb garden–veggies are way too ambitious, and the local wildlife would be sure to obliterate all effort anyway. We picked up an antique bathtub at the Christie Antique Market (a sure sign that we’re in Canada is the sheer number of people who assumed we were going to use it for beer storage) and had an amazing crop of basil, lettuce, oregano and rosemary all summer long (sadly the tomatoes grew to ripeness and were mysteriously stolen in the night). This season we are way slow at picking up organic herbs and every time I go to Grassroots they are sold out. So in the interest of Kitka, I picked up a few non-organic (boo) herbs from the local convenience store to get the season under way.


T’was slim pickings Sunday evening, with only two basil plants and one oregano. Oh well, it’s a start!


Inside I decided to plant some cat grass for the kikis in some very small ceramic planters that John’s mom gave us ages ago. The one above is Beauceware (no crop yet), the one below is an American piece.


Isha is feigning interest, but has yet to consume any of the grass. Grover mowed down on it at first but hasn’t revisited since in my presence. I try.

Speaking of gardens reminds me that it’s summer. And with summer comes sporadic posting. We’re here, there and everywhere and we’re going to try our best to post Monday to Friday, but if we miss a day here and there, it’s only because we don’t have anything new to report, and we hate to just write something to fill the space.

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