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Spicy beef souvlaki

Take the souvlaki on a skewer for a more healthy option for this easy to make barbecue delicacy

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Spicy beef souvlaki

An easy meat dish.

20 Mar 2015

beef (cubed)
cherry tomatoes (halved)
garlic cloves
green peppers (cubed)
red peppers (cubed)
Dionysus Robust Olive Oil
salt and pepper

1. Cut all the ingredients into bite-sized cubes, leaving the garlic pieces whole.
2. Assemble onto skewers alternating ingredients, starting and ending with the halved cherry tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper to taste and brush on the robust olive oil.
3. Alternative - you can marinate the beef in the olive oil overnight.
4. Cook for 5-10 minutes or until tomatoes are done in a grill or over a BBQ.

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