A triumvirate (from Latin, "triumvirātus") is a political regime dominated by three powerful individuals, each a triumvir (pl. triumviri). The arrangement can be formal or informal, and though the three are usually equal on paper, in reality this is rarely the case.[citation needed] The term can also be used to describe a state with three different military leaders who all claim to be the sole leader.
Originally, triumviri were special commissions of three men appointed for specific administrative tasks apart from the regular duties of Roman magistrates. The triumviri capitales, for instance, oversaw prisons and executions, along with other functions that, as Andrew Lintott notes, show them to have been "a mixture of police superintendents and justices of the peace." The capitales were first established around 290–287 BC. They were supervised by the praetor urbanus. These triumviri, or the tresviri nocturni, may also have taken some responsibility for fire control.
Three-man commissions were also appointed for purposes such as establishing colonies (triumviri coloniae deducendae) or distributing land.Triumviri mensarii served as public bankers; the full range of their financial functions in 216 BC, when the commission included two men of consular rank, has been the subject of debate. Another form of three-man commission was the tresviri epulones, who were in charge of organizing public feasts on holidays. This commission was created in 196 BC by a tribunician law on behalf of the people, and their number was later increased to seven (septemviri epulones).
Wasted away
Through both night and day
I was living in a fantasy
Totally lost
Without a cause
But now I'm back to reality
First there were two
Then the infamous three
The master plan is now complete
Metal winds
Are with us again
We found our destiny
Just the three of us
Against the world
Dust to dust
The Triumvirate
Will live on forever
You don't care
Destroy your mind
Go to war
We sailed the river Styx
In our prime
Journeyed north
The mirrors of time
The powerhouse
Lets loose their might\
Wasted away
Through both night and day
I was living in a fantasy
Totally lost
Without a cause
But now we've found our destiny
Just the three of us
Against the world
Dust to dust
The Triumvirate
Will live on forever
It's not the end
Just the three of us
Against the world
Dust to dust
The Triumvirate
Will live on forever
Just the three of us
Against the world
With fire or fury
We sing the song
We've seen the dreams
Of Eschaton
Engage deceit
Witness discord in its final retreat
A warning to heed
Behind the flesh mask lurks
The spectre at ease
They bleed transparent
In none we trust
In all mislead
You breed disgust
As the lecherous need
They bleed transparent
Attach in selfish drain
These chains to break
Distance yourself from
The tremors at quake
No mourning they see
Scatter like rats while
The piper recedes
They bleed transparent
Attach in selfish drain
They feed apparent
In poison acclaim
Not of us not one of us
A leper by choice
You’ve made silence a voice
You reek of the flesh
Burn the branding marks
Across your head
It’s easy to achieve
A status of false hierarchy
But when the grain
Inside the glass drains
You’ve become antiquity
They bleed transparent
Attach in selfish drain
They bleed apparent
In nominas name
Severed no longer visibly
A scab of memory
Not even scarred