Flaccus was a cognomen of the ancient Roman plebeian family Fulvius, considered one of the most illustrious gentes of the city. Cicero and Pliny the Elder state that the family was originally from Tusculum, and that members still lived there in the 1st century.
As usual for cognomina, "Flaccus" was likely originally a nickname, probably of Marcus Fulvius Flaccus, the founder of the family. It has been variously interpreted as meaning "big ears", "flop ears", "floppy", or "fatty".
Flaccus was also a cognomen for a branch of the patrician Valerii and others.
Gaius Valerius Flaccus (Setinus Balbus) (died c. AD 90) was a Roman poet who flourished in the "Silver Age" under the emperors Vespasian and Titus and wrote a Latin Argonautica that owes a great deal to Apollonius of Rhodes' more famous epic.
He has been identified on insufficient grounds with a poet friend of Martial (1.61.76), a native of Padua, and in needy circumstances; but as he was a member of the College of Fifteen, who had charge of the Sibylline books (1.5), he must have been well off. The subscription of the Vatican manuscript, which adds the name Setinus Balbus, points to his having been a native of Setia in Latium. The only ancient writer who mentions him is Quintilian (10.1.90), who laments his recent death as a great loss; as Quintilian's work was finished about 90 AD, this gives a limit for the death of Flaccus.
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Quintus Horatius Flaccus MarshLatin
Brian Flaccus Comedy Reel 2015
Brian Flaccus REEL
Brian Flaccus arrives at Movie 43 Premiere in Hollywood
Brian Flaccus arrives at Movie 43 Premiere in Hollywood, ...
Quintus Horatius Flaccus
Ben Avon - 7035 Flaccus Road
Horatius Flaccus - Opera -- 1733
Flaccus where's my mind Cover
Helena's puppy's week 1 - Flaccus Engelse Cocker Spaniëls
flaccus pups 29 dagen
Book Review | Valerius Flaccus,Argonautica: Bk.I: A Commentary
Flaccus nach dem Spiel
Submit to the master or be frozen forever in his cold-storage harem!
...Strikes like a ball of thunder!
Framed for the escape of five gladiators from the arena, the son of one of Sparta's leading citizens is sentenced to the arena as gladiator himself and forced to fight for his life in the Roman Colosseum. Years later he manages to escape and return to Sparta, only to find out that his father has been murdered--even though it was ruled a "suicide"--and the woman he loves is about to marry the evil king who has usurped the throne. He sets out to find six of his fellow gladiators and return to Sparta to save his woman and place the rightful king on the throne.
Keywords: arena, arrow-in-back, arrow-in-chest, bull, epic, gladiator, peplum, spear, stampede, sword-fight
Seven Heroes! The Valiant Sons of Sparta
Seven Spartan Warriors!
Seven heroes! They fight as if they were seven hundred!
Hiarba: You let him get away again. Now I'm warning you, Macrobius, I made you but I can always send you back to rot in the quarries where I found you.
Quintus Horatius Flaccus MHS
Quintus Horatius Flaccus MarshLatin
Brian Flaccus Comedy Reel 2015
Brian Flaccus REEL
Brian Flaccus arrives at Movie 43 Premiere in Hollywood
Brian Flaccus arrives at Movie 43 Premiere in Hollywood, ...
Quintus Horatius Flaccus
Ben Avon - 7035 Flaccus Road
Horatius Flaccus - Opera -- 1733
Flaccus where's my mind Cover
Helena's puppy's week 1 - Flaccus Engelse Cocker Spaniëls
flaccus pups 29 dagen
Book Review | Valerius Flaccus,Argonautica: Bk.I: A Commentary
Flaccus nach dem Spiel
Brian Flaccus Skechers
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Flaccus Law - Seattle, Washington - Video
How to pronounce Gaius Valerius Flaccus (Italian/Italy) - PronounceNames.com
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Book Review | Quintus Horatius Flaccus Ad Usum Scholarum (1813) By Horace
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How to Pronounce Flaccus
Quintus Flaccus Horatius.wmv