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Calvin Harris - Summer
Mesopotamia - The Sumerians
Magyar • Uyghur • Bashkir - Ancient Turanian Roots (Sumer-Subartu)
Sumer Official Trailer 1 (2015) - Sci-Fi Animated Short HD
Calvin Harris - Summer (Audio)
Sumer EletroHits 6 --- 01 This Time
The Underdog Project - Sumer Jam
Sumer, The first Civilization from Wikipedia
Őstörténetünk fejezetei - Létezik-e a sumer-magyar nyelvrokonság? - 1. rész
Human Origins from Sumerians
Altertum (Sumer)
Mesopotamia (Sumerians, first civilization on earth)
Ancient Sumerian Civilization
Fields Of The Nephilim - Wail Of Sumer [HQ]
You can vote Summer as #BRITs2015 British Video by tweeting using #BRITCalvinHarris Pre-order the new album Motion: Digital: CD: Official Store: Vote for Calvin at the EMA’s: Summer - Available from iTunes now: Follow Calvin on Spotify Download 18 Months: Subscribe to Calvin's YouTube channel: Subscribe to Calvin's Vevo channel: -------------- Follow Calvin online Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google+: Spotify: -------------- Download iTunes: Google Play: Amazon MP3: 7Digital: -------------- Stream Spotify: Rdio: Deezer: Napster: -------------- Lyrics When I met you in the summer To my heartbeat sound We fell in love As the leaves turned brown We could be together baby As long as skies are blue You act so innocent now But you lied so soon When I met you in the summer When I met you in the summer To my heartbeat sound We fell in love As the leaves turned brown We could be together baby As long as skies are blue You act so innocent now But you lied so soon When I met you in the summer Summer Music video by Calvin Harris performing Summer. (C) 2014 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
Uigurs, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, some other peoples of Siberia, Central Asia and the Urals descend in part from the ancient R1b1 branch, and by now retain the same haplogroup for 16,000 years. Comparison of R1b haplotypes of the Uigurs on the one hand, and Chuvashes, Bulgars, and Hungarians on the other, shows that the Uigurs usually have the more ancient subgroup R1b1b1, which predominantly remained in Asia. The common ancestor of both Asian and European haplotypes lived in Asia 16000 years ago. That apparently is the minimum lower time limit for the Proto-Türkic languages. The R1b haplotypes in the Balkans have "12" in that marker in 50% of the cases, in Italy 27%. In Slovenia that parameter is 20%, with the "age" of the common ancestor 4250 ± 600 years. All these are a branch of the Türks, "Kurganians", "ancient Pit Gravers", that crossed from the Eastern European Plain either directly around the Black Sea to the Balkans, and further on to the the Apennines, or through the Asia Minor. The others, as was noted, went to Europe via Anatolia through the Middle East and then on through the North Africa on the way to the Pyrenees. That was a Beaker Culture. 18% of the Hungarian Szeklers have haplogroup R1b1, 15% have R1a1. Another one initial "Türkic" haplogroup Q numbers 4%. The first four haplotypes have allele 12 in the first marker (16% of the total, much higher than the typical European 3-5%), which corresponds to the "Kurgan Culture" ancient haplotype. Apparently, that is the starting point of the Hungarian Seklers ancestral migration. As a result, the Sekler haplotypes of the R1b1b2 haplogroup already represent a younger age of these Türkic carriers of the R1b (common ancestors 4000 ybp). The Türkic-lingual Asian carriers of R1b remained in Asia. 5700-5100 years ago in the North Kazakhstan they established Botai Archeological Culture, and according to the latest data 5500 years ago domesticated the horse (Archaeology, Jan-Feb 2010). In addition to the Botai settlement dated 3700-3100 BC, definitely haplogroup R1b, since the carriers of the R1a1 appeared in those places were only one and a half - two thousand years later. ( Bearers of R1b haplogroup along their migration route to the M. East and S. Mesopotamia apparently have established the Sumer culture (and the state), moving westward to Europe (5000-4500 ybp) carrying mainly the R-M269 subclade and its downstream L23 subclade. ( Genetic evidence has linked early Magyars eastward as well to the Ujghurs, living in East-Eurasia around the town of Ürümqi (today in China, East Turkestan). The name of several Magyar tribes are of Oghur origin which may prove that Oghur tribes also joined to the Magyars. Approaches based on "map-stratification" have compared burial sites, ornamental motifs (tulips, cranes), leather and felt garments, mythological images, sacrificial cauldrons, folk poetry, folk music, lullabies, together with written documents and genetic findings to narrow down the most likely Magyar urheimat to the grassy land surrounded by four freshwater lakes (Caspian, Aral, Balkhash, and Baikal). Scientists has been struggling with the ancient roots of the nomadic Turkic tribes for a long time, and while they lean toward Mesopotamian roots, at least in the case of their ruling caste, there were many tribes and we know little about these people or the route of their migration from the Near East to Mongolia due to an immense falsification of history. Obviously commited by "Power-X"-like organizations such as the Vatican. We do know that reports of the "Turkic" Xiongnu, as the Chinese called these peoples collectively, appear in their annals around 1200 B.C. This would have, assumedly, been after the Trojan War which spurred so much movement of peoples around the Black Sea region. Various myths and name-connections suggest that Subartu was the fount from where these Turkic nomadic tribes originated, and it's curious that this is where the Mittani appeared. We can't forget however that these tribes were, generally speaking, caucasian (i.e. blue eyed, red or blond haired) as noted in the Chinese annals and evident from mummies dug up in Mongolia. Should the nomadic "Turkic tribes" who eventually formed the kingdom of Khazaria in this "dragon-culture" narrative be pegged to Subartu, one of the "four quarters" named in Akkadian texts? There is huge swath of real estate surrounding the Black Sea and the southern banks of the Caspian Sea including the Caucasus and parts of what would become Scythia, inhabited by related peoples sometimes referred to as "Gogi", from which the nomadic "Turkic" tribes sprang, many of whom migrated to Mongolia to become the Xiongnu and later (on their way back) the Hunnic federation which included the Magyars, Khazars, Bulgars etc.
Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Subscribe to INDIE TRAILERS: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: Sumer Official Trailer 1 (2015) - Sci-Fi Animated Short HD Official Facebook: For unknown reasons, the Earth's ionosphere has weakened dramatically during the course of the last century, resulting in the collapse of the entire ecosystem. Earth has become an increasingly hostile and uninhabitable place and with no shield to protect it, it is at the full mercy of meteors. All animal and plant species perished decades ago. All that remains is one small group of humans who attempt to resist the hostility and hardness of the external environment from SUMER, the last hive city in the world, which has been specifically designed to keep the population alive through oxygen supply systems. Unfortunately, the systems that allow this last safe haven to operate are becoming increasingly impaired and deficient. SUMER aims to colonize new worlds so that the remaining population can emigrate from the earth as soon as possible. The media are strongly focused on the program and manipulate the available information in a manner that is purposely designed to keep people obsessed on the potential of the space exodus, letting any hope of prevailing on earth go. A young boy, Hermes, lives alone in a compartment, the property of the government, which is located close to the wall that delimits the city, an area that is highly guarded by the SSW (SUMER Security Watchers). While observing the desert from the roof of a building, Hermes suddenly sees something that grabs his attention... sumer "sumer short film" "sumer trailer" "short film" ionosphere sci-fi animated "animated short film" animation "animated sci-fi" "Alvaro Garcia" "Pedro Caxade" "Alvaro Garcia" "Sara Rioja" ecosystem government vchan
Summer - Available from iTunes now: Follow Calvin on Spotify Download 18 Months: http:...
Sumer EletroHits 6 --- 01 This Time.
The Underdog Project - Sumer Jam music clip.
The story of the great flood as told in the Bible originated from the ancient Sumerians, who settled in early Mesopotamia and whose legends and mythologies g... -
A brief overview of the culture, geography, and accomplishments of the ancient Sumerians.
Basics of MRI Brain for MBBS Student- by Sumer Sethi.
Disclaimer: I do not own the music or images. "Sumer Is Icumen In" is a traditional English medieval round, and possibly the oldest such example of counterpo...
The first city in the world " UR " ( Sumerian city ) In this city knew Agriculture then here invented writing & here invented the wheel And here the Prophet ... In this third segment from Dr. David Neiman's lecture series, "Cradles of Civiliazation", Dr. Neiman describes how humans first...
from the wicker man (1973)
Multiformato del libro hecho con QUALITYEBOOK. Visita el mejor sitio de la red en libros electrónicos y audiolibros: -- La historia empieza en Sumer es un clásico de la historiografía moderna, un libro seminal que ocupa un lugar en pie de igualdad junto a otras obras que aúnan de forma incomparable amenidad y rigor, como Dioses, tumbas y sabios, de Ceram, la Historia de Roma de Montanelli o El otoño de la Edad Media de Huizinga. Publicada por primera vez en 1956, esta obra de Samuel N. Kramer conoció un éxito y un reconocimiento fulminantes en todo el mundo. La presente edición —correspondiente a la tercera y definitiva, publicada en 1981 y última dada a la prensa por el autor— recoge 39 primeros testimonios de la historia escrita, pues no en vano fue el pueblo sumerio el primero que desarrolló, más de cuarenta y cinco siglos atrás y en el sur del actual Iraq, un sistema de escritura denominado cuneiforme y que es sin duda su principal aportación a la historia de la humanidad. En esta ilustración inmejorable de la aventura del investigador, Kramer pone en pie, a partir de los testimonios que azarosamente han llegado hasta nosotros, un completo y fascinante panorama del país de Sumer, en la antigua Mesopotamia: la primera civilización que dejó constancia de sus asuntos políticos, de su instrucción y su literatura, de su filosofía y su ética, de sus leyes y su justicia, de su agricultura y su medicina, e incluso de su vida sentimental.
Sumerian cities, Reading and writing, Internal strife, Akkad and Ur.
WWW.TENYLEG.COM - Hogy volt, hogy nem volt Készült a Történelemtanárok Egylete megbízásából. Látogasd meg a weboldalt is! Írta: Dolák-Saly Róbert,...
... Practice, 2014 also recog- nizes the mandate of the Desk to resolve banking con- sumers' complaints.
noodls 2015-04-01... Ghuman, Amar Partap Singh Virk, Sumer Singh Gurjar, Rahul Tewari, Ajoy Sharma and Jagpal Singh.
The Times of India 2015-03-31... Equina, Anita Kao, Ryan Laiola and Sumer Sharma recently finished second in the national contest.
noodls 2015-03-20Visit StreetInsider ... com/Corporate+News/Tesla+%28TSLA%29+CEO+Elon+Musk+said+the+Model+X+will+come+out+this+sumer/10388163.
StreetInsider 2015-03-19The 26-year-old, who is reportedly Louis van Gaal's No 1 sumer target for United, made a "calm down" ...
The Independent 2015-03-19The 26-year-old, who is reportedly Louis van Gaal's No 1 sumer target for United, made a "calm down" ...
The Independent 2015-03-19... spoken greetings in 55 languages, from Akkadian, spoken in Sumer about 6,000 years ago, to Welsh.
The Guardian 2015-03-15) In his indispensible book "from Sumer to Saddam" (1) Geoff Simons writes: "The region of the world that the….
GlobalResearch 2015-03-14It features what is believed to be the oldest song in the English language, the 13th-century "Sumer ...
The Independent 2015-03-12It features what is believed to be the oldest song in the English language, the 13th-century "Sumer ...
The Independent 2015-03-12MONTEREY BAY, Calif ... Caitlin Sumers of The University of California, Santa Cruz's Kappa Kappa Gamma ... Driscoll's Berries ... //www.
PR Newswire 2015-03-11N ... It looks fine on paper, but makes no difference to the con-sumer.
The Times of India 2015-03-09Jasmine Thomas had 18 points and 11 rebounds for North Caddo (21-11) and Sumer Williams added 15 and 13.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-03-08Sumer (from Akkadian Šumeru; Sumerian 𒆠𒂗𒂠 ki-en-ĝir15, approximately "land of the civilized lords" or "native land") was a civilization and historical region in southern Mesopotamia, modern Iraq during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. Although the earliest historical records in the region do not go back much further than ca. 2900 BC, modern historians have asserted that Sumer was first settled between ca. 4500 and 4000 BC by a non-Semitic people who possibly did not speak the Sumerian language (pointing to the names of cities, rivers, basic occupations, etc. as evidence). These conjectured, prehistoric people are now called "proto-Euphrateans" or " Ubaidians", and are theorized to have evolved from the Samarra culture of northern Mesopotamia. The Ubaidians were the first civilizing force in Sumer, draining the marshes for agriculture, developing trade, and establishing industries, including weaving, leatherwork, metalwork, masonry, and pottery. However, some, such as Piotr Michalowski and Gerd Steiner, contest the idea of a Proto-Euphratean language or one substrate language.
Adam Richard Wiles (born 17 January 1984), better known by his stage name Calvin Harris, is a Scottish DJ, singer, songwriter, and record producer. His gold-selling debut album, I Created Disco, was released in 2007 and contained the top ten singles "Acceptable in the 80s" and "The Girls". His second studio album, Ready for the Weekend (2009), reached number one in the UK Album Chart and includes the chart-topper "I'm Not Alone", the UK top five hit "Ready for the Weekend", and the singles "Flashback" and "You Used to Hold Me".
A remix album titled L.E.D. Festival was released in July 2010 as a free album in the August issue of Mixmag. Harris is currently working on his third studio album—due for release in 2012—which has produced the singles "Awooga", "Bounce", "Feel So Close", and "Let's Go". He has written and produced records for other recording artists including Kylie Minogue, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Dizzee Rascal, Rihanna (on the international chart topper "We Found Love"), and Kesha.
(Apne Ko Paisa Chaahiye, Dollar Euro Pound Chaahiye
Credit Nahi Cash Chaahiye, White Nahi Sab Black Chaahiye) 2
Husn Ke Laakhon Rang, Kaun Sa Rang Dekhoge
Marmari Sa Badan Yeh Mera Chhuke Dekhoge
Apne Ko Paisa Chaahiye, Dollar Euro Pound Chaahiye
Credit Nahi Cash Chaahiye, White Nahi Sab Black Chaahiye
Chadhati Jawaani Meri Chaal Mastaani Ha Aa Aa
Chadhati Jawaani Meri Chaal Mastaani Tune Kadar Na Jaani Raaja,
O Mere Raaja Paas Aaja Hai Sama Khub Dur Na Ja
Na Na Na Na Paas Na Aa, Rok Khudko Re Dil Ko Samajha
Apne Ko Paisa Chaahiye, Dollar Euro Pound Chaahiye
Credit Nahi Cash Chaahiye, White Nahi Sab Black Chaahiye
Bhiksha Mein Jo Bhi Dogi
Devi Main Sab Le Lunga Prem Pujaari Hu Main
Prem Kyun Bich Mein Laaye
Kyun Jhute Paath Padhaaye Pandit Anaadi Re Tu
Huun Dil Ka Sachcha
Waade Ka Pakka Aisi Baaton Mein Kuchh Bhi Na Rakha
Kehata Huun Sabke Saamane Darling Shaadi Main Tujhse Karunga
Jaanu, Nahi, Shaadi Main Tujhse Karunga
Raaju, Nahi, Shaadi Main Tujhse Karunga
Are Shaadi Main Sabse Karunga
Jaanu, Baby Listen To Me Are Chhod, Chhod, Chhod
Main Tumhaare Bachchon Ka Baap Nahi Ban Sakata
Bahot Pyaar Karate Hain, Tum Ko Sanam
Kasam Chaahe Le Lo, Khudaa Kee Kasam
Humaaree Gajal Hain, Tasawwoor Tumhaaraa
Tumhaare Beenaa Ab Naa Jeenaa Gawaanraa
Tumhe Yoo Hee Chaahenge Jab Tak Hain Dam
Saagar Kee Baahon Me, Mauje Hain Jitanee
Hum Ko Bhee Tum Se, Mohabbat Hain Utanee
Ke Ye Bekaraaree Naa Ab Hogee Kam
(Rocking Rocking Karle Tu, Kuchh Love Di Talking Karle Tu) 2
Teri Bhi Setting Ho Jaaye, Life Mein Daring Karle Tu, Sade Utte Kudiya Mardiya
Sanu Love Da Hero Kehdiya, Phir Karle Balle Balle
My (Makhana U My Makhana, Hoy Makhana Main Tenu Jara Chakhana Ve) 6
(Mere Naam Likhade Yeh Jawaani Soniye, Dil Ke Badle Dil De Nishaani Soniye) 2
Come On Lets Party Varty Jamake Baby, Ground On The Floor
Come On Lets Party Move It Body Baby, Ground On The Floor
Inn Jaise Kitne Deewaane, O Mere Pichhe Phirte Mastaane, O Rab Di Chakh De Patte
Oy Makhana My Makhana, Mere Makhana Re Makhana Re Makhana Ve
Makhana My Makhana, U My Makhana Main Tenu Jara Aa Ha Aa Ha
(Makhana U My Makhana, Hoy Makhana Main Tenu Jara Chakhana Ve) 4
Tere Naam Dil Ka Yeh Jahaan Heeriye, De Di Aaj De Di Yeh Zabaan Heeriye
Come On Lets Party Varty Jamake Baby, Ground On The Floor
Come On Lets Party Move It Body Baby, Ground On The Floor
Saje Dil De Tote Ho Gaye Ne, Asi Pal Wich Tere Kho Gaye Ne, Toh Karle Balle Balle
Oy Makhana Oy Makhana, U My Makhana Main Tenu Jara Chakhana Ve
Makhana My Makhana, O My Makhana Main Tenu Jara Aa Ha Aa Ha
(Makhana U My Makhana, Hoy Makhana Main Tenu Jara Chakhana Ve) 4
(Ooo, Des Mera Oy Des Mera, Saare Jag Ko Hai Sona Des Mera) 2
(Koi Dushman Jaisi Baat Kare) 2, Mere Des Pe Koi Fat Kare, Sau Rab Di Chak De Phate
(Mera Bharat 3 Desh Mahaan Hai, Bhaarat Mera Bharat, Mera Bharat Warld D Shaan Hai) 2
(Mera Bharat 3 Desh Mahaan Hai, Bhaarat Mera Bharat, Mera Bharat Warld D Shaan Hai) 2
O Haseena Haseena O Haseena 3
Mujhe Choom Choom 2
Aaise Choom Ke Mach Jaaye Dhoom Dhoom
Chal Yaar Yaar Kare Itna Pyar
Dono Hi Jaaye Ghoom Ghoom
Mujhe Choom Choom
Aaise Choom Ke Mach Jaaye Dhoom Dhoom
Chal Yaar Yaar Kare Itna Pyar
Dono Hi Jaaye Ghoom Ghoom
Main Deewani Main Deewani
Meri Choti Si Kahani
Mujhe Sujhe Na Sujhe Na Kucth Aur Aur
Macha Shor Shor 2
Mere Dil Pe Chale Na Koi Jor Jor
Mujhe Thaam Tham 2
Mere Hotho Ke Payaale Tere Jaam Jaam
Maine Kar Diya Kar Diya
Ek Kaam Tere Naam Naam Sab Naam Naam
(Mujhe Choom Choom 2
Aaise Choom Ke Mach Jaaye Dhoom Dhoom
Chal Yaar Yaar Kare Itna Pyar
Dono Hi Jaaye Ghoom Ghoom ) 2
Na Na Na ... Kabhi Chukta Nahi Hain Mere Naino Ka Nishaana
Sare Ga Ga Ga.. Ma Ma Ma ... Jaane Yeh Zamana Saara Jaane Yeh Zaman
Mera Roop Roop Mera Roop Roop Mithi Kataar Imli Ka Soup
Kabhi Zor Zor Kabhi Pyar Pyar Kabhi Chaav Chaav Kabhi Dhoop Dhoop
(Mujhe Choom Choom 2
Aaise Choom Ke Mach Jaaye Dhoom Dhoom
Chal Yaar Yaar Kare Itna Pyar
Dono Hi Jaaye Ghoom Ghoom ) 2
(Hum Ladkiyan Nahin Hungama Hain
Lagti Hain Sidhi Sadhi Hum Mein Drama Hain ) 2
Ladko Ke Peetche, Peetche Peetche Jaye
Jadoo Chalaye Hum Hain Balaye 2
Ek Chutki Main Kar Doongi Main Tumko Apna Raja
Bachke Rehna Re Baba 8
Ladkon Ka Fashion Hua Hain Poorana Aaya Hain Ab Ladkiyon Ka Zamana 2
Payal Humari Jab Jab Bajegi Tumko Lagega Thumka Lagana
Jadoo Chalaye Hum Hain Balaye 2
Ek Chutki Main Kar Doongi Main Tumko Apna Raja
Bachke Rehna Re Baba 8
Aankhon Main Kajal Agar Hum Lagaye Phir Kya Hain Hum Raat Usko Banaye 2
Pal Bhar Main Badal Ko Aawara Karde Chunri Agar Hum Hawa Main Udaye
Jadoo Chalaye Hum Hain Balaye 2
Ek Chutki Main Kar Doongi Main Tumko Apna Raja
Bachke Rehna Re Baba 8
(Hum Ladkiya Nahin Hungama Hain
Lagti Hain Sidhi Sadhi Hum Mein Drama Hain) 2
Ladko Ke Peetche Peetche Peetche Jaye
Jadoo Chalaye Hum Hain Balaye
Ek Chutki Main Kar Doongi Main Tumko Apna Raja
Bachke Rehna Re Baba 8
(Oye Oye Oye Oye) 2, (O Dushman) 2
(O Dushman O Dushman Badi Khoobsurat Suhani Ghadi Hai, ) 2
O Dushman O Dushman
Mohabbat Ke Aage Jawani Khadi Hai, Karle Mujhe Aagosh Mein
Aise Mein Kuch Soch Na
O Dushman O Dushman Badi Khoobsurat Suhani Ghadi Hai
O Dushman O Dushman
Mohabbat Ke Aage Jawani Khadi Hai, Karle Mujhe Aagosh Mein
Aise Mein Kuch Soch Na
Oye Abla Nari Oye Chanchal Bala, Main Hoon Baalak Bhola Bhala
Aur Poojari Da Putar Hoon, Main Panditji Ka Sala
Aur Aap Hai Hasti Ala, Aur Mein Dushman, Oye Na Na Na Oye
(Jaagoon Aur Jagaun Aaj Tujhko Raat Bhar
Tum Ho Bekarari Koi Aisi Baat Kar) 2
Tanhayi Mein Dhadke Jiya, Koi Nahin Karle Piya
Aa Narm Baahon Mein Aa
O Dushman O Dushman, Badi Khoobsorat Suhani Ghadi Hai
O Dushman O Dushman
Mohabbat Ke Aage Jawani Khadi Hai Karle Mujhe Aagosh Mein
Aise Mein Kuch Soch Na
Oye Oye Oye Oye Sun Oye Nari, Oye Oye Oye Oye
Sun Oye Devi, Oye Oye Oye Oye
Achcha To Le Koi Meri Taraf Se
Bharat Ki Nari Hai Aap Sab Se Sushil Aur Sundar
Oye Nahin Hona Hai Mujhko Andar
Mere Sine Ka Baal Toot Raha Hai Choot Raha Hai
Kuch Choot Raha Hai
Stop You Stop You Stop Stop Stop Stop O Dushmana
(Parde Sab Jude Hai Bandh Sari Khidkiyan
Thodi Der Karle Aise Main Tu Mastiya) 2
Betabiyan Mein Josh Mein
Kaise Rahon Mein Hosh Mein, Ab Rok Na Meri Jaan
O Dushman O Dushman, Badi Khoobsorat Suhani Ghadi Hai
O Dushman O Dushman
Mohabbat Ke Aage Jawani Khadi Hai, Karle Mujhe Aagosh Mein
(Aise Mein Kuch Soch Na) 4
Aankhon Mein Raho, Baahon Mein Raho
Honton Pe Raho Ya Dil Mein Raho
(Aankhon Mein Raho, Baahon Mein Raho
Honton Pe Raho Ya Dil Mein Raho) 2
Yeh Saare Ghar Hai Tumhaare 2
Jahan Bhi Dil Chaahe Raho, Haan
(Saanson Mein Raho, Dhadkan Mein Raho
Palkon Mein Raho, Zulfon Mein Raho) 2
Yeh Saare Ghar Hai Tumhaare 2
Jahan Bhi Dil Chaahe Raho, Haan
Paas Hamaare Aana Ho To Bina Bulaaye Aaja Na 2
Koi Nishaani Deja Na, Thodi Si Khushboo Leja Na
(Yaadon Mein Raho, Khwaabon Mein Raho
Raaton Mein Raho Ya Din Mein Raho) 2
Aaj Na Jaane Yeh Kya Hua Hai Koi Zara Yeh Samjhaaye 2
Itna Suroor Chhaya Hai, Jee Karta Hai Mar Jaaye
(Vaadon Mein Raho, Kasmon Mein Raho
Aanchal Mein Raho, Kaajal Mein Raho) 2
Yeh Saare Ghar Hai Tumhaare 2
Jahan Bhi Dil Chaahe Raho, Haan
There are days
Where I wanna run and run
Faster than a bullet of loaded gun
To be away from this cage
Away away from the life I made
To be away from the man I am
And I know I will never leave it behind
The monster is eating my bread and drinking my wine
I wish to be an android
Who doesn't feel anymore
Who is heading for tomorrow straight on
There are days
Where I wanna run and run
And run and run
To find a place where I can breathe
To find a place where I don't have to deal
With all those things inside of me
And I know I will never arrive
The monster Is eating my bread and drinking my wine
I wish to be an android
Who doesn't feel anymore
I wish to be this human machine
Who doesn't think no more
I wish to be an android
Some say you're on the wrong way
Just don't care about it
Go on straight
And never loose your faith
Some say what you gotta do
What to believe in
What is bad, what is good
But never loose your faith in yourself
Never give up, never run away
Never bow, never hide away
Live your life
Be what you wanna be
Learning by living is what you're trying to do
The shit that happens is just a lesson for you
But never loose your faith in yourself
Never give up, never run away
Never bow, never hide away
Live your life
Go for it
You don't have to be afraid
You are old enough to find your way
Hit the road
Drive out of town
Go let it out, it's the right time now
As long as you can
As long as you glow
You gotta keep on rolling
Go for it
You know the feeling you'll get
You will feel something like free
Hit the road
I can hear the whisper of you soul
Come on, come on feel Rock'n'Roll
As long as you can
As long as you glow
When I see you
Late at night
You shake you body to rhythm of back in black
Like I do too
When I speak to you
Your lips just tell the same like I say
It seems that you are the same like me
Tell me where to go
And what is good for me
Hey you
Do you know who I am
You're the one who should understand
What's going on in my head
When I see you
In the morning light
You look stoned like rock in a desert storm
Like I do too
You are on my side
You're on my side all day long
It seems that you know all about me
Tell me where to go
And what is good for me
Hey you
Do you know who I am
You're the one who shoud understand
What's going on in my head
Hey you
I wanna be your friend
You're the only one who understands
He was born in summer
Mama told him when he was older
All you need in your life
Is a vision, is a dream inside of you
And all what you're gonna do
When you do it do it right
He decided to learn to play the blues
To be loud'n'wild
And he is showing you that
Rock is everywhere on his way
It overpowers every noise of his world
Rock is everywhere on his way
As long as melodies are in his head
This man is not dead
He was born in summer
Never forgot the word of mama
About this vision in life
And he is showing you that
Rock is everywhere on his way
It overpowers every other noise of his world
Rock is everywhere on his way
As long as melodies are in his head
This man is not dead
If in middle of nowhere
Or even at the of life
He feels it all night long
Like a rolling stone
If in middle of a crowd
Or on the top of the world
He is and stays the child
Of summer 1975
I am the man who is here
You are the girl who is there
A thousand miles away
I am the man who is losing his head
I am the man on the mental motorway
To zagreb
I wanna let you know
That I feel alone here without you
I wanna let you know
That I miss you
I am the man with a dream inside
You are the girl who I want to have
In my life
I am the man who feels that everything has changed
I am the man who is on the road again
To zagreb
I wanna let you know
That I feel alone here without you
I wanna let you know
That I miss you
That i desire you
That I want you
I always thought that I was a strong man
A man who sticks to all the words he says
I don't know how I lost my view
I don't know why I'm swimming in the blue
How can it be that I don't feel what I know
How can it be that I am cold when I wanna be hot
I don't know how I lost my view
I don't know why I'm swimming in the blue
I don't know how it happened
I wish I could explain
How I got caught by the waves
And drifted more and more away
But please don't go away
I won't stop crawling till I'm back again
Back home again
How can it be that I ignored where the wind blew
That I didn't meet anyone anywhere anymore
I wish I could explain
How I got caught by the waves
And drifted more and more away
But please don't go away
I won't stop crawling until I'm back again
Back home again
I'm not ready to suffocate
I'm not ready yet to drown
I'm a fighter
Got a terrible heat inside of me
In a world of ice is where I wanna to be
A fire is melting my soul away
Burning inside, it's my own private hell
I just feel like I'm dancing in the fire
My head seems to burn and I am loosing control (yes I do)
Breakdown, breakdown
It seems that im drowning in a flood
Breakdown, breakdown
All my nerves and senses tell me to stop
It's in my brain!
It's in my brain!
There is no more light, darkness surrounds my brain
Reality and dream seem to become the same
I feel that I will never be the same again
Leaving this world as a drunk and dirty man
I just feel like I'm dancing in the fire
My head seems to burn and I am loosing control (yes I do)
Breakdown, breakdown
It seems that im drowning in a flood
Breakdown, breakdown
All my nerves and senses tell me to stop
It's in my brain!
It's in my brain!
It's in my brain!
You rule my world, you rule my mind
Can't live without you
Forever you're meant to be my guide
I'm nothing without you and I hope you feel the same
No signs, no kiss, no love
I'm going slowly insane
Sometimes I feel like I've lost my way
Sometimes I can't sit and wait
I just wanna know
What's behind the moon
Is there the darkest desert land
Or a flower field in bloom
You make me feel like a little boy
Who feels marvellous
Who feels all the joy
But then I see again that I am so fucking alone
My empty bed, my empty heart
Is driving me insane again
Sometimes I feel like I've lost my way
Sometimes I just can't sit and wait
I just wanna know
What's behind the moon
Is there the darkest desert land
Or a flower field in bloom
I just wanna know
What's behind the moon
Is there the darkest desert land
You turn on my motor, keep the wheels on driving
The cops couldn't stop us, we're on our way
Driving down the highway, nowhere to run to
See the bluelights flashing
Hear the sirens screaming
But you and me drive on and on
Hey, I'm on fire
And you're the match that lit my fuse
Hey, I'm on fire
Oh baby
We ain't got nothing to lose
Got my gun in the back, made sure it's loaded
Who stands in our way is a dead man
Driving down the highway, nowhere to run to
See the bluelights flashing
Hear the sirens screaming
But you and me drive on and on
Hey, I'm on fire
And you're the match that lit my fuse
Hey, I'm on fire
Oh baby
We ain't got nothing to lose
Hey, I'm on fire
And you're the match that lit my fuse
Hey, I'm on fire
Oh baby
I know we can't be together now
You are in another world, you live in another town
I know we can't change this way of life
But I can close my eyes
And feel perfect by your side
You are touching me
Like a very warm wind
Life becomes a dream when our kisses speak
I'm longing for the day
When we can whisper every night
In our ears: laku noc
I know you won't be there when I come home
I can only speak to you on the prison phone
I know I can't drive through the night
But I can close my eyes
And feel perfect by your side
You are touching me
Like a very warm wind
Life becomes a dream when our kisses speak
I'm longing for the day
When we can whisper every night
In our ears: laku noc
Together alone, happily sad
More and more I understand
I feel love again
You are touching me
Like a very warm wind
Life becomes a dream when our kisses speak
I'm longing for the day
When we can whisper every night
truth becomes a virus in our perfect worldyou should
leave it all behind tonight,
adrenaline bad to the bone,
avenging angels take control,
now I understand, let's break it..........
we should leave the underground,
I'm not breaking down, I am breaking out,
we should leave the underground......
break it.......
tears of blood are fusing with your perfect skin,
we should leave it all behind tonight,
I'm dreaming of eternel lies,
I want to touch the other side,
time is running out....
there is no one like you in the universe,I would lay down
my life for one word,
one question at that moment,
when will you, when will you coming back
halos in your eyes, i feel so hypnotized,
how can I explain, I feel inside,
one question at that moment,
when will you, when will you coming back....coming home
and on the other side of your blue cystal eyes,
there is a cosmic hole, it sucks me inside,
without a mask this time, I'm feeling paralised,
I'm the chosen one, tonight,
can you feel this pain inside, look at me, shame on you,
astonished eyes,
cosmic hole, crystal lies, shame on you, I'm paralised
you separate the 'mother from newborn child'
I listen to your voice, I feel there is no choice,
my heart is crumbling without a noise,
one question at that moment, when will you, when will you
two different types, I can't deny, it was never save,two
different styles, deep down inside, I want to run away,
it's a waste of time, I'm never satisfied,
I want to beat you down into the ground,
I hate it all away.....
out of the micro world, into the universe,
I would fly as far as I could, until the end of time,
back on the ground again, and all remains the same,
I would fly as far as I could, I would fly as far as I
I was never free, it's killing me, I'm hiding from
deep into the trees, keep me from peace, I'm living in
this hell,
it's a waste of time, I'm never satisfied,
I want to beat you down into the ground,
into the pictures of my memories, you should be the only
one,my heart is bleeding everytime you leave, you should
be the only one,
I saw your face and your burning eyes, it changed my
in this cold, black daydream I saw your smile.....,
I saw you cry,
you saw me die,
here I'm sitting in the empty black, you should be the
only one,
and I am waiting for your coming back, you should be the
only one,
soon it ends behind the sky,
change is coming, and pain goes away,it burns inside.....
coming home....coming home......
change is coming,
and your faith is falling,
tell me what do you see behind the lights,
change is coming ,and your faith is falling,
tell me what do you see, tell me what do you feel......
born in suffering, but pain goes away,
it heals tonight....
coming home......coming home.....
you can't find a word, you have to deserve,
you float like a butterfly, but are you deserving
you should know, that this could end,collapsing dark
stars in our hands
I'm sober, it's over, it's over now
I can't forget you broke my soul,
the things you've done I hate you for,
I'm not the only one you've hurt, you can't control,
you'll do it again...( oh yeahhh )
cosmic fire in your eyes,
growing distance, if you lie
I'm sober, it's over, it's over now
the universe is dying,
I see it in your eyes,
the last remaining light,
you know I wont break it all, know I would hate you
for,panic and fear in the air,
too late for apologies, too late for future-dreams,
enemies fading away,
the end of the world is near, I'm hiding myself in
I'm starting this machine again,
I want to run, or flying away....
it turns me on, I'm competely save......
until I come home, until I come home,
I'm waiting there, cause I'm paralised,
I'm waiting there, cause I'm paralised
(and pray) and pay for what you've done....
starlight I'm saving you, halflight I'm breaking you,
truth is becoming my name,
I want to be free from your virus-invasion,
listen, there's no coming-back.....
the end of the world is near, I'm hiding myself in
I'm starting this machine again,
I want to run, or flying away....
it turns me on, I'm completely save...
I'm running through the empty space of dirt,
velocity, too fast, follow the curse,
I try to stop, I try to speak,
no chance, no chance,
long forgotten's you......
a little piece of mine is waiting for a teardrop in
your eyes,
a thousand buildings burning down for you,you shot me
down, I'm bleeding for the truth,
all my theories turn into dust,
I hide myself behind this question of trust....
I call in that megaphone, I sing you the song I wrote,
forever I miss you, where is your love......
tonight I try to burn your heart away,
a distance between emptyness and faith,
I can't forget, I'm shattered to the bones,
everytime I smell this smell,I close my eyes and dream of
you and me in november, it was night,
and there she comes my way, with burning eyes like stars,
in my mind I touch you velvet skin
and then I fall in love with her,
she's the cure of my world, my cinnamon girl,
and then I fall in love with her, my cinnamon girl
( and then she falls in love with me )
I sing this song for you,
I wrote it only for you, cause I've never known a girl
like you before,
she's burning like the sun, but I can't find a word,
completely silent, but deep in your heart,a vision of a
precious love,
isolation from your enemys and long forgotten
you beat until you hurt,but I can't feel the pain,
hit me into the dirt, but why can't we be friends,
I'm out of my control, I don't wanna sell your soul,
let's do it again...oh yeah
little demon please don't go away,
the angel comes some other day,
take the chance to turn the things allright,
fuck you all, you make me wanna scream,its shooting me
away, out of my dreams,
I'm sick of emptyness and memories,
no poetry and love between us,
why you walked away, out of my dreams......
and at the end of the tunnel I'm embracing the sun,
cause all that I need is you,
and at the end of the fire I'm embracing the liar,
now I can see the truth......
fuck you all I'm wearing black again,
you're washing me away,cause I'm a stain,
I`m sick of emptyness and memories,
no tragedy and love between us,
Kakureya ni sunda okina ga tada
Tooku wo mitsumeteita
Akanbou wa naku Hahaoya kara
Atatakasa dake motomete
Dareka no batsu to Dare ka no tsumi wo
Tsugunai nagara umareru
Sukui you no nai Mirai nante nai
Ima wa shizuka ni kakoni
Kirei goto dake wo narabete
Kirei goto dake de usotsuite
Kakari furu ame no naka
Nanika ga ukabi kieteku
Gozen chuu betto Miiru dake de
Nanto naku jikan wa sugiru
Ikiru koto nante Mijika sugite
Shippe gaeshi mo aru kara
Akirameru koto wo Umaku naru to tou
Machigatte mo hitsuyou nai
Anata ga keiken Shita koto wa dare mo
Rikai nante dekinai
Jibun no ibasho mo nai mama
Yatara sugite kudake mo hitei
Kakari furu ame no naka
Nanika ga katachi kaeteku
Kakari furu ame no naka
Nanika ga ukabi kieteku
Kirei goto de usotsuku...
Kakari furu ame no naka
Deai ha arashi no youni otozurete watashi no kokoro kaete shimau
Isshoni ireba nanimo kowakunai kono sekai no owari sae
Wakari aeru koto mo wakachi au koto mo utakata no youni
Toki no suna ni magire tsukami kirenai to akirameteta anata ni au made ha
"dore kurai itami wo hitori de kakaete kite tano?
Dore kurai sabashisa hitomi ni kakushite hohoen dano?"
Deai no kiseki wo ima dakishimete mitsume attara tsuyoku nareru
Kore wo ai to yobanai tosuru nara ima, dore wo ai to yobu no?
"kimi ga omou youna hito dehanai ga mo boku ha shirenakute"
Sore demo kimeta no ha kono omoi no mama eranda koto ni nanimo kuihanai
Kono mama de jikan ga tomareba fuan mo nai noni
Kono mama de, ude no naka eien sagashite hitomi wo tojita
Deai ha mahou no youni isshun de mune no itami mo keshite shimau
Kore wo unmei to yobanai tosureba ima, dore wo unmei to yobu no?
Deai no kiseki wo ima dakishimete mitsume attara tsuyoku nareru
Last night I saw you
Standing there, i know you
There were smile to me (smile to me)
Uuh my heart melt away
Your look was so precious
You gave this night so many specials
Cause when I talk with you
Walk with you
A long expected dream came true
Baby I cant get you
No no no I cant get you
Outta my mind
I cant let you
Walk away outta my life x 2
The time seemed to fly away
When you left
My whole life was changed
You were the cause and the source
Of this unexpected love
Chill ran down my spine
When you smiled
Came back to my mind
Your eyes and voice
Cause the choice
To get you back into my life
Baby I cant get you
No no no I cant get you
Outta my mind
I cant let you
Walk away outta my life x 2
The morning sun shines upon my face
I feel a longin for your warm embrase
A tender breeze strokes my cheek
You kiss and touch felt quite like this
Baby I cant get you
No no no I cant get you
Outta my mind
I cant let you
i saw you (and him) walking in the rain
you were holding hands
and i'll never be the same.
Tossing and turning another sleepless night
the rain crashes against my window pane
jumped into my car didn't drive too far
that moment i knew i would never be the same.
Now here you are begging to me
to give our love another try
girl i love you and i always will
but darling right now i've got to say goodbye
(i saw you)
hey hey baby how ya doin' come on in here
(walking in the rain)
got some hot chocolate on the stove waiting for you
listen first things first let me hang up the coat
(you were holding hands and i'll)
yeah how was your day today
did you miss me
(never be the same)
you did? yeah? i missed you too
i missed you so much i followed you today
(i saw you)
that's right now close your mouth
'cause you cold busted
(walking in the rain)
now just sit down here, sit down here
i'm so upset with you i don't know what to do
(you were holding hands and i'll)
you know my first impulse was to run up on you
and do a rambo
(never be the same)
i was about to jam you and flat blast both of you
but i didn't wanna mess up this thirt-seven hundred dollar lynx coat
so instead i chilled -- that's right chilled
i called up the bank and took out every dime.
than i cancelled all your credit cards...
i stuck you up for every piece of jewelery i ever bought you!
don't go lookin' in that closet 'cause everything you came here with is
packed up and waiting for you in the guest room. what were you
you don't mess with the juice!
i gave you silk suits, blue diamonds and gucci handbags.
i gave you things you couldn't even pronounce!
but now i can't give you nothing but advice.
cause you're still young, yeah, you're young.
and you're gonna find somebody like me one of these days . . .
until then, you know what you gotta do?
you gotta get on outta here with that alley-cat-coat-wearing,
punch-bucket-shoe-wearing crumbcake i saw you with. cause you
that's right, silly rabbit, tricks are made for kids, don't you know
that. you without me is like corn flakes without the milk! this is my
world. you're just a squirrel trying to get a nut! now get on outta
here. scat!
When I Look Into Your Eyes
I know you tell me lies
It's never gonna be the same again
You will always make me cry
Yous tarted to pass me by
It's never gonna be the same again
Wo-o-woh wo-o-woh yeah...
Hey you give me one more try
Hey you give me one more try
When I Look Into Your Eyes
I know you tell me lies
It's never gonna be the same again
You will always make me cry
But time is passing by
It's never gonna be the same again
Look into your eyes
It's never gonna be the same again without you
Want to free my heart
It's never gonna be the same again without you
Be be be de yeah, be be be be yeah
Be the same again
Love, love is not a game,
Love, love a neverending flame
Playing around with love and trust
Now we speak I'll pass the test
Come on girl don't let it be
Listen to me and open your mind
I'm the one, the one of a kind
Check this check that I come correct
No matter girl I will connect
Squeeze and hold me tight tonight
Squeeze and hold me that's right
Stay with me, on and on
Stay with me all night long
Baby baby don't you cry
Please, please give me one more try
Hey you gimme one more try,
Hey girl ain't gonna lie
Things that I did, things that I never said
Believe me, didn't mean it bad
I've been away for a real long time
I can't get you outta my mind
Hold me tight and don't let go
Here's the real love come let it flow
Love, love, it's sure just love
I broke your heart and went away
Love, love, I'm not a flirt
But there's something more I've got to say
I need love come set me free
Give me one chance don't walk on by