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Paradise Domain - Tuvalu
Tove Lo - Not On Drugs
Cambodia Hot News Today 27 September 2014 | Cambodia Concerning on Environmental Chang
Tuvalu in the south pacific held a special festival to highlight the issue of rising sea levels
February 2014 in November 2013 Typhoon Haiyan: Britain and US sent warships to Philippines
Chemtrails Geoengineering Weather Warfare Climate Change Fraud
Former cop charged in Minneapolis robberies - "Sun-Current Today" TV news - Thursday, Jan. 21
Copenhagen Climate Negotiation News Update: Today @ COP15 — Day 04
Fiji to remove union jack from flag, says PM Bainimarama : 24/7 News Online
Kate wears 3D glasses for Attenborough premiere
Dr. Ayaz: Perspectives of the Ahmadiyah
Dunya TV-NEWS WATCH-28-04-2010-1
March 2001 What's in a name? To a tiny nation in the South Pacific, plenty. The country is Tuvalu in the South Pacific: nine low-lying islands 1,000 km north of Fiji that make up one of the world's smallest, most isolated and most densely populated countries.
Listen to Tove Lo’s album 'QUEEN OF THE CLOUDS’ here BABES! Here it is! The video of my new single 'Not On Drugs'. There’s always the happy part before the broken heart. Here's mine, about the good kind. Come join me in my little love trip… Stream Tove Lo's debut-EP 'Truth Serum’ here: "Shiny happy see my world in new colours Higher fire fly my rocket through universe I'm up with the kites in a dream so blue I live in the sky you come live here too I'm queen of the clouds make my wish come true I sing to the night let me sing to you Baby listen please I'm not on drugs I'm not on drugs I'm just in love Baby don't you see I'm not on drugs I'm not on drugs I'm just in love You're high enough for me Lighter brighter pick the biggest stars I find And I'm trip trip tripping in my empire state of mind Ooooh I'm up with the kites in a dream so blue I live in the sky you come live here too I'm queen of the clouds make my wish come true I sing to the night let me sing to you *Chorus* HIIIIGH!!! You’re high enough for me… *Chorus* YOURE HIGH ENOUGH FOR ME” Director: Rikkard Häggbom Ass. director: Tobias Häggbom Produced by: Bror Bror Edited by: Bror Bror D.O.P: Alexander Westergårdh Stylist: Anna Granstrand Hair/make-up: Hanna Wickström Assistant: Shahab Salehi Keying: Andrés Martinez Peyrou Grading / Post prod: Bror Bror Music video by Tove Lo performing Not On Drugs. (C) 2014 Universal Music AB
Cambodia Hot News Today 27 September 2014 | Cambodia Concerning on Environmental Change Cambodia Hot News Today 27 September 2014 | Cambodia Concerning on Environmental Change Greater Mekong Subregion - Environment Operations Center South China Morning Post: International Edition Cambodia News - Breaking World Cambodia News - The New York ... United Nations News Centre All world news stories 26 September 2014 | The Guardian first - ABC Radio Australia Asia News | The Latest Asian News and Asian Events Australian Federal Politics News - Sydney Morning Herald VOA Khmer Cambodia News Environmental Education and Training Unit , UNEP Jobs | UNDP in Bhutan Khmerization BBC News - Psychotherapy and Buddhism help heal Cambodia's ... Andrew Bolt - .au Siemreap, Cambodia Forecast | Weather Underground Real security threats for Southeast Asian Nations | KhmerTimes ... Cambodia's Official Climate Change Website: HOME Transcripts - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) BBC World Service - Newshour - Episodes by date, September 2014 Portal:Current events - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia News Wire - The Age Tuvalu | ReliefWeb International breaking news | euronews online world breaking news ... Upcoming Events - Biodiversity Policy & Practice Upcoming Events - Biodiversity Policy & Practice News | Newcastle Herald IWMI Vacancies :: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Procurement Notices | Asian Development Bank CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from Blue and Green Tomorrow: Ethical Investment & Sustainable Living Cambodia News, Photos and Videos - ABC News IUCN - Building Coastal Resilience in Viet Nam, Cambodia and ... News - World Student Christian Federation – Europe Climate Change Monitorying And Information Network Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | Global Policy and Development Royal News | Unofficial Royalty UK and Cambodia - UK and the world - GOV.UK NewsDaily | Breaking news from around the world Remarks, Testimony, Speeches, and Briefings by Department of ... Climate resilient cities: a role for the media | International Institute for ... Somalia - ReliefWeb News | OCHA Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) News | Green Growth Knowledge Platform Cambodia-APN Co-Finance Partnership to Benefit Researchers in ... International Center for Climate Governance: ICCG Daily Cultures News | National Geographic News News September 2014 › Casita Verde Status of Ratification - unfccc NewsNow: Kashmir News | Breaking News & Search 24/7 F
Tuvalu in the south pacific held a special festival to highlight the issue of rising sea levels Tagata Pasifika TVNZ 11 Mar 2010.
February 2014 in November 2013 Typhoon Haiyan: Britain and USA sent warships to Philippines including an aircraft carrier to the Philippines to help relief e...
Chemtrails Geoengineering Weather Warfare Climate Change Fraud Climate Change: The Facts - Adwww.climate...
The former Minneapolis police officer charged with robbing an Apple Valley bank is also on the hook for five armed robberies in Minneapolis. Timothy Edward C...
Climate Action Network International (CAN-I) is a global coalition of environmental and development organizations with over 500 member organizations. Every d...
Fiji to remove union jack from flag, says PM Bainimarama Fiji is to remove the UK's union jack from its flag, Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama has announced. Mr Bainimarama, a former coup leader who was elected last year in Fiji's first elections in eight years, said it was "time to dispense with the colonial symbols". The Commonwealth Pacific nation gained independence from Britain in 1970. New Zealand, which also has the symbol on its flag, will hold a referendum on whether to change it in 2016. 'Truly independent' The current Fiji flag is light blue with the union jack - also known as the union flag - and a shield with the cross of St George and a lion. It also features a sugar cane, bananas, a palm tree and a dove of peace. "We need to replace the symbols on our existing flag that are out of date and no longer relevant, including some anchored to our colonial past," Mr Bainimarama said. "The new flag should reflect Fiji's position in the world today as a modern and truly independent nation state." After a national competition, the new design will be unveiled on 10 October, the 45th anniversary of independence, Mr Bainimarama said. He pointed to the fact that only four sovereign states which were once British colonies still retain the union jack as a national symbol: Australia, New Zealand, Tuvalu and Fiji.New Zealand said last October that it would hold a referendum this year to decide on an alternative flag, and another referendum in 2016 on whether to officially adopt the new design. After New Zealand announced its referendums, Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said there was "no great demand" in Australia to change the national flag.
An Iranian 150-ton freighter has reportedly departed the Bandar Abbas port, with a cargo of 220 short-range missiles, and 50 improved long-range Fajr-5 rocke...
News for Kate wears 3D glasses for Attenborough ... Kate Middleton and Prince William wear 3D glasses for premiere of David Attenborough's new wildlife film ...
Dr. Iftikhar Ayaz is a renowned International Human Rights activist and has been involved with numerous organizations as well as receiving multiple awards fo...
This term, Cox Green pupils are getting inspired due to the music lessons being taught at this school. They are being taught a range of different instruments and are being taught songs both current and from the older generations. We talked exclusively to our music teacher and he told us his view about music: "I think music is very important because it develops self-discipline, teamwork and builds confidence which then affects every part of a student's life." He also said that to make students enjoy his lessons he must be "very enthusiastic myself, create a friendly but firm atmosphere and make it fun." At Cox Green there are many things to do with Music, such as the choir: lots of students attend regularly. In choir we are being taught current songs, e.g. Happy by Pharrell Williams. Some people also have special lessons with a different teacher so they have 1-to-1 lessons that help them improve their musical skills. Music inspires many people like myself, because it teaches you things about different instruments and how to play them. It also inspires you to listen to the latest and most current songs.
Current Judgments of Supreme Court, PM Gillani in Bhutan, Strike of Clerks & Qandahar Operation.
Speculation that the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William are expecting a girl went into overdrive this week when on a trip to Grimsby, she was said to ha...
Hungry Beast Format News & entertainment show Created by Andrew Denton Jon Casimir Andy Nehl Directed by Aaron Smith Ali Russell Presented by Hosts Dan Ilic ...
On CBN News Today, Sept. 8: Obama to unveil ISIS plan, vows no boots on ground; Lebanese Christians prepare for ISIS invasion; Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy dead at 93; and more.
NNP Solar Power System Showroom Launch at Kondapur - Zee 24 Subscribe for more News: Like us on FB@
Hungry Beast Format News & entertainment show Created by Andrew Denton Jon Casimir Andy Nehl Directed by Aaron Smith Ali Russell Presented by Hosts Dan Ilic ...
Australia was the worst performing industrial country in terms of climate change in 2014, a new report has said. The report by two non-government organisations said the poor ranking was due in part to policy changes made by the current coalition government. The Climate Change Performance Index ranks emissions and climate policies of the 58 highest CO2 emitters worldwide. It ranked Denmark as the best performing nation, followed by Sweden and the UK. Saudi Arabia ranked last on the index. Carbon tax scrapped The report was published by Germanwatch and CAN Europe. It said Australia's conservative government had kept its election promises to reverse a number of climate policies. "As a result, the country lost a further 21 positions in the policy evaluation compared with last year (2013), thus replacing Canada as the worst performing industrial country." Since it took office in 2013, Prime Minister Tony Abbott's government has scrapped a tax on carbon and wants to halve the country's legislated renewable energy target. It has yet to secure enough votes in the senate to cut the target, which has created uncertainty for renewable energy investors. The Climate Change Performance Index is compiled with the help of about 300 energy and international climate experts and reviews each country's national and international policies with respect to their efforts to avoid climate change.
Click here to receive the latest news: Visit or website to learn more: Selma, a film that celebrates the life and cause of Martin Luther King. A peaceful march in Alabama, back in 1965, forever marked the history of the United States. It was a march between the cities of Selma and Montgomery. --------------------- ROME REPORTS,, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence. As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the needs of television broadcasting companies around the world through daily news packages, weekly newsprograms and documentaries. --------------------- Follow us... Our WEB FACEBOOK TWITTER PINTEREST INSTAGRAM
Documentary (Natural Disaster): Global Warming is really alarming everybody. According to China Press, dated 18/05/2...
Kate middleton and royal baby george More in Follow us: @newsdailyplanet Duke and Duchess of Cambridge prepare to move into new country bolthole with Prince ...
With the world population about to hit seven billion the demand for viable living space is becoming a cause of conflict. Particularly for people across the P...
"Animal Delegates" Participate in UNFCCC COP for First Time As more and more natural calamities under the impact of the extreme climate change have devastated the world, the international schedule to reduce carbon dioxide has been delayed severely, for the carbon emission has recently reached to an unprecedented peak. Under the shadow of the fading global economy, this year's climate conference might not come up with an effective protocol and may postponed the important issues to Cop19 next year which will take place in Warsaw, Poland. In this international conference initiated by human beings, the unprecedented participation of the "animal delegates" has drawn great attention from the media during Cop18 session. Tuvalu, predicted by IPCC in 2009 as the first country to be submerged as the issue of sea level rise is getting intensified, has gathered the animal delegates to join this year's climate conference in Doha through the collaboration with the Taiwanese artist, Vincent J.F. Huang. Invited by Tuvalu, the island nation located in South Pacific, to join the conference as a Tuvalu party delegate, Vincent proposed an eco-art project participated in by the animal delegates in order to indicate the crisis of sea level rise encountered by Tuvalu. Moreover, through his artworks, Vincent also introduces Taiwan as a "world citizen" to the world in order to highlight the efforts taken by Taiwan on the issues of climate change in the international stage. As Taiwan has been trying hard to be able to participate in UNFCCC in recent years, the headline "Bald penguins used to highlight danger of climate change" on the official website of COP18 has offered a thorough interview by an UN journalist. The interview discusses Vincent's eco-art project, the only art exhibition approved by Cop18 Doha officially, combining the black humor along with the animal spectacles to point out that the problem of the suspended protocol is due to the selfish struggles among the nations, and the suspension will bring tragedies of extinguishing animals along with the survival crisis of Tuvalu. Qatar Sustainability Expo, the grand exhibition held along with Cop18 session which takes place first time in the Middle East, is filled with more than forty glamorous pavilions of different nations and international enterprises to construct as well as to fit in the great image of green trend today. However, in an awkward and bare exhibition area stand two naked penguins that lose their feathers because of the heating weather under the impact of climate change and hold signs written "Count Me In," the slogan of Cop18, in order to respond to another slogan of the conference "7 billion, 1 challenge" to point out the absence of the animals due to the ignorance of human beings. Behind the naked penguins, next to the huge monitor showing the latest discussions of the conferences, an installation of a suicide penguin delivers a strong message to urge human delegates to come up an effective protocol to reduce carbon emission. The interactive device "Civilization and Its Side-effect" combines miniatures of an oil rig and an oil pistol with two animals that stand for the victims on the front line. Audience is invited to trigger the oil pistol to activate the device which leads to hang the polar bear to death and to have the Tuvaluan marine turtle beheaded. The accusation of these art installations implies that the suffering of the devoiced animals reflects the ignorant situation in Tuvalu -- a small island nation, leading a pure life without the convenience of modern technology or industrial pollution, is sarcastically to be the first nation to be submerged due to its low-altitude location and the intensified issue of sea level rise. Moreover, the project aims to emphasize an issue of justice -- an island nation has zero carbon emission is forced to be the victim facing the survival crisis while the developed countries have ignorantly consumed the limited natural resources on the earth. =============================================== Qatar Sustainability Expo: Article on Cop 18: Video on Cop 18:;=plcp ============================ Media Contact: Mr. VINCENT J.F. HUANG
Australia and New Zealand have supported more than 50 Tongan businesses affected by civil unrest in 2006 to get back on their feet.
Tanzania has marked Africa industrialization day with the prime minister mizengo pinda outlining contribution of the manufacturing sector in the country's ec...
Nations Business travels to the island of Rotuma to highlight how Government is strengthening Rotuma's island economy by ensuring that its people are provide...
Once again, Nauru has become a temporary home to hundreds of people seeking a new life in Australia. While the decision to send asylum seekers to the South P... Hi, I am Ron Williams and welcome to FG XPRESS. For over twenty years now, I have worked our industry all over the world creating abundance and success. In fact recently I just finished serving as the president the governing body association that overseas our industry worldwide and one thing I noticed consistently was how difficult it was to create a global opportunity in fact, customs immigration rules and regulations every time leaves at least half of the world behind. Well right now I am pleased to announce for the first time I've been a part or seen an entire global address system at your finger tips day one! One product, one price, doctor formulated, seamless, patented, just hot off the press. You know we are going to move money and commodity at a record pace. So you know we can't control the global economy and we have a hard time controlling our homeland economies, but together we can create and control our own economy and build business successfully and residually. Check out FG XPRESS and express yourself! Join us over at and see what the FG Xpress Power Strips are all about! Or order today .. We are a global team and so whether you live you can truly build a global team for yourself here within FG XPRESS Team International. We are SO excited that already the following areas are ready - More to be added! Don't see where you live? Don't worry it will be added! Aland Islands Albania Algeria (El Djazair) American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad (T'Chad) Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo (formerly Zaire) Congo, Republic Of Cook Islands Costa Rica COte DIvoire (Ivory Coast) Croatia (hrvatska) Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Federated States of Micronesia Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia, The Georgia Germany (Deutschland) Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran) Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya (Libyan Arab Jamahirya) Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montserrat Morocco Mozambique (Mocambique) Myanmar (formerly Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Republic of South Korea) REunion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa (formerly Western Samoa) San Marino (Republic of) Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa (zuid Afrika) South Georgia/South Sandwich Is Spain (espana) Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland (Confederation of Helvetia) Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan ("Chinese Taipei for IOC) Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor) Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom (Great Britain) United States United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City (Holy See) Venezuela Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara (Spanish Sahara) Yemen (Arab Republic) Zambia Zimbabwe
What does it take to convince a conservation scientist that a company's green claims translate into real benefits for ecosystems and human well-being? How ca...
This is a recording of the Justice Plenary at the WCC 10th Assembly 2013, Busan, Republic of Korea. Looking at the injustice that prevails in the world and the Christian imperative for justice, the plenary will focus on social (discrimination, gender justice, marginalized communities), economic and ecological justice (eco-justice for short) and will mobilise resources to tackle in a more concerted way some of the defining issues of our times. The prevailing globalized culture seems to accept and legitimise social, economic and ecological injustice. So much so that human and ecological abuse, exclusion and impoverishment of the vulnerable and the denial of rights and dignity of many and particularly of people with disabilities, women, children and people with HIV and Aids are increasingly seen as inevitable fallouts in a world gripped by the logic of dominion, growth and greed. Injustice has always been a part of human history but the injustice of our generation to the Earth and to our own brothers and sisters does not seem to have parallels. Amidst this, churches need to recognize the moral imperative of confronting injustice as an integral part of "costly discipleship". This is an area where churches can make a difference within themselves and their inner life, in areas of public engagement and in being the conscience keepers in the wider society by working with people of other living faiths and ideologies committed to the cause of justice. The plenary will explore Jesus as the justice of God in a world marred by division, greed and destruction of life, building on the testimony of resilient communities from various regions who are advocating for economy of life and eco-justice. Moderator and talk show host Rev Dr Angelique Walker- Smith, United States, is a Baptist pastor, a television journalist, preacher, author and speaker. She is the Executive Director/Minister of the Church Federation of Greater Indianapolis. Talk show guests: Mr Martin Khor, Malaysia, is the Executive Director of the South Centre, an intergovernmental policy research and analysis institution of developing countries Dr Julia Duchrow, Germany, is the head of the Human Rights and Peace Desk of Brot für die Welt in Berlin, Germany. Bishop Iosif of Patara, Argentina, Ecumenical Patriarchate, is the General Vicar of the Archidiocese of Buenos Aires and South America Rev. Phumzile Mabizela, South Africa, Presbyterian Church of Africa, is the Executive Director of INERELA+, Interfaith Network of Religious Leaders living with or personally affected by HIV and AIDS. Stories from the audience presented by: Rev. Tafue Lusama, Tuvalu, General Secretary of the Congregational Christian Church of Tuvalu Dr Lukas Andrianos, Madagascar/Greece, Ecumenical Patriarchate Ms Shyreen Mvula, Malawi, Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Official website of the WCC 10th Assembly: High resolution photos available via
Pretty serious stuff from Mort.
Nature-based solutions to economic and social development The global economy has grown and changed significantly in recent decades. Although many measures of...
lets watch this Ukrainian refugees tell of their desperation as they flee cities | Daily Mail Online Daily Mail - 2 hours ago ... freezing temperatures outside. Video captures insight into the lives of Ukrainian refugees ... More news for Video captures insight into the lives of Ukrainian refugees Video captures insight into the lives of Ukrainian refugees ... 9 hours ago - Crowds of people pack into the cramped shelters next to Slavyansk railway station, which are serving as a base for a small group of volunteers. Video captures insight into the lives of Ukrainian refugees ... Video for Video captures insight into the lives of Ukrainian refugees▶ 0:32▶ 0:32 38 mins ago - Uploaded by nighty@angels You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Download it ... Video captures insight into the lives of ... July, 2014 - Russia, Ukraine, The US Gain specific insight into political economy and business, as viewed from Russia's "window on Europe." Russian Studies ... Here you can find 10 of the most interesting videos that capture Moscow during the Soviet years. ... Living Folk Traditions of an Enchanted Landscape ... Ukraine's Refugees Are Now My Neighbors Does Putin Have a Strategy? (II) | Chronicles Magazine Jul 14, 2014 - As a massive wave of refugees from eastern Ukraine enters Russia, their ... cities, captured on video, are generating pressure in Russia on President .... I also do not have any insight into the factions among the separatists at ... Are the refugees like most normal folk: they flee danger to protect their lives and ... UNHCR - Afghanistan › ... › Asia and the Pacific › South-West Asia The Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR) remains the main policy framework ... More than half of Afghanistan's internally displaced people (IDPs) live in urban areas. .... Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates ..... Recently he visited Kunduz and offered his insights in this video. Russia Begins Controversial Psychiatric Evaluation of ... Oct 13, 2014 - The FBI Used a 1951 Book to Gain Insight Into an American al Qaeda Suspect Preview ..... "For me, it would be simpler to die in Ukraine than live in Russia," she told the .... She is a Ukrainian soldier captured for propaganda purposes. ..... 1.5 million dead, 5 million refugees, and around 3 million wounded. Refugees, neo-Nazis, and super patriots: Heading into the ... Sep 25, 2014 - In a matter of weeks they had rolled back Ukraine's hard-fought ... Oleg — a diehard Maidan supporter who says he had lived on the ... Slavyansk was one of the first cities to be captured by rebels. ... a bit of insight into the ongoing conflict between Ukraine's various volunteer brigades and the regular army. Bulgaria's far-right target Syrian refugees - Al Jazeera Video;... Oct 4, 2014 - Al Jazeera English; Topics; Programmes; News Clips; Watch Live ... Ukraine disarms far-right groups ... Artists exposed to conflicts attempt to show unique insight into war .... Dashboard camera captures Taiwan plane crash. The Bell | The Interpreter Ukraine Live Day 355: Poroshenko Urges Rapid Ceasefire at Munich Security Council .... Ukrainian bloggers have noticed that armor shown in a video matches armor ..... It is an excellent insight into what types of firepower the Russian-backed ... and what we believe is a T-64 Bulat, which was likely captured from Ukraine.
ASEAN is seen as a critical part of Australia's economy and Brunei Darussalam is one of its best friends, said Richard Marles, the Australian Parliamentary S...
Raw & unedited. On location at COP15. Interviews each day from the Bella Centre & KLIMA. Real information straight up. As the Coral Triangle Group calls for ... - 30 mins, 2010 The Lake District is one of Britain's most popular national parks. But is it in danger of being destroyed by too m...
This panel discussion looks at labour mobility across the Pacific region. Speakers include Mai Malaulau, Labour Migration Specialist at the World Bank; Luke ...
The Top 10 Smallest Countries in The World 10. Maldives Deep in the Indian Ocean lays a wonderful paradise that is called Maldives. Maldives consists many of islands and these islands are blessed with year-round sunshine and delightful pristine blue waters. It is a country with temperature controlled swimming pools, endless beautiful beaches and splashing ocean waves in its breezy islands. The hotels and resorts of Maldives are ones which we have always dreamed of but never seen! As far as the total area of Maldives is concerned, the total area of Maldivesis based on 115 square miles. 9. Seychelles Seychelles is 9th in the top ten smallest countries of the world list and is based south west of the Indian Ocean in form of many 115 islands among which some are small and some are very huge. Seychelles is surrounded by over almost one and a half million square kilometers of water. The overall population of Seychelles is just 80,000 spread over the pristine blue Indian Ocean. 8. St. Kitts and Nevis St. Kitts and Nevis are 2 islands which combine together to form a country called St. Kitts and Nevis. The population of St. Kitts and Nevis is round about 50,000. If we look at the history, we will come to know that it has a very violent past full of power struggles. St. Kitts and Nevis have many monuments which represent the human aggressiveness over land, territory, culture and national pride. 7. Marshall Islands Marshall Islands is 7th in the top 10 smallest countries of the world list. Marshall Islands are often referred to as the place where the sea meets the sky. A total of 29 atolls and 5 isolated islands make up the Marshall Islands. The population of this small country has increased with quite a pace since the last 5 years and at the current situation, the total population is around 67,000. 6. Liechtenstein Liechtenstein is the 6th smallest country of the world. If we look at it from the historic point of view, almost 2 centuries ago there were many separate states in the German speaking era but today there are only 4 and Liechtenstein is one of them. Located between the valleys of Switzerland and Austria, Liechtenstein is one of the best examples of extraordinary natural beauty. 5. San Marino San Marino is the 5th smallest country present in the world which is totally surrounded by Italy. One of the most interesting things about San Marino is that more than half of the economy of this small country comes from tourism. The total sales tax in San Marino is almost half of the taxes as compared to surrounding nations and that's one of the main reason tourists prefer purchasing different things from San Marino rather than the surrounding countries. 4. Tuvalu Tuvalu is currently the 4th smallest country present in the top ten smallest countries list and is totally surrounded by water. Tuvalu is only 5 meters above the sea level and because of this natural factor, the entire island on which Tuvalu is located is at a high risk because any sudden high wave could engulf the entire island! In the last 15 years, a huge amount of work has been done for the development of Tuvalu in terms of construction and education. The people of Tuvalu have a great potential to learn about the way things are going on in the world. 3. Nauru Nauru is a small country based on a tiny potato shaped island located between Hawaii and Australia. One of the most interesting things about Nauru is that the people of this small country are counted in the Top ten list of the fattest people all over the globe! The majority of the population is way much heavier as compared to other nations' average weight and that's why it is also called as the fattest country of the world. 2. Monaco Monaco is the 2nd smallest country of the world located in the middle of Italy and France. The lifestyle of the Monaco people is very expensive and Monaco is also counted in the Top richest countries of the world. The only expression to convey the luxurious life standards of the Monaco people is "Ooh La La"! Albert II the Prince of Monaco is one of the richest personalities of the world. A unique and interesting fact about Monaco is that there is no income tax. 1. Vatican City In the top ten list of the smallest countries of the world, the one which gets to hold the title is Vatican City. A part from being the smallest country of the world, Vatican City also holds the title of having the biggest church of the world which has become the main distinctiveness of this country. It may sound strange that the entire Vatican City is located in a boundary of just 0.2 square miles but this is true. Although the population of Vatican City is just around 850 people, the total number of tourists visits every day on average basis is around 17,000 which totals up to more than 6.2 million for a year. Vatican City is one of the holiest places on earth for the Catholics.
Zimbabwe is moving ahead with a new "indigenisation" law, known as the National Community Trust, which will force foreign companies to hand 51 per cent of shares to black Zimbabweans. Impala Platinum, a South African-owned company, has already agreed to turn over a 10 per cent of its stake in its Zimbabwean Zimplats operation. In September the government threatened to take away the company's licence to mine the world's second largest platinum reserves. More companies are expected to follow but some fear that the law is a plan to help strengthen President Robert Mugabe's hold on the country ahead of possible elections in 2012. Al Jazeera's Haru Mutasa reports from Selous, Zimbabwe.
22 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2012 Masiva manifestación anti China en Tokio China conser...
Talk Business was on the inaugural commercial flight of the new A330 -200 Airbus 100 percent owned by Fiji's national airline - Fiji Airways. Watch the journ...
Giant Monster Crab climbs everything! The coconut crab is the largest land-living arthropod in the world. Also known as the robber crab, the coconut crab is ...
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Tatau is a TV series commissioned by the BBC. Its filmed almost entirely in the Cook Islands and as Karima Fai'ai reports its had a big impact on the local economy.
House Chamber, Washington, D.C. January 19, 2011. M. Speaker: The Department of Interior issued an announcement yesterday that perfectly illustrates the irra... Hello everyone. You can now post your jobs for free through our site. This includes HR, employers, head hunters, and any o...
United Nations, New York, March 2012 - Halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand are two of the smallest countries in the world: Tuvalu and Kiribati. These two ...
A little of the sights, sounds, music, colours, peoples, arts, crafts and cultures of the Pasifika Festival 2009. Kia ora, talofa lava, malo e lelei, ni sa bula vinaka, kia orana, fakaalofa lahi atu, kam na mauri, taloha ni, greetings. One of the largest free events in the South Pacific, the Pasifika Festival comprises ten "villages", each from a differing South Pacific island community. Now in its 17th year, this one day event is held annually in Western Springs park, Auckland, New Zealand. The villages (in order of appearance): Tangata Whenua; Tokelau; Fiji; Samoa; Tuvalu; Niue; Cook Islands; Tonga; Tahiti and Kiribati. TANGATA WHENUA Meaning "people of the land" in Māori, this village presents the hosts - Ngati Whatua o Orakei. TOKELAU One of the smallest and most isolated island groups in the Pacific. FIJI Fierce warriors and friendly Fijian policemen usher entertainment and mat weaving, tapa printing and wood carving crafts. SAMOA Known throughout Polynesia as the "happy people", the Samoan village highlights food, dance and fashion, with traditional Samoan dishes such as cold pineapple salad, tropical ice cream and food prepared in an umu (earth oven); dance groups, bands and choirs and a fashion show, Fa'afetai Lava. TUVALU Tuvalu means "eight beautiful islands". "Tuvalu culture is rare and unique And hold a message we should seek Hold our culture way up high And our Tuvalu culture will never die. I normally hear friendly waves on our island shore when I was little It is not anymore The sound is getting louder and threatening My Tuvalu island is going to disappear from the rising sea level Tuvalu,my beautiful Tuvalu I cry for you." - Apiseka Eka NIUE Originating from the word "niu", meaning coconut, Niue literally translates as "here is a coconut". Also known as the "Rock of the Pacific", comprised of a single island, Niue is the largest raised coral atoll in the world. With song, music, challenge dances (meke), traditional weaving, coconut grating, umu cooking and a range of handicrafts made from pandanus and coconut leaves. Niue is also proud home to Miss Vanessa Marsh - Miss Niue and Miss South Pacific 2009. COOK ISLANDS The Cook Islands are known as the "Pearl of the Pacific". To the sound of the conch shell, drumming, ukuleles and warm smiles, Cook Island dances make your feet and hips move in magical ways. Abundant delicacies, intricate handicrafts and rich resources are key features of this vibrant community. TONGA Tonga means "south" and is another highlight of the South Pacific. Traditional Tongan music by Kava groups, tapa cloth making and mat weaving. TAHITI Tahiti is made up of 118 islands in five archipalle - Tuamotu, Marquases, Australle, Society and Gambier. Home to the finest black pearls and a blend of Tahitian and French cultures. KIRIBATI Featuring traditional dances or mwaies, such as "Te Eitei" - where head and arm movements imitate the frigate bird, an I-Kiribati symbol of peace and freedom. A chance to taste their foods and see Kiribati weaving and tilbuta (a traditional blouse, unique to the I-Kiribati women). For more about the Pasifika Festival, see:
Tuvalu is one of the smallest and most remote countries on earth. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it can barely be seen on most maps. The country is in danger ...
Live performances by Hawaii's finest Keola and Moanalani Beamer on March 7, 8 and 9. Details below. Considered one of the world's biggest multi-cultural even...
An attempt to show how Tuvaluans from the island of Vaitupu go about preparing food for a wedding. The people involved are all family members (both extended ...
Soccer match Tuvalu - Orion (Netherlands). On the right you see information about the music that is played during the entrance of the players.
Trundling past the runway and through the streets of Vaiaku, Fongafale Islet, Funafuti Atoll, and ending at the jetty next to the Vaiaku Lagi Hotel (April 20...
ISLAND GRINDS restaurant operates under NEW BEGINNINGS ACADEMY, a non-profit organization with a 501(c)3 status. New Beginnings Academy was organized in 2006...
Chef Joey Herrera shares his insights on why more Filipinos are taking up culinary arts.
Written, directed and narrated by Petra Campbell, this 34 minute film documents Tuvalu's attempt to eliminate plastic shopping bags.
Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world and is aiming to have 100% generation of electricity through renewable sources by 2020. IUCN, with assista...
Music ♥ Halasan Bazar ♥ Esophagus DJ Crew (Willie Mays, Dinkha, Johs Gosvig) ♥ M&M;'s (Mr. Midchill DJ, CJ Meyer, MC Mellone) ♥ A Duck ♥ Schoko ♥ + surprises ...
Located in Laie on the north shore of Oahu, the Polynesian Cultural Center is a combination theme park and education center devoted to Polynesian crafts, food and culture. Each of the major Polynesian cultures has its own section centered on a traditional village. When we were there on February 21, 2013, native Polynesians in traditional costumes presented the music and dance of their cultures on double-hulled canoes on the Center's lagoon.
Technologies to support daily activities such as flush toilets, no longer work for the small isolated and dry atoll country of Tuvalu as potable water is too...
This short documentary explores how climate change is affecting access to water and drought in Tuvalu. Rising sea levels have led to saltwater intrusions, af...
A big hit in 2007 in Cote d'Ivoire,this is the music video for Pointinini, by the musical group K8bazo Dj Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua, Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma (Myanmar), Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Congo, Democratic Republic of Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, England (U.K.), Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Europe (EU), Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain (U.K.), Greece, Grenada, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, North Korea, South Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Ireland (U.K.), Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine, Panama, Papua New, Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, The Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Vincent and The Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé, and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Scotland (U.K.), Senegal, Serbia and Montenegro, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, Soviet Union, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Uruguay, Uzbekistan, USSR, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wales (U.K.), Western Sahara, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Airplane, Auto, Boat, Motorcycle, Motor Sport, Train, Animation, Blooper, Improv, Parody, Pranks, Series, Short Film, Sketch, Spoof, Stand-up, Video Blog, Athletics, Business, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Health, Humanities, Language, Math, Media, Medicine, Performing Arts, Physical Science, Social Science, Visual Arts, Advertising, Commercials, Entertainment News, Performing Arts, Short Film, Trailer, TV, Video Game, Web Series, Animation, Anime, Art, Documentary, Experimental, Filmmaker Reel, Interview, Manga, Short Film, Trailer, Tutorial, Federal Government, Grassroots Outreach, Local Government, Nonprofit, Public Service Announcements, Regional Government, State Government, Arts & Crafts, Beauty, Dance, Drink, Finance, Fitness, Fashion, Food, Gardening, Health, Home, Music, Sports, Technology, Alternative, Blues, Classical, Country, Electronic, Folk, Hip-Hop, Indie, Jazz, Pop, R&B;, Rap, Religious, Rock, Soul, Unsigned, World Music Cris Crocker Perez Hilton TheHill88 Big Brother Oprah
Music from Narasirato Panpipe of Malaita Province - Solomon Islands
New Year Party of MCTT of Tuvalu Atu's dancing~!!
Talk by Winona LaDuke on "Land, Life and Culture: A Native Perspective" given October 27, 1999 at Seattle University in Seattle, WA.
Celebration of Pacific food, music and dance in honor of the 3rd International Conference on SIDS, and the 3rd International Year of SIDS, organized by the P...
Part 1 of a 3-part AFN series on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) in the U.S. Pacific Command area of responsibility. Font Information: TS...
UPDATE on 21st November 2013: "DEBUNKED?" added to my previous title Under Part II of this report you will find comment by Tj Wiets who said the round grey b...
This is an excerpt of the Vanuatu4You Culture & Nature Souvenir DVD. This DVD is available for sale in several outlets locally or can be ordered on www.vanua...
Nature-based solutions for climate change The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) puts nature at the centre of climate change solutions. He...
SEA LEVEL RISE Sea level rise can be defined as an increase in sea level caused by global warming through two main processes: the thermal expansion of sea wa...
The Governments of Italy and Austria are implementing a wide range of energy and climate change related projects in 12 Pacific Island Countries with the over...
Available on DVD from: Climate Refugees is the first feature film to explore in-depth the global human impact of climate change a...
CUSCO - Fiji Islands Michael Holm & Kristian Schultze BSC Music - 1983 - Album: Virgin Island FIJI, is an island country in Oceania in the Pacific Ocean and ...
DVD available at: Two explorers, Jay Watson and Peter Bland, attempt the ultimate South Pole adventure - crossing the Antarct...
The seas that cover a majority of our planet are rising and storm surge flooding will likely become even worse. The Union of Concerned Scientists brought tog...
Indonesia as an archipelago nation is one of the countries that is most impacted by climate change. Many major cities and development centers are located nea... - - SUBSCRIBE FOR PREDICTIONS THAT MAY AFFECT YOU - - [quick generic news report before official upload - stay abreast] NEWS ARTICLES: Solomon Isl NE off Australia Magnitude Mw 7.8 Region SOLOMON ISLANDS Date time 2014-04-12 20:14:39.0 UTC Location 11.28 S ; 162.25 E Depth 20 km Distances 324 km SE of Honiara, Solomon Islands / pop: 56,298 / local time: 07:14:39.0 2014-04-13 98 km S of Kirakira, Solomon Islands / pop: 1,122 / local time: 07:14:39.0 2014-04-13 UPDATES -8.3 modified to 7.6 -Tsunami Alert for Indonesia, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, New Caledonia, Tuvalu and Kosrae. Fiji, Australia, Indonesia, Guam -Hawaii and Australia were under no threat from a possible tsunami, the U.S. and Australian governments reported. - Tsunami watch was issued for Guam, Australia, New Zealand and America Samoa -Tiny Tsunami only a few centimeters T H E B I B L E: Some try to challenge the BIble with ignorant & vile formulas: Here is a little insight, not for the Daft, Dishonest or Disingenuous: + MOST PREVIOUS, MODERN & POST-MODERN LITERATURE + MOST IMPACT ON MANKIND TODAY AS 1,000 B.C. + MOST PURCHASED BY MULTIPLIED FAR. + MATHEMATICS: Earth Circular Is.40:22 (scientist thought flat up to 16C) + SCIENCE: Prophylactic Microscopic Washings: Lev.13: (discovered 20C) + PHYSICS: 'Heat' = 'Work' Ps.19:1; Rom.1:19-22 + POLITY: United Nations. Ez.38:8 + RELIGION: Nature of Arabs(Ishmael). Gen.16:11-12 + PREDICTIONS: - Israel declared a NATION by UN: Ez.38:8 - Israel born in A DAY: Is.66:8 - Israel leader in FRUITS & VEGETABLES: Is.27:6; Am.9:14 - Israel upcoming peace TREATY: Dan.9:27 - Israel HATED by world Zch.14:2 - Arab WAR against Israel: Zch.12:2,3; Jl.3:2 - Israel, geographical CENTER of Earth: Ez.5:5 - Israel's recent OIL Discovery: Deut 33:24 - Terrorists PLOT against Israel: Ps.83:4 - Egypt REVOLUTION Is.19:2,4 - Bird, Fishes behavior can predict CALAMITIES Jer.8:5, Eccl.9:12 - Live Int'l MEDIA: Rev.11:9 - Demise of SCOFFERS: Jer.8:9; Acts.13:41 - Coming RUSSIA-Middle East war against Israel: Ez.38:15,16 - NUCLEAR War: Ez.38:22 HOW TO BE SAVED To The Honest Enquirer, PRAY the following prayer or one similar: "LORD JESUS, I BELIEVE THAT YOU DIED ON THE CROSS FOR MY SINS. YOU WERE BURIED AND RESURRECTED. I ASK YOUR FORGIVENESS OF ALL MY SINS AND I MAKE A DECISION TO FOLLOW YOUR WORD" BELIEVE that you are forgiven. If you do, you are saved (Born Again). Visit a Bible Church and ask to be BAPTIZED HOW TO PREPARE FOR CALAMITY (un-scientific pastoral suggestions)
Photos I took in summer of 2007 staying in Alaska; Denali Park, kenai fjords and just nature. Endosterol suppositories provide state of the art herbal supplementation to support improved health. Endostero...
WE SURVIVED! -- 2012 CLIMATE - 16 JANUARY 2013 MY PLAYLISTS: Global Warming Quiz 1: Global Warming Qui...
We have selected 100 unique places on Earth that are projected to undergo profound changes within the next few generations. We based our selection of the 100...
The Coastal Resources Center collaborates with USAID and other partners to carry out natural hazard and climate change vulnerability assessments, put adaptat...
This 2:44 video produced by World Ocean Observatory (W2O) and Compass Light Productions offers a montage of interviews from COP15 focused on oceans and clima...
New Brunswick's motto - Spem Reduxit [Hope Restored] was the title of the RKAS trio adventure lead by Graeme, Phil and Dave to traverse the Saint John River ...
We have selected 100 unique places on Earth that are projected to undergo profound changes within the next few generations. We based our selection of the 100...
We have selected 100 unique places on Earth that are projected to undergo profound changes within the next few generations. We based our selection of the 100...
Vanuatu Land Diving - NGOL ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• Before bungee jumping, there was .... .... this bizarre spectacle, which...
KURDISH SHEPHERD AND FIGHTER DOG KANGAL FROM SIVAS KURDISTAN THE LAST WARRIOR KURDISCH KANGAL 2008 american pitbull terrier german boxer rottweiler doberman ... The best pictures of Suriname taken by travel bloggers at the web's premier tra...
Tuvalu is a small island nation in the Pacific, at an elevation of only 15 feet, rising sea levels are a serious threat. BYU-Hawaii SIFE (Students In Free En...
Beautiful Tuvalu Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide Tuvalu hotels Tuvalu accommodation Tuv... - One of the most impassioned speeches at the United Nations Climate Change Conference was given today by Apisai Ielemia, the minister o...
so many warm local people & inviting me into their homes & making sure i eat plenty, a genuine friendly smile & sharing their relaxed daily life on this isol...
Canada Listeni/ˈkænədə/ is a country in North America consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean. At 9.98 million square kilometres in total, Canada is the world's second-largest country by total area and the fourth-largest country by land area. Its common border with the United States forms the world's longest land border. Denmark (Listeni/ˈdɛnmɑrk/; Danish: Danmark),[N 10] is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, located southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. The Kingdom of Denmark[N 11] comprises Denmark and two autonomous constituent countries in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Tuvalu (Listeni/tuːˈvɑːluː/ too-VAH-loo or /ˈtuːvəluː/ TOO-və-loo), formerly known as the Ellice Islands,[2] is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia. It comprises three reef islands and six true atolls spread out between the latitude of 5° to 10° south and longitude of 176° to 180°, west of the International Date Line.[3] Tuvalu's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) covers an oceanic area of approximately 900,000 km2 Iceland[6] (Listeni/ˈaɪslənd/; Icelandic: Ísland [ˈistlant]) is a Nordic country between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. It has a population of 325,671 and an area of 103,000 km2 (40,000 sq mi), making it the most sparsely populated country in Europe.[7] Switzerland (/ˈswɪtsərlənd/; German: die Schweiz [ˈʃvaɪts];[note 3] French: la Suisse [sɥis(ə)]; Italian: la Svizzera [ˈzvittsera]; Romansh: la Svizra [ˈʒviːtsrɐ] or [ˈʒviːtsʁːɐ]),[note 4] officially the Swiss Confederation (Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica, hence its abbreviation CH), is a federal parliamentary republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities, the so-called Bundesstadt ("federal city") Norway (Listeni/ˈnɔrweɪ/; Norwegian: About this sound Norge (Bokmål) or About this sound Noreg (Nynorsk)), officially the Kingdom of Norway (Kongeriket Norge in Bokmål and Kongeriket Noreg in Nynorsk), is a Scandinavian unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard Finland (Listeni/ˈfɪnlənd/; Finnish: Suomi [suomi] ( listen); Swedish: Finland [ˈfɪnland]), officially the Republic of Finland,[7] is a Nordic country in Northern Europe bordered by Sweden to the west, Norway to the north and Russia to the east; Estonia lies to the south across the Gulf of Finland. Sweden (Listeni/ˈswiːdən/ SWEE-dən; Swedish: Sverige [ˈsværjɛ] ( listen)), officially the Kingdom of Sweden (Swedish: About this sound Konungariket Sverige (help•info)), is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. Sweden borders Norway and Finland, and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Øresund Austria (Listeni/ˈɔːstriə/ or /ˈɒstriə/; German: Österreich [ˈøːstɐˌʁaɪç] ( listen)), officially the Republic of Austria (German: About this sound Republik Österreich (help•info)) (lit. Eastern Realm), is a federal republic and a landlocked country of roughly 8.5 million people[5] in Central Europe. Sweden (Listeni/ˈswiːdən/ SWEE-dən; Swedish: Sverige [ˈsværjɛ] ( listen)), officially the Kingdom of Sweden (Swedish: About this sound Konungariket Sverige (help•info)), is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. Sweden borders Norway and Finland, and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Øresund canada air canada canada post canada immigration canada facts canada climate jobs in canada Denmark Countries in Europe Member states of NATO Member states of the European Union Northern Europe Tuvalu tuvalu sinking tuvalu tourism tuvalu film tuvalu travel Countries in Oceania Searches related to Iceland iceland travel iceland tourism iceland immigration iceland tours Switzerland Countries in Europe Central Europe Western Europe norway norway massacre Finland Sweden Austria
Антониони Ара Папян Арарат Аричаванк Аркадий Гукасян Арман Киракосян Армен Айвазян Армен Мовсисян Армен Тигранян Армия Армия и разведка Армении в 1918-1920 Армяне Армяно-Турецкие Протоколы Армяно-турецкие отношения Армянская архитектура Армянская калиграфия Армянская кулинария Армянская музыка Армянская церковь Армянские дизайнеры Армянские орнаменты Армянский Легион Армянский алфавит Армянский вопрос Армянский тараз Армянский язык Армянское кино Арсен Джульфалакян Арт-директора Артавазд Пелешян Артур Абраам Артур Багдасарян Архивные материалы Арцах Арцахская (Нагорно-Карабахская) Республи Аслан Масхадов Ассирйицы Ахмадинежад Ахмед Давутоглу Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Congo - Democratic Republic of, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Faroe Islands, Finland, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Holy See (Vatican City State), Honduras, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Micronesia - Federated States of, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, North Korea, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, West Bank, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
The Government of India has announced the scheme of Tourist Visa on Arrival Enabled by Electronic Travel Authorization on 27th November 2014. The TVoA enabled with ETA Scheme will facilitate nationals of 43 countries to travel to India for tourism for a short stay of 30 days. The countries are Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Djibouti, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kingdom of Tongo, Laos, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Mexico, Myanmar, New Zealand, Niue, Norway, Oman, Palestine, Papua & New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea (i.e. South Korea), Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Nauru, Republic of Palau, Russia, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Tuvalu, UAE, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam . For more information log on to:
Kiritimati or Christmas Island is a Pacific Ocean raised coral atoll in the northern Line Islands, and part of the Republic of Kiribati. The island has the g... - 26 mins, 2004 Tuvalu, the South Pacific island nation, is in danger of vanishing under the sea. The islanders believe it is due ...
We visited this remote island in the South Pacific in 2012 on the (then) once weekly fligth from Auckland. Niue is not your typical South Pacific Island with snowy white sand and swaying palm trees! But what they lack in terms of beaches the reason why you should come here, is the people of the island! Incredible hospitable and we felt that the entire island met us at the airport on arrival. Immediately invited to chair in local traditions (as the weekly sundowner on the beach bar) to local festivities. And on top of the people iot is the incredible diving that are offered on Niue. This is a very special place in the South Pacific scheme of things! The video was given to us by the Niue Tourism Office.
The Main Tourist Attractions in Madagascar are Ile Sainte Marie, Avenue of the Baobabs, Nosy Be, Isalo National Park, Royal Hill of Ambohimanga and etc. Republic of Madagascar and previously known as the Malagasy Republic, is an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Southeast Africa. photo credit: Ranomafana National Park by Antony Stanley Masoala National Park by Jerry Oldenettel Andasibe-Mantadia by Rafael Medina Royal Hill of Ambohimanga by Olivier Lejade Ifaty by Wojciech Doganowski Avenue of the Baobabs by Frank Vassen Nosy Be by frank wouters Tsingy de Bemaraha by Ralph Kränzlein Isalo National Park by groucho Ile Sainte Marie by Vitasary
Only spent 2 full days around Nadi in Fiji & around Nadi International Airport in-between other flights. Interesting to see the daily lives around Nadi in a ...
Voted the happiest country on the planet twice! 83 beautiful islands, tribes, resorts, beaches, accessible volcanoes, underwater paradise, a diner's delight, just 3 hrs flight from Australia. Discover all that matters on .
http://WWW.GAMEZ-GEAR.COM Please Like and comment on our video's Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to THE TRAVEL CHANNEL YouTube channel and that will help support u... Photographs by: Hidenori Watanave Laboratory @ Tokyo Metropolitan University (Makiko Suzuki Harada, Hidenori Watanave) Supported by: Tu... Tuvalu Visualization Project with Ultra High Definition Photo-overlay Copyrights of all photographs: Shuuichi Endou /...
13 Best Attractions in New Zealand's North Island according to Lonely Planet 12. Napier Art Deco Napier is a popular tourist city, with a unique concentration of 1930s Art Deco architecture, built after much of the city was razed in the 1931 Hawke's Bay earthquake. It also has one of the most photographed tourist attractions in the country, a statue on Marine Parade called Pania of the Reef. 11. Coromandel Peninsula The Coromandel Peninsula is on the north-eastern coast of the North Island of New Zealand. There are fabulous golden and white sand beaches with magnificent coastal scenery and a rugged, forest cloaked interior waiting to be explored. This peninsula separates the Hauraki Gulf and coasts around Auckland from the Bay of Plenty. 10. Auckland's Pacific Island Culture Welcome to 'The Big Taro', where around 180,000 residents of Polynesian descent make Auckland the capital of the South Pacific. The influence of Pacific Islanders from Samoa, the Cook Islands, Tonga, Niue, Fiji, Tokelau and Tuvalu is evident throughout Auckland. On the sports field, the city's professional teams showcase the best of Polynesian power, especially the NZ Warriors Rugby League team. 9. Maori Culture New Zealand's indigenous Maori culture is both accessible and engaging: join in a haka; chow down at a traditional hangi (Maori feast cooked in the ground), carve a pendant from bone or pounamu (jade), learn some Maori language, or check out an authentic cultural performance with song, dance, legends, arts and crafts. 8. Wellington Wellington is the capital and third largest city of New Zealand. The Windy City is on the foreshore of Wellington Harbour and ringed by hills, providing the scenic home of many of New Zealand's national arts and cultural attractions. Wellington offers a blend of culture, heritage, fine food and coffee, together with lively arts and entertainment. 7. Rugby Rugby Union is New Zealand's national game and governing sporting preoccupation. If your timing's good you might catch the revered national team (and reigning world champions), the All Blacks, in action. Watch some kids chasing a ball around a suburban field on a Saturday morning, or yell along with the locals in a small-town pub as the big men collide on the big screen. 6. Tongariro Alpine Crossing A 19.4km walk across the volcanic landscape of Mount Tongariro, taking 6 to 8 hours. Said by some to be the best one-day walk in the world. Steep climbs, great views and colourful lakes. The track reopened in May 2013 after being closed by eruptions in 2012. 5. Bay of Islands The Bay of Islands is an historic area and very popular tourist destination in the Northland region of the North Island of New Zealand. This region of New Zealand is rich in history and a fantastic example of why New Zealand has much to offer the traveller. This area of New Zealand is where the first missionaries settled in the early nineteenth century. 4. Geothermal Rotorua Rotorua is known as the thermal wonderland of New Zealand. Its hot springs and geysers have attracted tourists for over a hundred years. Rotorua is built over a geothermal hot spot. There are numerous natural vents, hot pools and other geothermal features in and around the city. Many of these are in parks and reserves. 3. Waitomo Caves The world famous Waitomo Glowworm Caves are one of New Zealand's top tourist attractions, located just outside the Waitomo Village, easy to find and within easy reach of all local accommodation. It is home to the famous Waitomo glowworms, tiny creatures that radiate their luminescent light. 2. Urban Auckland Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand, with a population of over 1.5 million. It is in the northern half of the North Island, on a narrow isthmus of land that joins the Northland peninsula to the rest of the island. Auckland is often called the "City of Sails" for the large number of yachts that grace the Waitemata Harbour and the Hauraki Gulf. It could also be called the "City of Volcanoes". 1. Hauraki Gulf The Hauraki Gulf is a coastal feature of the North Island of New Zealand. It has an area of 4000 km2, and lies between the Auckland Region, the Hauraki Plains, the Coromandel Peninsula and Great Barrier Island, which surround it in anticlockwise order. Most of the gulf is part of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. SUBSCRIBE CONNECT Website: Google+: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: YouTube:
Diesel-solar photovoltaic hybrid system installed on Viatupu Island Tuvalu.
Unseen Pics Of Royal Couple Tour Of Far East To Subscribe Our Channel Please Click Below Link: ...
Want to learn more about Guam's number one industry? Check out this video and how it affects everyone from real estate to retail! for full video. Tuvalu has the dubious distinction of being the world's most endangered country, a Pacific Island parad...
A brief overview of challenges faced by people of the Maldives, set to the haunting sounds of Lambs "Gorecki".
The National day sports event of Tuvalu.
Son temps de 15,66 secondes, a été le pire dans l'histoire du 100 mètres.
With only days left to the London 2012 Olympics, athletes from around the world are preparing for the biggest competition in sport. Tuvalu athletes are rarin...
Second half of the match Tuvalu - American Samoa during the Pacific Games 2011. For the match report check:
Part 1 of 3 Tuvalu Special King Tides Festival and the damage climate change is having Tagata Pasifika TVNZ 8 Apr 2010.wmv.
One of the smallest Pacific Islands groups in New Zealand is celebrating their 35th independence this week. The Tuvalu community is also holding the inaugura...
During my 12 day Holiday in Funafuti the capital of Tuvalu, I couldn't help noticing the local young people using the airport runway for sport activities, of...
Copyright disclaimer! I do NOT own this song nor the image featured in the video. All rights belong to it's rightful owner/owner's. No copyright infringement intended. For promotional purposes only.
For the Teams competing at the London 2012 Olympics, they are away from their homes for weeks on end. Team Tuvalu have completed competition and during a Cul... IAAF World Championships 2011, Daegu, South Korea. Soleau Tuvalu (American Samoa) finishes in dead last by some distance, but ...
via YouTube Capture
Highlights From New Caledonia 8-0 Tuvalu.New Caledonia Was victory against Tuvalu.
As London 2012 gets ever closer, athletes from Oceania make their way over to the North West for the Pre Games Training Camps. Competitors from Tuvalu and Sa... THIS SONG SING BY VAKAI & NABARI PESE TENEI NE USU NE VAKAI MO NABARI PESE FUNAFUTI MUA your comments and suggestions are much a...
Weightlifter Logona Esau carries the flag as Tuvalu enters the Olympic Stadium in Beijing, the first Olympics ever for our nation.
Highlights From Tuvalu 4-0 American Samoa.Tuvalu Was Victory Against American Samoa.This Match Is The second Biggest win. 27 August 2011 Noumea Stade Rivière...
via YouTube Capture.
A clip from the celebrations of the 10th Anniversary of Tuvalu Independence in 1988 Vaega e tasi o polokalame ote fakamanatuga ote 10 tausaga ote tu-tokotasi...
A clip from the celebrations of the 10th Anniversary of Tuvalu Independence in 1988 Vaega e tasi o polokalame ote fakamanatuga ote 10 tausaga ote tu-tokotasi... Fue la primera eliminatoria de los 100 metros en el Mundial. Pocos se dieron cuenta que estaban ante un hecho histórico, nada menos que ante Sogelau Tuvalu, en corredor... más lento del planeta.
Reportage over verblijf op Urk van het voetbalteam van Tuvalu, het meest onbereikbare land ter wereld dat onder water dreigt te lopen als gevolg van de stijgende zeespiegel.
The Prime Minister of Tuvalu speaks about the importance of adaptation for surviving climate change in Tuvalu. This short documentary was created by Shivneel...
Please like our you tube page and Subscribe this channel for more videos And Watch Damara, songs, News, Talk Show, Movies, Sports, Education, Islam , Pakistan, Funny clips and many Other things on our page , please Like and share with your friends
Support Tuvalu thru the UC at UC president Alistair Macrae radio interview on Beyond Zero Emissions (edited, with occasional text subtitles) full version at A possible sermon replacement for World Environment Day I did the subtitles in a rush, and didnt have time for pretty background pictures, but the dialogue is the main thing anyway!
this chanel recoded video some places may be you want goto. view more and search some at: sub me now, thank for watching! This is the summary of Where The Hell Is Tuvalu? by Philip Ells.
Travelersfans.Com Is A Friendly Travel Community That Connects Travel Enthusiasts Around The World To Enjoy Their Unique Trips Through Sharing Travel Experie...
Souvenirs purchased while travelling around FIJI - TUVALU - KIRIBATI from 30/01/13 to 08/03/13.
Vincent J.F. Huang, an official delegate for Tuvalu at the 2013 UNFCCC COP19 and a controversial Taiwanese artist, is employing unconventional methods to mar...
Vincent J.F. Huang, an official delegate for Tuvalu at the 2013 UNFCCC COP19 and a controversial Taiwanese artist, is employing unconventional methods to mark Tuvalu's presence at Warsaw's climate summit this year. The Taiwanese artist hopes to bring international attention to the South Pacific nation through his "mobile museum" project. The performance piece and an accompanying press conference will be held on November 14th beginning at 12:00 PM in the Palace of Culture and Science's Café Culturalna. On November 14th, the day after the opening ceremonies of the UNFCCC COP19, a horse-drawn carriage transporting Huang's installation of a Wall Street Bull in a green coat crushing a Tuvalu sea turtle and a polar bear will depart from the Palace of Culture and Science and travel to some of the most iconic sites in Warsaw. In the installation, the sea turtle and polar bear are sacrificed on the altar of civilization, thereby symbolizing environmental concerns and developing nations overlooked in the pursuit of "progress." Huang thus uses black humor to highlight the problems of climate change and sea level rise, both of which specifically affect Tuvalu. Huang's "mobile museum" will begin its journey from the Palace in downtown Warsaw and travel past sites representative of power and capitalist interests as well as martyrdom and sacrifice. These classic spots include the Royal Castle in Warsaw's Old Town, which was the official residence of the Polish monarchs, Nowy Swiat Street, one of the principle business streets in Warsaw, the Warsaw Uprising Monument and the Warsaw Citadel, which serve as emblems of instances of heroic sacrifice and martyrdom in Polish history, and the ghetto wall on Sienna Street, which is a reminder of the tragedies of the Holocaust. Tuvalu is an island nation located in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Australia, which scientists predict will be among the first countries to disappear due to sea level rise. Huang's work calls attention to the environmental injustice inherent in the fact that Tuvalu produces almost no greenhouse gas emissions but is still threatened by the effects of climate change. Consequently, Huang's project for COP19 uses a green-coated Wall Street Bull holding a green carrot as bait in one hand and crushing the Greenpeace Arctic Sunrise in the other to highlight the manner in which powerful nations offer both the false promise of a greener earth and the threat of harsh punishment to deny ecological concerns and promote economic pursuits. Huang says of his work: "The bull is depicted as physically oppressing a Tuvalu sea turtle and a polar bear while holding a press conference at which it is the only speaker to further highlight the abandonment of environmental issues in the name of economic gain." Vincent J.F. Huang was born in 1971 in Taiwan. He currently lives and works in Taipei and London. His work is a criticism of a civilization in which society emphasizes the GDP more than the destruction caused by the worship of progress. Huang's work draws on Chinese philosophy and aims to achieve perfect harmony between humankind and nature. Vincent J.F. Huang recently returned from the Arctic where he created works protesting the arrest of the Greenpeace Arctic 30. The best pictures of Tuvalu taken by travel bloggers at the web's premier trave... The best pictures of Funafuti taken by travel bloggers at the web's premier tra...
The effects of rising sea levels due to global warming seem a long way off for most of us, but for the people of the small Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, the threat is more imminent.
In der heutigen Folge von Spaß mit Flaggen geht es um eine Flagge, die so gut wie keiner kennt. Oder wer war schonmal in Tuvalu, oder könnte auf Anhieb sagen, wo es liegt? Hier geht es zur letzten Folge von Spaß mit Flaggen: Hier geht es zur letzten Angela Merkel Parodie: Musik: Epidemic Sound
Preview of Evamaria85's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
Visa Free Travel From India. Planning a trip abroad from India? Worried about the visa formalities? Here's how you can travel the world without one! Visa Free Travel From India Visa On Arrival For Indians Countries that allow visa-free entry to Indian passport holders :- 1. Bhutan 2. British Virgin Islands 3. Cook Islands 4. Dominica 5. Ecuador 6. El Salvador 7. Fiji 8. Grenada 9. Haiti 10. Jamaica 11. Kish Island 12. Macau 13. Mauritius 14. Micronesia 15. Montserrat 16. Nepal 17. Niue 18. Palestine 19. Pitcairn Islands 20. Saint Kitts and Nevis 21. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22. South Ossetia 23. Transnistria 24. Trinidad and Tobago 25. Turks and Caicos Islands 26. Vanuatu Countries that provide visa on arrival to Indian passport holders :- 1. Bahrain (Only if the purpose of visit is to see the Bahrain Grand Prix) 2. Bolivia 3. Burundi 4. Cambodia 5. Cape Verde 6. Djibouti 7. Ethiopia 8. Guinea-Bissau 9. Guyana 10. Hong Kong 11. Indonesia 12. Jordan 13. Kenya 14. Laos 15. Madagascar 16. Malaysia (strict conditions) 17. Maldives 18. Mozambique 19. Nauru 20. Palau 21. Saint Lucia 22. Samoa (entry permit on arrival) 23. Seychelles (visitor’s permit on arrival) 24. Somalia 25. Somaliland 26. Sri Lanka (electronic travel authorization) 27. Tajikistan 28. Tanzania 29. Thailand 30. Timor-Leste 31. Togo 32. Tuvalu 33. Uganda 34. Vietnam -- Read more: Credits - Images (Creative Commons 2.0) Music - With License from Big Bang & Fuzz Pty Ltd Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is subject to change. Please check all details with the consulate of the country you wish to travel to before finalising your travel plans.
Tuvalu/Ellice Islands*Anthem"« Tuvalu mo te Atua» "-played by Myrrh Klimper´s Motto: "Tuvalu mo te Atua" (Tuvaluan) "Tuvalu for the Almighty" Anthem: Tuvalu ...
To reserve a hotel and get best prices in the most amazing honeymoon destinations, visit Here we will guide you to some of the best honeymoon destinations and we will show you more details about them for you. Alaskan cruise: A Royal Caribbean Alaska cruise and cruisetour will take you to some fascinating ports of call and cities. You'll see legendary places, cruise past glacial fjords and experience nature in a way you've never imagined before. Bali: Is an island and province of Indonesia. The province includes the island of Bali and a few smaller neighbouring islands, notably Nusa Penida. It is located at the westernmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands, between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. Its capital of Denpasar is located at the southern part of the island. Bora Bora: Is an island in the Leeward group of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, an overseas collectivity of France in the Pacific Ocean. The island, located about 230 kilometres (143 miles) northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. In the centre of the island are the remnants of an extinct volcano rising to two peaks, Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu, the highest point at 727 metres (2,385 feet). Fiji islands: Is an island country in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean about 1,100 nautical miles (2,000 km; 1,300 mi) northeast of New Zealand's North Island. Its closest neighbours are Vanuatu to the west, New Caledonia to the southwest, New Zealand's Kermadec Islands to the southeast, Tonga to the east, the Samoas and France's Wallis and Futuna to the northeast, and Tuvalu to the north. Fraser Island: Is a heritage-listed island located along the southern coast of Queensland, Australia, approximately 200 kilometres (120 mi) north of Brisbane. It is a locality within the Fraser Coast Region. Its length is about 120 kilometres (75 mi) and its width is approximately 24 kilometres (15 mi). It was inscribed as a World Heritage site in 1992. The island is considered to be the largest sand island in the world at 1840 km². It is also Queensland's largest island, Australia's sixth largest island and the largest island on the East Coast of Australia. Jimbaran: Is a fishing village and tourist resort in Bali, Indonesia. Located south of Ngurah Rai International Airport, the beach has seafood restaurants and luxury hotels, including the five-star Kayumanis Private Estate & Spa, Intercontinental Hotel Bali, Ayana Resort and Spa, Four Seasons and Jimbaran Puri Bali and the casual dining restaurant Cuca, helmed by award-winning Chef Kevin Cherkas, beside the Kayumanis Private Estate & Spa. St-Lucia: Is a sovereign island country in the eastern Caribbean Sea on the boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. Part of the Lesser Antilles, it is located north/northeast of the island of Saint Vincent, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique. Kerala: Is a state in the south-west region of India on the Malabar coast. It was formed on 1 November 1956 as per the States Reorganisation Act by combining various Malayalam-speaking regions. Maldives: Is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls, oriented north-south, that lie between Minicoy Island (the southernmost part of Lakshadweep, India) and the Chagos Archipelago. The chains stand in the Laccadive Sea, and the capital, Malé is about 600 kilometres (370 mi) south-west of India and 750 kilometres (470 mi) south-west of Sri Lanka. Norwegian Fjords: Is a long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created by glacial erosion. The word comes to English from Norwegian, but related words are used in several Nordic languages, in many cases to refer to any long narrow body of water other than the more specific meaning it has in English. There are many fjords on the coasts of Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Alaska, British Columbia and Chile. Peter Island Resort: Private island located in the British Virgin Islands (BVI). It is about 5.2 miles south-west (195 degrees true) from Road Harbour (Road Town), Tortola. Santorini: Is an island in the southern Aegean Sea, about 200 km (120 mi) southeast of Greece's mainland. It is the largest island of a small, circular archipelago which bears the same name and is the remnant of a volcanic caldera. Skye, Scotland: Is the largest and most northerly large island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. The island's peninsulas radiate from a mountainous centre dominated by the Cuillins, the rocky slopes of which provide some of the most dramatic mountain scenery in the country. Although it has been suggested that the Gaelic Sgitheanach describes a winged shape there is no definitive agreement as to the name's origins for more travel experiense visit
Mini spot in Rome on a cruise trip.
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Polynesian Dance group. Great for Hawaiian or beach themed events.
Damage was so intense that all the inhabitants of one of the Tuvalu islands had to be completely evacuated.
Jamaica Observer 2015-03-22Thule, Greenland has witnessed record ice melts and Tuvalu, a remote Pacific island nation, is one ...
noodls 2015-03-22The Category 5 tropical cyclone descended upon Vanuatu, Tuvalu and a number of other Pacific islands ...
noodls 2015-03-22The Category 5 tropical cyclone descended upon Vanuatu, Tuvalu and a number of other Pacific islands ...
United Nations 2015-03-21Oxfam speaks to the Prime Minister of Tuvalu as food shortages loom in Vanuatu and Tuvalu.
Scoop 2015-03-20Today I announce that Australia will provide urgent humanitarian support to Tuvalu in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Pam.
noodls 2015-03-20... tablets and vitamin A capsules, to people affected by Cyclone Pam in nearby Tuvalu, he said.
Xinhua 2015-03-20Photo: UNICEF/NYHQ2015-0449/Hing.
Scoop 2015-03-20Noumea, New Caledonia – Following requests from the governments of Vanuatu and Tuvalu for technical ...
Scoop 2015-03-20Category 5 storm, Cyclone Pam, crossed over the Pacific nations of Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu ...
noodls 2015-03-20Supplies delivered to Tuvalu, for onward distribution to remote affected islands.
noodls 2015-03-20Cyclone Pam, which also impacted the Solomon Islands, Kiribati and Tuvalu, was one of the most ...
Canberra Times 2015-03-20Cyclone Pam, which also impacted the Solomon Islands, Kiribati and Tuvalu, was one of the most ...
Canberra Times 2015-03-20Tuvalu (i/tuːˈvɑːluː/ too-VAH-loo or /ˈtuːvəluː/ TOO-və-loo), formerly known as the Ellice Islands, is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia. It comprises four reef islands and five true atolls spread out from 6° to 10° south. Its nearest neighbours are Kiribati, Nauru, Samoa and Fiji. Its population of 10,544 makes it the third-least populous sovereign state in the world, with only Vatican City and Nauru having fewer inhabitants. In terms of physical land size, at just 26 square kilometres (10 sq mi) Tuvalu is the fourth smallest country in the world, larger only than the Vatican City at 0.44 km2 (0.17 sq mi), Monaco at 1.98 km2 (0.76 sq mi) and Nauru at 21 km2 (8.1 sq mi).
The first inhabitants of Tuvalu were Polynesian people. In 1568 Spanish navigator Álvaro de Mendaña sailed through the islands and is understood to have sighted Nui during his expedition in search of Terra Australis. In 1819 the island of Funafuti was named Ellice's Island; the name Ellice was applied to all nine islands after the work of English hydrographer Alexander George Findlay (1812–1876). The islands came under Britain's sphere of influence in the late 19th century, when the Ellice Islands were declared a British protectorate by Captain Gibson, R. N. of HMS Curaçao between 9th and 16 October 1892. The Ellice Islands were administered as British protectorate by a Resident Commissioner from 1892 to 1916 as part of the British Western Pacific Territories (BWPT), and later as part of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony from 1916 to 1974.
How does that old song go? I forgot the words.
There was a boy who believed love is all you need.
He may have been right, it depends on what you mean.
What do you mean by love?
You told me no, said you love me though.
You had to go your own way.
If you change your mind, you know where to find me,
I'll be around.
Before the new dream can fly the old one has to die.
When we were boys we believed the dream was all we'd need.
Turned out to be wrong, now it's time to rise and shine
Singing a brand new song.
You told me no, said you love me though.
You had to go your own way.
If you change your mind, you know where to find me,
I'll be around.
I'll be around.
How does that old song go? I forgot the words. Hey!
You told me no, said you love me though.
You had to go your own way.
If you change your mind, you know where to find me,
I'll be around.
You told me no, said you love me though.
You had to go your own way.
If you change your mind, you know where to find me,
I'll be around.
Have you seen it?
Can you shine some around?
Can you make it part of your
Rock 'n' roll sound? Yeah.
Gimme some light. (Gimme some light.)
Gimme some light. Yeah. (Yeah.)
Gimme some light. (Gimme some light.)
Gimme some light. Yeah. (Yeah.)
Gimme some light. (Gimme some light.)
Gimme some light. (Light.)
Have you heard it?
Oh how sweet is the song.
Can you play that one for me
All the day long? Yeah.
Gimme some light. (Gimme some light.)
Gimme some light. Yeah. (Yeah.)
Gimme some light. (Gimme some light.)
Gimme some light. Yeah. (Yeah.)
Gimme some light. (Gimme some light.)
Gimme some light. (Light.)
Don't let your love be wasted on me,
I'm no good at all.
Everything I'm hoping to be...
Is all in your hands,
All in your hands,
I am all in your hands.
I don't know where to start,
You pulled apart my life
And breathed new life into my heart when I met you.
I long to be more true
I long to be more like the life you've shown,
But I've blown it again.
Don't let your love be wasted on me,
I'm no good at all.
Everything I'm hoping to be...
Is all in your hands, (All in your hands.)
All in your hands, (All in your...)
I am all in your hands.
I wanna be dressed in white,
I wanna shine like stars at night,
But I'm still light years from the goal.
I don't have self-control,
I don't have what it takes to make it happen,
I need you, I need you.
Don't let your love be wasted on me,
I'm no good at all.
Everything I'm hoping to be...
Is all in your hands, (All in your hands.)
All in your hands, (All in your...)
I am all in your hands.
You made a man out of nothing but dirt,
I don't pretend to be anything more.
If you can make something out of my life
I won't stand in your way no more.
Don't let your love be wasted on me,
I'm no good at all.
Everything I'm hoping to be...
Is all in your hands, (All in your hands.)
All in your hands, (All in your...)
I am all in your hands.
All in your hands, (All in your hands.)
All in your hands, (All in your...)
The goal you sold yourself out to
Is wasting you for nothing in return.
You speak as though you're rich, you look as though you're tired,
What happens when your contract has expired?
Do you still cling to the hollow sound
Of the empty songs you sing?
When I read between the lines
It don't take long to find a heart that's breaking.
And the joy you left behind
Is greater than the one that you've been faking.
But I know that there's still time
To turn around the choices you've been making.
You just can't close your eyes to what you find
When you read between the lines.
Disgusted by some things you've seen
But does that mean it's fine to walk away.
You speak as though you're free, you look as though you're scared.
What happened to the faith I thought we shared?
Is it still there?
Was it ever really even there at all?
When I read between the lines
It don't take long to find a heart that's breaking.
And the joy you left behind
Is greater than the one that you've been faking.
But I know that there's still time
To turn around the choices you've been making.
You just can't close your eyes to what you find
When you read between the lines.
When you read between the lines.
When I read between the lines
It don't take long to find a heart that's breaking.
And the joy you left behind
Is greater than the one that you've been faking.
But I know that there's still time
To turn around the choices you've been making.
When I read between the lines
It don't take long to find a heart that's breaking.
And the joy you left behind
Is greater than the one that you've been faking.
But I know that there's still time
To turn around the choices you've been making.
You just can't close your eyes to what you find,
You just can't close your eyes to what you find,
save me
I can't go on without you anymore
give me
the kind of love that I've long been longing for
I've never needed anyone before
the way that I need you
I'm calling
I'm calling out
I'm calling out to
calling out to you
I know that you can hear me
calling out to you
take me
I don't belong to myself anymore
break me
of all the sins that I've long been living for
I never knew what freedom was before
until I came to you
I'm falling
I'm falling in
I'm falling into
falling into you
I know you're gonna catch me
And the moon looks like a tomato,
And there's a blanket over the sun,
And all the stars fall out of the sky,
One by one,
One by one,
They all fall down.
They all fall,
Fall out the,
They all fall down,
They all fall,
They can't stand,
The judgment at hand,
They all fall down,
And the wind becomes a tornado,
And all the houses built on the sand,
Will all come crashing down to the ground,
One by one,
One by one,
They all fall down.
And a thousand reasons to never,
Take the outstretched hand of the son,
Every excuse just crumbles to dirt,
One by one,
One by one,
I would stay here with you longer
but I've got no room to grow
and the room is getting smaller
and the work I heard said "Go....go"..
So I'm gonna go now,
I want you to know how
much I have gained from you here
ohhhh the last three years
I would turn back in a heartbeat
if I felt like things could change,
but I cannot bend this elbow
and it's cutting off the blood flow
start me feeling strange...strange....strange
So I'm gonna go now,
I want you to know how
much I have gained from you here
ohhhh the last three years
I will see you when we get there
and we will stand side by side
having entered through the same door
we will be divided no more
unaccompanied by pride, pride
So I'm gonna go now,
I want you to know how
much I have gained from you here
Hey Hey Hey
I'm not gonna listen to what you say anymore,
Your lies get me nowhere.
Always listen, seemingly harmless, concessions
blur the lines away,
And I always believed you,
I used to believe you,
Not anymore.
The game is up, I'm on
To you now,
I won't be playing the pawn,
To you now,
You might have thought you won,
But your plans have been undone,
By the rising of the sun,
I am on to you now.
Now Now Now,
I'm not gonna let you tell me how
to live, your wisdom,
Isn't wisdom at all.
Sunlight found you,
Shattered the darkness around you,
Where you stood and whimpered,
And I always believed you,
I used to believe you,
Not anymore.
Once in a dream I saw
Your face shining before me.
What could I do but fall down?
I'm waking up now and I'm laying it all down.
There may be a long way left to go,
I don't know, I don't know.
But one thing I do know
You're taking me home, you're taking me home.
You're taking me home.
Once in my heart I heard
Your voice calling my name.
What could I do but turn around?
I'm listening now and you know that I'll follow that sound.
There may be a long way left to go,
I don't know, I don't know.
But one thing I do know
You're taking me home, you're taking me home.
You're taking me home.
There may be a long way left to go,
I don't know, I don't know.
But one thing I do know
You're taking me home, you're taking me home.
You're taking me home. You're taking me... yeah.
You're taking me home. You're taking me home.
I sat in my armchair
and listened politely
as you tried to invite me
but the answer was no
and the distance between us
can never be crossed now
and I'm calling out for you
but they won't let me go
they won't let me go
The people around you
a crowd without number
all beautifully singing
and dressed up like snow
Can noone believe me
with one drop of water
I'm calling out for you
but they won't let me go
they won't let me go
And I'm crawling for the table
melting like snow
and they won't let me go
I wish I could drown down here in this ocean of light
I wish I could close my ears to the chorus of Christ
I wish I was blind
but I can't close my eyes
I can't close my eyes
The fire is freezing
it burns without breathing
I'm down in the darkness
where nothing can grow
eternally knowing
I've chosen to be here
I'm calling out for you
but they won't let me go
they won't let me go
And I'm crawling for the table
melting like snow
and they won't let me go
Just like planes in the night as they're flying by
I made wishes on lights in a darkened sky.
And I cried without nothing to hold onto
Without light in the world until you
Broke through and shined on me.
I know that you're the only hope, I'm found in you now.
I know the word you've spoken is forever true now.
I've waited all my life for love so strong
And now I know where I belong.
I know where I belong.
And of all of the things I most greatly feared,
Holding onto my life as it disappeared.
And I cried: "Is there something someone can do?"
I heard nothing at all until you
Came through and called on me.
I know that you're the only hope, I'm found in you now.
I know the word you've spoken is forever true now.
I've waited all my life for love so strong
And now I know where I belong.
And I cried without nothing to hold onto
Without light in the world until you
Broke through and shined on me.
I know that you're the only hope, I'm found in you now.
I know the word you've spoken is forever true now.
I've waited all my life for love so strong
And now I know where I belong.
Some Sunday night you will be driving in your car
All by yourself, in your '96 Ford Probe
With the broken rear defrost.
Then all at once from out of seemingly nowhere at all
There comes a strange yet poignant feeling of knowing
And you know it's something, but what it is.
Weeks wander by strolling through time as through the mall
Until one night just after turning out the light
You will lay your head down.
Then all at once from out of seemingly nowhere at all
There comes a strange yet poignant feeling of knowing
And you know it's something, but what it is.
Oh, you've got eternity in your heart
A hole the size of the universe inside
And it's tearing you apart.
Then all at once from out of seemingly nowhere at all
There comes a vauge yet poignant feeling of knowing
Way deep inside I am shooting like star and my
Heart is racing like a race car.
Way deep inside I am jumping like a fire and I'm
Tired of keeping it inside.
Way deep inside.
Way deep inside I am burning like a thousand suns,
One eternal day.
Way deep inside I'm alive because of what you've done,
Feeling A-OK.
Way deep inside.
Way deep inside I am shooting like star and my
Heart is racing like a race car.
Way deep inside I'm jumping like a fire and I'm
Tired of keeping it inside.
So true, funny how it seems
Always in time but never in line for dreams
Head over heels when toe to toe
This is the sound of my soul, this is the sound.
I bought a ticket to the world,
But now I've come back again.
Why do I find it hard to write the next line?
Oh, I want the truth to be said.
Oh, I know this much is true.
Oh, I know this much is true.
And just when I feel my race has been run
My trip through the world has just begun.
Lead us in worship o Matt Stowell,
This is the sound of my soul, this is the sound.
Always slipping through my hand,
Sand's a time of its own.
Take these seaside arms and write the next line,
I want the truth to be known.
Oh, I know this much is true.
Oh, I know this much is true.
I bought a ticket to the world,
But now I've come back again.
Why do I find it hard to write the next line?
I want the truth to be said.
If words were all it took to save someone,
I would have said more of them to you.
But words just didn't seem,
To do the job somehow.
And now time is gone,
and the morning is here.
I tried to warn you,
about the coming of the dawn.
But now time is gone,
and the morning is here.
Well I tried to warn you,
about the coming of the dawn.
But now time is gone,
and the morning is here.
This Time
I'm gonna do things right
and let it shine so bright
like a spotlight in the night
We started out so strong
If anything goes wrong
I got you to lean upon
I stand for what is true
Do it all for you
This Time
No more spinning in circles like before
No more wondering what I'm trying for
Oh no, not this time
After all I've thrown away
It's impossible to say
what it might be worth today
but I set my sights ahead
and go on with you instead
and remember what you said
Just stand for what is true
I'll always be with you
this time
This Time
No more spinning in circles like before
No more wondering what I'm trying for
Oh no, not this time
I'm gonna do things right
and let it shine so bright
like a spotlight in the night
We started out so strong
If anything goes wrong
I got you to lean upon
I stand for what is true
Do it all for you
This Time
No more spinning in circles like before
No more wondering what I'm trying for
Oh no, not this time
No more spinning in circles like before
No more wondering what I'm trying for
Oh no, not this time
I stand for what is true
Do it all for you
What did you say?
I can't hear anything with these headphones on.
I like to play my music just as loud as it goes.
It empties my mind and helps me with my time.
It distracts me from the sound in my heart.
Can you make that sound go away?
It keeps knock, knock, knocking all day.
I think there's somebody there,
Standing at the door.
What did you say?
I just can't concentrate with the TV on.
I like to sit here close to the screen, if you know what I mean.
All those people on there, they seem like good friends to me.
They distract me from the sound in my heart.
I don't know what they want, but they want something,
Well what ever it is, I don't really want to know.
Oh Oh Oh Oh...
What did you say?
I don't know what you're trying to tell me.
But I can't stop to listen now, cause I gotta go.
I'm meeting some people, we're going out tonight.
Plastic pieces,
falling down the chute
and I am counting them like trees.
Everything's green
through the tinted window
of the train up to Racine.
In a few more hours,
I'll be punching out and going home,
but until then.
I might look like I'm standing here,
but I'm really on that train
to Racine,
where my true love stays.
just a few more days
and I'll see her there again.
In the darkness of my room
I close my eyes and drift into a dream.
She is waiting for me at the station,
she is beautiful.
In a few more hours I'll be waking up
and punching in, but until then
I might look like I'm lying here,
but I'm really on that train
to Racine,
where my true love stays.
just a few more days
and I'll see her there again.
I will see here there again
and my plastic world will melt into whatever
shape she holds me.
When she holds me
I am a man, not a part of this machine
by which I'm standing
here pretending, I'm not standing here,
Oh ohhh,
Your hand to hold,
As we get old and,
Everything fades.
Oh ohhh,
You can hold me tight,
But you can not go with me,
Into the light,
When it's my time to go,
But I'm not afraid cause I know that,
Jesus never leaves me,
Jesus never leaves me,
What more do I need,
Oh ohh,
The room is cold,
And I wake up alone,
Holding my pillow,
Oh ohh,
When I held on tight,
But I couldn't do nothing,
When it's your time to go,
I can't make you stay,
But I know that I'll be ok because,
Oh Ohhh,
I will soon be home,
And I'm never lose anyone ever again.
Oh Ohhh,
I'm not really alone,
And the strength that I have now,
Is sure not my own,
All mine is gone,
The thing that keeps me holding on is that,
Pressure one more time
Yeaah Da'ville
And Demarco
Show sick
Yeah yeah
Wah happen to dem
Aright den
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I
Di bwoy dem try tek we glory
Di blessing and multiply
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I
Cause your blessing and multiply
(Wah happen to dem)
(Blessings and multiply)
[Verse 1: Da'ville]
Badmind a go kill dem slowly
Anytime dem see we come around
Yes it a go kill dem slowly
All dem a wish all dem a pree fi we go down
It a go kill dem slowly
Dem cyaan cut we smile inna frown
It a go kill dem kill dem kill dem
(Davillee) (Demarco)
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I
Di bwoy dem try tek we glory
Di blessing and multiply (weh dem a do)
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I (Wah happen to dem)
Cause your blessing and multiply
(Blessing and multiply)
[Verse 2: Demarco]
Yo dem see we and we nuh know we
Talk all type things bout we
Claim seh we hype no waan give we di glory
We no badmind big up di elders before we
No matter weh dem try or dem cyaan drive we out
True dem cyaan tek we'd mek up bare story
Haters cyaan stop me shine so we nuh worry
Unnu mind we draw fi di thing dem inna hurry
No matter weh dem try or dem cyaan drive we out
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I
Di bwoy dem try tek we glory
Di blessing and multiply (wah happen to dem)
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I
Cause your blessing and multiply
(Dem cyaan drive we out)
(Blessings and multiply)
[Verse 3: Da'ville]
All dem a pree me
Man a watch mi life style mi know they wish dem coulda be me
Badmind dem waan see me
Becah mi agent screechie and colpridge pon dem meet me
See dem a try a fi stop me
How wish di people dem fi trap me
But dem cyaan flop me
Dem neva see di hard work only stand dem a watch me
Jah jah give we talent
But how dutty nigga dem nuh waan see fi prevail
So we nah give dem no hail
Dem woulda wah wi feel
Six feet undaground and locked up inna jail
Fi we carrier go stale
Demarco tell dem seh we
Don't bless a ready so they cyaan stop this
Don't see di evil dem practice
Badmind neva deh pon pause, always active
Grudge me becah we fu don dis
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I
Di bwoy dem try tek we glory
Di blessing and multiply
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I
Cause your blessing and multiply
(Blessings and multiply)
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I
Di bwoy dem try tek we glory
Di blessing and multiply
See we and them don't know we
Still a send threat to I
Cause your blessing and multiply
Whao Oo Oo, Yeah
I Bet You Don't Even Know, Don't Even Know
Whao Oo Oo, Ooooh Oo Oo Oh Uummmmmmm
Hear This.
Do You Really Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Food To Eat.
Yet You Say
That Your Life Is So Hard
Do You Even Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Where To Sleep
You Should Give Thanx
For What Ever You Got.
[Verse 1:]
You've Got A House
You've Got A Car
You've Got, Money In The Bank... Yes
Your Tunk Is Never On Empty
But You Never Seem To Give Thanks... On Know
I See Father Less Children
With Hungry Faces...
Dyin For Something To Eat
But You Never Yet Leaf A Finger
To Help
Tell Me Big Man How You Do It.
[Chrous 2:]
Do You Really Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Food To Eat. (I Bet You Don't Even Know)
Yet You Say
That Your Life Is So Hard
Do You Even Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Where To Sleep. (I Bet You Don't Know)
You Should Give Thanx
For What Ever You Got.
[Verse 2:]
You Get Up Everyday In A Curse,
It's Like You Don't Even Know
What Your Life Really Worth.
You Never Thank The Father The First
And A Every Little Ting
Wha Happen, You A Expect De Worst
You Believe In Only
Father Tear,
Don't Even Show Luv To Your Own Family,
Tell Me What Kinna Life You A Leaving.
You Only Believe, Takin And Not Giving
Give Thanks For Your Blessin Today Cuz Tomorrow Day Could Be Taken Away
Give Thanks For Your Blessin Today Cuz Tomorrow Day Could Be Taken Away
Give Thanks For Your Blessin Today Cuz Tomorrow Day Could Be Taken Away
Give Thanks For Your Blessin Today Cuz Tomorrow Day Could Be Taken Away
Do You Really Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Food To Eat. (You Don't Really Know)
Yet You Say
That Your Life Is So Hard
Do You Even Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Where To Sleep
You Should Give Thanx
For What Ever You Got
Do You Really Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Food To Eat.
Yet You Say
That Your Life Is So Hard
Do You Even Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Where To Sleep
You Should Give Thanx
For What Ever You Got
What About The People Who Don't Got Nothing
What About The People Who Don't Got Nothing To Leave For
You've Got So Much Blessings
Yes, I'm looking for the lady
I'm searching for the lady
Where could she be?
Baby I need someone who can treat me right or won't tell me lies
When we fight we can talk it out not to walk out and say goodbye
Someone I can love, someone I can trust
To be by my side and never give up
Because baby I don't wanna be lonely
Will you, will you be mine (will you, will you be mine)
And baby I wanna love somebody
Will you, will you be mine (will you, will you be mine)
Baby I'm tired of the single life
I need to modify
When I'm lonely she's by my side
When I need her to hold me tight
Someone to be there for the good times we share
It's a love that's so strong
More scary then worm
Baby I don't wanna be lonely
Will you, will you be mine (will you, will you be mine)
And baby I wanna love somebody
Will you, will you be mine (will you, will you be mine)
Will you be mine?
I'm looking for a lady
I'm searching for the lady
Where could she be?
Someone I can love, someone I can trust
To be by my side and never give up
Now baby I don't wanna be lonely
Will you, will you be mine (will you, will you be mine)
And baby I wanna love somebody
Will you, will you be mine (will you, will you be mine)
Baby I need someone who can treat me right or won't tell me lies
When we fight we can talk it out not to walk out and say goodbye
Someone to be there for the good times we share
It's a love that's so strong
More scary then worm
To be by my side and never give up
Someone I can trust, someone I can love
So baby I don't wanna be lonely
Will you, will you be mine (will you, will you be mine)
And baby I wanna love somebody
Will you, will you be mine (will you, will you be mine)
Hold my hand
Nobody's perfect
Except me
[Verse 1:]
Hey girl you got me
Think back and talk to me
Did things right accoring to your place
Now I know I was wasting time
Doing things I did for you
It hurts cause it's disaprove all alone
And now I try to make you happy
I just wanted to make you proud
But I'll never gonna be good enough for you
I just can't pretend that
I'm alright, I'm not alright baby
And you can't change me
Cause we've lost it all nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's too late
We can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
[Verse 2:]
I try not to think about
All the pain I feel inside
Don't you know you used to be my angel
All the days you spent with me
Now seems you're far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore
And know I tried to make you happy
I'll wanted to make you proud
But I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
Can't stand another fight baby
And nothing's alright
Cause we've lost it all nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's too late
We can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
[Verse 3:]
Nothing's gonna change the things that you say
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
You'll make it hard to talk you
Cause you just don't understand!
We've lost it all nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's too late
We can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
We've lost it all nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's too late
We can't go back
Girl you say you love me
Where is the love?
I'm dying to know
When you, you say you love me
Prove it to me, girl prove it
Girl you know that my love (love)
Is for you (you)
And it's real (real)
If you'd take the time out
Then you'd see what I mean
Love and attention
It's all I have, it's all I have to give
With a lot of affection for you girl
I want you in my world
You're no ordinary rose
I miss that soft touch from your finger
Baby when the night is cold
I should be there to keep u warm
You're no ordinary rose
In my mind all the memories linger
You should be here with me
You should be there with me
I can see it in your eyes
That you're still wanting me
But you're playing tough
Acting like I can't see
This love and attention (love and attention)
It's all I have, it's all I have to give
With a lot of affection (lot of affection)
(Oh girl), I want you in my world
(Girl you know)
You're no ordinary rose
I miss that soft touch from your finger
Baby when the night is cold
I should be there to keep u warm
You're no ordinary rose
In my mind all the memories linger
You should be here with me
You should be there with me
This love is real, (so real)
So real, (so real)
So real, (so real)
So real
(I know you can feel it baby)
Can you feel it baby? (Ooh Yeah)
I need to know (Ooh Yeah)
I need to know
Cause there ain't no letting go
No no
(Girl you know)
You're no ordinary rose
I miss that soft touch from your finger
Baby when the night is cold
I should be there to keep u warm
You're no ordinary rose
In my mind all the memories linger
You should be here with me
You should be there with me
You're no ordinary rose
I miss that soft touch from your finger
Baby when the night is cold
I should be there to keep u warm
You're no ordinary rose
In my mind all the memories linger
You should be here with me
You should be there with me
I can see it in your eyes
That you're still wanting me
But you're playing tough
Acting like I can't see
This love and attention (love and attention)
It's all I have, it's all I have to give
With a lot of affection (lot of affection)
(Oh girl), I want you in my world
You're no ordinary rose
I miss that soft touch from your finger
Baby when the night is cold
Come on
Yah... listen
If you think you're hurting me
Girl your just hurting yourself
You can gwan with your flirting be
But girl try that with someone else
The only thing that is killing me
Is girl I gave them nothing wrong
Come on,
Come on... girl
[Verse 1:]
You may think I'm joking girl
But I was behaving myself
All the girls could be stroking girl
But I chose you just for myself
Listening what the people saying
But girl all those people are wrong
Come on,
Come on...
I'm never gonna cry for you
Though my love is ture
Never gonna cry to you
My heart won't let me do
Even though I try with you
And all the crazy things you do
My love for you will never end
But I'm never gonna cry again
Come on...
I'm never gonna cry again
[Verse 2:]
So I...
Thought I was over you
But I am loving you more each day
Girl all the things you do
Keep hurting me along the way
Why weren't you listening
You kept saying he was a friend all a long
You went on (went on)
All your friends keep telling you
That I'm a man and men don't play
Everyday compelling you to leave me
Girl but still you stay
Cause in your heart you know that
With me is where you belong
But go on,
Go on...
I'm never gonna cry for you
Though my love is ture
Never gonna cry to you
My heart won't let me do
Even though I try with you
And all the crazy things you do
My love for you will never end
But I'm never gonna cry again
Come on...
I'm never gonna cry again
[Verse 3:]
Girl you know you are my heaarrt
And I'll be there when you faaaallll
I'll be there when you caaalll
But I want you to know one thing (one thing)
I'm never gonna cry for you
Though my love is ture
Never gonna cry to you
My heart won't let me do
Even though I try with you
And all the crazy things you do
My love for you will never end
But I'm never gonna cry again
I'm never gonna cry again
Never gonna cry again
I'm never gonna cry again
I'm never gonna cry again
Never gonna cry again
I'm never gonna cry for you
Though my love is ture
Never gonna cry to you
My heart won't let me do
Even though I try with you
And all the crazy things you do
My love for you will never end
But I'm never gonna cry again
Come on...
I'm never gonna cry again
Cyaan believe(cyaan believe)
Dem a loose it
Technology confuse it
[Verse 1:]
The odda day mi see a face pon myspace
Dem have dem face a put in a some strange place
And den dem tinkdem woulda get away without a trace
But like a virus dem business pollute the place
And then ya have some a dem weh love fi record dem thing
And a you tube an abluetooth dem a sort out dem thing
Nuh surprise when your hear your name calling
Seet deh now you can't show your face a morning
Have di whole a dem weak
See di whole a dem a try retreat
Dem business leak
The whole world seet
A now mi know seh dem a freak
Have di whole a dem weak
See di whole a dem a try retreat
Dem business leak
The whole world seet
A now mi know seh dem a freak
[Verse 2:]
See dem spead out pon myspace and facebook
But dem waan fi get tag and dem go get jook
Dem neva know the surveillance dem did a look
And dem go get card dem neva think dem could
And dem mi see dem spread out pon hi-5
All have dem life save pon a thumb drive
Somebody found it upload it to dem hard drive
See it deh now dem going through same hard life
Have di whole a dem weak
See di whole a dem a try retreat
Dem business leak
The whole world seet
A now mi know seh dem a freak
Have di whole a dem weak
See di whole a dem a try retreat
Dem business leak
The whole world seet
A now mi know seh dem a freak
[Verse 3:]
Tell dem, dem nuh clever
Seh dem a move like dem a rudebwoy trevor
Mi know dem dweet but dem claim seh dem never
All when mi see dem pan di front a di Gleaner
Dem ting deh we no inna
Tell dem man a gangsta
Not inna di lose ball ting
Nah fi do that to mi gir, l fi get no rating
Dem alone couldn't so hungry nastiness a grieving
A wah dat mi see dem promoting
Have di whole a dem weak
See di whole a dem a try retreat
Dem business leak
The whole world seet
A now mi know seh dem a freak
Have di whole a dem weak
See di whole a dem a try retreat
Dem business leak
The whole world seet
Ye-e-eah yeah yeah!
(Been to long now baby)
Ye-e-eah yeah!
(And I'm missing you like crazy)
Ye-e-eah yeah yeah!
(I want u back)
[Verse 1:]
My life is over now that your gone,
You are no longer here in my arms,
Where did we breakdown, We was so strong,
I don't know where, Where we went wrong,
I had something special, Thought it would last,
Should of known better but I bluw my chance,
Now I am longing to bring back the past,
That is all I ask,
Cause I'm missing you-u-u
And I need your love
(Oouh baby)
Cause I'm missing you-u-u
And I need your love
(Oouh baby)
(I'm missing youuuu)
[Verse 2:]
Where must I go now, Where do I go from here
My world is so clowdy nothing seems clear,
Sometime's I hear voices, Thinking your there
Stearring through my window, Wishing u would appeare,
I used to feel cuddly, Back there and then
I need the feeling in my life again
If your gnna come back, I need to do it!
[Verse 3:]
You've got the power that can set me free,
Reach out and touch a special pa-art o-of me,
Your more than a friend, Can't wait to see u aga-a-ain...
[Voice faddin:]
I'm missing u baby
I'm missing u baby when are u gonna come ho-o-ome
I'm missing u, Like crazy
I'm missing u, Like cra-a-zy
I'm going crazey-ey!
Cause I'm needing u bab-ey-ey- hey-ey eh eh!
(Voice is crying crying out crying out)
The voice is crying out
(Voice is crying crying out crying out)
Can you hear dem
(Voice is crying crying out crying out)
(Voice is crying crying out crying out)
Can you help dem
(Voice is crying)
Can you
(Voice is crying)
[Verse 1:]
A homeless people on the street
With blisters on their feet (blisters on their feet)
From a distance I heard a voice saying
Sir can you help me (help me)
They been there all day
No will look their way
They ignore their cries
As they pass dem by
Never wondering
If that could be dem someday
For you and me
It's just another day (just another day)
The reality
Is all for us to face
For you and me
It's just another day (just another day)
We fail to see
The ones who live this way... wayy
[Verse 2:]
As the night falls
They have nowhere to sleep (they have no way to sleep)
From cold board boxes
Beneath the trenches
That's their privacy
So much sleepless nights
All the fears inside
As the cars go by
Strangers in the nights
Never wondering
If that could be dem someday (someday)
For you and me
It's just another day (just another day)
The reality
Is all for us to face
For you and me
It's just another day (just another day)
Why can't we see
The ones who live this way
(Voice is crying crying out crying out)
Listen to their voices
As you walk on by
(Voice is crying crying out crying out)
Can you hear dem
(Voice is crying crying out crying out)
They're crying out for you
(Voice is crying crying out crying out)
To help dem
(Voice is crying)
For you and me
It's just another day (just another day)
The reality
Is all for us to face
For you and me
It's just another day (just another day)
We fail to see
This one is special
They're from my heart
Going out to my fans
First of all I wanna say thanks for all the support ye
Without my fans there be no lovin'
So this one is called "Can't Get Over You"
It's from me to you
Baby you're all that I want
When you're laying there in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in heaven
Love is all I need and I'm found it there in your arms
It isn't to hard to see
We're in heaven
Yeah, I've been thinking about the years we've been together
And trust me
Actually this song is for you
And only you
Check it out
Oh thinking about our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
Now, nothing can take you away from me
We've been down that road before
But that's over now,
You keep me coming back for more...
Yeah, yes
Baby you're all that I want
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in Heaven
Love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're In Heaven
Oh once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Pick you up when you feeling down
Now, nothing can change what you mean to me
There's a lot that I could say
Just hold me now
Cause our love will light the way
Yeah, yeah
Baby you're all that I want
When you're lying there in my arms
I'm find it hard to believe
We're in Heaven
Love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
Isn't too hard to see
We're In Heaven
I've been waiting for so long
For something to arrive
For love to come along
Now our dreams are coming true
Through the good times and the bad
I'll be standing there by you...
Baby you're all that I want
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in Heaven
Love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
Isn't too hard to see
We're In Heaven
Baby you're all that I want
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in Heaven
Love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
Oh yea-eah
Hmmmm... oh yeah, yeah
Hmmmm... hmmm
Yeah (yeah)
[Verse 1:]
Girl you said to me
That you would never go
And you showed me ways that our love can grow
Girl I know sometimes I can do foolish things
When I called to say I'm sorry
You're never listening
Baby don't you see that
When I said I loved you
Don't believe that
Can you see you were meant for me
Baby you were sent from above for me
Oh and if I ever made you cry
Baby please dry your eyes
Don't want it to end this way
Baby please don't go!
Hold me now
And let your loving grow for me now
Hold me now
And let your loving flow for me now
[Verse 2:]
Keep telling me you wanna go
Friends telling me you gotta leave baby
What about all the promises you made
When you swore that you'd never leave me
Grab her stuff, she's walking out the door
By now I'm on my knees for sure
I'm crying baby please don't go
She's closing the dooooor
Hold me now
And let your loving grow for me now
Hold me now
And let your loving flow for me now
[Verse 3:]
Girl you left with a part of me
And in my heart baby
There's still a place for you
Without your loving girl
I don't know what I'd do
That's why my baby boo
This I ask of you...
Hold me now
And let your loving grow for me now
Hold me now
And let your loving flow for me now
Hold me now
And let your loving grow for me now
Hold me now
And let your loving flow for me now
Hold me now
And let your loving grow for me now
Hold me now
You can turn away from me, from me, from meeeeeee
You can hide your eyes from me
But the truth is so clear to see
You can hide your eyes from me
I'm waiting patiently
I know our love can set you free
From all the pain you're feeling
And if we were meant to be
I promise we'll get through it
[Verse 1:]
Baby it's now or never
We can do this together
No matter the weather
I know that we can make it if we try to stay together
Better now than never
Me and you forever
I know that we can make it if we try
And we can fly so high
Til we can touch the sky
When you're in love there's no reason to cry
For your love I'm willing to tryyyyyyyy
You can hide your eyes from me
But the truth is so clear to see
You can hide your eyes from me
I'm waiting patiently
I know our love can set you free
From all the pain you're feeling (all the pain you're feeling)
And if we were meant to be
I promise we'll get through it
[Verse 2:]
Just let me be your lover
No need for no other
Closer than a brother
You know that I'll be there for you, no lie
Things will get better
Making all a that chatter
Writing you love letters
Cause baby you're alway on my mind
And we could fly so high
That our love could touch the sky
When I'm with you I feel so alive
You will always be my choice (oh yeeeaaah)
You can hide your eyes from me
But the truth is so clear to see (I knooow)
You can hide your eyes from me
I'm waiting patiently
I know our love can set you free
From all the pain you're feeling
And if we were meant to be
I promise we'll get through it
[Verse 3:]
I know that we were meant to be
Together forever
From now until eternity (oh yeeaah)
And only my love can set you free
If you believe in me
There's no need for you to be
Hiding your eyes from meeeeee
You can hide your eyes from me (oh yeah)
But the truth is so clear to see (so clear to see)
You can hide your eyes from me
I'm waiting patiently (cherish love)
I know our love can set you
Free from all the pain you're feeling (all the pain you're feeling)
And if we were meant to be
I promise we'll get through it (we'll get through this babe)
You can hide your eyes from me (just believe in me)
Oh just believe in me
You can hide your eyes from me (we'll get through)
I'm here for you baby
I know our love can set you free (oooh I'm here for you baby)
I'm here for you babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
We'll get through it
Girl You Got A Body To Make A Grown Man Cry
Your Like An Angel Falling From The Sky
Girl Your So Sexy I Can Not Deny
What I Feel For You Inside
You Got A Body To Make A Grown Man Cry
Your Like An Angel Falling From The Sky
Girl Your So Sexy I Can Not Deny
What I Feel For You Inside
Hey There Sexy Cutie
Maybe it's Your Booty
Maybe it's The Way You Wind
You Wind Your Waste Smashin Up The Place
It's Just Like A Moviethere's Men Going Crazy
Wishin I Can Have You For Myself
You And No One Else
Damn Lady You Got Me In The Base
And I'm Waiting For You To Smile And Come My Way
Ooo Baby You Know I'm In This Pain
About The Way You Move
The Way You Groove
I Really Got To Say
Girl You Got A Body To Make A Grown Man Cry
Your Like An Angel Falling From The Sky
Girl Your So Sexy I Can Not Deny
What I Feel For You Inside
You Got A Body To Make A Grown Man Cry
Your Like An Angel Falling From The Sky
Girl Your So Sexy I Can Not Deny
What I Feel For You Inside
I don't Mean To Be Out Of Line
I Wont Waste Your Time No
I Got To Make You Mine
I don't Wanna Leave The Party
Unless Your Leavin By My Side
Maybe We Can Get Naughty
If We Could Find A Place To Hide
Girl You Got A Body To Make A Grown Man Cry
Your Like An Angel Falling From The Sky
Girl Your So Sexy I Can Not Deny
What I Feel For You Inside
You Got A Body To Make A Grown Man Cry
Your Like An Angel Falling From The Sky
Girl Your So Sexy I Can Not Deny
Ahh, you're on my mind, yea
[Verse 1]
I'm thinking about you
Girl how I miss you...ou
Baby ever since that day, you went away, yes
I can't live without you...ou
You're always on my mind
You're always on my mind
You're always on my mind're on my mind
[Verse 2]
I gave you all of me
And now your not here with me
Nothing will ever change
My love for you remains the same
I can't wait to see you again
You're always on my mind
You're always on my mind
You're always on my mind're on my mind
If I don't see you today I hope I'll see you tomorrow
Girl I've got to let you know
How I feel yeah yeah
This love is real
And I don't want to fool myself, no
It belongs to you and no one else
You're always on my mind
You're always on my mind
You're always on my mind're on my mind
Only for you
Only for you
Yeah baby
Yeah yeah yeah
I do this all for you
No matter how hard it gets
We'll make it through
I do this all for you (yeah)
You depend on me
Me depend on you
[Verse 1:]
Pretty baby
Please don't worry yourself
Even though you see
A lot of things that we can't afford
That is on the selves
I'm working two jobs, yeah
I'm doing my best
Only for you and no one else
We've got a son and a daughter
That we have to do our best to look afta
And getting much for my pay
But nothing me nuh want dem fu shorta
Sometimes it's so crazy
And I know it's not easy
But please, bear with me all
I do this all for you
No matter how hard it gets
We'll make it through
I do this all for you
You depend on me
Me depend on you
[Verse 2:]
Hush, hush
Don't you cry
Don't you
Hold on
You've got to be strong
I can't get weary
No, can't get away
I've got to keep on
Pushing and pushing and pushing
The greatest thing for me is to know you're there
And me neva round through the times
To show me you care
It's a family affair
I ain't going nowhere
So when you need me
I'll be right here
I do this all for you
No matter how hard it gets
We'll make it through
I do this all for you (yeah)
You depend on me
Me depend on you
Only for you
I"m gonna be here
For you
For you
For you
When you have a Good Woman in your life treat her right;
(Treat her like a lady)
Show her she's that special type;
Don't you hurt her, don't ever make her cry
Cause a good woman deserves a good man
Someone she can love, someone she can depend on
If every man can find a good woman
Then you would know where I'm coming from
Don't you know a Good Woman can make u feel stronger;
She will stand by your side
And you won't have to be lonely much longer
Don't you know a Good Woman can make you feel like you can conquer
She will make you feel like you can do anything
She will be there for worst or for better
When you find a good woman you must shower her with compliments (Compliment her)
From the way she do her hair;
Her smile or the way she dress
Make her feel beautiful; Don't make her feel nothing less
You've got to be true to her I say & let time do the rest
Don't you know a Good Woman can make u feel stronger;
She will stand by your side
And you won't have to be lonely much longer
Don't you know a Good Woman can make you feel like you can conquer
She will make you feel like you can do anything
She will be there for worst or for better
You've got to treat her like a lady
You've got to treat her like a Queen
You've got to treat her like a lady
You've got to treat her like a Queen
Treat her like a lady, like a lady
Don't you know a Good Woman can make u feel stronger;
She will stand by your side
And you won't have to be lonely much longer
Don't you know a Good Woman can make you feel like you can conquer
She will make you feel like you can do anything
She will be there for worst or for better
Don't you know a Good Woman can make u feel stronger;
She will stand by your side
And you won't have to be lonely much longer
Don't you know a Good Woman can make you feel like you can conquer
She will make you feel like you can do anything
She will be there for worst or for better
When you find a good woman...
When you find a good woman...
When you find a good woman...
When you find a good woman...
Whao Oo Oo, Yeah
I Bet You Don't Even Know, Don't Even Know
Whao Oo Oo, Ooooh Oo Oo Oh Uummmmmmm
Hear This.
Do You Really Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Food To Eat.
Yet You Say
That Your Life Is So Hard
Do You Even Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Where To Sleep
You Should Give Thanx
For What Ever You Got.
[Verse 1:]
You've Got A House
You've Got A Car
You've Got, Money In The Bank... Yes
Your Tunk Is Never On Empty
But You Never Seem To Give Thanks... On Know
I See Father Less Children
With Hungry Faces...
Dyin For Something To Eat
But You Never Yet Leaf A Finger
To Help
Tell Me Big Man How You Do It.
[Chrous 2:]
Do You Really Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Food To Eat. (I Bet You Don't Even Know)
Yet You Say
That Your Life Is So Hard
Do You Even Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Where To Sleep. (I Bet You Don't Know)
You Should Give Thanx
For What Ever You Got.
[Verse 2:]
You Get Up Everyday In A Curse,
It's Like You Don't Even Know
What Your Life Really Worth.
You Never Thank The Father The First
And A Every Little Ting
Wha Happen, You A Expect De Worst
You Believe In Only
Father Tear,
Don't Even Show Luv To Your Own Family,
Tell Me What Kinna Life You A Leaving.
You Only Believe, Takin And Not Giving
Give Thanks For Your Blessin Today Cuz Tomorrow Day Could Be Taken Away
Give Thanks For Your Blessin Today Cuz Tomorrow Day Could Be Taken Away
Give Thanks For Your Blessin Today Cuz Tomorrow Day Could Be Taken Away
Give Thanks For Your Blessin Today Cuz Tomorrow Day Could Be Taken Away
Do You Really Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Food To Eat. (You Don't Really Know)
Yet You Say
That Your Life Is So Hard
Do You Even Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Where To Sleep
You Should Give Thanx
For What Ever You Got
Do You Really Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Food To Eat.
Yet You Say
That Your Life Is So Hard
Do You Even Know
What It Is Like
To Have No Where To Sleep
You Should Give Thanx
For What Ever You Got
What About The People Who Don't Got Nothing
What About The People Who Don't Got Nothing To Leave For
You've Got So Much Blessings
Well I'm goin' away to leave, won't be back no more
Goin' back down south, child don't you wanna to go?
Woman I'm troubled, I'll be all worried in mind
Well you know I just can't be satisfied
Now I just can't keep from cryin'
Yeah I know my little old baby she gonna jump and shout
When an old train be late boy Lord and I come walkin' out
Woman I'm troubled, I'll be all worried in mind
Well you know I can never be satisfied
Just can't keep from cryin'
Well all in my sleep hear my daughter runnin'
Lookin for my woman boy I didn't see that doggone thing
And I was troubled, I was all worried in mind
Well you know I just can be satisfied, people keep
I just can't keep from cryin'
Yeah I know my little old baby she gonna jump and shout
When an old train be late boy lookin' on and I come on walkin' out
I'll be troubled I'll be all worried in mind
Well you know I just can be satisfied
Well, I'm going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I'm going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the ground
She's gone
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
She's gone
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the ground
So, I'm going down
Down, down, down, down
I'm going down, down, down, down, down
Down, down, down, down, yes I am
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the
Well, I'm goin' down
Down, down, down, down
I'm going down
Down, down, down, down, down
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the ground
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
She's gone
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the
Well, I'm down
Down, down, down, down, down
I'm goin' down
Down, down, down, down, down
I've got my head out the window
And my big feet on the ground, yes I have
Well, she walked out the door
I've got the key to the highway
I am bound to go
I'm gonna roam this highway
Till my dying day
When the moon peeks over the mountain
You know, I'll be on my way
I'm gonna roam this highway
Till my dying day
Give me one more, one more kiss, mama
Just before I go
'Cause when I leave here, baby
I won't be back, no, I won't be back anymore
To the highway
Oh, Lord, I'm out and bound to go
I'm gonna leave here running
I’m too shy
I saw your picture and I
Really wanna meet you but I’m afraid to say
I’m too shy, I’m too shy, I’m too shy
But I know it’ll be alright
I can see myself there wit cha
I’m too shy
Since I first saw your picture
Things have never been the same
Verse One:
Oh, sweetness, have a break, have a kit-kat
Saw you walk away then you looked back
Seen you on the odd occasion
You’re the type of girl mamma told me to bring back,
You and I know the same old people
Yet the only people who’s yet to meet
I’m lost for words, it’s hard to speak and
Incase you were lookin’ I’m all you seek, yeah
In my dreams your face I see and you
Don’t be shy this is hard for me too
Let’s get to know each other
We could be lovers if you’re in, I'm in too
I’m nervous and my hands are shakin’ coz
You’re amazing, don’t wanna let you go, go
Let’s keep it on a low, low
But I gotta tell you
I saw your picture and I
Really wanna meet you but I’m afraid to say
I’m too shy, I’m too shy, I’m too shy
But I know it’ll be alright
I can see myself there wit cha
I’m too shy
Since I first saw your picture
Things have never been the same
I’m acting fooling and I
Say something wrong that’s why I’m afraid to say
I’m too shy, I’m too shy, I’m too shy
And I see them boys around you
Just hope I’m your type
I’m too shy
You got the smile I like
So I’m just gunna bring my a-game
Verse Two:
I don’t know what to say, say, say
Tell me why do ya walk this way
Hope you find me attractive
Coz your Maori can’t keep me away
I don’t usually make the first move
But I won’t risk losing you
Hi my name is Devolo, so
I hope you don’t mind me close to you, oh
Up the tempo
Yeah let’s work it
And your frame it picture perfect
Givin’ up my bad ways are worth it
Don’t believe me?
Let me interpret, yeah
Come chill with the D E V
You’ll soon see the beast in me
My boat wanna sail your ocean
My love potion will make you scream
I saw your picture and I
Really wanna meet you but I’m afraid to say
I’m too shy, I’m too shy, I’m too shy
But I know it’ll be alright
I can see myself there wit cha
I’m too shy
Since I first saw your picture
Things have never been the same
I’m acting fooling and I
Say something wrong that’s why I’m afraid to say
I’m too shy, I’m too shy, I’m too shy
And I see them boys around you
Just hope I’m your type
I’m too shy
You got the smile I like
So I’m just gunna bring my a-game
Verse Three:
So baby don’t be shy
Keep smilin’ don’t be shy
I’m shy but I don’t know why
All I know is you is fly
Put your hands up in the sky
Let the music get us high
Let lose girl, yeah don’t be shy
Don’t don’t, don’t be shy
So baby don’t be shy
Just smile and don’t be shy
I’m shy but I don’t know why
All I know is you is fly
Put your hands up in the sky
Let the music get us high
Let lose girl, yeah don’t be shy
Don’t don’t, don’t be shy
I saw your picture and I
Really wanna meet you but I’m afraid to say
I’m too shy, I’m too shy, I’m too shy
But I know it’ll be alright
I can see myself there wit cha
I’m too shy
Since I first saw your picture
Things have never been the same
I’m acting fooling and I
Say something wrong that’s why I’m afraid to say
I’m too shy, I’m too shy, I’m too shy
And I see them boys around you
Just hope I’m your type
I’m too shy
You got the smile I like
estou amando você
Você me faz querer cantar
estou amando você
e eu só penso em te beijar
Amanda... Amanda...
Guardado em baú
Praia do Evori
Nunca mais esquecerei da primeira vez que a vi
Com seus olhos cor de mel
Uma anjo caído do céu
Um diamante a brilhar
Um tesouro do fundo do mar
Guardado em baú
Praia do Evori
Nunca mais esquecerei da segunda vez que a vi
Num vestido branco de algodão
Brilhando como o sol do verão
Ela parece flutuar
Entre as nuvens, sobre o mar
i remember almost nothing now the fear is here once
more visions of what's to come just beyond an open
how could i be so wrong to try and foresee my life
wasn't what i wanted to live this lonely lie
how can i see that far, it's up to me now and the
choices i've made to lose somehow
looking back on tomorrow now it's all that i have
just something to remind me of such sweet memories
well it's been so long still and i've never known
what's right just something to remind me i mustn't
linger on the past
how can i see that far, it's up to me now and the
I wish I could silence this voice in my head.
My misery loves me, my discontent.
Breaking and burning, grasping at lies.
All these twisted tales that demoralize.
How we stay awake through life in repetition?
Throw all these forced in lies away, It's all I can take.
Please don't come undone, its everything to me.
Lifes essence is drained away, It's everything, you'll see.
Compelled to cut away until tomorrow, I say we can make it.
Throw everything away and we'll see where we're left in the end.
Living for nothing is sterile and bleak, and I'm so sick of waiting for anything.
Please don't come undone, its everything to me.
We drift through life in emptiness, It's everything, you'll see.
Compelled to cut away until tomorrow, I say we can make it.
Throw everything away and we'll see where we're left in the end.
Silly of me to think that I
Could ever have you for my guy
How I love you
How I want you
Silly of me to think that you
Could ever really want me too
How I love you
You're just a lover out to score
I know that I should be looking for more
What could it be in you I see
What could it be
Oh... oh... oh... love, oh, love
Stop making a fool of me
Oh... oh... oh... love, oh, love
Stop making a fool of me
Silly of me to think that you
Could ever know the things I do
Are all done for you
Only for you
Silly of me to take the time
To comb my hair and pour the wine
And know you're not there
You're just a lover out to score
And I know that I should be looking for more
What could it be in you I see
What could it be
Oh... oh... oh... love, oh, love
Stop making a fool of me
Oh... oh... oh... love, oh, love
Stop making a fool of me
Ooh... hoo... hoo... hoo...
Silly of me to go around
And brag about the love I've found
I say you're the best
Well, I can't tell the rest
And foolish of me to tell them all
That every night and day you call
When you could care less
You're just a lover out to score
And I know that I should be looking for more
What could it be in you I see
What could it be
Oh... oh... oh... love, oh, love
Stop making a fool of me
Oh... oh... oh... love, oh, love
Stop making a fool of me, uh-huh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh... ooh... ooh... silly
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh... ooh... ooh... silly
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
When desire becomes alive
When it fades it becomes inactive
When attached seperates cause
You will not let your destination break
Get up! Get up!
Give up your mind!
Get up! Get up!
Give up your mind!
Get up! Get up!
Give up your mind!
Get up! Get up!
Get up! Get up!
The seasons...
The seasons...
The seasons...
The violence keeps coming back.
Get up! Get up!
Give up your mind!
Get up! Get up!
Give up your mind!
Get up! Get up!
Give up your mind!
Get up! Get up!
Get up! Get up!
The seasons...
The seasons...
The seasons...
The seasons...
Corruption inside and hateful crimes
Sorrowful days all full of despise
Defective minds and anxious vibes
Will never lie the meters sky high
Standing high, falling down
Simple lives will all come together
Animosity will always be
Till we relieve the children from their tears
Get up! Get up!
Give up your mind!
Get up! Get up!
Give up your mind!
Get up! Get up!
Give up your mind!
Get up! Get up!
Get up! Get up!
The seasons...
The seasons...
The seasons...
Change in hatred!
Get up!
Get up!
Get up!
Well I've Been Let Down By The Words You Said You
Broke The Promises That We Ever Made In Our Lives
And Could I Ask You Now Just What You Feel Where
Did I Go Wrong And Why Can I Never Make It Up To
But You've Got Yourself, Your Friends You Got What
You Need So Why Pretend You'll Take What We Had,
Throw It All Away You Say You're Grown Up, You Need
A Change
After All You Said To Me I Promised You That I'd
Never Leave You Took What We Had, Threw It All Away
And I Can't Change It But
I Cannot Be The One That Follows You, I Won't Stand
In Line I'm Gonna Leave You Far Behind Now But You're
All I Ever Wanted So How Can I Give Up On You And
The Things That We've Been Through
So Glad You're Happy Now You're Free With The Things
You Took Away From Me Falling Down Seemed So Hard
From Up There Sit Back And Watch Me As I Bleed Any
Feelings, I Won't Let Breathe Try And Tell Me That
It's Wrong But You Don't Know That
I Lost My Head Again, My World Is Fucked It's Broken
I Know I Can't Think Straight, Once Again Time It's
Too Late Well I Know That You're Leaving, I Guess You
Found Your Reasons Please Know That I Need This Thing
When the coldest month is over, a perfect mind's at loss.
A sullen, faded dream, I wish I was everything.
Depression grips us all and I fall deeper down.
I'm burning every day, can't you see that I'm on fire?
Now that the sun's gone down, and the oceans pale.
The windows now unbound, warm winds remind me of,
remind me of, how waves go their seperate ways.
We'll sell it with our souls and I won't tell.
A million dollar smile you couldint sell to save
your own thoughts now, you'll never hear "I'm sorry."
So cut these wrists open again.
A concious thought we never had.
Bleed me 'till I'm all dried out.
I didn't want this anyway.
So you can take it from me.
This lie's all yours so here you go.
Stop questioning our life support.
Stop looking back over these shoulders,
we'll end up nowhere.
I am wasted, calling in every favour.
Help me from all this, today was my worst nightmare.
We come around the bend again. Sean turns to me and says:
"My friend, the city lights have changed, have we been gone that long?
It's gotta be three months we've spend driving on this old road again,
can't think of all the places, been a constant blur.
I'll call you back later can't spend much more on the phone.
Please don't forget me, I miss you when I am gone.
The pain and the bleeding is too much for me to take.
Please don't look down the falls too far for our own sake.
This split scene's running through my head.
If these wounds don't close I'll end up dead.
Soon we'll be just memories.
A nother faded dream killed by a jaded scene.
I am wasted, calling in every favour.
Help me from all this, today was my worst nightmare.
We come around the bend again. Sean turns to me and says:
"My friend, the city lights have changed, have we been gone that long?
It's gotta be three months we've spend driving on this old road again,
can't think of all the places, been a constant blur.
She said "Call me back later I'm so bored while on the phone."
How can't I forget you I've been gone for way too long.
The pain and the bleeding is all left for you to take.
I'm on my own i've been set free now here I go
And when we get through this you'll respect me and won't look back at all.
Thats when I wake up from this reocurring dream.
I know you can't always see the whole truth in everything.
When I'm feeling this way I try to ask myself:
"Am I in control or have my plans fallen through?"
It's times like these when I feel like i'm breaking down,
My energy's gone and theres nothing left for you.
Countless days spent getting over this condition.
When someone you know and trust betrays you.
In turn instills in you unwanted inhibitions.
Now I know my weakness is you.
When I'm feeling this way I try to ask myself:
"Am I in control or have my plans fallen through?"
It's times like these when I feel like i'm breaking down,
My energy's gone and theres nothing left for you.
Mabye its for the best that we turned out this way.
Our lives in silence, we went our seperate ways.
Now change it comes in drastic waves, I'm so sick of yesterday.
We all pay for our mistakes, the past is calling:
"We're all dreaming(are we dreaming?)" Never again.
So point the plame at anybody else but you,
and turn your back after mine has been cut through.
How can we walk away? Leave things behind today?
This fire, ignited. Its over. I'm trying so hard. I am so tired.
This vindication is a lie I'll leave with you,
so clearly out of focus, plainliy in our view.
Things were never going to change.
We were always going to stay the same.
I know you had to go away, that i'll remember.
We're all dreaming(are we dreaming?) Never again.
This fire, ignited. Its over. I'm trying so hard. I am so tired.
Just because we never got to see this through,
that doesn't mean it has to be this way.
Why can't we walk away? Leave things behind today?
Did your flaws leave my mind because its open?