Harran was a major ancient city in Upper Mesopotamia whose site is near the modern village of Altınbaşak, Turkey, 24 miles (44 kilometers) southeast of Şanlıurfa. The location is in a district of Şanlıurfa Province that is also named "Harran".
A few kilometers from the village of Altınbaşak are the archaeological remains of ancient Harran, a major commercial, cultural, and religious center first inhabited in the Early Bronze Age III (3rd millennium BCE) period. It was known as Ḫarrānu in the Assyrian period; possibly Ḫaran (חָרָן) in the Hebrew Bible; Κάῤῥαι or Carrhae under the Roman Empire; Hellenopolis (῾Ελληνὀπολις 'Greek city') in the Early Christian period; and Ḥarrān (حرّان) in the Islamic period.
The earliest records of Harran come from the Ebla tablets (c. 2300 BCE). From these, it is known that an early king or mayor of Harran had married an Eblaite princess, Zugalum, who then became "queen of Harran", and whose name appears in a number of documents. It appears that Harran remained a part of the regional Eblaite kingdom for some time thereafter.
Dying Light - Harran'da Bir Gece - Bölüm 1
Dying Light - Harran - Bölüm 1
Dying Light - Son - Harran'a Elveda [Türkçe]
Gez Göz Arpacık - Şanlıurfa - Harran.mp4
Harran City Hotline
harran müzik ahmed elcuburi nızp düğünü yeni versyon
Turkey - Harran - Travel Video
Dying Light (#41) Tu Radio Harran
Harran'da Genel Seçim Nabzı
Harran, umudumuza umut katıyor...
Dying Light: Harran Infected City Ep.1
Şanlıurfa Harran MHP Belediye Başkan Adayı Mahmut Özyavuz-HD
Grup Harran - Ya Amine Buşraki (Menzil.Net)
Dying Light - Harran'da Bir Gece - Bölüm 1
Dying Light - Harran - Bölüm 1
Dying Light - Son - Harran'a Elveda [Türkçe]
Gez Göz Arpacık - Şanlıurfa - Harran.mp4
Harran City Hotline
harran müzik ahmed elcuburi nızp düğünü yeni versyon
Turkey - Harran - Travel Video
Dying Light (#41) Tu Radio Harran
Harran'da Genel Seçim Nabzı
Harran, umudumuza umut katıyor...
Dying Light: Harran Infected City Ep.1
Şanlıurfa Harran MHP Belediye Başkan Adayı Mahmut Özyavuz-HD
Grup Harran - Ya Amine Buşraki (Menzil.Net)
Bulutsuzluk Özlemi - Harran Ovası
Run The Dying Light Harran Marathon For A Premium Weapon Docket
Dying Light - Harran Marathon Weekend Event July 11th -12th (Summer With Dying Light)
Harran Üniversitesi
BİR HARRAN MACERASI // Dying Light - İlk 10 Dakika
Grup Harran - Ya Mevla
Harran Ovası
Harran Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi 2014-2015 Mezunları
Zagrajmy w Dying Light [#35] - Tu radio Harran [DUBBING PL]
Harran, Turkey: Ancient City of Abraham
Dying Light - HarryNinetyFour's FALSE Trophy Guide Video (This Is Harran!)
Not Your Average Travel Guide-Shane O-TURKEY-5. East Turkey
What To See In Ancient Harran, Southeastern Turkey
Dying Light - Harran Trailer - 60FPS 1080P
Dying Light (PC MAX)(60FPS) - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1: Welcome To Harran [1080p HD]
하란.harran - Turkey
Harran, Turkey (2004).
Dying Light - Mount Everest Trophy / Achievement Guide (Climb 8848m Quickly)
Dying Light - Open World Map Size (Whole city of Harran, Turkey) SHOWCASE
Dying Light City of Harran Dusk [NO HUD] [HD 1080p][Xbox One]
TURCHIA 4 - Sanliurfa Harran Cappadocia
The Beehive Houses of Harran, Southeastern Turkey
Harran, ancient city. East Turkey (2004).
2010 Episode 29 Turkey-Syria: Harran, Gobekli, Nemrut
The Harran Castle Built Over The Temple of Sin, Southeastern Turkey
Dying Light Climbing Harran Bridge Gameplay
Dying Light Harran City Hall Easter Egg
Dying Light How to FAST TRAVEL from Slums to Old Town
Dying Light How to Find the EXPCALIBUR Sword LOCATION GUIDE Secret Weapon BluePrint Easter Egg
Dying Light Fast Travel Slums, Old Town and Antenna Area Tutorial Guide
Dying Light - All Quarantine Zone Locations (Trespassing Trophy / Achievement Guide)
And so we came riding end with us, we came with Pain, Hunger, with Death.
And over the soil was cast coldness, unlight and vanishing life.
Your time is over.
Ours is in beginning and soon it shall ever be.
Your end will come always again, yours is the eternal death.
We hate you, your belief!
We smash you into ground, we crush your weak race!
So shall always be.
We burn your Father’s churches.
We burn them down.
We exterminate the christian “plague” for all time.
And we look into past, enjoying your pain, we enjoyed christian death,
Burn, aura blessed in white kingdom whereby angels flied.
From thy fall we drink, a light buried now in ashes, benighted.
Be them farewelled with an strike of axe
For in them lurks the christian hoax
From times bygone, (still we had) forgotten how lacks
Their morals which now brokes.
Burn, home made for him
Whom no longer dwell therein
Where angels flied, where angels rejoiced.
There where the light was raped...
When we set God’s home in flames blazes the goodness into ash in fire.
A symbol of God’s death as well as your belief.
Your minds are empty, full of ash.
Christ is gone.
We rape Virgin Mary, we impale your Mother with flaming seeds.
We breed into her a death that is to be born upon you.
We make the soil beneath you unfertile, coldbreathing and black.
Behold, the flames climb to the sky, the Father of your race will rot in his deserted paradise.
Kill yourselves!
We bring you an eternal death, we bring you the end.
No one will ever miss you.
You are soon gone, forever.
The last battle we are to fight in death’s storm...
We crush christian life, we watch the rotting Jehova cry a thousand wounds in his body!
A 1000 wounds from 1000 nails, poisonblackened, deathstained.
We laugh, we watch your nation drown in the rotted sea of tears, (flown) from blind eyes of Jehova!
Still they follow you, Jehova!
So be it, thorncrown’s carrier!
May they walk after you into eternal death!
May the weak people walk your falsehoodstained path!
They will rot like you, one after one, falling, scatter in pieces of stinking filth!
... Poor christians, we will kill you, though your troops are huge!
I have bestowed pains in lucid and timeless graveyard harbours by my own sea.
One stone was cast in it's glass waves...
Disharmony, infection.
I sighed a storm that drowned them.
Bare a foot upon my shore illumination.
In the calm of the water.
Shine of unholy options, mirrored by wintermoon.
Choose and I may not...
Bare a hand upon my shore illumination.
Life is not the answer.
The hands are rotten.
Fool's reflection, vanish now.
I am still the disintegrator.
Lucid ultimate pain, dissolver.
In the years of brightness
Until my hateful victory
The garden grew...
Withered thoughts and vivid words.
Vanish now.
I have cast the firemist
For those in truth
Shan't bare the illness.
We are of His flame.
Kristitty lapsi!
Anna elämäsi minulle!
Jätä Jumalan tahraama ruumiisi, unohda ilo ja elämä!
Riistä henkesi, tapa itsesi!
Samalla surmaat Jumalan ja hänen löyhkäävän henkensä sinussa!
Surmaa kuolevainen ruumiisi, älä anna sen enää henkiä elämää!
Tule luoksemme, tule Pimeyteen!
Minä en lupaa sinulle valheita, jätä harhaanjohtaja,
hän joka kantaa kruunua tappuroiden muttei ikinä tule kuninkaaksi!
Tiedä tämä, kun kätesi vie sinut kuolemaan olet jo lunastanut itsellesi herruuden!
Sinulle on valtaistuin vierelläni, hallitse kanssani!
Ikuisuus on myös sinulle, lapsi, riistä henkesi!
Christian child!
Give your life to me!
Leave your Godstained body, forget happiness and life!
Take your life, kill yourself!
At same time you kill God and his stinking spirit in you!
Kill your mortal body, don’t let it anymore breathen life!
Come to us, come to Darkness!
I promise you no lies, leave the misleader, he who carries the crown of thorns but never will become a king!
Know this, when your hand takes you to death you already have redeemed yourself dominion!
For you is a throne beside me, rule with me!
Eternity is for you too, child, take your life!
I spit on your face!
Let them rot!
I crush your heart!
And all joy which you keep in your heart.
I crush hope and the belief that is in you.
Listen, you will die now!
Your time is over!
I laugh at you and your Father!
I laugh at your feeble race!
You will die now!
Your story is to have it’s ending!
For so long I waited this moment, now my joy is greatest!
You died now!
I wrapped your life with ropes of death and I suffocated it laughing.
Feeble fools, unaware of the terror soon to come.
After what is still awaiting, no light will ever be here.
Only the stones remember the battles that have been clashed
On these moors and fields, as thousand of years ago
The soil drank blood of those unwilling to serve.
Still at night I can hear their screams when they fought for glory and might.
Steel was bent, and bones were crushed, and still the spirit of war is here.
They knew not, that once more a battle so great, so hateful
Would be fought upon these barren landscapes, in honour to those who died.
For there are (also) creatures hidden in the (very) darkest places
Of this realm, like the demons (hiding) under the (dark) mountains,
And the beasts, waiting to be unleashed from their graves guarded by spirits.
These secrets have yet remained in whispers and in tales, but as it has been told.
Aeons ago.
These creatures, side by side with the legions of darkness,
On a moment seen by the unknown oracles, will emerge to rise
The mighty empire of darkness, the supreme imperial reign of evil.
I know not if I shall be here when the Armageddon is to come,
Yön vaelluksella läpi hämärämetsäin tuuli kylmyyden ja talven myrskyää yli meidän
jotka ratsastaen tulivat murskaamaan elämän ilossa ja valossa.
He, jotka ovat kuolemattomia.
Ikuiseen elämään suotuja kuten mekin, yksi synkkä myrsky Hänen liekistään.
Me olemme Hänen pahuutensa sieluja, musta viikate niittäen elämän ilossa ja valossa.
Kuin kylmyys ja talvi yli Suomen, me saavuimme pois menneestä,
ajasta jonne meidän on kaipuu sillä sieltä sikiää ikuinen kuolema, tuhansien vuosien kunnian auer.
Meidän valtakuntamme...
Me palaamme hallitsemaan korkeimmalla ja suurimmalla mahdilla, Hänen poikinaan, kuninkaina.
Pohjolan istuimilla.
Te, kuolemaan kahlitut joiden joukossa kerran kuljimme.
Teidän verenne on virtaava!
Heikon rotunne häpäisemille maille nousee tuli, Hänen liekkinsä mustana roihuten.
Liekit nielevät kotinne, elämänkylistä tuhkakyliä...
Me ratsastamme yli Kuolemananne.
Tuomiopäivän monumentteina ruumiinne, luina tuhkan mustaamina,
ovat kunnian muistoja vuosituhansia kylmässä, talven tuulissa valittaen keihäiden painona.
Me katsomme oli mennessämme, yli korpitantereiden ratsastuksen, polkuja joita Kuolemanne koristaa,
polkuja joita nyt vain suru kulkee muistojemme ilossa.
Niiden varsille elämänhyljänneet luunne ovat kerätyt.
In wolfnight we come on winter’s black wings death beside us, old and feared, for all might is in Death.
As of tragedies, and as of desecration’s sword, as storm of Doomsday we grimly ride.
We bring the war of end, we bring Shadow...
Name we haven’t been given, for those words suitable are forgotten, buried by dust of time.
We are all that what fear, all that what hate and all that what doom holds inside.
We have been foreseen, Antichrist-Armageddon-Judgement Day-Final War,
in books that are through weak minds written with words spawned of Christ, dressed with fears.
Indeed, we are death that is condemned for you, as war that ends all life,
as war that brings Darkness and as war that thus is your Death.
So it is written...
So it shall be...
3 of 3 wandered there where Goblintower breathed it’s mist.
3 of 3 wandered there with their swords exhaling of black, like a wind that never blew,
but gave birth to countless storms.
They would be remembered, they three whom of His flame were ever.
Goblintower breathed it’s mist, a grim veil over Hornaland.
3 of 3 wandered there where their home was and which they always saw,
there where His eye saw, where from His flame had been lit in them.
Kings. Those three who were ever.
As trolls, bears, wolves and as goblins.
In night’s wandering through dimwoods the wind of coldness and winter storms
over us who came riding to crush life in joy and light.
Those, who are immortal.
To eternal life granted like us, one grim storm of His flame.
We are souls of His evil, a black scythe taking life in joy and light.
Like coldness and winter over Finland, we came away from past,
from time we are yearned for there is breed eternal death, haze of thousand years of glory.
Our kingdom...
We return to rule with highest and greatest might, as His sons, as kings.
Our Northern thrones.
You, chained to death whom among we once wandered.
Your blood is to be shed!
To lands desecrated by your feeble race rises fire, His flame blazing black.
Flames swallow your homes, lifehamlets to ashhamlets...
We ride over as your Death.
As Judgement Day’s monuments your corpses, as bones blackened by ash,
are memories of glory milleniums in cold, in winter’s winds moaning as loads of spears.
We watch as we go by, over wilderness’ fields ride, those paths which your Death decorates,
paths which now only sorrow walks in our memories gleam.
To their sides are your lifeabandoned bones gathered.
Nazarene, nazarene bastard child!
You were born from a whore and you
Will bleed like she before!
Sodomy, sodomy, raping you
With my horns and hellish steel,
Agony and pain to feel!
Suffering, suffering baby cries.
You may reach Gethsemane but not with
Your virginity!
Carpenter, carpenter - not your seed!
Now you know the whore she was -
Dead, defiled and bloody mass!
Sodomy, sodomy, impurity!
Hell will come without a doubt and
You will not be helping out!
Crucifix, crucifix in your ass!
Rotting, dead, defiled and gone - so
Syljen sinun kasvoillesi!
Ne mädäntykööt!
Murskaan sydämesi!
Ja kaiken ilon jonka sydämessäsi säilytät!
Murskaan toivon ja uskon joka sinussa on!
Kuule, sinä kuolet nyt!
Aikasi on ohi!
Nauran sinulle ja Isällesi!
Nauran heikolle kansallesi!
Sinä kuolet nyt!
Tarinasi on saava päätöksensä!
Niin kauan odotin tätä hetkeä, nyt on riemuni suurimmillaan!
Sinä kuolit nyt!
Kiedoin elämäsi kuoleman vyyhdein ja tukahdutin sen nauraen!
Kolmesta kolme vaelsi sinne minne Hiidentorni huokui usvansa.
Kolmesta kolme vaelsi sinne miekkansa mustana huokuen, kuin tuuli joka ei koskaan uhkunut,
mutta antoi alun lukemattomille myrskyille.
He tulisivat olemaan muistetut, he kolme jotka Hänen liekistään olivat iäti.
Hiidentorni huokui usvansa, synkän hunnun ylle Hornanmaan.
Kolmesta kolme vaelsi sinne missä kotonsa oli ja jonka he aina näkivät,
sinne minne Hänen silmänsä näki, mistä Hänen liekkinsä oli heihin syttynyt.
Kuninkaat. He kolme jotka olivat iäti.
Peikkoina, karhuina, susina ja hiisinä.
I cannot remember my dreams when I wake up.
This is your life, your sobriety.
This is why I sleep in so late.
This is why I can't remember.
I'm sorry for everything, just like a martyr.
We all feel sorry for ourselves, but you know, maybe we should.
We'll never want to believe the truth.
The definition of truth is a question to me.
When so much that we do is twisted.
We like to pretend that makes it harder to accept.
Most of us are afraid, but I guess there really is no blame.
Movement. What do I know of this?
I am in a sheltered life. What do I know? I ask, but who?
I got to get out of this shelter. Try finding out.
It's late, dark and cold. I just wander around.
Insecure middle class white kids searching sounds like a joke,
But I guess everything has it's purpose.
What's anything worth on this scale of things anyway,
Just trying seems like it could be worth just as much because,
For as much talk is bought and sold, maybe a few of us will make it out.
It's hard to take the time that heals in time
Irritate that time, but time heals
Irritate this time, time will heal
It's hard to take the time and give the same,
But I've got to take the time,
I have to take this time.
Time to decide.
Make up my mind.
Time to decide about me.
The operation is inhuman, yet we fashion it after ourselves.
The lack of observation is as pitiful as convention.
Geared to serve you better; geared to a reflex.
Don't forget what the gears are used for, turning machines and moving parts.
Our anger is answered by questions we stop asking.
I got away from coming to where I was coming from.
I got away. We're just thinking of our selves.
We're just taking side. We're just just selfish.
I got away. You leave.
Everyone seems to just be a product of their enviroment or their surroundings.
I know that's a well-known fact,
But it's sick that so many kids will go through the motions.
I mean, what are you trying to and what are you trying to prove?
Without question, if you're not really concerned, then okay,
But it seems to me we are just wasting our time,
Sometimes it's good to think
That I am at least a little bit different from most of my generation.
Cheapness pushed me over the line,
So I had to admit what I felt like inside,
Only you had already realized I am afraid.
In the end, just indecision
So what are you looking back for, say no more.
Fuck. I'm vaguely remembering this all before.
There it is again, the thought that tells me I'm not thinking about a thing.
I'm trying to find the meaning. We loose the purpose that made it,
Then fuck ourselves up a little more just to make sure.
It's hard enough just to make it through the day.
But why are we even here?
Are we really as sick as we say we are?
Or would we like just to take another day off?
I have found one truth.
In all the search and seizure.
I have found one truth.
I like to hurt you with it.
I guess that's just what I like to do.
With this one truth I hide.
I hold it up in front of my own lies.
Look at all the skin stretched over your bones.
You can see, so look.
All that you thought for sure was just a figure of speech,
I don't (need) a (fucking) god to make me think that I am right
Because we are all so wrong.
Who the fuck wants to live forever anyways?
Yeah, sure we all worship something,
But making others feel wrong to feel right is shitty.
We are violent creatures and not half as smart as we say we are.
Making weapons all the time to kill each other off.
We'll never be able to justify the things we do, we'll never be able to.
For all we destroy, we only place the blame on something else, other than ourselves.
I am ashamed. At times I am convinced that humans are a mistake
Some times things mean more tame.
Taken ahold. It needed to be done.
To fight the mediocrity that lingers in us all
Bury the past for a brighter future. Undertaking.
I want to know what I am doing is right.
But what's right?
I try to fight that fear away from me.
Don't you think we should try
We just want distraction from the reality that threatens us
To drown out the the thoughts of wasted time.
To continue our standard of living.
We just repeat ourselves and become cynical about it.
My decision, still make me a liar
My reasons still make me (rhymes with tire)
Better never for now and ever,
An extreme to hold, but we all grow is old
Nothing more to leave behind, not a stone unturned
Was nothing ever learned?
Is there no solution?
Is there no consolation?
All I can say is never ever again.
But no, I cannot pretend.
I can say it again and again and again.
It never ever goes away.
Not even in the time that's passing by.
Ou cannot save this moment, except for right now,
But only cause you knew it was coming.
We're not that much younger than our parents.
Yet another second passes and you'll never be the same again,
And with each second, it seems like it does not matter.
Maybe it's all there, I just can't seem to find it.
We have a destination that no one knows.
So we hold ourselves with definitions.
Never define, we hold each other.
It all happens at once, everything collides.
We cannot possibly grap it, as hard as we try.
This is what you get, for being ordinary.
This is what you get.
For too many choices. For security.
This is what you get, but it's all.
You let it happen to you; let it happen; you exist only of your own will.
So this is what you get as seen in the figures.
Set for life, a technicality.
Good for you. For having.
You don't want at all, this is what you get, yourself.
She Is Not Good For You, She Is Playing With Your Heart
She Is Got It It For You, She Will Tear Your World Apart
She Is Playing Oh So Nice, Her Heart Is Made Of Stone
She Will Pick You For A Ride, And Leave You On Your Own
Manchali Woh Main Maana
Deewani Woh Main Maana
Chehra Dekhu To Germa De Mere Dil Ko
She Is Not Good For You, She Is Playing With Your Heart
She Is Got It It For You, She Will Tear Your World Apart
She Is Playing Oh So Nice, Her Heart Is Made Of Stone
She Will Pick You For A Ride, And Leave You On Your Own
Sangdil Hai Woh Main Maana
Harjaayee Woh Main Maana
Yeh Dil Sab Jaane, Par Usko Yeh Chaahe
Not Good......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Not Good......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Not Good......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Not Good......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Woh Haseen Dil Nasheen, Uss Ke Bina Kuch Bhi Nahi
Pehali Baar Pehla Pyaar, Kaise Manu Haar
Chaandani Raagini Pal Pal Mujhe Tadapaati
Dil Mein Hai, Dhadkan Mein Hain, Kaise Bhuloon Main
She Is Not Good For You, She Is Playing With Your Heart
She Is Got It It For You, She Will Tear Your World Apart
She Is Playing Oh So Nice, Her Heart Is Made Of Stone
She Will Pick You For A Ride, And Leave You On Your Own
Abb Hoga Kya Kaun Jaane
Woh Chaahe Kya Kaun Jaane
Armaan Mera Tha, Saath Rahe Hum Hamesha
Not Good......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Not Good......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Not Good......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Not Good......Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Woh Haseen Dil Nasheen (Yeah)
Uss Ke Bina Kuch Bhi Nahi (Baby)
Pehali Baar Pehla Pyaar, Kaise Manu Haar (Cmon Shes The One)
Chaandani Raagini Pal Pal Mujhe Tadapaati
Dil Mein Hai, Dhadkan Mein Hain (Yeah Baby)
Kaise Bhuloon Main
She Is Not Good For You, She Is Playing With Your Heart
She Is Got It It For You, She Will Tear Your World Apart
She Is Playing Oh So Nice, Her Heart Is Made Of Stone
She Will Pick You For A Ride, And Leave You On Your Own
She Is Only Using You
She Is Only Using You
She Is Not Good For You ( No No She Is The One)
She Is Playing With Your Heart
She Is Got It It For You ( No No She Is The One) (No No No No...)
She Will Tear Your World Apart
She Is Playing Oh So Nice( No No She Is The One) (She Is Not Good)
Her Heart Is Made Of Stone
She Will Pick You For A Ride( No No She Is The One)
And Leave You On Your Own
Waada Koyi Pura Nahin, Yahi Wafa Hai Kya
Sachon Mein Gum Rehati Ho Tum, Yehi Saza Hai Kya
Nahin Hai Yeh Pyaar Jaana 2
Chehara Haseen Lekin Teri Jhooti Hain Yeh Aankhein
Kehati Ho Kuchh Karati Ho Kuchh, Kaise Tumhein Chaahein
Nahin Hai Yeh Pyaar Jaana 2
Dhadkan Yeh Jaane, Terihi Maane
Maine Tumhein Apna Hi Jaana
Samajhati Ho Tum Mujhko Deewaana
Nahin Hai Yeh Pyaar Jaana 2
I Shouldn' T Know Better
I Shouldn' T Know Better
Nazarein Kahin, Dil Hai Kahin, Banate Ho Begaane
Sab Kuch Hai Par, Kuchh Bhi Nahin, Tanha Hain Yeh Raahe
Dhadkan Yeh Jaane, Terihi Maane
Maine Tumhein Apna Hi Jaana
Samajhati Ho Tum Mujhko Deewaana
Nahin Hai Yeh Pyaar Jaana 6
(Dil Tujhko Diya, Jua Khela
Dil Tujhko Diya, Abb Kya Hoga) 2
Mujhe Kuchh Pata Chal Na Saka
Kab Tera Ho Gaya
Tere Kaare Kaare Naina Mein Dil Mera Kho Gaya
Pyaar Ke Khel Mein Khatara Bhi Hai Maja
Isake Nashe Mein Tu Kahin Dil Mera Kho Jaaye Na
(Dil Tujhko Diya, Jua Khela
Dil Tujhko Diya, Abb Kya Hoga) 2
Haan Ek Baar O Mere Yaar ???
Patte Jo Abb Hai Haath Mein, Dil Ki Raani Chhaayegi
Pyaar Ki Baaji Mein, Sab Kuchh Laga Diya
Chaahu Abb Har Ghadi Mujhe Mere Duganese Jyaada
(Dil Tujhko Diya, Jua Khela
Dil Tujhko Diya, Abb Kya Hoga) 2
Dil Tujhko Diya... Aa Haan
Dil Tujhko Diya, Jua Khela
Dil Tujhko Diya... Aa Haan, Aa Haan, Aa Haan
Na Aage Ka Hai Kuchh Pata Ho Kaisi Jindagi
Kabhi Jeet Hai Kabhi Haar Hai, Haan Ishq Yahin
Yaar To Jua Hai, Aur Main Hoon Parwaana
Kismat Pe Chhoda Hai Maine To Apana Yeh Fasaana
(Dil Tujhko Diya, Jua Khela
Dil Tujhko Diya, Abb Kya Hoga) 2
Arre Mere Bahiya Hum Toh Loot Gaye
Saare Patte Haath Se Gaye
Bass Ek Hi Pataa Bacha Hai
(Dil Tujhko Diya, Jua Khela
Dil Tujhko Diya, Abb Kya Hoga) 2
Ennodu Kaathal Endru Pesavaithathu
Neeya Illai Naana
Oorengum Vathanthi Kaatru Veesa Vaithathu
Naana Illai Neeye
Unnodu Love Endru Oor Sonnathu
Nee Veru Naan Veru Yaar Sonnathu
Ah.. Ennodu Kaathal Endru Pesavaithathu
Neeya Illai Naana
Yenn Sattai Uttonodu Koonthal Mudiyai
Sika Vaithu Aiyo Viduda Endraai
No.. No.. No.. No..
En Kannil Thoosu Kandu Oothum Saakil
Otti Nindru Manasai Kuppai Seithaai
Chi.. Chi.. Chi.. Chi..
Kannai Moodum Velai Paarthu Maayai
Mooti Vitathaaru Neeya Illai Naana
Seri Valaikka Muyandrathu Yaaru?
Yaaru.. Neeya Naana
Valainthu Kotuthathu Yaaru?
Yaaru.. Neeya Naana
Naan Vanthu Neeyodu Ondraanathu
Naam Endra Sol Angu Umdaanathu
Ennodu Kaathal Èndru Pesavaithathu
Neeya Illai Naana
Nam Høtel Maadi Aruhae Nadanthu Šelvøam
Yendra Pøthu Liftil Šelvøam Yendraai
Nø.. Nø.. Nø Nø Nø Nø Nø Nø
Pin Antha Liftukulla Neela Agalam
Neraya Irunthum Ènnai Iduthu Nindraai
Chi.. Chi.. Chi Chi Chi Chi
Liftin Kathavu Thirantha Piragum Lipai
Møødi Thiranthathaaru Neeya Illai Naana
Otti Vanthathu Yaaru?.. Yaaru Yaaru
Unnødu Løve Èndru Oør Šønnathu
Nee Veru Naan Veru Yaar Šønnathu
Neeya Naana
Othuzhaithathu Yaaru?Yaaru Neeya Naana
Ènnødu Kaathal Èndru Pesavaithathu
Neeya Illai Naana
Oørengum Vathanthi Kaatru Veesa Vaithathu
Naana Illai Neeye
Unnødu Løve Èndru Oør Šønnathu
Nee Veru Naan Veru Yaar Šønnathu
Harini: Khili Chaa Ndni Hamen Kah Rahi Gaao Sakhi Mil Ke
Lahraa Ke Madhur Tum Gaao
Khili Poornimaa Chali Ye Hawaa Naacho Sakhi Mil Ke
Ras Barse Madhur Tum Naacho
Gaaye Meraa Man Yoo N Hi Raat Din
Phir Bhi Pyaar Tarse
Ha Ha, Vahi Bhoomi Hai, Vahi Aasmaa N
Apnaa Dukh Bhalaa Kisko Sunaayen
Khili Chaa Ndani Hamen Kah Rahi Gaao Sakhi Mil Ke
Lahraa Ke Madhur Tum Gaao
Chorus: Sa Ma Da Pa Pa Ma Ga Ma Ga Ri Ga Ni Sa Ni
Sa Ma Da Pa Pa Ma Ga Ma
Sa Ma Da Pa Pa Ma Ga Ma Ga Ri Ga Ni Sa Ni
Sa Ma Da Pa Sa Ga Ma
Ga Ma Ga Ga Ga Ni Ni Da Sa Ni Sa Ni Da Pa
Ga Ma Ga Ga Ga Ni Ni Da Sa Ni Sa Ni Da Pa Ma Ga
Harini: Kabhi Sukh Yahaa N Kabhi Dukh Yahaa N
Yahi To Hai Jeevan
Sa Ri Ga Ri Ga Ga Ri Ga Pa Ma Ga
Dekho Daal Pe Koyal Bole
Kaise Ka Te Bachpan
Sa Ri Ga Ri Ga Ga Ri Ga Pa Ma Ga
Ye Bhoomi Swarg Hai, Ham Pyaar Se Sanvaar Lein
Ye Chaar Din Kii Chaa Ndni, Ham Pyaar Se Guzaar Lein
Khili Chaa Ndni Hamen Kah Rahi Gaao Sakhi Mil Ke
Lahraa Ke Madhur Tum Gaao
Khili Poornimaa Chali Ye Hawaa Naacho Sakhi Mil Ke
Ras Barse Madhur Tum Naacho
Nae tteugeoun ibsuri neoui
Budeureoun ibsure dahgil wonhae
Nae sarangi neoui gaseume jeonhae jidorog
Ajigdo naui maeumeul moreugo isseotdamyeoneun
I sesang geu nuguboda neol saranghagesseo
Neol saranghagesseo eonjekkajina neol saranghagesseo
Jigeum I sungan cheoreom I sesang geu nuguboda
Neol saranghagesseo
Eoryeoun yaegiro neoui hogisimeul jageughal sudo isseo
Geu heunhan yuhuiro I bameul bonael sudo isseo
Hajiman naui maeumeul ijeneun aratwosseumyeon hae
I sesang geu nuguboda neol saranghagesseo
Neol saranghagesseo eonjekkajina neol saranghagesseo
Jigeum I sungan cheoreom I sesang geu nuguboda
Neol saranghagesseo
Neol saranghagesseo
Neol saranghagesseo eonjekkajina neol saranghagesseo
Jigeum I sungan cheoreom I sesang geu nuguboda
Neol saranghagesseo
Neol saranghagesseo eonjekkajina neol saranghagesseo
Jigeum I sungan cheoreom I sesang geu nuguboda
Neol saranghagesseo
Neol saranghagesseo eonjekkajina neol saranghagesseo
Jigeum I sungan cheoreom I sesang geu nuguboda
Aaj Huyi Ik Nayi Si Baat, Hosh Uda Degi
Rangeeli Si Hai Yeh Barsaat, Deewaana Bana Degi
Yeh Raat Nahi Aayegi Phir Se, Hum Tum Agar Jiyein
Nasha Sa Hai Inn Hawaaon Mein, Iss Pal Mein Kho Jaayein
Sonp Do Mujhe Apna Aap, Duniya To Badalegi
Falak Ke Us Paar Le Jaon Apne Saath, Zameen Jhuk Jaayegi
(Yeh Raat Nahi Aayegi Phir Se, Hum Tum Agar Jiyein
Nasha Sa Hai Inn Hawaaon Mein, Iss Pal Mein Kho Jaayein) 2
Mann Mein Hai Aisi Chubhan, Madhoshi Si Hai
Rooh Meri Naach Rahi Hai, Kya Yeh Khwaab Hai
(Yeh Raat Nahi Aayegi Phir Se, Hum Tum Agar Jiyein
Nasha Sa Hai Inn Hawaaon Mein, Iss Pal Mein Kho Jaayein) 3
Pehle Bhi Aisa Tha, Main Abb Bhi Aisa Hoon
Mujh Ko Milo Ya Na Milo, Yuunhi Rehta Hoon
Fikar Nahi Mujhko, Sabke Mazaahib Ki
Woh Kaun Hain, Kahaan Se Hain, ?? Zindagi
Jiya Jaaye Isi Haal Mein 4
Dekha Poora Jahaan, Har Roop Rangeen Hai
Hai Sabko Chaahiye Sukoon, Aise Hi Rehna Hai
Lad Ke Sabhi Ka Dil, Jo Chaaho Chaahe Mil
Sabb Duur Hain To Kya Huwa, Milaao Dil Se Dil
Jiya Jaaye Isi Haal Mein 4
Thodi Si Hai Yeh Zindagi, Bass Ji Le Iss Tarah
Jhoom Lo Uss Mauj Main, Aur Choo Lo Aasmaan
Thodi Si Hai Yeh Zindagi, Bass Ji Le Iss Tarah
Pyaar Do Har Ek Ko, Kal Ka Kisko Pata
Jiya Jaaye Isi Haal Mein 4
Dekha Poora Jahaan, Har Roop Rangeen Hai
Hai Sabko Chaahiye Sukoon, Aise Hi Rehna Hai
Lad Ke Sabhi Ka Dil, Jo Chaaho Chaahe Mil
Sabb Duur Hain To Kya Huwa, Milaao Dil Se Dil
Thodi Si Hai Yeh Zindagi, Bass Ji Le Iss Tarah
Jhoom Lo Uss Mauj Main, Aur Choo Lo Aasmaan
Thodi Si Hai Yeh Zindagi, Bass Ji Le Iss Tarah
Pyaar Do Har Ek Ko, Kal Ka Kisko Pata
Jiya Jaaye Isi Haal Mein 4
Pehle Bhi Aisa Tha, Main Abb Bhi Aisa Hoon
Mujh Ko Milo Ya Na Milo, Yuunhi Rehta Hoon
(Ibtada E Ishq Hai
Hota Hai Kya Aage Aage Dekhiye
Hota Hai Kya) 2
Kahin Toh Milenge Hum
Tumse Yeh Kahenge Hum
Jo Bhi Ho Hota Rahe
Ajanabi Hona Nahi
Kehna Hai Tumse Hame
Ibtada E Ishq Hai
Hota Hai Kya Aage Aage Dekhiye
Hota Hai Kya
(Teri Hasin, Jindagi
Isake Siva Kuchh Nahi) 2
Doori Ho Jaayegi Kum
Kerana Nahi Koi Ghum
Yeh Khushi Tumse Mili
Tum Kabhi Khona Nahi
Kehna Hai Tumse Hame
Ibtada E Ishq Hai
Hota Hai Kya Aage Aage Dekhiye
Hota Hai Kya
(Teri Hasin, Jindagi
Isake Siva Kuchh Nahi) 2
Kahin Toh Milenge Hum
Tumse Yeh Kahenge Hum
Jo Bhi Ho Hota Rahe
Ajanabi Hona Nahi
Kehna Hai Tumse Hame
Ibtada E Ishq Hai
Hota Hai Kya Aage Aage Dekhiye
Hota Hai Kya
Hum Hum Hain Aur Hum Rahenge Hum Hain
Jo Chaahenge Woh Paayenge
Hum Hum Hain Aur Hum Rahenge Hum Hain
Hum Aage Hi Jaayenge
Hum Hain Aasamaan, Hum Hi Hai Jameen
Duniya Pe Chhaayenge Hame Hai Woh Dum
Hum Hum Hain Aur Hum Rahenge Hum Hain
Jo Chaahenge Woh Paayenge
Hum Hum Hain Aur Hum Rahenge Hum Hain
Hum Aage Hi Jaayenge
Hum Hum.......
Dekho Ke Duniya Hai Yeh Apnun Ki
Hum Naujawaano Ki, Yeh Hai Deewaano Ki
Deewaano Ki Tarah Aage Badhkar Har Pal Chalkaayenge??
Hum Hum Hain Aur Hum Rahenge Hum Hain
Jo Chaahenge Woh Paayenge
Hum Hum Hain Aur Hum Rahenge Hum Hain
Hum Aage Hi Jaayenge
Hum Hain Aasamaan, Hum Hi Hai Jameen
Duniya Pe Chhaayenge Hame Hai Woh Dum
Hum Hum.......
Jivan Mein Jo Aayengi Mushkilein
Hum Na Ghabaraayenge, Sach Ko Nibhaayenge
Yahi Soche?? Milake Saare Tufaano Ka Rukh Modenge
Hum Hum Hain Aur Hum Rahenge Hum Hain
Jo Chaahenge Woh Paayenge
Hum Hum Hain Aur Hum Rahenge Hum Hain
Hum Aage Hi Jaayenge
Teri To Yaad Jaati Nahin
Nind Mujhe Aati Nahin
Kya Mein Karoon Jaau Kahaan
Dhunde Tujhe Dil Ka Jahaan
Mein Tera Hoon Deewaana, Jaaneja Na Tadapa
(Ashiqa Ashiqa Tere Bina
Na Jiya Jaayega Ab To Tu Aa) 2
Teri Meethi Batein Mujhe Jab Yaad Aati Hain
Phir Teri Yaadein Dil Jalaati Hain
Tu Jo Nahin To Meri Zindagi Hai Kya
Lagata Hai Sara Jahaan Suna
(Ashiqa Ashiqa Tere Bina
Na Jiya Jaayega Ab To Tu Aa) 2
Tere Bin Jiya Na Jaaye Na Ashiqa 8
Pyar Ke Din Hain Mere Dil Ko Tadapaana
Rahunga Main Kaise Tere Bin Jaana
Mast Sama Hai Bheega Bheega Mausum Hai
Aise Mein Tera Juda Hona
(Ashiqa Ashiqa Tere Bina
Na Jiya Jaayega Ab To Tu Aa) 2
Tere Bin Jiya Na Jaaye Na Ashiqa 8
Teri To Yaad Jaati Nahin
Nind Mujhe Aati Nahin
Kya Mein Karoon Jaau Kahaan
Dhunde Tujhe Dil Ka Jahaan
Mein Tera Hoon Deewaana, Jaaneja Na Tadapa
(Ashiqa Ashiqa Tere Bina
Na Jiya Jaayega Ab To Tu Aa) 2
Tere Bin Jiya Na Jaaye Na Ashiqa 8
Ashiqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Tere Bin Jiya Na Jaaye Na Ashiqa)