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Cliché ! version française
Cliché : Candy Mafia [Official MV]
"Cliche" Lyric Video - Christina Grimmie
Cliché - Hélicon (clip)
Cliché — Shalom
LES PARCS D'ATTRACTIONS - Les clichés de Jigmé à Europa-Park
Mathieu Saïkaly - Cliché cosmique (Lyrics video)
Cliché team in California
Cliché ! english version
Déjà Vu
Cliché Skateboards Bon voyage Outakes
Cinemates - Boybands Are Cliché
LE FOSSOYEUR DE FILMS - Top 10 des pires clichés
Liste des stéréotypes de la France et des Français vus de l'étranger. Plus d'infos sur
ดาวน์โหลดเพลงนี้ได้ที่ *3366946 - iTunes : Deezer : KKBOX : Application C... Lyrics to "Cliche" by Christina Grimmie LOVE YOU TEAM GRIMMIE:D I really hope yu enjoy this. I worked so hard on this song and I'm so glad I get to share it. YUR ALL AMAZING. Oui j'ai théorisé sur les ailes des papillons Qui se sont envolés par mi...
✸ télécharger sur iTunes → ✸ acheter le vinyle → 'Cliché EP', disponible chez microqlima records — — ☁ Étendus dans la maison Et tout vêtus de rien du tout Décontractés dans le gazon On écoute des 45 tours Shalom… Les fesses nues et sans façon Nos racines poussent au pied des murs On récolte à l'unisson Des mûres pour nos confitures Shalom... Élastique dans la chaloupe On laisse pendre les armatures Se balancent au gré du vent Nos mûres et nos gosses à l'air pur Shalom… Étendus dans le salon Et tout vêtus de rien du tout A l'air libre et sans façon On s'écoute quelques 33 tours Shalom... ✸
Premier épisode du Petit Guide des Clichés. N'hésitez pas à partager, à en parler autour de vous et à vous abonner pour suivre l'actualité de la chaîne. Ecri...
Les parcs d'attractions ? Pfff... Tellement cliché ! #Europa-Park Quand t'es jeune, tu fais tout un foin à tes darons pour faire toutes les attractions dans ...
« Cliché cosmique » - 1er single de Mathieu Saïkaly extrait de son 1er EP à paraître le 09/03. (Mathieu Saïkaly) Editions Universal Music Publishing France Production Fiction France (une division du label Polydor) PRÉCOMMANDEZ maintenant l’EP à 2.99€ et récupérez immédiatement le single “Cliché cosmique” → Facebook → Twitter → Instagram → Lyrics vidéo réalisée par Lords …………………… Music credits Ecrit et compose par Mathieu Saïkaly Réalisé par Yann Arnaud Enregistré par Yann Arnaud au Studio Melodium, au studio La Frette assisté de Jonathan Ratovoarisoa, et au Studio Gang, assisté par Rémy Barbot et par Jean Dominique Grossard au Studio Polydor Mixé par Yann Arnaud Masterisé par Alex Gopher chez Translab Voix, guitare : Mathieu Saïkaly Basse, clavier, synthé et chœurs : Olivier Marguerit Clavier, percussion, batterie : Stéphane Milochevitch Chœurs : Mathieu Saïkaly, Vincent Mougel
BUY BON VOYAGE HERE: Jeremie and some of the team spent a couple of weeks in Los Angeles & San Jose to film for the new Cliché...
List of stereotypes of France and frenchmen seen from abroad. Learn more at
Une impression de déjà-vu ? C'est aussi ce que se dit Jerome face aux aventures de Ludovik ! Retrouve toutes les vidéos du Studio Bagel en t'abonnant à la chaîne : Suis-nous sur Facebook : et sur Twitter : Crédits : Réalisé par Ludoc D'après une idée de David Azencot. Ecrit par David Azencot, Axel Maliverney, Ludovik et Ludoc. Avec Ludovik, Jérome Niel, Alison Wheeler, Monsieur Poulpe, Natoo, Marion Seclin, Gaël Mectoob, Baptiste Lorber, Kemar, Mister V, Kevin Razy, Gregory Guillotin, David Azencot et Christine Berrou. Et Tarik Seddak, Axel Maliverney, Donia Berrichi, Patrice Coret, Paul Duchiron, Lawa Fauquet, Christophe Marotte, Sylviane Fraval, Jean-Marc Guillerme, Bruno Mary, Rémi Paquot, Federico Ugoccioni et Luca Bozzi. Dirigés par Axel Maliverney et Ludovik Assistante-Réalisateur : Yasmina Chambenoit Chef Opérateur : Nadja Anane 1er Assistant Opérateur : Pitch Mercadal Chef-électro : Sophie Corvellec Electro : Mathieu Andrieux - Maxime Bayol Chef machino : Guillaume Depestèle Régisseurs : Romain Surmont-Vonnet et Guillaume Blonce Prise de son : Arthur Desprès, Paul-Emilio Salemi et Stéphane Gobaut Accessoiristes : Pascal Bertin et Sebastien Lepeu Aide-plateau : Jeremy Laïdi Chef-Costumière : Priscilia Delsault Habilleuses : Charline Graffeuil et Elise Leliard Chef Maquilleuse : Marjolaine Vialle Maquilleuse : Agathe Angeli Cascadeurs : Kefi Abrikh, David Nop, Godefroy Ryckewaert et Anthony Pho. Photographe de plateau : Pierre Morsard Making-of : Tom Evrard Assistants monteurs Making-of : Jordi Gueyrard et Adrien Léger Montage : Ludoc et Félix Guimard Graphisme : Guillaume Griffoni, Paulin Novotny et Camille Bitaud Mixage : Samuel Dekyndt (Samstation) Étalonnage : Nadja Anane Avec l'aimable participation de CANALSAT. Remerciements : Florent Colignon, Tarik Seddak, Grégory Nicot, Patrice Coret, Thibaut Menga, Augustin Albrecht, Victor Nataf, Lukas Brahimi, Archibald Benhamou, Shana Benhamou, Marc Duraffourd, Thomas Olland, Julia Chazal, Iris Clertant, Nicolas Brunelle, Moussa Traore, Yolaine Deste, Alexis Charrier, Nomérie Jorard, Stéphane Gobant. © STUDIO BAGEL PRODUCTIONS - 2014 Producteur : Lorenzo Benedetti Producteur Artistique : Axel Maliverney Directeur de clientèle : Stéphane Bourgoin Chef de Projet : Aurélie Talbi Direction Artistique : Ludoc Directrice de Production : Vanessa Brias Chargées de Production : Clémence Deverre - Sarah Gélin Chargé de Post-Production : Tom Evrard Assistante de Production : Clara Lesage Stagiaire Production : Jennifer Faubert Stagiaire Image : Louis Farge Stagiaire Post-production : Alexandre Ngaosyvathn
Bonus footage and double angles from the cliché video "Bon Voyage". Featuring Charles Collet, Flo Mirtain, Adrien Coillard and Max Geronzi. Enjoy!
Boybands Are Cliché - DOWNLOAD THE SONG: The Song is also available on Spotify and Google Play! PREVIOUS video:;=PL_4m3_2pMgru3qQJ03dt0ktyXpG4QMNfT&index;=2 We are two dutch guys from Amsterdam making films. Every friday is 'Filmy Friday' where we upload a cool comedy film. AHYAYEUH! BUY YOUR OWN CINEMATES MERCHANDISE HERE! TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: E-mail: Thanks to: BoyBand: RapChorus: Alexander Hot Lady: RadioHost: Radio Voice: Dancing Girl: Make-Up Girl: Manager: Fangirls:
Pour cette neuvième chronique, le Fossoyeur dégaine un Top 10 des pires clichés utilisés au cinéma. N'hésitez pas à vous abonner à la chaîne !
Support Lesbiens - Cliche (2004)
► Cliché - Christina Grimmie (Lyrics On Screen) • Subscribe: • Instagram: • Twitter: • Facebook: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Please give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's the lyrics to Christina Grimmie's new single "Cliché"! If you like the song and want the UN-PITCHED version you can buy it on iTunes: - DISCLAMER - This is my first ever lyric video so I hope it's not too bad!! Also if you spot anything wrong with the lyrics just comment down below! ~ LYRICS ~ I believed in all your candy hearts Baby You said our castle in the sky would never fall apart Baby I thought that you could never do wrong You talk like you’re straight out of a love song I don’t buy a word that you say Cause your love is cliché Cause your love is cliché You said your life would suck Without me You used to say my name So proudly Said I was the only girl In the whole world And every other girl they got nothing on me So stereo so stereo Such stereotypical lies So typical so typical So predicable I know it’s a lie I believed in all your candy hearts Baby You said our castle in the sky would never fall apart Baby I thought that you could never do wrong You talk like you’re straight out of a love song I don’t buy a word that you say Cause your love is cliché Cause your love is cliché He said as long I’ll have you I’d never be alone You used to whisper sweet nothings through a pay phone Said if I listen close I could hear that bass go I could hear that heart beat boom like a stereo So stereo so stereo Such stereotypical lies So typical so typical So predicable I know it’s a lie I believed in all your candy hearts Baby You said our castle in the sky would never fall apart Baby I thought that you could never do wrong You talk like you’re straight out of a love song I don’t buy a word that you say Cause your love is cliché Cause your love is cliché I believed in all your candy hearts Baby You said our castle in the sky would never fall apart Baby I thought that you could never do wrong You talk like you’re straight out of a love song I don’t buy a word that you say Cause your love is cliché Cause your love is cliché
Distributed by WMG Not Good Enough For Truth And Cliche Facebook: Twitter: Visit us! Subscribe to Epitaph: Facebook: Twitter: Google +:
Página oficial: Facebook: Twitter: Dirección /// Agust...
Powered by Basim will represent Denmark at the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen, Denmark, performing the song Cliché Love ...
Does it seem like you've seen this romance before? In honor of St. Valentine's Day, join as we count down our picks for the top 10 r...
Fish - Cliché from the album Vigil In A Wilderness Of Mirrors released in 1990....beautiful romantic song!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Powered by Denmark: Basim - Cliche Love Song live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Grand Final.
Hynek Toman / Kryštof Michal námět, scénář, režie: Zdenek Suchý; produkce: Amada Films - Pavel Picek, Alžběta Kabelová; kamera: Jakub Dvorský; střih: Vladimí...
As a result, we squeeze our side’s talking points, our side’s clichés, our side’s stereotypes, into ...
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-11... provides politicians with the best chance of making the news bulletin, they opt to talk in clichés.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-04-11Instead, The Longest Ride is weighed down by an unnecessary second story that tries too hard, and bullpen full of clichés.
ABC News 2015-04-10inline-left " >"The Longest Ride". Rating: PG-13. When: Opens today. Where: Wide release. Running time: 2 hours, 5 minutes. ★½ ... C."
U~T San Diego 2015-04-10I’m forced to fall back on my cliché that headlines chapter three – the devil makes them do it.
The Examiner 2015-04-10(Source: Southampton Football Club Ltd ) ... "I know it's a cliché but it makes total sense at this stage ... distributed by ... co.
noodls 2015-04-10... an almost formulaic cliché of what O'Brien describes as "one white dude with an acoustic guitar".
The Independent 2015-04-10(Source: ... It was magnificent ... The 12th man is a bit of a cliché, but they were just that on Saturday." ... distributed by.
noodls 2015-04-10EXCLUSIVE: ... "I wanted to turn the cliché of the straight-homo binary around," said Audi-Dor, who directed from his screenplay.
Screen Daily 2015-04-10... of the Grand National, the old cliché demands that we throw that form book out of the window.
noodls 2015-04-10Spike Lee will direct Chiraq. Photograph: Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage. Britt Julious. Friday 10 April 2015 20.19 ... BST ... ) ... ).
The Guardian 2015-04-10It's become a cliché to describe a band as "quintessentially English," but perhaps Wire deserve the ...
The Quietus 2015-04-10"It's a bit of cliché but the next game is the most important and the biggest game of the season, ...
noodls 2015-04-10A cliché or cliche (UK /ˈkliːʃeɪ/ or US /klɪˈʃeɪ/) is an expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel. In phraseology, the term has taken on a more technical meaning, referring to any expression imposed by conventionalized linguistic usage. The term is frequently used in modern culture for an action or idea which is expected or predictable, based on a prior event. Typically a pejorative, "clichés" are not always false or inaccurate; a cliché may or may not be true. Some are stereotypes, but some are simply truisms and facts. Clichés are often employed for comic effect, typically in fiction.
Most phrases now considered clichéd were originally regarded as striking, but lost their force through overuse. In this connection, David Mason and John Frederick Nims cite a particularly harsh judgement by Salvador Dalí: "The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot."
Did you think I was dead inside?
There was no room to grow
And if I loved you still, I didn't let it show
I never left you, though I've always loved you
And you were free to leave me
If you didn't believe in me
Dumped, don't mind me
I didn't know what I had till it was gone
In love, so scared, couldn’t stay
I had a good time
Remember the good times
Before it had to happen
Cracked our world wide open
Dumped, don't worry about me
It wasn't up to you to set me free
There never is good time, so they say
I'm not your average cliche
Crackerjack formula
I never did say, I'd be your trick, yeah
So, don't you try to fool me
With your pseudo honesty
I never did say, I'd be your trick
Oh, there's nothing better than being given the chance
Doesn't this mean I'm changing who I am?
I cannot live with my biased eyes
So, put your wallet away
The soul is not a price to pay
I never did say, I'd be your trick
So, don't you try to fool me
With your pseudo honesty
I know in time you'll see what I mean
Yeah, there's nothing better than being given the chance
Doesn't this mean I'm changing who I am?
I cannot live with my biased eyes
Oh, there's nothing better than being given the chance
Doesn't this mean I'm changing who I am?
I cannot live with my biased eyes, yeah
Oh, now, now, now, now
There's nothing better than being given the chance
Doesn't this mean I'm changing who I am?
I cannot live with my biased eyes, woah
There's nothing better than being given the chance
Doesn't this mean I'm changing who I am?
Yo..Yo..Yo..UH.. Yeah.. Yo.. Yo.. Word..Yo..
Hey.. is this thing on? (Yo) Can't hear nothing..
Hey my boy engineer, Turn that shit up..Yo, ya hear what he's saying?
Yo engineer (engineer) Turn my shit up (turn my boy's shit up!)
Turn his headphones up motherfucker, he can't hear that shit.. uh.. uh..
Step the fuck back, but then go BLAHHH
Me and my crew, yo, we do it like that
But a cap back, but we'll be back
All ya'll retards be layin out flat
Gold and platinum, i got that shit
Spendin cash, yo, i do that shit
Chromin' rims yo, i got that whip
Brain and a whip from a dime ass bitch
Can't play in mine, yo, my rhymes is whack
I fucked your bitch, AND she sucked my dick
slangin shit, yo, and that be a fact
fuck with my shit you're rockin crack
Head and seed im crystal cold
fuck more bitches than i am years old
yound and rich and rollin hard
charging shit to my platinum card
come in hard now spread that shit
my dicks the size of a battleship
a bulletproof, 8 ship change
bumpin in the srop top head with brain
triple beamin all night long
got knocked off but i came back strong
guns and gas i gotta have that shit
hoes and bitches, yo i love that shit
Fararr, Jaguar and limo stretch
Brain and whip, yo i love that best
Step up bitch i'll knock you down
Bitch you know that i run this town
i get head, brain and a blow job too
i proly gets more brain then you
everytime i go cruisin down the strip with my family
i get brain and a whip
Frankly, im tired of all ya'll niggahs talkin shit behind my back
that shit whack
im finnda pull out my strap, cut it back, and bust a cap up in yo ass niggah
What they say never really mattered to me.
I've been wrong.
Open the door, time to move on.
What has changed?
Same old story with a new name.
I'm not scared, I've been here before.
I guess I thought you'de be there, I swear it.
This is the last time that I close my eyes to it.
Never again will we be what we were.
Maybe I'll just walk away.
Time thrown away, I didn't use it anyway.
Been here for so long, now it's time to move on.
Read between the lines, I can't make up my mind.
Was this what we planned?
Mercury falls, forgot how much I hate the fall.
Still sitting by the phone, I hope that you don't call.
It's alright now we'll make it somehow.
You'd think we'd learned by now.
Well, I guess it goes to show.
Youre the answer to all my prayers, I swear it.
This is the last time that I close my eyes to it.
Never again will we be what we were.
One more game, one more chance
One more orchestrated song and dance
He'd be up front and speak his peace
And ask for her time to put their heads together
And try to make the knot unwind
And it strikes home
That it's time to make his move
Or it's time to turn and walk away
So he plays that old cliche
Silent tears, bleeding heart
Well our prima donna plies her art
Defenses of defenses of faultless design
Still she's only asking him
To help her make the knot unwind
And if the very next words
Leaving her lips could decide
If he'd go or if he'd stay
She would play that old cliche
Who makes up the rules for the world?
Haven't we been down this road before?
Isn't anything peculiar here?
Certainly there must be something more
Where are the words, where are the words
Where are the words?
Where are the words, where are the words
Where are the words?
And it's almost not worth singing about
It seems so everyday anyway
Still we play that old cliche
And here sit I, one man show
I vivisect and then pretend to know
All it ever gets me is an ache in my mind
Can't somebody help me
To try to make the knot unwind
And I say what I say when I know
There's really nothing left to say
Then I play that old cliche
You set my heart on fire
Filled me with sweet desire
Burning passion and delight
But the flame you started
Suddenly departed
Now I'm searching alone in the night
When did all the words between us fail to captivate?
Lines become so tired until there's nothing new to state
Spread like a cancer that we could not isolate
Did the passages reveal our fate?
You were my one and only
No more feeling lonely
Every second of the day
But then the times were changing
Never rearranging
The love we felt so true had gone astray
When did we forget to keep our gaze upon the sky?
Searching along the ground with a customary eye
Love so predictable and we never questioned why
Did the promises we made begin to die?
Familiar faces
Subtle traces
Cold embraces
When did every loving phrase become so obsolete?
Imagination like a path beneath our feet
Only a formula when the ornaments decay
I've got a reputation of being a man with a gift of words
a romantic poetic type or so they say
but I find it hard to express the way I feel about you
without getting involved with the old cliches.
In the old cliches, it's the old cliches.
This song's begun so many times but never
in a way that you wont consider to be an old cliche.
I want to say that I need you, I miss you when you're away.
And how it seemed like fate - o here we go - the same old cliches.
It's the same old cliches.
It's not that I'm embarrassed or shy, well, you know me too well
but I want to make this song special in a way that you can tell.
That it's solely for you and nobody else
for my best friend, my lover, when I need help - cliche - cliche?
Everything I want to say to you is wrapped up in an old cliche
I'd waited so long to find you, I'd been through the heartbreak and pain,
but of course you already know that cos you've been throught the same.
That's why I'm trying to say with my deepest sincerity
that's why I'm finding it comes down to the basic simplicities
the best way is with an old cliche
it's simply the best way is with an old cliche
always the best way is with an old cliche
I'll leave it to the best way, it's an old cliche
I feel so good when I spend all my time with you
I feel so safe after all we’ve been going through
When I’m looking in your eyes
I can see that you want me too
So go on, I feel so good when I spend all my time with you
When the night is gonna get to you
We’re gonna scream my love, even dance forever
And I’m gonna be in your groove
I’m gonna dance with you until the night comes to an end
Hush hush, baby, don’t you know, we are not a cliche
Hush hush, baby, don’t you want us to sway the same way
Hush hush, baby, it’s been a wonderful day
And when the night comes near we gonna need a replay
Hush hush, baby, don’t you know, we are not a cliche?
I feel so good, is gonna move me so close to you
I feel so safe I could go all the way with you
When the night is gonna get to you
We’re gonna scream my love, even dance forever
And I’m gonna be in your groove
I’m gonna dance with you until the night comes to an end
Hush hush, baby, don’t you know, we are not a cliche
Hush hush, baby, don’t you want us to sway the same way
Hush hush, baby, it’s been a wonderful day
And when the night comes near we gonna need a replay
Hush hush, baby, don’t you know, we are not a cliche?
Hush hush
Hush hush
Hush hush
Hush hush, baby, don’t you know, we are not a cliche, cliche
Hush hush, baby, don’t you want us to sway the same way
Hush hush, baby, it’s been a wonderful day
And when the night comes near we gonna need a replay
it’s not what you say
it’s the way you say it
it’s not about the game
it’s the way you play it
you might think what I say
sounds a bit cliche
but in the end
in your mind you’ll replay it
should I be waiting
for the grass to be greener
on the other side
be sitting at home
twiddling my thumbs
when I can’t decide
do I run my show
or is it a compromise
is it my way
or the highway
when others think otherwise
I love surprises but
I never improvise
I think I’m grounded but
my strings aren’t really tied
the showbiz roller coaster
has taken me for a ride
the highs
the lows
this is why I stride
it’s not what you say
it’s the way you say it
it’s not about the game
it’s the way you play it
you might think what I say
sounds a bit cliche
but in the end
See Qwels way past math to drop techs on future prospects
Never got toys like Christmas in the projects
You rock sets is play this dude braggin' you aint famous
Tighter than vacuums and gets looser than faggots anus
Doper emcees none existent like RuPaul's clit is
Cant tell if your dick or pussy like topless infants
Couldn't spit sick 'ish kid lickin' your cold sores
And leave you scared to drop shit like school stalls with no doors
Wonder how this fucker whispers thunder sounds
Your fly like crippled Ostrich's I scare heads underground
And break it down like midget B-boys screamin' mathematics
When style switches faster than faggots rockin' their thongs backwards
Ask if I'll kill your career with one verse
You couldn't beat me to death if I let you jump first
He's a pussy on the low don't fuck with Philippine cuisine
Deeper than Mexican philosophy and Chevy submarines
What's he mean I think he means your whack beat
In fact I'm harder to catch than hailin' taxis with black peeps
Get in your ass so fast shit scabs when the cops come
Guilty as charged blowin' minds like Shanno[?] with shotguns
Hold nuts like padded rooms whack raps cant plead insanity
Just cause I stand over you don't mean you understand me
Man please I'm way to fucking dope to be this humble
And knock you out the frame like Christmas pictures with your drunk uncle
Like fuck Qwel and his whole team those irrelevant flows
I'm diggin' in the crates and these [?????] on telephone poles
Hope I might choke your as whack as you white jokes
The only cat to drop lines like Samoans on tight ropes
Motherfuckers can't even respond what can he say
Cause after the battle he's more like yo I ain't wanna win anyway
And Qwel ain't shit like I ain't lose he ain't even rappin' right
Damn right I'm an asshole you pussies ain't even half as tight
To and fro fluid flow you know I'm splittin' speakers
Try pressin' promos on boomerangs them shits is cheaper
[scratch] Punch Lines [scratch] Now'n days it's the ways of the underground
If I don't stay on the rest[?] tell me who the hell will
When it really comes down to it two kids
Before braggin' how big my dick was this Bic-smudged note pad
Was dad to whip his ass and change his whole fad
Now its proud to be the loudest so what you damage mics
Battle cats claim to be deep just cause they seen Titanic twice
You can and might say something worthwhile you'd rather be wild
Huge dick liar's I'd rather teach with freestyles
Entertainment got played quick no thanks bitch dick
Fuck my kids don't need your playground education content not sayin' shit
Master the art of momma jokes while flippin' used beats
Ill teach your kids about god they'll kill you when you sleep
Don't be role models be honest using loose leaf loosely
The same cats that's hatin' Puffy they be chasin' lucci
You wasn't preachin' beat before tellin' lies in the street
Keep it rough neck I'll flip subjects success mean getting sleep
Don't take it out on us cause the love wasn't there
Hip-Hop will show you love but the world doesn't care
About you big dick sick shit lunatic drug abuse kid
Feet, toes, hands, nose, don't preach what you don't know.
I fell so hard I broke my heart, but I never liked him anyway.
Good thing I'm here, or I'd be lonely, that is the question, don't be a clone, there is no selfless heroine,
and all I am doing is looking for closure, and if THAT was love, I never want it again.
* In a world of tranquility, where love does not exist, because hating is better than loving, because there's only half the risk.
Nobody cares about you as much as you do, you can't protect yourself so why do you try to?
Move on! To what, to where and how? You have to take it too far to get your point across.
I'm not afraid to make you cry, like everyone supposedly does, in there own special way.
I wish I could forget that he didn't care about me, on purpose.
* In a world of tranquility, where love does not exist, because hating is better than loving, because there's only half the risk.
He didn't want to deal with "my pain", well I didn't like it either. I'm not made of stone, nor as warm as I look.
Sure I couldn't walk or talk, but at least I let him sleep in my freezer,
And I look like a child, but no one will admit it, because pedophilia is disgusting.
The problem must be solved in the half hour given, or it will all be "to be continued"...
* I lie to you, because you lie to me, not directly, but perceptively.
Judgement is only an opinion, and I'll pick wrong anyway, pretty is simply nothing, but for beauty they will pay.
Resistance isn't futile, being the majority isn't fun. Are they difficult with you? Or are you the difficult one?
You can never tame me, or hear the things I refuse to say. Do you hate what you fear? Or do you fear what you hate?
The birds of burden didn't enslave me, because I don't believe in god,
I took the road that’s less traveled
Walked thru an unopened door
But something seems so familiar I swear that I think
I’ve been here before
Feels like I’m running in circles
Trying to find my own way
To tell you just how I feel without using the same old
Just stay here, just say here my love
Don’t run out on my dream
Just stay here, just stay here my love
You mean everything
I keep on swimming this ocean
Some things are hard to define
I’ll keep on climbing this mountain and hope that I’ll
find you on the other side
Just stay here, just say here my love
Don’t run out on my dream
Just stay here, just stay here my love
You mean everything
I feel just like I’ve been broken in two
Because part of me is you
I hope you find all the answers
I hope they lead you to me
I hope someday I can wake up and find out I’m not just
living a dream
Just stay here, just say here my love
Don’t run out on my dream
Just stay here, just stay here my love
You mean everything
I feel just like I’ve been broken in two