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Turkish Military Power 2015
Turkish Military Power 2014 HD
Turkish Army 2014 HD
TURKEY vs IRAN WWIII (Military Power Comparison) | 2015
Turkish Armed Forces 2014 | Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri | TSK Military Force | Türk ordusu savaşa hazır
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri | Turkish Armed Forces 2015
Turkish Armed Forces 2015 • Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri 2015
Turkish Air Force - Air Wolves - 2014 - NATO
Turkish Military Power Demonstration 2015 HD
Turkish Armed Forces vs Iranian Armed Forces - Comparison
Indian Armed Forces vs Turkish Armed Forces - Comparison
Turkey: Turkish Armed Forces deploy tanks on Syria border
Turkish Armed Forces PROMO HD
Turkish Military Power 2015 Turkish army in action-Turkish army -Turkish military-Türk komandoları-SAT Komandoları-SAS komandoları-Altay tankı-Türk silahlı kuvvetleri-Kara kuvvetleri-Hava kuvvetleri-Deniz kuvvetleri-Turkish land forces-Turkish air force-Turkish naval forces-Bordo bereliler-Great Turkish army-Turkish military power-turkish army training-Turkish armed forces-Maroon berets-Türk komandoları-Altay-T 129 atak-Tcg heybeliada-Milgem-Türk savunma sanayi-Roketsan -Anka Facebook: Twitter: Music: Daniel Lenz - Darkest Hour © 2014 Hacı Productions
Turkish Military 5th powerful army in the world. Extra Tags: Turkish army in action-Turkish army video-Turkish military-Türk komandoları-SAT Komandoları-SAS ...
Turkish Army 2014 5th Powerful Army in the world! Turkish army in action-Turkish army -Turkish military-Türk komandoları-SAT Komandoları-SAS komandoları-Altay tankı-Türk silahlı kuvvetleri-Kara kuvvetleri-Hava kuvvetleri-Deniz kuvvetleri-Turkish land forces-Turkish air force-Turkish naval forces-Bordo bereliler-Great Turkish army-Turkish military power-turkish army training-Turkish armed forces-Maroon berets-Türk komandoları-Altay-T 129 atak-Tcg heybeliada-Milgem 2014-Türk savunma sanayi-Roketsan 2014-Anka 2014-Hürkuş Facebook: Twitter: İnstagram: © 2014 Hacı Productions
VSB defense: ➞ Facebook -------------------------- Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), in 2010 the Turkish Armed Forces had an active strength of around 510,000 personnel. In addition, it was estimated that there were 378,700 reserve personnel and 152,200 paramilitary personnel (Turkish Gendarmerie and Turkish Coast Guard), giving a combined active and reserve strength of around 1,041,900 personnel.[25] In 2010, the defence budget amounted to 26 billion liras.[26] The Law on the Court of Accounts was supposed to initiate external ex-post audits of armed forces' expenditure and pave the way for audits of extra budgetary resources earmarked for the defence sector, including the Defence Industry Support Fund.[27] However, the Ministry of Defense has not provided the necessary information,[28] so the armed forces expenditure is not being properly checked. In 1998, Turkey announced a programme of modernisation worth US$160 billion over a twenty-year period in various projects including tanks, fighter jets, helicopters, submarines, warships and assault rifles.[29] Turkey is a Level 3 contributor to the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme.[30] The final goal of Turkey is to produce new-generation indigenous military equipment and to become increasingly self-sufficient in terms of military technologies. Havelsan of Turkey and Boeing of the United States are in the process of developing a next-generation, high-altitude ballistic missile defence shield. Turkey has chosen the Chinese defense firm CPMIEC to co-produce a $4 billion long-range air and missile system. The Islamic Republic of Iran Army (IRIA) The Islamic Republic of Iran Army (IRIA) is the ground forces of the Military of Islamic Republic of Iran. In Iran, it is also called Artesh, (ارتش) which is Persian for "army." In 2007, the regular Iranian Army was estimated to have 350,000 personnel (220,000 conscripts and 130,000 professionals) plus around 350,000 reservists for a total of 700,000 soldiers according to the CSIS. Conscripts serve for 21 months and have professional military training. Iran has two parallel land forces with some integration at the command level: the regular Artesh (Army), and the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, also known as the Sepaah. Music:DJ ASSASS1N - Frag Out [NCS Release] NCS ➞ SoundCloud ➞ Facebook ➞ Twitter ➞ Google+ ➞ Instagram: Follow DJ ASSASS1N [has now changed his alias to SoundStabs]:
Turkish airforce turkish army attack forces military TSK THK greek dogfight HAF armenian cyprus pkk NATO Turk hava kuvvetleri mehmetcik navy TuAF TURAF war a...
• Music: Hi-Finesse - Flux • Social network: YouTube Twitter Instagram VK VK Public "Military videos" • The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) (Turkish: Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (TSK)) are the military forces of the Republic of Turkey. They consist of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force. The Gendarmerie and the Coast Guard, both of which have law enforcement and military functions, operate as components of the internal security forces in peacetime, and are subordinate to the Ministry of Interior. In wartime, they are subordinate to the Army and Navy. The President of Turkey is the military's overall head. • Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (TSK), Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletini dıştan gelebilecek olan her türlü tehdide karşı savunma görevini üstlenmiş olan silahlı devlet kuvvetidir. Yaptırım gücünü, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası'ndan alır. Başkomutanı cumhurbaşkanı'dır. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri; Kara Kuvvetleri, Deniz Kuvvetleri ve Hava Kuvvetleri olmak üzere üç ana kuvvetten oluşur. Barış döneminde İçişleri Bakanlığına bağlı olarak görev yapan ve sefer durumunda Kara ve Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı bünyesine dahil olan Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik ise alt birimleridir. Toplam güç ve sayı bakımından dünyanın 8. NATO'nun 2. büyük ordusudur. • Ignore tags: Ukraine Ukrainian forces military conflict Donetsk Luhansk Republic Putin Obama Poroshenko Russia Russian Army Russian Military Power Strong Special Force Forced Air Airborne troops NAVY Marines helicopter MIG 29 SU T-70 T-72 T-90 Kalashnikov AK-74 AK47 SVD guns tank panzer truck submarine war warrior conflict fire BMP BMD VDV USA China Korea Germany Poland Ukraine Serbia France Canada Italy Spain Turkey Arabic Israel Украина Украинская Россия Российская Армия Вооружение Вооруженные Силы специального назначения спецназ гру вв внутренние войска группа захвата захват альфа омон собр воздушно-десантные войска ВДВ РВСН Морская пехота ЖДВ ДШБ Инженерные войска ГРАУ Ракетно-артиллеристские войска Танковый войска Военно-морской флот ВМФ Военно-воздушные силы ВВС МЧС полиция выставка морпех достижения техника технологии солдат солдаты будущего рядовой офицер воин полигон танковый биатлон Шойгу учения ТТХ АК-113 АК-74 Михаил Калашников СВД Снайперская винтовка Драгунова АН-12 Руслан Самолет Самолеты Вертолет Вертолеты МиГ 29 СУ конфликт БМП БМД танк танки подводная лодка корабль авианосец АПЛ палубник бомбардировка обстрел бомбардировщик тополь м ядерное оружие достижения атомное оружие огнестрельное оружие авто грузовики урал камаз Т-72 Т-90 выступления десант эсминец вторая мировая война великая отечественная война парад победы 9 мая марш военный песня лет 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 ВОВ ветераны НКВД СС Вермахт документальный фильм Выставка российской военной техники Нижний Тагил Москва
Turkish Air Force branch of the Turkish Armed Forces, the 2nd biggest army within the NATO. Air Wolves referring to the Turkic mythological / cultural Grey W...
Turkish Armed Forces vs Iranian Armed Forces - Comparison Made by co-owner Alkan. Non-Copyrighted Music by : Skape - Blast Off. Want me to compare more countries? Tell me which in the comments below, I will read them!
Indian Armed Forces vs Turkish Armed Forces video By HD Military Channel " HD Military " channel , provides a unique analytical display of data concerning today's world military powers. The user should note that nuclear capability is not taken into account as that would defeat the purpose of such comparisons. Instead , the " HD Military " channel ranking is based strictly on each nation's potential conventional war-making capabilites across land , sea and air . The final ranking also incorporates values related to resources , fınances and geography .
Video ID: 20140929-023 M/S M60A3 Tank with Turkish flag on it M/S Barrel of M60A3 tank and other tanks in a line M/S Side of M60A3 W/S Two M60A3 tanks W/S M/S Two M60A3 tanks M/S Back of an M60A3 tank M/S View from on top of the tank W/S M/S Two M60A3 tanks M/S Back of an M60A3 tank M/S Back of an M60A3 tank M/S View from on top of the tank W/S Tank on its own W/S Line of tanks on a hill W/S Hill in the distance SCRIPT Tanks belonging to the Turkish Armed Forces were seen near the Syrian border in the southeastern province of Şanlıurfa on Monday. Their presence is a response to attacks on Turkish territory by stray mortar shells coming from the conflict across the border with Syria. Eight mortar shells have fallen on the Turkish border town of Suruç over the past two days, triggering unease amongst residents. The presence of the tanks is to reassure the population, as well as to retaliate in the event of an incursion from groups across the border. Facebook: Twitter: LiveLeak: Google Plus: Instagram: YouTube: DailyMotion: Video on Demand:
Turkish Armed Forces the Power of FUTURE
VSB defense: ➞ Facebook -------------------------- Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), in 2010 the Turkish Armed Forces had an active strength of around 510,000 personnel. In addition, it was estimated that there were 378,700 reserve personnel and 152,200 paramilitary personnel (Turkish Gendarmerie and Turkish Coast Guard), giving a combined active and reserve strength of around 1,041,900 personnel. In 2010, the defence budget amounted to 26 billion liras. The Law on the Court of Accounts was supposed to initiate external ex-post audits of armed forces' expenditure and pave the way for audits of extra budgetary resources earmarked for the defence sector, including the Defence Industry Support Fund. However, the Ministry of Defense has not provided the necessary information, so the armed forces expenditure is not being properly checked. In 1998, Turkey announced a programme of modernisation worth US$160 billion over a twenty-year period in various projects including tanks, fighter jets, helicopters, submarines, warships and assault rifles. Turkey is a Level 3 contributor to the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme. The final goal of Turkey is to produce new-generation indigenous military equipment and to become increasingly self-sufficient in terms of military technologies. Havelsan of Turkey and Boeing of the United States are in the process of developing a next-generation, high-altitude ballistic missile defence shield. Turkey has chosen the Chinese defense firm CPMIEC to co-produce a $4 billion long-range air and missile system. Military of Greece Greece currently has universal compulsory military service for males, under which all men above 18 years of age serve for 9 months. Women may serve in the Greek military, but cannot be conscripted. According to NATO, in 2008, Greece spent 2.8 percent of G.D.P. on its military, or about €6.9 billion, or around $9.3 billion. Greece is the largest importer of conventional weapon in Europe and its military spending is the highest in the European Union (relative to G.D.P). Greece is an EU and NATO member country and participates in peacekeeping operations such as ISAF in Afghanistan, EUFOR in Bosnia and Chad, and KFOR in Kosovo. GREECE vs TURKEY Military Power Comparison | 2015 Turkish Army vs Greek army - Comparison TURKEY VS GREECE ARMY Greece vs turkey Turkish army vs Greek army
Turkish Armed Forces in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia and Lebanon.
TÜRK Silahli Kuvetleri [TSK]
The TAF, with a combined troop strength of 1,356,281 soldiers, is the second largest standing force in NATO. Isis We Are Coming! Budget $49 Billion Fit for Military service : 40,645,893 Türk Özel Kuvvetleri, Bordo Bereliler, Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığı, MAK, Muharebe Arama Kurtarma, SAT, Sualtı Taaruz Timleri, SAS, Sualtı Savunma Timleri, DAK, Doğal Afet Arama Kurtarma, Özel Harp Dairesi, Yeni Cekimler, Syria War, Türk Askeri, Turkish Army 2014
Turkish Special Forces Turk ozel kuvvetleri SAT SAS JOH POH MAK.
Kosovo New Army (Armed Forces) 2014 - Otokar Cobras Vehicles donated from Turkish Armed Forces , Thank You Turkey!!!
Yaşasın Pak Türk Dostluk * Pakistan Army: Pakistan and Turkey are joined together with deep and abiding bonds of friendship and brotherhood which have with...
A little part of Turkish Armed Forces is shown in this video. Please do not criticize without researching. Thank you for watching. ▻Bu video da Türk Silahlı...
Great helicopter for the Turkish Military. The TAI/AgustaWestland T129 is an attack helicopter based on the Agusta A129 Mangusta. The T129 was developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), with AgustaWestland as the primary partner. The helicopter is designed for hot and high environments. The ATAK programme was begun to meet the Turkish Armed Forces' requirements for an attack and tactical reconnaissance helicopter. The T129 is the result of the integration of Turkish developed high-tech avionics and weapon systems onto the combat proven AgustaWestland A129 airframe, with upgraded engines, transmission and rotor blades. It is in use by the Turkish Army, and is being offered to other air forces. Design and development[edit] The ATAK programme was begun to meet the Turkish Armed Forces' requirements for an attack and tactical reconnaissance helicopter.[3] Turkey announced on 30 March 2007 that it had decided to negotiate with AgustaWestland to co-develop and produce 51 (with 40 options) attack helicopters based on the Agusta A129 Mangusta.[4][5] Based on the AW129, the helicopter is to be assembled in Turkey by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) as the T-129. A contract was signed on 7 September 2007 worth $1.2 billion.[6][7] Turkey's attack helicopter project is named "ATAK".[8] On 22 June 2008, the agreement between TUSAS Aerospace Industries (TAI) and AgustaWestland formally entered into force. Under the agreement, TAI will develop an indigenous mission computer, avionics, weapons systems, self-protection suites and the helmet-mounting cuing systems. Tusaş Engine Industries (TEI) will manufacture the LHTEC CTS800-4N engines under licence. Under the agreement, Turkey has full marketing and intellectual property rights for the T-129 platform; Turkey can export or transfer of the platform to third countries, excluding Italy and the United Kingdom.[9] The T129 was optimized for hot and high conditions.[10] It has several key improvements over the original A129 inline with the requirements of the Turkish Army.[11] The T129 will carry 12 Roketsan-developed UMTAS anti-tank missiles (Turkish indigenous development similar to Hellfire II).[12] It will use the more powerful LHTEC T800 (CTS800-4) engine.[13] The T129 features a 20 mm gatling-style cannon in a nose turret. It can carry a combination of 70 mm rocket pods, Stinger air-air missile pods, and gun pods on its stub wing pylons.[14] On 16 July 2007, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Meteksan Savunma Sanayii AŞ and Bilkent University formed a consortium for the development of an advanced millimetre wave radar (MILDAR), similar to the Longbow and the IAI/ELTA radars. It is planned that the radar will enter service in mid-2009.[15][16] The MILDAR project was successfully completed in February 2012.[17] A media report indicates that one helicopter will be kept by the Turkish Ministry of Defense and used as a test-bed for systems development. The remaining 50 helicopters will be delivered to the Turkish Army. An optional 40 more T129 helicopters will be produced if necessary.[18] These 50 T129s are to be designated T129B.[19] On 28 September 2009, the T129's maiden flight took placed when P1 prototype flew at AgustaWestland's facilities in Vergiate, Italy.[20] In November 2010, Turkey ordered an additional nine T129 helicopters to increase its total ordered to 60.[21][22] These T129s are to meet an urgent operational requirement for the Turkish Army and will be built by TAI for delivery in 2012, one year before the start of delivery the previously ordered 51 helicopters.[6][23] These T129s are designated T129A, as they lack advanced anti-tank missiles. As a result of project delays, the T129As were to enter service in 2013.[19] Operational history[edit] Flight testing[edit] On the 19 March 2010, the first T129 prototype (P1) conducted high altitude hover tests near Verbania, Italy after having completed several successful test flights. During the hover test T129 P1 lost its tail rotor at 15,000 feet. Test pilot Cassioli regained enough control to steer away from residential area before crashing. The helicopter's crew escaped without serious injuries.[24][25] On 17 August 2011, Turkish Aerospace Industries announced the first successful flight of the T129 prototype "P6", that was produced at its facilities in Ankara, Turkey. The tested prototype was the first of three prototypes to be assembled in Turkey.[26] In 2013, several media resources claimed that the first batch of helicopters delivered to Turkish Army for trials did not meet Turkish Army requirements in "vibration, balance, weight", and did not fit the requirements of the contract. The T129 ATAK helicopter's front is heavier than its rear, so its nose facing down. To resolve this, 137 kg was added to the tail, which caused helicopter to exceed its weight requirement.
A Turkish court April 7 acquitted the last 62 military officers jailed over an alleged 2003 plot to ...
Big News Network 2015-04-14Turkish Armed Forces says it holds respect for law while following cases The Turkish General Staff ...
Big News Network 2015-04-14Turkish Armed Forces says it holds respect for law while following cases Saying it had been tasked ...
Big News Network 2015-04-14Turkish Armed Forces says it holds respect for law while following cases The head of Turkey's top ...
Big News Network 2015-04-14... in clashes with Turkish armed forces in eastern Turkey, the country's military said Saturday.
Big News Network 2015-04-12The clash between Turkish armed forces and members of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) was still ...
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-11Turkish armed forces stopped the group in Hatay province, which lies on the country’s 500-mile-long border with Syria.
The Guardian 2015-04-02... in the Hatay region of southern Turkey, Turkish armed forces said in a statement on its website.
Fox News 2015-04-02The Turkish armed forces fired artillery and mortar shells at PKK positions in the Daglica area of ...
Yahoo Daily News 2015-03-25 Five agreements regarding the Land-based Communication and Radar Electronic Warfare Systems ...
noodls 2015-03-24The Turkish Armed Forces has banned HBO's Game of Thrones from its military academies ... Turkish army.
The Daily Telegraph 2015-03-17... by the Union of Turkish Bar Associations and the Association of Retired Non-Commissioned Officers.
Press TV 2015-03-16Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates ... Polish Armed Forces ... Qatari Armed Forces ... Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).
PR Newswire 2015-03-13The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) (Turkish: Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri or TSK) are the military forces of the Republic of Turkey. They consist of the Army, the Navy (including naval aviation and naval infantry), and the Air Force. The Gendarmerie and the Coast Guard, both of which have law enforcement and military functions, operate as components of the internal security forces in peacetime, and are subordinate to the Ministry of Interior. In wartime, they are subordinate to the Army and Navy.
The current Chief of the General Staff is Gen. Necdet Özel. The Chief of the General Staff is the Commander of the Armed Forces. In wartime, he acts as the Commander in Chief on behalf of the President, who represents the Supreme Military Command of the TAF on behalf of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Commanding the Armed Forces and establishing the policies and programs related with the preparation for combat of personnel, intelligence, operations, organization, training and logistic services are the responsibilities of the General Staff. Furthermore, the General Staff coordinates the military relations of TAF with NATO member states and other friendly nations.
The armed forces of a country are its government-sponsored defense, fighting forces, and organizations. They exist to further the foreign and domestic policies of their governing body, and to defend that body and the nation it represents from external and internal aggressors. In some countries paramilitary forces are included in a nation's armed forces. Armed force is the use of armed forces to achieve political objectives.
The study of the use of armed forces is called military science. Broadly speaking, this involves considering offense and defense at three "levels": strategy, operational art, and tactics. All three levels study the application of the use of force in order to achieve a desired objective.
In most countries the basis of the armed forces is the military, divided into basic Armed services. However, armed forces can include other paramilitary structures. For example, according to the Lithuanian law on organisation of system of national defence and military service (version actual from November 11, 2004), the Lithuanian armed forces in case of war also include border guards, public police service, parts of Lithuanian Riflemen's Union and guerrillas.