Eni S.p.A. (BIT: ENI, NYSE: E) is an Italian multinational oil and gas company, present in 79 countries, and currently Italy's largest industrial company with a market capitalization of 87,7 billion euros (US$138 billion), as of July 24, 2008. The Italian government owns a 30.3% golden share in the company, 3.93% held through the state Treasury and 26.37% held through the Cassa depositi e prestiti. Another 2.29% of the shares are held by BNP Paribas group. Eni is classified by sales as "supermajor" together with BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Shell and Total S.A.
Despite initial postwar plans to break up Agip, administrator Enrico Mattei converted it to a state monopoly, renamed Eni. The name derives from the initials of the company's original full title Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi, but is no longer used as an acronym. It was also known as United Refineries at around this time on the odd occasion. The Italian Government authorized its establishment on February 10, 1953 in order to implement a national energy strategy based on the concentration of all the activities in the energy sector into one group. Eni was to supply energy to Italy and contribute to the country's industrial development.[citation needed]
Eni Koci - Tek Ty - Official Video
E.N.I. - Oči su ti ocean
Eni Koci - Motivi Im (Official Video)
Eni Koci ft Noizy "Je gjithçka "
E.N.I. - Traži se dečko
E.N.I. - Probudi me (1997)
empuk banget!! ENI (Lumajang) Laksmana Raja Dilaut - Konser Seleksi KDI 2015 Episode 19
E.N.I. - Prekrasan dan
Eni Koçi ft. Capital T - Diva
Eni Koci ft Staz My Papi (Official Video)
Eni Koci ft.Noizy -So Hot- Official Video
E.N.I. - Polaroid
E.N.I. - Ti si moja ruža
Eni Koci - Tek Ty - Official Video
E.N.I. - Oči su ti ocean
Eni Koci - Motivi Im (Official Video)
Eni Koci ft Noizy "Je gjithçka "
E.N.I. - Traži se dečko
E.N.I. - Probudi me (1997)
empuk banget!! ENI (Lumajang) Laksmana Raja Dilaut - Konser Seleksi KDI 2015 Episode 19
E.N.I. - Prekrasan dan
Eni Koçi ft. Capital T - Diva
Eni Koci ft Staz My Papi (Official Video)
Eni Koci ft.Noizy -So Hot- Official Video
E.N.I. - Polaroid
E.N.I. - Ti si moja ruža
Eni, Grillo in assemblea: "Eni ha dato vita a un sistema corruttivo" e la Marcegaglia lo riprende
ENI KOCI - LOVE ME ( Official Video HD )
ENI Lumajang "Seroja" - Gerbang KDI 2015 Episode 11
Latest Nollywood Movie 2015 - Eni Keta
Eni Pupić Marijan - Paris I Audicija I X Factor Adria 2015
Eni Bi Maami - Latest Nollywood Movie Drama 2015 Full [HD]
Beppe Grillo all'assemblea dei soci ENI
Takimi i pasdites - Eni Cobani rrefen per humbjen e babait! (21 maj 2015)