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Comedy Sketch made by SCTV Networks.
Yilnoma 2013 - "Amerika Manzaralari" dasturidan.
The Uzbeks (Oʻzbek, pl. Oʻzbeklar) are the largest Turkic ethnic group in Central Asia. They comprise the majority population of Uzbekistan, and large popula...
This video is about Uzbek Car Parade for the Independence of Uzbekistan.
Texasdagi o'zbeklar haqidagi turkum lavhalarimizni davom ettiramiz. Odil Ruzaliev bu safar Kollej Steyshn va Xyustondagi o'zbek oilalarida bo'ldi.
Yilnoma 2013 - "Amerika Manzaralari" dasturidan.
Buyuk ko'llar bo'yida joylashgan Chikago Illinois shtatidagi metropolis. Uch millionga yaqin aholisi bor. Yirik biznes va moliya markazi. Shuningdek, yetuk t...
This is the second time Kyrgyz people trying to exterminate Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan. For centuries before the creation of Kyrgyz State Uzbeks have been populati...
About Uzbek's In Afghanistan (Part3)
Thousands of ethnic Uzbeks are trying to escape southern Kyrgyzstan after clashes between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks killed dozens of people in the city of Osh. The U...
Yilnoma 2013 - "Amerika Manzaralari" ko'rsatuvidan...
Amerika - imkoniyatlar diyori. Iste'dod sohiblari bilim va mahoratlarini oshirish maqsadida bu yurtga oshiqadi. AQSh nafaqat ilm-fan, san'at va ilg'or texnol...
Must watch, Illustrated interview with Ambassador to Uzbekistan Mr. Craig Murray. Ex-British Ambassador about Uzbek Dictatorship; boiled alive prisoners, jai...
Nyu-York - dunyoning eng katta shaharlaridan biri. Sakkiz milliondan oshiq odam yashaydi. Uning Bruklin tumani 19-asr oxirlarigacha Amerikaning eng yirik sha...
Bashir Wafa _ Uzbeks Song.
BLATTER GOT WONDER OF UZBEKS' ACHIEVEMENT Russia, Moscow Tashkent, Uzbekistan FK-BUNYODKOR Kazakhstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Osh, Dusha...
Yaqinda "Amerika Ovozi" Pitsburgda bo'lib, u yerdagi o'zbeklar hayoti bilan tanishdi. Turkum lavhalarimizning to'rtinchi qismida Pitsburgda yashovchi Anvar Q...
Garvard universiteti Amerikadagi eng keksa oliygoh. 1636-yildan beri ochiq. Dunyoga tanilgan universitetlardan biri. Kirish oson emas, o'qish ham juda qimmat...
Что происходит с узбеками?
Restaurant Astoria, Xorazmliklar Philadelphia da (+++++) Xorazm Music
O'tgan dasturimizda Illinois shtatidagi azim shahar Chikago bo'ylab sayohat qilgan edik. Amerikaning yirik biznes va moliya markazi bo'lmish Chikago va uning...
Uzbek Life: Как узбеки празднуют в России - How Uzbeks celebrate in Russia Uzbek Facebook - Uzbek Twitter -
Huquq himoyachisi Mo'tabar Tojiboyeva bilan suhbat, Amerika Ovozi TV, Vashington Interview with Mutabar Tadjibayeva, Uzbek human rights activist, VOA Uzbek T...
Bugun sizni AQShga yaqinda ko'chib kelgan bir oila bilan tanishtirmoqchimiz. Ularni bu yerga Amerika orzusi yetaklamagan. Vatanni o'z xohishi bilan emas, maj...
Uzbekistan coach Mirdjalal Kasimov speaks before the final Group B match against Saudi Arabia. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google +:
Must watch, Illustrated interview with Ambassador to Uzbekistan Mr. Craig Murray. Ex-British Ambassador about Uzbek Dictatorship; boiled alive prisoners, jai...
Amerika O'zbekiston bilan oshkora, kelishib ishlamoqchi. AQShning Markaziy Osiyo bo'yicha bosh diplomati Robert Bleyk bilan suhbat, "Amerika Ovozi" TV US wan...
UZBEK FIGHTERS MMA Fight Boxing WBA WBC IBF NBA IBF Margilon Vodiy Fergana Uzbekistan Xorazm Khwarezm O'zbekiston Tashkent Russia Moscow USA France Toshkent ...
Life in Uzbekistan; Fear; Long term imprisonments; Dictatorship; etc... Uzbekistan tashkent human rights violation torture jail prison uzbek opposition bruta...
"Vatandosh" interview with Uzbekistan's Ambassador to US Ilhom Nematov.
Huquq himoyachisi Mo'tabar Tojiboyeva bilan suhbat, Amerika Ovozi, Vashington Interview with Mutabar Tadjibayeva, Uzbek human rights activist, VOA Uzbek TV, ...
Assistant Secretary Robert Blake talks with Navbahor Imamova, VOA Uzbek Service Current situation in southern Kyrgyzstan; Washington's call for investigation...
Assistant Secretary Robert Blake talks with Navbahor Imamova, VOA Uzbek Service Current situation in southern Kyrgyzstan; Washington's call for investigation... Interview with Uzbek human rights defender Mutabar Tadjibaeva at the Front Line Defenders 2011 Dublin Platform. Mutabar had origin...
Steve Swerdlow, Human Rights Watch Uzbekistan researcher, talks to Navbahor Imamova, VOA Uzbek, 3-30-12 Washington DC.
Sarah Kendzior, Al Jazeera writer, contributor, analyst on politics and digital media, talks to Navbahor Imamova of the Voice of America about t...
Rebiya Kadeer is the head of the World Uighur Congress. In the eyes of China, she is the leader of a separatist movement. In this interview with the Voice of...
Must watch, Illustrated interview with Ambassador to Uzbekistan Mr. Craig Murray. PLEASE SHARE! VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED Uzbekistan tashkent human rights v...
Following film was made by Uzbek officials, and periodically shown on all Uzbek TV stations. However, there was no independent investigation to Andijan upris...
Following film was made by Uzbek officials, and periodically shown on all Uzbek TV stations. However, there was no independent investigation to Andijan upris...
English, German & Turkish subtitles now available. People, this video is not anti-Uzbek propoganda. Kyrgyz' & Uzbeks are brother nations. I couldn't get the full version of Karimov's speech. This is what he is speaking of in the end: "Mundaychalik fajiyoga sabap bulgan - Qirg'iz xalqi EMAS, uetta yashoyatgan O'zbek xalqi ham EMAS." On June 16 - uploaded the video of a young Kyrgyz "mob" explaining about the Military's involvement in recent Osh clashes. Here is the original link: Please consider very important detail here; didn't even mention about the fact that this young boy was a hostage kidnapped by unknown people. The title of the provocative video was - "Раздача оружия бандитам" which means - DISTRIBUTION OF WEAPONS TO GANGS. The description was - "Один из нападавших рассказывает, как ему выдавали оружие" which means - ONE OF THE ATTACKERS TELLS ABOUT HOW HE GOT GUN. I have uploaded the copy of the up to date screenshot image: Kyrgyzstan Azattyk reporter, recently, traced this rescued young hostage in a local hospital and took an interview. This video is the evidence of cruel provocation. It looks like, just got OWNED! I have also added the video of Islam Karimov commenting about the conflict. "Mundaychalik fojiyoga sabap bulgan - Qirg'iz xalqi EMAS, uetta yashoyatgan O'zbek xalqi ham EMAS" Original link: To download original .flv file of the second interview: Great thanks to 1. Jetigen Online: 2. Osh Reality: 3. Cute Kyrgyz lady from Naryn for German translations. and I thank everyone who is contributing to PEACE and SOLIDARITY in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. ---------------------------------------- Jetigen Online: This 17 year old Kyrgyz teenager, Adilet was kidnapped from his neighborhood by a group of Uzbek mob. Beat up Adilet was forced to say what he was told to say under threat on this Youtube video which later was posted by Russian news outlet on its Youtube page claiming Adilet is one of the Kyrgyz mob participated in killings of Uzbeks. Adilet was traded on June 14 by Uzbek mob to one of their own. RFERL Kyrgyz branch Azattyk reporter traced Adilet and found him treated at Osh city hospital. "They took me to the Uzbek neighborhood and put a hand grenade in my mouth.Then, they told me to repeat what they were telling me on camera which I did. After that, they were planning to kill me but one of them threw an idea to trade me off. I still can't believe I'm alive." said Adilet to Azattyk. (See report ) As Azattyk reported, more than a dozen of victims (Uzbeks and Kyrgyz) of kidnappings were exchanged between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks with the help of Kyrgyzstan's Police and Military. It is one of the reflections on out of control situation in the Southern Kyrgyzstan with the level of foreign media involvement in the crisis. Here is Youtube page in Russian posted on June 16 : This case brings us to the point where we need to be extremely careful on looking at current crisis in Kyrgyzstan. It is quite known fact, Russian news agencies have been using unreliable sources in the past. It is one of the angles of news reporting from Kyrgyzstan that needs to be addressed by citizens of Kyrgyz Republic and the world media. At the moment when we need the truth and truth only, we have a wide range of information from different directions. As International community and the Interim Government of Kyrgyzstan have reacted to the violence in the affected cities, we urgently need to have an independent investigation to the cause of the erupted crisis. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- kyrgyz kirgiz kirghiz kirgis kyrgyzstan kirgisien uzbek ozbek provocation clash osh jalalabat celal abad abat jalal-abat jalal-abad dostuk dostlik tinchtik tinchlik mamleket mamlakat sen men biz islam islom karimov kerimov comment interview hostage captued kidnapped кыргызстан киргизия ош жалал-абад жалалабат джалал-абад киргизстон ислом каримов ислам кыргызы киргизы узбеки озбек провокация доказательство фергана ferghanaru ферганару фергана.ру
American product developer Dena Harris and Uzbek fashion designer Muhayo Aliyeva bring their ikat collection to NY Gift show, August 2014. US-based non-profit the Design Council paired Muhayo and Dena. In an interview with Voice of America's Uzbek service they tell their story.
Murray: CIA used Uzbek torture to create false intelligence; support for regime continues.
Link to uncut (full) version: This recent video emerged from a part of Syria that is under the control of al-Qaeda's "Islamic State in ...
In Central Asia, Pakistani tourists will be able to get acquainted with ancient monuments and go to the National Uzbek Opera.
Dawn 2015-04-06"Torture is systemic in the criminal justice system, millions of Uzbeks are forced to harvest cotton ...
The Guardian 2015-04-04... including Al Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban as well as foreign fighters such as Uzbeks and Uighurs.
Dawn 2015-04-04She had to learn not only Uzbek and Russian, but ... She became fluent in Uzbek in just three months.
noodls 2015-04-03Germany, in particular, has shown an astounding amount of understanding for the Uzbek regime.
Spiegel Online 2015-04-03S ... S ... Some screens feature the show's Uzbek co-anchor preparing in Prague, others have camera angles at the United Nations ... '".
Stars and Stripes 2015-04-03Some screens feature the show's Uzbek co-anchor preparing in Prague, others have camera angles at the United Nations.
Canberra Times 2015-04-02... 5-1 demolition of Uzbekistan on Tuesday, with an outrageous lob from just inside the Uzbek box.
Dawn 2015-04-02China respects the Uzbek people's choice and supports them to take a path that suits their own ...
noodls 2015-04-01VOA's Uzbek service contributed to this report.
Voa News 2015-04-01... straight ahead to Takashi Inui, who then attempted to break through the Uzbek defense at 54 minutes.
The Japan News 2015-04-01Uzbek strongman Islam Karimov cruised to a new five-year term on Monday after facing a minimal ...
Dawn 2015-03-31He was in the country Kyrgyzstan to investigate ethnic clashes between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz that occurred in 2010.
The Guardian 2015-03-31The Uzbeks (Oʻzbek, pl. Oʻzbeklar) are a major Turkic-speaking ethnic group in Central Asia. They comprise the majority population of Uzbekistan, and large populations can also be found in Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Pakistan, Mongolia and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. Smaller diaspora populations of Uzbeks from Central Asia, mainly from Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, are also found in Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, North America, and Western Europe.
The origin of the name Uzbek remains disputed. One view holds that it is eponymously named after Uzbeg Khan. Another states that the name means independent or the lord itself, from Oʻz (self) and Bek/Bey/Beg (from the Turkic root meaning a noble title). However there is another theory that the pronunciation of Uz comes from one of the Oghuz Turks variously known as Uz or Uguz united with the word Bey or Bek to form uguz-bey, meaning "leader of an oguz".
Although Turko-Mongol infiltration into Central Asia had started early, as late as the 13th century AD when Turkic and Mongol armies finally conquered the entire region, the majority of Central Asia's peoples were Iranic peoples such as Sogdians, Bactrians and, more ancient, the Saka–Massagetae tribes. It is generally believed that these ancient Indo-European-speaking peoples were linguistically assimilated by smaller but dominant Turkic-speaking groups while the sedentary population finally adopted the Persian language, the traditional lingua franca of the eastern Islamic lands. The language-shift from Middle Iranian to Turkic and New Persian was predominantly the result of an elite dominance process. This process was dramatically boosted during the Mongol conquest when millions were either killed or pushed further south to the Pamir region.
We have escaped narrowly, but still we breath
Shall we hide again in another place?
Or follow wise heart's words, maybe get
A piece of revenge! Until we would die…
Throwing its shadow on the rose
A lurking cloud of bitterness.
Thwarting the growing souls
Rising in our own consciousness.
We have now to take a pick
Even if regrets will strike our minds.
This emotion making me sick
It looks like the eyes of the blinds.
The outcome is always risky
But life isn't life itself a bet?
Counterweight of the glory
The only way to change a fate.
To raise one's hand is a deal,
To win or lose, the life or death,
That judge standing on a skulls hill
Does not always smile to boldness.
I want to put my soul into a sanctuary
To reach the ninth sphere and finally find peace…
Like a crystal ball,
my mind will soon break in thousands stars
It's time to make a stand
It's time to take our fate in hand!
White shroud of madness
Used as a shield quite foolishly.
Pay tribute to its frankness
And leave the way of heresy.
We have now to make a stand
And put our lives in the maelstrom.
We'll follow the path until the end
We'll be crying high "freedom!"
Risks, regrets and courage are parts of a choice
And now we have to ignore that old emotion
Which had grown for so many years
Into our own hearts.
It sneaks in the mind by the smallest resentment
Feeding the violence, compost of destruction
Immersing weaken hearts in a crimson torrent
To hear it, that's run to the worst decision. Hate!
Like a crystal ball,
my heart is crying so care it all
It's time to make a stand,
It's time to take our fate in hand!
Like a crystal ball,
my mind will soon break in thousands stars
It's time to make a stand
Oh welcome to the theater of pain,
Wasted land of delusion and blames
Welcome to the theater of pain
Where men souls burns into thousand flames
Sold my soul
Come dark clouds
Crushed on this dusty ground, now begins my history
My weapons drived into bones, I'll never feel sorry…
Ghosts of despair are dancing around, drinking on my enemies
Singing the lament of weakness and pain, I taste the wine of glory
Visions of desolation my mind falls into confusion
Obscure sensations are taking me away, in vain…
Oh welcome to the theater of pain,
Wasted land of delusion and blames
Welcome to the theater of pain
Where men souls burns into thousand flames
From my wound
Runs dark blood
Nightmare with opened eyes, that's what it seems to be
A never ending parade, a descent to agony
Creepy demons are taking my hand, drawing me in their machinery
Hells seems like a gloomy party where you can never be lonely…
Visions of desolation my mind falls into confusion
Obscure sensations are taking me away, in vain…
Oh welcome to the theater of pain,
Wasted land of delusion and blames
Welcome to the theater of pain
Where men souls burns into thousand flames
End of it all, dry lands, scattered scenery,
Eternal dark
Infinite tomb
Only stars instead of friends
We've got our magical gift and
Only stars instead of friends.
Our spacecraft will fathom deep space
Turning them into the guardians of our souls.
There's more harms to fight in the galaxy
That those tiny insects shining bright.
In this eternal dark, cold, and infinite tomb,
Making us like their light…immortals!
I'm tired of that endless race.
Of this nightmare, we were born and live as
This time you have had it criminals!
How fool you were to come here!
Let me introduce myself : I'm Maeror
A ghost sent to hunt you down.
Although you gave me hard time I…finally get you!
I feel a claw that wrings my heart,
As the soldiers raise up their weapons.
I feel a lump in my throat,
I can't believe it's the end!
But I see a flaw, in that circle,
Here! Just in front of me!
We've got a last chance so we must…Run!
We're alive my friends, but they just missed us
Thanks to our ship, now we're far from death.
I thought we could never leave this damn place,
But our tomb still stays empty.
True heroes can give their lives for peace,
All seemed easy when I was reading tales,
But when our time will begin to close at end,
Should we flow into the hell?
Hear…Feel…Touch my mind and see. Hear my call…
I open the only treasure we've saved.
Those symbols touching my mind, then, my ears.
I understand now, that our gift enable us to better convey
By touching someone's feelings. Now, I know, I know…
My friends it seems that our enemies fear our power
Relic of a lost art, tears from a sea of faith,
The power to build a new world!
Now we know our destiny,
We must spread our call for the life
For the mankind that damn us, we must fight, even die!
Now you know your destiny
You must transcend all that you see
A whisper of lost supremacy,knocking on the doors of the hopeless.
A fallen king,symbol of disgrace, looking like a pawn on a chess.
Wandering through that endless space, a circle of cosmic Chaos!
Looking for a place, so far away, for always lost in Cosmos...
And as the quietness prevailed,
Enshrouding darkness brought the Chaos.
A dreadful row tearing my ears,
A cascade of warning lights is burning in my eyes!
Oh!What are those lurking here and there!?
From nowhere weaving a web of death,
A famished swarm
A famished swarm, whirling in darkness.
And as the pressure filled up,
Began the final strike.
Spare my life,
Angel of war,
My time is not up.
Time seems to stop,as one by one,they disappear.
And as leaves of October, just leave the theatre.
A whisper of lost supremacy,an eternal quest of forgiveness.
A fallen king who never knew mercy, gathered remains of his consciousness.
Wandering through that endless space, a circle of cosmic Chaos!
A freezing wind is crying high again,
This cold path is another ice mountain.
We try again to cross Satan's lair,
How could the Lost Academy be there ?
But we keep on searching for,
We follow this cold path or
We'll never get our answers.
Well of my hope has gone dry,
I wanna reach the shy
Gates of the Lost Academy.
Oh crazy land of despair
Only snow and ice everywhere.
It gets our senses mad,
Throwing my mind in a void.
Nature is torturing us,
Even Hell can't be worse.
Oh!What I see,in front of me,
Could it be the Academy!
We urge the doors step by step
Enter the Holy place's depths.
But a skeleton falls on Ahelksis.
A scream of pure terror on his lips
How sad,those ruins aren't the Lost Academy,
But the last dwelling of some poor dead bodies.
As we exit,the wind starts afresh to blow.
Celedrian sees some footprints in the snow.
We set on our feet and follow them,
To find some monsters eating in their den.
They flie at Celedrian's throat blowing him outside.
We get our weapons ! Death walking by our side!
By the light,by the blade,the fire and steel,
Our bloody rage is blinding us so we kill.
And those monsters in the face of our fury,
Lost their lives one by one in a bloody sea.
Celedrian has been lucky,
In fact his wound is slightly.
So now we've got a rest in that cave,
I feel a strike on my mind like a wave.
Then nothing! I take a look around.
Hell! My friends are lying on the ground.
My blood runs cold as I look outside,
Is it true or is it my mind ?
Damn,the time has stopped to slip away!
Tearful I fall on my knees and pray,
A sweet hand is caressing my hair.
I open my eyes it was a nightmare!
We'd better find this Academy,
Or we'll surely not live elderly....
We take again the road through the blizzard,
This time it's against storm that we fight hard.
Dagger of ice falling from the sky
Only cold,emptiness and despair.
But we see a light going through the dark,
That's the Academy,we hit the mark!
A giant is guarding the golden gate,
Weird orb of azure,
Drawing our future,
Lying in the nothingness:
Our safety in this darkness.
A forgotten land,
Now is close at hand.
Sanctuary of answers please,
Reveal me your mysteries.
Sweet tear from the way of stars,
Veil of clouds instead of scarf,
Raise up the cloak of distress,
From our consciousness.
A shoulder bare of its cloud,
A breeze calling us so loud.
As beautiful as mysterious,
Spring of all hope, maid of cosmos.
Galaxy is like the deadly sea:
You can find horrors as you can find pearls.
Keep it up! Ride infinity,
And search for those wonders...
Land of all dreams,of our destiny,
Wearing galaxy's brow as a tiara.
Let's hope you live eternally,
Beloved Celestia.
Tongues of flames rising from the sky
Then clouds of steam promising our
Twilight - The end.
Have you ever seen chains embracing a feather?
We don't want an ashes-like kiss
Keep away from our promised land
Away - Forever.
Rapists of an innocent maid,reavers of worlds.
-We attend the end of our dreams
Please, save us!-
Islet of poetry,
Bastion of knowledge,
Jewel of magnificence,
In a case of violence.
Spared by the cancer,
Which burns the dreamer,
But in the face of their power,
You won't stand any longer.
To own too many secrets
Will cause trouble for yourself.
Beware of the sleeping sea:
It shows no mercy...
Islet of poetry
Sleeping sea ; no mercy
A shoulder bare of its cloud,
A breeze calling us so loud.
As beautiful as mysterious,
Spring of all hope, maid of cosmos.
Galaxy is like the deadly sea:
You can find horrors as you can find pearls.
Keep it up! Ride infinity,
And search for those wonders...
Land of all dreams,of our destiny,
Wearing galaxy's brow as a tiara.
Let's hope you live eternally,
Beloved Celestia.
Dark shroud is falling,
Covering your sunlight.
Make the mourning of your joy:
You still have to win a fight.
Knowledge act as light,
Comforting our hearts.
But it owns a gloomy vice:
It attracts always more flies.
Beauty's something so precious,
Eaten up by ambition
Lighthouse of dark desire,
Blamed to the pyre.
Galaxy is like the deadly sea:
You can find horrors as you can find pearls.
Keep it up! Ride infinity,
And search for those wonders...
Land of all dreams,of our destiny,
Wearing galaxy's brow as a tiara.
Let's hope you live eternally,