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IAEA In Focus
Nuclear 101: How IAEA Safeguards Work
IAEA Ball Vienna 2014
'Iran too big a fish to fry for Israel' - ex-IAEA chief Hans Blix
真実はどこに?―WHOとIAEA 放射能汚染を巡って
'IAEA has no authority over Israel's nuclear program'
How the IAEA has been monitoring Iran’s nuclear program
Fukushima Update: IAEA the Global Terrorists
'Iran nuclear talks expose IAEA as gang of thugs'
IAEA Staff Association Ball 2015
20150228 R/F #112「小出裕章ジャーナル」【IAEAとは?】
Former IAEA Inspector: Misleading Iran report proves nothing
From a football stadium in Europe to the mountains of South America, from a remote farm in Africa to a cancer hospital in Asia -- the work of the IAEA can be...
Lecture with Matthew Bunn, Professor of Practice; Co-Principal Investigator, Project on Managing the Atom From his course at the Harvard Kennedy School IGA 232: "Controlling the World's Most Dangerous Weapons" September 20, 2013
IAEA Ball 2014 IAEA Staff Association Ball 2014 in celebration of the IAEA'S 57th Anniversary.
The latest negotiations over Iran's nuclear program are entering their final days - the deadline set for November 24. Officials say there are many obstacles – but they also could yield an end to sanctions on Iran. How likely is that to happen? What forces influence the leaders in Tehran and Washington? And with America so worried of Iran having nuclear weapons – how big a threat are nuclear armaments in modern world? We talk to former IAEA Director General and UN Chief Weapons Inspector in Iraq Hans Blix on Sophie&Co.; RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
真実はどこに? - WHOとIAEA 放射能汚染を巡って -(原題:Controverses nucléaires) WHO世界保健機関と IAEA国際原子力機関が共同で開催した、2001年キエフ国際会議の模様を捉えた、とても貴重なドキュメンタリーです。 特に福島の原発事故以来、私たち も避けて通れなくなった内部...
The stakes are high, and the prospect of a nuclear deal with Iran has never been greater. But with the deadline fast approaching, can the international community hammer out an agreement with Tehran, or will the collapse of the talks lead to a nuclear confrontation? Oksana is joined by Olli Heinonen, the former Deputy Director of Safeguards at the International Atomic Energy Agency, to inspect these issues. Follow Worlds Apart on Twitter Like Apart on Facebook +1 Worlds Apart on Google+ RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
With the deadline for Iranian nuclear negotiations just days away, Iran’s deputy foreign minister has urged the U.S. and five other countries to find a common position to reach a deal. Yukiya Amano of the nuclear watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency joins Judy Woodruff to discuss their own investigation of Iran’s nuclear program.
RENSE RADIO SHOW 2-23-15 IAEA KILLING EARTH Jeff Rense interviews Yoichi Shimatsu and Dana Durnford on the situation of Fukushima, the Pacific Ocean, Tokyo 2020 summer olympics, etc. 29,400,000 Bq/m3 of Cs-134/137 from water on the roof of Reactor 2 / kept flowing to the Pacific for 4 years Here are the latest headlines from HEADLINES from FOX L.A.: “Dead sea lions litter Malibu beaches, families shocked… WARNING: Graphic Images” — Babies being eaten by birds — So many 911 calls about dying animals it’s “bogging down system” — “Scientists say this year is worst in history” — Tells us “major changes are going on out in the ocean” Nuclear Engineer: New video appears to show molten corium that melted out of Fukushima reactor — “Some of it is still oozing” — We’ve been talking about criticalities going on and causing continued heat for a long time now” “Bizarre, milky rain” falls for days by most contaminated nuclear site in U.S. Multiple Alarms Set Off at Fukushima Plant: New leak of highly radioactive material detected Epidemic causing mass die-off along California coast Japan Experts: Fukushima’s melted reactor cores “still active and releasing neutrons” many months after 3/11 ABC Tours Fukushima Plant: This could go on for centuries, and some say problems can never be fixed; “Tepco admits it doesn’t know extent of meltdowns” Professor: Fukushima workers told us about “all of the deaths” happening at nuclear plant Quake near Magnitude 7 hits off northeast Japan — Country’s strongest since 2013 Navy sailors suffer strange deformities after Fukushima exposure — “Testicles swell to size of tennis balls” after pants got so contaminated they set off radiation alarms “Alarming Numbers”: Over 15,000 baby sea lions may have died off California coast — “Marine biologists warn it could deplete an entire generation” Magazine: ‘Fukushima catastrophe changed the world’; Worst nuclear accident in history, like two Chernobyls; ‘Poisoned entire landscapes for centuries’ Doctor “removed 6 thyroids in recent months” from USS Reagan crew exposed to Fukushima fallout — “Over 500 sailors ill after mission in Japan” Japan TV: Failure at Fukushima — Cement not stopping highly contaminated nuclear waste from flowing out of reactor buildings FOX San Diego: Sardines, crayfish “disappeared from Pacific Ocean… they’ve just vanished” — Marine mammals starving, struggling to survive on West Coast — Strandings in past 5 weeks already exceed what’s normally seen for an entire year Gundersen: New data shows Fukushima exceeds Chernobyl… Plumes seen emanating from both the Unit 3 fuel pool & reactor TV: Shellfish disappearing along west coast, nobody knows why — Has become systemic crisis — Finding Pacific shellfish ‘next to impossible’ Japan Official: Fuel from Fukushima reactors is “melting down daily” — AP: No way of confirming melted fuel is at bottom of containment vessels Marine mammal strandings shatter records on West Coast — 10 times worse than they’ve ever seen before Cancer epidemic underway in Fukushima Japan & U.S. Gov’t Experts: West Coast hit by radioactive plumes from massive explosions at Fukushima Unit 1 & Unit 3 — Maps of L.A. and San Francisco covered in red clouds removed from latest paper CBS: Officials alarmed as several types of marine mammals begin washing up in California — “Now entire coast is being affected” —
Iran and the UN's nuclear watchdog are set to resume talks later on Friday - more than two months after the previous round failed. Tehran insists it only wan...
IAEA Staff Association Ball 2015
~第112回小出裕章ジャーナル~ IAEAとは?「ひとつは原子力発電を世界中に広めるということですし、もうひとつは広めながらも核兵器だけでは他の国に持たせてはいけないというその2つの目的を担うために設立されたのがIAEAです」 小出ジャーナル文字起こし全文はこちら ラジオ・フォーラム【公式】 ※聴取困難者用
広瀬隆氏講演会in福島郡山 「IAEAとICRP〜国際原子力マフィアによる被曝強制の歴史と福島県内の深刻な被曝の現実」 詳細はこちら http://www.ourplane...
Very enlightening, and upsetting show. The title really says it all, and I upload this with a heavy heart. The IAEA [Global Elites] need to be removed from power! A.S.A.P. ---note: if you are a shill or a troll, your comment will be deleted, and you will be banned. We have no time for your absurd arguments or insults. Go get your pay from the IAEA, and be gone with ya.
Robert Kelley: Latest IAEA report recycles old intelligence and is meant to bolster hard liners.
IAEA Staff Association Ball Photos: ©
The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan in March 2011 led to the release of radioactive elements into nearby coastal waters. The Japanese Government has been continually monitoring radioactivity in seawater and publishing the results. In an effort to verify the accuracy of these results, the Japanese authorities requested the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to undertake joint sampling missions with scientists from Japan. The IAEA team was led by the Director of the IAEA Environment Laboratories, David Osborn.
Ted Cruz Says, 'Those Who Hate Jews Hate Christians'. When Nations Reject Biblical Law, The End Is Near. Our God of Miracles.
IAEA Staff Association Ball Tanzschule: Elmayer - Thomas Schäfer-Elmayer Photos: ©
New revelations show that the US has tried to mislead the international atomic energy agency about Iran’s nuclear energy program through the provision of doctored evidence. The Bloomberg News has reported that CIA secretly gave the doctored blueprints for nuclear weapon components to Iran’s IAEA mission 15 years ago. The US spies sought to lead Iranian nuclear scientists astray by giving phony designs of atomic components to the country. The revelations could prompt the IAEA to reassess its findings regarding Iran’s alleged nuclear activities. The CIA plan was revealed in a court case involving a CIA operative who was convicted of leaking classified information about the agency’s anti-Iran operations. Iran has accused the IAEA of basing its case against Tehran on forged documents provided by foreign intelligence agencies. Live @ Twitter @ LiveLeak @ Facebook @ Google+ @ Instagram @
Iran's ambassador to Russia says his country would be ready to allow more inspections of one of its nuclear facilities, but only after a special protocol is ...
Read on UN nuclear watchdog IAEA has been closely cooperating with the world's spy agencies, including on Iran, for years, former head of the agency, Hans Blix, told RT. RT on Facebook: RT on Twitter:
Follow latest updates at and Japan has asked the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to help t...
Opening Ceremony of the IAEA Staff Association Ball 2014 in Hofburg Palace, Vienna. Chryso Makariou sings Meine Lippen, sie kussen so heiss from the Opera Giuditta by Frans Lehar.
IAEA: Consider Releasing Treated Water Into Ocean AND we KNOW for CERTAIN the filtration devices TEPCO are using are UNABLE to remove all the radioactive elements. By the way, where are they putting those filters they "remove" radioactive elements with? Hmm, maybe into the Japanese WIPP depository nobody will accept into their communities? Here is what was said: The International Atomic Energy Agency has advised Japan's government and the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to work out plans to treat radioactive wastewater from a long-term view. The UN agency suggested the plans would include discharging treated wastewater into the sea. An IAEA team of experts has ended 9 days of checking Japan's efforts to decommission the crippled plant. The team visited the site and interviewed officials of the government and the operator, TEPCO. At a news conference on Tuesday, team leader Juan Carlos Lentijo cited as future challenges accumulating wastewater at the plant and radioactive waste to be generated during the decommissioning process. Lentijo said the water contains radioactive tritium, which cannot be removed by filtering devices. He said more tanks will be needed to store such water but that there will be a shortage of space for them. He noted that the government and the operator should have a long-term view to carry out decommissioning work safely and without delay. He advised them to consider options including discharging filtered water into the sea. He also urged the Japanese side to come up with a plan to control a large amount of radioactive waste to be generated in the decommissioning process. The IAEA team is to publish its final report by the end of March. The government plans to reflect the report in future decommissioning and revising of a timetable for the work. I had a chat with a friend about Sheep today. I was reminded of the following clip that aired Dec. 31, 2011. The story of the sheep sheering in Australia amazed me. They can't find enough young sheep shearing people to do the job properly, so the sheep shearing "people" decided to inject some sort of "hair / fur loss" chemical cocktail into the sheep and wrap a tube sock mesh over the sheep until their wool fell off. Freaky. Anyway, here's the video where Alex Jones calls Fukushima the number one top story of the year in 2011. Really? So then what? Hot potato? Chris Busby explains the effect on birth decline in Japan, and what do you know... the same day the Japanese announced a declining birth rate. Anyway, I'm dredging up stuff from the past. Here's the link to the original upload Dec. 31, 2011 called Fukushima Voted #1 Top Story of 2011 & update 12/31/11 Looks like "important people" like to discount "important information." Now, let's take a quick peek at the propaganda the IAEA is putting out. Tepco making ‘significant progress’ in cleaning up Fukushima nuclear plant, says IAEA - See more at: and Fukushima Decommissioning Mission: A Report from the Team Leader Bananas vs. Fukushima vs. nuclear bomb testing Let's mix it up a bit, shall we? ☢ Fukushima ☢ West Coast Impact and that's how they get ya. Nuclear Watch: Fukushima IAEA: Consider releasing treated water into ocean 2/18/2014 DEAD RATS HALT FUKUSHIMA COOLING SYSTEM The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant briefly switched off a spen...
Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:3AM GMT 0 4 0 Oleksandra Molotkova, Press TV, Vienna Download | Embed The International Atomic Energy Agency's board of governors has kicked off a new round of talks in Vienna. I-A-E-A Director General Yukio Amano says he's hopeful about constructive cooperation with Iran's new government over the country's nuclear energy program. The Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency has kicked off a fresh round of talks in Vienna. The I-A-E-A Director General Yukio Amano says he's hopeful for a new constructive cooperation with Iran's new government over the country's nuclear issue.
Food safety is a global concern for public health and international trade. The IAEA works with over 70 countries world-wide to support the use of nuclear and isotopic techniques in their food control systems. Through its Food and Environmental Protection Section, which operates within the IAEA’s Joint Division with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, the Agency provides equipment, training and technical advice to its Member States in the food safety and environment fields. One country that works closely with the IAEA is Chile.
"Hans-Jörg and die Mädels" rap about the Vienna Program! Vienna, one of Europe's great imperial capitals, is our classroom. We study European society, politi... Visits to UN headquarters in New York City and the Palais des Nations in Geneva (also the location of the League of...
The United States National Security Agency reportedly bugged the United Nations' New York... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: The United States National Security Agency reportedly bugged the United Nations' New York Headquarters according to Germany's weekly news magazine Der Spiegel. In the article released on Sunday it said experts from the NSA cracked the U.N. video conferencing system in the summer of 2012. U.S. documents obtained by fugitive former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden state how the European Union and the United Nations Vienna-based watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency were also targeted. The report in Der Spiegel also told how the United States had a surveillance programme in 80 of its embassies and consulates around the world. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
Prices and Info: Property Location With a stay at Hotel Hillinger in Vienna (Donaustadt), you'll be close to Donau Zentrum and Danube Tower. This family-friendly hotel is within close proximity of United Nations Industrial Development Organization Headquarters and International Atomic Energy Agency.Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the 52 air-conditioned guestrooms. Private bathrooms with showers feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include safes and desks, and housekeeping is provided daily.Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities Take in the views from a rooftop terrace and make use of amenities such as complimentary wireless Internet access and concierge services. Additional amenities include gift shops/newsstands, wedding services, and tour/ticket assistance.Dining You can enjoy a meal at a restaurant serving the guests of Hotel Hillinger, or find a snack in a coffee shop/café. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at a bar/lounge.Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include express check-in, express check-out, and complimentary newspapers in the lobby. This hotel has 4 meeting rooms available for events. Details: Check-in: 3:00 PM Check-out: 12:00 PM
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson President Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (profile updated in 2007) The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson is the 18th President of Renss...
MaximsNewsNetwork: 24 September 2010 - UNTV: United Nations, New York -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday pinned the United Nations' "ineptitu...
Iran, powers get draft deal for approval by Friday VIENNA (Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief said on Wednesday he had given Iran and three world pow...
bentonite flow diagram in moscow russian federation More details: Get the price of machines:
The Flamingo initially lost money and Siegel died in a hail of gunfire in Beverly Hills, California in the summer of 1947. Additionally, local police and Cla... Invest in Iran By The talks between Iran and the six wor...
Nobel Laureate and Former US Energy Secretary Steven Chu addressed the OSA Congress of Light, Energy and Environment. This prestigious global scientific gathering was co-hosted by ANU Energy Change Institute The Light, Energy and the Environment Congress examines the frontiers in the development of optical technologies for energy production, transport, and use. It also examines the use of optical and photonic approaches to monitor energy usage and the effects energy production has on the environment. It is designed to bring together researchers, engineers, and managers and foster timely information exchange between several of the disciplines involved in energy production SOLAR ENERGY IN A SUSTAINABLE WORLD While virtually all the energy sources we use today including fossil energy, wind, fission, geothermal energy are ultimately derived from the sun, Prof Chu focused on the current status and future prospects of photovoltaic and solar thermal energy, as well as biofuels and the conversion sunlight/electricity to fuel. About the Speaker: Steven Chu is the William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Humanities and Sciences and Professor of Physics and Molecular & Cellular Physiology at Stanford University. His research program encompasses atomic physics, quantum electronics, energy and energy economics, and biophysics and biomedicine that tests fundamental theories in physics, the development of methods to laser cool and trap atoms, atom interferometry, and the study of polymers and biological systems at the single molecule level. For his work developing the theory of laser cooling of atoms, he was co-recipient the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997. From January 2009 until April 2013, Dr. Chu served as the 12th U.S. Secretary of Energy, being the first scientist to hold a cabinet position. During his tenure, he began several innovative clean energy initiatives and was personally tasked by President Obama to assist BP in stopping the Deepwater Horizon oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico and to assist the Government of Japan with the tsunami-damaged nuclear reactors at Fukushima-Daiichi. Before his cabinet appointment he was a professor of physics and molecular and cellular biology at the University of California, Berkeley; director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and, prior to that, the Theodore and Francis Geballe Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Stanford University. Dr. Chu began his career as a member of the technical staff at AT&T; Bell Laboratories, including serving as head of the Quantum Electronics Research Department. He earned both a BS in physics and an AB in mathematics from the University of Rochester and a PhD in physics from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Chu is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Academia Sinica. He holds 10 patents and has published more than 250 scientific and technical papers. In addition to the Nobel Prize, he has won dozens of awards, including the Science for Art Prize, the Herbert Broida Prize for Spectroscopy, the King Faisal International Prize for Science, the Arthur Schawlow Prize for Laser Science, and the William Meggers Award for Laser Spectroscopy, and holds 24 honorary degrees.
United Nations, New York, 20 March 2013 - Indonesia is one of 60 countries using irradiation to improve food safety. With the support of IAEA, this tropical ...
Iran to build 2nd nuclear power plant in Bushehr: president Iran plans to produce more electricity by building a second nuclear energy plant in the southern ...
The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health. It was established on 7 April 1948, with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. WHO is a member of the United Nations Development Group. Its predecessor, the Health Organization, was an agency of the League of Nations. The main responsibility was to help anybody in need of medical assistance. The constitution of the World Health Organization had been signed by all 69 countries of the United Nations by 22 July 1946, with the first meeting of the World Health Assembly finishing on 24 July 1948. It incorporated the Office International d'Hygiène Publique and the League of Nations Health Organization. Since its creation, it has played a leading role in the eradication of smallpox. Its current priorities include communicable diseases, in particular, HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis; the mitigation of the effects of non-communicable diseases; sexual and reproductive health, development, and aging; nutrition, food security and healthy eating; occupational health; substance abuse; and drive the development of reporting, publications, and networking. WHO is responsible for the World Health Report, a leading international publication on health, the worldwide World Health Survey, and World Health Day . This video targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Public domain image source in video
United Nations staff work and live in some of the toughest circumstances on earth. When cyclones hit, when wars break out, when people flee their homes, the ...
Vikram Gandhi went to Fukushima, where levels of radiation have been drastically downplayed by the Japanese government. This is his debrief from Season 2 Epi...
video uploaded from my mobile phone.
The Caribbean Sea is a sea of the Atlantic Ocean located in the tropics of the Western hemisphere. It is bounded by the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico and Centr...
Open Doors Global Petition is presented at the United Nations: 428856 people from over 70 countries urge the UN to vote YES to Religious Liberty and NO to t...
Der Spiegel is reporting that the NSA bugged the United Nations New York Headquarters and secretly monitored their video conferencing system... Note: Filling...
Then, as soon as the weekend was over, on Monday 9 September 2002, was issued by the IAEA the following: ... Gwozdecky@iaea.
The People's Voice 2015-04-19... which would grant the IAEA expanded access to both declared and undeclared nuclear facilities.
LA Daily News 2015-04-19International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would have "regular access to all Iran's nuclear ...
The Examiner 2015-04-19... Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Press TV 2015-04-19... Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Press TV 2015-04-18Fordo will maintain UF6 enriched reserves - under IAEA supervision ... on the verification of the IAEA."
The People's Voice 2015-04-18... Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Press TV 2015-04-18... Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Press TV 2015-04-18... Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Press TV 2015-04-18... Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Press TV 2015-04-18... Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Press TV 2015-04-18Foreign officials and IAEA monitors "shouldn’t be allowed at all to penetrate into the country's ...
The People's Voice 2015-04-18The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will be permitted the use of modern technologies and ...
noodls 2015-04-18The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous organization on 29 July 1957. Though established independently of the United Nations through its own international treaty, the IAEA Statute, the IAEA reports to both the UN General Assembly and Security Council.
The IAEA has its headquarters in Vienna, Austria. The IAEA has two "Regional Safeguards Offices" which are located in Toronto, Canada, and in Tokyo, Japan. The IAEA also has two liaison offices which are located in New York City, United States, and in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition, the IAEA has three laboratories located in Vienna and Seibersdorf, Austria, and in Monaco.
The IAEA serves as an intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology and nuclear power worldwide. The programs of the IAEA encourage the development of the peaceful applications of nuclear technology, provide international safeguards against misuse of nuclear technology and nuclear materials, and promote nuclear safety (including radiation protection) and nuclear security standards and their implementation.
Deep in the back of my mind is an unrealized sound
Every feeling I get from the street says it soon could be found
When I hear the cold lies of the pusher, I know it exists
It's confirmed in the eyes of the kids, emphasized with their fists
But the high has to rise from the low
Like volcanoes explode through the snow
The mosquito's sting brings a dream
But the poison's derange
The music must change
For we're chewing a bone
We soared like the sparrow hawk flied
Then we dropped like a stone
Like the tide and the waves
Growing slowly in range
Crushing mountains as old as the Earth
So the music must change
Sometimes at night, I wake up and my body's like ice
The sound of the running wild stallion, the noise of the mice
And I wondered if then I could hear into all of your dreams
I realize now it was really the sound of your screams
But death always leads into life
But the street fighter swallows the knife
Am I so crazy to feel that it's here prearranged?
The music must change
It's gets higher and higher
Smouldering like leaves in the 1
Then it bursts into fire
Its rhythm grows strong
It's so new and so strange
Like bells in the clouds, then again
The music must change
But is this song so different?
Am I doing it all again?
It may have been done before
But then music's an open door
Deep in the back of my is an unrealized sound
Every feeling I get from the street says it soon could be found
When I hear the cold lies of the pusher, I know it exists
It's confirmed in the eyes of the kids, emphasized with their fists
But the high has to rise from the low
Like volcanoes explode through the snow
The mosquito's sting brings a dream
But the poison's derange
The music must change
For we're chewing a bone
We soared like the sparrow hawk flied
Then we dropped like a stone
Like the tide and the waves
Growing slowly in range
Crushing mountains as old as the Earth
I danced with Linda
I danced with Jean
I danced with Cindy
Then I suddenly see
Mary-Anne with the shaky hands
What they've done to her man
Those shaky hands
Mary is so pretty
The prettiest in the land
Guys come from every city
Just to shake her shaky hands
Linda can cook
Jean reads books
Cindy can sew
But I'd rather know
Mary-Anne with the shaky hands
What they've done to her man
Those shaky hands
Mary-Anne with the shaky hands
What they've done to her man
Those shaky hands
Mary-Anne with the shaky hands
What they've done to her man
There's a scene
Indelible, it hangs before my eyes
In our teens, incredibly
Together with no ties.
That was a life enough for me
One life's enough for me.
Throw back your heard
Let yout body curve
Into the long grass of the bed
Pull me down into your hair
And I'll push and swerve
As we both gasp in the evening air
Yeah --
Throw back your head
Ley your body curve
into the long grass of the bed
Pull me down into your hair
And I'll push and swerve
Our love was ...
Our love was famine, frustration
We only acted out an imitation
Of what real love should have been
Then suddenly ...
Our love was flying
Our love was soaring
Our love was shining
Like a summer morning
Flying, soaring
Shining morning
Never leaving
Lying, dying
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Love love love long
Our love was flying
Our love was soaring
Our love was shining
Like a summer morning
Our love was famine, frustration
We only acted out an imitation
Of what real love should have been
And then suddenly ...
Our love was flying
Our love was soaring
Our love was shining
My coffee's cold, my paper's old,
My heart is sold to melancholia,
My clothes are torn, my shoes are worn,
My heart is born to melancholia.
A strange surprise, what I despise in other guys is here in me,
They lose their girl, they lose their world,
And then they cry for all to see,
I've never felt so bad, the fires drive me mad.
The sheets are gray, left since the day she went away, I lost all power,
The dust is thick, the dog is sick, the kids have picked most of the flowers.
The sun is shining, but not for me,
The sun is shining, but not for me.
I've never felt so bad, the fires drive me mad.
The sheets are gray, left since the day she went away, I lost all power,
You need a new song
I'll set the words up so they tear right at your soul
Don't take me too long
But there's a danger that I'll plagiarize something old
My fingers kill me as I play my guitar
'Cause I've been chewing down at my nails
My hairline ain't exactly superstar
But there's one thing that never fails
This never fails
I write the same old song with a few new lines
And everybody wants to cheer it
I write the same old song you heard a good few times
Admit you really want to hear it
Whenever I see you
You always treat me like I'm some kind of perfect man
Just 'cause I please you
You explain, but you don't think I can understand
My head is spinning as I scrawl with my pen
'Cause I've been pouring vodka in my soul
Nothing really ever changes my friend
New lamps for old
New lamps for old
We sing the same old song, just like a vintage car
You can look but you won't ever drive it
We drink the same old wine from a brand new jar
We get hung over, but we always survive it
Turn on the radio
Love is proclaimed
Again and again and again
Join in and sing
Now, don't be ashamed
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain
We hum the same old lines to a different crowd
And everybody wants to cheer it
We run on endless time to reach a higher cloud
But we never ever seem to get near it
Outside the house Mr. Simpson announced
that Sally couldn't go to the meeting.
He went on cleaning his blue Rolls Royce
and she ran inside weeping.
She got to her room and tears splashed the picture
of the new Messiah.
She picked up a book of her fathers life
and threw it on the fire!
She knew from the start
Deep down in her heart
That she and Tommy were worlds apart,
But her Mother said never mind your part...
Is to be what you'll be.
The theme of the sermon was come unto me,
Love will find a way,
So Sally decided to ignore her dad,
and sneak out anyway!
She spent all afternoon getting ready,
and decided she'd try to touch him,
Maybe he'd see that she was free
and talk to her this Sunday.
She knew from the start
Deep down in her heart
That she and Tommy were worlds apart,
But her Mother said never mind your part...
Is to be what you'll be.
She arrived at six and the place was swinging
to gospel music by nine.
Group after group appeared on the stage
and Sally just sat there crying.
She bit her nails looking pretty as a picture
right in the very front row
And then a DJ wearing a blazer with a badge
ran on and said 'here we go!'
The crowd went crazy
As Tommy hit the stage!
Little Sally got lost as the police bossed
The crowd back in a rage!
But soon the atmosphere was cooler
as Tommy gave a lesson.
Sally just had to let him know she loved him
and leapt up on the rostrum!
She ran cross stage to the spotlit figure
and touched him on the face
Tommy whirled around as a uniformed man,
threw her of the stage.
She knew from the start
Deep down in her heart
That she and Tommy were worlds apart,
But her Mother said never mind your part...
Is to be what you'll be.
Her cheek hit a chair and blood trickled down,
mingling with her tears,
Tommy carried on preaching
and his voice filled Sally's ear
She caught his eye she had to try
but couldn't see through the lights
Her face was gashed and the ambulance men
had to carry her out that night.
The crowd went crazy
As Tommy left the stage!
Little Sally was lost for the price of a touch
And a gash across her face! OOoooh.
Sixteen stitches put her right and her Dad said
'don't say I didn't warn yer'.
Sally got married to a rock musician
she met in California
Tommy always talks about the day
the disciples all went wild!
Sally still carries a scar on her cheek
to remind her of his smile.
She knew from the start
Deep down in her heart
That she and Tommy were worlds apart,
But her Mother said never mind your part...
Here by the sea and sand
Nothing ever goes as planned,
I just couldn't face going home
It was just a drag on my own.
They finally threw me out
My mother got drunk on stout,
My dad couldn't stand on two feet,
As he lectured about morality.
Now I guess the families complete,
With me hanging round on the street
Or here on the beach.
The girl I love
Is a perfect dresser,
Wears every fashion
Gets it to the tee.
Heavens above,
I got to match her
She knows just how
She wants her man to be
Leave it to me.
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked
Maybe a touch of seersucker with an open neck
I ride a G.S. scooter with my hair cut neat
I wear my wartime coat in the wind and sleet.
I see her dancing
Across the ballroom
UV light making starshine
Of her smile.
I am the face,
She has to know me,
I'm dressed up better than anyone
Within a mile.
So how come the other tickets look much better?
Without a penny to spend they dress to the letter.
How come the girls come on oh so cool
Yet when you meet 'em, every one's a fool?
Come sleep on the beach
Keep within my reach
I just want to die with you near
I'm feeling so high with you here.
I'm wet and I'm cold
But thank God I ain't old
I should have split home at fifteen
Why didn't I ever say what I mean?
There's a story that the grass is so green,
What did I see?
Where have I been?
The Redchins in their millions
Will overspill their borders
And chaos then will reign in our Rael
The country of my fathers
A proud land overloaded
Like a goldfish being swallowed by a whale
Rael the home of my religion
To me, the center of the earth
The Redchins in their millions
Will overspill their borders
And chaos then will reign in our Rael
My heritage is threatened
My roots are torn and cornered
And so to do my best I'll homeward sail
And so to do my best I'll homeward sail
Now captain, listen to my instructions
Return to this spot on Christmas day
Look toward the shore for my signal
And then you'll know if in Rael I'll stay
If a yellow flag is fluttering
Simply held against the morn
Then you'll know my courage is ended
And you'll send your boat ashore
But if a red flag is flying
Brazen, bold against the blue
Then you'll know that I am staying
And my yacht belongs to you
Now captain listen to my instructions
Return to this spot on Christmas day
Look toward the shore for my signal
And then you'll know if in Rael I'll stay
He's crazy if he thinks we're coming back again
He's crazy if he thinks we're coming back again
He's crazy if he thinks we're coming back again
He's crazy anyway
If a yellow flag is fluttering
Sickly held against the morn
Then you'll know my courage is ended
Out in the street
I'm talkin' 'bout slowly
I'm not gonna rest
Woman, you don't know me
Yeah, you don't know me, no
Know me, no
Know me, no
Yeah, but I'm a-gonna know you
Hey listen, woman
You just can't throw me
I won't stand it
If you don't know me
If you don't know me, no
Know me, no
Know me, no
Yeah, but I'm a-gonna know you
Listen to me
I'm telling you
You look at me, woman
Yeah, tell the truth
I know your mind
I can see that you're in need
I'll show you woman
Yeah, that you belong to me
You're gonna know me, no
Know me, no
Know me, no
Yeah, I'm a-gonna know you
Give me no reasons
Said you'd go free
It's not gonna be now
If you gotta know me
You're gonna know me now
Know me now
Know me now
One at a time
Always ready to fight over the little things
One at a time, she's
Always ready to fight over the little things.
She's going crazy and the table starts shakin',
She's been abusin' her body again
Her vision gets hazy and the bottles start breakin'
She's been seeing that man again.
If you want her, you can keep her
'Cos I can only handle one at a time,
You can take her.
I've got someone waitin' in line
And I'd like to
But I can only handle one at a time
One at a time.
I found out she's continually cheatin'
She insists, she so innocent.
So I stayed out at another late meeting
And she waited up for another arguement.
If you want her, you can keep her
'Cos I can only handle one at a time,
You can take her.
I've got someone waitin' in line
And I'd like to
But I can only handle one at a time
One at a time.
I'm moving on to something better,
There must be something better than this,
She's got me so confused
As to who's being used
Call her up right away
You've got her number
And I promise not to pick up the phone
You can pick her up in your clapped out Humber
I just hope it can get you home
If you want her, you can keep her
'Cos I can only handle one at a time,
You can take her.
I've got someone waitin' in line
And I'd like to
But I can only handle one at a time
She sang the best she'd ever sang
She couldn't ever sing any better
But Mister Davidson never rang
She knew he would forget her
She'd seen him there
And put herself to ransom
He had stared
He really was quite handsome
She had really looked her best
She couldn't ever look any better
But she knew she'd failed the test
She knew he would forget her
Triumphant was the way she felt
As she acknowledged the applause
Triumphant was the way she'd felt
When she saw him at the dressing room door
She was happier than she'd ever been
As he praised her for her grace
But his expression changed, she had seen
As he leant to kiss her face
It ended there
He claimed a late appoinment
She quickly turned
To hide her disappointment
She ripped her glittering gown
Couldn't face another show, no
Her deodorant had let her down
My life's in jeopardy
Murdered in cold blood is what I'm gonna be
I ain't been home since Friday night
And now my wife is coming after me
Give me police protection
Gonna buy a gun so
I can look after number one
Give me a bodyguard
A back belt Judo expert with a machine gun
Gonna buy a tank and an aeroplane
When she catches up with me
Won't be no time to explain
She thinks I've been with another woman
And that's enough to send her half insane
Gonna buy a fast car
Put on my lead boots
And take a long, long drive
I may end up spending all my money
But I'll still be alive
All I did was have a bit too much to drink
And I picked the wrong precinct
Got picked up by the law
And now I ain't got time to think
Gonna buy a tank and an aeroplane
When she catches up with me
Won't be no time to explain
She thinks I've been with another woman
And that's enough to send her half insane
Gonna buy a fast car
Put on my lead boots
And take a long, long drive
I may end up spending all my money
But I'll still be alive
And I'm oh so tired of running
Gonna lay down on the floor
I gotta rest some time so
I can get to run some more
She's comin'!
Henry Pond had no fun
Had a face like a currant bun
This adolescent little fella
Was nicknamed by his friends "Old Yella"
The doctors gave him creams and lotions
To try to sooth the boys emotions
But all in vain; the acne stayed
Henry's hopes began to fade
Then, when just about to crack
He found another cream - Medac
When Henry in the mirror peered
His pimples all had disappeared
Henry laughed and yelled "I got 'em!
You don't answer my call
With even a nod or a twitch
But you gaze at your own reflection!
You don't seem to see me
But I think you can see yourself.
How can the mirror affect you?
Can you hear me
Or do I surmise?
That you fear me can you feel my temper
Do you hear or fear or
Do I smash the mirror.
Do you hear of fear or
Once upon a time there lived an old miser man
By the name of Silas Stingy
He carried all his money in a little black box
Which was heavy as a rock
With a big padlock
All the little kids would shout
When Silas was about
Money, money, money bags
Money, money, money bags
There goes mingy Stingy
There goes mingy Stingy
Money, money, money bags
Money, money, money bags
There goes mingy Stingy
There goes mingy Stingy
Silas didn't eat, which was just as well
He would starve himself for a penny
He wore old clothes and he never washed
'Cause soap cost a lot
And the dirt kept him hot
All the little kids would shout
When Silas was about
In the back of his head
Was a voice that said
"Someone will steal it all
You'll be lying in the gutter with an empty box
The thieves will be having a ball"
He bought a safe to put the box in
And a house to put the safe in
And a watchdog on a chain to make quite sure
And his face was very funny
When he counted up his money
I overwhelm as I approach you
Make your lungs hold breath inside!
Lovers break caresses for me
Love enhanced when I've gone by.
You'll feel me coming,
A new vibration
From afar you'll see me
I'm a sensation.
They worship me and all I touch
Hazy eyed they catch my glance,
Pleasant shudders shake their senses
My warm momentum throws their stance.
You'll feel me coming
A new vibration
From afar you'll see me
I'm a sensation.
I leave a trail of rooted people
Mesmerised by just the sight,
The few I touch are now disciples
Love as One I Am the Light...
Soon you'll see me can't you feel me
I'm coming...
Send your troubles dancing he knows the answer
I'm coming...
Some way, some day, I'll find a way
To make you see my way
Even if you don't think like I do
You know that it's true
It's your mind that I seek
Tried so hard to make me think my point of view was bad
Although at times when you kept on I thought that I was mad
I'm glad it's goodbye
You don't have to ask why
Come back another day
Come back when you see my way
You see my way
Tried so hard to make me think my point of view was bad
Although at times when you kept on I thought that I was mad
Some way, some day, I'll find a way
To make you see my way
I'm glad it's goodbye
You don't have to ask why
Come back another day
Come back when you see my way
You see my way
Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Well baby, better take my advice
A black cat crossed your path twice
The moon came out next to the 1
Then you opened your umbrella in a room
You better run, run, run
Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Well you ain't the luckiest girl I know
And you won't get luckier the way you're going
Your horseshoe's rusty and your mirror's cracked
You walk under ladders then you walk right back
When you dropped that little pin
Never thought what a mess it'd get you in
Little pin, little pin, bring me luck
Because I stopped to pick you up
Well now, little girl, I'm helping you
I hope you believe what I say is true
Whenever you run, I'll be running too
Whenever you run, I'll be following you
Relax and settle down
Let your mind go 'round
Lay down on the ground
And listen to the sound
Of the band
Hold my hand
Open up your mind
We'll love right where we lie
I'll know you from inside
You're like a horse I'll ride
O'er the sand
Through the land
Relax and let your mind roll on
Over all your problems
Relax and let your mind roll on
Over all your problems
We try harder and harder, tryin' to get our way
But it's a long, long wait until Judgement Day
So settle your affairs and take your time
'Cause everything in the world is yours and mine
Yours and mine
Relax and settle down
Let your mind go 'round
Lay down on the ground
And listen to the sound
Of the band
Hold my hand
Please, please, please, please me (You don't have to go)
Baby please, baby please, please me (You don't have to go)
Baby please, baby please don't go (You don't have to go)
Don't go, I said baby, don't baby
I love you so (You don't have to go)
Baby, you know you broke my heart when you went away (You don't have to go)
I said, I said, I said I'll see you some other day (You don't have to go)
I said, baby, baby, please, don't go (You don't have to go)
Don't go, no baby, no baby
I love you so (You don't have to go)
Take this pain from my heart
Baby, let me take you by the hand (You don't have to go)
Baby, baby let me, let me be your lover man (You don't have to go)
Baby please, baby please don't go (You don't have to go)
Don't go, I said baby, don't baby
I love you so (You don't have to go)
Please, please, please, please me (You don't have to go)
Baby please, baby please, please me (You don't have to go)
Baby please, baby please don't go (You don't have to go)
Don't go, I said baby, don't baby
I love you so (You don't have to go)
I used to wake up in the morning
I used to feel so bad
I got so sick of having sleepless nights
I went and told my dad
He said, "Son now here's some little something"
And stuck them on my wall
And now my nights ain't quite so lonely
In fact I, I don't feel bad at all
Pictures of Lily made my life so wonderful
Pictures of Lily helped me sleep at night
Pitcures of Lily solved my childhood problems
Pictures of Lily helped me feel alright
Pictures of Lily
Lily, oh Lily
Lily, oh Lily
Pictures of Lily
And then one day things weren't quite so fine
I fell in love with Lily
I asked my dad where Lily I could find
He said, "Son, now don't be silly"
"She's been dead since 1929"
Oh, how I cried that night
If only I'd been born in Lily's time
It would have been alright
Pictures of Lily made my life so wonderful
Pictures of Lily helped me sleep at night
For me and Lily are together in my dreams
And I ask you, "Hey mister, have you ever seen"
Goodnight baby,
Someone's a-comin', someone's a-comin',
Goodnight baby,
Gotta get a-runnin', gotta get a-runnin'.
Your father doesn't like me,
Told you that you couldn't see me any more,
That's why we meet in secret,
That's why we're hiding here.
Goodnight baby,
Same time tomorrow, same time tomorrow,
Goodnight baby,
See you here tomorrow, see you here tomorrow.
Your mother made you stay in,
When she saw you going out with me,
You'll say you'll take the dog out,
Then you sneak out here to me.
If your parents find you here,
You're gonna get a hiding, gonna get a hiding,
So I'll vanish, disappear,
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
So sad about us
So sad about us
Sad that the news is out now
Sad, suppose we can't turn back now
Sad about us
So bad about us
So bad about us
Bad - never meant to break up
Bad - suppose we'll never make up
Bad about us
Apologies mean nothing
When the damage is done
But I can't switch off my loving
Like you can't switch off the sun
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la
So sad about us
So sad about us
Sad - never meant to break up
Sad - suppose we'll never make up
You take away the breath I was keeping for sunrise
You appear and the morning looks drab in my eyes
And then again I'll turn down love
Having seen you again
Once more you'll disappear
My morning put to shame
You take away the breath I was keeping for sunrise
You appear and the morning looks drab in my eyes
And then again I'll turn down love
Having seen you again
Once more you'll disappear
My morning put to shame
Sometimes I fear that this will go on my life through
Each day I spend in an echoed vision of you
And then again I'll turn down love
Remembering your smile
My every day is spent
Thinking of you all the while
The times I've let myself down
My head's spinning 'round
My eyes see only you
The chances I've lost
Opportunities tossed
Away and into the blue
You take away the breath I was keeping for sunrise
You appear and the morning looks drab in my eyes
And then again I'll turn down love
Having seen you again
Then again you'll disappear
Me and my brother were talking to each other
'Bout what makes a man a man
Was it brain or brawn, or the month you were born
We just couldn't understand
Our old man didn't like our appearance
He said that only women wear long hair
So me and my brother borrowed money from Mother
We knew what we had to do
We went downstairs, past the barber and gymnasium
And got our arms tattooed
Welcome to my life, tattoo
I'm a man now, thanks to you
I expect I'll regret you
But the skin graft man won't get you
You'l be there when I die
My dad beat me 'cause mine said "Mother"
But my mother naturally liked it and beat my brother
'Cause his tattoo was of a lady in the nude
And my mother thought that was extremely rude
Welcome to my life, tattoo
We've a long time together, me and you
I expect I'll regret you
But the skin graft man won't get you
You'll be there when I die
Now I'm older, I'm tattooed all over
My wife is tattooed too
A rooty-toot-toot, rooty-tooty-toot-toot
Rooty-toot-toot tattoo too
Friday night, I'm on my way home
They oughta make work a crime
I'm home for the weekend
I'm gonna make the most of my time
There's a rock and roll singer on the television
Giving up his music, gonna take up religion
Deserted rock and roll
To try to save his soul
Saturday night, gotta gig with the band
Playing the electric guitar
Someday I'm gonna make it
Gonna be a super-duper-star
Get a flashy car
And a house for my Ma
The big break better happen soon
'Cause I'm pushing twenty-one
Just like Cinderella
When she couldn't go to the ball
A voice said, "I'm your fairy manager
You shall play the Carnegie Hall"
I gotta give up my day job
To become a heartthrob
I may go far if I smash my guitar
Away for the weekend
I've gotta play some one-night stands
Six for the tax man, and one for the band
Back in the studio to make our latest number one
Take two-hundred-and-seventy-six
You know, this used to be fun
Monday morning, I just got home
Six and the birds are singing
I need a drink and my clothes are wet
Ooh, and my ears are still ringing
There's a rock and roll singer boppin' on the TV
He used to be a preacher, but now he sings in a major key
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ...
I've got my clipboard, text books
Lead me to the station
Yeah, I'm off to the civil war
I've got my kit bag, my heavy boots
I'm runnin' in the rain
Gonna run till my feet are raw
Slip kid, slip kid, second generation
And I'm a soldier at thirteen
Slip kid, slip kid, realization
There's no easy way to be free
No easy way to be free
It's a hard, hard world
I left my doctor's prescription bungalow behind me
I left the door ajar
I left my vacuum flask
Full of hot tea and sugar
Left the keys right in my car
Slip kid, slip kid, second generation
Only half way up the tree
Slip kid, slip kid, I'm a relation
I'm a soldier at sixty-three
No easy way to be free
Slip kid, slip kid
Keep away old man, you won't fool me
You and your history won't rule me
You might have been a fighter, but admit you failed
I'm not affected by your blackmail
You won't blackmail me
I've got my clipboard, text books
Lead me to the station
Yeah, I'm off to the civil war
I've got my kit bag, my heavy boots
I'm runnin' in the rain
Gonna run till my feet are raw
Slip kid, slip kid, slip out of trouble
Slip over here and set me free
Slip kid, slip kid, second generation
You're slidin down the hill like me
No easy way to be free
No easy way to be free
Mama's got a squeeze box
She wears on her chest
And when Daddy comes home
He never gets no rest
'Cause she's playing all night
And the music's all right
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
Well the kids don't eat
And the dog can't sleep
There's no escape from the music
In the whole damn street
'Cause she's playing all night
And the music's all right
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
She goes in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out
She's playing all night
And the music's all tight
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
She goes, squeeze me, come on and squeeze me
Come on and tease me like you do
I'm so in love with you
Mama's got a squeeze box
Daddy never sleeps at night
She goes in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out
'Cause she's playing all night
And the music's all right
Mama's got a squeeze box
You think we look pretty good together
You think my shoes are made of leather
But I'm a substitute for another guy
I look pretty tall but my heels are high
The simple things you see are all complicated
I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated, yeah
Substitute your lies for fact
I can see right through your plastic mac
I look all white, but my dad was black
My fine looking suit is really made out of sack
I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth
The north side of my town faced east, and the east was facing south
And now you dare to look me in the eye
Those crocodile tears are what you cry
It's a genuine problem, you won't try
To work it out at all you just pass it by, pass it by
Substitute me for him
Substitute my coke for gin
Substitute you for my mum
At least I'll get my washing done
I'm a substitute for another guy
I look pretty tall but my heels are high
The simple things you see are all complicated
I look pretty young, but I'm just back-dated, yeah
I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth
The north side of my town faced east, and the east was facing south
And now you dare to look me in the eye
Those crocodile tears are what you cry
It's a genuine problem, you won't try
To work it out at all you just pass it by, pass it by
Substitute me for him
Substitute my coke for gin
Substitute you for my mum
At least I'll get my washing done
Substitute your lies for fact
I can see right through your plastic mac
I look all white, but my dad was black
I know when I've had enough
When I think your love is rough
The good's gone
The good's gone
The good's gone
The good's gone
The good's gone out of our love
I know it's wrong
We should enjoy it, but
The good's gone
The good's gone
Once we used to get along
Now, each time we kiss, it's wrong
Now it ain't no fun
And the good's gone now
We used to love as one
But we have forgotten now
I know when I've had enough
When I think your love is rough
I am a man who looks after the pigs
Usually I get along okay.
I am man who reveals all he digs,
Should be more careful what I say.
I'm getting put down,
I'm getting pushed round,
I'm being beaten every day.
My life's fading,
But things are changing,
I'm not gonna sit and weep again.
I am man who drives a local bus
I take miners to work, but the pits all closed today.
It's easy to see that you are one of us.
Ain't it funny how we all seem to look the same?
We're getting put down
My karma tells me
You've been screwed again.
If you let them do it to you
You've got yourself to blame.
It's you who feels the pain
It's you that feels ashamed.
I am a young man
I ain't done very much,
You men should remember how you used to fight.
Just like a child, I've been seeing only dreams,
I'm all mixed up but I know what's right.
As I walked through that hospital door
I was sewn up like a coat
I got a smile from the bite of the wind
Watched the fresh fall of snow
I knew then that my life took a turn
I felt strong and secure
And with adhesive tape over my nose
I felt almost demure
Goodbye Sister Disco
With your flashing trash lamps
Goodbye Sister Disco
And to your clubs and your tramps
Goodbye Sister Disco
My dancing's left you behind
Goodbye, now you're solo
Black plastic; deaf, dumb and blind
Bye, goodbye Sister Disco, Now I go
I go where the music where the music fits my soul
And I, I will never let go, I'll never let go
'Til the echo of the street fight has dissolved
I will choose nightmares and cold stormy seas
I will take over your grief and disease
I'll stay beside you and comfort your soul
When you are lonely and broken and old
Now I walk with a man in my face
Ooh, a woman in my hair
I've got you all lookin' out though my eyes
My feet are a prayer
Goodbye Sister Disco
With your flashing trash lamps
Goodbye Sister Disco
And to your clubs and your tramps
Goodbye Sister Disco
My dancing's left you behind
Goodbye, now you're solo
Grace space race.
Everything they've seen you have seen,
Everywhere they've been you have been,
Everything they've done you have been and done already.
Every lovely spot near or far,
You can reach them too in your car,
Or you might be there now if you own a jag already.
The radio blasting, the girls are glancing,
The ?? dancing with gleaming eyes.
Grace space race.
Grace space race.
You - you're wasting my time
We're making music we're doing fine
Then a slap in the face takes me back to the starting line
You - your wasting my life
You can't lose what you've already lost
Your arms are open but your legs are crossed
Save me - save me
I'm going down for the third time
Save me - save me
Somebody throw me my next line
Too hot for me to handle
So cold I'm getting nowhere
Pinch me to see if I'm sleeping
Maybe it's only a nightmare
You - why did it have to be you?
Of all those girls I had to choose
You win and I lose
You - you with the poisonous eyes
One look and I'm hooked
One touch and my goose is cooked
Save me - save me
I'm going down for the third time
Save me - save me
Somebody throw me a life line
Too late to change partners
Too late you've got no chance
Too late to change partners
Too late to say I don't dance
You - there's a name for girls like you
You lead me on like a lamb to the slaughter
Then you act like a fish out of water
You - there's a name for girls like you
You've coming on like a steam train
Then you blow me away just like a hurricane
Save me - save me
I'm going down for the last time
Save me - save me
Somebody throw me a lifeline
Save me I'm falling
From the top of the page to the next line
Save me I'm burning
From tips of my toes to my hairline
Too hot for me to handle
So cold I'm getting nowhere
Pinch me to see if I'm sleeping
The streets of the future littered with remains
Of both the fools and the so called brains
The whole prediction is enough to kill
But only God knows if it won't or it will
Nobody knows why we fell so flat
Some silly creature said we'd never crack
Most would just survive and then bounce back
But the rest are crying "Why'd I fall for that crap"
Why did I fall for that?
So many rash promises sincerly made
By people who believed that we were being saved
They made us all believe that we were acting white
But the truth is we've forgotten how we used to fight
Nobody knows why we fell so flat
We're impotent and neutered like whining cats
We've found the piper but we've lost the rats
But the kids are crying "Why'd I fall for that dad?"
Why did you fall?
It never rains under my umbrella
Four minutes to midnight on a sunny day
Maybe if we smile the clock'll fade away
Maybe we can force the hands to just reverse
Maybe a word, maybe maybe is a curse
Nobody knows why we fell so flat
We've never been taught to fight or to face up to facts
We simply believe that we'd remain intact
But history is asking why did you fall for that
Why did you fall?
Why did I fall for that
Why did I fall for that
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
I woke up in a Soho doorway
A policeman knew my name
He said "You can go sleep at home tonight
If you can get up and walk away"
I staggered back to the underground
And the breeze blew back my hair
I remember throwin' punches around
And preachin' from my chair
Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
'Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I took the tube back out of town
Back to the Rollin' Pin
I felt a little like a dying clown
With a streak of Rin Tin Tin
I stretched back and I hiccupped
And looked back on my busy day
Eleven hours in the Tin Pan
God, there's got to be another way
Who are you?
Ooh wa ooh wa ooh wa ooh wa ...
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
I know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still recieve your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
Whiskey Man's my friend, he's with me nearly all the time
He always joins me when I drink, and we get on just fine
Nobody has ever seen him, I'm the only one
Seemingly I must be mad, Insanity is fun
If that's the way it's done
Doctors say he just a figment of my twisted mind
If they can't see my Whiskey Man they must be going blind
Two men dressed in white collected me two days ago
They said there's only room for one and Whiskey Man can't go
Whiskey Man will waste away if he's left on his own
I can't even ring him 'cause he isn't on the phone
Hasn't got a home
Life is very gloomy in my little padded cell
It's a shame there wasn't room for Whiskey Man as well
Whiskey Man's my friend, he's with me nearly all the time
He always joins me when I drink, and we get on just fine
Come to my house
Be one of the comfortable people.
Come to this house
We're drinking all night
Never sleeping.
Milkman come in!
And you baker,
Little old lady welcome
And you shoe maker
Come to this house!
Into this house.
Come to this house
Be one of us.
Make this your house
Be one of us.
You can help
To collect some more in
Young and old people
Lets get them all in!
Come to this house!
Into this house.
Ask along that man who's wearing a carnation.
Bring every single person
from Victoria Station,
Go into that hospital
and bring nurses and patients,
Everybody go home and fetch their relations!
Come to this house
Be one of the comfortable people.
Lovely bright home
Drinking all night never sleeping.
We need more room
Build an extension
A colourful palace
Spare no expense now
Come to this house
Be one of us
Come into this house
Be one of us
Come to this house
Into this house
Sting sting ha ha
Sting sting
Waspman, you're gonna get buzzed
Waspman, you're gonna get stung
Waspman, you're gonna get stung
Sting, sting
Sting, sting, sting
Sting, sting, sting
Waspman, gonna get buzzed
Waspman, buzz
Waspman, you're gonna get stung
Sting, sting, sting
Waspman, get on runnin
Sting, sting, sting
Sting, sting, sting
Wide awake in the middle of the night
I wonder how she's feelin'
Is it just a trick of the light
Or is her ceiling peeling?
She's sitting up in bed, shakin' her head
At a copy of "True Confessions"
Ooh, it must seem like a fairy tale
To a woman of her profession
But was I all right? (was I all right?)
Did I take you to the height of ecstasy?
Was I all right? (was I all right?)
Did a shadow of emotion cross your face
Or was it just another trick of the light?
But was I all right? (was I all right?)
Did I take you to the height of ecstasy?
Was I all right? (was I all right?)
Did a shadow of emotion cross your face
Or was it just another trick of the light?
Come on, tell me
What's a nice girl like you doin' in a place like this?
They don't make girls like you no more
And I'd like to get to know you
On closer terms than this
But I guess you've heard it all before
Lady of the night
Won't you steal away with me?
Lady of the night
Won't you steal away with me?
The money's lyin' on the floor, she looks at me
Shakes her head and sighs
Out of time, out the door
Red light shinin' in my eyes
But was I all right? (was I all right?)
Did I take you to the height of ecstasy?
Was I all right? (was I all right?)
Did a shadow of emotion cross your face
All right?
But was I all right?
Good morning Campers!
I'm your Uncle Ernie
and I'll welcome you to Tommy's Holiday Camp
The camp with the difference
Nevermind the weather
When you come to Tommy's
Tommy, can you hear me?
Can you feel me near you?
Tommy, can you see me?
Can I help to cheer you?
Ooh, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy
Tommy, can you hear me?
Can you feel me near you?
Tommy, can you see me?
Can I help to cheer you?
Ooh, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy
Tommy, can you hear me?
Can you feel me near you?
Tommy, can you see me?
Can I help to cheer you?
Where do you walk on sunny times
When the rivers gleam and the buildings shine
How do you feel goin' up hallowed halls
And the summer clothes brighten gloomy halls
And they're all in love
And they're all in love
Where do you fit in zzzzip magazine
Where the past is the hero and the present a queen
Just tell me right now where do you fit in
With mud in your eye and a passion for gin
And they're all in love
And they're all in love
Hey, goodbye all you punks
Stay young and stay high
Hand me my checkbook
And I'll crawl out to die
But like a woman in childbirth
Grown ugly in a flash
I'm seen magic and fame
Now I'm recycling trash
And they're all in love
And they're all in love
And they're all in love
There's a doctor I've found
Could bring us all joy!
There's a doctor I've found could cure the boy!
There's a doctor I've found could cure the boy!
There's a man I've found could remove his sorrow,
He lives in this town let's see him tomorrow,
The song is over
It's all behind me
I should have known it
She tried to find me
Our love is over
They're all ahead now
I've got to learn it
I've got to sing out
I'll sing my song to the wide open spaces
I'll sing my heart out to the infinite sea
I'll sing my visions to the sky high mountains
I'll sing my song to the free, to the free
I'll sing my song to the wide open spaces
I'll sing my heart out to the infinite sea
I'll sing my visions to the sky high mountains
I'll sing my song to the free, to the free
When I walked in through the door
Thought it was me I was looking for
She was the first song I ever sang
But it stopped as soon as it began
Our love is over
It's all behind me
They're all ahead now
Can't hope to find me
This song is over
I'm left with only tears
I must remember
Even if it takes a million years
The song is over
The song is over
Searchin' for a note, pure and easy
Everybody calls me the quiet one
You can see but you can't hear me
Everybody calls me the quiet one
You can try but you can't get near me
I ain't never had the gift of gab
But I can't talk with my eyes
When words fail me you won't nail me
My eyes can tell you lies
Still waters run deep so be careful I don't drown you
You've got nothing to hear I've got nothing to say
Sticks and stones may break your bones
But names can never down you
It only takes two words to blow you away
Everybody calls me the quiet one
But you just don't understand
You can't listen you won't hear me
With your head stuck in the sand
I ain't never had time for words that don't rhyme
My headd is in a cloud
I ain't quiet - everybody else is too loud
Still waters run deep so be careful I don't drown you
You've got nothing to hear I've got nothing to say
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But names can never down you
You declared you would be three inches taller
You only became what we made you.
Thought you were chasing a destiny calling
You only earned what we gave you.
You fell and cried as our people were starving,
Now you know that we blame you.
You tried to walk on the trail we were carving,
Now you know that we framed you.
I'm the guy in the sky
Flying high Flashing eyes
No surprise I told lies
I'm the punk in the gutter
I'm the new president
But I grew and I bent
Don't you know? don't it show?
I'm the punk with the stutter.
My my my my my mmmm my my my.
GGGGG-g-g-g-g generation.
We tried to speak between lines of oration
You could only repeat what we told you.
Your axe belongs to a dying nation,
They don't know that we own you.
You're watching movies trying to find the feelers,
You only see what we show you.
We're the slaves of the phony leaders
Breathe the air we have blown you.
I'm the guy
I have to be careful not to preach
I can't pretend that I can teach,
And yet I've lived your future out
By pounding stages like a clown.
And on the dance floor broken glass,
The bloody faces slowly pass,
The broken seats in empty rows,
It all belongs to me you know.
I don't mind other guys dancing with my girl
That's fine, I know them all pretty well
But I know sometimes I must get out in the light
Better leave her behind with the kids, they're alright
The kids are alright
Sometimes, I feel I gotta get away
Bells chime, I know I gotta get away
And I know if I don't, I'll go out of my mind
Better leave her behind with the kids, they're alright
The kids are alright
I know if I go things would be a lot better for her
I had things planned, but her folks wouldn't let her
I don't mind other guys dancing with my girl
That's fine, I know them all pretty well
But I know sometimes I must get out in the light
Better leave her behind with the kids, they're alright
The kids are alright
Sometimes, I feel I gotta get away
Bells chime, I know I gotta get away
And I know if I don't, I'll go out of my mind
Better leave her behind with the kids, they're alright
Much too much to bear
Your love is hard and fast
Your love will always last
If it's you I need
I've got to pay the levy
Got to pay
'Cause your love's too heavy on me
And it's much too much to bear
If I ever leave you darlin'
I hope you see
That I really love you
But your love's too heavy on me
And it's much too much to bear
When I make love to you
Do all the things you want me to do
You never think of me
Always cry a bevy
Bevy of tears
'Cause your love's too heavy on me
And it's much too much to bear
There was a time I could give all I had to you
But my enthusiasm waned and I can't bear the pain
Of doing what I don't want to do
Much too much to bear
Your love is hard and fast
Your love will always last
If it's you I need
I've got to pay the levy
Got to pay
'Cause your love's too heavy on me