Latest from Digital Life

Foxtel iQ3 aims to rain on Netflix's parade

Netflix may have snatched back <em>House of Cards</em>, but Foxtel won't surrender Australian lounge rooms without a fight.

Adam Turner 7:45 PM   Foxtel's new iQ3 streaming video recorder launches on Monday, just hours before Netflix throws open its doors in Australia.

Comments 106

First look at Pixels: Sandler's lame game movie


James 'DexX' Dominguez 3:19 PM   The first trailer has been released for Pixels, an action comedy in which popular video game characters lay siege to the earth.

Comments 5

Google, Tag, Intel team up to make 'luxurious, connected' smartwatch

Tag's 2015 Carrera Heuer-01 watch.

Pete Carey 12:26 PM   Google takes aim at Apple Watch with some fancy wrist candy designed by Tag Heuer, powered by an Intel processor and running Google's Android Wear software.

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Latest from IT Pro

New bugs found in common encryption software

New vulnerabilities have been found in the same software that housed the 'Heartbleed' vulnerability discovered last year, although these newly-discovered bugs are not as serious.

1:49 PM   New bugs in the widely used encryption software known as OpenSSL were disclosed on Thursday, though experts say do not pose a serious threat like the "Heartbleed" vulnerability in the same technology that surfaced a year ago.

'This level of secrecy is unacceptable': Senate committee slams NBN roll out

NBN Co is still too 'uncertain' to reveal how much technology will cost or how long it will take to build, report says.

7:16 AM   A parliamentary committee has accused NBN Co of secrecy over future costs of rolling out the broadband network.

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Brisbane homes switch over

More than 3000 Brisbane homes will be disconnected from the old copper wire phone network on Friday.

Tobi Loftus   Some Brisbane suburbs are switching to the NBN today.

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Other Technology news

Meet the 'Carolina butcher', the giant crocodile that walked on its hind legs

An artist's impression of Carnufex carolensis, a newly-discovered crocodilian ancestor.

Rachel Feltman 1:48 AM   At 2.7 metres long, with blade-like teeth and walking on its hind legs, Carnufex carolinensis - which translates as "Carolina butcher" - roamed North America 230 million years ago.

Students taught how to stand up to cyber bullying

Cyber bullying

Clare Colley 9:39 PM   Witnesses to bullying should step up and do something as an “active” bystander rather than let the bad behaviour go by unnoticed.

A sport for the mind with an eye to the future

Successful match:Thunder Down Under's driver celebrates.

Nicky Phillips 8:33 PM   Problem solving under time pressure and that's the name of the game for FIRST competitors.

Blogs & Columns

Gadgets on the Go

Foxtel iQ3 aims to rain on Netflix's parade

Adam Turner 7:45 PM   Foxtel's new iQ3 streaming video recorder launches on Monday, just hours before Netflix throws open its doors in Australia.


Social Radar

The truth about pirates - who’s doing it and why

Laura Demasi   A new study has shed more light onto why Australians are so keen to grab content anyway they can.



Apple Watch sets the gold standard for smartwatches

Garry Barker   The Apple Watch sets the standard for smart watches, in style and, more importantly, in functionality.



Apple opens Aperture debate with beta release of Photos

Terry Lane   Aperture is being retired in favour of Photos, which is built into the next version of the Yosemite operating system. Are we really going to get a free replacement for Aperture, for which we paid good money a couple of years ago?