
Gender War & Social Stability in Xi’s China: Interview with a Friend of the Women’s Day Five (1st half)

vagina monologues gz

Many friends and associates of the five feminists detained on March 7 are still in hiding, but one was willing to meet for an interview on March 16. The fact of their detainment has been widely reported in the international media, but so far little analysis has been offered, so this interview focuses on questions such as: what is unique about this case? Why were these individuals targeted? Why, in the Xi regime’s crackdown on civil society in general, does it seem especially afraid of feminism?

Five reasons "red" Len won't break the law

“Red” Len McCluskey is once more rattling his sabre ahead of the General Election. But don’t expect it to ever be drawn. Here’s five reasons why.

The Civil Service Rank & File – a belated post-mortem

An analysis of the Civil Service Rank & File Network, which emerged in late 2012, and its impact during its brief existence.

Militant reformism and the prospects for reforming capitalism

fair wages now

Article that appeared in the book The End of the World as We Know It?

Free the Women's Day Five! - Statements from Chinese workers and students

domestic violence awareness demo

Translation of a statement by the partner of "Da Tu" (Giant Rabbit), one of the feminists detained on March 7, focusing on mutual aid between feminists and workers, with solidarity photos workers have posted online. Followed by translation of a petition by students at Da Tu's alma mater, Sun Yat-sen University (one of many petitions circulating in China, despite censorship).

Anarchists occupy Syriza's headquarters

Anarchists have occupied Syriza's headquarters in Athens as an act of solidarity with an ongoing hunger strike.

Capitalist agriculture: class formation and the metabolic rift

In this fourth installment on our series on food and climate, we look at the dynamics of capitalist agriculture in terms of production, class formation, and the ‘metabolic rift’ in the nitrogen cycle.

Dividing our lives: time as a concept of struggle

This is an article exploring the relevance of the concept of time to libertarian social struggle, and the construction of time under capitalism as a tool of exploitation.

WorkersWildWest - Trial-and-error of a political workers' newspaper in West-London

We want to present the first issue of our local newspaper and invite you to collaborate with us in future.

Electoralism or class struggle? - Phil Dickens

While there are many pieces talking generally about the problems and limitations of representative democracy, this series looks at and debunks specific 'tactical voting' strategies and election narratives from an anti-electoral, working class perspective.

Interview about 2011 'Wisconsin uprising'

A 2011 interview with Juan Conatz about the protests in Wisconsin.

Voter apathy isn't the problem

The fifth in a series looking at and debunking specific 'tactical voting' strategies and election narratives from an anti-electoral perspective.

Syriza's first month

A month since its election Syriza has moved far from its anti-austerity, anti-bailout rhetoric.

Rail safety conference, Richmond California, 14 March 2015

Tesoro Golden Eagle Refinery, Martinez California

The Future of Railroads: Safety, Workers, Community & the Environment” is the title of two back-to-back conferences; the first on Saturday, March 14, 2015 in Richmond, California; the second on Saturday, March 21 in Olympia, Washington.

Student protests escalate in Amsterdam

Protest near Bungehuis

Students at the University of Amsterdam have launched a protest movement against authoritarian an neoliberal management. The movement has been escalating rapidly, at first the occupation got evicted, more police repression may be imminent.

ALB on the front of the English Language Gazette again!

Craig Tallents

Workers from the Leicester Square School of English have secured a front page spot on this month's English Language Gazette.

Alternative voting systems are no alternative

The fourth in a series looking at and debunking specific 'tactical voting' strategies and election narratives from an anti-electoral perspective.

Second victory against wage stealing language school

Speak up for workers rights

In another victory against a now-notorious wage-stealing language school, a London English teacher has won a four-figure wage theft settlement.

Lifting the curtain on West End wage theft: LSSE campaign continues

Workers at the Leicester Square School of English keep setting 'em up and knocking 'em down as last Thursday's rush hour protest forced the Drapers to close off a busy thoroughfare in the City of London.