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JSTOR Database Tutorial
Search Tips: JSTOR
JSTOR at GPC Libraries
How To Access JSTOR from Med V University's Website & Download Documents for Free !
Edward Tufte on Aaron Swartz, JSTOR downloads and his own hacking
JSTOR Tutorial
JSTOR Tutorial
Tutorial | Using JSTOR to find scholarly articles
A Field Guide to Books at JSTOR
How Library Stuff Works - searching JSTOR
JSTOR APA Citation
JSTOR Advanced Searching
Searching in JSTOR
This 5 minute tutorial covers the basics of the JSTOR database. The library's subscription to JSTOR offers access to 397 journal titles. Give it a look!
This tutorial describes how to use the library database JSTOR.
The Library Man provides search tips for using the JSTOR database.
Learn to use the JSTOR database to find scholarly articles, books, and more.
Edward Tufte, data scientist and artist ( speaks at the Aaron Swartz Memorial at the Cooper Union Hall, New York City on January 19, 2013. Why ...
This brief tutorial from Murphy Memorial Library at Baptist Bible College and Seminary will demonstrate how to conduct a simple search in the JSTOR database.
How to use the JSTOR article database to find articles on your topic from scholarly journals.
Books at JSTOR offers more than 20,000 ebooks from renowned scholarly publishers, integrated with journals and primary sources on JSTOR's easy-to-use platform. Learn more at
McMaster University Libraries presents searching for articles using JSTOR (specific for Classical Studies). Table of Contents: 00:02 - 00:03 -
How to put together an APA citation for an article retrieved from JSTOR.
Learn how to use the advanced search features in JSTOR to search more efficiently and save time.
This tutorial covers basic searching in JSTOR, including: - word choice and formatting - article and date limits - limiting by disciplines - where to find ci...
How to cite an article from JSTOR in MLA format.
How to search JSTOR for scholarly journal articles.
This video guides you through the simple process of exporting a citation from JSTOR and importing it to your EasyBib bibliography. EasyBib Write Smarter.
Demonstrates how to set up saved searches, search alerts, and journal alerts in the JSTOR database.
The LLS brings you another database tutorial! This time, we walk you through JSTOR!
Bruce Heterick Vice President, Outreach & Participation Services JSTOR Susan Gibbons University Librarian Yale University Damon Jaggars Associate University Librarian for Collections and Services Columbia University Molly Tamarkin Associate University Librarian for Information Technology Duke University Project Briefing Session Extending Access to Scholarly Resources: JSTOR's Alumni Program Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Fall 2012 Membership Meeting December 10-11, 2012 Washington, DC
JSTOR is database with millions of articles, books, book reviews, primary source documents, etc from the 18th century to the present.
Advice on using Google Scholar to search for articles in JSTOR.
JSTOR Hebrew Journals Project -- Workshop Welcome Oren Weinberg: Introduction to the work at the National Library of Israel and this project Kevin Guthrie, President, ITHAKA: Introduction to the work at ITHAKA Weiss Ariel, CEO, Yad Hanadiv About the Hebrew Journals Project Laura Brown, Executive Vice President, ITHAKA, JSTOR Managing Director: About JSTOR, rationale for this project, nature of this collaboration, invitation to publications and libraries to take part. Neta Waisman, Younes and Soraya Library, Haifa University: Production and preservation of Hebrew Journals, and introduction to the project work at the University of Haifa Library.
JSTOR Hebrew Journals Project -- Workshop Participating in this project as a publisher Anne Ray, Content Development Manager, JSTOR: Invitation to publishers, proposed way of working together for the project, benefits of the project
JSTOR Hebrew Journals Project -- Workshop Using JSTOR Anne Ray, JSTOR: About the JSTOR platform -- demonstration Participating in this project as an institution Laura Brown, JSTOR: Current and Archival Content on JSTOR Oren Weinberg: how institutions are being supported by investment in this project National Library of Israel tour An opportunity to visit with other publishers and librarians and learn more about the collections at the NLI.
2013 Charleston Conference Plenary Presentation Friday, November 8, 2013 Revisiting Plato's Cave Bruce Heterick, JSTOR
Sharon Garewal is a metadata librarian for JSTOR, a digital library founded in 1995. Sharon is responsible for setting standards and writing guidelines for the creation of JSTOR metadata, as well as creating metadata via the completion of title history research and composing cataloging records. Sharon is also an editor and trainer for the JSTOR Thesaurus. JSTOR and Access Innovations, Inc. have collaborated on the building of thesauri, with the help of the Data Harmony taxonomy management and indexing software. At the 2013 Data Harmony User Group meeting (DHUG), a case study on the then incomplete JSTOR Thesaurus was shared. This presentation for DHUG 2014 gives an updated look on how the completed thesaurus has been constructed, and how branches are currently being reviewed and revised. Training materials and workflow processes, which have been documented for maintenance and editing of the thesaurus, are shared in the session. Sharon discusses finding and working with subject matter experts, highlighting the triumphs and challenges that have been encountered along the way.
Carla Lennox, Directora de Participación Institucional de JSTOR en la segunda edición de Entre Pares 2013. Para mayor información sobre el CONRICYT, visita el portal y síguenos en nuestras redes sociales: Facebook:CONRICYT Twitter: @CONRICyT Blog:
rts & Sciences I 涵蓋非裔美人研究、人類學、亞洲學、經濟學、生態學、數學、哲學、政治學、教育學、財政、歷史、文學、人口統計學、社會學、統計學等學科主題; Arts & Sciences II 涵蓋亞洲研究、經濟、歷史、拉丁美洲研究、人口學、政治學、斯拉夫學和統計; Arts & Sciences VII 包括30多種人文和社會學科主題; Health & General Sciences 除原涵蓋之物理、數學等一般科學主題外,更增加護理學、流行病學等醫療衛生主題。
Ústřední knihovna FF MU - Informační vzdělávání
Director: Brian Knappenberger Producer: Brian Knappenberger Audio/Visual: sound, color Language: English Keywords: Aaron Swartz; documentary; hacktivism; suicide; jstor; MIT; CFAA; Cory Doctorow; Tim Berners-Lee; Larry Lessig; internet; activism Contact Information: Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Meu Twitter: @Pirulla25 Link pro artigo de Magioncalda e Sapolsky (tem que pagar): Livro: Robert Sapolsky, Memórias de um primata Livro: A Natural History of Rape: Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion By Randy Thornhill, Craig T. Palmer Sobre golfinhos: Sobre lagartos:;=2&uid;=4&sid;=21102291274901 Sobre patos:;=2134&uid;=2&uid;=70&uid;=4&sid;=21103797966257 Sobre o macaco estrela mexicano: Sobre orangotangos: Sobre chimpanzés: Sobre crickets (grilos):;=false Sobre drosófilas (mosca de frutas):;=2134&uid;=2&uid;=70&uid;=4&sid;=21103797966257 Vídeo que fiz sobre resposta ao desafio teísta sobre moralidade: Vídeo do Omaro: Vídeo do Thales: Links sobre violência sexual em Uganda:,6058c5b93235b310VgnCLD200000bbcceb0aRCRD.html Sobre violência sexual na África do Sul: E violência sexual no Congo: Caso do encoxador no metrô: Sobre estupro na Suécia (e a interferência da mudança da lei nos números): Link pra pesquisa do IPEA: Vídeo do Adolfo Sachsida: Incidências do estupro no Brasil: Pequisa no DF, feita em 2013, mostrando que estupro rola em casa:,389864/mais-de-80-dos-estupros-ocorrem-dentro-da-casa-da-vitima-ou-do-agressor.shtml Link pra texto da criadora do movimento "eu não mereço ser estuprada": Dossiê mulher, que usa dados da polícia do RJ (2013, com dados de 2012): Campanha das atrizes na Índia: Vídeo do Clarion: Vídeo do Yuri: Vídeo da Julia Jolie, muito bom sobre a relação entre roupa e estupro: Música de abertura: Composição: Pirulla Gravação, produção e mixagem: Bruno Cesar Bastos Contato:
Table of Contents: 00:00 - Welcome to College Research! 00:36 - What does Doral College have to offer? 01:03 - Gale Cengage Research Databases 17:39 - Let’s look at Gale! 17:40 - JSTOR 18:13 - How to Access JSTOR 23:01 - Your In-House Doral College Library! 27:15 - Your Very Own Librarian!
This is a response to this video by the Amazing Atheist: RESOURCES FOR UNDERSTANDING PATRIARCHY A BIT MORE: Patriarchy and Historical Materialism - On Patriarchy - Gender and Power - Examining Family History - Who Gets the Child? Custody, Guardianship, and the Rise of a Judicial Patriarchy in Nineteenth-Century America - The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State -
Kevin M. Guthrie is an executive and entrepreneur with expertise in high technology and not-for-profit management. Kevin was the founding president of JSTOR (1995) and Ithaka (2004). JSTOR and Ithaka merged in January 2010 to form a new organization (ITHAKA) with a mission to help the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. ITHAKA has offices in New York, NY, Princeton, NJ, and Ann Arbor, MI
Relevant links;=2&uid;=4&sid;=21102581225721;=1378640260&sr;=8-1&keywords;=a+natural+history+of+rape
Information & Links: Ancient Aliens Debunked Chicago University Press; Journal Of Near Eastern Studies;=2&uid;=4&uid;=3739256&sid;=21105157586733 From Fetish To God In Ancient Egypt by E.A. Wallis Budge;=PA188&dq;=asari+good+man+or+being&hl;=en&sa;=X&ei;=erBfVKD-Eoi0yATfhIKIAw&ved;=0CCUQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q;&f;=false Pyramid Text Utterances Other Links: Black Hole Son: Red Ice Creations Interview: Jan 2013 (First Hour) Anthropos: The Descent (From the Corpus Hermeticum) The Cosmic Christ (Material from The Zohar and Kabbalah) Collective Unconscious Playlist: Hieroglyphics Analysis Public Link:;=1&l;=61dca099b0 PDF E-Book (Work In Condensed Form) @ Facebook: Public Link To Diagrams:;=3&l;=491a6088da All material is (c) 2014 Danny Wilten.
Democratic peace and domestic sources of war domestic sources of international relations and 2nd image reversed. • Viotti and Kauppi, International Relations Theory, pp.144-164. • Robert Putnam, "Diplomacy and domestic politics, the logic of two-level games", International Organization, vol.42, no.3, 1988, pp.427-660. (JSTOR)
Pine View Public Forum Debate Camp instructor, Arjun Byju, discusses one of the two potential topics for the upcoming debate season— Resolved: On balance, public subsidies for professional athletic organizations in the United States benefit their local communities. Here are links to articles I referenced:;=2&uid;=4&uid;=3739256&sid;=21103926671411 Good luck prepping! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I had to fight my whole life I could beat you up even if you had one thousand knives Even if you had infinity knives I would punch you up into the air like a kite." ~ Froggy Fresh (the artist formerly known as Krispy Kreme)
Harvard Law Review; a Re-view:) Have a Good Day:)
This problem is about minimal spanning trees and spanning trees that give shortest paths from a given vertex to each other vertex. Two algorithms are used to find these two types of spanning trees: Kruskal's Algorithm (also called the Greedy Algorithm: Dijkstra's Algorithm ( Presented by Thomas Britz of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, UNSW. Note / Referenze: Gabriel Kolko: Jstor: Calvocoressi: seminal book on Diplomatical relations and politics as stated in Hobsbawn books:;=UTF8&qid;=1371313131&sr;=1-1&keywords;=calvocoressi+world+politics+since+1945 Gunther Schuller:;=UTF8&qid;=1371313287&sr;=1-1-spell&keywords;=Gunther+shuller Arthur Morris Jones Niall Ferguson colossus;=UTF8&qid;=1371313926&sr;=1-1&keywords;=niall+ferguson+colossus Niall Ferguson ------------------------------------------- Leggi prima di commentare! Sono benvenuti i commenti costruttivi e tutti i commenti che aderiscono alle nostre regole del buon senso comune. Questo significa essere educato e rispettoso nei confronti degli altri. Significa contribuire con informazioni utili alla storia o alla discussione. Significa lasciare links al solo fine di fornire ulteriori elementi di discussione o approfondimenti al tema trattato. Commenti che mostrino un linguaggio inappropriato, non rispettosi o offensivi verso gli altri utenti e che violino quelle che crediamo essere le nostre regole del buon senso comune saranno cancellati. Read before commenting! We welcome constructive comments and allow any that meet our common sense criteria. This means being respectful and polite to others. It means providing helpful information that contributes to a story or discussion. It means leaving links only that substantially add further to a discussion. Comments using foul language, being disrespectful to others or otherwise violating what we believe are common sense standards of discussion will be deleted. Una produzione ©2013 Disco Milk Records, London
This is a response to Stefan Molyneux's video: Additional Reading: A Defensible Divine Command Theory - Note: I realise that the DCT advocated above isn't in line with the DCT I describe in this video. This is because in this video I'm describing the most common phrasing of the theory. It seemed unfair to argue with Molyneux's critique based on a theory he's probably never dealt with.
A tutorial on search JSTOR's history collection, and verifying if articles come from a scholarly source.
Using JSTOR to Find Peer Reviewed Scholarly Articles
Already got the basics of searching JSTOR? Watch this tutorial to learn advanced search techniques in JSTOR. This video is from the publicly available videos on JSTOR's tutorials site:
This video is from the publicly available videos on JSTOR's tutorials site:
Intended for Swindon College students, this video shows how to access the JStor database.
Take a minute to learn the basics of searching Jstor, the library's most popular database. Useful Links: Library Databases: Academic & Peer-reviewed Sources:
This video gives a very quick, bird's-eye view of how JStor works
How to search for articles on the JSTOR database, as well as a quick explanation of Boolean searching.
This tutorial shows users how to access information using the JSTOR online database.
Use JSTOR to find and download articles using a simple keyword search.
Quick tips for effective searching in JSTOR (literary criticism).
Citing JSTOR ain't easy, no matter what citation generator you use. Here is how to cite a JSTOR article using the RIS download.
JSTOR Moodle 2.8
A brief tutorial on how to use the JSTOR database through the WSU Libraries. You will learn how to find JSTOR on the WSU website and how to download and save articles for use in your research. Please note that only WSU Faculty and Students are able to access the JSTOR database through the Libraries' website.
A Quick Video Guide to JSTOR at CSC
This is a brief introduction to searching JSTOR. For assistance in choosing or searching databases, please contact a librarian.
(Source: The Heritage Foundation ) ... An Overview of the Payment, Clearing, and Settlement (PCS) Systems. U. S ... S. Code ... S ... S ... jstor.
noodls 2015-03-20I was assigned to read 20-page-long economic reports (I hadn't even bothered using my school’s JSTOR ...
Business Insider 2015-02-23His first target was JSTOR, a digital library of academic journals and books. But as he attempted to ...
CounterPunch 2015-02-11The availability of JSTOR's immense body of scholarship provided students with the stimulus for ...
Huffington Post 2015-02-05JSTOR eventually dropped their charges against him, but federal prosecutors wanted to make an example of Swartz.
The Guardian 2015-02-03Its scholarly articles are downloaded more than 700,000 times per year from JSTOR , the popular ...
noodls 2015-01-29U. S. Census Bureau Logo. Facebook Twitter Pinterest. ×. U. S. Census Bureau Logo. WASHINGTON, Jan ... S. Census Bureau: ... S ... http: ... jstor.
PR Newswire 2015-01-28a First Year Writing Seminar at Cornell University. …wait, what is this? ... Why? ... ) ... g ... Read Angela Davis — Afro Images [JStor link].
Medium 2015-01-24... the important role of religion in "inhibiting black militancy" is available from JSTOR for $14.
The Guardian 2015-01-1611, 2013, while awaiting trial for downloading hundreds of thousand of documents from the scholarly database JSTOR ... See also:
Mashable 2015-01-08... in connection with downloading large numbers of articles from the academic publishing site JSTOR.
Newsfactor 2015-01-01... in connection with downloading large numbers of articles from the academic publishing site JSTOR.
Newsfactor 2015-01-01Atlanta, Georgia (PRWEB) December 16, 2014 ... Their findings are published in The Quarterly Review of Biology ... C ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... jstor.
Seattle Post 2014-12-17JSTOR (short for Journal Storage) is an online system for archiving academic journals, founded in 1995. It provides its member institutions full-text searches of digitized back issues of several hundred well-known journals, dating back to 1665 in the case of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Membership in JSTOR is held by 7,000 institutions in 159 countries.
JSTOR was originally funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, but is now an independent, self-sustaining not-for-profit organization with offices in New York City and Ann Arbor, Michigan. In January 2009 JSTOR merged with ITHAKA becoming part of that organization. The latter is a non-profit organization founded in 2003 "dedicated to helping the academic community take full advantage of rapidly advancing information and networking technologies."
JSTOR was originally conceived as a solution to one of the problems faced by libraries, especially research and university libraries, due to the increasing number of academic journals in existence. The founder, William G. Bowen, was the president of Princeton University from 1972 to 1988. Most libraries found it prohibitively expensive in terms of cost and space to maintain a comprehensive collection of journals. By digitizing many journal titles, JSTOR allowed libraries to outsource the storage of these journals with the confidence that they would remain available for the long term. Online access and full-text search ability improved access dramatically. JSTOR originally encompassed ten economics and history journals and was initiated in 1995 at seven different library sites. As of November 2010[update], there were 6,425 participating libraries. JSTOR access was improved based on feedback from these sites and it became a fully searchable index accessible from any ordinary Web browser. Special software was put in place to make pictures and graphs clear and readable.
Edward Rolf Tufte ( /ˈtʌfti/; born 1942) is an American statistician and professor emeritus of political science, statistics, and computer science at Yale University. He is noted for his writings on information design and as a pioneer in the field of data visualization.
Edward Rolf Tufte was born in 1942 in Kansas City, Missouri, to Virginia Tufte and Edward E. Tufte. He grew up in Beverly Hills, California, and graduated from Beverly Hills High School. He received a BA and MS in statistics from Stanford University and a PhD in political science from Yale. His dissertation, completed in 1968, was entitled The Civil Rights Movement and Its Opposition. He was then hired by Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School, where he taught courses in political economy and data analysis while publishing three quantitatively inclined political science books.
In 1975, while at Princeton, Tufte was asked to teach a statistics course to a group of journalists who were visiting the school to study economics. He developed a set of readings and lectures on statistical graphics, which he further developed in joint seminars he subsequently taught with renowned statistician John Tukey, a pioneer in the field of information design. These course materials became the foundation for his first book on information design, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.
Castles fall around my ears
Where is she now
I'm alone in my fears
And I'm crying out loud
Kingdoms fall down
There’s nowhere to hide
I am trapped without you
Too scared to fight.........Without you
And I'll be here
In the ruins
Waiting for you
Come save me
Please hurry
It's getting cold
I'm lying here
I'm oh so scared
And where are you know
I'm not sure
I think Im dying
you got your sleeping pills
and I got my videogames
I'm trying hard
to let it go
and beat you up
in my head
and I won
I won
I won
Low try to read
what's left behind
a thousand days of misery
Now this days don't seem so bad
the lost i can go for, no no no
Charlies in the bathroom eating the tooth paste
Mummas in the kitchen getting off her face
Dad's in the basement playing with knives
While Lily's in the dog house eating my house
Carrie's in the bedroom talking to no one
Lily's in the laundry hiding from a thunder storm
Dad's in the basement playing with knives
While Lily's in the doghouse eating the flies
When will the boys, come around to play
And when will she kiss me, will I be ok
When will he go back into the verse
And when will she kiss me, in her universe
I'm in the paper looking for a job
Connor is in the sailboats running from the sharks
Well Julie's in Ireland thinking shes a lepricaun
Kerry's back at school cause
someone's got her grades my house
Jared thinks he is Dr Evil
And Wesleys hair is Evil Knevil
Well I think Mark talks to much
Its time to go back to the chorus
Back ..When ..My.. Jeans ..Were.. Still.. Blue.
And ..I.. Had.. The.. Hell.. Spikey ..Do
We ..Could ..Take ..Two.. Parties.. In ..One Night
Add.. Nine ..Scoops.. of ..Hibiscus ..Delight
Losing my mind
wasting my time
you faded away
but I got it aye
and let it for
and let it for
and I am yours
going on
here we go
once again
I am your
fuckin man
and Let it for, and let it go
and I am yours
going on
lost and found
Lost and found ouooh oh
ohh ouhh oh
so it's down
faded away
I see you are
but not a damn
Let it go
and oh let it go
I am yours
going on
Lost and found
Lost and found
Lost and found ohuoh oh
ohhh ouhohh ohhhh
yoy should go
you are going
you laughed of love song
anything and everything
anything and everything
anything and everything....
ohhhhhh uohhh lost and found
Entertain you and emplore you
While you laugh at my misfortune
I've a hat it's big and old
You're happiness is worth your gold
The princess smiles down from her thrown at
Ringing bells and checkered clothing
I'll show you a life thats worth your while
I only live to make you smile....
make you smile
One day I will be King Of The World
Welcome to my world of foolish
Laughing colours song and jest
I invite you in to hear my song
Leave your reservations at the door...
at the door
One day I will be King Of The World
Now you know me recognise me
You don't need to see inside me
I'm the fool who has your heart
Today I am
King Of The World
She smiled at me and
I was King Of The World
Now I am The King Of
Smile, walk away
Go home & cry
It’s just a bad dream
You are a little spoon
You are hippy
You make me happy
With flowers in your hair
So sign the dotted line
Will that be all?
I’ll take five
That will be your soul
That would be so good
Will that be all?
That will be your soul
Are they listening?
Do they even care?
Do I give a damn?
It isn’t for them
You’re a little spoon
And you are hippy
You make me happy
With flowers in your hair
So sign the dotted line
Will that be all?
I’ll take five
And that will be your soul
That would be so good
Will that be all
That will be your soul
.: Guitar :.
That will be your soul
That would be so good
Will that be all?
Hey man stop looking at me
Do I have something stuck in my teeth
Do you mind just looking the other way
Hey man what do you hope to see
Weren't you living in my tv
I had you pinned but now you've gone away
She's got eyes for christmas and teeth in her hair
All of the girlies are starting to stare
At me and my friends and I don't know what to do... with you
Do you
Hey man I felt bad for you
It all went wrong and it all fell through
But maybe one day you'll triumph in the end, in the end
See it all seemed real and it all seemed true
So don't feel bad baby don't feel blue
I wanna live the life
I wanna breathe the air
I wanna a shiny car
And greasy hair
Live in mansions
All those pretty girls, aye
And I say
I don't wanna be your Enemy
I don't wanna be your Enemy
So I roll on with my circus
And I work it while you jerk it
With your ash trays and your phoney fake smiles :)
And I say, And I say
I don't wanna be your Enemy
I don't wanna be your Enemy
On magazines I plot the schemes
I write my dreams that run away
When all is done I'll be the one, one
How many times
I am so
I never send my soul for you
And all the things you do
I am already owned
For the rest of my days
You never take it away from me
My jealous fantasy
I am here to say
I am here to say that….
I belong to you
My love
I belong to you
My love
And in the end
I’ll go
I’ll pack my bags and go
No more
I’ve seen it all the floor
And I am moving on
I am living a lie some days
I am living a lie most days...Yeah
And all used to be fun days
But I am moving on
I am here to say that…
I belong to you
My love
I belong to you
My love
My love my love…aw a ah
-Ow ow-
I belong to you my love
I belong to you
My love
I belong to you
My love
I belong to you….