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From AK Press:
AK Press is currently cleaning up the wreckage from a major fire…In the early, morning of 3/21/15, the building behind ours caught fire and two people in that building died. Several units in our building burned but everyone got out safely. AK Press and our neighbors at 1984 Printing suffered extensive water and smoke damage.

A lot of people have been asking what is the best way to help us recover financially. We still aren't sure the exact amount of stock that is ruined, or how long our business will be disrupted while we work hard to get back on our feet. But we do know that we've lost a lot, and even in the best of times, we always need your support..."

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"... a powerful polemic on prison life, as well as a beautifully wrought literary gem..."—Foreword Reviews

"First published in 1931, Men in Prison chronicles Victor Serge’s time spent as a political prisoner in France from 1912 to 1917 and shares his harrowing account of the struggle to remain sane under deplorable conditions. Originally translated from the French by Richard Greeman in 1977, it was recently reissued with a fresh introduction by Greeman, the cofounder of the Praxis Center and Victor Serge Library in Moscow, and a foreword by David Gilbert, who is full of insight about present-day prison systems, since he is currently a prisoner at Auburn Correctional Facility for crimes committed when he was a member of the Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground.

Men in Prison is tagged as a novel, but in the book’s epigraph, Serge says, “Everything in this book is fictional and everything is true. I have attempted, through literary creation, to bring out the general meaning and human content of personal experience...” —Diane Prokop, Foreword Reviews

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Buy Men in Prison

This is Not a Photo Opportunity is "...a fun read."—New York Journal of Books

 "If you are a Banksy fan or at least interested in seeing a collection of his work. This Is Not a Photo Opportunity: The Street Art of Banksy will be a fun read.

For Banksy fans in the know this compact pictorial journey is distinctly delicious, a banquet of roaring images that span the early freehand technique of the 1990s to the more current stencils. These works scream clever, artistic, humorous, ironic, and socially relevant.

Given Banksy’s broad geographic canvas the opportunity to view the spectrum of his work is almost impossible. His works are not only far flung around the world, they also appear in unexpected places. There is no map for finding Banksy’s works. The adoring public can now turn to Martin Bull’s book, which provides an opportunity to view a portfolio of Banksy’s work. Bull’s categories include the following: early freehand, the ubiquitous Rat stencils, slogans revealing Banksy’s innate promotional sensibilities, modern life, play, societal commentary, and what are you looking at? —Rhonda Sturtz, New York Journal of Books

Buy This Is Not a Photo Opportunity: The Street Art of Banksy

PM Press's Resident Librarian Annie Knight tackles J. Sakai’s Settlers

"The book illustrates the history and dynamics of white settlerism and its effect on worker unionism (and lack thereof) to such an undeniable depth that readers see clearly the mythology and propagandic hold imposed through what Sakai identifies as “Theirstory” or “imperialist Euro-Amerikan mis-history.” Historical accounts of U.S. imperialism going back to the beginnings of English settlerism are presented with ample primary source documentation and endnotes, and these events are compellingly explained to expose their lasting and multi-pronged impact. Emboldened summations provided throughout each chapter make it even easier for readers to understand the profoundness and reach of the history presented. Even more impactful is Sakai’s intermittent use of first-person pronouns that establishes his authority and intensely humanizes the very real impact of this history he shares."—Annie Knight, Resident Librarian

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Buy Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to Modern

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