Occupy TO - More Banner Waving
A large anti-Capitalist, pro-Socialist banner by the Worker's Communist Party of Iran. I g...
published: 16 Oct 2011
author: lewisfisher
Occupy TO - More Banner Waving
Occupy TO - More Banner Waving
A large anti-Capitalist, pro-Socialist banner by the Worker's Communist Party of Iran. I guess they consider the free market economy to be more dangerous tha...- published: 16 Oct 2011
- views: 16
- author: lewisfisher
"You're a genocide denier!" Bleats a Ustashe-Droid
A response to Croatian Ustashe-droid "spanonski" - http://www.youtube.com/user/spanonski I...
published: 10 Mar 2008
author: Changeling9au
"You're a genocide denier!" Bleats a Ustashe-Droid
"You're a genocide denier!" Bleats a Ustashe-Droid
A response to Croatian Ustashe-droid "spanonski" - http://www.youtube.com/user/spanonski In response to my video "The REAL Srebrenica Genocide" at http://www...- published: 10 Mar 2008
- views: 7033
- author: Changeling9au
Hermanos Musulmanes egipcios: fascismo clerical islamico que amenazan a España
El fascismo clerical de los Hermanos Musulmanes parece populistas y solidarios con las cla...
published: 28 Aug 2013
Hermanos Musulmanes egipcios: fascismo clerical islamico que amenazan a España
Hermanos Musulmanes egipcios: fascismo clerical islamico que amenazan a España
El fascismo clerical de los Hermanos Musulmanes parece populistas y solidarios con las clases desfavorecidas, pero lo hacen con dinero del capitalismo islamista que generosamente les envia un millonario egipcio y los petrodolares saudies. O sea, nada de populares: mas bien representantes de los oligarcas islamicos. Su poder de convocatoria e limitado: solo un 17% de los egipcios islamistas les votaron, pese a que aun asi pudieron formar gobierno. Quieren crear un estado nazi musulman. Ahora se dedican a recordarnos a los españoles que quieren recuperar Al Andalus para ellos, para su islam estatalista y fascista. El unico islam que queremos aqui es el que llegue por la conversion individual de sus gentes, no por la imposicion de unos fascistas que usan el Coran y al islam de forma retrograda y politica, imponiendo su estado fascista clerical. Ya ni hay Pelayos o Don Rodrigos ni Reyes Catolicos en España, pero no sois bien venidos aqui en ese plan conquistadores y restauradores de algo que ya paso hace mas de 500 años. Esto ya no es tierra musulmana, ni catolica, esto es IBERIA. ¿Os habeis tomado la molestia de preguntar a los españoles si quieren ser musulmanes a vuestro estilo? ¿Creeis que os estamos esperando con las manos abiertas? Hemos tardado siglos en bajar el poder del catolicismo y os vamos a dar la bienvenida a vosotros, almas candidas? Negais a Israel su existencia aunque estaban ello santes ahi que vosotros y ahora reclamais una tierra que ya hace mas de 500 años qu eno controlais? Asi pensais? Estais un poco chiflados si pensais que vais a conseguirlo. Solo os sirve para manifestaciones en Egipto... y ya por poco tiempo. La juventud egipcia o esta poniendo en vuestro sitio, que es fuera de la politica. La religion en lo privado. Ni Israel ni Al Andalus para los fascimusulmanes. Queremos naciones libres y autodeterminadas, pluriculturales y plurireligiosas si asi lo desean, Nada de imposiciones ni de Estados Totalitarios drigidos por represores.- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 63
Marzieh - Tribute to the singer Marzieh, in memory of her legacy.
In memory of Marzieh!
Marzieh was the symbol of protest and revolt in Iranian art against ...
published: 31 Jan 2014
Marzieh - Tribute to the singer Marzieh, in memory of her legacy.
Marzieh - Tribute to the singer Marzieh, in memory of her legacy.
In memory of Marzieh! Marzieh was the symbol of protest and revolt in Iranian art against the fascism of velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule).... Hail to Marzieh; the great, brave and pious woman who 16 years ago joined the Iranian Resistance and offered her complete support and compassion, and, in so doing, blended art with the love for freedom and the magnum opus of human qualities.- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 26
People of Iran praise executed political prisoner Ali Saremi- Dec.2010 & Jan.2011.WMV
The 62 years old political prisoner, supporter of PMOI, Ali Saremi was hanged on Tuesday d...
published: 03 Jan 2011
author: IranStudentsCommitte
People of Iran praise executed political prisoner Ali Saremi- Dec.2010 & Jan.2011.WMV
People of Iran praise executed political prisoner Ali Saremi- Dec.2010 & Jan.2011.WMV
The 62 years old political prisoner, supporter of PMOI, Ali Saremi was hanged on Tuesday dawn Dec. 28 by the religious fascism after spending 23 years of his...- published: 03 Jan 2011
- views: 410
- author: IranStudentsCommitte
Tribute to Martyr Ali Saremi - به لاله در خون خفته
source: http://www.facebook.com/Freedom.Messenger
شهید قهرمان علي صارمي زنداني سیاسی :صداي...
published: 31 Dec 2010
Tribute to Martyr Ali Saremi - به لاله در خون خفته
Tribute to Martyr Ali Saremi - به لاله در خون خفته
source: http://www.facebook.com/Freedom.Messenger شهید قهرمان علي صارمي زنداني سیاسی :صداي ما را به گوش جهانيان برسانيد و ستمهاي رژيم را افشا كنيد ودر به دست آوردن آزادي تلاش كنيد شما زير فشار حكومت ظالم نيستيد Political prisoner Ali Saremi; executed on Tuesday dawn Dec. 28, 2010 by the henchmen of religious fascism ruling Iran. Mr. Saremi has spent 23 years of his life in prisons of Shah and clerical dictatorship.- published: 31 Dec 2010
- views: 408
Irava's tribute to Marzieh به یاد مرضیه بانوی آواز ایران
Marzieh, the diva of Persian music started her career in the 1940s at Radio Tehran and wor...
published: 09 Oct 2012
author: Narges Ghaffari
Irava's tribute to Marzieh به یاد مرضیه بانوی آواز ایران
Irava's tribute to Marzieh به یاد مرضیه بانوی آواز ایران
Marzieh, the diva of Persian music started her career in the 1940s at Radio Tehran and worked with some of the greatest 20th century Persian songwriters and ...- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 553
- author: Narges Ghaffari
(Graphic) Tribute to Martyr Ali Saremi - علی صارمی عزیز، آزادیت مبارک
source: http://www.facebook.com/Freedom.Messenger
"The reality is that in our struggle fo...
published: 28 Dec 2010
(Graphic) Tribute to Martyr Ali Saremi - علی صارمی عزیز، آزادیت مبارک
(Graphic) Tribute to Martyr Ali Saremi - علی صارمی عزیز، آزادیت مبارک
source: http://www.facebook.com/Freedom.Messenger "The reality is that in our struggle for our nation we are prepared to give our lives, to bring freedom for our people... I know if I don't give my life, tomorrow my child will have to give his life... We must obtain our freedom"- Ali Saremi علی صارمی عزیز، آزادیت مبارک مصاحبه علی صارمی بعد از گرفتن حکم اعدام باراديو پرشين :صداي ما را به گوش جهانيان برسانيد و ستمهاي رژيم را افشا كنيد ودر به دست آوردن آزادي تلاش كنيد شما زير فشار حكومت ظالم نيستيد Political prisoner Ali Saremi; executed on Tuesday dawn Dec. 28, 2010 by the henchmen of religious fascism ruling Iran. The clip shows Ali Saremi at Khavaran at the commemoration ceremony for the massacre of 30000 political prisoners in 1988 before the last time that he was arrested. Mr. Saremi has spent 23 years of his life in prisons of Shah and clerical dictatorship. Additional information: http://freedomessenger.com/?p=20508 http://freedomessenger.com/?p=20522- published: 28 Dec 2010
- views: 4525
VRT 3 Oct 2012 - 19u00 : Iraanse oppositieleider Maryam Rajavi in het Europees Parlement
VRT 3 Oct 2012 - 19u00 : Einde Iraans regime in zicht na oproer om devaluatie? : Iraanse o...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: TheAshrafCamp
VRT 3 Oct 2012 - 19u00 : Iraanse oppositieleider Maryam Rajavi in het Europees Parlement
VRT 3 Oct 2012 - 19u00 : Iraanse oppositieleider Maryam Rajavi in het Europees Parlement
VRT 3 Oct 2012 - 19u00 : Einde Iraans regime in zicht na oproer om devaluatie? : Iraanse oppositieleider Maryam Rajavi in het Europees Parlement met Senator ...- published: 03 Oct 2012
- views: 471
- author: TheAshrafCamp
Courageous Protester Looking for Sligtest Opportunity, Iran
Valiant people of Iran took into the streets on June 12, 2010, despite all suppressive mea...
published: 14 Jun 2010
author: IranStudentsCommitte
Courageous Protester Looking for Sligtest Opportunity, Iran
Courageous Protester Looking for Sligtest Opportunity, Iran
Valiant people of Iran took into the streets on June 12, 2010, despite all suppressive measures looking for the slightest opportunity to express their defiance of religious fascism ruling Iran...- published: 14 Jun 2010
- views: 661
- author: IranStudentsCommitte
third sanction resolution by the UN Security Council against
Earlier today the UN Security Council adopted its third resolution imposing new sanctions ...
published: 04 Mar 2008
author: iraniscc
third sanction resolution by the UN Security Council against
third sanction resolution by the UN Security Council against
Earlier today the UN Security Council adopted its third resolution imposing new sanctions against the ruling religious fascism in Iran. The new resolution un...- published: 04 Mar 2008
- views: 340
- author: iraniscc
French support for the Iranian resistance
Source: International Herald Tribune, June 29 PARIS: Thousands of supporters of an Iranian...
published: 16 Jul 2008
author: 3rdoptions
French support for the Iranian resistance
French support for the Iranian resistance
Source: International Herald Tribune, June 29 PARIS: Thousands of supporters of an Iranian opposition group called on the European Union and the United State...- published: 16 Jul 2008
- views: 602
- author: 3rdoptions
Movie_0001- preparing to attack Ashraf.wmv
At 11 pm last night, a column of Iraqi military vehicles, including at least 30 military v...
published: 01 Nov 2011
author: AshrafUPDATE
Movie_0001- preparing to attack Ashraf.wmv
Movie_0001- preparing to attack Ashraf.wmv
At 11 pm last night, a column of Iraqi military vehicles, including at least 30 military vehicles with one column of police vehicles including 10 cars, enter...- published: 01 Nov 2011
- views: 45
- author: AshrafUPDATE
Youtube results:
Iraqi Women Against Mullahs-1
Dozens of Iraqi women associations and organizations including the Women branch of the Nat...
published: 20 Jun 2008
author: iraniscc
Iraqi Women Against Mullahs-1
Iraqi Women Against Mullahs-1
Dozens of Iraqi women associations and organizations including the Women branch of the National Accord Movement and women branch of the National Dialogue Fro...- published: 20 Jun 2008
- views: 797
- author: iraniscc
Iran: Students chanting 'Death to Dictator'demonstrated against Khamenei
On the anniversary of 16th Azar (December 6, Student Day), students held anti-government g...
published: 08 Dec 2008
author: iraniscc
Iran: Students chanting 'Death to Dictator'demonstrated against Khamenei
Iran: Students chanting 'Death to Dictator'demonstrated against Khamenei
On the anniversary of 16th Azar (December 6, Student Day), students held anti-government gatherings throughout the nation. Students of Iranian higher educati...- published: 08 Dec 2008
- views: 1366
- author: iraniscc
Record Applicants for Indian Bank Jobs
A sign of the times a record 3.6 million job seekers across India applied for about 11000 ...
published: 21 Sep 2009
author: NTDTV
Record Applicants for Indian Bank Jobs
Record Applicants for Indian Bank Jobs
A sign of the times a record 3.6 million job seekers across India applied for about 11000 clerical openings at the State Bank of India last month. Over the ...- published: 21 Sep 2009
- views: 1477
- author: NTDTV
Iranian regime in LEBANON-Terrorism-1
Mrs. Rajavi condemned mullahs' warmongering, coup d'état in Lebanon Tuesday, 13 May 2008 M...
published: 23 May 2008
author: iraniscc
Iranian regime in LEBANON-Terrorism-1
Iranian regime in LEBANON-Terrorism-1
Mrs. Rajavi condemned mullahs' warmongering, coup d'état in Lebanon Tuesday, 13 May 2008 Mrs. Rajavi condemned mullahs' warmongering, coup d'état in Lebanon ...- published: 23 May 2008
- views: 2390
- author: iraniscc