
Oversight? Yeah, right! Today’s Intelligence and Security Committee review of NZSIS and GCSB

The public portion of today’s annual review of the GCSB and NZSIS was a stage managed public relations exercise in which it appears that the new (acting) Director of the GCSB lied to the Select Committee.


Refuting diplo-nonsense

A rebuttal to Victoria University Professor Robert Ayson’s essay on the deployment of NZ troops to Iraq.


Show your opposition to War

Peace Action Wellington is inviting all people who are opposed to New Zealand support for US wars in Iraq and Syria to meet at the Cenotaph at 5pm next Thursday, 26 February at 5pm.



It is a year since Reza Berati was murdered in the offshore detention centre on Manus Island. Join the solidarity vigil Tuesday morning, 17 February, outside the Australian High Commission in Wellington.

Ecology & Environment

STOS Offshore Drilling – Say NO!

Our big blue backyard is not their toxic waste dump!

War & Militarism

John Key must put humanity before 'the club'

Whether the victims are beheaded, or, as they were during the latest Israeli blitz on the Gaza Strip, blown to bits (500 children dead) it is unacceptable and hypocritical that our leaders should be so selective in their condemnation of war crimes.

Ecology & Environment

Taranaki's Beauty and the Beast

A hui attended by more than 80 people, representing more than 18 groups from around Aotearoa, was held last weekend in Taranaki.


Against Equality - Wellington Visit

On Sunday, 1st March, Ryan Conrad will be speaking at 19 Tory St in central Wellington.


13 March 2015
12 March 2015
11 March 2015
10 March 2015
9 March 2015
8 March 2015
7 March 2015
6 March 2015
5 March 2015

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2015 National Peace Workshops

Wellington, 6pm, Friday 17th April

Remember the Peacemakers - 20 April - 2 May 2015

Wellington, 9am, Monday 20th April

trans/forming feminisms: media, technology, identity

Dunedin, Otago, 12am, 25th November 2015

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