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Archive for June, 2009

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An Attempt to Say Goodbye: On the Life and Work of Edgar Rodrigues

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

The death of Edgar Rodrigues in May was a major blow to the anarchist movement in Brazil and also around the world. Though it would be unrealistic to try to capture the richness and complexity of his life in a single essay, an attempt must be made nonetheless. The following article by Marcolino Jeremias makes [...]

[español] The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Los estudios sobre los movimientos radicales suelen ser muy detallados o muy generales. Usualmente, estamos obligados a elegir entre los árboles o el bosque. Gracias a The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest esto no volverá a suceder. Esta edición consta de 8 volúmenes que exploran la historia de los movimientos revolucionarios y de protesta [...]

The Genius of Mud: Ecological Art

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Our pals at recently posted an interesting piece about Chicago artists who partnered with the Tamms Year Ten coalition to protest state-sanctioned torture at the supermax prison in Southern Illinois. They launched a city-wide stenciling campaign…and the medium was mud. As the post notes, “mud-stenciling” has two main advantages: “Mud as a medium is [...]

The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest

Saturday, June 20th, 2009

Histories of radical movements tend to be either way too detailed or way too general. Typically, we’re forced to choose between the forest and trees. That may no longer be the case thanks to the appearance of The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, a massive, eight-volume work that explores the history of protest and [...]

No War But Class War: a review of Louis Adamic’s Dynamite

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

We LOVE it when people review AK Press books. The following review by Abe Walker first appeared in the May 2009 issue of the CUNY Graduate Center Advocate. * * * “No War But Class War” Book Review by Abe Walker Dynamite: The Story of Class Violence in America by Louis Adamic. AK Press Edition [...]


Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

Necesitas abastecerte de libros para este verano? No esperes más! Empieza AHORA, todo el material de nuestro website esta con un 20% de descuento. Esta oferta se extendera hasta el proximo Domingo 21 de junio, y hay muchisimos titulos de los cuales no podras esperar (o tambien no olvidar). Ya lo sabes: Esta venta excluye [...]


Monday, June 15th, 2009

Need to stock up on summer reading? Wait no longer! Starting NOW, everything on our website is 20% OFF! This sale will last through next Sunday (June 21st), but we have lots of great new stuff that you won’t want to wait for (plus, you wouldn’t want to forget!). You know the drill: This sale [...]

Anaya Lucia: Welcome to the world!

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

Although friends of AK come from all age groups, Anaya Lucia (pictured below) may be one of the youngest (and she is certainly one of the most adorable!!). Born at 6:35 AM on April 5, 2009 in San Jose, Californina, she is the daughter of Adam W. and Virjinia J. Anaya Lucia, bienvenida a la [...]

Book Review: Horizontalism: Voices of Popular Power in Argentina

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

Oh, do we ever love it when people review AK books! Of course, we love the publicity that this gives our titles but, more than anything, we love the fact that people are wrestling with the ideas that they contain! That’s what it’s all about for us. Dana Williams authored the following excellent review, which [...]

Noam Chomsky in NYC

Monday, June 8th, 2009

(Many thanks to Malav Kanuga of the lovely Bluestockings Bookstore Collective for helping to write this post!) On Friday, June 12th Noam Chomsky will address an audience of over 2,000 people at the magnificent Riverside Church in Harlem, New York. In these times of economic and social crises, it will also be an historic opportunity [...]

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