Thursday, March 12, 2015
Posted by Chuck0
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It should have come as no surprise yesterday when the grand jury in St. Louis refused to indict Darren Wilson, the police officer who murdered Michael Brown last August in Ferguson, Missouri. Various politicians and media outlets had labored to prepare the public for this for months in advance... + continue reading

Thursday, March 12, 2015
Posted by collin sick
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On Wednesday, March 11th, the District Attorney's office pushed in court for Dante Cano to be hit with a felony charge for vandalism. The one police officer in court claimed that after hearing a window being hit, he saw a person in black running in a sea of other people in black. Several moments... + continue reading

Sunday, March 8, 2015
Posted by Chuck0
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In a ruling on Thursday hailed as a vindication, a Manhattan court has determined ten climate activists “not guilty” on charges related to a thousands-strong climate protest that “flooded Wall Street” in New York City’s financial district in September of last year.

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David Graeber
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Posted by Chuck0
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The more time went on, the more I realized [bureaucracy] was also politically important. The fact that the discourse of the way we talk about bureaucracy, the political issue of bureaucracy, used to be a big left-wing issue back in the ’60s, and now it’s sort of been abandoned to the right — I... + continue reading

Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Posted by Chuck0
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The man is a pacifist. Originally he felt that rallies, petitions, marches, and picketing would help turn public opinion against the war, and when the majority of Americans opposed it, our political representatives would vote to stop it. That's what democracy means. The first part turned out to... + continue reading

David Graeber

Home Page

Featured Articles

Thursday, Mar 12, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

After the din of protest dies down come the works of social science. Activist-academics Todd Wolfson and Michael Gould-Wartofsky take as their research subject the social movements they were embedded in as participant-observers: Indymedia and Occupy Wall Street, respectively. Digital Rebellion and The Occupiers are their attempts to understand... + continue reading

Monday, Mar 09, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

X380847. That’s my membership number in the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). The IWW has been around since 1905, making typical unions with the bosses and bureaucratic party nervous, since the stated goal of the IWW is the abolition of the wage system altogether, rather than reformist efforts to “improve” the conditions of the owners and... + continue reading

Sunday, Mar 08, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

Today, people are celebrating International Women’s Day. To some it is a day to celebrate women like Mother’s Day but to others it is a day to mark women’s past, present and future struggle to achieve empowerment and equality with men.

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Saturday, Mar 07, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

Nobody seems to like bureaucracy very much, and yet somehow we always seem to end up with more of it. One can see its effects in every aspect of our lives. Indeed, bureaucracy has become the water in which we swim. It fills our days with paperwork. Application forms get longer and more elaborate.

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Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

First, we give an update on Albert Woodfox (last living, incarcerated member of the Angola 3) who's almost reached his 43rd year (!) in solitary confinement in the state of Louisiana. In addition to this update, we feature a segment of Robert King speaking about his experience in Angola prison and an interview by Noah of The Prison Radio Show... + continue reading

Anarchist News

7 today
Thursday, Mar 12, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

On Wednesday, March 11th, the District Attorney's office pushed in court for Dante Cano to be hit with a felony charge for vandalism. The one police officer in court claimed that after hearing a... + continue reading


8 today
Saturday, Mar 07, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

Nobody seems to like bureaucracy very much, and yet somehow we always seem to end up with more of it. One can see its effects in every aspect of our lives. Indeed, bureaucracy has become the water... + continue reading


6 today
Monday, Mar 02, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

Thanks to massive deforestation along Brazil's Atlantic coast and the Amazon, São Paulo's reservoirs are at just 6% of their capacity and water rationing is in place. But this is just the... + continue reading


9 today
Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

Over the past decade, states have slashed workers’ compensation benefits, denying injured workers help when they need it most and shifting the costs of workplace accidents to taxpayers.

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5 today
Monday, Mar 09, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

X380847. That’s my membership number in the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). The IWW has been around since 1905, making typical unions with the bosses and bureaucratic party nervous, since... + continue reading

Climate Change

2 today
Thursday, Mar 12, 2015 - 0 comment(s)

Ten climate change protesters arrested for blocking traffic last September near Wall Street were found not guilty March 5. New York City Criminal Court Judge Robert Mandelbaum ruled that the NYPD’... + continue reading


Lecture by David Graeber: Resistance In A Time Of Total Bureaucratization / Maagdenhuis Amsterdam