Monthly Archives: October 2014

How To Make A Good First Impression

Posted on October 28, 2014 by

hand shake

Making a good first impression is vital in most areas of life, but it is arguably never more important than where job interviews and the workplace are concerned.

Not only is the amount of time to impress limited, there are usually others around you competing for that time; and where there is competition, there are nerves – and nerves are your worst enemy when trying to impress.

Don’t panic, however! While giving a less than favourable first impression can mean missing out on that job opportunity you so desperately wanted, being conscious and prepared can seriously help you avoid such a fate and put you in good stead to make an impression to remember.

For instance, when people are nervous they often forget to smile. They can come across as tense and serious, which, although probably untrue, can seem as if they are dull, unhappy or lacking in personality.

The trick is to be aware of it, and smile anyway. There’s no need to to go overboard with insane bubbliness, but a decent smile along with direct eye contact is enough to suggest you are friendly, open and confident, in spite of any nerves.

Don’t forget to listen. Some people trip themselves up by talking too much and failing to listen to others properly. Waffling on and on will only irritate and bore your audience so get to the point and stay there, but also ask intelligent questions and be open and ready for the answers.

Body language also counts. Fidgeting is to be avoided as it suggests you are not relaxed, and a slouched or hunched posture creates the impression you are unconfident, sloppy or even lazy.

Remember to do your research. Know your facts and background about the company or position as it shows you are a genuinely interested and serious candidate.

A first impression can never be undone. However, if you can keep all these areas in check and ensure you dress to impress, remain willing and enthusiastic and use your best manners, you’re well on the way to creating a striking, likeable and professional first impression.

Tips for finding the right job

Posted on October 14, 2014 by


Finding a job these days is possibly more difficult than ever. Competition is rife, vacancies are scarce and funding is often low.

In our desperation to secure work, we therefore tend to feel obliged to accept the first job on offer.

It’s an understandable temptation, but one we should certainly try to resist if we want to feel confident about taking on a job that is just right.

Many a position may seem appropriate at first glance, but gaining a glimpse into the company culture is highly recommended for a real taste of what life might be like behind closed company doors.

This can be as simple as talking to staff, past or present, about the culture of the organisation or their personal experiences within it. It may seem off the wall to approach strangers in this manner, however, a casual chat to a receptionist or a call-out on social media about contacts familiar with the company in question can unearth a surprising amount of information.

Perhaps management is known for it’s unorthodox approaches. It could be that the company is in financial trouble or maybe they are thriving and at the top of their game. Knowing such information will contribute to an informed decision about whether you see yourself as part of the team.

You might find that online research reveals further helpful insight including the low down on company policies, staff profiles, business history, client relationships and reputation.

The frequency of staff turnover can be a significant indication of workplace contentment, security and stability where employees are concerned. Companies who are continually having to replace staff are to be avoided, as this generally infers that conditions are not favourable.

What some candidates tend to forget is the opportunity the job interview presents. It is a two-way street after all, where questions should be asked from both sides. It is the perfect time to find out more specific company and team details that otherwise may not be apparent.

Remember – the position needs to be sold to you as much as you need to be sold to the position.

How to Improve your Chances of Getting a Job

Posted on October 7, 2014 by

Have you been sending your CV out religiously with few leads? Whether you’re trying to land your first job, have been unemployed for some time, or are thinking about switching careers, it’s tough to stand out in the current economic climate. It’s not uncommon to spend months on a job search, but you can boost your chances of a swift and fruitful hunt by keeping the following tips in mind.

job search

Image Source: Julie Walraven/Flickr

1. Write original cover letters. 

When you’re applying for multiple jobs a week, it’s hard to make each application stand out from the others. However, you’ll greatly improve your chances of getting the job by taking the time to research each company and think about why you might actually be a good fit. Generic cover letters and CVs are a big turnoff to recruiters, because they don’t show that you are willing to go the extra mile and put in the effort to introduce yourself. Your cover letter is particularly important, because it’s your chance to show just why you’re different from other candidates. Templates are tempting when you’re just starting out, but use them sparingly.

2. Upgrade your skills. 

If you’re interested in switching careers or are new to the work force, it’s a good idea to get the basic training that will help you show you can handle the job. This may involve online courses or continuing education that work into your schedule before you start your hunt. You can find a wide range of courses at NowLearning AU, which may fit your career goals. Boosting your education level shows recruiters that you’re a self-starter who’s willing to take initiative.

3. Build your personal brand online.  

It’s essential to have a strong digital presence these days, as many hiring managers look at your social media profiles and blog along with your CV. Curate your online presence carefully with this in mind. Your digital footprint allows you to show off your talents, interests, and background. Be sure to take a careful look at what your profiles say about you. Online networking through sites like LinkedIn can also yield new job leads.

4. Don’t let rejections discourage you. 

Even the most qualified candidates for the job are going to get rejected a few times along the way. Rejection is part of the job search process, so don’t get discouraged when it happens to you. It simply means that an employer didn’t think that you would be a good fit for the company, but it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a good fit out there for you.

5. Consider temporary work or internships. 

When you’re breaking into an industry, a good first step to get your foot in the door is through an internship or temp job. Temp work is often seen as a last resort, but it allows you to earn money while you learn new skills. Many temp jobs and internships eventually turn into full-time positions, because the employer has seen what you’re capable of.

The key is to look at your job search as a full-time job in itself. Follow every lead, carefully craft every cover letter individually, and upgrade your qualifications if necessary. Give your all and you’ll be certain to find an employer who’s the best fit for you.

Welcome To Adzuna

Posted on October 3, 2014 by


Fairfax Media is transitioning its MyCareer online jobs board to Adzuna (, a leading international job search engine.

Earlier this year Fairfax Media announced a joint venture in Australia with leading international job search engine Adzuna. Together we are providing a new online platform for job seekers at Adzuna is now Fairfax’s primary online job listings brand in Australia.

From 17 October 2014, the job search and alert functionality provided at will be migrated to Adzuna.

Adzuna is a job search engine which makes it easier to find the right job for you. Adzuna searches thousands of websites and brings together hundreds of thousands of ads so you can find them all in one place. Adzuna has powerful search, insightful market data and social connections and offers a superior user experience.

We look forward to you finding your next job on