Hercules is a 1997 American animated musical film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The 35th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, the film was directed by Ron Clements and John Musker. The film is based on the legendary Greek mythology hero Heracles (known in the film by his Roman name, Hercules), the son of Zeus, in Greek mythology.
Though Hercules did not match the financial success of Disney's early-1990s releases, the film received positive reviews, and made $99 million in revenue in the United States during its theatrical release and $252,712,101 worldwide.
Hercules was later followed by the direct-to-video prequel Hercules: Zero to Hero, which served as a midquel to Hercules: The Animated Series, a syndicated Disney TV series focusing on Hercules during his time at the Prometheus academy.
After imprisoning the Titans beneath the ocean, the Greek gods Zeus and his wife Hera have a son named Hercules. While the other gods are joyful, Zeus' jealous brother Hades plots to overthrow Zeus and rule Mount Olympus. Turning to the Fates for help, Hades learns that in eighteen years, a planetary alignment will allow Hades to locate and free the Titans to conquer Olympus, but only if Hercules does not interfere. Hades sends his minions Pain and Panic to dispose of Hercules. The two succeed at kidnapping and feeding him a formula that turns him mortal, but fail to remove his superhuman strength before Hercules is found and adopted by the farmers Amphitryon and Alcmene.
Hercule wishes to be recognized at last as the star that he always was. He does not accept that Pif, this fleabag, can delight stardom. He decides, therefore, on an impulse, to change his life and retire to a deserted island- or the nearest thing: to relate his career and write his own film. In a paradise-like setting, Hercule recounts the biggest roles of his career. Pif isn't absent from his memories, but Hercule still considers him to be a fifth wheel... However, this, in reality, is not exactly the case...
Dick Sand travels aboard the "Pilgrim" when, following dramatic events, the ship becomes without a captain. Fate has it so that, to keep all sailors in peace, he shall command the ship. All accept this arrangement, even Negoro - whose resentment will add treachery to circumstances already difficult to take the ship to safe harbour. To a point the task may prove impossible...
Keywords: based-on-novel, remake
Chubby: [to the teacher he has a crush on] You can call me Chubsy-Ubsy... if you want to.
The first Olympics, starring Hercules (looking, but not quite sounding, like a really pumped-up Bluto), who challenges anyone to do the same feats as him. Popeye takes that challenge, of course. First, they battle animals, with Bluto pulling the skins off two wild elephants and Popeye turning three lions into a nesting set. The discus throw doesn't go well, with Herc's disc swooping Popeye into Herc's hand. The javelin is even worse for Popeye, with Herc throwing him all the way to the moon. This gives him a chance to go after Olive in typical Bluto fashion; her cries of help reach Popeye, who prays to the Greek goddess Spinachia, who delivers a can of spinach to him.
Keywords: centaur, character-name-in-title, crossover, hercules, mushroom-cloud, popeye
The beloved Miss McGillicuddy has left school and the gang is faced with a new teacher, one Miss Crabtree, whose name alone suggests a mean old lady to the gang. They plot several means of running off the new teacher, including ants, sneezing powder, and a mouse. On the way to school, one of the gang, Jackie, is picked up by a lovely lady who asks him about his school. Jackie reveals all the gang's plans to ruin things for Miss Crabtree. The only problem is that a sweet young woman Jackie has hitched a ride with is none other than... Miss Crabtree.
Keywords: actor-shares-first-name-with-character, children, first-day-of-school, our-gang, practical-joke
Miss June Crabtree: I hope the children like me.::Old man: Oh, they'll like you alright. We'll have the cake and ice cream down to the school right on time. [Miss Crabtree drives away] Ummm... Wow! I wouldn't mind going back to school myself!
DARINGLY DIFFERENT (original print ad - all caps)
Years ahead of anything you've ever seen on the screen. A million dollar comedy that took months to make. Gigantic sets! Tremendous crowds! Beautiful girls! Glittering spectacles! All in the name of farce! Don't miss this sensational comedy. It may be years before you'll see anything like it again!