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Riprese aeree fatte con il mio drone DJI PHANTOM & camera GOPRO Hero 3.
Ancona is the main city of the Region Marche and it's situated at the centre of the Adriatic coast, north of the Conero promontory. The name Ancona originates from the greek word "Ankon" which means "elbow" and was conceived by the first greek sailors (Siracusans) who founded the city in 387 BC. After 295 BC (Battle of Sentinum) it became a Roman Colony and Emperor Trajan (2nd century AD) used Ancona Port as starting point for his "Dacian Campaign". It became an independent commune in the 11th century turning into an important maritime republic and withstood the assaults of Venice and Frederick Barbarossa. After 1532 Ancona became part of the Papal States under Pope Clement VII. Pope Clement XII extended the port in 1730, and Ancona was declared a "free port". This brought to a period of economical and artistic splendour of the city. In 1797 Napoleon occupied the city and, after the Battle of Castelfidardo in 1860, it became part of the Kingdom of Italy. Ancona ist eine Hafenstadt an der italienischen Adriaküsteund die Hauptstadt der Region Marken und der Provinz Ancona. Der Name stammt aus dem Griechischen und bedeutet Ellbogen. Die Stadt liegt südlich vom Monte Conero und wurde im Jahre 387 v. Chr. von griechischen Kolonisten aus Syrakus gegründet. Ancona wurde nach 295 v. Chr. zu einer römischen Kolonie. Kaiser Trajan vergrößerte im zweiten Jahrhundert nach Christus den Hafen und errichtete den nördlichen Kai, um von dort aus seinen Kriegszug nach Dakien zu starten. Zu Ehren Trajans wurde im Jahre 115 ein monumentaler Triumphbogen vom Senat und dem Volk erbaut. Im 11. Jahrhundert wurde Ancona eine unabhängige Gemeinde und daraufhin ein marittimer Stadtstaat, der Angriffen von Venedig und Friedrich Barbarossa trotzte. Nach 1532 wurde Ancona Teil des Kirchenstaates unter Klemens VII. Der Papst Klemens XII. vergrößerte den Hafen im Jahr 1730 und Ancona wurde zu einem freien Hafen erklärt. Dies führte zu einer wirtschaftlichen Blütezeit von Ancona. 1797 besetzte Napoleon die Stadt. Nach der Schlacht von Castelfidardo wurde Ancona Teil des italienischen Königreichs.
Il Campionato italiano di Ginnastica Artistica Maschile e Femminile va in scena al PalaRossini di Ancona, il 7 febbraio, con la tappa inaugurale di Serie A1. 21 squadre ai nastri di partenza della massima serie (9 per la Maschile e 12 per la Femminile), oltre ai 15 individualisti del Trampolino Elastico impegnati nel nuovo torneo L1. Sintesi in esclusiva per FGI Channel con il commento giornalistico di David Ciaralli e quello tecnico di Carmine Luppino. © Federazione Ginnastica d'Italia
Godetevi la Curva Nord Ancona in tutto il suo splendore !!!
Greetings world, We are Anonymous, It has come to our attention during Operation KKK that the sub-faction Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has been denounced by the other factions of the Ku Klux Klan. They denounce TAK as being run by a drug addicted conman. You disgrace your own twisted views and you over charge your Klan members on their dues. You have posted videos in the past announcing that you were taking drugs. They call you out on being a fake Klan. If you do a simple Internet search for Frank Ancona Rabbi you will find that many of his Klan brothers have denounced him and his faction. Frank, you have been run out of many towns by the KKK and now you will be run out of town by Anonymous. You will no longer threaten protesters. You have witnessed just a small portion of what we are capable of. We have released all your personal information to the Internet, this includes your address, your phone numbers, your social security number, and your credit card details. We have taken your servers offline. This is nothing compared to what will happen to you if you threaten the protesters of Ferguson Missouri again. You will not show your face in Ferguson, you will not send your ghoul squad to Ferguson. You will tuck your tail between your legs and leave the state of Missouri. You have been warned. We are Anonymous We are Legion We do not forgive We do not forget Frank Ancona, you should have expected us!
Matteo Montesi:Con Italianghosts sperimentiamo dei lunghissimi labirinti nel sottosuolo di Ancona INFO UFFICIALI Sito Negozio magliette Pagine facebook AVVERTENZA Questo video come gli altri possono contenere molteplici pubblicità in quanto ad oggi questo è il mio unico lavoro. Non campando d'aria mi scuso in anticipo se vi può dare fastidio e spero anzi che capiate che ho anche un figlio da mantenere e un aiuto di dovere ai miei genitori anziani a cui devo molto. Se vuoi sostenere Matteo ad affrontare la difficile situazione in cui si trova, permettendogli così di continuare nella sua opera, puoi effettuare libere donazioni nel modo che più preferisci tra i seguenti: PostePay Da fare alle poste fornendo questi dati (al costo di 1 €). 4023 6006 5650 2293 MNTMTT78B12E690U Per utilizzare la PayPal senza ulteriori spese è necessario andare sul sito e poi cliccare su AIUTI E SOSTEGNI Qui è possibile rendere mensile il contributo BONIFICO BANCARIO: IBAN: IT79A0306234210000001362673 BIC: MEDBITMM BANCA: MEDIOLANUM MATTEO MONTESI
Alex Poucher, a heavily involved member of Anonymous, sat down with Frank Ancona, Imperial Wizard of the Traditional American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan this Sunday. The two groups- Anonymous and the KKK- have had a feud over the last month regarding how to respond to action in Ferguson. Following the release of a controversial flyer by the KKK, Anonymous members took over the KKK's national Twitter account. While Mr Poucher and Mr Ancona did not discuss the hacking situation, they sat down and spoke to better understand each-other and mitigate some of the tension between both groups. The conversation lasted about 20 minutes, but News2share is currently releasing these highlights as a representation of their exchange. Filmed by Trey Yingst Edited by Ford Fischer Special Thanks to Alejandro Alvarez and Laura Thompson for Outreach For more, go to Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:
boarding to the ferry boat
La fine della Stagione Estiva 2014, nell'angolo più suggestivo e caratteristico di Ancona: la Spiaggia del Passetto. Video effettuato con Droni dalla Conero ...
Ancona. Duemilaquattrocento anni di gloriosissima storia; più antica di Roma; più volte Repubblica autonoma. Dal carattere sempre pacifico ma costantemente ribelle contro gli invasori, ebbe un ruolo capitale nel Risorgimento d’Italia. Le barbarie nemiche degli ultimi due conflitti hanno, particolarmente in questo capoluogo, raso al suolo le testimonianze dei fasti passati e, con esse, sembra, anche la memoria dei suoi cittadini. Anconetani che non ricordano più gli eventi chiave della loro città o cosa questa realmente offra. Noi non vogliamo raccontarvi ciò che già conoscono, ma quello che probabilmente ancora no.
Matteo Montesi:In questa mia lunghissima produzione documento le parti rimaste abbandonate del vecchio manicomio di Ancona,e un attico dove ci vanno gli Anco...
L'ultimo giorno della Fiera di San Ciriaco ad Ancona , due bancarellari cominciano a litigare (il motivo mi è ignoto). Uno dei due, quello coi piercing, se ne sta tranquillo dentro la bancarella, mentre l'altro sbraita e insulta contro il primo e contro un nero che gli impedisce di passare alle mani . Il nero, brav'uomo, all'insulto risponde con un "grazie". Ma un coraggioso passante non la fa passare liscia al bancarellaro che pensa di poter insultare i neri gratuitamente e impunemente.
Prima parte della mitica "videocassetta" delle pubblicità dei RISOTERAPIA Ancona. Per vedere tutti i miei spot doppiati visita il sito http://www.spotdoppiat...
Seconda parte della mitica "videocassetta" delle pubblicità dei RISOTERAPIA Ancona. Per vedere tutti i miei spot doppiati visita il sito http://www.spotdoppi...
In collaborazione con DRONI DELLE MARCHE, lo spettacolare filmato riassuntivo di tutti I Sedici forti di Ancona! In ordine di apparizione: - Forte Cappuccini...
La Polizia Municipale di Ancona è coinvolta in un inseguimento anche un pò divertente con una persona in scooter senza casco che non rispetta nessuna regola andando addirittura contromano nella corsia riservata ai bus per poi continuare la sua folle corsa sempre contromano. La pattuglia è una Fiat Punto EVO Natural Power (Metano) mentre lo scooter è un'Aprilia SR vecchio modello. Ancona, Marche, Italia, Settembre 2014. (ENGLISH) The Municipal Police of Ancona is involved in a chase even a little fun against a motorcyclist. Ancona, Marche, Italy, September 2014.
Disembarking the ferry at Patras in Greece from Ancona Italy.
Check In Adress: Via Luigi Einaudi Zona Mandracchio, 60125 Ancona.
Excursion en servicio regular por la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Introduction to Italy.Central Italy. Visit beautiful Marche Ancona.;=1638&creative;=19454&creativeASIN;=B001EZT1BY&linkCode;=as2&tag;=wwwgajudwordp-21 Jack Wolfskin Travel Daypack Damenrucksack Ancona Produktmerkmale Modell 2012 Maße: 40 x 24 x 16 centimeter Kapazität 13 Liter Gewicht: 330 Gramm Oberstoff: 100% POLYESTER
Il noto imprenditore marchigiano ha risposto alle domande di Giorgio Mulè ed Alfonso Signorini tra politica, economia, giovani, rottamatori, rottamati ed una...
This caravan is for sale at our Clacton branch. Please visit for more details.
Going to Split,Crotia from Italy,this small cozy port is one of popular gate...It was foggy but sentimental..
motorový paragliding, ancona tour 2011 Italie
NOW SOLD THANKS FOR LOOKING. Call 07788 134 567 for further details and viewing arrangements. Bailey Pegasus Ancona II in excellent condition 6 Berth Single ...
Beach of Portonovo - Conero Riviera - on the Adriatic sea, is a beautiful seaside resort near Ancona in le Marche region in Italy. Wild nature, white beaches...
English subtitles available: select CC in the menu* Former minister of health, welfare and culture Hedy D'Ancona officially reopens the newly refurbished Ha...
Preview of Cafe_travel's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blo...
Autorità Portuale di Ancona video istituzionale -Porto turistico.
Il duomo di Ancona.
Today was my first day on my own, and I headed to Ancona to meet up with my friend Andrea. I had a few bumps, but all was well in the end! Click here to subscribe: Eastern Europe: Me: Twitter: Tumblr: Songs Used: Arcade Fire-Here Comes the Fire II[No copyright infringement intended]
Video on San Michele Beach which is near Ancona, Italy.
(High Definition - English version). Touristic Video Guide. Producer: Dimitris Theodorou, (DT Productions). Narrator: Brad Willoughby. Editor: Yiannis Christodoulou, Music: Nikos Katsanos, Graphics: Nikos Dekoulis, Cameras: Kostas Agiannitis & Dimitris Fassakis, Director: Kostas Agiannitis. Rhodes, The Island of the Sun Rhodes lies 270 nautical miles from Piraeus and is surrounded by the islands of Simi, Tilos, Chalki and Alimia as well as rocky outcroppings like Tragoussa, Drossonissi, Prassonissi and others. It has an area of 1,400 sq. km. and a coastline length of 220 km. The land is by and large mountainous -the highest mountain is Attaviros with 1,215m. height-, with small plains, verdant ravines and river beds, valleys and plateaus and long sandy beaches. Island of Rhodes has always been a major attraction for tourists from every corner of the world. Whether you like, nature, night life, Culture, History (Rhodes is where Colossus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient world once stood) or if you just want to get-away from it all for a while, and get a bronze-like tan, Rhodes island has it all. The continual sunshine -an average 300 days of sunshine a year- and the mild climate make the island suitable for viticulture. Its superb climate, the fertile soil and the geographical position are the main factors which have made the island densely populated from antiquity up to the present. Its population today is around 90,000 and they are able to host more than 1,250,000 visitors a year. Visitors who come to enjoy the island's natural beauty and to get acquainted with its long history. The airport of Rhodes has daily charter flights from many European cities as well as Cyprus, Tel Aviv and Cairo. You can also reach Rhodes by plane from Athens (about 50 minutes flight), Crete and Santorini. Large ferry boats go daily between Piraeus and Rhodes (the trip lasts from 13 to 20 hours), while there connections with Thessalonica, Crete, the rest of the Dodecanese and international ports as Limassol (Cyprus), Haifa (Israel), Alexandria (Egypt) and Ancona (Italy). Hotels of all categories can be found in Rhodes, with rooms or suites, pensions, and rooms to rent in private houses. Travel Agencies in Rhodes Island can provide you with everything you may need either for your accommodation or exploring the island. Welcome to the brilliant island of the sun!...
Holidays in Corfù (greece) - FERRY from Brindisi, Bari, Ancona, Venice - PLANE from major European airports - all the tips to live your Greek holiday - book ...
December 29, 2010. Benedict XVI will turn 84 years old in April and it will mark is sixth year as Pope. However, this is not stopping him from planning a yea... is a Military online booking travel site and supplier of airfares, hotels, car rentals and vacation packages for the Army, Navy, USMC,...
Joining Tom Clark to discuss it all are Guardian columnists Matthew D'Ancona and Rafael Behr, and leader writer Anne Perkins.
The Guardian 2015-03-26Matthew D'Ancona, Sharon ... Matthew d'Ancona. Matthew d'Ancona writes a weekly column for the Guardian.
noodls 2015-03-26(Source: University of Delaware ). 1:58 ... Sarver leads the program with Jim Ancona, the band's assistant director ... udel. edu ... :36
noodls 2015-03-26Matthew D'Ancona Sharon Flood Professor ... Matthew d'Ancona writes a weekly column for the Guardian.
noodls 2015-03-26(Source: ... Flushing, N. Y ... J ... J ... The Knights goalkeeper, junior Kristen Ancona, made 13 saves after facing 33 shots by the Tigers.
noodls 2015-03-26My guess is that, having already said (to Matthew d’Ancona) that he didn’t fancy being Prime ...
The Independent 2015-03-24GMT ... Matthew D’Ancona is being generous to his old friend in suggesting it is "an act of both strength and weakness" ... ).
The Guardian 2015-03-24My guess is that, having already said (to Matthew d’Ancona) that he didn’t fancy being Prime ...
The Guardian 2015-03-24Matthew d'Ancona ... The SNP’s tartan tail wagging the red Labour dog: don’t rule it out. Older. Topics. The Guardian.
The Guardian 2015-03-22Such revelations could only come ahead of a general election ... Hospital crisis ... billion by 2048 ... Eclipsed ... --> ... Matthew d'Ancona:
London Evening Standard 2015-03-20Good news. Your great-great-great-great-great-great-[etc]-grandmother was probably not defiled by a Viking ... Matthew d'Ancona:
London Evening Standard 2015-03-20The Right-wing media would have us believe that George Osborne just delivered a "feelgood Budget" ... Good: ... --> ... Matthew d'Ancona:
London Evening Standard 2015-03-20In recent years a new genre of political commentary has emerged ... So its politics are distinct: ... Analysis: ... pm ... Matthew d'Ancona:
London Evening Standard 2015-03-20Ancona ([aŋˈkoːna] ( listen), from Greek: Ἀγκών - Ankon) is a city and a seaport in the Marche region, in central Italy, with a population of 102,997 (2010). Ancona is the capital of the province of Ancona and of the region.
The city is located 280 km (170 mi) northeast of Rome, on the Adriatic Sea, between the slopes of the two extremities of the promontory of Monte Conero, Monte Astagno and Monte Guasco.
Ancona is one of the main ports on the Adriatic Sea, especially for passenger traffic, and is the main economic and demographic centre of the region.
The climate of Ancona is both Mediterranean and continental. Winters are quite cold (Jan. mean temp. +5°C), with frequent rain and fog. Low temperatures can reach -10°C outside the city centre. Snow is not unusual when the air masses come from the north or from the east, and can be heavy at times. Summers are warm (July mean temp. +22.5°C) and humid, especially by the sea. High temperatures sometimes reach +35°C / +40°C, especially when the wind blows from the south or the west (föhn effect). Thunderstorms are quite common, particularly in August and September. Spring and autumn are really changeable seasons, but generally mild.
Thank you for blessing the road I walk on
That I'm walking on
I'm sorry for every mistake I fall on
Can't help but fall
You've changed this heart in me
And I know, I can always count on you
To give me the signs
In the wind on my face
Each time I try to run
From the sight of your grace
From the wrongs I have done
You shine down your ligh
T each time I need a guide
I say to hearts in despair
There's an answer to a prayer
Give me true love in my life, a peaceful mind
Save me from harm
Pull me back if I ever try to walk away
Don't let me stray
You've changed this heart in me
And I know I can always count on you
To give me the signs
In the wind on my face
Each time I try to run
From the sight of your grace
From the wrongs I have done
You shine down your light
Each time I need a guide
I say to hearts in despair
There's an answer to a prayer
Say to all hearts in despair, there's an answer to a prayer
You've changed this heart in me
And I know I can always count on you
To hear my prayers
You shine down your light
And I know there's an answer to a prayer
You shine down your light
Each time I need a guide
I say to hearts in despair
J'ai dansé tous mes hiers, loin de toi de tes yeux
Couru les champs l'hiver, entre blanc et bleu
J'étais la solitude, portée sur la terre
Par le vent du sud, soulevant les mers
Une nuit m'a posée, près de toi condamnée
à des années de toi, à me damner pour toi
L'oiseau de passage tu l'as mis en cage
Cage d'or et mirages...
Garde moi en captivité - prisonnière à jamais hantée...
Toute ma vie sans m'évader tue ma liberté...
Garde moi en captivité - prisonnière à jamais hantée...
Enchaînée à ta destinée, garde au secret ma liberté...
Je n'entends plus rien du monde, des saisons qui résonnent
Ne suis plus dans la ronde, plus rien ne me raisonne
Nous sommes rois sans rien, un royaume où ne règnent
Que tes mains dans mes mains, mes lendemains qui t'aiment
Garde moi je regarde, au-delà de nous
Je vois la vie qui se farde, sans un garde-fou
L'oiseau des orages tu l'as mis en nage
Mes hiers ont fait naufrage...
Garde moi en captivité - prisonnière à jamais hantée...
Toute ma vie sans m'évader tue ma liberté...
Garde moi en captivité - prisonnière à jamais hantée...
Enchaînée à ta destinée, garde au secret ma liberté...
Sois le gardien... De mes jardins...
Secrets sacrés... Jusqu'à la fin...
Garde au secret... Ma liberté...
Take away the dark clouds
From the world you see
Clear the haze around us
Please don't rain on me
Tear the page of your doubts
From the words you speak
Chase that pain on your brow
Life can't be so bleak
I could follow you
Whatever we go through
Do all that I can do
Just to be there
Somewhere else
You'd rise above the rest
Than talking to yourself
Going nowhere
See the day come shining
Right in front of you
Set your sails a-gliding
Let the stars guide too
Anywhere the wind blows
Is better than these blues
Find your way, you're so close
Heaven can come true
I could follow you
Whatever we go through
Do all that I can do
Just to be there
Somewhere else
You'd rise above the rest
Than talking to yourself
Going nowhere
You could be sailing in a beautiful world
Valpara'so by the sea
Bring me back into your dreams
Cause at my window there's a moon
From here to Cali and Bandung
Je suis
La flamme brune
Dans tes moments d'absence
Je vis
Dans ton sommeil délivrance
Je trace
La route nocturne
De tes désirs nomades
Et j'efface
La douleur des saisons froides
Dans ces mots que tu ne sais pas
De soleils et d'ombres
Dans ces mondes où tu ne vas pas
De soleils et d'ombres
Je frôle
La plaine immobile
De ton corps endormi
Je vole
Au secours de tes envies
Je pose
Comme un écrin d'argile
Sur tes yeux qui cherchent plus loin
Et j'y ose
Tout mon amour que tu retiens
Souffle d'ange aux vents salés
Je veux respirer à ton air
Percée d'or au sable mêlée
Je veux me plonger dans ton âme
Let me crawl down to your shore
Light the stars you're looking for
Follow, let them be your guide
We promised that we'd share our lives
And nothing could tear us apart
But I feel that something has gone wrong
I must try to find the way
To tell you what I want to say
That I feel that something has gone wrong
Cause I don't feel the flame again
I don't want to have to pretend
That I'm still in love with you
I don't feel the flame again
I don't want to have to pretend
That I'm still in love with you
See me
Free me
Let me go
I will not promise you
The things I can't do
And I can't afford to live in love that's through
Forgive me I have sinned
I've made a broken dream
And this has to end, I hope you understand
Cause I don't feel the flame again
I don't want to have to pretend
That I'm still in love with you
I don't feel the flame again
I don't want to have to pretend
That I'm still in love with you
See me
Free me
Let me go
Promise that we'd share our lives
And nothing would tear us apart
Somewhere between my sleep
Somewhere beneath my skin
In places I can't see
Something is known to be a sin
Hiding inside my eyes
Burning from deep within
Something that needs a lie
Trying to turn into a sin
Rescue me before I lose control
Rescue me from this fire in my soul
There's only you who can stop me from falling
I need a saviour, need my saviour
Rescue me before I lose my head
Rescue me from the sight of regret
Cause only your love can stop me from wanting
I need a saviour, you're my saviour
Knocking behind my door
Asking to be let in
Something I have ignored
Wanting to be a sin
It's been around for so long
And waiting to begin
I know that it's so wrong
Can't let it be a sin
Smoke fills the sky
Another day in a new town for me
I look for the light
Under the clouds, beyond the concrete
Up here I hide
Watching the crowds move along
Down those grey streets, I am lost here
In my dreams all alone, I still
Go back, in the memory of my home
One day you'll follow
Oh it's been too long
Since I could see the stars overhead
We used to count them
Shared all our passions, and swore not to tell
I hold them now
And now I know where those stars fell
Days would fly by
When you were mine
Like these dreams I have known, I still
Go back, in the memory of your shores
Left you there waiting
So long ago
Right there, in the memory of my home
One day you'll follow
One day you'll follow
E. Benzi/N. Matheson
No way can try to keep me here
Locked inside a world of hate and nasty lies
No this darkness has no hold on me
See the sky light up when my love starts to fly
See my love fly right over their walls (2x)
No one here can try and cut my wings
I've got my love out there just waiting for me
No chains or crosses, they can't keep me in
Tears turn into salt as they fall down to the sea
See my love fly right over their walls (2x)
Stone and steel won't stop me, I will set you free
Across this world I'll follow you, just raise you head and see
Love is so much stronger, and believe in what I know
I will follow your desire, wherever you may go
Wherever I go
Whatever I see
Over oceans unknown
You are always with me
Pure as the water
We float on this wave
On the breath of an angel
I'll fly away
At the ends of your fingers
I follow tonight
Caught in the lightning
Of a thousand horizons
We dance for no reason
You hold on so tight
Lost in the feeling
Of a wonderful ride
Di semua bahasa, Semua warna
Kupahami kata Yang, kau ukir indah
Nyanyi beku angin, Cairkan sengat surya
Di relung hatiku, Bernyanyi bidadari
I can hear every word
I see everywhere
Take me into your world
You can answer my prayers
Rivers of hours
Where time is so rare
Hold me forever
Say you'll always be there
Wherever I go
Whatever I see
Over oceans unknown
You are always with me
Pure as the water
We float on this wave
On the breath of an angel
Gold and Amber
Shining through
Swear by the moon
I'll wait for you
Silent treasures
Tender blushes
Soft surrender
To discover
Feel the wings
We whisper and sigh
As the angels glide
On the touch of our skin
A fragile voice I hear
That trembles and deceives
the deep blue oceans in your eyes
Desire grows inside
Veils of mist
Covered kisses
Swear by the moon
I want you
Pearls of steam
And the dance begins
Free the heat
Make us stronger still
No more promises
We are here tonight
Come together in sweet firelight
Here until dawn
Sets us both apart
A love that's true
Swear by the moon
I live for you, for you
For you, for you, forever for you
Precious hours
Fires dying down
While the night gives way to clear morning light
Perfumes gracing
The senses of our souls
A love that's true
Swear by the moon
I'll be here for you, for you, forever for you
To the road I did take
Trembling as the ground shakes
Under my feet cracked in a stone heal
Never ending motion
Way across the ocean
Into your devotion
Long have I gone so far from my home
What to do with this love that I'm in
I have given you all of my soul
Flying all my life like a rose in the wind
Tell me why I'm always alone
On my way back home
(Indonesian spoken)
Dreaming always begins
Find a door that's opening
Something there is shining
The light in your eyes when you were all mine
All alone as I wake
Moving to a new place
Shivering as I trace
A road of my own cut by a deep cold
(Repeat chorus)
Hang on to me tight and a rose in the wind
Will be wherever you go
On your way back home
(indonesian spoken)
Can I take you back there?
Drifting on the warm air
Say you'll follow anywhere
All of our nights into the jade skies
I'll be true to you
Flying over the moon
Lying in the bamboo
I'll always know the light in the window
(repeat chorus)
everyone playing roles each day and night
searching for a missing piece
time can always tell the truth
and mask the face of a lonely heart
thinking eyes wonder what they really see
dreams of gold or glory?
something out there to believe
to tell the tale through the night
reff: all i’m looking for is only love
there is only love that i need
what i’m looking for is only love
there is only love that i seek
nothing is worth fighting only love
there is only love that makes me bleed
nothing is worth living only love
there is only love that makes me breath
wondering and like everybody else
visualizing a sign
trials and errors still abide
just hope that it won’t hurt too bad
wait and see feed this patience on my mind
leave it there until he comes
cause someone’s out there i believe
has a missing piece of my heart
repeat reff makes me breath [2x]
it’s only love there’s only love [2x]
Take away the dark clouds
From the world you see
Clear the haze around us
Please don't rain on me
Tear the page of your doubts
From the words you speak
Chase that pain on your brow
Life can't be so bleak I could follow you
Whatever we go through
Do all that I can do
Just to be there
Somewhere else
You'd rise above the rest
Than talking to yourself
Going nowhere
See the day come shining
Right in front of you
Set your sails a-gliding
Let the stars guide too
Anywhere the wind blows
Is better than these blues
Find your way, you're so close
Heaven can come true
I could follow you
Whatever we go through
Do all that I can do
Just to be there
Somewhere else
You'd rise above the rest
Than talking to yourself
Going nowhere
You could be sailing in a beautiful world
Valparaíso by the sea
Bring me back into your dreams
Cause at my window there's a moon
When I can't see right in your eyes
When I'm surrounded in the craziness of time
When you're understanding, is trying hard to stand still
When I wear layers of my pride, you should
Undress me, undress me
Unlock this chain and set me free
Remind me to be myself
Undress me, undress me
Unleash my heart and make me see
When I become someone else
Whenever I'm trapped in this tide
When I forgotten that there is you and I
When your persuasion is fighting in a blindfold
when I wear my bad moods to my mouth, you should
Undress me, undress me
Unlock this chain and set me free
Remind me to be myself, myself
Undress me, undress me
Unleash my heart and make me see
When I become someone else
Like a rose without its thorn
Like a bird without a song
Like the fire without the flame
If there's a painless love, we wouldn't be the same
Undress me, undress me
Unlock this chain and set me free
Remind me to be myself, my self
Undress me, undress me
Unleash my heart and make me see
When I become someone else
Undress me, undress me
Unlock this chain and set me free
Remind me to be myself, myself
Undress me, undress me
Un Jour Sur Terre
by Anggun
As-tu pris une seule fois le temps me sentir
La patience qu'elle a, l'amour qu'elle respire
On refuse de croire que ça peut finir
Chacun se sert sans remord et sans regrêt
Oh terre... depuis toujours
Oh terre... la vie suit son cours
Oh terre... tes enfants jouent
Oh terre... auront-ils naitre encore un jour sur terre
On marche indifferent et l'appel les supplient
D'arrêter de puiser son corps sans merci
D'oublier toutes ces richesses et de tarir ces lits
Dis-moi, qui va, en payer le prix
Oh terre... depuis toujours
Oh terre... la vie suit son cours
Oh terre... tes enfants jouent
Oh terre... auront-ils naitre encore un jour sur terre
Je ne suis qu'une goutte dans le flot humain
Dans un tourbillon fou que rien ne retient
Est ce que sur son ecorce le temps effacera
Les plaies laissees est ce qu'il n'est pas trop tard
Oh terre... depuis toujours
Oh terre... la vie suit son cours
Oh terre... tes enfants jouent
Oh terre... pourront-ils naitre encore un jour sur terre
Naître encore un jour sur terre...
Un jour sur terre...
Un jour sur terre...
Naître encore un jour sur terre...
Un jour sur terre...
Un jour sur terre....
Un jour sur terre...
pourront-ils encore...
Un Jour sur terre...
Un Jour sur terre...
Dis moi...pourront-ils encore
Il viendra
Il viendra tout droit
Du coeur des étoiles
Se poser sur mon bras
Il viendra et j'aurai mal
Il aura tout
Ce qu'en rêve j'avais entrevu
Qu'avant lui je n'aivais su
Il aura tout ce qui fait nous
Il naîtra d'un trop grand amour
Qui vit le jours
Un soir de velours
Il aura de toi
Ce qui me touche
Tes yeux et puis la bouche
Un de toi
Entre nous
Un de toi
Tu seras
Perdu d'aimer éperdument
Toi qui ne nous voulais
à jamais qu'en amants
De ma souffrance
Nous sera née cette innocence
Près de lui tu me diras
C'est un peu moi
Et c'est tout toi
Il naîtra d'un trop plein d'amour
Qui vit le jour
Un soir et rien autour
Il aura de toi
Ce qui fait mouche
Tes yeux quand tu me touches
Un de toi
Entre nous
Un de toi
Un enfant de toi
Rien qu'Ã nous
Un de toi
Un enfant de toi
Un de toi
Entre nous
Un de toi
Entre nous
Un de toi
Entre nous
Un enfant de toi
I'm here give me a glance, been following you like a shadow
This is how I spent my time dreaming about our days tomorrow
Another day has gone bye another moon another sun
I can wait for you my love
Don't want to do any harm
Just trying to get to your attention
Sometimes I walk away coz I know that we can't ever be together
Sometimes I close my mind I can't keep this love for myself any longer
Somehow I have to find the right time to say that
I want you to want me, even in my dreams
I hope yo know who I am through all the letters I have sent you
I know I'm not the only one wanting and dreaming about you
Two different world between us, you're on the spotlights far from my touch
I can't wait here forever
For a sign from your eyes
The magic I wish I could have
Should've walk away coz I knew that we can't ever be together
Should've closed my mind should've known that this love can't go any further
Should've stopped myself from this dream
Coz live will never want you to want me
Even in my dreams
I cut off my hair
Put some red on every nail on my feet
I think it's pretty
I repainted all the rooms
Got a cat that I named June, obviously
I think she's happy
Friends threw some parties
I've been to them all there's not one that I missed
And I've tried to spend my time with somebody new
But everyone
Still reminds me of you
And tried to play some songs that change my point of view
But every sound
Still reminds me of you
I've done some walking
Listen to the people talk on the street
I don't feel lonely
I saw some movies
But your face kept coming back on the screen
I think I'm crazy
Can't make decisions
I could use some more distractions today
And I've tried to spend my time with somebody new
But everyone
Still reminds me of you
And tried to play some songs that change my point of view
But every sound
Still reminds me of you
I wonder where did I go wrong? What made you gone?
How I hate to feel alone
I've tried to spend my time with somebody new
But everyone
Still reminds me of you
And tried to play some songs that change my point of view
But every sound
Still reminds me of you
Snow On The Sahara lyrics
Only tell me that you still want me here
When you wander off out there
To those hills of dust and hard winds that blow
In that dry white ocean alone Lost out in the desert
you are lost out in the desert
But to stand with you in a ring of fire
I'll forget the days gone by
I'll protect your body and guard your soul
From mirages in your sight Lost out in the desert
If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track
I'll be the moon that shines on your path
The sun may blind our eyes, I'll pray the skies above
for snow to fall on the Sahara
If that's the only place where you can leave your doubts
I'll hold you up and be your way out
And if we burn away,
I'll pray the skies above for snow to fall on the Sahara
Just a wish and I will cover your shoulders
With veils of silk and gold
When the shadows come and darken your heart
Leaving you with regrets so cold Lost out in the desert
If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track
I'll be the moon that shines on your path
The sun may blind our eyes, I'll pray the skies above
for snow to fall on the Sahara
If that's the only place where you can leave your doubts
I'll hold you up and be your way out
And if we burn away,
Boys like you, can stop playing with the toys
Girls like me wont stop trying to change your world
If you wanna be my man (Ooh)
I will make you understand (Ooh)
If you wanna be my man
Quit the games youre playing
Ive been watching you
Secretly lady, just like a hunter
Ive been watching you
Looking for someone that you can conquer
Ive been watching you
Bein a player
If you wanna be my man
You have got to cease the chasing game
Wont you drop your guns, arms in the air baby (yea)
Shake it up for once, so do you dare?
If you were my man, If you were my man
Wont you drop your guns for me? (for me)
Girls (girls) like me (like me) will keep (will keep) on falling for bad,
Boys (bad boys) like you (like you), think you (think you) can be rockin my world (my world)
But if you wanna be my man (Ooh)
You could better understand (Ooh)
If you wanna be my man
Quit the games youre playing
Ive been watching you
Secretly lady, just like a hunter
Ive been watching you
Looking for someone that you can conquer
Ive been watching you
Bein a player
If you wanna be my man
You have got to cease the chasing game
Wont you drop your guns, arms in the air baby (yea)
Shake it up for once, so do you dare?
If you were my man, If you were my man
Wont you drop your guns for me? (for me)
Later to set me free (set me free)
Better to set you free (set you free)
Better trying maybe (trying maybe)
Dont you know, you should know (Hey, your breakfast)
If you wanna be my man (lemme talk to ya)
Pras Michael:
Let me buy you a drink, better yet the bar
Listen I wanna be where you are
I know, dont really know who you are
But we can love in the club, make love in the car
Go back to the club, make it pop in the club
Look. Stop. Come give me a hug
You may not really know who I am
But trust me, Im gonna be your man
Now Ima tell you, like the G told me
Catch. Lose everythin around me
I see the ring, but its really no thing.
Holdem off you kill a doover less fame
Hold up. Watcha mean you got a man?
Whos Ametrican, thats me aint Japan
Creole over my pizza pan
You know, I know, Im your number one fan
Refrain x2:
Wont you drop your guns, arms in the air baby (yea)
Shake it up for once, so do you dare?
If you were my man, If you were my man
Wont you drop your guns for me? (for me)
Wont you drop your guns, arms in the air baby (yea)
Shake it up for once, so do you dare?
If you were my man, If you were my man
Les brûlures de la vie vous marquent au fer
Vous font croire à l'enfer jusqu'à perdre la flamme
L'amour peut aller jusqu'à défaire
Ce qu'il avait bâtit de ses larmes
Et l'incendie qui détruit les archives
Fait s'effacer le passé en nous tout à fait
On ne voit plus une seule âme qui vive, un coeur à réchauffer
Et sans plus attendre du chaud, du tendre...
Fais moi danser sur les cendres
Dis moi de me rendre sans me défendre...
En plein décembre... Nos coeurs se fendent...
à se répendre... Sur les cendres...
J'ai vu les feux éphémères des passions
Qu'on sacrifie sur le bûcher des vanités
J'ai vu se calciner les émotions
Et ne même plus chanter
Et sans plus attendre du chaud, du tendre...
Fais moi danser sur les cendres
Dis moi de me rendre sans me défendre...
En plein décembre...
Nos coeurs se fendre à se répendre...
Nos coeurs se fendre à se répendre...
Près de toi viendra l'envers de l'oubli...
Tu es mon printemps au coeur de l'hiver, ma survie...
Et sans plus attendre du chaud, du tendre...
Fais moi danser sur les cendres
Dis moi de me rendre sans me défendre...
En plein décembre...
Et sans plus attendre du chaud, du tendre...
Fais moi danser sur les cendres
Dis moi de me rendre sans me défendre...
En plein décembre... Nos coeurs se fendent...
à se répendre... Sur les cendres...
Sans plus attendre dis moi de me rendre...
Sans me défendre dis moi de me rendre...
Sans plus attendre...
Sur les cendres...
Sur les cendres...
Dis moi de me rendre...
I think I feel my heart is going to stop
I feel my body is about to drop
I have just met you
How strange it feels now that you're finally here
Maybe I'm dreaming, but you look so real
Now, let me tell you
I made a picture of you in my mind
And a name that I can call
Before I take another step to go
I just need to know
If this is destiny, stop the mystery
I'm looking for a shelter in your heart
Is there a place for me?
Stop the mystery
I know that we are meant to be together
Believe in destiny, the only mystery
I finally found a missing piece of my heart
I'm trying to make you see, signs of destiny
I'm looking for a shelter in your heart
A place for me to be
Now, you might think that this is so insane
I don't believe that love's the one to blame
Love is innocent
I know you're out there somewhere in this world
I've sensed your presence
In every second and i
Knew you were waiting, too
I made a picture of you in my mind
And a name that I can call
Before I take another step to go
I just need to know
If this is destiny, stop the mystery
I'm looking for a shelter in your heart
Is there a place for me?
Stop the mystery
I know that we are meant to be together..
I'm looking for a shelter in your heart
Is there a place for me to be
I know we are meant to be together
Believe in destiny
I'm trying to make you see
The signs of destiny
I'm trying to make you see
Rien A Ecrire
by Anggun
Il y a sur nous
Plus rien a écrire
Pas la moindre histoire
Pas la moindre blessure a guérir
Rien a se dire
La page est tournée
Deux corps étrangers
Ont oublié leurs nuits enlacés
Le ciel s'est dégagé
La douleur soulagée
A quoi bon verser plus de larmes
A quoi bon regretter
Des ruines de nos années
Plus rien n'est a sauver
Le verbe espérer ne se conjugue plus qu'au passé
On a eu notre temps
Tout est derrière maintenant
Il y a de nous
Rien a revivre
Combien de saisons
Ont usé l'endroit que nous aimions
Non rien a redire
Je me suis rendue
Rien a écrire
Il ne nous reste que du temps perdu
Le ciel s'est dégagé
La douleur soulagée
A quoi bon verser plus de larmes
A quoi bon regretter
Des ruines de nos années
Plus rien n'est a sauver
Le verbe espérer ne se conjugue plus qu'au passé
On a eu notre temps
Tout est derrière
C'est derrière maintenant
On a eu notre temps
Tout est derrière maintenant
Rien a écrire...
Il ne reste plus rien...
Non non non non non non non..
Non non non non non non..
Non non non non non non non..
Il n'y a plus rien...
Il n'y a plus rien...
Si Je T'Emmene
by Anggun
T'Emmene Tous les hommes comme toi
Promettent tant de choses
Mais les femmes comme moi
N'en veulent qu'une petite dose
Si tu veux que je t'emmène
Il faut bien que tu comprennes
Si tu veux que je t'emmène
Stoppe ce jeu tout de suite
Avec tes mots doux
Tout le monde le sait tu n'es qu'un charmeur
Avec tes mots doux
J't'ai vu dans la rue encore tout a l'heure
Avec tes mots doux
Et cette fois écoute
Si tu veux que je t'emmène
Fais de moi ta seule et unique reine
Laisse tomber le bluff
Les coups de poker
Si tu veux pas entre nous deux
Les coups de tonnerre
Et si je t'emmène
Et si je t'emmène
Laisse tomber le bluff
Pour moi
Pour moi
Le , comme ça
Je peux être ton amante
Flamme, le drame serait
Que tout ça change un jour
Si tu veux que je t'emmène
Il faut bien que tu comprennes
Si tu veux que je t'emmène
Montre-moi ta franchise
Avec tes mots doux
Tout le monde le sait tu n'es qu'un charmeur
Avec tes mots doux
J't'ai vu dans la rue encore tout a l'heure
Avec tes mots doux
Et cette fois écoute
Si tu veux que je t'emmène
Fais de moi ta seule et unique reine
Laisse tomber le bluff
Les coups de poker
Si tu veux pas entre nous deux
Les coups de tonnerre
Et si je t'emmène
Et si je t'emmène
Laisse tomber le bluff
Pour moi
Pour moi
Écoute ce que je dis
Écoute ce que je suis
Écoute car c'est ainsi
Il le faut, on le vaut
Pour voir que vraiment tu m'aimes
Rap de Praas
Laisse tomber le bluff
Les coups de poker
Si tu veux pas entre nous deux
Les coups de tonnerre
Et si je t'emmène
Et si je t'emmène
Laisse tomber le bluff
Pour moi
Waves of reality
Lifting me unexpectedly
Looking inside to see
Visions of you and me
Confide my heart to you
Blindly erase my every doubt
Surrender myself to you
For passion I've lived without
In a mystery
Waking all of my dreams suddenly
Oh rain...
Tears of ecstacy
Falling into the arms that they say I'd strayed
Helplessly falling again
Carelessly give my heart away
Unlucky yes I have been
Cause love just never stays
Is a heart made to break
Is there in love an addiction
I don't know how long it takes
Before another burn
In a mystery
Waking all of my dreams suddenly
Oh rain...
Tears of ecstasy
Falling into the arms that they say I'd strayed
Rain down on me
Gently take me to where I should be
Oh rain...
Tears of ecstacy
I'm tired of letting go all that I've tried to have
I'm tired of wasting time looking up to the wrong stars
I do believe in life and that everything is written
But life is not a book with pages wide-opened
Don't search too far, my mother says
Sometimes all that you need is only a step away
Look into yourself
The one and only
Look into yourself
If you want to find the key
A look into yourself
Release your heart free
Look into yourself
And be the master of your destiny
Don't be afraid of wanting changes in your life
Don't be afraid to go to wherever you decide
Believe in yourself and believe in what you can do
And no one can deny the will that lies in you
Try to pay more attention
And live your life with good intentions
Look into yourself
The one and only
Look into yourself
If you want to find the key
A look into yourself
Release your heart free
Look into yourself
And be the master of your destiny
Look into yourself
Cause there's a rainbow
Look into yourself
There is so much more that you need to know
Cause in yourself
There's serenity
It's all in yourself
You are the master of your destiny
For every doubt you face
In every step you take
For choices that you make
Dreams aren't made to be erased
Just look into yourself..
Look into yourself
The master of your destiny..
It's in yourself
The master of your destiny
Eden In Her Eyes
by Anggun
It's been a long wait until
These changes I feel
Could all this be
A dream that turns real
My reflection will tell
There's a life within me
Breathing silently
Eden in her eyes
I knew it's worth the while
I've put my faith in time
To cradle her in my arms
Eden in her eyes
Pictured in my mind
Was only a matter of time
Till I see my baby's eyes
It's so hard to describe
I don't know where to start
What the words can't say
I'll leave it that way
Now the mirror can sing
Always knew you'd arrive in my life
Waiting is believing
Eden in her eyes
I knew it's worth the while
I've put my faith in time
To cradle her in my arms
Eden in her eyes
Pictured in my mind
Was only a matter of time
Till I see my baby's eyes
She is my ray of light
That vanished my darkest nights
Now life is sweet as candy
I banished my sugar-free side
And the warmth that I feel
Each time I realized that she's here
There's no song for you
i'm out of stories
what's tale to tell about you and me
No song for you
i've nothing to say
my heart was empty
but now the clouds are gone from my days
chorus : I'm off to gain the pain
No useless tears again
No more things to blame
Nor even something to pretend
The ache has gone away
There's nothing left to say
The good of yesterday had made me who i am today
What's the use of regret? we were just imperfect
Oohh There's no song for you
I've made this promise
from out the blue
When i remember that first kiss
No song for you
So don't look for it
The things i can't do
I can't turn back to the live i've wasted
Coz now i know that we were just imperfect Oohh
What else could i explain?
Coz we were just imperfect
there's no more for you
no song for you
there's no song for you
I wanna touch you
I wanna hold you
I wanna feel your hands and hear you say
I wanna touch you
wanna hold you
Im yours forever one more day
Cause tonight theres only love
Nothing else should be sad
Cause tonight theres only peace
A naked sleep, in a naked bed
I wanna touch you
I wanna hold you
Wanna feel the weight and hear you say
I want you to touch me
I want you to hold me
You're mine forever one more day
Cause tonight theres only love
Nothing else, dont forget
Cause tonight theres only peace
A naked sleep In naked beds
Saved from loneliness
I reach to touch your face
I meet the soulty taste of you
Fear might never rest
but I wont go for less
I will go for more too
Wanna touch you
Wanna hold you
Im yours forever one more day
Wanna touch you
Wanna be with you
A naked sleep in naked beds.
Kan ku ingat s'lalu sorot mata itu
Dihantu cemburu, dalam tatapnya berjuta duga
Teringat selalu sorot mata itu
Tak pernah tahu di dalam dada hatiku terluka
* ku ingin kembali
Tanpa resah hati dari semua tanya
Dan tak akan kupendam lagi
Cinta ini dari semua yang menyangka
Dan tak berhenti
Kan kucoba mengerti semua pertanyaanmu
Tentang perasaanku walau semuanya biasa adanya
T'lah kucoba mengerti dan jelaskan dirimu
Semua perasaanku dengan dirinya, dia yang kucinta
**kuingin kembali
Tanpa resah hati dari semua tanya
Dan tak akan kupendam lagi
Cinta ini dari semua yang menyangka
Dan biarkan aku kembali
Tanpa semua sangsi yang s'lalu meraja
Di relung hati
Lepaskan diriku dari semua duga
Dan biarkan aku terbang ikuti malam dan pagi
Jalan masih jauh yang harus aku tempuh
Dan harus aku coba meraih asa, cita dan cinta
Lepaskanku dari semua duga
Juste Avant Toi
On a dressé entre nous
Tant de murs fait de silence
Et ce lien qui se dénoue
Va laisser
Des morceaux d'amour cassé
Je voudrais remonter
Le temps si je pouvais
Redevenir celle
Qui avait des ailes
Juste avant toi
Juste avant toi
Retrouver mes pas
Revenir là -bas
Juste avant toi
Juste avant toi
Les rêves qu'on partageait
Ont fini par nous lasser
Nos mains se sont oubliés
Et chacun a pris un chemin secret
Sur le mien je voudrais
Redevenir celle
Qui avait des ailes
Juste avant toi
Juste avant toi
Retrouver mes pas
Revenir là -bas
Juste avant toi
Juste avant toi
Etre là -bas
Juste avant toi
Retrouver ce que j'ai toujours été
Avant toi Avant toi
Revenir sur mes pas, et recommencer
Avant toi, là -bas
Redevenir celle
Qui avait des ailes
Juste avant toi
Juste avant toi
Retrouver mes pas
Revenir là -bas
Juste avant toi
Juste avant toi
Le Temps Perdu
by Anggun
Cest la fin de notre histoire,
Je tenvoie ce message,
Dans ma vie tu resteras 1 an de passage
Jen ai passe du temps ? te sourire, ? taimer
Jai perdu trop dannees ? me punir de rêver
Je tai vu faire, jai lu le mensonge dans tes yeux (Aaahaa, Aaahaa)
Et ton cœur de pierre a au moins tout efface de nous deux
Notre amour sans desir ne tient pas (Aaahaa, Aaahaa)
Ta perdu ta place
Je men vais retrouver dautres bras
Et quelquun dautre que toi Quelquun, quelquun dautre que toi (2X)
Trop de temps perdu, de vie parcourue,
De fausses promesses et de retenu
Trop de larmes aussi dabsences et de vie
Je nai plus de forces, ça suffi !
Car trop de temps ? te sourire, ? taimer
Jai perdu trop dannees ? me punir de rêver
[Refrain 2x]
Je tai vu faire, jai lu le mensonge dans tes yeux (Aaahaa, Aaahaa)
Et ton cœur de pierre a au moins tout efface de nous deux
Notre amour sans desir ne tient pas (Aaahaa, Aaahaa)
Tas perdu ta place
Je men vais retrouver dautres bras
Sometimes we forget to remember
To learn higher and to aim further
But sometimes we have gone too far
Too far to understand who we are
Oh i.. don't know how
The world keeps turning
But the world keeps turning around
Don't know how, don't know how
The world keeps turning
But the world keeps turning around, around
I flew through oceans for clarity
To comprehend more 'bout you and me
I've witnessed joy, I've witnessed misery
I have seen riches, I've seen poverty
Still i.. don't know how
The world keeps turning
But the world keeps turning around
Don't know how, don't know how
The world keeps turning but the world keeps turning around,
Around around..
Still i.. don't know how
The world keeps turning
But the world keeps turning around
Don't know how, don't know how
The world keeps turning
But the world keeps turning around
Oh i
Don't know how
Être une femme, une femme
Laisse mes talons aiguilles
Faire de moi une fille
Sans me regarder
Comme un objet
Sur le vent qui joue
Dévoile mes genoux
Mais jamais questions d'attirer sur moi l'intention
Sur mes longs cheveux
Derrière la couleur de mes yeux
Il y a juste quelqu'un qui veut
Etre une femme, une femme
Et sur le dessin de ma bouche
Tu as cette peau que tu touches
Il y a juste quelqu'un qui peut
Etre une femme, une femme
Être une femme, une femme
Laisse mes envies de soie
En dehors de toi
Mes jambes se croiser
Mon corps bouger
Mes sourires glamour
Mon parfum du jour
N'ont pas l'intention d'attirer sur moi la passion
Sur mes longs cheveux
Ah quelqu'un qui veut
Etre une femme une femme
Sur cette peau que tu touches
Quelqu'un qui peut être une femme
Quelqu'un qui peut être une femme
Quelque etre une femme
Derrière le charme
Juste une femme
Sans aucune âme
Juste une femme
Garde pour toi
Tous ses regards qui en disent longs
Quand tu glisses sur moi
J'ai marché pieds nus sur des mers,
suivi des sillages
remonté des rivières,
Même jusqu'en enfer
J'en ai consulté des mages
savoir remuer ciel et terre
Pour toi,
C'est écrit c'est ainsi
qu'on doit se croiser
le destin
c'est dans les lignes de nos mains
C'est écrit sur nos vies
quand l'amour lie deux êtres humains
c'est dans les yeux de quelqu'un
J'ai vu des lumières ephémères,
perdu le courage
assumer les revers,
mordu la poussière
J'ai trop souvent fait naufrage
Après des courses en solitaire
Pour toi
Il me fallait juste attendre
Il me fallait ce chemin
Pour arriver à comprendre
Qu'il y à toujours quelqu'un qui n'est jamais loin
J'ai connu des joies, des peines
Des nuits sans sommeil
Seule pourrais-je conjurer le sort
(C'est l'espoir au fond de l'ame)
Sous la brume, l'esprit se fane
Sous le poids des larmes
C'est un long tourbillon sans fond
Retrouver l'issu vers cette flamme disparue
Ce murmure que j'attends
Retrouver l'issu, sort de l'inattendu
Ce murmure que j'entends
Mon hymne a la vie
C'est que la lumiere m'eclaire sans cesse
Au fond de moi
Je nourris cet espoir
Auquel je crois
Mon hymne a la vie
C'est qu'apres la nuit le jour se dresse
Au fond de toi
Espere et crois
Mon hymne a la vie
C'est que la lumiere m'eclaire sans cesse
Au fond de moi
Je nourris cet espoir
Auquel je crois
Mon hymne a la vie
C'est qu'apres la nuit,
je cueillerai ce jour
J'ai trouve un jour la paix
Un jardin secret
C'est l'amour de soi, mon essor
( Je defis le vague a l'ame)
C'est mon souffle, mon heritage
La vie en presage
Puise le fond de mon bel horizon
Je retrouve l'issu, la vie prend le dessus
Ce murmure que j'entends, j'entends
Je retrouve l'issu, la vie prend le dessus
C'est d'un pas sur que je m'elance
La vie devant soi (C'est aujourd'hui)
Car c'est au fil des jours (Je cueille la vie)
Regarde devant moi (Devant moi)
Jangankan biar hilang semua yg telah di beri...
Jangankan pergi rasa manusiawi dan naluri diri...
Biar bumi tetap bersinar di bawah mentari...
Agar kita tetap bersinar di bawah mentari...
Let there be joy and harmony
from the roof of sky above
to the deep blue sea...
All that we have under the sun
Singing loud in unheard sound
I got your message on my answering machine
Your voice in my head brings the smile on my face
Before it's too late maybe I should remember
That hesitate to beat the chance to regret
Cause I have all the time
To take it slow and easy
Sure let the devil in my mind
Decide too fast
Once upon a time
You got to make sure gotta tolerate
The devil in my mind
To think you'll live from your past
They said it's a mistake
That I'm afraid to keep it
They don't want heartaches
To be an adolescence
But then my mind said
right from wrong
But I'll just have to wait
For love to come along
Cause I have all the time
To take it slow and easy
Don't let the devil in my mind
Decide too fast
Once upon a time
Got to make sure gotta tolerate
The devil in my mind
To think you'll live from your past
Though it is hard
I try to hold back
But I'm falling for you
The feeling that I can't undo
I breathe and shake it
Live each moment
LÃ -haut sur un nuage,
j'aimais sans me douter
qu'éclaterait l'orage
je n'ai pas vu le temps changer.
Tes mots sur leurs passages
ont tout noyé, brisé.
Tu es resté fermer,
je ne sais plus ou aller.
Oubliez cet orage éphémére,
l'effacer,retourner en arriére.
Je cherchai,
je cherche le reméde pourqu'enfin
Cesse la pluie, Cesse la pluie
Tu as tourné la page,
d'un coup de vent,classé.
Et d'un éclair sauvage,
balayé le passé.
Et si le ciel,se dégage.
Le coeur léger, j'irai,
sur un nuage, me poser,
et me laisser aller.
Cesse la pluie, cesse la pluie , yeahiyeah..
Je vois
Dans un mur de corail
L'eau qui grandit ma faille
Ma lame de fond
Au fond de l'âme
Tous ces battements d'ailes
Qui démesurent le ciel
Ton aigle plane
Sur mes pierres diaphanes
Mais les mots du vent
Sont bien plus grands
Que tous les cris de nos peines
Sur ce vide qui me blesse
I'll always love you
Et le fil du temps
Tout doucement
Accroche un peu de lumière
Sur les traces que tu laisses
I'll always love you
Je sens
Comme un manteau de glace
Qui se pose sur mon espace
Je dessine tes lèvres
A la buée de mes rêves
Et j'ai volé aux sirènes
Leurs chants pour que tu reviennes
Auprès de moi
Tout contre moi
Et les mots du vent
Sont bien plus grands
Que tous les cris de nos peines
Sur ce vide qui me blesse
I'll always love you
Et le fil du temps
Tout doucement
Accroche un peu de lumière
Sur les traces que tu laisses
I'll always love you
De toutes les langues
De toutes couleurs
Je comprends les mots
Que tu graves sur moi
En frissons de landes
En flots de chaleur
Au pays de ma peau
A la plume de tes doigts
Une terre étrangère
Où je suis chez moi
Une force, un mystère
Tu es tout ça pour moi
Un soleil qui m'inonde
Qui éclaire mes pas
Tu es comme un monde
Qui tourne juste pour moi
Mon ultime barrière
Mon dernier soldat
Quand je perds une guerre
Tu restes tout près de moi
Comme une source d'eau pure
Tu coules sur moi
Pour soigner mes blessures
Tu seras toujours là
De toutes les langues
De toutes couleurs
Je comprends les mots
Que tu graves sur moi
En frissons de landes
En flots de chaleur
Au pays de ma peau
A la plume de tes doigts
I can't count
Stars in the sky
Or climb the mountains
I can't even swim all the seas
But I know
Absence is
Nothing can replace what I miss
'cause I'm breathing
Far away from you
And every second feels like thousands more without you
I'm breathing
For this love to live
Believe that one day life will take me there beside you
The north needs the south
The wind needs the clouds
To all of these reasons of life
I need you
To change the wrong
To become true
And to take me to where I belong
'cause I'm breathing
Far away from you
And every second feels like thousands more without you
I'm breathing
For this love to live
Believe that one day life will take me there beside you
I'm breathing
Breathing there beside you
There beside you
Far away from you
And every second feels like thousands more without you
I'm breathing
For this love to live
And I will keep believing one day life will take me beside you
Beside you
D'or et d'ambre
Ou transparent
Au nom de la lune
Je t'attends
Bulles de silence
Rouge tendre
Sans défenses
Pour juste apprendre
Lèvres blanches
Soupir et pâleur
Glissent les anges sur la peau des curs
Voix fragile
Qui tremble et se leurre
Dans les deux lacs profonds des yeux
Du désir qui s'éveille
Voile de brume
Dure moiteur
Au nom de la lune
Je veux toi
Perles chaudes
Danse au corps à corps
Libre code
Encore plus fort
Plus de promesses
C'est cette nuit-là
Le chant des caresses, le plus beau combat
Jusqu'à l'éclair
Qui nous coupe les bras
Paix commune, au nom de la lune
Je respire pour toi, pour toi
Pour toi
Heures douces
Du feu qui s'éteint
La nuit s'éclabousse au petit matin
Parfums mêlés
Murmures de rien
Paix commune, au nom de la lune
Je serai là demain
Demain, pour toi, demain, pour toi
Ego lies in human nature
Scars the face in every one of us
What's mine is mine
What's yours is yours
It seems like we forget about the heaven's floor
Set a wider gap between us
We build up walls without no shame
We turn away
If you're not one of us
But I thought, there's one color in our blood
We run around in circles
Why not reach for a truth eternal
Living life that's so superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow
Greed demands our full attention
We only live for our own gain it seems
What's mine is mine
What's yours is yours
I fear we'll lose the faith we ignore
Now look around to find an answer
The truth it comes as no surprise
You're not alone, you're any one of us
I'm not blind to the mirror of our lives
We run around in circles
Why not reach for a truth eternal
Living life that's so superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow
We run around in circles
Why not reach for a truth eternal
Living live that's so superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow
Around in circles
A truth eternal
So superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow
We run around in circles
Why not reach for a truth eternal
Living life that's so superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow
We run around in circles
Living life that's so superficial
Dans les nuits, mes insomnies,
Tous ces reveils, tous ces sommeils.
Des mises en scène où je dis,
Ces mots qui trainent au coin du coeur.
Des messages ou des missiles,
Je te dédie, télépatie.
Tous les silences que j'empile,
Des explosifs en guise d'accalmies.
Pour que tu me vois, que dois-je faire encore?
Encore pour toi.
Pour que tu me crois, que dois-je dire plus fort?
Même si c'est flou, tu es devant moi je t'ai trouvé, c'est tout.
Et si tu l'avoues, je pourrai donner tout ce que j'ai, c'est fou.
Pour toi et pour nous, il suffit d'y croire et d'espérer, c'est tout.
Même si c'est flou, je suis devant toi , on s'est trouvé, c'est fou, c'est tout.
J'en ai vêcue des épreuves,
Les contes de fées, sont dépassés.
Moi je te donnerai la preuve,
Qu'il suffit d'être prêt, pour durer.
J'aime tes faiblesses et tes forces,
Et de ta vie, j'ai tout appris.
Je connais l'homme sous l'écorce,
Un tout d'imperfections, dans mon nid/lit(???)
Pour que tu me vois, que dois-je faire encore?
Encore pour toi.
Pour que tu me crois, que dois-je dire plus fort?
Même si c'est flou, tu es devant moi je t'ai trouvé, c'est tout.
Et si tu l'avoues, je pourrai donner tout ce que j'ai, c'est fou.
Pour toi et pour nous, il suffit d'y croire et d'espérer, c'est tout.
Même si c'est flou, je suis devant toi , on s'est trouvé, c'est fou, c'est tout.
Même si c'est flou, et si tu l'avoues,
Toi et moi on s'est trouvé.
(Toi et moi on s'est trouvé.)
Même si c'est flou, et si tu l'avoues,
Toi et moi on s'est trouvé.
(On s'est trouvé)
Même si c'est flou, tu es devant moi je t'ai trouvé, c'est tout.
Et si tu l'avoues, je pourrai donner tout ce que j'ai, c'est fou.
Pour toi et pour nous, il suffit d'y croire et d'espérer, c'est tout.
Kuharap mentari pagi, tak menyambutku
Kuharap sinar rembulan, tutup mataku... selamanya
Sejak kau pergi, tinggalkan bumi, tinggalku di sini
Turunkan matahari
Usir bintang-bintang
Putarkan utara ke selatan
Untuk apa lagi semuanya
Ambillah jiwa retak ini, ku tak ingin lagi
Putuskan ari-ari bumi, aku ingin pergi
Calling 'cross the blue
It's all I do
One day you'll come back to me
It's a secret of the sea
I'll always love you
I see
Floating on the ocean
Somewhere under the sun
Your golden skin
In cypress and blue
I hear
Waves that come rolling in
Fleetness of wings
A sound is missing
A sign from you
Calling 'cross the blue
It's all I do
One day you'll come back to me
It's a secret of the sea
I'll always love you
I may never know
Where you did go
Whatever took you from here
One these currents that run deep
I'll always love you
We would
Sail into that big sky
Forget about the time
On the wind we would ride
Watchin' wild birds sweep and glide
I'll linger just a little more
Drifting on a foreign shore
Spend my nights
Waiting out the tides
Calling 'cross the blue
It's all I do
One day you'll come back to me
It's a secret of the sea
I'll always love you
I may never know
Where you did go
Whatever took you from here
On these currents that run deep
I'll always love you
It's certainly deceiving
Cause love has fooled you once again
You can't believe in
That she's walking over you
If she's amazing
Why can't she be true to you
What she hides she denies
But you'll never question why
She's so hypocritical
She talks illogical
She's irrational
Non angelical
She's so unsensual
Lives for the physical
She's so cynical
Non angelical
I see your eyes rolling
You don't believe a word I say
Hurt you until you're bleeding
She's locked your life away
No more forgiving
Don't let her fool you once again
Set your heart stone cold
Wake up, back in control
She's so hypocritical
She talks illogical
She's irrational
Non angelical
She's so unsensual
Lives for the physical
She's so cynical
Non angelical
Non angelical
Non angelical
She's so hypocritical
She talks illogical
She's irrational
Non angelical
She's so unsensual
Lives for the physica
L she's so cynical
Non angelical
She's so hypocritical
She's irrational
She's so unsensual
She's so cynical
Am I lucky?
Merging, emerging. Was so lonely sometimes, completely inside
Am I living?
Breathe in, breathe out, the fever rises, from my feet to my eyes
Do I see you?
So clear, tonight, slowly but sure, shadows crossing the wall
Where is my heart?
Last time, this time, someone set it on fire, I'd forgotten it all
Through the haze, ashes I have traced
Uncover me now
I'll come clean as we chase
All those
Blue nights without your love
I've been too long in my imagination
You might have told me once
There's nothing wrong with this infatuation
See what magic we find
In my sensual mind
What's your pleasure?
Inside, outside, no one but me, sendin' sighs 'cross your back
Hidden treasures
Soft slides and smiles, feel your will going slack, you're gonna crack now
Set it loose, it's coming back to you
Been spending my nights dreaming my every move
All those
Blue nights without your love
I've been too long in my imagination
You might have told me once
There's nothing wrong with this infatuation
You're mine, you follow now
You're lost for good in my own private passion
This time, I'll show you how
We cross the line into the fascination
See what magic we find
It's a god awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mother is yelling, "No"
And her father has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen
Now she walks through her sunken dream
To the seat with the clearest view
And she's hooked to the silver screen
But the film is a saddening bore
For she's lived it ten times or more
She could spit in the eyes of fools
As they ask her to focus on
Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man, look at those cavemen go it's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Lawman beating up the wrong guy
Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know he's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?
It's on America's tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Now the workers have struck for fame
'Cause Lennon's on sale again
See the mice in their million hordes
From Ibeza to the Norfolk Broads Rule
Britannia is out of bounds
To my mother, my dog and clowns
But the film is a saddening bore
'Cause I wrote it ten times or more
It's about to be writ again
As I ask you to focus on
Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man, look at those cavemen go it's the freakiest show
Take a look at the Lawman Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know he's in the best selling show