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reVIEW: Al Jazeera’s Weekly News Highlights (Mar 6-12)
reVIEW: Al Jazeera’s Weekly News Highlights (Mar 13-18)
Video Al Jazeera English world news
Al Jazeera English -- Live News Streaming
reVIEW: Al Jazeera’s Weekly News Highlights (Feb 20-26)
Al Jazeera English Newshour open/close 2100 GMT 10-11-14 from The Shard
Coming Up In April on Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera Arabic HD News Headlines
Al Jazeera English - Activate - Eritrea Israel: No Place to Go
Sky News Live
Jailed Al Jazeera Journalist Abdullah Elshamy Speaks Out: The VICE News Interview
Max Keiser - Aljazeera English News - 16 November 2008
They come for your food...they stay for your FLESH!
Actors James Balsamo (actor), Travis Irvine (producer), Travis Irvine (composer), Travis Irvine (writer), Travis Irvine (actor), Travis Irvine (director), Travis Irvine (actor), Travis Irvine (editor), Lehr Beidelschies (actor), Ervin Ross (actor), Lehr Beidelschies (miscellaneous crew), Brian Kamerer (actor), Brian Kamerer (composer), Vincenzo Picciano (actor), Brian Kamerer (actor),
Al Jazeera's news coverage leading up to the Nigeria Election on March 28th 2015.
A look back at the news of the past week on Al Jazeera English that had you clicking and sharing away. - For more, visit reVIEW's News Highlights page: *** Have any questions or feedback about Al Jazeera news coverage? Send us a video comment: YOUR show. YOUR view. The reVIEW is where YOU can send YOUR feedback on Al Jazeera English. The questions and comments you send in are put directly to hosts and producers, so get involved! Let #AJreVIEW know YOUR view. Al Jazeera’s most viewed news coverage, the week’s most popular documentaries, the inside story on how we get our stories, all available at the click of a button on: Join our feedback community: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:
A look back at the news of the past week on Al Jazeera English that had you clicking and sharing away. - For more, visit reVIEW's News Highlights page: *** Have any questions or feedback about Al Jazeera news coverage? Send us a video comment: YOUR show. YOUR view. The reVIEW is where YOU can send YOUR feedback on Al Jazeera English. The questions and comments you send in are put directly to hosts and producers, so get involved! Let #AJreVIEW know YOUR view. Al Jazeera’s most viewed news coverage, the week’s most popular documentaries, the inside story on how we get our stories, all available at the click of a button on: Join our feedback community: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:
Situasi terkini pada saat Kelompok Liberal, Sekuler, Kristen Koptik dan Nasionalis (dibelakangnya sudah tentu ZINOIS YAHUD, Amerika dan Israel)
A look back at the news of the past week on Al Jazeera English that had you clicking and sharing away. - For more, visit reVIEW's News Highlights page: *** Have any questions or comments about Al Jazeera’s news coverage? Why not share your thoughts with us? Click on the 'Comment on Al Jazeera' app on our Facebook page: to send us a video comment or visit our website: The reVIEW is where you can send YOUR feedback on Al Jazeera's coverage of events. The questions and comments you send in are put directly to hosts and producers, so get involved! Let #AJreVIEW know YOUR view: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Al Jazeera’s most viewed news coverage, the week’s most popular documentaries, the inside story on how we get our stories, all available at the click of a button on:
Here's the opening and close of Al Jazeera English's Newshour bulletin from Al Jazeera's new London studio complex at The Shard near London Bridge. The presenter is Lauren Taylor.
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Highlights of news coverage and documentaries on Al Jazeera in April 2015.
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African refugees in Israel face violence, discrimination and an uncertain future. Tensions came to a head in Tel Aviv this April with a Molotov cocktail attack on African homes and a creche. In a country where refugees are seen as 'infiltrators' and a 'cancer', Isayas is a refugee attempting to change the situation on the ground. The asylum-seekers had been convicted on charges of illegal entry to Israel under national immigration laws. Such deportations of asylum-seekers without having their claims reviewed by the competent authorities amount to refoulement and constitute a serious violation of the 1951 Refugee Convention. Deportation of asylum-seekers and refugees to Eritrea is illegal under international law, the UNHCR believes they are likely to face persecution, torture, and execution.
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Subscribe to VICE News here: On August 14, 2013, Al Jazeera journalist Abdullah Elshamy was arrested in Egypt. Though he was never charged, he was accused of helping the Muslim Brotherhood by writing stories that were "harmful to national security." While awaiting trial, Elshamy was transported through four jails in the country — including a maximum security facility — and put in solitary confinement. After going on a hunger strike in January that lasted 147 days, he was released on medical grounds on June 18, 2014 — 307 days after his initial arrest. VICE News Editor-in-Chief Jason Mojica interviewed Abdullah Elshamy about his experience in Egyptian prison, and his thoughts on the future of press freedom. Watch "Jailed for a Tweet: Interview with Nabeel Rajab" - Check out "Journalists Face Jail for Reporting on Indonesia’s Separatist Rebels" - Check out "Bahrain's Human Rights Activist Faces Jail Time — for a Tweet" - Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
Max Keiser talks about the g20 meeting, Hank Paulson and fraudulent bonds.
Al Jazeera English makes a report about RT news channel.
للاشتراك في قناة الجزيرة على اليوتيوب: لمتابعتنا على تويتر: للاشتراك في صفحتنا على الفيسبوك: موقع الجزيرة نت:
Recorded June 2009 Jane Dutton has been a senior news anchor at Al Jazeera English since launch in 2006 She was at BBC and CNN before coming out to Doha Iran...
Parody on Al Jazeera news
A young reporter dares to cover press freedom in one of the world's most dangerous places for journalists - Sri Lanka.
The main headlines on Al Jazeera English, featuring the latest news and reports from around the world.
Al-Jazeera's Iraq Producer Mosab jasim talks about the election law veto by the Iraqi vice president Tarik AL-Hashimi, and what's next for the Iraqi parliament
Al Jazeera English created this brief news piece about Me2/Orchestra. It was broadcast in April 2014.
Ten minutes of news from Al-Jazeera English, recorded at 10:00 hrs UTC on November 19, 2006.
Al Jazeera Arabic argues about humane treatment of demonstrators, argues that Israel and France are more humane and popular in Syria than the various sunni fighters there.
Barnaamijka الواقع العربي Ee Ka Baxa Aljazeera Arabic Channel oo Inta Badan Diiradda Lago Saaro Siyaasadaha Wadamada Katirsan Jaamacadda Carabta Ayaa Wasiirka Cadaaladda Somalia Faarax Sh C/Qaadir Wareysi Xiiso Badan Layeelatay..Daawo … ...................................................................... Join Us on Facebook @ Follow us on twitter @ Email: ………………………………………………… Subscribe to our channels to keep up to date with All the latest news and updates, HOOYADII FANKAAY HOBOLLADA KHADRAAY DUCAY KUU HAYAAN! Our Larger Channel … Our new Channel ….
أعلن تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية قيام ما وصفها بالخلافة الإسلامية وتنصيب أبو بكر البغدادي أو عبد الله إبراهيم السامرائي خليفة. وأضاف المتحدث باسم التنظيم بتسجيل صوتي أن مسمى تنظيم الدولة يلغى. تقرير: عامر الكبيسي. تاريخ البث: 29/6/2014.
سلطت حلقة الأحد (14/9/2014) من برنامج "عالم الجزيرة" الضوء على تداعيات نتائج الاستفتاء المزمع إجراؤه بعد أيام في أسكتلندا لتقرير مصيرها بشأن الاستقلال عن المملكة البريطانية المتحدة.
قال زعيم جماعة "أنصار الإسلام" الكردية الملا نجم الدين فاتح كريكار إن دولة الخلافة نابعة من آمال المسلمين وأمانيهم وآلامهم، واعتبر دعوات محاربتها في المنطقة اتساقا مع السياستين الأميركية والإيرانية. حوار: عمار الحمدان تاريخ البث: 4/2/2015
نشرة أخبار سورية الجزيرة مقتل عشرين من النظام السوري على أيدي المعارضة في كمين في اللاذقية الجربا يؤكد دخول عناصر من حزب الله بسلاح متطور الى سورية اللواء فا...
مشاهدة البث المباشر لقناة الجزيرة العربية Al Jazeera Arabic Live شاهدة قنوات الجزيرة الرياضية ,قنوات الجزيرة الرياضية المشفرة بث مباشر ,البث الحى قناه الجزيره - عربي ,حصريا شاهد قنوات الجزيرة الرياضية المشفرة بجودة ,حصريا شاهد قنوات الجزيرة الرياضية المشفرة بجودة عالية مجانا ,Al Jazeera Arabic مشاهدة مباشرة قناة TV بجودة عالية
لقاء خاص- خالد مشعل 23/6/2014
الحلقة الحادية والعشرين من برنامج سري للغاية تقديم:يسري فودة.
تقديم: أحمد منصور تاريخ بث البرنامج: 4/5/2009.
Al jazeera channel; Free syrian man attacks pro assad regim, and makes him wet with water in his face live on the air.
تناقش الحلقة أسباب قوة تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية، وتطرح تساؤلات بشأن ما إذا كانت هناك جهات تدعمه. تقديم: الحبيب الغريبي الضيوف: أبوميسون الجواهري, لقاء مكي, علي بن حسن التواتي تاريخ البث: 12/10/2014
يأتي الهجوم على مقر صحيفة شارلي إيبدو بباريس في ظل تعقيدات فرنسية داخلية وخارجية، ويطرح المزيد من الأسئلة عن هوية الفاعل وتوقيت العملية التي قتلت 12 شخصا. تقرير: أحمد الشلفي تاريخ البث: 7/1/2015
NAME: Laurent Huber, Executive Director, Action on Smoking & Health (ASH) TOPIC: The ‘costs’ of smoking, size of industry, efforts to combat
Cease-fire in Eastern Ukraine
الدولة الاسلامية اٍقبال كبير ...للشباب على المطارات للالتحاق بالدولة الاسلامية. HD/ الخطوط الجوية للـ الدولة الإسلامية.-... isis IS Airlines الدولة الاسلامية هجوم مباغة ل الدولة الإسلامية على مواقع حكومية غرب تكريت يسقط عشرات القتلى هجوم مباغة ل الدولة الإسلامية على مواقع حكومية غرب تكريت يسقط عشرات القتلى هجوم مباغة ل الدولة الإسلامية على مواقع حكومية غرب تكريت يسقط عشرات القتلى هجوم مباغة ل الدولة الإسلامية على مواقع حكومية غرب تكريت يسقط عشرات القتلى هجوم مباغة ل الدولة الإسلامية على مواقع حكومية غرب تكريت يسقط عشرات القتلى ---------------------------------------------------------------------- اغانى رمضان عادل امام توم جيري مسلسلات رمضان 2013 رشيد شو سعد المجرد كيليميني rachid show اغنية كاس العالم اعلام دول العالم نتائج التحصيلي دول اوروبا صور رمضان اخر الاخبار رمضان movies فيلم اغاني رقص افلام فلم محمد عساف حسن شحاتة الشيعى مرسي تكي كاظم الساهر على الطاير تويتر فيس بوك تميم بن حمد ديوان المظالم حسن شحاته جامعة القصيم اسعار الذهب اخبار مصر صور رمضان اليوم السابع جامعة الدمام جامعة تبوك اغاني 2014 اغاني 2013 حبيبي برشلوني ايوب باسم يوسف تكي ماين كرافت الكويت الامارات السعودية مصر قطر البحرين شيعه سنه العربية الجزيرة النصر برنامج مقلب خفية مسلسلات افلام مسلسل اغاني موسيقى صالة الاتجاة المعاكس بنت مغربية بنت مصرية فيلم وثائقي فيلم وثائقى كوميدي سوري عادل امام يسرى كاميرا خفية رامز جلال هاني سلامة هاني رمزي محمد هنيدي كورة رياضة المبدع العربي اخبار الجزيرة انفجار تفجير العراق اغتيال قتل تدمير بانياس دمشق سقوط الاسد قتل بشار الاسد وفاة الملك عبدالله بتال القوس محمد الدوسري تقنيات ابتكار وثائقي حلى حلويات كيك طرطى كاكاو قهوه الجمعة عبدالله المديفر مرتضى منصور روني بلاستيشن 4 جلكسي 5 6 اخبار اوباما الصين الدولة الإسلامية,داعش,da3ich i3dam,da3ech,isis,قتل,دبح,إعدام,ارهاب,حرق,معاد الكساسبة,الطيار الأردني,التحالف,معارك,قتال,هجوم,الفرقة الدهبة,الفرقة الصاعقة,البيشمركة,الجيش الكوردي,مصر,تونس,الجزائر,العراق,السعودية,الأردن,المغرب,الخليج,العراق,سوريا,Al Jazeera Arabic,جيش العراقي,الدواعش,RT Arabic,AlArabiya,Al Jazeera Arabic,Al Mayadeen News,قناة العالم,روسيا اليوم,اخبار عربية Mark" Ronson feat Bruno Mars Uptown Funk Columbia Pop Mark Ronson Bruno Mars Uptown Funk Mark Ronson Uptown Funk new song new album full album official video new music uptown special Valerie bang bang bang stop me somebody to love me ohh wee toxic just oh my god record
Empire examines the old, and new, forces dominating the political scene in the MENA region following the Arab Spring. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website:
أظهرت تقارير إعلامية ومن بينها تقرير لشبكة فوكس نيوز الأميركية ما وصفتها بتلاعبات وثغرات وقع فيها تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية أثناء تصويره ومونتاجه عملية إعدام الأقباط المصريين في ليبيا منتصف الشهر الجاري. تقرير: فتيحة زليلف تاريخ البث: 22/2/2015
with English subtitles. Translation by I.A. Ibanez Matus,Fontys School of Journalism. Writer Anwar Malek calling upon the persecution of Arab leaders in 2008, which has happened in Egypt in 2011.
For the first time members of Kenya’s counter-terrorism police admit to “eliminating” suspected Muslim radicals. Speaking exclusively to Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit, officers from four units of Kenya’s counter-terrorism apparatus admitted the police assassinate suspects on government orders. They claim that the order to assassinate is made by the National Security Council, a body chaired by President Uhuru Kenyatta. The film examines how extra-judicial killings are seemingly becoming normalized, thirteen years after the so-called ‘War on Terror’ was declared. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website
Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit and reporter Will Jordan investigate Boeing's "Dreamliner", finding some workers with quality concerns, alleging drug use and fearing to fly the plane they build. For more on the investigation, visit Senior Producer/Director: Marc Shaffer Producer/Director of Photography/Editor: Colin McIntyre Producer: Kevin Hirten Reporter/Producer: Will Jordan Music Composer: Ryan Whittier Additional Music: Sean Hirten
Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit takes you inside the shadowy world of FBI informants and counterterrorism sting operations. Following the 9/11 attacks, the FBI set about to recruit a network of more than 15,000 informants. Al Jazeera's investigative film tells the stories of three paid FBI informants who posed as Muslims as they searched for people interested in joining violent plots concocted by the FBI. Interactive Documentary : Informants Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website:
The story of Morocco's Jewish community told from the perspective of those who have left, stayed or are now returning. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website
In the first episode of Meltdown, we hear about four men who brought down the global economy: a billionaire mortgage-seller who fooled millions; a high-rolling banker with a fatal weakness; a ferocious Wall Street predator; and the power behind the throne. The crash of September 2008 brought the largest bankruptcies in world history, pushing more than 30 million people into unemployment and bringing many countries to the edge of insolvency. Wall Street turned back the clock to 1929. But how did it all go so wrong? Lack of government regulation; easy lending in the US housing market meant anyone could qualify for a home loan with no government regulations in place. Also, London was competing with New York as the banking capital of the world. Gordon Brown, the British finance minister at the time, introduced 'light touch regulation' - giving bankers a free hand in the marketplace. All this, and with key players making the wrong financial decisions, saw the world's biggest financial collapse.
An insight into a girls' school in Afghanistan which imposes an even stricter interpretation of Islam than the Taliban.
The Senegalese-American recording artist talks frankly about US race relations, "rebranding" Africa, and his music. Akon talks to Al Jazeera about running his musical career as a business; his projects - both philanthropic and artistic; singing songs for peace and whether he thinks it can really make an impact; and being an African in the US.
Described by many as the ‘new scramble for Africa', the US, China and other nations are attempting to consolidate their grip on Africa's natural resources and its growing consumer class. Empire travels to Kenya, France and the USA to examine who is gaining, who is losing and what it means to Africans.
A filmmaker travels through the West Bank exploring the relationship between Palestinians and Israeli settlers. "We recognise that the Palestinian state must be big enough to be viable, to be independent, to be prosperous. We will be generous," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said. But his words have rang hollow. In the face of international condemnation, the incremental encroachment of new Israeli settlements onto Palestinian land goes on with little restraint. With every square metre of territory that is taken, with every Palestinian olive grove that is burnt down, or house that is demolished, the land available for an independent Palestine state shrinks a little more. But why is the settlement movement so difficult to stop? Who is driving it and why? Is it destined to continue until there is no more Palestinian land to take? In this film, French producer and reporter Paul Moriera travels through the West Bank to meet Palestinians and Israeli settlers. In Hebron, Moriera sees how the old Arab city is gradually being overwhelmed by Israeli incomers, whose security forces are imposing a bizarre street-by-street apartheid on the Palestinians who have always lived there. In new hilltop settlements, built on stolen land, he encounters the sometimes startling intolerance of their ultra-orthodox communities who will do whatever they can to take more. Meanwhile the outside world looks on helplessly - either unable or unwilling to intercede - and there are few signs this tidal wave of occupation and annexation is ever going to end.
Despite the many failures of its government, America continues to triumph as the biggest brand in the world. Empire investigates how the use of American soft power, its cultural imperialism and its exceptional branding has gained global traction. - Subscribe to our channel - Follow us on Twitter - Find us on Facebook - Check out our website:
Author and activist Norman Finkelstein discusses whether the two-state solution can solve the Israel-Palestine conflict. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website
Nigeria's main opposition leader shares his views on the postponed vote, Boko Haram, and challenges facing his country.
A world exclusive investigation tells the inside story of the fight for the facts behind Yasser Arafat's death. Following What Killed Arafat? which led French prosecutors to open a murder inquiry, this documentary follows the struggle to convince the Palestinian Authority to allow an exhumation of Arafat's body to test for radioactive poison. Al Jazeera's Clayton Swisher reports on the tests that led to the Swiss scientists reporting high levels of polonium Yasser Arafat's bones. #KillingArafat
The story of Somalis fleeing the civil war at home for over 20 years, only to be confronted by poverty, kidnapping and torture as they seek refuge in Yemen. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website
Subscribe to our channel The ongoing conflict in the remote province of Balochistan is often called Pakistan's "dirty war". Ethnic Balochi politicians and leaders share their vision of self-determination and freedom from Pakistani rule.
08.01.15 Douglas Murray on Al Jazeera discussing the Charlie Hebdo attacks. HJS:
An interview with renowned atheist Richard Dawkins on whether religion is a force for good or evil.
Kenya's North Eastern Province, the country's third-largest region, borders Somalia and is exclusively inhabited by ethnic Somalis. Following Kenya's indepen...
The Isle of Man TT is described as the world's most dangerous race, a complicated and unforgiving course. Yet every year more and more motorcycle enthusiasts...
Can three comedians from Bosnia overcome the bitterness of the past to reunite and reconcile? Often compared to Monty Python's Flying Circus the comedy team from Sarajevo known as Top Lista Nadrealista or The Surrealist Hit Parade rose to prominence on the eve of the breakup of Yugoslavia. Nele, Zenit and Djuro became household names throughout the Balkans. The wars that followed the splintering of the country pitted each of the diverse communities against one another. The bitter conflict exposed some nationalist loyalties among the comedians and lead to the acrimonious break-up of Top Lista. The split reflecting the broader tribulations dividing their homeland. - Subscribe to our channel - Follow us on Twitter - Find us on Facebook - Check out our website:
The brother of Michael Adebolajo, speaks about the motivation, ideology and politics behind the fatal attack on British soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, London earlier this year. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website:
In the first episode of Meltdown, we hear about four men who brought down the global economy: a billionaire mortgage-seller who fooled millions; a high-rolli...
Since its independence from France in 1946, Syria has been rocked by periods of political instability. As the colonial hold of the great powers began to fade and the region witnessed a wave of Arab nationalism, Syria shifted through a succession of military coups. But in 1970, Hafez al-Assad, an ambitious minister of defense, seized control. Rising from a humble background in western Syria, he was to rule the country for 30 years. His was an autocratic one-party state in which any dissent was ruthlessly suppressed. Following the death of Hafez in 2000, father was succeeded by son - Bashar al-Assad took the reigns and a dynasty was born. In 2011, with the region in revolt, the al-Assad regime was challenged.
مواجهات سياسية في السودان بين الحكومة وحزب الأمة. تقرير: الطاهر المرضي تاريخ البث: 11/3/2015
Potpredsjednik vlade i ministar vanjskih poslova Srbije Ivica Dačić u zvaničnoj je posjeti Hrvatskoj. Sa domaćinima je razgovarao o brojnim neriješenim pitanjima. Jedno od njih je i zakon Srbije o regionalnoj jurisdikciji za ratne zločine.
Vladajuća koalicija u Makedoniji nije odgovorila na poziv opozicionih Socijaldemokrata za formiranje prelazne vlade i raspisivanje vanrednih parlamentarnih izbora.
Surveys suggest Zionist Union edging ahead of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
U nastavku redovnog martovskog zasjedanja Evropskog parlamenta u Strasbourgu usvojene su Rezolucije o napretku balkanskih zemalja ka Evropskoj uniji. Odnose se na Srbiju, Makedoniju i Crnu Goru, ali i na proces integracija Kosova.
شكت منظمات حقوقية مصرية وعدد كبير من أهالي المعتقلين من تصاعد حدة الانتهاكات التي ترتكبها وزارة الداخلية بحق آلاف المعتقلين من رافضي الانقلاب العسكري. تقرير: علي كشك تاريخ البث: 11/3/2015
Nakon jakih kiša, prošle nedelje klizište je izazvalo pucanje asfalta na magistralnom pravcu Cetinje - Budva, jednoj od najprometnijih puta u Crnoj Gori. Radovi na sanaciji puta, kažu nadležni, trajaće nekoliko mjeseci, do početka turističke sezone.
أصبحت الأجهزة والهواتف المحمولة جزءًا أساسياً من حياتنا اليومية، وتحاول كبرى الشركات جعل هواتفها الذكية أكثر ارتباطاً بصحة الناس بحيث لا تكون أداة لقياس نبضهم فقط بل تكون سلاحاً مهماً بدراسة الأمراض ومكافحتها. تقرير: خليل حنون تاريخ البث: 11/3/2015
Predstavnici liste "Srpska" neće se vratiti u Vladu Kosova sve dok elementi dogovora iz koalicionog sporazuma sa albanskim strankama na Kosovu ne budu ispoštovani. Sa Sa više detalja iz Prištine javlja se Avni Ahmetaj.
Mexican cartels are flooding the US with heroin, according to America's Drug Enforcement Administration. The agency says cheap high grade heroin coming into the country is it's greatest challenge. Al Jazeera's Adam Raney sat down with the DEA's chief of operations who said people already addicted to prescription pills are the most vulnerable.
"Država je dužna da kazni svakoga ko izvrši krivično delo, ali ima i obavezu da osuđenicima nakon odslužene kazne omogući povratak u društvo", poručio je nedavno jedan ministar pravde u regionu. Kako to i koliko zaista čine države u regionu, u emis
Croatia Airlines, hrvatska nacionalna aviokompanija, u pogon je pustila i treći hangar u svom tehničkom sektoru, gdje će se održavati domaći, ali i strani avioni, što je za tu firmu, tvrde u Upravi, visokoprofitabilno. Više detalja, Ana Mlinarić.
Predsjednik Venecuele Nicolas Maduro od parlamenta svoje države zatražio je veće ovlasti u borbi, kako kaže, protiv američkog imperijalizma.
Poslanici su Ustavnopravnoj komisiji dali 30 dana za dodatne konsultacije sa ekspertima iz oblasti ustavnog i međunarodnog javnog prava o pitanju Sutorine. Parlamentarnu raspravu pratio je Marin Veršić.
Usame Bin laden 1998 Al Jazeera Röportajı Tamamı Türkçe Alt Yazılı
The New Orleans Police Department still struggles with many of the same problems it faced a decade ago, despite intense scrutiny. The department has had its problems documented since at least 2004. Al Jazeera's Shihab Rattansi reports from New Orleans. More on our website: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our channel: Find us on Facebook:
Francuska policija traga za grupom pljačkaša, koji su tokom noći ukrali dijamante i umjetnine u vrednosti 9 miliona eura. Najmanje 15 osoba iz zasjede je opljačkalo dva kombija obezbeđenja na autoputu Lion, Pariz. Nakon pljačke policija je pronašla n
Grupa "Islamska država Irak i Levant" objavila je video snimak u kojem maloljetni dječak izvršava egzekuciju nad Muhamedom Musalamom, izraelskim Palestincem, koga je ta grupa optužila da radi za Mossad.
Nakon što je jučer zagrebački gradonačelnik Milan Bandić ponovo završio u istražnom zatvoru, situacija u glavnom gradu Hrvatske je komplikovana.
U nastavku redovnog martovskog zasjedanja Evropskog parlamenta u Strasbourgu usvojene su Rezolucije o napretku balkanskih zemalja ka Evropskoj uniji. Katarina Drlja prati zasjedanje Evropskog parlamenta.
Dr. Jason Johnson a professor of Political Science at Hiram College talks about the Clinton emails and if that will have an impact on the 2016 Presidential Election in the U.S.
بدأ البنك المركزي الأوروبي برنامجه التحفيزي من خلال شراء سندات مقومة باليورو بقيمة 1.1 تريليون يورو. وهو ما يعني زيادة المعروض النقدي المتاح فعليا من اليورو في الاقتصاد، وبالتالي المزيد من الضغط على العملة الأوروبية الواحدة.
An upbeat new series exploring the solutions to today's environmental challenges.
Rusija se i dalje suočava sa optužbama o kršenju primirja u Ukrajini. Zvaničnici Sjedinjenih Američkih Država tvrde da u istočne dijelove ove zemlje Rusija i dalje šalje naoružanje.
Anzalone told Al Jazeera al-Shabab now use the deaths as a recruitment tool in their videos ... ©2015 Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar).
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-24©2015 Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar). Visit Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar) at www.
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-24Khaled al-Obeidi, Iraq's ... ©2015 Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar). Visit Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar) at www.
Stars and Stripes 2015-03-24But last Friday's horrific twin suicide bombings during noon prayers at the al-Hashoosh ... Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-03-24Starbucks and racism ... However, the Race Together campaign was put on ice only a week later ... Source: Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-03-24... by some forces [Saleh] that want to rule the country again," Taher told Al Jazeera ... Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-03-23Al Jazeera's Nick Clark reports from South Sudan. Source: Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-03-23Al Jazeera's Jamela Alindogan reports from Coron Bay. Source: Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-03-23So has the property bubble burst? ... Al Jazeera's Harry Fawcett brings the story of property developers in China ... Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-03-23Al Jazeera's Laurence Lee brings this special report. Source: Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-03-23... Yaseen told Al Jazeera on Monday. "We can't allow Iran to take over our country." ... Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-03-23com, told Al Jazeera that it may be possible for Governor Onaga to prevail in his ... Al Jazeera.
Al Jazeera 2015-03-23al Jazeera (Arabic: الجزيرة al-ǧazīrah IPA: [æl dʒæˈziːrɐ], literally "The Island", abbreviating "The [Arabian] Peninsula") (also Aljazeera or JSC [Jazeera Satellite Channel]) is an independent broadcaster owned by the state of Qatar through the Qatar Media Corporation and headquartered in Doha, Qatar. Initially launched as an Arabic news and current affairs satellite TV channel, Al Jazeera has since expanded into a network with several outlets, including the Internet and specialty TV channels in multiple languages. Al Jazeera is accessible in several world regions.
The original Al Jazeera channel's willingness to broadcast dissenting views, for example on call-in shows, created controversies in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf. The station gained worldwide attention following the September 11, 2001 attacks, when it was the only channel to cover the war in Afghanistan live from its office there.
In the 2000s, the network was praised by the Index on Censorship for circumventing censorship and contributing to the free exchange of information in the Arab world, and by the Webby Awards, who nominated it as one of the five best news web sites, along with BBC News, National Geographic and The Smoking Gun. It was also voted by readers as the fifth most influential global brand behind Apple, Google, Ikea and Starbucks. In 2011 noted Al Jazeera's coverage of the 2011 Egyptian protests as superior to that of the American news media, while U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton also opined that that network's news coverage was more informative, and less opinion-driven than American journalism.
Yeah, yeah Rolling, rolling
We be rolling
[Royal T]
Another day, I cruise at the beach
Car sitting low, Latino's in the next seat
System booming, rims clean with the top back
Rep for summer with the locs and the baseball hat
Down 805, cuties in the next lane
Trying to draw attention for their number and their name
We didn't get no play we got ignored
But there's too many cuties in the sea to fish for I pulled up in the spot in the parking lot
Sipping on a 40 at the corner cuz it gets hot
Cutties checking out the cars that we roll
Black candy with the rims with the booms and the gold Here comes the pigs, turn it down they're getting nearer
Checking out the vatos with the dice in the mirror
But we ain't villains that be stepping out of line
We just like going cruising with the cutties in the summertime
[Chorus x2: Bizz]
From the coast to the avenue
Our crew is deep, I thought you knew
Hitting switches in my 64
Baby don't you know
We be rolling
I said trucks rolling by with the boom-booms in em
I sling Sly shirts with the Levi denim
A late night tings in after day time
Vatos looking loco, hynas looking fine
The veterano's got the switches to the side
The truck's full of amps in the back of the g-ride
Everybody's styling,
Profile's Low I'm driving real slow, looks like a big car show
I peep the cutties with the light
Brown complextion
Gotta bust a U and go the opposite direction
Piña Coloda, room at the Ramada
[Royal T]
Parties at the beach if it gets any hotter
Cholos in bandanas, nobody's down to bang
Let the rags hang, it's a Mexican thang
But we ain't villains that be stepping out of line
We just like going cruising at the beach in the summertime
[Chorus x2]
[Royal T]
Cooling by the shore, hynas cooling in the sand
Lotion in their hand with a summertime tan
Homies kicking back in the shade drinking brew
Have one or two, but they're down to drink a few
Too many drinks when the evening arrive
Pass the keys to the homies, it ain't safe to drink and drive
[Royal T]
Four five burning, sea breeze blowing
Broadies dress sexy, body half showing
Trying to draw attention,
Latino had I mentioned
Pack in the glove, don't forget about prevention
Ready to hit the motel it's almost 1 o'clock
Everything closed so we head to Heidi's Taco Shop
Cutties wanna roll, the lab is where we sent em
Taking em to the room, we did the wild thing with em
But we ain't ones to wine and dine
I'd rather cruise with the hynas at the beach in the summertime