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Personal Development Plan - What you must know to start working on your own personal development. Exclusive Content, Free Newsletter + Bonuses Here: 100+ Greatest Personal Development Concepts of All Time Full Video Transcript Here: Video Summary: Anyone committed to building an amazing life will benefit from a personal development plan. Creating one, however, needs to be a customized design, based on your own personal needs and goals. It's not something you can copy from your friend or colleague. If you do, it won't meet your specific needs. Spend time figuring out what your needs are, and what you hope to accomplish. That information will pay off handsomely so you don't chase down blind alleys that get you nowhere productive. Once you know what you're looking for, with a stunning array of material and programs available, use every resource at you disposal to narrow the search to what's best for you. Tap into free resources first, until you identify the experts to best direct your path. Gather the lay of the land, and where you hope to arrive. Minimize time and energy zappers and addictions. Replace destructive habits with constructive ones. Identify a life purpose, if you don't already have one, that speaks to the center of your being. Only then will you have the commitment to pursue your self-improvement plan. Keep track of your progress, so you can review and realize the journey you've made.
Rising inequality, increased impacts from climate change, continued undernourishment and hunger. These challenges are real, they are global, and they are hitting the world's poorest the hardest. But too often stories of failure have overshadowed those of success. Real incomes are doubling, life expectancy is increasing, poverty levels are declining -- progress is happening faster than at any other time in human history. This animation sets out how the Development Progress project aims to uncover the 'what', 'where', 'how' and 'why' of progress so that a better understanding can be built, suggesting how hurdles in development can be overcome. To find out more visit: Friend us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Animation produced by Room 3
Animation of the 21 day development of a chicken embryo in the egg. Created by AXS Biomedical Animation Studio Inc. Music by Zach Kellum © 2013 Poultry CRC Ltd
human development.
Millenium Development Goals for 2015 In the year 2000, 189 leaders from around the world met at the historic Millenium Summit in New York. According to the t...
Greg Kroah-Hartman shows the Google Project Ara prototype phone and development board, and he talks about Greybus the protocol that they are developing to make it possible for these hardware modules that must be able to talk to each other and to the host module, they can be hot swappable, they have to be able to describe themselves so everything just works smoothly, they work on the knowledge that they have from USB, PCI, Firewire and all the previous protocols that people have implemented, they work on the base level of what UniPro can do, and they go from there. This is just another sub-system of Linux that drivers plug into. Rob Herring is the project tech lead at Linaro for Project Ara, and he talks about how the Linaro guys are working on the Kernel portions, the ARM Applications Processor modules and the Android modifications to support hardware modules hotplug in a Smartphone.
This video was produced in 2012 by the School of International Development, University of East Anglia. The School is committed to making a difference, contributing to knowledge and providing policy advice and guidance on major global challenges such as poverty reduction and environmental sustainability.
What is Development?
These are the games that are taking forever. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Games in Development Hell. Special thank...
6 Games Stuck in Development Hell (That We Need ASAP). Half-Life 3. Starcraft: Ghost. DOOM 4. We know making games takes time, but once games drift into the ...
July 2006 This episode examines the dynamics of economic development. What makes it happen and why do so many countries lag so far behind?
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We have the Oculus VR Development Kit in the office (two of them!) and have been testing them for over a week. We sit down to discuss the new hardware, compare it to our first development kit, and then run through as many game demos as we can get working. That includes revisiting some classics as well as multiplayer with Couch Knights and Elite: Dangerous using a HOTAS setup! Thanks to iFixit for the Oculus IR footage. Check out their full teardown here:
Music video by Arrested Development performing Tennessee (Edit).
With Arrested Development making its unexpected Season 4 return on Netflix in May, we figured we'd count down the Top 10 running jokes in the show! Now the story of our favorite moments, and the one video that had no choice but to keep them all together. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 "Arrested Development" running gags.
Some of the best quotes from Arrested Development.
Visit my website at for all of my videos and tutorials! Have questions or looking for source code? Check out the forum at My Profile - Facebook - Google+ - Twitter -!/bucky_roberts Donate -;_button_id=5K9RJVCAKWZKS
Shared with you by Subscribe to this channel for the very best in motivation and personal development training, ideas and inspiration. Jim...
Pregnancy Music: Beethoven for babies brain development - Classical Music Piano,Pregnancy Music for babies brain development. Full list:;=PLXEtFgvpVQNcYrCE2jyb5V_8ZDAGbAqob Pregnancy Music: Beethoven for babies brain development Classical Music Piano ★ 8 hour Chrismast Music: ★ Jingle Bell - Best Songs Of Christmas 2015: ★ The Best Christmas Songs 2015: ★ Jingle Bell Remix nonstop: ♥ Happy New Year Song 2015 ♥ DJ - Nonstop: Pregnancy Music: Music for Pregnant Women, Music for pregnancy 2015. Does music affect fetal development? No one knows for sure. Some studies indicate that fetuses can hear and react to sound by moving. But no one really knows what those movements mean because experts can't observe an unborn baby as easily as a baby that has already been born. Does playing music make my baby smarter? No research supports the idea that playing music when your baby is in the womb makes her smarter. You may have heard that exposure to music makes kids of all ages smarter in math, but Gordon Shaw, a research pioneer in neuroscience at the University of California at Irvine, says these studies focused on older children, not fetuses. For example, piano lessons may enhance children's spatial reasoning skills (the ability to understand three-dimensional space), but researchers only tested 3- and 4-year-olds (see our article on Music and Your Toddler/Preschooler). Some experts surmise that if music has this profound effect on older kids, babies and even fetuses may benefit from it the same way. Others say newborns can recognize music their parents played for them when they were in the womb and even perk up or fall asleep when they hear a familiar song. But Janet DiPietro, a developmental psychologist who studies fetal development at Johns Hopkins University, says these conclusions are purely anecdotal and aren't based on true research. Some also say that fetuses breathe in time to music they enjoy. California obstetrician Rene Van de Carr says he's observed a 33-week-old fetus pattern his breathing to the beat of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Van de Carr, who wrote While You're Expecting...Your Own Prenatal Classroom, says because the fetus followed the rhythm of the symphony, it's obvious he learned something about the rhythm and enjoyed it. But other researchers such as DiPietro ask, "What reason do we have to think that breathing in time to music is a good thing?" How do I play music for my unborn child? Your best option is to play music on the stereo as you go about your day. It's not a good idea to use headphones on your belly since the music is up close and may overstimulate the baby. "People tend to turn up the sound because they think it needs to be loud to penetrate the abdomen," say experts like DiPietro. "But amniotic fluid is actually a good conductor of sound." How loud is too loud? The American Academy of Pediatrics reported in the late 1990s that several studies showed that unborn babies exposed to loud noise over a long period of time are more likely to be born prematurely, have lower birth weights, and suffer some higher frequency hearing loss at birth. The studies mostly involved moms who worked in high noise areas, which is of course quite different than going to an occasional rock concert. Still, it's not a good idea to pump up the volume on your stereo higher than 65 decibels (dB) – about as loud as background music at the store – because that may hurt or startle the baby. And if you're listening to music for prolonged periods, it's best to keep the volume below 50 dB (the sound level in most neonatal intensive care units). Decibel levels of common household sounds are: 50 - 75 dB washing machine 55 - 70 dB dishwasher 60 - 85 dB vacuum cleaner 60 - 95 dB hair dryer 65 - 80 dB alarm clock 75 - 85 dB flush toilet 80 dB ringing telephone Play music because you enjoy it, not because you're trying to make your unborn baby smarter. Music can help you relax, fall asleep, or perk you up if you have the pregnancy blahs. "When a woman relaxes, that's good for the fetus and that's an indirect effect of music on the fetus," says DiPietro. You can put on some tunes, kick up your heels, or dance around and have fun. If, after listening to music all throughout your pregnancy, you happen to give birth to the next Adele or Wynton Marsalis, so much the better. "Pregnancy music for mother and unborn baby" "Pregnancy Music" "Music for Pregnant Women" "Music for pregnancy" "Music for baby brain" "Pregnancy Music Beethoven for babies" "Beethoven for babies"
Eight solid minutes of Arrested Development in-jokes, from "no touching" to "say goodbye to these, Michael!" Edited by Bryan Menegus: http://gifthorsedentist...
Free Week By Week Pregnancy Emails Here: 9 Months In The Womb: A Remarkable Look At Fetal Development Through Ultrasound By PregnancyChat.Com - Get Pregnancy Updates Here: From conception to birth, take a unique look at fetal transformation during nine months in the womb. Created by Ultrasound Dimensions and For more info visit: If you enjoyed this video please like and share: Twitter:!/pregchat Google+: Youtube: Subscribe: Click Here to Subscribe! 9 Months In The Womb The Master's Sacred Knowledge. - A Personal Development and Self Improvement Book! Get your very affordable INSTAN...
Video game studios bring together a number of different creative types, from artists and programmers to the business-minded. Navigating the different personalities you'll meet is as much of a challenge as the technical work that goes into software development, and these Full Sail University grads and industry professionals will share their day-to-day experiences, as well as the challenges of transitioning to different studios and different roles. Panel: Kerry Allen 2006 Game Development graduate; Software Engineer III, EA Tiburon Will Dull 2005 Game Development graduate; Software Engineer III, EA Tiburon Rob Coble Industry Outreach, Game Studies Grant Shonkwiler 2008 Game Design & Development graduate, Technical Producer, iD Software Learn more at
EDUCATIONAL VIDEO** This footage compares the movements of two children at 4 months of age: one developing typically, and one developing atypically. This f...
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 3.17.2015 Greece needs more money so Tsipras plans to meet with Putin. If Greece exits the Euro Zone, Spain and Italy will follow.1 in 3 Americans are classified as the working poor. Housing starts implode throughout the country. European allies decide to join the China development bank to protect themselves from the collapsing dollar. China dumps more US treasuries. White House exempts itself from the FOIA. Kiev is doing everything it can to push war with Russia. The oil in Libya is now being sold not using the dollar. US preparing to go into Syria, trying the chlorine gas trick once again. All source links to the report can be found on the site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.
Mozart effect for Babies brain development -Classical Music for Babies-Lullabies for Babies Sleep Baby Songs- The Mozart effect was first reported in 1993 by scientists at the University of California at Irvine, and replicated by the same group in 1995. The study (which did not look at the effect of Mozart on babies) found that college students who listened to a Mozart sonata for a few minutes before taking a test that measured spatial relationship skills did better than students who took the test after listening to another musician or no music at all. The effect in the students was temporary (it lasted only 15 minutes) and has always been controversial. Nonetheless, the media and politicians hopped on the Mozart effect bandwagon, claiming that listening to the music offered numerous benefits and could alleviate physical and mental health problems. The notion that babies would be smarter if they listened to classical music was born out of this hype. One year, the governor of Georgia mandated that a classic music CD — which contained the sonata and other pieces and was donated by Sony — be given to all new babies when they left the hospital. Despite popular sentiment, the evidence that listening to classical music made anybody smarter was tenuous at best. The lead researcher in the original U.C. Irvine study himself said in a Forbes article that the idea that classical music can cure health problems and make babies smarter has no basis in reality, even though he believes that listening to a Mozart sonata can prime the brain to tackle mathematical tasks. The researchers at Appalachian State University were unable to duplicate the original "Mozart effect" results and found that the presence or absence of classical music didn't significantly affect student performance on tests. Their results were published in the July 1999 issue of the journal Psychological Science.
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What I wish I knew starting out! LOTS OF LINKS, including up to 3 months free video lessons on this blog post:
Arrested Development " Compile ( 19 / 02 / 2014 ) " 1 - Revolution 2 - Fountain Of Youth 3 - Give A Man A Fish 4 - People Everyday ( live ) 5 - Raining Revol...
The news of a fourth season of "Arrested Development" was first announced at the 2011 New Yorker Festival, where the cast reunited for a sold-out panel discussion. The video is now available for the first time since 2011. Watch The New Yorker on The Scene: Subscribe to the all-new The New Yorker channel here: Visit The New Yorker channel for more video: Visit The New Yorker website more: Connect with The New Yorker Magazine Online: Visit The New Follow The New Yorker on Facebook: Follow The New Yorker on Google+: Follow The New Yorker on Twitter: Follow The New Yorker on Instagram: Follow The New Yorker on Pinterest: Follow The New Yorker on Tumblr: “Arrested Development” cast reunion - The New Yorker Festival - The New Yorker
LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes 100% walkthrough of level 9 'Research and Development''. This game is available on the Wii U, Xbox 360 and PS3. This video show...
Classical music playlists for your baby brain development and relax mother's mind. From Bach, Schuman,and Debussy.
In this video I talk about a new series I am starting that will involve developing android applications and going over all the necessary basics and transitio...
Pregnancy Music Relaxing Music for unborn baby,Pregnancy Music,Relaxing Music,Pregnancy Music,music for babies brain development in womb. Relaxing Music, music for baby brain development in womb. Pregnancy Music for Fetal Development ? Can music affect fetal brain development? If so, what musical composers, genre, or style will make my baby smarter, more creative, more sociable, or more...better? These questions are certainly interesting ones for expectant couples. However, despite a rather suspect study suggesting that Mozart will help your baby's brain grow, the jury is out. The study in question was associated with a Baby-Mozart brain-enhancing product that putatively noted that the particular structure of, say, a Mozart string quartet offered more "formative" stimulation than other genres or even other classical composers like Bach or Beethoven. Such claims have been soundly debunked. But that does not mean that prenatal music or concert-going does not have benefits - its simply difficult to prove the case! That said, there certainly is an intuitive sense that sonic stimulation - at reasonable volumes - sure can't hurt. However, choice of music may offer something to contemplate, especially if you consider that plants apparently flourish - and grow toward - calmer classical music, while actively avoiding blaring heavy metal. A number of studies have contrasted the effects of different forms of music on plant growth, and classical forms always seems to win out when it comes to a plant's preferred choice of musical style. In addition, animal studies indicate that exposure to "chaotic" or "atonal" music alters brain structure in a negative way. In the case of classical vs. rock music, the issue may be less the notational/chordal structure of the musical composition than the mediated difference between a cello or an electric guitar run through a "tube-screamer". The case of atonal music brings up a more interesting question: Is it the non-repetitive structure, complex rhythms, or non-traditional scales associated with discordant music that is the issue here? Or was "chaotic music" played too loudly or on abrasive or "prepared" instruments - via distorted guitars or via quarter-tone pianos (ala Charles Ives) or via 12-Tone serial operas (ala Schoenberg)? It's unlikely that scientists researching in this area took into consideration that difference between, say, Schoenberg's atonal and serial phases. Moreover, this does not answer the question whether a baby prefers calmer, more sonorous or spatial classical music to more intricate or energetic works of the same genre. Which of course begs other questions: Is the architectonic majesty of classical music, the works of a Bach or Mozart, the possible key to supporting sound fetal development? Will Shostakovich's frequent minor keys and heavy themes depress my baby? Will Stockhausen freak him or her out? Will Morton Feldman put baby to sleep? And how about jazz, rock or techno? What's good for the baby's brain?!? At any rate, there are tons of musical kits and products out there promising to "Build Your Baby's Brain", calm your baby with "Healing Lullabies", or tone the synapses with sonic "Prenatal Education Systems". And certainly, you do not need to buy a "kit" to surround your child with the sounds of Bach, Beethoven, or Chopin. Ambient sounds from your stereo will reach your baby, and some women elect to put headphones around their stomachs for a more direct approach. In either case, doctors do advise avoiding loud music that might startle or possibly hurt the baby - as well as avoiding overly long sessions that may "overstimulate". In short, because the jury is still out on how music affects fetal development, experts suggest moderation and mild volume when it comes to sonic stimulation. Perhaps the best suggestion is to simply relax and enjoy music the way you normally do - and chances are your baby will relax along with you. Tag Relate: sleep music for babies, baby music for sleep Pregnancy Music, Relaxing Music for unborn baby, music for baby brain development in womb. Pregnancy Music. Relaxing Music for unborn baby, music for baby brain development in womb. Pregnancy music for mother and unborn baby 2015. Relaxing Piano Music for Labor & Music for Babies. Pregnancy Music: Relax & Calm Music for Pregnant Mothers, Childbirth, Sleep Music for Baby Sleep.
Prof. N.P Hafiz Mohammed taking 'Personality Development' class CIS students in Qatar Indian Islahi Center Auditorium.
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Dr Tim Forsyth from the Department of International Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science provides an introduction to Internati...
This video by WatchIT provides a practical introduction to the world of Agile software development. It features expert Alex Adamopolous, CEO of Emergn. This ...
A quick discussion of the activies and benefits of the system development lifecycle. Be sure to turn on captions. 'Sorry about the weird numbers appearing --...
We take an in-depth look at how the 2D demo project was created to show off the new tools and workflows for 2D game development in Unity 4.3. More about Unit...
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Session IV of the United Nations Student Leadership Conference on Development. Students participated from the US, Mexico, Philippines, India, and Pakistan.
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We asked Nelsonians what they thought of the council decision to continue development on Rocks Road.
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Fifteen homes a week are to be built on a military accommodation site in Stafford to ensure the project is finished by September. More than 300 houses and a new school are being built for soldiers and their families returning to Stafford from Germany. The £100m contract to develop Beacon Barracks, which will double the size of the military presence in the town, was announced in October 2013. The first troops will begin to move in in the summer as the Army pulls more units out of bases in Germany, the Ministry of Defence has said.
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This is Session II of the 2015 UN Student Leadership Conference on Development held on February 9. 2015 with students in the US, Mexico, Philippines, India, and Pakistan.
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Legislator Ng Kuok Cheong says the debate and struggle between the two camps is positive for the development of the New Macau Association. He adds that the split between the new and old generation is just temporary.
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The government under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSPD) 2014-15 earmarked over Rs17 billion for the development schemes in the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (Fata) ... With only a few months left in the current financial year, it’s almost certain Fata will miss a major chunk of the funds for its development ... Fata to see massive development after IDPs’ return....
Dawn 2015-03-21Irish property developer Johnny Ronan is believed to be just days away from exiting from the National Asset Management Agency ... Mr Ronan is already working with the developer Paddy McKillen, Colony and UK listed property group Development Securities on building a high-end new office block in Dublin 4 ... Mr Ronan is an experienced developer in Ireland, the UK and China....
The Irish Times 2015-03-21As part of it, India will take the lead in developing a set of guidelines, which will be known as common regional standard, to promote intra-regional trade, said foreign minister Sushma Swaraj ... It is being organized by Research and Information System for Developing Countries and Kolkata-based Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, both autonomous organizations under the Centre....
The Times of India 2015-03-21Department for International Development encouraged to cap humanitarian funding and focus on bilateral programmes in sub-Saharan Africa ... In its latest annual report on the Department for International Development (DfID), the International Development Committee (IDC) says the government’s focus on responding to disasters and emergencies is allowing other wealthy countries to shirk their responsibilities....
The Guardian 2015-03-21Corporators expressed their displeasure during the general body meeting on Friday over the civic officials' alleged apathy in acquiring plots reserved for developing public infrastructure ... The land has been reserved in the development plan (DP) of 2000 ... But the reservations earmarked for developing public infrastructure have lapsed due to apathy of the civic officials to acquire land within the stipulated time....
The Times of India 2015-03-21Partners in Research for Development Issue one 2015 launched by Ms Julie Bishop MP , Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs ... This edition focuses on private sector engagement in agricultural research for development and marks the beginning of an exciting year for private sector engagement across Australia's aid program....
noodls 2015-03-21Local bodies in seven districts are now equipped with a powerful digital tool for development planning and resource management. The Land Resources Information System (LRIS) developed by the Kerala State Land Use Board enables them to employ spatial data technologies for better local-level planning ... Developed using Open Source tools and ......
The Hindu 2015-03-21A Danish developer is planning to develop a major offshore wind energy project, which would include more than 100 turbines, in federal waters in Hawaii off Oahu’s northwest and southern coasts, ... Thus far, there are no offshore wind farms up and running in the U.S., although there are some projects in some sort of development phase in areas such as the East Coast and Great Lakes region ... No development cost of the project was available....
The Business Review 2015-03-21A 200-meter road stretch in the city will be developed using polypropylene geotextile fabric to ensure that it remains pothole free for a long time ... The road near Sasane ground is currently being developed using this," she said. A polymer division of Reliance Infrastructure Limited (RIL) has started the work on a free-of-cost experimental basis, during which a stretch of road 200-metre long and 9-meter wide will be developed....
The Times of India 2015-03-21Real estate developers have latched on to the auspicious occasion of Chaitra Navratri in north India, Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra and Ugadi in south India starting on Saturday to offer spot discounts and freebies in addition to deferred payment plans and other schemes that have already been in place to push sales ... Experts say this is a win-win situation for buyers and developers....
The Times of India 2015-03-21"We are keenly developing our infrastructure at a rapid pace to boost the socio-economic development," he said. "The robust steel and mining sector of the state can contribute significantly in supporting development of the IORA countries," he said ... Naveen said the state is in the process of developing a number of ports in the 480-km coastline....
The Times of India 2015-03-21Combination Creates Leading Healthcare Diagnostics Company & End-to-End Solutions for Drug Development and Commercialization ... This combination creates the world's leading healthcare diagnostics company, providing comprehensive clinical laboratory services and end-to-end solutions for drug and diagnostics development and commercialization ... To learn more about Covance Drug Development, visit
noodls 2015-03-21Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte SAB de CV) The OMA-VYNMSA Aero Industrial Park inside the Monterrey Airport is a joint development of OMA and VYNMSA Desarrollo Inmobiliario The first 5,000 m2 building is ready for lease and client customization The location of the park, its connection with the Monterrey Airport, and its flexibility make it a premier facility in Monterrey and northeastern Mexico....
noodls 2015-03-21Development may refer to:
"Underground intelligent hip hop development
Progression is our intent, ladies and gentlemen"
They say possession is nine tenths
Well we possess mind vents
To filter the rhymes sent
From deep down inside
Hence the precision and timing
Essential to rhyming
If you wish to pierce the cerebral lining
You see image is nothing
Imagination is everything
Is there anything you wear that's more important than what you think?
I think not... as I bump Aesop
Cruise to Herbie Hancock and fuckin' rock out with Snot
You wanna look for me?
I'll be in charity shops
I ain't buyin' my shirts
I'm buyin' my damn pants and socks
This shit's inside of me
I ain't riding the beat
It's the beat that is riding me
I ain't an alcoholic
I just drink a lot
And maybe I'm a genius
Or maybe I just think a lot
My intellect in retrospect compared to some...
"Ay yo Pip you know that second verse was all straight garbage?"
What you talkin' 'bout man it's not that bad... it was alright.
"I know what I'm talkin' 'bout. Give these fuckers something new!"
What am I supposed to do? What...?
"Come on man"
Alright man, how about this?
I remember hearing Mos Def rhyme the alphabet
I just sat there in silence
As a sign of respect
I knew what I had to do
And that's what happened next
I rhymed the periodic table to stay one step ahead
See in the periodic table hydrogen is number one
'Cause hydrogen is what puts the shine in the sun
Through nuclear fusion and when it's done
It leaves element number two
Helium... helium is the second lightest gas that there is
So we use it in balloons we give to little kids
Then there's lithium often used to treat mental problems
Beryllium don't conduct electric currents, it stops them
Boron can be used to make things harden
And that smoke that's coming out of your exhaust, carbon
Carbon is arguably the most important element
And nitrogen in the air is almost eighty percent
The rest of the air is mainly oxygen
And fluorine is the lightest of the halogens
OK that's enough teaching
I ain't trying to bore ya
I'm just trying to be a positive role model for ya
'Cause in my town I'm blessed with many role models
So many that sometimes the mind just boggles
See KRS is my teacher
Slick Rick's my ruler
Chuck D's my preach'
I'm just a preschooler
I've still got growing to do though
I ain't trying to fool ya
But compared to all the other kids in my class
I'm much taller
It's been a thousand years since I've been here I do believe
That I've played along for the last time
And they don't come round to talk about you like you were dead
But I swear I saw you out there
Oh just the other day outside the diner
And I saw you walking by
And the years go by and I'm still trying to understand
How you were living out there
You're a ghost this town could build around you cause they're moving forward
And you're still underground
But if we could talk and we could laugh just for one last time
And turn the clock back around
Those buildings that were built after you gone away
Would all come crashing down
And I would laugh like we would laugh back before they came
And turn this city around
He's gonna die
I feel his heart dying
He's gonna live this time
But I can't stop trying
And my weakest moment
Now, theres a crack on the inside, and i start to play.
Now, my fingers stuck, over stood my stay.
Now, Now, Now, my world is bent from this development.
Moving faster, then a storm's rain after the plaster split, where my fingers fit.
Sure disaster and growing faster then my skin can take.
At least that's what they say.
Now, theres a crack on the inside, and i start to play.
Now, my fingers stuck, over stood my stay.
Now, Now, Now, my world is bent from this development.
Crowded cluster.
Do you trust her to take the weight, or make the change?
Abandoned labor.
Do yourself a favor and do for you, not what you're used to.
Now, theres a crack on the inside, and i start to play.
Now, my fingers stuck, over stood my stay.
Now, Now, Now, my world is bent from this development.
No more sanity.
I can't stay here, too many bad choices.
No more space to breathe.
I can't stay here, too many damn voices.
Now, theres a crack on the inside, and i start to play.
Now, my fingers stuck, over stood my stay.
They say possession is nine tenths Well we possess mind vents To filter the rhymes sent From deep down inside Hence the precision and timing Essential to rhyming If you wish to pierce the cerebral lining You see image is nothing Imagination is everything Is there anything you wear that's more important than what you think? I think not... as I bump Aesop Cruise to Herbie Hancock and fuckin' rock out with Snot You wanna look for me? I'll be in charity shops I ain't buyin' my shirts I'm buyin' my damn pants and socks Bitch-what? This shit's inside of me I ain't riding the beat It's the beat that is riding me
I ain't an alcoholic I just drink a lot And maybe I'm a genius Or maybe I just think a lot My intellect in retrospect compared to some...
"Ay yo Pip you know that second verse was all straight garbage?" What you talkin' 'bout man it's not that bad... it was alright. "I know what I'm talkin' 'bout. Give these fuckers something new!" What am I supposed to do? What...? "Come on man" Alright man, how about this?