Shopping? Shop with a Conscience!

In The News

Chicago: Ordinance prohibits city uniforms to be purchased from sweatshops | The GateNews

How local governments are using their purchasing power to end sweatshop labor | The Nation

Group wants city of Duluth's purchases to be sweatshop-free | Duluth News Tribune

Inter-Faith Committee on Latin-America wins sweatfree policy in St Louis County! | Public Radio | St Louis Today | CBS

Ithaca, New York, takes a stand on sweatshops | Tompkins Weekly 

St Louis considers anti-sweatshop bill. St Louis Today | CBS | Public Radio

News round-up from speaking tour with Gildan & Adidas workers from Haiti and Honduras: Washington Square News  NYU Local 
Labor Notes  Cornell Sun
Daily Orange
  Metro Justice  Daily Orange

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Act Now

Bring the Model Tee Project to your community: support living-wage, union-made >> 
Support the call for justice in Bangladesh >> 

Urge your state to join the Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium >>

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Featured Resources

Enemies of the Nation or Human Rights Defenders? Fighting Poverty Wages in Bangladesh >>

Just Purchasing? Practicing our faith at the market >> 

Subsidizing Sweatshops II: How our tax dollars can foster worker rights and economic recovery rather than fuel race to the bottom >>

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