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national / environment Dé Luain Meán Fómhair 08, 2014 14:06 byAlan Hall
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Proposed Poolbeg incinerator.

Corruption and incompetence rule in certain corridors of Dublin City Council. Coventa the company which somehow won the tender (despite not being a party to the bidding) and Dublin City Council have pushed the cost up to nearly €100 million for the land. Council Manager Owen Keegan said not one cent of the €96 million that has already been spent will be clawed back if the plan doesn't go ahead. Despite also as extra €36 million in extra costs many Councillors state that this whole thing has nothing to do with mad ideas from Bertie Ahern. Even if it does not go ahead it will still cost €600 million, and obviously this is the best interests of every else abroad who likes to sabotage Irish planning and make a few million doing so. Renewable energy is the future but not for the old school chums of yesteryear.

national / anti-war / imperialism Dé Sathairn Meitheamh 28, 2014 20:16 byJustin Morahan
dublin / miscellaneous Dé Sathairn Meitheamh 07, 2014 01:59 bydublin rambler

In 2012 public opposition forced the ditching of a plan for a "retirement village" on the side of the Dublin mountains, isolated from services and public transport and cut off by the M50, in an area normally zoned for agriculture and public amenity and widely used by the public. A previous plan for a private school on the site had been rejected for similar reasons in 2005. After the local elections the plan is back in a lightly tweaked form, with the developer's sister among a number of newly elected councillors supporting the project.

dublin / elections / politics Dé Sathairn Bealtaine 10, 2014 13:20 by1 of Indymedia
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The Euro and local council elections take place on Fri May 23rd and nationwide there are 11 MEPs to be elected to represent Ireland Euro elections will also be taking place across Europe for a grand total of 751 seats in the European Parliament. Regrettably the European Commission which is composed of 28 non-elected and appointed commissioners and is besieged by thousands of lobbying firms working for the private sector, is probably reckoned to have more power. Yet despite this Europe matters because at least 70% of our legislation comes from there and practically most of the regulation in a diverse range of areas originates from Europe and some of the more background regulation has its origins with corporate lobbyists with the aim of using heavy regulation to put smaller competitors out of businesses by greatly increasing the relative costs for smaller businesses. The main political parties of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael constantly tell us they are pro business and for jobs and the economy. In fact they are for big business, privatisation, outsourcing of jobs, lower wages, less social safety net and their support of big business and corporations constantly results in the suffocating of small business which are the very areas that lead to most employment.

international / environment Dé Céadaoin Márta 19, 2014 21:53 byT

It was three years on March 11th since the triple nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima plant in Japan in 2011. This article attempts to try and give an picture of the situation today and to show that the accident is still an active event that will take many decades to cleanup and it is anything but over.

Remembering What Happened

It is three years since the accident on March 11th 2011 at the Fukushima power station complex. There has been surprisingly little coverage of it in the mainstream media compared to the Chernobyl accident in 1986 at the time. As most people know, the accident was a result of an earthquake which caused the tsunami which flooded the Fukushima site and knocked out the backup diesel generators used for cooling the plants and that is how the story goes. The first report many people heard was that they were using sea-water to cool the reactors. This in itself was frightening because sea-water and cooling of nuclear reactors should not be in the same sentence, ever and it can only mean one thing -the situation is desperate, everything has failed and since sea-water would destroy the reactor vessel and fuel rods it means its the very last resort at trying to stop a meltdown.
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Máirt 07 Aib, 05:45

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textGreece Proposes Plans to Tackle Tax Evasion and Corruption 15:20 Déar 02 Aib by Jubilee USA Network 0 comments

Greece submitted a list of economic reforms to the European Union (EU) in an effort to secure emergency financing.

on the gates imageSquatting Eviction Underway in Grangegorman 20:57 Luan 23 Márta by Grangegorman 1 comments

This Morning at 6.30am we were woken from our beds.Private security working for NAMA were breaking into our homes. We live in a flourishing squatted community in Grangegorman.This space which was once disused warehouses filled with rubble, asbestos and broken glass has been turned into an inspiring and beautiful place to be.The place is coved with artwork, and the community garden has begun to blossom.We have a circus space, poetry nights, folk gigs, Art Exhibitions, Fairs and a community Kitchen.

1.6 Million Workers Exploited imageAnimal Agony, Union Busting, Deforestation, Human Disease At McDonald's 19:08 Aoine 20 Márta by Future Is Now 0 comments

It has been 10 years since the European Court of Human Rights fined British courts 57,000 pounds for denying free speech to Steel and Morris in London Greenpeace V McDonald's,
Unionbusting, obesity, strokes, heart attacks, cancer, animal agony, deforestation, rainforest destruction, energy waste, crime, litter, employee burns, unusual ingredients continue to be
associated with the Western wrold's biggest restaurant chain

textGlobal Iron Curtain: Repressive States control human rights at UN. 18:33 Aoine 20 Márta by Anthony Ravlich 0 comments

American Professor describes the World's State Criminals deciding human rights issue at the international level. In my view, a Global Iron Curtain exists with the UN hiding much of enormous and profound importance from the rest of humanity.

2015alloutpeacenotwarinmindanao.jpg imagePHILIPPINES: Statement on International Women’s Day 12:43 Déar 12 Márta by Sentro 0 comments

The Philippines Should Stop Being US’s Pawn and Warfront

text(Video) Front line view of the first anti-state riot in Athens under the new government 23:13 Domh 01 Márta by @ 0 comments

Front line view of the first anti-state riot in Athens under the new government of SYRIZA & ANEL.

phpvywofgpm.jpg imageSupport from Colombia with the Water Activists persecuted in Ireland 20:10 Máirt 24 Feabh by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

For years, a number of Irish movements have stood in solidarity with the struggle for justice, dignity, equality and freedom of the popular movements in Colombia. Now, hearing of the case of political persecution against the Water Rights movement, Colombian organisation have expressed their solidarity with the struggle of the Irish people. Peasant organisations of Cauca Valley and a broad coalition of over 50 organisations of indigenous, Afros, peasants, women and workers from the Southern jungle of Putumayo, together with refugees in Europe, have issued two statement expressing their unconditional support with those who struggle and reminding the government of Ireland of their obligation to respect the rights of the people in Ireland.

hc_small_1.jpg imageA Victory for Social Justice: Housing Activists Beat the Court 21:57 Máirt 17 Feabh by An Spréach 1 comments

Eight housing activists were today acquitted by the Dublin Criminal Court of Justice, relating to a case spanning back seven months ago, when the charge against them of trespass was thrown out of court.

All eight accused had initially set about into investigating whether or not it was feasible to open up, and re-do, one of the 80 unused flats on Charlemont Street, that had been lying empty for over two years or more.

hc_small.jpg imageA Victory for Social Justice: Housing Activists Beat the Court 21:55 Máirt 17 Feabh by An Spréach 0 comments

Eight housing activists were today acquitted by the Dublin Criminal Court of Justice, relating to a case spanning back seven months ago, when the charge against them of trespass was thrown out of court.

All eight accused had initially set about into investigating whether or not it was feasible to open up, and re-do, one of the 80 unused flats on Charlemont Street, that had been lying empty for over two years or more.

truthfest_2_poster_final_sm.jpg imagevideo2nd Manning Truthfest: From Ireland to Wales with Love 23:39 Máirt 10 Feabh by WISE Up Wales 0 comments

On the weekend of 23-25 January, Irish actors, musicians and activists descended on Wales for a weekend of solidarity with WikiLeaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning (formerly known as Bradley Manning) and her family.

The first Truthfest in January 2014 was the brainchild of Irish actor and activist Donal O'Kelly, an idea hatched after he met members of Manning's family during a visit to Dublin organised by Irish Australian activist Ciaron O'Reilly in collaboration with Afri (Action from Ireland) in November 2013. The links forged during that visit have been maintained and strengthened through a series of exchange visits since that time, most recently this 2nd Manning Truthfest.

Ciaron O'Reilly was one of five Pitstop Ploughshares activists who disabled a US Navy war plane at Shannon airport in 2003. Read about Chelsea Manning and Shannon Airport here:

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textDwell Time...A Conversation With Eric Foner Aib 04 by Jeffrey McNary 0 comments

A brief, breezy look at the illustrious history Eric Foner

textThe Saker interviews Paul Craig Roberts Márta 30 by indymedia 0 comments

We are republishing this very interesting interview between 'The Saker' and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan and thereby someone with a key insider view and understanding and who writes compelling and hard hitting articles at his own site. The Saker is a blog that has grown in huge popularity because it has been providing very informative and insightful analysis of the situation in Ukraine and wider picture around it relating to the US empire and has accurately predicted the trajectory of this crisis and has helped counter the widespread propaganda that tries to hide the fact that the Kiev regime is a neo Nazi puppet regime used as a tool of Washington to try and destablize Russia and has explained and given context to how each of the European states and the EU are just vassel states of the US and how this crisis and the sanctions are hurting Europe and are essentially suicidal for its own well-being. The interview covers a number of wide ranging issues but what makes it great is the way it strips away all the pretensions that there is anything democractic at all in how the big game of geo politics is working and gets to the core issues and forces driving it

textSeeing behind the Global Iron Curtain. Márta 25 by Anthony Ravlich 0 comments

Some of what I saw behind the Global Iron Curtain which, in my view, exists between the UN and the rest of humanity. I describe what I consider to be very much of enormous and profound importance hidden from people.

texthear us loud Márta 14 by Con Carroll 0 comments

when are we going to demand the truth, we could be hours, days, nights awaiting. will we ever get there who benefits.

textMichael Hudson talks about Yanis Varoufakis' class war against Financial parasites in Greece Feabh 26 by fred 0 comments

Michael Hudson, interviewed on real news network discusses the class war starting in greece and the panic among the Euro rich and powerful that the rich might actually be taxed for a change rather than crippling the labour force and the poor with endless austerity, and how the finance ministers of currently right wing governments of spain, finland, Portugal, Ireland and germany are determined to make an example of greece to avoid contagion of these dangerous ideas which would likely lead to such governments losing upcoming elections to left wing parties

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imageGrangegorman schoolchildren sign 'Save our Squatters' petition Márta 31 0 comments

In the past week an unprecedented amount of community support has been shown to the squatters of a NAMA property in Grangegorman, Dublin 7. The 6th year class from the Educate Together primary school which shares a wall with the squatters spent their yard break creating a 'Save Our Squatters' petition which the entire class signed.

textAirliner Crash 50 Years On Mystery Remains Márta 29 Celtic League 2 comments

Despite three reports on this mysterious, the last of which was the 'final word', ambiguities still persist and the most credible version of events would still seem to be the original report from1970 which drew on eye witness accounts.

textCold War Undersea Menace Returns to Haunt Fishermen Márta 24 The Celtic League 1 comments

A scenario that was thought to have ended with the Cold War seems set to return with vulnerable fishing communities in the front line.

textAnti-Corruption – It starts with YOUth! Márta 20 Anti-Corruption International 0 comments

Have you ever witnessed a revolutionary idea that develops into an action and spreads globally, gathering more than 150 young people from all around the world with passion and dedication to make the world a better place? If you haven't, now is the right time to pay attention because a positive change is about to happen and it is called Anti-Corruption International.

imageGranuaile Squatted Social Center Márta 20 Granuaile 0 comments

In the heart of Dublin, a new collective has occupied an old building to create a new radical, autonomous social centre and infoshop for our city.

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IMC network

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