香港百年歷史回顧 (第一輯) Hong Kong History
香港百年歷史回顧 (第一輯) The History of Hong Kong
香港由一個漁港發展成為英國殖民地的經過 ; 1941年香港在日軍鐵蹄下渡過了「三年零八個...
published: 31 Jul 2013
香港百年歷史回顧 (第一輯) Hong Kong History
香港百年歷史回顧 (第一輯) Hong Kong History
香港百年歷史回顧 (第一輯) The History of Hong Kong 介紹: 香港由一個漁港發展成為英國殖民地的經過 ; 1941年香港在日軍鐵蹄下渡過了「三年零八個月」的艱苦歲月,香港人很不容易終於等到重光之日的來臨。香港經濟恢復之快及迅速發展下更成為「亞洲四小龍」之一。在1984年「中英聯合聲明」簽署後,香港再重新踏上另一個新階段。中英雙方開始為香港前途問題展開一連串的談判和角力。1997年回歸後,香港的變化和發展至今,香港人又是如何面對每一個難關和考驗呢? 香港百多年來成長與發展的經過,也給每位港人留下非常難忘的集體回憶和感受。不如我們就在這裡一起打開香港歷史之門,進行深入的探討、分析和了解吧!- published: 31 Jul 2013
- views: 321
Hong Kong Stories 1 - 5 . RTHK
1 Causeway Bay 11/28/2012 is a hot destination for shopping & entertainment in HK, and a h...
published: 18 Feb 2013
author: aznboieiji
Hong Kong Stories 1 - 5 . RTHK
Hong Kong Stories 1 - 5 . RTHK
1 Causeway Bay 11/28/2012 is a hot destination for shopping & entertainment in HK, and a hub of luxury brands & fashionable items. The rent of its shops is a...- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 7463
- author: aznboieiji
The Last Governor of Hong Kong 1 - A Democratic Time-Bomb
Part 1 of a 5 part BBC documentary series of the last governor of Hong Kong, finally avail...
published: 01 Aug 2012
author: therepublicofHK
The Last Governor of Hong Kong 1 - A Democratic Time-Bomb
The Last Governor of Hong Kong 1 - A Democratic Time-Bomb
Part 1 of a 5 part BBC documentary series of the last governor of Hong Kong, finally available in full length video. It gives a detailed look into the politi...- published: 01 Aug 2012
- views: 10245
- author: therepublicofHK
Hong Kong History Bites - Hong Kong's Early History by Robert Nield
The Hong Kong Heritage Project presents the first of its Hong Kong History Bites series - ...
published: 10 Aug 2012
author: HongKongHeritage
Hong Kong History Bites - Hong Kong's Early History by Robert Nield
Hong Kong History Bites - Hong Kong's Early History by Robert Nield
The Hong Kong Heritage Project presents the first of its Hong Kong History Bites series - a series of online lectures delivering new perspectives on Hong Kon...- published: 10 Aug 2012
- views: 1100
- author: HongKongHeritage
Showreel (Documentary) - The History of Hong Kong II 香港開埠
published: 19 Jan 2013
author: oxworkshop
Showreel (Documentary) - The History of Hong Kong II 香港開埠
Showreel (Documentary) - The History of Hong Kong II 香港開埠
- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 1251
- author: oxworkshop
Kai Tak airport history
A personal documentary about the history and closing of Kai Tak Airport Hong Kong....
published: 18 Sep 2010
author: roncattell
Kai Tak airport history
Kai Tak airport history
A personal documentary about the history and closing of Kai Tak Airport Hong Kong.- published: 18 Sep 2010
- views: 16429
- author: roncattell
香港英殖民地時代珍貴片段 Hong Kong History
香港英殖民地時代珍貴片段The History of Hong Kong 香港殖民地特色街道: 水坑口街水坑口街(Possession Street) 舊譯佔領街。水坑口街的命名,...
published: 11 Jul 2013
author: momo8257
香港英殖民地時代珍貴片段 Hong Kong History
香港英殖民地時代珍貴片段 Hong Kong History
香港英殖民地時代珍貴片段The History of Hong Kong 香港殖民地特色街道: 水坑口街水坑口街(Possession Street) 舊譯佔領街。水坑口街的命名,與英國佔領香港有關。1840年,清廷與英國爆發鴉片戰爭。次年,清朝欽差大臣琦善與英國代表義律簽訂《穿鼻草約》,條文中規定割讓香港...- published: 11 Jul 2013
- views: 268
- author: momo8257
[720P] 130701 EXO - MAMA+History+3.6.5+Wolf @ Hongkong Dome Festival
CR : smtownJESSICA05....
published: 01 Jul 2013
author: LAY- HAN
[720P] 130701 EXO - MAMA+History+3.6.5+Wolf @ Hongkong Dome Festival
[720P] 130701 EXO - MAMA+History+3.6.5+Wolf @ Hongkong Dome Festival
CR : smtownJESSICA05.- published: 01 Jul 2013
- views: 106674
- author: LAY- HAN
十號颶風香港歷史片段 The Typhoon History of Hong Kong
香港十號颶風昔日歷史片段二次大戰後香港十號颶風的紀錄: 1.(無名)(1946年7月)4小時45分2.姬羅莉亞Gloria(1957年9月)7小時55分3.瑪麗Mary(1960年...
published: 24 Jul 2012
author: momo8257
十號颶風香港歷史片段 The Typhoon History of Hong Kong
十號颶風香港歷史片段 The Typhoon History of Hong Kong
香港十號颶風昔日歷史片段二次大戰後香港十號颶風的紀錄: 1.(無名)(1946年7月)4小時45分2.姬羅莉亞Gloria(1957年9月)7小時55分3.瑪麗Mary(1960年6月)9小時10分4.愛麗斯Alice(1961年5月)2小時30分5.溫黛Wanda(1...- published: 24 Jul 2012
- views: 10389
- author: momo8257
The Jews in Shanghai and Hong Kong - A History
In the lead up to the Second World War, thousands of European Jewish refugees sought refug...
published: 10 Jul 2011
author: HongKongHeritage
The Jews in Shanghai and Hong Kong - A History
The Jews in Shanghai and Hong Kong - A History
In the lead up to the Second World War, thousands of European Jewish refugees sought refuge from Nazi persecution in Shanghai, one of the only cities in the ...- published: 10 Jul 2011
- views: 11270
- author: HongKongHeritage
Hong Kong history
History of Hong Kong! Source from Wikipedia, Youtube etc. I am only a Year 6 student so do...
published: 16 Jan 2012
author: 16chent1
Hong Kong history
Hong Kong history
History of Hong Kong! Source from Wikipedia, Youtube etc. I am only a Year 6 student so don't expect too much!- published: 16 Jan 2012
- views: 2375
- author: 16chent1
[FULL 1080P] 130701 EXO @ Hong Kong Dome Festival (MAMA + History + 365 + Wolf)
[FULL 1080P] 130701 EXO @ 香港巨蛋音樂節 Hong Kong Dome Festival....
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: JunKyuHae
[FULL 1080P] 130701 EXO @ Hong Kong Dome Festival (MAMA + History + 365 + Wolf)
[FULL 1080P] 130701 EXO @ Hong Kong Dome Festival (MAMA + History + 365 + Wolf)
[FULL 1080P] 130701 EXO @ 香港巨蛋音樂節 Hong Kong Dome Festival.- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 16756
- author: JunKyuHae
Youtube results:
Hong Kong Stories 6 - 9 . RTHK
6 Kwun Tong 1/2/2013 Today's KT is a place full of contradictions. It's full of old buildi...
published: 18 Feb 2013
author: aznboieiji
Hong Kong Stories 6 - 9 . RTHK
Hong Kong Stories 6 - 9 . RTHK
6 Kwun Tong 1/2/2013 Today's KT is a place full of contradictions. It's full of old buildings & factories, & Yue Man Square is almost empty, waiting to be re...- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 3698
- author: aznboieiji
香港人的集體回憶 (60-80年代) Hong Kong 60s--80s History
一個屬於香港人的集體回憶( 60至80年代),您記得多少? Hong Kong History 香港歷史: 街道,戲院,遊樂場,玩具,物品,刊物,交通,房屋,明星荔園既百麗殿,宋城...
published: 30 Nov 2012
author: momo8257
香港人的集體回憶 (60-80年代) Hong Kong 60s--80s History
香港人的集體回憶 (60-80年代) Hong Kong 60s--80s History
一個屬於香港人的集體回憶( 60至80年代),您記得多少? Hong Kong History 香港歷史: 街道,戲院,遊樂場,玩具,物品,刊物,交通,房屋,明星荔園既百麗殿,宋城,叮叮船,騎木馬,子彈火車,拋銀仔拿香口膠; 兒童樂園,老夫子; 飛行棋,蘋果棋,大富翁...都係Momo童年的美好回憶^^童年真...- published: 30 Nov 2012
- views: 4621
- author: momo8257