Kurdish fighters hold funeral for Australian 

Ruth Pollard 9:24 PM   The body of Australian army reservist Ashley Johnston, who was killed fighting with Kurdish forces against Islamic State militants, has been handed over to family representatives in Turkey.

Top world stories

Dozens feared dead as cyclone batters Vanuatu

Residents looking through storm damage caused by Cyclone Pam in Port Vila

Lisa Visentin 7:20 AM   Dozens are feared dead as Cyclone Pam's gale force winds ripped through Vanuatu on Friday night, as a Cyclone Pam changed directions and made a direct hit on archipelago.

China scrambles jets after Myanmar bomb

China has lodged diplomatic protests and scrambled fighter jets to the border with neighbouring Myanmar.

Philip Wen 2:25 PM   China has lodged diplomatic protests and scrambled fighter jets to the border with neighbouring Myanmar after a bomb from a Burmese warplane killed four people in China's south-western Yunnan province.

'There was a blankness in their eyes'

FILE - In this Wednesday, March 4, 2015 file photo, Nigerian girls who fled Boko Haram  to Chad gather in a school set up by UNICEF at the Baga Sola refugee camp in Chad. The camp, jointly run by the Chadian government and UNHCR, opened mid-January 2015 and hosts over 6000 refugees. Officials say that several thousand had arrived in Chad by the end of 2015 as Boko Haram intensified its attacks in the area. After the Baga massacre, another 15,000 came bringing the total now to about 18,000, Chadian authorities believe there are more than 2,000 others still trapped on islands, awaiting transport to the safety of a refugee camp though there are more arriving each day in one of the poorest countries on Earth. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay, File)

After years in a Boko Haram camp, the children had forgotten their native language. They couldn't even remember their names.

Latest world news

Cyclone Pam: at least eight dead so far

Cyclone Pam leaves a trail of devastation.

Lisa Visentin 8:36 AM   As aid agencies continue to grapple with the aftermath of Cyclone Pam, which left a trail of devastation after it tore through the archipelago on Saturday morning, early reports of the human toll have emerged.

Two arrested after gang rape of nun in India

Children take part in a candlelit vigil for a gang rape victim assaulted on a New Delhi bus. The incident in December 2012 triggered global outrage and highlighted the problem of sexual violence in India.

5:56 AM   Police in eastern India are investigating the gang-rape of an elderly nun by burglars who broke into a convent school.

Dozens feared killed in Vanuatu by Cyclone Pam

Residents looking through storm damage caused by Cyclone Pam in Port Vila

3:30 AM   A terrifying tropical cyclone which smashed into Vanuatu has wreaked widespread devastation, aid agencies say, raising fears that dozens may have died in what may be one of the South Pacific's worst weather disasters.

Ice cream-related illness kills 3 in US

12:18 AM   The deaths of three people who developed an illness linked to some Blue Bell ice cream products have prompted the US company's first product recall in its 108-year history.

At least 33 dead and scores missing after Myanmar ferry sinks

A survivor from a ferry accident in Myanmar that claimed at least 33 lives is carried by two Myanmar army soldiers from a navy vessel at Kyaukphyu jetty in western Myanmar Rakhine state.

Hla-Hla HTAY 11:18 PM   Rescuers were frantically searching for survivors Saturday after an overloaded ferry sank in rough waters off the coast of western Myanmar, killing more than 30 people and leaving at least a dozen more missing.

Kurdish fighters hold funeral for Australian Ashley Johnston, killed fighting Islamic State

Ashley Johnston, who was killed fighting Islamic State militants.

Ruth Pollard 9:24 PM   The body of Australian army reservist Ashley Johnston, who was killed fighting with Kurdish forces against Islamic State militants, has been handed over to family representatives in Turkey.

Chile declares state of emergency as blaze threatens Valparaiso

Red alert: Police officers standby while a forest fire burns the hills of Valparaiso.

8:19 PM   Chile has declared a state of emergency and precautionary evacuation of up to 16,000 people as a raging forest fire threatened the historic port city of Valparaiso, where 15 people died in blazes last year.

Winter ice in the Arctic nears all-time record low

A Polar bear cub in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Doyle Rice 5:50 PM   The warmth in the Arctic -- where some spots were as much as 7 to 11 degrees above average in February -- contributing to the lack of sea ice there.

China's mountains of red tape angers its growing middle class

Jessica Cherry, 5, who is in administrative limbo, at her home in Beijing.

Dan Levin 12:18 PM   China's bureaucracy has long been a bewildering maze of "relevant departments", official red-ink seals and stone-faced functionaries. To get a license plate for a new car, for example, a resident of Beijing must win a pass in a lottery in which the odds of success are less than 1 per cent.

Sweden offers to question Assange in London

Julian Assange gestures during a press conference inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London in August 2014.

11:58 AM   Swedish prosecutors have offered to question WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London over rape allegations that have driven him to take refuge in Ecuador's embassy in the British capital.

Israel election: Netanyahu shifts tactics as Likud appears to slip

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at an election campaign meeting in Netanya.

Isabel Kershner 11:28 AM   When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made an unannounced visit this week to the Mahane Yehuda market here, he did not invite the local news media. But with just days to go before the national elections, the reasons for his concern were apparent.

Ferguson shooting: no arrests yet as police continue hunt for gunman

St Louis County Police chief Jon Belmar.

Nick Carey 11:05 AM   Nearly 48 hours after two officers were shot in racially charged Ferguson, investigators had dozens of leads but no arrests to report in the hunt for the gunman.

Women of the Iditarod

Monica Zappa gets with her dogs during a training run before the start of the race.

Katie Orlinksy 10:17 AM   It is difficult to tell if the musher standing behind a sled pulled by 16 dogs and wearing a puffy red parka and a face protector shrouded in frost is a man or a woman. But in competitive sled dog racing, it doesn't really matter.

Australian pleads guilty in US to Silk Road role

Silk Road users could buy and sell heroin, cocaine, and other drugs.

Peter Mitchell 9:45 AM   An Australian man has pleaded guilty to US charges stemming from his role as a staff member of Silk Road, an underground website where people bought drugs and other illicit goods.

Former Maldives president Nasheed jailed

Former Maldivian president Mohamed Nasheed  in 2012.

Mohamed Visham 9:20 AM   Former Maldives president and opposition leader Mohamed Nasheed has been sentenced to 13 years in prison after being convicted of a terrorism charge, a ruling that is likely to fuel further unrest.

Pakistan successfully test-fires own drone aircraft to target militants

Pakistan army chief General Raheel Sharif

8:52 AM   Pakistan's military has test-fired a Pakistani-built unmanned aircraft armed with a laser-guided missile on Friday, an army statement said, giving it a new weapon to target Taliban and other jihadist militants in its lawless border areas.

Rumours Vladimir Putin fathered child with lover Alina Kabaeva

New father? Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Roland Oliphant in Moscow   Rumours continued to swirl on Friday over the whereabouts of Vladimir Putin, with one newspaper claiming that the Russian president had fathered a child with his long-term girlfriend.

Indian bride walks out of wedding when groom fails maths test

Indian brides from impoverished families wait for their grooms to arrive during a ceremony in New Delhi in February. An Indian bride has walked out of her wedding after her groom-to-be failed to add correctly, police said.

New Delhi: An Indian bride walked out of her wedding ceremony after the groom failed to solve a simple math problem, police said on Friday.

Penis transplant is 'successful' for the first time in history, South African surgeons say

Professor Andre van der Merwe (left): "We are very surprised by his rapid recovery."

John Viljoen   'We are very surprised by his rapid recovery,' surgeons say after the man regained all functions in the transplanted organ.

Cyclone Pam hits Vanuatu: More than 200,000 people at risk from category 5 tropical storm

Residents of Tuvalu move a big during a storm surge created by Cyclone Pam.

London: A massive storm is bearing down on the South Pacific island of Vanuatu, bringing with it gusts of up to 240 kilometres per hour and putting nearly 250,000 people at risk, aid agencies said on Friday.

As Ferguson manhunt grinds on, leaders aim to defuse tension

Chaunte Williams, 13, holds up three candles as she takes part in a vigil Thursday, March 12, 2015, in Ferguson, Mo. Two police officers were shot early Thursday morning in front of the Ferguson Police Department during a protest following the resignation of the city's police chief in the wake of damning U.S. Justice Department report. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

Nick Carey and Jim Young   The hunt for suspects in the shooting of two police officers at a protest rally in Ferguson, Missouri, entered a second day on Friday as community leaders appealed for reconciliation and justice in a town struggling against a legacy of racial rancor.

Carbon emissions stop rising amid growth for first time in 40 years

Carbon emissions increases stall with a switch away from fossil fuels seen as one cause.

Mathew Carr   Global emissions were unchanged last year, the first time that's happened amid economic growth in four decades, according to the International Energy Agency.