
Land grabs in contemporary China

land grab

Translation of article summarizing original research about land grabs in China since the 1990s, concluding that this ongoing expropriation of peasants is more severe and violent than the peak of Britain's enclosures in the early 19th century.

Land occupations continue in Durban

Martha Chofe & her son with the remains of her home, Cato Crest

South African shack dwellers' movement Abahlali baseMjondolo report on the illegal eviction of shacks in an occupied settlement by municipal authorities.

The Raven #17: Use of land

Issue of The Raven journal about the use of land in capitalist society. Reproduced for reference.

Gentrification - the economy of the land and the role of politics

Wine and Cheese on the politics and economics of land and housing.

Honduras farm workers stage mass land occupations

Thousands of rural workers in Honduras have occupied land as part of a dispute with large landowners and the government.

Government officials flee Zhejiang village over land grab protests

Panhe Villages Protest

Another Chinese village, apparently inspired by the Wukan uprising of last year, has been protesting over land grabs, causing the local government officials to flee. Around 5000 villagers of East and West Panhe Villages, Cangnan County, in Zhejiang Province, are now reported to be running the village themselves.

Who owns the land? Peasant struggles in Indonesia

An overview with historical background information of peasant struggles and land struggles in Indonesia.

Land Grabs and Housing in China

Empty housing in China

I hope to explain a bit more about the land grabs that have been happening in China for a number of years now. This should cover the reasons why it is happening and the effects it has had on the people of China.

Wukan peasant victory sets stage for Chinese turmoil

Adam Ford reports on the Wukan rebellion and asks what it means for the future of social struggles in China

Land seizure in Eastern China leads to clashes

More than 3,000 villagers in Zhejiang province of eastern China blocked a highway and clashed with police as they protested against alleged official corruption in a land compensation deal according to a human rights monitor and a witness.