Submit A Graphic

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A one-time payment of $250 or a royalty per T-Shirt sold (starts at $1)

Bumper Stickers

: A one-time payment of $50 or 100 free (your choice).

Buttons / Small Stickers

: A one-time payment of $25 or 100 free (your choice).

Northern Sun sells lots of T-Shirts. We also sell lots of stickers and buttons. Some designs work best on a T-Shirt, while others are better suited for stickers or buttons.

Prepare Your Design

File Names: no spaces, dashes(-), slashes(\) or exclamation(!).

File Format: jpg (jpeg).

File Dimensions: width 288 pixels, height 288 pixels.

File Size: 30K (or less) at 72 dpi.

Note: If your design is selected, a high resolution graphic suitable for printing is required.

Billing and Mailing Info

Must Login to update Billing/Mailing Info.

Terms and Conditions

If your design is selected to become a product, Northern Sun will negotiate a royalty or a purchase agreement with you. Royalty agreements allow you (the artist) to retain copyrights. Purchase agreements means all copyrights transfer to Northern Sun (which means we can promote, produce and distribute at our discretion).

We reserve the right to determine if a design submission is appropriate for our customers. We retain the right to withhold payment if we believe a design violates terms of this agreement (unlikely, but possible). Your design should not use trademarks, logos, copyrights, or any intellectual property from a third party (unless it's an evil multinational corporation's logo).

You may retract your submission any time during the review process. To retract your submission, contact Northern Sun at

I agree to the terms and conditions

Upload Your Design

Login so you can upload a graphic to our website

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