Etsy Find! Toshiba Alarm Clock

April 28th, 2009

We’re currently making over the bedroom, trying to integrate a more modern aesthetic with the random French theme that I started with. I’ve had a lame hardware store alarm clock for years, and although it works well, it’s not that sexy. I recently came across a nice clock/radio on Etsy store owner and Kitka reader FoundVintageStyle’s online store.


I am one of those people who needs dark and quiet to sleep and often I find when I get up in the middle of the night, that even though I don’t turn on any lights, I am squinting because it’s so bright. One of the worst offenders is the red digital display of the bedside alarm clock. I actually find myself draping my stuffed bear Sebastian ceremoniously over my eyes like an eye mask, or building a barricade with an extra pillow. Yes, I realize I could just wear an eye mask, but I have an overactive imagination and would be constantly concerned about the possibility of the bogey man (for lack of a better term) standing right over me ready to attack.


Guess what? The genius who created this clock/radio put in a dimmer so I am not blinded every night. Of course, in the morning, it’s almost impossible to see the time, but that’s neither here nor there.

The other quirk of the alarm clock is that for some reason when it goes off, it emits a low buzz sound that is, to say the least, alarming. No soft music to lull me back to sleep. And you know what? It’s kind of working! Because I am a snooze-a-holic but since it’s such an unpleasant noise, I don’t really want to experience it every 5 minutes. So I get up and start my day. Hooray!

FoundVintageStyle is based in Toronto and is giving Kitka readers a 15% for the next 7 days (until Tuesday, May 4, 2009). Just make sure to enter “Kitka” in the notes to the seller during checkout so she knows who you are! See below for a sampling of her other wares:


4 Deka plastic cups – perfect for patio season!


Rosti Mepal melamine bowl


Sagitta Holland copper enamel bowl

Also visit her blog, Found Style: Greavesdesign Vintage Textile Art.

- Juli -

Photos of alarm clock by Juli Daoust
All other photos by Carol Greaves

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