April, 2013

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition

April 11th, 2013

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

This past week we welcomed Norihiko Terayama to the shop, to exhibit his new g,a,r,d,e,n ruler. Norihiko set up a beautiful window display of foraged flora from the neighbourhood as well as from the multitude of Coriander Girl bouquets we had floating around. It took two days of laborious cultivating and placement.


Window decal by Sali Tabacchi.


Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk



Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Elodie helping set up the exhibition.

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk


Mouth blown glass, soap water solution

The Awaglass (awa meaning bubble) is inspired by the experiential aspect of an hourglass. The captivating visual of time slipping away.

The vessel contains a clear liquid that looks like water. It seems ordinary at first but after one turns the vessel over bubbles begin to form creating an unexpected moment.

The Awaglass does not have a pre-determined time, and allows the user to create their own schedule.


Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

floating flower

Ceramic, water

during cherry blossom season, I visited a park which has a small round pond. The next day I went to same park and I saw fallen petals floating on the water. This inspired me to make a vase for fallen petals, rather than just the flower itself.


Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk


Ceramic, gold

two unique cups that appear to be broken and mended together using each other’s parts. One is a matte white cup, and the other a blue and white patterned cup with a glaze. Together they are mended using gold, which is a traditional technique in Japan to mend broken pottery.

In this instance, two ordinary looking cups can look more beautiful after they are broken and re-mended.

$150 / set of 2

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Everyone who attended the opening observed that it was a very calming show.

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

g,a,r,d,e,n ruler

Acrylic, various plant specimens

garden is a ruler containing a collection of wild plants placed in increments of 1cm. I forage these plants near my home, I find many different types of plants and am at the mercy of chance and seasonality. To me, this is a miniature garden, a little piece of my own garden. Whether this ruler is placed on a shelf or a desk, I hope you will find a little garden in your own home.

$285 (sold out)

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Thank you to everyone who braved the crazy rain we’ve been getting (on a Tuesday evening no less!). The rulers sold out in 30 minutes, and everyone was so engaging with the artist, we are so pleased to have such a supportive design community.

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Norihiko chatting with a guest.

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

The Børge Mogensen bench was a popular hang out all night.

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Norihiko (left) and guest.

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Everyone always congregates in the kitchen.

Norihiko Terayama Exhibition at Mjolk

Filed under: Mjölk | 6 comments

One Year

April 6th, 2013



We did it! We officially have a toddler. We cannot believe how fast and slow and timeless this last year has been.


[walking photo series by Taylor Shute, captured on March 23rd, 2013]


Last weekend we celebrated Elodie’s first birthday! It was truly a perfect day, spent with friends and family, small and tall.
[banner made by Hollie via a Martha Stewart pattern - thanks Hollie!]

Our friend Celine Kim was so nice to offer to photograph the party, allowing me to give my full attention to the birthday girl and guests. Thank you so much Celine, the photos really capture the day. All photographs are by Celine unless otherwise noted.


Cake by Lindsey.


Where would we be without instagram and iphone? I mean, it’s so distracting but I don’t think I’d have as many great shots to choose from! Am I right? But really, I need to take a break now that Elodie is taking such a vehement interest in these technological doodads.

elodieflowers elodiegrandpa

Flowers by Coriander Girl.

And that’s it for my decorating! I was going to do some more things but who am I kidding, I can barely do my part for the shop and take care of a now one-year-old. Plus I only think I’m crafty, heh.

Elodie and Grandpa Baker taking a stroll. Petit Bateau dress from Grandma Daoust, thank you!


Hey, it’s Eloise!


Oliver (and Adam). You cannot wrestle this baby from John or me. Elodie is such an active baby she’s not much of a cuddler. Oliver simply exudes gooey squishy love.


Time to open presents! What can I say, our friends and family spoiled us. Elodie gave each card and gift her rapt attention, and loves them all. Thank you!


She hugs gifts.


A thoughtful custom wood block set from Taylor and Jen (btw, they started a great blog about home brewing and food)!


Hi Uncle Frank, Taylor, Blaise, Ronnie and Hollie!


Cake time. Yes, that is a gigantic cake. Maybe a little overwhelming for such a young pup but she handled it with the requisite level of awe.


John shows Elodie that cake is for eating.


Isha was so there for the cake.


So was Eloise. Now if only they could share toys.


Time to play with nanna. Hollie spends a lot of time with Elodie and knew these balls would be a hit.


Elodie and neighbourhood pal Elle are up to no good, as usual. Looks like Elodie is becoming a ringleader…great…


Amie, Aria and Blaise.


Elodie became intensely fascinated with Celine’s husband Jin.

I wanted to share four photos that Taylor took too, so indulge me for one (four) more moment!

elodiebday3 elodiebday4
elodiebday2 Elodiebday1

Happy Birthday sweets! It’s been an amazing year, to say the least.

[Hollie Martha Stewart'd again with the above owl and elephant applique on wood pieces. What a doll.]



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Alvar Aalto tea trolley and tiles by Atelier des Cent-ans

April 4th, 2013


It’s another busy week here at the Kitka/Mjolk homestead. We’ve finally gotten to a place where we can start putting our nice things out permanently and hang pictures on the wall. We’ve been working on a little vignette across from our dining table with our baby high chair and Aalto Tea trolley. It all came together after our acquisition of the above tile work by Renaud Sauve (Atelier Des Cent-ans). We commissioned the piece last time we saw him back in the winter, and he dropped off this beautiful work when he came back to Toronto for the spring One of a Kind Show.

He also brought us some new pieces that were not shown at the One of a Kind Show, so if you had the opportunity to see his beautiful booth last week and didn’t get your hands on a piece of his work, don’t fret. We have some amazing unique works for you here at the shop!



The tiles are made of porcelain and feature a hand “tattooed” dyeing technique which originates from Korea. The white oak frame was made by Renaud’s partner Gilbert Garcia.


Very Japanese, but uniquely Renaud.


Some more treasures: Japanese indigo coasters and a birch sake cup by Kota Fukunaga (who we represent at Mjölk). Also, some Swedish matches from our last trip to Stockholm.


Little by little the place is coming together.

Filed under: General,Home Reno,Mjölk | 2 comments