Anderssen & Voll + Mjolk: Garden Works

February 3rd, 2015


We never formally got to introduce all of the individual works in the Garden Works collection by Anderssen & Voll, so I thought I would share each piece  along with some words by A&V.


Anderssen & Voll on the Garden Works Project:

Research has taught us that people who do gardening are happier than people who don’t. Either gardening makes you happy or you are more inclined to do gardening if you tend to be happier than the average. Anyway, the conclusion is the same: gardening is good for you. For this project we chose to work with natural materials to ensure that the products would tolerate heavy use and still age with grace. This is closely linked to the Japanese notion of “Aji-ga-deru” – a patina in the object and an understanding of the object that can be obtained only through long term interaction between the object and the hand. The collaboration with John, Juli and the team of Toronto artisans and crafts people has been amazing in terms of the contribution to expression and content from everyone involved. We can’t imagine how these results could have been reached with any other people in any other way.As the Norwegian manufacturing industry is in decline, the presence of Norwegian designers on the international design scene is growing stronger. These opposite motions may be seen as a paradox, but on the other hand, one thing might be following the other. Without a strong industry as a unifying platform, the designers spread out to form a richer and more varied field. Norwegian design should be viewed as an independent exporting industry of its own: Made in Canada – Designed in Norway.


Herb Pot

The herb pot containers are primarily meant as safe havens for the pots of fresh herbs you buy at the grocery store. In our experience these herbs lead an unsafe existence once they hit the kitchen counter: heavily plucked and with no designated place to stay.

The pots are made from hand thrown terracotta, the side opening promotes watering the soil from the bottom instead of from the top, which displaces soil and exposes sensitive root systems. Watering from the bottom promotes healthy root growth and as a result, a bigger plant.

The opening on the side also allows you to pour away excess water 20 minutes after watering.


Herb Pot Large


Min Watering Can

Indoor gardening is a miniature world. Clean, cultivated and controlled. In this context, we wanted to work with the watering can as a precision tool: a big, softly shaped wooden handle with references to kitchen utensils, a relatively small volume of water leading out in a long and precise spout. The ornamental dialogue between the sensuous shape of the handle and the drawings of the wood grain is something we really appreciate in this product.





Water Bulb

The water saver has basically the same function as a PET-water bottle turned upside down. The water is filtered through the soil and seeps slowly into the pot. We adapted this function to a sculptural glass object that mimics the plant and that would be nice enough to park in your flower pots even when it’s not in use.




New Mexico Cactus Pots

Cacti and succulents enjoy being watered directly into well drained soil. Their roots should never be standing in water. Our answer to this was to lift the pot on a short stem above the water collecting disc. The ornament on the disc as well as the chosen colour palette (not pictured) is influenced by our image of sun baked landscapes and the natural habitats of cacti: New Mexico, Arizona or even closer destinations like The Canary Islands.


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