A Kick into the Long Grass ?


An Assembly debate on a motion proposed by Elin Jones AM (Plaid Cymru) on March 25th attempted to set out a statement for Wales about British nuclear weapons:
‘To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:
1. ‘Opposes any relocation of the UK’s nuclear weapons system to Wales.
2. Calls on the Welsh Government to make such representations to the UK Government.
3. Opposes the renewal or replacement of the current Trident system by the UK Government.
4. Supports international efforts for world-wide nuclear disarmament.’

While it could be argued that ‘defence’ is not within the remit of the National Assembly, it was probably party politics which led the majority to vote for Jane Hutt AM’s amendment:
‘Delete all and replace with:
Notes that the Welsh Government has no powers to determine the siting of nuclear weapons and recognises that this is a matter for the UK Government.’

The struggle continues!

Heddwch Action:
Assembly Decision Details: http://tinyurl.com/nthvpyo
Plaid Cymru statement: http://tinyurl.com/nhjcwwf

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