Tag Archives: Wales

A month of solidarity with Chelsea Manning, Part 2: …Dublin and back

This gallery contains 16 photos.

Originally posted on Pvt. Manning Family Fund:
by Genny Bove See also A month of solidarity with Chelsea Manning, Part 1. To Dublin Susan Manning and I set off early on the morning of Wednesday 10 September for the two…

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Chalking for Chelsea Manning as NATO summit begins in Newport

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Thursday 4 September was the first day of the NATO summit in Newport. See also our blog posts Saturday and Sunday’s actions and Wednesday’s Wednesday’s crime report. Having joined the first part of the march on Celtic Manor, we headed … Continue reading

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Police asked to arrest NATO leaders on evidence shared by Chelsea Manning and published by WikiLeaks

This gallery contains 5 photos.

by Genny Bove War criminals coming to Celtic Manor Yesterday, we headed into Newport armed with a statement for the police alerting them to evidence of crimes committed and about to be committed by NATO leaders. The bus driver pointed … Continue reading

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Solidarity with Manning & Assange in run-up to NATO summit in Wales

This gallery contains 19 photos.

by Genny Bove The NATO Summit, Manning, Assange and WikiLeaks As the warmongers of the western world gear up for their meeting to plan NATO’s next round of military action and push countries to spend even more of their money … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning, NATO, the Long March on Newport and more

This gallery contains 19 photos.

Press release here. More photos on flickr. Downloadable flyer in Resources. by Genny Bove Tuesday 12 August The sun was shining at 11am as I turned the corner into the by now familiar Castle Square, a central meeting point in … Continue reading

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Leavenworth and London: supporting Chelsea Manning’s family visit

This gallery contains 14 photos.

Originally posted on Pvt. Manning Family Fund:
Early in February 2014, Chelsea Manning’s aunt and uncle Sharon and Joe from Pembrokeshire, Wales set out via London on a visit to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. For the first time, transport costs were…

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Aberystwyth University students perform Manning play for family members. Donations collected for Family Fund.

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Originally posted on Pvt. Manning Family Fund:
The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning – a family affair Chelsea Manning’s mother, aunts and uncle were among those who came to Aberystwyth University’s Foundry Studio last week to see third year Theatre Studies…

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Solidarity with Assange and Manning as Australia finally takes on the US and wins hands down!

This gallery contains 9 photos.

16 November: Solidarity vigil at Rugby League World Cup Quarter Final in Wrexham. As Australia geared up to meet the USA in the Rugby League World Cup 2013 quarter-final match in Wrexham last Saturday, we joined the crowds outside the … Continue reading

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New flyers in English and Welsh

This gallery contains 1 photo.

Originally posted on Pvt. Manning Family Fund:
You can also download the pdf files for these flyers: Front (English & Welsh) Back (English) Back (Welsh)

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16 Nov: AUSTRALIAn vs USA: Solidarity with Assange & Manning at Rugby League Quarter-final in Wrexham

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Calling all Assange, WikiLeaks and Manning supporters Join us outside the Rugby League World Cup Quarter-final match between Australia and the USA on Saturday 16 November at the Racecourse, Mold Rd (A541), Wrexham. We’ll be there from 11am to 1pm … Continue reading

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