Tag Archives: transparency

Chelsea Manning, The Military & Human Rights

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The Military (we hear) is to grant Chelsea the requisite Hormone Therapy Chelsea, who announced her intention to transition immediately after her court martial resulted in a 35 year sentence on 22nd August 2013, and who was first diagnosed by … Continue reading

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Julian Assange’s Thought for the Day signs off PJ Harvey’s Epic Edit of Radio 4’s Today

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JULIAN ASSANGE’S ‘THOUGHT’ ON PJ HARVEY’S ‘TODAY’ 2ND JAN 2014 PJ Harvey asked Julian Assange to bring the final word – a Thought for the Day – to her beautifully envisioned guest edit of the Radio 4 morning news and current affairs … Continue reading

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Four New Communications From Chelsea Manning.

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A LETTER AND THREE STATEMENTS FROM CHELSEA  Pvt Manning Support Network have published a letter and three statements from Chelsea after they requested direct clarification of her position re the letter she sent to The Guardian earlier this month. In … Continue reading

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The Exceptional Secrecy of Bradley Manning’s Court Martial

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by Lindi Carter NEW COURT DATE FOR THE APPEAL AGAINST SECRECY RULING ANNOUNCED The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and others who are involved in the legal challenge to the lack of media and public access to court filings, legal … Continue reading

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Take part in the ‘Plant Seeds of Truth’ collaborative art project

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“Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” The late Louis Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, speaking on the need for openness and transparency (1913) Plant a ‘seed of truth': grow a sunflower for Bradley Manning. CODEPINK Kansas has … Continue reading

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