Tag Archives: petition

Pardon Private Manning, Military Whistleblower!

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APPLICATION FOR PARDON NOW IN: PLEASE SUPPORT URGENTLY! The application for a Presidential Pardon or the commuting of Private Manning’s 35 year sentence to time served has now (as of 3rd Sept) been formally submitted. Meaning that it’s even more … Continue reading

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New Avaaz petition for WikiLeaks, Assange and whistleblowers

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Appeal by Avaaz: Don’t Shoot the Messenger See also French language version. Dear friends, The US and its allies are strangling WikiLeaks, setting a precedent that threatens all transparency activists. But a massive global outcry can persuade the UK and … Continue reading

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“Save human rights whistleblower Bradley Manning” – Avaaz petition

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Update: 13 August 2012 Read more about the unlawful pretrial punishment of Bradley Manning here and here. Call on Judge Lind to acknowledge the outrageous government conduct in Bradley’s case, and dismiss the charges against him, and tell President Obama … Continue reading

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30 May: Peace Strike Petition for Julian Assange

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After the vigil outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Maria Gallastegui of Peace Strike petitioned David Cameron on Julian Assange’s behalf.

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